
clock pulse controlled Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

taktgebunden adj comp.
clock-pulse-controlled; under clock control
das Arbeitsende registrieren
clock out
den Arbeitsbeginn registrieren
clock in
den Arbeitsbeginn stempeln
clock in
den Arbeitsschluss stempeln
clock out
den Puls beschleunigen
quicken the pulse
Festpreis, gebundener Preis
controlled price
gebrauchte Zeit
clock time
gebundener Preis
controlled price
gelenkte Wirtschaft
controlled economy
in ausländischem Besitz
clock time
controlled machine time
selbstkontrollierter Anteil im Arbeitszyklus
effort-controlled cycle
selbstkontrollierter Arbeitszyklus
effort-controlled cycle
clock card
time clock card
time clock
time clock
keyboard controlled
Uhr, Zeit stempeln
clock card
unbeeinflussbare Arbeit
controlled work
untergeordnetes Unternehmen
controlled company
controlled cycle allowance
von der Regierung kontrolliert, gelenkt
government controlled
controlled economy
Abfangjagd f mil. aviat.
bodengeführte Abfangjagd
ground controlled interception
Abrechnung f, Abrechnen n
Abrechnung nach Zeit, Abrechnung nach Zeitaufwand
billing on the clock
Abschaltimpuls m
Abschaltimpulse pl
turn-off pulse
turn-off pulses
Absolutzeitgeber m
real-time clock
Absolutzeitimpuls m
real-time pulse
Abtastimpuls m
strobe pulse
Automatikuhr f
Automatikuhren pl
self-winding clock, self-winding watch
self-winding clocks, self-winding watches
Bartschatten m
five o'clock shadow
Betriebstaktfrequenz f
operating clock frequency
Bitimpuls m
rectangular pulse
Bitimpuls m, Rechteckimpuls m
square pulse
Bustakt m
bus clock
Computergestützter Leistungsprüfstand
computer-controlled performance test station
Doppelpulslaser m
double pulse laser
Einstellung f, Einstellen n, Einregulierung f, Regelung f, Anpassung f, Adaptierung f, Justierung f
Einstellen der Uhrzeit
Einstellen von Ventilatoren während des Betriebes
clock time adjustment
in-flight adjustment of fans
Funkuhr f
Funkuhren pl
radio controlled clock
radio controlled clocks
Grundtakt m
basic clock rate
Grundtakt m
basic pulse code
Hauptuhr f
central clock, master clock
Heizspirale f, Heizspule f, Heizschlange f mach.
Heizspiralen pl, Heizspulen pl, Heizschlangen pl
geregelte Heizspule
heating coil
heating coils
controlled heating coil
Hülsenfrucht f
Hülsenfrüchte pl, Bohnen, Linsen, Erbsen zum Kochen
pulse, peas and beans, legume
pulses, beans, lentils, and peas
Impuls m
Impulsabstand m
pulse spacing
Impulsfolge f
pulse repetition
Impulsuntersetzer m
pulse scaler
Kirchenuhr f, Kirchturmuhr f
Kirchenuhren pl, Kirchturmuhren pl
church clock
church clocks
Kontrollbereich m
controlled area
Kuckucksuhr f
Kuckucksuhren pl
cuckoo clock
cuckoo clocks
Luftraum m aviat.
kontrollierter Luftraum
unterer Luftraum
controlled airspace
lower airspace
NC-Drehmaschine f techn.
numerically controlled lathe
Nebenuhr f
slave clock
Netztakteinheit f
network clock
Numerische Steuerung f (CNC)
direkte numerische Steuerung
computer numerical control, computerized numerical control (CNC)
direct digital control
CNC controlled
Pendeluhr f
Pendeluhren pl
pendulum clock
pendulum clocks
Prüftaktfrequenz f
testing clock frequency
Puls m
jds. Puls fühlen, jds. Puls nehmen
den Puls beschleunigen
to feel sb.'s pulse, to take sb.'s pulse
to quicken the pulse
Pulscodemodulation f electr.
Adaptive Differenz-Pulscodemodulation (ADPCM)
pulse code modulation (PCM)
adaptive differential pulse code modulation (ADPCM)
Pulsschlag m
Pulsschläge pl
pulse, pulsation, pulse beat
pulses, pulsations, pulse beats
Pulswahl f (Telefon)
pulse dial
Pulszahl f med.
pulse rate
Punkt zehn Uhr
at ten o'clock sharp, at 10 o'clock on the dot
Quarzuhr f
quartz clock, quartz watch
Radiowecker m
clock radio, radio alarm clock
Regelstrecke f
controlled system
Reisewecker m
Reisewecker pl
travelling clock
travelling clocks
Richtimpuls m (bezogen auf Grundstellung)
initialising pulse
Richtimpuls m
setting pulse
Schlaguhr f
Schlaguhren pl
striking clock
striking clocks
Schwingungsdämpfer m
pulse damper, vibration damper, anti-vibration damper
Spieluhr f
Spieluhren pl
musical clock
musical clocks
Standuhr f
Standuhren pl
hall clock, grandfather clock Am.
hall clocks, grandfather clocks
Startschritt m
start pulse
Stechuhr f
check clock, time clock
Stoppelbart m (am Nachmittag)
five o'clock shadow
Systemuhr f
Systemuhren pl
system clock
system clocks
Tag- und Nachtbetrieb m, Betrieb m rund um die Uhr
non-stop operation, around-the-clock operation, day and night operation
Takt m
Takt m, Taktsignal n
clock pulse
Takteinrichtung f
clock system
Taktfrequenz f, Taktrate f
clock frequency, clock
Taktgeber m
clock, master clock
Taktimpuls m
clocked pulse
Taktsignal n
Taktsignale pl
clock signal
clock signals
Taktspur f
clock marker
Taktzentrale f, Zentraltaktsteuerung f
central clock
Taktzyklus m
clock cycle
Tee m cook.
Tee trinken
Fünfuhrtee m
to have tea
five-o'-clock tea
Teeuhr f
Teeuhren pl
tea clock
tea clocks
Turmuhr f
Turmuhren pl
tower clock
tower clocks
Uhr f
Uhren pl
eine Uhr stellen
to set a clock
Uhrzeiger m
Uhrzeiger pl
watch hand, clock hand
watch hands, clock hands
Verkürzungsglied n (Zeit)
pulse-contracting element
Verlängerungsglied n (Zeit)
pulse-stretching element
Wanduhr f
Wanduhren pl
wall clock
wall clocks
Wecker m
Wecker pl
alarm clock, alarm-clock
alarm clocks, alarm-clocks
Weltzeituhr f
clock showing times around the world
Wirtschaft f, Ökonomie f
moderne Wirtschaft f
expandierende Wirtschaft f
freie Wirtschaft f
gelenkte Wirtschaft f
heimische Wirtschaft f
Modell der freien Wirtschaft
in der Wirtschaft
modern economy
expanding economy
private enterprise
controlled economy, directed economy
home industry, domestic industry, national industry
model of competitive economy
in commerce
Zifferblatt n, Ziffernblatt n
Zifferblätter pl, Ziffernblätter pl
clock face, clockface, clock dial, face, watch face
clock faces, clockfaces, clock dials, faces, watch faces
Zwangswirtschaft f
Zwangswirtschaften pl
controlled economy
controlled economies
aufziehen v (Uhr)
to wind {wound, wound} (up) (clock)
winding (up)
wound (up)
beaufsichtigt, kontrolliert adj
kontrollierter Bereich
controlled environment
bis (in, zu) prp, +Akkusativ
bis heute
bis jetzt
bis auf weiteres, bis auf Widerruf
bis jetzt, bisher
bis dahin
Lieferung bis (spätestens)
bis dahin, bis nachher
von Montag bis Freitag
bis 3 Uhr warten
bis in den Tod
bis wann?
nicht vor, erst
erst um 8 Uhr
erst nächste Woche
until, 'til, till, to, by
till this day, by today
until now, till now
until further notice, for the time being
by now
by then
delivery by
until then, till then
from Monday to Friday
to wait until three o'clock
till death
until when, till when
not until, not till
not until 8 o'clock, only at 8 o'clock
not until next week
computergesteuert adj
computer controlled
funkgesteuert, funkgeregelt adj
radio controlled
gerätegesteuert adj
hydraulisch geregelt
hydraulically controlled
kontrollieren, steuern, beaufsichtigen
kontrollierend, steuernd, beaufsichtigend
kontrolliert, gesteuert, beaufsichtigt
kontrolliert, steuert, beaufsichtigt
kontrollierte, steuerte, beaufsichtigte
to control
controlled, controled
controlled, controled
leistungsgeregelt adj
mikroprogrammgesteuertes Rechenwerk
CPU controlled by microcode
molekular adj
molekulare Uhr biol.
molecular clock
prozessorgesteuert adj
processor controlled
to pulse
quarzgesteuert adj
crystal-controlled, quarz-controlled
rechnergesteuert adj
schon, bereits adv
schon um 6 Uhr
schon ab, bereits ab
schon am frühen Morgen
schon der Gedanke
schon der Höflichkeit halber
schon der Name
schon weil ...
schon wieder
already 6 o'clock
for as little as
as soon as the day broke
the very idea
out of sheer politeness
the bare name
for the very reason that ...
already again
selbstbeherrscht adj
self-controlled, self-possessed
tastaturgesteuert, tastengesteuert adj
key-controlled, keyboard-controlled, keyboard-operated
terminalgesteuert adj
um prp, +Akkusativ (zeitlich)
um 5, um 5 Uhr
um die Mittagszeit (herum)
at, around
at 5, at 5 o'clock
around midday
unterbrechungsgesteuert adj
die Uhr (eine Stunde) vorstellen
to put the clock forward (one hour)
zeitgesteuert adj
die Uhr zurückstellen
to put the clock back, to set the clock back
Planmäßige Abfahrt ist 11 Uhr.
The train is scheduled at 11 o'clock
alarm clock
Punkt 10 Uhr
at ten o'clock sharp
basic clock rate
basic pulse code
Taktzentrale, Zentraltaktsteuerung
central clock
check clock
church clock
Taktgeber, Uhr
clock cycle
clock face
clock frequency
Uhr geht nach
clock is slow

Deutsche taktgebunden {adj} [comp.] Synonyme

Englische clock-pulse-controlled; under clock control Synonyme

clock pulse controlled Definition

(n.) A machine for measuring time, indicating the hour and other divisions by means of hands moving on a dial plate. Its works are moved by a weight or a spring, and it is often so constructed as to tell the hour by the stroke of a hammer on a bell. It is not adapted, like the watch, to be carried on the person.
(n.) A watch, esp. one that strikes.
(n.) The striking of a clock.
(n.) A figure or figured work on the ankle or side of a stocking.
(v. t.) To ornament with figured work, as the side of a stocking.
(v. t. & i.) To call, as a hen. See Cluck.
(n.) A large beetle, esp. the European dung beetle (Scarabaeus stercorarius).
(imp. & p. p.) of Control
(n.) A plant of the genus Mirabilis. There are about half a dozen species, natives of the warmer parts of America. The common four-o'clock is M. Jalapa. Its flowers are white, yellow, and red, and open toward sunset, or earlier in cloudy weather
(n.) The friar bird
(n.) Leguminous plants, or their seeds, as beans, pease, etc.
(n.) The beating or throbbing of the heart or blood vessels, especially of the arteries.
(n.) Any measured or regular beat
(v. i.) To beat, as the arteries
(v. t.) To drive by a pulsation
(n.) A plant, the star-of-Bethlehem. See under Star.
Water clock
() An instrument or machine serving to measure time by the fall, or flow, of a certain quantity of water

clock pulse controlled Bedeutung

clock golf a form of golf in which you putt from positions arranged on the circumference of a circle around the hole
alarm clock
a clock that wakes a sleeper at some preset time
ammonia clock an atomic clock based on vibrational frequency of the nitrogen atom in the ammonia molecule
analog clock a clock that displays the time of day by the position of hands on a dial
atomic clock a timepiece that derives its time scale from the vibration of atoms or molecules
caesium clock an atomic clock based on the energy difference between two states of the caesium nucleus in a magnetic field
clock a timepiece that shows the time of day
clock face
clock dial
the face of a clock showing hours and minutes of the day
clock pendulum a physical pendulum used to regulate a clockwork mechanism
clock radio a radio that includes a clock that can be set to turn it on automatically
clock tower a tower with a large clock visible high up on an outside face
controlled substance a drug or chemical substance whose possession and use are controlled by law
cuckoo clock clock that announces the hours with a sound like the call of the cuckoo
digital clock a clock that displays the time of day digitally
electric clock a clock using a small electric motor
grandfather clock
longcase clock
a pendulum clock enclosed in a tall narrow case
pulse height analyzer
scientific instrument consisting of an electronic circuit that permits only voltage pulses of predetermined height to pass
pendulum clock a clock regulated by a pendulum
pulse counter an electronic counter that counts the number of electric pulses
pulse generator a generator of single or multiple voltage pulses, usually adjustable for pulse rate
pulse timing circuit a circuit that times pulses
system clock an electronic device in a computer that issues a steady high-frequency signal that synchronizes all the internal components
system clock a time-of-day clock in a computer system
time clock clock used to record the hours that people work
turret clock a clock with more than one dial to show the time in all directions from a tower
wall clock a clock mounted on a wall
water clock
water glass
clock that measures time by the escape of water
clock-watching paying excessive attention to the clock (in anticipation of stopping work)
pulse modulation modulation that imposes a signal on a train of pulses
pulse-time modulation modulation of the time between successive pulses
pulsation heartbeat
the rhythmic contraction and expansion of the arteries with each beat of the heart, he could feel the beat of her heart
pulse impulse
(electronics) a sharp transient wave in the normal electrical state (or a series of such transients), the pulsations seemed to be coming from a star
pulse edible seeds of various pod-bearing plants (peas or beans or lentils etc.)
clock watcher a worker preoccupied with the arrival of quitting time
family Nyctaginaceae
family Allioniaceae
four-o'clock family
a family of flowering plants of the order Caryophyllales
trailing four o'clock
trailing windmills
Allionia incarnata
trailing plant having crowded clusters of brilliant deep pink flowers resembling a single flower blooming near the ground, found in dry gravelly or sandy soil, southwestern United States and Mexico
four o'clock any of several plants of the genus Mirabilis having flowers that open in late afternoon
common four-o'clock
Mirabilis jalapa
Mirabilis uniflora
common garden plant of North America having fragrant red or purple or yellow or white flowers that open in late afternoon
California four o'clock
Mirabilis laevis
Mirabilis californica
California four o'clock with purpleed flowers
sweet four o'clock
maravilla Mirabilis longiflora
leafy wildflower having fragrant slender white or pale pink trumpet-shaped flowers, southwestern United States and northern Mexico
desert four o'clock
Colorado four o'clock
maravilla Mirabilis multiflora
wildflower having vibrant deep pink tubular evening-blooming flowers, found in sandy and desert areas from southern California to southern Colorado and into Mexico
mountain four o'clock
Mirabilis oblongifolia
leafy wildflower with lavender-pink flowers that open in the evening and remain through cool part of the next day, found in open woods or brush in mountains of southern Colorado to Arizona and into Mexico
meadow salsify
shepherd's clock
Tragopogon pratensis
weedy European annual with yellow flowers, naturalized in United States
horse gram
horse grain
poor man's pulse
Macrotyloma uniflorum
Dolichos biflorus
twining herb of Old World tropics cultivated in India for food and fodder, sometimes placed in genus Dolichos
clock time
a reading of a point in time as given by a clock, do you know what time it is?, the time iso'clock
spacecraft clock time
the clock time given by a clock carried on board a spacecraft
biological clock an innate mechanism in living organisms that controls the periodicity of many physiological functions
pulse rate
heart rate
the rate at which the heart beats, usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health
femoral pulse pulse of the femoral artery (felt in the groin)
radial pulse pulse of the radial artery (felt in the wrist)
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