
cloud cuckoo land Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Wolkenkuckucksheim n (ironisch)
cloud-cuckoo-land Br.; fantasyland; never-never land
Wolkenkuckucksheim n iron.
cloud-cuckoo-land Br.; fantasyland; never-never land
bewölken, mit Wolken überziehen
over cloud
land credit
improvement of land
ein Stück Land
piece of land
Ertrag des Landes
yield of land
land holder
land owner
land register
land owner
land acquisition
land purchase tax
Grundstücke und Gebäude
land and buildings
Grundstücksmakler, Grundstücksverwalter
land agent
land value
land bank
landen, ausladen, löschen, Land
waste land
pflügbares Land
arable land
lease of land
Acker m, Feld n
den Acker bestellen
einen Acker bewirtschaften
to till the soil
to work the land
Ackerland n, landwirtschaftliche Nutzfläche f, Ackerboden m agr.
arable farm land, farmland, cropland
Allmende f, Allmeind f
common land, common
Anbaugebiet n
arable land
Anger m, Gemeindeland n, Dorfwiese f, Gemeindewiese f
common, common land, village green
Anwesen n
herrschaftliches Anwesen
estate, land, premises
allgemeine Art der baulichen Nutzung
general land-use type
besondere Art der baulichen Nutzung
specific land-use type
Art und Maß der baulichen Nutzung
type and degree of building and land use
Atompilz m
Atompilze pl
mushroom cloud
mushroom clouds
Auen pl
alluvial area, alluvial land
Baufläche f
building area, building land
Baugebiet n
allgemeine Zweckbestimmung des Baugebiets
Eigenart des Baugebiets
specific land-use area
general function of the specific land-use area
special character of the specific land-use area
Bauland n
building land
Bauleitplan m
Bauleitpläne pl
Aufstellung eines Bauleitplans
Entwurf eines Bauleitplans
urban land-use plan
urban land-use plans
preparation of a land-use plan
draft of a land-use plan
Bauleitplanung f
urban land-use planning
Baunutzungsordnung f
land use act
Baunutzungsverordnung f
Federal Land Utilisation Ordinance
Bebauungsplan m
Bebauungspläne pl
rechtskräftiger Bebauungsplan
(binding) land-use plan
land-use plans
legally binding land-use plan
Bebauungsplangebiet n
area covered by a binding land-use plan
Bedeckungsgrad m (des Himmels mit Wolken)
cloud coverage
Bodenordnung f
land readjustment, land management
Bodenpolitik f
land policy
Brachland n, Brache f
fallow land, fallow
Bundesland n
die alten Bundesländer pol.
die neuen Bundesländer pol.
(federal) state, land
the old West German states
the newly-formed German states
Eigentumsurkunde f (Grundstück)
title of land, title deed
Festland n
Fleck m, kleine Stelle f
Flecken pl, kleine Stellen pl
kleines Stück Land
patch of land
Flugzeug n, Flieger m, Luftfahrzeug n, Fluggerät n, Flugsystem n aviat.
Flugzeuge pl, Flieger pl, Luftfahrzeuge pl, Fluggeräte pl, Flugsysteme pl
Flugzeug mit gepfeilten Tragflächen
überfälliges Luftfahrzeug
landgestütztes Luftfahrzeug mil.
vom Kurs abgekommenes Luftfahrzeug
swept wing aircraft
overdue aircraft
land-based aircraft (LBA)
strayed aircraft
Gefilde n poet.
fields, open country, tract of land
Grenzbereich m, Grenzland n
border area, border land
Grünland n agr.
meadow land, pastureland, grassland
Grundbuch n
Grundbücher pl
land register, cadaster
land registers, cadasters
Grundbuchamt n
Grundbuchämter pl
land registry
land registries
Grunderwerbssteuer f
land transfer tax, tax on land acquisition
Grundschuld f
land charge, real charge
Grundsteuer f fin.
Einheitswert für die Grundsteuer
rates, local rates, real estate tax Br., property tax, land tax Am.
rateable value
Grundstück n
plot of land
Grundstückskauf m, Grundstückserwerb m
acquisition of property, purchase of land
Grundstücksmakler m, Grundstücksmaklerin f, Makler m, Maklerin f
estate agent, land agent Br., real estate sales associate, real estate broker, realtor Am.
Heimatland n
native land
wie im siebten Himmel sein, auf Wolke sieben sein übtr.
to be on cloud nine, to be in seventh heaven fig.
Immobilienhändler m, Immobilienhändlerin f, Immobilienmakler m, Immobilienmaklerin f
estate agent, land agent Br., real estate sales associate, real estate broker, realtor Am.
Industriebrache f, Brachfläche f
Industriebrachen pl, Brachflächen pl
brownfield, brownfield land
Kammer für Baulandsachen
Chamber for Building-Land Matters
Kataster m, n
land register, cadaster
Kuckuck m ornith.
Kuckuck rufen
Kuckuck rufend
Kuckuck gerufen
to cuckoo
Kuckucksei n
jdm. ein Kuckucksei ins Nest legen übtr.
cuckoo's egg
to foist sth. on sb.
Kuckucksuhr f
Kuckucksuhren pl
cuckoo clock
cuckoo clocks
Kulturlandschaft f
cultural landscape, land developed and cultivated by man
Land n, Boden m, Festland n
über Land
das Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten
the land of opportunity
Landausflug m
Landausflüge pl
land excursion
land excursions
Landeerlaubnis f
clearance to land
Landfläche f
Landflächen pl
land area
land areas
Landflucht f
rural migration, migration from the land, emigration to the cities
Landgewinnung f
land reclamation
Landkabel n
land line, landline
Landkrieg m mil.
land warfare
Landnutzung f
land use
Landnutzungsänderungen pl
changes in land use
Landstreitkräfte pl, Bodentruppen pl mil.
ground forces, land forces
Landvermesser m, Landvermesserin f
Landvermesser pl, Landvermesserinnen pl
surveyor, land surveyor, cadastral surveyor
surveyors, land surveyors, cadastral surveyors
Landvermessung f
land surveying
Maklerbüro n
broker's office, brokerage office, real-estate agency, land agency
Melioration f agr.
land improvement
Neuland n
reclaimed land
Niemandsland n
no man's land
Parzelle f, Landparzelle f, ein Stück Land
Parzellen pl, Landparzellen pl
plot, lot, parcel of land
plots, lots, parcels of land
Planfeststellungsverfahren n
land use planning procedure
Punktewolke f math.
point cloud
Rauchpilz m
Rauchpilze pl
mushroom cloud
mushroom clouds
Rauchschwaden m
Rauchschwaden pl
cloud of smoke
clouds of smoke
Rauchwolke f
Rauchwolken pl
cloud of smoke
clouds of smoke
Regenwolke f meteo.
Regenwolken pl
rain cloud
rain clouds
Schäfchenwolke f
fleecy cloud
Schatten m
Schneewolke f meteo.
Schneewolken pl
snow cloud
snow clouds
Siedlungsgesellschaft f
Siedlungsgesellschaften pl
land settlement society
land settlement societies
Sprengwolke f
Sprengwolken pl
burst cloud
burst clouds
Sprühnebel m
cloud of spray
Staubwolke f
Staubwolken pl
dustcloud, cloud of dust, trail of dust
Stratuswolke f, Schichtwolke f meteo.
stratus cloud
Terrain n (Grundstück)
plot of land
Tiefland n, Niederung f geogr.
lowland, flat land
das rettende Ufer erreichen übtr.
to reach dry land
Vermessungsamt n
land surveying office
Weide f, Weideland n agr.
Weiden pl, Weideländer pl
pasturage, grazing, grazing land
pasturages, grazings, grazing lands
Wiesenschaumkraut n bot.
lady's smock, cuckooflower, cuckoo flower
Wolke f
Wolken pl
Wolkenbank f
bank of cloud
Wolkendecke f
cloud cover
Wolkenfetzen m
Wolkenfetzen pl
wisp of cloud
wispy clouds
Wolkengebilde n, Wolkenformation f
cloudscape, cloud formation
Wolkenkuckucksheim n ugs.
never-never land
Wolkenobergrenze f aviat.
cloud top, top of cloud
Wolkenschicht f
Wolkenschichten pl
cloud layer
cloud layers
Wolkenuntergrenze f aviat.
cloud base
Wüstenei f, Wüste f
waste land, wilderness, waste
Wunschwelt f, Traumwelt f
never-never land
dem Meer Land abgewinnen
to recover land from the sea
anlegen v (Schiff) naut.
to land, to put in, to berth
landing, putting in, berthing
landed, put in, berthed
to overcloud, to cloud over
Land brachliegen lassen
brachliegend adj
to lie fallow
to leave land fallow
bruchlanden, eine Bruchlandung machen
to crash-land
jdm. eine feuern übtr.
to land sb. one
kreuzen, aufkreuzen, gegen den Wind segeln v naut.
kreuzend, aufkreuzend, gegen den Wind segelnd
gekreuzt, aufgekreuzt, gegen den Wind gesegelt
landwärts kreuzen
to tack, to sail against the wind
tacking, sailing against the wind
tacked, sailed against the wind
to make a tack towards land
landen v
sie landet
sie landete
sie ist
war gelandet
to land
she lands
she landed
she has
had landed
landwirtschaftlich, agrarisch adj
landwirtschaftlich genutzte Fläche
landwirtschaftliche Produktivität
agricultural, agrarian
agricultural land
agricultural productivity
du lebst
sie lebt
sie lebte
getrennt leben
in den Tag hinein leben
in Saus und Braus leben
to live
you live
she lives
she lived
to live apart
to live for the moment
to live on the fat of the land
meschugge, durchgeknallt, übergeschnappt adj ugs.
durchknallen, überschnappen
cuckoo coll.
to go cuckoo
die Lage peilen
to spy the land, to see how the land lies
to cloud over, to darken, to becloud
urbar machen
urbar machend
urbar gemacht
einen Sumpf urbar machen
dem Meer Land abgewinnen
to reclaim
to reclaim a swamp
to reclaim land from the sea
ein Stück Land urbar machen
to cultivate a piece of land
vaterlandslos adj
without a native land, stateless, unpatriotic pej.
vererbbares Eigentumsrecht an Grund und Boden jur.
unbeschränkt vererbbares Land
land held in fee simple
wie Gott in Frankreich leben, wie die Made im Speck leben übtr.
to live in clover, to be in clover, to live like a like a bee in clover, to live in the lap of luxury, to live off the fat of the land, to live the life of Riley fig.
Ackerwalze f agr.
earth roller, land roller, bed roller
Auf Regen folgt Sonnenschein. Sprw.
Every cloud has a silver lining. prov.
Bleibe im Land und nähre dich redlich. Sprw.
Dwell in the land an you shall be fed. prov.
Er lebt herrlich und in Freuden.
He's living off the fat of the land.
Handwerk hat goldenen Boden.
A trade in hand finds gold in every land.
Häherkuckuck m ornith.
Great Spotted Cuckoo (Clamator glandarius)
Kuckuck m ornith.
Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus), Eurasian Cuckoo
Schwarzschnabelkuckuck m ornith.
Black-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus erythropthalmus)
Kuckucksweih m ornith.
African Cuckoo Hawk
Lemurenweih m ornith.
Madagascar Cuckoo Hawk
Kuckuckstaube f ornith.
Pink-breasted Cuckoo Dove
Engganotaube f ornith.
Enggano Cuckoo Dove
Indonesiertaube f ornith.
Indonesia Cuckoo Dove

Deutsche Wolkenkuckucksheim {n} (ironisch) Synonyme

Österreicher  ÂHomo  austriacus  (ironisch)  (umgangssprachlich)  
(dezent)  spöttisch  Âironisch  Ânicht  ganz  ernst  gemeint  
Hirngespinst  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂLuftschloss  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂWolkenkuckucksheim  (umgangssprachlich)  

Englische cloud-cuckoo-land ; fantasyland; never-never land Synonyme

cloud cuckoo land Definition

(n.) A collection of visible vapor, or watery particles, suspended in the upper atmosphere.
(n.) A mass or volume of smoke, or flying dust, resembling vapor.
(n.) A dark vein or spot on a lighter material, as in marble
(n.) That which has a dark, lowering, or threatening aspect
(n.) A great crowd or multitude
(n.) A large, loosely-knitted scarf, worn by women about the head.
(v. t.) To overspread or hide with a cloud or clouds
(v. t.) To darken or obscure, as if by hiding or enveloping with a cloud
(v. t.) To blacken
(v. t.) To mark with, or darken in, veins or sports
(v. i.) To grow cloudy
(a.) Built of, or in, the clouds
(n.) A sudden copious rainfall, as the whole cloud had been precipitated at once.
(a.) Having clouds resting on the top or head
(n.) Cloud-gatherer
(n.) A bird belonging to Cuculus, Coccyzus, and several allied genera, of many species.
(n.) Urine. See Lant.
(n.) The solid part of the surface of the earth
(n.) Any portion, large or small, of the surface of the earth, considered by itself, or as belonging to an individual or a people, as a country, estate, farm, or tract.
(n.) Ground, in respect to its nature or quality
(n.) The inhabitants of a nation or people.
(n.) The mainland, in distinction from islands.
(n.) The ground or floor.
(n.) The ground left unplowed between furrows
(n.) Any ground, soil, or earth whatsoever, as meadows, pastures, woods, etc., and everything annexed to it, whether by nature, as trees, water, etc., or by the hand of man, as buildings, fences, etc.
(n.) The lap of the strakes in a clinker-built boat
(n.) In any surface prepared with indentations, perforations, or grooves, that part of the surface which is not so treated, as the level part of a millstone between the furrows, or the surface of the bore of a rifled gun between the grooves.
(v. t.) To set or put on shore from a ship or other water craft
(v. t.) To catch and bring to shore
(v. t.) To set down after conveying
(v. i.) To go on shore from a ship or boat
(a.) Pecuniarily embarrassed through owning much unprofitable land.
No-man's land
() A space amidships used to keep blocks, ropes, etc.
No-man's land
() Fig.: An unclaimed space or time.
(n.) A broad, level, elevated area of land

cloud cuckoo land Bedeutung

land reform a redistribution of agricultural land (especially by government action)
farming land agriculture considered as an occupation or way of life, farming is a strenuous life, there's no work on the land any more
land development making an area of land more useful
land-office business very large and profitable volume of commercial activity
cuckoo any of numerous European and North American birds having pointed wings and a long tail
European cuckoo
Cuculus canorus
common cuckoo of Europe having a distinctive two-note call, lays eggs in the nests of other birds
black-billed cuckoo
Coccyzus erythropthalmus
North American cuckoo, builds a nest and rears its own young
pheasant coucal
pheasant cuckoo
Centropus phasianinus
Australian bird with a tail like a pheasant
land rail
Crex crex
common Eurasian rail that frequents grain fields
cuckoo-bumblebee a bee that is parasitic in the nests of bumblebees
c Bedlam
booby hatch
crazy house
cuckoo's nest
funny farm
funny house
loony bin
nut house
sanatorium snake pit
pejorative terms for an insane asylum
cloud chamber
Wilson cloud chamber
apparatus that detects the path of high-energy particles passing through a supersaturated vapor, each particle ionizes molecules along its path and small droplets condense on them to produce a visible track
cuckoo clock clock that announces the hours with a sound like the call of the cuckoo
land line
a telephone line that travels over terrestrial circuits, a land line can be wire or fiber optics or microwave
land mine
ground-emplaced mine
booby trap
an explosive mine hidden underground, explodes when stepped on or driven over
land office a government office where business relating to public lands is transacted
Polaroid camera
Polaroid Land camera
a camera that develops and produces a positive print within seconds
twilight zone
no man's land
the ambiguous region between two categories or states or conditions (usually containing some features of both), but there is still a twilight zone, the tantalizing occurrences that are probably noise but might possibly be a signal, in the twilight zone between humor and vulgarity, in that no man's land between negotiation and aggression
land area
an area of ground used for some particular purpose (such as building or farming), he wanted some acreage to build on
clouduckoo-land an imaginary place where you say people are when they seem optimistically out of touch with reality
Promised Land the goal towards which Christians strive
never-never land
a pleasing country existing only in dreams or imagination
war cloud an ominous sign that war threatens
a group of many things in the air or on the ground, a swarm of insects obscured the light, clouds of blossoms, it discharged a cloud of spores
nation land country the people who live in a nation or country, a statement that sums up the nation's mood, the news was announced to the nation, the whole country worshipped him
res publica
body politic
a politically organized body of people under a single government, the state has elected a new president, African nations, students who had come to the nation's capitol, the country's largest manufacturer, an industrialized land
Oort cloud (astronomy) a hypothetical huge collection of comets orbiting the sun far beyond the orbit of Pluto, perturbations (as by other stars) can upset a comet's orbit and may send it tumbling toward the sun
law of the land a phrase used in the Magna Carta to refer to the then established law of the kingdom (as distinct from Roman or civil law), today it refers to fundamental principles of justice commensurate with due process, the United States Constitution declares itself to be `the supreme law of the land'
Adelie Land
Terre Adelie
Adelie Coast
a costal region of Antarctica to the south of Australia, noted for its large colonies of penguins
mother country
country of origin
native land
the country where you were born
Coats Land a region of western Antarctica along the southeastern shore of the Weddell Sea
commons common land a pasture subject to common use
the territory occupied by a nation, he returned to the land of his birth, he visited several European countries
territory over which rule or control is exercised, his domain extended into Europe, he made it the law of the land
paradise nirvana
heaven promised land Shangri-la
any place of complete bliss and delight and peace
Enderby Land a region of Antarctica between Queen Maud Land and Wilkes Land, claimed by Australia
no man's land an unoccupied area between the front lines of opposing armies
grazing land
a field covered with grass or herbage and suitable for grazing by livestock
Queen Maud Land a region of Antarctica between Enderby Land and the Weddell Sea, claimed by Norway
land site
the piece of land on which something is located (or is to be located), a good site for the school
piece of land
piece of ground
parcel of land
an extended area of land
plot of land
plot of ground
a small area of ground covered by specific vegetation, a bean plot, a cabbage patch, a briar patch
Victoria Land a mountainous area of Antarctica bounded by the Ross Sea and Wilkes Land
Wilkes Land a coastal region of Antarctica on the Indian Ocean to the south of Australia, most of the territory is claimed by Australia
Holy Land
Promised Land
an ancient country in southwestern Asia on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea, a place of pilgrimage for Christianity and Islam and Judaism
Land of Opportunity
a state in south central United States, one of the Confederate states during the American Civil War
Prairie State
Land of Lincoln
a midwestern state in northentral United States
Saint Cloud
St. Cloud
a town in central Minnesota on the Mississippi River, granite quarries
New Mexico
Land of Enchantment
a state in southwestern United States on the Mexican border
altocumulus cloud
a cumulus cloud at an intermediate altitude of or miles
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In meteorology, the study of atmospheric weather phenomena, a cloud is an aerosol comprising a visible mass of minute liquid droplets or frozen crystals, both of which are made of water or various chemicals. The droplets or particles are suspended in the atmosphere above the surface of a planetary body. On Earth, clouds are formed by the saturation of air in the homosphere when air cools or gains water vapor. The science of clouds is nephology which is undertaken in the cloud physics branch of meteorology.

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