
club Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Fockbaum m naut.
Verein, Keule, Knueppel
(Geld) zusammenlegen
to club
Faustrecht n
club law
Unteroffizierheim n mil.
NCO club
club law
book club
golf club
youth club
youth club
Musikverein m
music club
Schachklub m
chess club
Vereinsheim n; Clubhaus n; Klubhaus n
club house
Clubszene f
club scene
buying club
Klubjacke f
club jacket
Ruderklub m, Ruderverein m
rowing club
Sportklub m, Sportverein m
sports club
club jacket
sports club
health club
health club
Clubtheorie f; Klubtheorie f econ.
club theory
klumpfüßig adj
Rassehundezuchtverein m
kennel club
savings club
Klub m, Club m
Klubs pl, Clubs pl
Studentenclub m
student club
Verein m, Klub m
Vereine pl, Klubs pl
Klub m; Club m
Klubs pl; Clubs pl
Verein m; Klub m
Vereine pl; Klubs pl
Kegelklub m
skittles club
Offizierheim n mil.
Officers club
rambling club
skittles club
yachting club
football club
Debattierklub m; Debattierclub m
debating club
Klubvorstand m
club committee
Ach, du auch!
Join the club!
gymnastic club
Ach du auch!
Join the club!
automobile club
blow with a club
Schusterjunge m (Layoutfehler)
orphan, club line
blows with a club
Schusterjunge m (Layoutfehler)
orphan; club line
FC : Fußballclub
FC : Football Club
Heimatverein m soc.
local history club
Keulenpipra ornith.
Club-winged Manakin
Mannschaftsheim n mil.
enlisted men's club
Keulenpipra m ornith.
club-winged manakin
Fanklub m, Fanclub m
Fanklubs pl, Fanclubs pl
fan club
fan clubs
Fanklub m; Fanclub m
Fanklubs pl; Fanclubs pl
fan club
fan clubs
Unteroffizierheim n; Unteroffiziersheim n mil.
Unteroffizierheime pl; Unteroffiziersheime pl
NCO club
NCO clubs
Polizeiknüppel m
truncheon, club Am.
aus einem Verein austreten
to resign from a club
Polizeiknüppel m
truncheon; club Am.
Kunstverein m
art club; Kunstverein
Buchgemeinschaft f, Buchklub m
Buchgemeinschaften pl, Buchklubs pl
book club
book clubs
Golfschläger m
Golfschläger pl
golf club
golf clubs
Segelklub m
yachting club, yachtig
Buchgemeinschaft f; Buchklub m
Buchgemeinschaften pl; Buchklubs pl
book club
book clubs
Segelklub m
yachting club; yachtig
Golfclub m
Golfclubs pl
golf club
golf clubs
Chaos Computer Club m CCC
Chaos Computer Club CCC
Jugendklub m, Jugendclub m
Jugendklubs pl, Jugendclubs pl
youth club
youth clubs
Schützenverein n
Schützenvereine pl
rifle club
rifle clubs
Stripteaseklub m
Stripteaseklubs pl
strip club
strip clubs
Jugendklub m; Jugendclub m
Jugendklubs pl; Jugendclubs pl
youth club
youth clubs
Vereinslokal n
Vereinslokale pl
club house
club houses
Striplokal n
Striplokale pl
strip club
strip clubs
sich zusammentun v
to club, to club together
CCC : Chaos Computer Club
CCC : Chaos Computer Club
Chaos Computer Club m CCC
Chaos Computer Club CCC
Klubmitglied n
Klubmitglieder pl
club member
club members
Flugverein m aviat.
Flugvereine pl
flying club
flying clubs
Nähzirkel m
Nähzirkel pl
sewing club
sewing clubs
Ruderklub m; Ruderverein m
Ruderklubs pl; Rudervereine pl
rowing club
rowing clubs
Sängerverein m mus.
Sängervereine pl
singer club
singer clubs
Sportklub m; Sportverein m
Sportklubs pl; Sportvereine pl
sports club
sports clubs
Vereinsbüro n
Vereinsbüros pl
club office
club offices
Wellnessclub m
Wellnessclubs pl
health club
health clubs
Willkommen im Klub! übtr.
Welcome to the club! fig.
Faustrecht n; Recht n des Stärkeren; Gesetz n der Straße
law of the jungle; club law
Country-Klub m
Country-Klubs pl
country club
country clubs
Segelflugverein m
Segelflugvereine pl
gliding club
gliding clubs
Tingeltangel n
cheap night-club, honky-tonk
beisteuern, beitragen
beisteuernd, beitragend
beigesteuert, beigetragen
to club
einknüppeln auf, knüppeln, mit der Keule schlagen, mit dem Gewehrkolben schlagen
einknüppelnd, knüppelnd, mit der Keule schlagend, mit dem Gewehrkolben schlagend
eingeknüppelt, geknüppelt, mit der Keule geschlagen, mit dem Gewehrkolben geschlagen
to club
Studentenclub m stud.
Studentenclubs pl
student club
student clubs
einknüppeln auf; knüppeln; mit der Keule schlagen; mit dem Gewehrkolben schlagen
einknüppelnd; knüppelnd; mit der Keule schlagend; mit dem Gewehrkolben schlagend
eingeknüppelt; geknüppelt; mit der Keule geschlagen; mit dem Gewehrkolben geschlagen
to club
Keule f, Knüppel m
Keulen pl, Knüppel pl
club, cudgel
clubs, cudgels
Keule f; Knüppel m
Keulen pl; Knüppel pl
club; cudgel
clubs; cudgels
Wanderverein m
Wandervereine pl
rambling club
rambling clubs
Jonglierkeule f
Jonglierkeulen pl
juggling club
juggling clubs
Offiziersheim n mil.
Offiziersheime pl
Officers club
Officers clubs
einen dicken Bauch haben
to be in the pudding club fig.
Königlicher Automobilklub
RAC : Royal Automobile Club Br.
Fußballclub m FC
Fußballclubs pl
football club FC
football clubs
Kunstverein m art
Kunstvereine pl
art club; Kunstverein
art clubs
Turnverein m
Turnvereine pl
gymnastics club
gymnastics clubs
Fußballclub m FC
Fußballclubs pl
football club FC
football clubs
Igelkraftwurz f (Oplopanax horridus) bot.
devil's walking stick; devil's club
Verein m; Klub m
Vereine pl; Klubs pl
Trachtenverein m
Alpine folklore club
Keulenhieb m
Keulenhiebe pl
blow with a club
blows with a club
Herrenclub m
Herrenclubs pl
gentlemen's club
gentlemen's clubs
Streitkolben m mil. hist.
Streitkolben pl
mace (club with a metal head)
Hundeverein m
Hundevereine pl
dog training club
dog training clubs
Umweltgemeinschaft f envir.
Umweltgemeinschaften pl
environmental club
environmental clubs
Klumpfuß m med.
Klumpfüße pl
clubfoot; club foot
clubfeet; club feet
Sportschützenverein m, Sportschießgruppe f, Schützenverein m
Sportschützenvereine pl, Sportschießgruppen pl, Schützenvereine pl
rod and gun club Am.
rod and gun clubs
Sportschützenverein m; Sportschießgruppe f; Schützenverein m
Sportschützenvereine pl; Sportschießgruppen pl; Schützenvereine pl
rod and gun club Am.
rod and gun clubs
Schützenhaus n sport
Schützenhäuser pl
marksmen's club house
marksmen's club houses
jedermann; alle ohne Unterschied pron num
Der Club ist für jedermann zugänglich.
all and sundry
The club is open to all and sundry.
Londoner Club m (privater Gläubigerbanken) fin.
Club of London; London Club (of private creditor banks)
Hundesportverein m
Hundesportvereine pl
canine club Br.; K-9 club Am.
canine clubs; K-9 clubs
Vereinsmitglied n
Vereinsmitglieder pl
club member; society member
club members; society members
Diskothek f; Disco f; Disko f
Diskotheken pl; Discos pl; Diskos pl
discotheque; disco; club Am.
discotheques; discos; clubs
Schenkkreis m
Schenkkreise pl
gifting circle; gifting club
gifting circles; gifting clubs
Die Pickwickier' (von Dickens Werktitel) lit.
'The posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club' (by Dickens work title)
(in einen Verein) eintreten, beitreten
eintretend, beitretend
eingetreten, beigetreten
tritt ein, tritt bei
trat ein, trat bei
einer Partei beitreten
to join (a club)
to join a party
(in einen Verein) eintreten; beitreten
eintretend; beitretend
eingetreten; beigetreten
tritt ein; tritt bei
trat ein; trat bei
einer Partei beitreten
to join (a club)
to join a party
Die Pickwickier' (von Dickens Werktitel) lit.
'The posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club' (by Dickens work title)
aus einem Verein austreten
to resign from
resigning from
resigned from
to resign from a club
jdn. hinausekeln; rausekeln ugs. (aus etw.) v soc.
Sie haben ihn aus dem Club hinausgeekelt.
to bully sb. out of it (out of sth.)
They bullied him out of the club.
Klub m; Club m
Klubs pl; Clubs pl
Leseclub m
die deutschen Bundesligaclubs
reading club
the football clubs in the German Bundesliga
Atommacht f; Staat mit atomaren Waffen pol.
Atommächte pl; Staaten mit atomaren Waffen
state with nuclear weapons
states with nuclear weapons; the nuclear club
Gesangverein m, Gesangsverein m mus.
Gesangvereine pl, Gesangsvereine pl
choral society, choir, glee club Am.
choral societies, choir, glee clubs
Gesangverein m; Gesangsverein m mus.
Gesangvereine pl; Gesangsvereine pl
choral society; choir; glee club Am.
choral societies; choir; glee clubs
Förderverein m soc.
Fördervereine pl
booster club Am.; support association
booster clubs; support associations
Polizeiknüppel m; Knüppel m
Polizeiknüppel pl; Knüppel pl
truncheon Br.; club Am.; nightstick Am.
truncheons; clubs; nightsticks
billiges Nachtlokal n; Kaschemme f; Spelunke f; Tingeltangel n veraltend pej.
cheap night-club; honky-tonk Am.; juke joint Am.; juke Am.; barrelhouse Am.
Schützenverein n mil.
Schützenvereine pl
shooting club; rifle club; gun club rare
shooting clubs; rifle clubs; gun clubs
Bewegungsspiel n
Bewegungsspiele pl
Verein für Bewegungsspiele VfB
motion game; exercise game
motion games; exercise games
motion games sports club
Bewegungsspiel n
Bewegungsspiele pl
Verein für Bewegungsspiele VfB
motion game; exercise game
motion games; exercise games
motion games sports club
Fitnesszentrum n; Fitnesscenter n sport
Fitnesszentren pl; Fitnesscenter pl
fitness club; fitness centre Br. center Am.
fitness clubs; fitness centre centers
Fitnesscenter n sport
Fitnesscenter pl
fitness club; fitness centre Br. center Am.
fitness clubs; fitness centres centers
Kneipe f mit illegalem Alkoholausschank während der Prohibition in den USA
speakeasy; blind pig; blind tiger Am. hist. (illicit drinking club during Prohibition)
Aufnahme f (in eine Organisation) adm.
Aufnahme an die Universität
in den Klub aufgenommen werden
admission; admittance (to an organisation)
university admission
to gain admission to the club
Fußballverein m sport
Fußballvereine pl
bei einem Fußballverein spielen; vereinsmäßig Fußball spielen
football club Br.; soccer club Am.
football clubs; soccer clubs
to play for a football club
Tingeltangel n
cheap night-club; honky-tonk (for white Americans) Am.; juke joint (for Afro-Americans) Am.; barrelhouse Am.
Schlagstock m; Polizeiknüppel m
Schlagstöcke pl; Polizeiknüppel pl
Schlagstöcke einsetzen
baton; cudgel; truncheon; billy club; riot stick
batons; cudgels; truncheons; billy clubs; riot sticks
to use truncheons
Autofahrerclub m auto
Autofahrerclubs pl
automobile club; automobile association; motoring association
automobile clubs; automobile associations; motoring associations
(persönlicher) Verlust m psych. soc.
einen Verlust erleiden
Sein Ausscheiden Tod ist ein großer Verlust für seinen Club.
Dass er nicht gewählt wurde, ist kein großer Verlust für das Land.
loss (deprivation)
to experience a loss
He will be a great loss to his club.
It is no great loss to the nation that he was not elected.
dick adj (Person)
dick werden
dick machen
Macht mich dieses Kleid dick?
Ich bin momentan so dick!
einen dicken Bauch haben
fat (person)
to become fat; to grow fat
to be fattening
Does this dress make me look fat?
I'm so fat at the moment!
to be in the pudding club fig.

Deutsche Fockbaum {m} [naut.] Synonyme


Englische club Synonyme

club  Elizabethan theater  Globe Theatre  Greek theater  affiliate  agate  alliance  ally  amphitheater  arena theater  associate  association  auditorium  ball  band together  baseball bat  baste  bastinado  bat  baths  baton  battering ram  battledore  bauble  be in cahoots  beat  belabor  belt  billy  billy club  birch  blackjack  blocks  bludgeon  brotherhood  buffet  bunch  bunch up  cabal  cabaret  cane  casino  cement a union  centralize  checkerboard  chessboard  circle theater  club together  clubhouse  cockhorse  combine  come together  company  concert hall  confederate  confraternity  confrerie  consociate  consortium  conspire  cooperate  cosh  country club  couple  cowhide  cricket bat  cudgel  cue  cut  doll  doll carriage  drub  federalize  federate  federation  fellowship  ferule  flagellate  flail  flog  fraternal order  fraternity  fustigate  gambling house  gang  gang up  gathering place  gewgaw  gimcrack  give a whipping  give the stick  go in partners  go in partnership  golf club  guild  hall  hangout  haunt  health resort  hobbyhorse  hook up with  horsewhip  house  jack-in-the-box  jacks  jackstones  jackstraws  join forces  join fortunes with  join together  join up with  join with  kickshaw  knickknack  knobkerrie  knout  lace  lambaste  lash  lay on  league  life preserver  little theater  lodge  mace  marble  marionette  marry  meeting place  mig  morning star  music hall  night spot  nightclub  nightstick  opera  opera house  order  organization  organize  outdoor theater  paddle  pair  pair off  pandybat  paper doll  partner  pick-up sticks  pinwheel  pistol-whip  playhouse  plaything  pommel  pummel  puppet  purlieu  quarterstaff  racket  rag doll  rallying point  ram  rattan  rawhide  resort  rocking horse  rod  ruler  sandbag  scourge  secret society  shillelagh  showboat  sisterhood  smite  society  sodality  sorority  spa  spank  spontoon  sport  springs  staff  stamping ground  stand together  stand up with  stave  steelie  stick  
clubby  affable  amiable  civil  clubbable  clubbish  communicative  companionable  companionate  compatible  congenial  courteous  fit for society  fond of society  friendly  genial  gregarious  hospitable  sociable  social  social-minded  urbane  
clubfoot  arch  bowlegs  camelback  cleft palate  crookback  defacement  deformation  deformity  digit  disfigurement  dog  extremity  fetlock  flatfoot  foot  forefoot  forepaw  freakishness  harefoot  harelip  heel  hoof  humpback  hunchback  instep  knock-knee  kyphosis  lordosis  malconformation  malformation  misproportion  misshape  monstrosity  mutilation  pad  pastern  patte  paw  pedal extremity  pedes  pes  pied  pug  sole  splayfoot  swayback  talipes  teratology  toe  tootsy  torticollis  trotter  truncation  ungula  valgus  wryneck  
clubwoman  Beau Brummel  Greek  affiliate  arbiter of fashion  associate  belonger  bon vivant  brother  card-carrier  card-carrying member  cardholder  charter member  clotheshorse  clubber  clubman  committeeman  comrade  conventioneer  conventioner  conventionist  dandy  deb  debutante  dues-paying member  enlistee  enrollee  excellent companion  fashion plate  fashionable  fellow  fop  fraternity man  good company  good mixer  guildsman  honorary member  initiate  insider  joiner  life member  man-about-town  member  mixer  mondain  mondaine  nightclub habitue  one of us  playboy  pleasant company  pledge  sister  social lion  socialite  socius  sorority girl  sorority woman  subdeb  subdebutante  swinger  taste-maker  tone-setter  trend-setter  

club Definition

(n.) A heavy staff of wood, usually tapering, and wielded the hand
(n.) Any card of the suit of cards having a figure like the trefoil or clover leaf. (pl.) The suit of cards having such figure.
(n.) An association of persons for the promotion of some common object, as literature, science, politics, good fellowship, etc.
(n.) A joint charge of expense, or any person's share of it
(v. t.) To beat with a club.
(v. t.) To throw, or allow to fall, into confusion.
(v. t.) To unite, or contribute, for the accomplishment of a common end
(v. t.) To raise, or defray, by a proportional assesment
(v. i.) To form a club
(v. i.) To pay on equal or proportionate share of a common charge or expense
(v. i.) To drift in a current with an anchor out.
(n.) A rushlike plant, the reed mace or cat-tail, or some species of the genus Scirpus. See Bulrush.
(a.) Enlarged gradually at the end, as the antennae of certain insects.

club Bedeutung

night club
club nightspot
a spot that is open late at night and that provides entertainment (as singers or dancers) as well as dancing and food and drink, don't expect a good meal at a cabaret, the gossip columnist got his information by visiting nightclubs every night, he played the drums at a jazz club
club stout stick that is larger at one end, he carried a club in self defense, he felt as if he had been hit with a club
club a playing card in the minor suit that has one or more black trefoils on it, he led a small club, clubs were trumps
club car
lounge car
railroad car having a bar and tables and lounge chairs
club drug a controlled substance that is usually taken by young people at dance clubs and raves
a building that is occupied by a social club, the clubhouse needed a new roof
golf club
golf equipment used by a golfer to hit a golf ball
golflub head
club head
(golf) the head of the club which strikes the ball
health spa
spa health club
a place of business with equipment and facilities for exercising and improving physical fitness
Indian club a bottle-shaped club used in exercises
service club a recreational center for servicemen
supper club usually a small luxurious nightclub
baton billy
billy club
a short stout club used primarily by policemen
Delmonico steak
club steak
small steak from the front of the short loin of beef
club sandwich
made with three slices of usually toasted bread
soda water
carbonated water
club soda
seltzer sparkling water
effervescent beverage artificially charged with carbon dioxide
nuclear club the nations possessing nuclear weapons
major-league team
major-league club
a team that plays in a major league
minor-league team
minor-league club
a team that plays in a minor league
farm team
farm club
a minor-league team that is owned by a major-league team (especially in baseball)
baseball club
ball club
club nine
a team of professional baseball players who play and travel together, each club played six home games with teams in its own division
social club
society guild
a formal association of people with similar interests, he joined a golf club, they formed a small lunch society, men from the fraternal order will staff the soup kitchen today
chess club a club of people to play chess
country club a suburban club for recreation and socializing
glee club a club organized to sing together
golf club a club of people to play golf
hunt club
an association of huntsmen who hunt for sport
investors club a club of small investors who buy and sell securities jointly
jockey club a club to promote and regulate horse racing
racket club club for players of racket sports
rowing club a club for rowers
slate club a group of people who save money in a common fund for a specific purpose (usually distributed at Christmas)
tennis club a club of people to play tennis
yacht club
boat club
club that promotes and supports yachting and boating
service club a club of professional or business people organized for their coordination and active in public services
Lions Club
International Association of Lions clubs
club dedicated to promoting responsible citizenship and good government and community and national and international welfare
Rotary Club
Rotary International
a group of businessmen in a town organized as a service club and to promote world peace
club member someone who is a member of a club
golden club
Orontium aquaticum
aquatic plant of the southeastern United States having blue-green leaves and a spadix resembling a club covered with tiny yellow flowers
soldier grainy club a variety of grainy club
club fungus a club-shaped coral fungus
grainy club mushrooms
any of various mushrooms of the class Ascomycetes
grainy club a variety of grainy club mushrooms
club moss
primitive evergreen moss-like plant with spores in club-shaped strobiles
spike moss
little club moss
any of numerous fern allies of the genus Selaginella
club gather into a club-like mass, club hair
strike with a club or a bludgeon
club gather and spend time together, They always club together
club unite with a common purpose, The two men clubbed together
club-shaped shaped in the form of a club that is larger at one end
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