
coal petrographical Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

kohlenpetrographisch adj geol.
Kohle fördern
produce coal
coal district
coal mine
coal deposits
Anthrazit n
anthracite, anthracitic coal
Braunkohle f
lignite, brown coal
Braunkohlenkoks m
brown coal coke
Braunkohlekraftwerk n techn.
Braunkohlekraftwerke pl
lignite fuelled power station, brown coal power station
lignite fuelled power stations, brown coal power stations
Braunkohlenteeröl n
brown coal tar oil
Brennofen m
Brennofen mit überschlagender Flamme
Brennofen mit einer Kammer
Brennofen mit aufsteigender Flamme
Brennofen mit durchziehender Flamme
Frontlader-Brennofen m
mit Kohle geheizter Brennofen
kiln, pottery-kiln
downdraught kiln
single-chambered kiln
updraught (updraft Am.) kiln
cross-draught kiln
front loading kiln
coal burning kiln
Brennstoffschichthöhenregler m mach.
fuel bed depth regulator, coal gate
Deputatkohle f
concessionary coal
Einfallschurre f (Kohle) mach.
(coal) down-chute
Einstellschieber m (Kohle auf Rost) mach.
Einstellschieber pl
coal gate
coal gates
Esskohle f techn.
forge coal
Fettkohle f min.
fat coal
Flammkohle f
high-volatile coal
Förderkohle f
run of mine coal
Förderung f (von Kohle)
extraction (of coal)
Garantiekohle f mach.
guarantee coal, design coal
Gasflammkohle f
free burning coal, high-volatile coal
Gaskohle f
medium volatile coal
Halbglanzkohle f min.
banded coal
Haldenkohle f min.
stock coal
Kohle f, Steinkohle f
Kohlen pl
wie auf glühenden Kohlen sitzen übtr.
to be like a cat on hot bricks fig., to be like a cat on a hot tin roof fig.
Kohleeinblasung f (Hochofen) techn.
coal injection
Kohleeinblasanlage f (Hochofen) techn.
Kohleeinblasanlagen pl
coal injection system
coal injection systems
Kohleflöz n
Kohleflöze pl
coal bed, seam of coal
coal beds, seams of coal
Kohlekraftwerk n
Kohlekraftwerke pl
coal-fired power plant
coal-fired power plants
Kohlenbecken n
coal pan
Kohlenrevier n, Revier n
coal-mining district, coal district, coal field
Kohlenstaub m
pulverized coal
Kohlevergasung f techn.
coal gasification
Kohlevorkommen n
coal deposits
Kokskohle f techn.
coking coal
Leuchtgas n
coal gas
Montanindustrie f
coal and steel industry
Schlammkohle f
slurry coal
Sinterkohle f
sintering coal
Steinkohle f
hard coal, pit coal
Steinkohlenbergwerk n, Kohlebergwerk n
Steinkohlenbergwerke pl, Kohlebergwerke pl
coal mine, coalmine
coal mines, coalmines
Steinkohlenteer m
coal tar
Zeche f (Bergwerk)
mine, coal-mine, mining company
mit Kohle feuern
to burn coal
(Holz, Kohle) nachlegen v (aufs Feuer)
to pile the fire up (with logs, coal)
schwarz adj
am schwärzesten
schwarz wie die Nacht
black as coal
Seelachs m zool.
Seelachse pl
coal fish
coal fishes
Tannenmeise f ornith.
Coal Tit (Periparus ater)
Weißohr-Zwergkardinal m ornith.
Coal-crested Finch
Grauschulter-Hakenschnabel m ornith.
Coal-black Flowerpiercer
schwarz wie die Nacht
black as coal
Kohle, Steinkohle
coal fish
coal mine
coal pan
coal pit
pit coal
pulverized coal
run of mine coal
der Preis von Kohle und Eisen
the price of coal and iron
Abbau m; Gewinnung f; Förderung f; Ausbeutung f (von etw.) min.
Großraumförderung f
die Förderung von Kohle
die Gewinnung von Mineralien
Abbau von Rohstoffen
Abbau des Flözes in voller Mächtigkeit
Abbau im Ausbiss einer Lagerstätte
Abbau in regelmäßigen Abständen
Abbau von Uran
Abbau mit Bergversatz
Abbau mit Druckwasser
Abbau mit Schappe
Abbau mit Versatz
Abbau unter Tage
stufenweiser Abbau
völliger Abbau
vollständiger Abbau
vom Ausstrich ansetzender Abbau
mining; winning extraction; winning; extracting; extraction; recovery; exploitation (of sth.)
large-volume extraction
the extraction of coal
the recovery of minerals
exploitation of resources
full-seam extraction
level free workings
open stope with pillar
uranium mining
mining with filling
hydraulic mining
auger mining
stowing exploitation
underground stoping
benching work(ing)
complete extraction
Abraumhalde f; Abraumkippe f min.
Abraumhalden pl; Abraumkippen pl
Abraumhalde im Kohlebergwerk
overburden dump; spoil pile; spoil mound; mound of spoil; waste pile
overburden dumps; spoil piles; spoil mounds; mounds of spoil; waste piles
coal-mine spoil
Anmaischen n von Kohle
slurrying of coal
Anthrazit n min.
anthracite; anthracitic coal
Ascheschichtenkurve f; Verwachsungsgrundkurve f (Kohle)
characteristic instantaneous ash curve (coal)
Backfähigkeit f; Backvermögen n (Kohle)
baking capacity; caking capacity property (coal)
Backkohle f
caking coal; coking coal; rich coal
Ballast m (Kohle) min.
inert material; inerts (coal)
Bekohlungsgleis n (Bahn)
Bekohlungsgleise pl
coaling road; coal track Am. (railway)
coaling roads; coal tracks
Bekohlungskran m
Bekohlungskrane pl
coal loading crane; coaling crane
coal loading cranes; coaling cranes
Bekohlungsmöglichkeit f; Bekohlungsvorrichtung f
coal handling facility; coaling facility
Bohrmaschine f min.
Bohrmaschinen pl
rock drill; coal drill; drill
rock drills; coal drills; drills
Braunkohle f min.
Hartbraunkohle f
lignite; brown coal
black lignite
Braunkohlenbrikett n
Braunkohlenbriketts pl
brown-coal briquette
brown-coal briquettes
Braunkohlekraftwerk n techn.
Braunkohlekraftwerke pl
lignite fuelled power station; brown coal power station
lignite fuelled power stations; brown coal power stations
Braunkohlenteer m
lignite tar; bituminous tar; brown-coal tar; tar from lignite
Brennofen m (zum Brennen Backen und Trocknen) techn.
Brennöfen pl
Brennofen mit überschlagender Flamme
Brennofen mit einer Kammer
Brennofen mit aufsteigender Flamme
Brennofen mit durchziehender Flamme
Frontlader-Brennofen m
mit Kohle geheizter Brennofen
kiln (for burning baking drying)
downdraught kiln
single-chambered kiln
updraught (updraft Am.) kiln
cross-draught kiln
front loading kiln
coal burning kiln
Brennstoffschichthöhenregler m mach.
fuel bed depth regulator; coal gate
Brennziegel m; Brikett n; Kohlenpressstein m
Brennziegel pl; Briketts pl; Kohlenpresssteine pl
coal-dust brick; coal cake
coal-dust bricks; coal cakes
Eigenbedarfszeche f min.
Eigenbedarfszechen pl
captive coal mine
captive coal mines
Erdschicht f; Schicht f geol.
Erdschichten pl; Schichten pl
abbauwürdige Schicht
aufgerichtete Schicht
aufliegende Schicht
ausstreichende Schicht
dünne Schicht
durchgehende Schicht
durchlässige Schicht
einfallende Schicht
eingelagerte Schicht
eingeschobene Schicht
einschließende Schicht
einseitig aufgerichtete Schicht
einseitig geneigte Schicht
erdölspeichernde Schicht
faltbare Schicht
feste Schicht
flachliegende Schicht
gasabgebende Schicht
gasführende Schicht
gebogene Schicht
gekippte Schicht
gestauchte Schicht
gestörte Schicht
hangende Schicht
kohleführende Schicht
liegende Schicht
obere Schicht
oberste Schicht
schallharte Schicht
schallharte dünne Schicht
tiefere Schicht
überlagernde Schicht
unberührte Schicht
unterlagernde Schicht
unterste Schicht
verbogene Schicht
verfestigte Schicht
versetzte Schicht
verwitternde Schicht
verworfene Schicht
wasserdurchlässige Schicht
wasserführende Schicht
Aufrichtung der Schichten
stratum; layer; bed
strata; layers; beds (stratums)
workable bed
upturned bed; ridged-up bed; ended-up bed; straightened-up layer
superposed bed
outcropping bed; exposed stratum
sheet; lamina
persistent stratum
permeable bed; permeable layer; pervious bed; pervious stratum
dipping bed
interstratified bed
intercalated bed
enclosing bed
homoclinal bed
oil storer
foldable layer
rough sheet
flat-lying stratum
gas-bearing stratum; gas stratum
bent stratum
tilted stratum
contorted bed; convoluted bed
dislocated bed
capping bed
coal measure
subjacent bed
superstratum; cledge
top layer; uppermost bed
high-speed layer
superimposed bed stratum; high-angle dipping stratum; stratum; cover; capping; superficial layer
virgin layer
subjacent stratum; underlayer; sublayer
lowermost bed; bench floor
warped stratum; flexed stratum; crumpled stratum
concretionary horizon
displaced stratum
weathering layer
disrupted bed; faulted stratum
permeable stratum
water-bearing layer; water-bearing bed; water-bearing formation; water-bearing horizon; water-bearing stratum; carrier of water
uplift of strata
Feinkohle f min.
fine coal; fine duff Br.; fines
Fettkohle f min.
fat coal; medium volatile bituminous coal Am.; low volatile bituminous coal
Förderkohle f min.
run of mine; run of mine coal
Garantiekohle f mach.
guarantee coal; design coal
Gasflammkohle f min.
free burning coal; high-volatile coal; high-volatile bituminous coal Am.; gas-flame coal
Gaskohle f
medium volatile coal; gas coal
Glanzkohle f; Anthrazitkohle f; Pechkohle f min.
anthracite; vitrain; bright coal Am.
Grießkohle f; Gruskohle f; Nusskohle f; Nussklein n; Kohlenklein n; Kohlengrus m; Kohlenlösche f min.
Grießkohle ohne Feinkohle
Grießkohle ohne Stücke
small coal; slack coal; nutty slack; breeze; smalls; mucks; beans of coal
small coal without fines
small coal without lumps
Haufwerksprobe f min.
heap of debris; rubbish; mined rock; rock pile; raw ore; heap of coal; broken material
Hausbrandkohle f
domestic coal; household coal
Kännelkohle f; Cannelkohle f (langflammige Kohle)
cannel coal
Kohle f; Steinkohle f min.
Kohlen pl
aufbereitete Kohle f
brennfreudige Kohle f
Bruchkohle f; Abfallkohle f; Abrieb m
klassierte Kohle f
schlechteste Kohle f (Grundlage für Leistungsgarantie) mach. min.
sortierte Kohle f min.
subbituminöse Kohle
ungesiebte Kohle; Rohkohle f; Förderkohle f
wie auf glühenden Kohlen sitzen; wie auf Nadeln sitzen übtr.
Kohle backen
prepared coal; treated coal
cooperative coal
refuse coal
graded coal; screened coal; sized coal
most adverse acceptable coal
sorted coal
sub-bituminous coal
run-of-mine coal
to be like a cat on hot bricks fig.; to be like a cat on a hot tin roof fig.
to bake cake coal
Kohleaufbereitung f mach. min.
coal preperation; coal dressing; coal beneficiation; coal treatment; coal-preparation process; coal cleaning; coal refining; coal washing
Kohlebrenner m mach.
Kohlebrenner pl
pulverized-fuel burner; PF burner; coal burner
pulverized-fuel burners; PF burners; coal burners
Kohlebunker m econ.
Kohlebunker pl
obenliegender Kohlebunker
raw coal bunker; coal bunker
raw coal bunkers; coal bunkers
overhead coal bunker
Kohlebunkerung f mach.
coal storage
Kohledurchsatz m mach.
coal throughput
Kohleeinfallrohr n mach.
Kohleeinfallrohre pl
coal down-pipe
coal down-pipes
Kohleeinfallschurre f mach.
Kohleeinfallschurren pl
coal down-chute
coal down-chutes
Kohleeinstellschieber m mach.
Kohleeinstellschieber pl
coal gate
coal gates
Kohleförderung f min.
coal extraction; coal drawing; coal winding
Kohleflöz n min.
Kohleflöze pl
coal bed; seam of coal; coal seam; coal deposit; coal nad; coal bank; delf; coalrake
coal beds; seams of coal; coal seams; coal deposits; coal nads; coal banks; delfs; coalrakes
Kohlegrube f min.
Kohlegruben pl
coal mine; coal pit
coal mines; coal pits
Kohlekraftwerk n
Kohlekraftwerke pl
coal-fired power plant; coal-fired power station
coal-fired power plants; coal-fired power stations
Kohlelagerplatz m
Kohlelagerplätze pl
coal storage yard
coal storage yards
Kohlelagerstätte f min. geol.
Kohlelagerstätten pl
coal deposit; coal field
coal deposits; coal fields
Kohlemühle f mach.
Kohlemühlen pl
coal mill; coal pulverizing mill; coal pulverizer; pulverizer
coal mills; coal pulverizing mills; coal pulverizers; pulverizers
Kohleneimer m Norddt. Westdt.; Kohlenkübel m Mitteldt. Bayr. Ös. Schw.; Kohlenschütte f; Kohlenkasten m (für den Hausbrand)
Kohleneimer pl; Kohlenkübel pl; Kohlenschütten pl; Kohlenkästen pl
scuttle (coal container for a domestic fire)
Kohlenhauer m; Hauer m; Häuer m; Abkohler m min.
Kohlenhauer pl; Hauer pl; Häuer pl; Abkohler pl
hewer; breaker; coal getter
hewers; breakers; coal getters
Kohlenbecken n
Kohlenbecken pl
coal pan
coal pans
Kohlenbergwerk n; Kohlengrube f; Kohlenzeche f; Grube f min.
Kohlenbergwerke pl; Kohlengruben pl; Kohlenzechen pl; Gruben pl
colliery; coal mining; pit Br.
collieries; coal minings; pits
Kohlenkeller m
Kohlenkeller pl
coal cellar
coal cellars
Kohlenlagerplatz m; Kohlenplatz m
Kohlenlagerplätze pl; Kohlenplätze pl
coal yard
coal yards
Kohlenrevier n; Revier n min.
Kohlenreviere pl; Reviere pl
coal-mining district; coal district; coal field; coal basin
coal-mining districts; coal districts; coal fields; coal basins
Kohlenstaub m
pulverized coal; coal dust; carbon dust
Kohlenstaubexplosion f
Kohlenstaubexplosionen pl
coal-dust explosion; colliery explosion; coal mine explosion; blast
coal-dust explosions; colliery explosions; coal mine explosions; blasts
Kohlenstaublungenerkrankung f; Kohlenstaublunge f med.
coal-miner's lung; black phthisis; anthracosilicosis; anthracosis
Kohleschacht m min.
coal shaft
Kokskohle f min.
coking coal
Krümelgut n; Krümelkohle f (am Gurtförderer)
coal spillage
Lagerkohle f min.
stock coal
Lesekohle f min.
picked coal
Leuchtgas n
lighting gas; illuminating gas; city gas; coal gas
Magerkohle f min.
lean coal; semianthracite Am.
Mattkohle f min.
dull coal; durain
Methanerzeugung f aus Kohle
coal hydrogasification
Montanindustrie f
mining industry; coal and steel industry
Moorkohle f
moor coal
Nusskohle f min.
Nusskohle I f
Nusskohle II f
Nusskohle III f
Nusskohle IV f
Nusskohle V f
nuts; nut coal; pess; slack
Pechkohle f min.
tar coal
Reinkohle f; wasser und aschefreie Kohle f min.
clean coal; cleans; dry and ash free coal; DAF coal
Reinstkohle f
super-clean coal
Rohbraunkohle f min.
raw brown coal; rough lignite; raw lignite
Rohkohle f min.
raw coal
Rußkohle f min.
weiche Rußkohle
soot coal; earthy-pit coal
dant Br.
Schieferkohle f; Splitterkohle f min.
splint coal
Schieferkohle f geol.
schistous coal
Schieferkohle f; Blätterkohle f min.
slate coal; slate clay
Schmiedekohle f; Esskohle f (veraltet)
smith's coal; forge coal
Splitterkohle f
slaty coal; splint coal
Staubkohle f min.
powdered pulverized coal; coal dust
Steinkohle f min.
hard coal; pit coal; bituminous coal; black coal
Steinkohlenbergwerk n; Kohlebergwerk n min.
Steinkohlenbergwerke pl; Kohlebergwerke pl
coal mine; coalmine; colliery
coal mines; coalmines; collieries
Steinkohlengas n min.
coal gas
Steinkohlenteer m; Kohlenteer m
coal tar; bituminous coal tar; high temperature coal tar; retort gas tar
Streckenvortrieb m; Vortrieb m; Verhieb m min.
Vortrieb in der Kohle
fallender Vortrieb
Verhieb je Mann und Schicht
advance; face advance; development heading
coal advance
downgrade advance
man-shift face advance

Deutsche kohlenpetrographisch {adj} [geol.] Synonyme


Englische coal-petrographical Synonyme

coal petrographical Definition

Bovey coal
() A kind of mineral coal, or brown lignite, burning with a weak flame, and generally a disagreeable odor
Caking coal
() See Coal.
Canal coal
() See Cannel coal.
Candle coal
() See Cannel coal.
Cannel coal
() A kind of mineral coal of a black color, sufficiently hard and solid to be cut and polished. It burns readily, with a clear, yellow flame, and on this account has been used as a substitute for candles.
(n.) A thoroughly charred, and extinguished or still ignited, fragment from wood or other combustible substance
(n.) A black, or brownish black, solid, combustible substance, dug from beds or veins in the earth to be used for fuel, and consisting, like charcoal, mainly of carbon, but more compact, and often affording, when heated, a large amount of volatile matter.
(v. t.) To burn to charcoal
(v. t.) To mark or delineate with charcoal.
(v. t.) To supply with coal
(v. i.) To take in coal
(a.) As black as coal
(n.) A licensed or official coal measurer in London. See Meter.
Coal tar
() A thick, black, tarry liquid, obtained by the distillation of bituminous coal in the manufacture of illuminating gas
(n.) One who raises coal out of the hold of a ship.
Coal works
() A place where coal is dug, including the machinery for raising the coal.
(n.) The upper stratum of coal, as nearest the light or surface.
Kennel coal
() See Cannel coal.
(a.) Pertaining to petrography.
Sea coal
() Coal brought by sea

coal petrographical Bedeutung

coal car freight car with fixed sides and no roof, for transporting coal
coal chute a chute for coal
coal house a shed for storing coal
coal mine
a mine where coal is dug from the ground
coal shovel a hand shovel for shoveling coal
fire tongs
coal tongs
tongs for taking hold of burning coals
coal scuttle
container for coal, shaped to permit pouring the coal onto the fire
coal black
jet black
pitch black
soot black
a very dark black
coal industry the producers of coal considered collectively
coal seam a seam of coal
a hot fragment of wood or coal that is left from a fire and is glowing or smoldering
coal miner
someone who works in a coal mine
black lung
black lung disease
coal miner's lung
lung disease caused by inhaling coal dust
wood coal
a carbonaceous material obtained by heating wood or other organic matter in the absence of air
coal gas gaseous mixture produced by distillation of bituminous coal and used for heating and lighting
lamp oil
coal oil
a flammable hydrocarbon oil used as fuel in lamps and heaters
cannel coal a bituminous coal that burns with a luminous flame
coal fossil fuel consisting of carbonized vegetable matter deposited in the Carboniferous period
anthracite coal
hard coal
a hard natural coal that burns slowly and gives intense heat
bituminous coal
soft coal
rich in tarry hydrocarbons, burns readily with a smoky yellow flame
brown coal
wood coal
intermediate between peat and bituminous coal
sea coal pulverized bituminous coal, used as a foundry facing
steam coal coal suitable for use under steam boilers
creosote coal-tar creosote a dark oily liquid obtained by distillation of coal tar, used as a preservative for wood
coal tar a tar formed from distillation of bituminous coal, coal tar can be further distilled to give various aromatic compounds
coal take in coal, The big ship coaled
coal supply with coal
burn to charcoal, Without a drenching rain, the forest fire will char everything
of the blackest black, similar to the color of jet or coal
fueled by burning coal, a coal-fired ship
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