
colon Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Grimmdarm m anat.
Ergibtzeichen n
colon equal
Dickdarmkrebs m med.
colon cancer
Doppelpunkt m
Doppelpunkte pl
Dickdarm m anat.
colon, large intestine
Dickdarm m anat.
colon; large intestine
Ergibtzeichen n; Ergibtsymbol n math.
colon equal; becomes symbol
Sigmadarm m; Sigmaschlinge f; Sigmoid n (Colon sigmoideum) anat.
sigmoid colon; pelvic colon
Megakolon m, Weitstellung des Dickdarms med.
megacolon, colon enlargement
Megakolon m; Weitstellung des Dickdarms med.
megacolon; colon enlargement
Grimmdarm m; Kolon n,f anat.
large intestine; large bowel coll.; colon
Semikolon n, Strichpunkt m
Semikolons pl, Semikola pl, Strichpunkte pl
semicolon, semi-colon
semicolons, semi-colons
Semikolon n; Strichpunkt m
Semikolons pl; Semikola pl; Strichpunkte pl
semicolon; semi-colon
semicolons; semi-colons
Rektoskopie f, Mastdarmspiegelung f med.
colonoscopy, endoscopic examination of the large colon
Entzündung f des Bindegewebes um den Grimmdarm; Parakolitis f med.
inflammation of the peritoneal coat of the colon; paracolitis
aufsteigend; aszendierend adj med.
aufsteigende Arterie (Arteria ascendens)
aufsteigende Körperschlagader (Aorta ascendens)
aufsteigendes Dickdarmgekröse; aszendierendes Mesokolon (Mesocolon ascendens)
aufsteigender Dickdarmschenkel; aszendierendes Kolon (Colon ascendens)
aufsteigender Schenkel (im Nierentubulus)
ascending artery
ascending aorta
ascending mesocolon
ascending colon
ascending limb
aufsteigend; aszendierend adj med.
aufsteigende Arterie (Arteria ascendens)
aufsteigende Körperschlagader (Aorta ascendens)
aufsteigendes Dickdarmgekröse; aszendierendes Mesokolon (Mesocolon ascendens)
aufsteigender Dickdarmschenkel; aszendierendes Kolon (Colon ascendens)
aufsteigender Schenkel (im Nierentubulus)
aufsteigender Harnröhreninfekt
ascending artery
ascending aorta
ascending mesocolon
ascending colon
ascending limb
ascending urethral infection
Schleimhautausstülpung f; Schleimhauttasche f; Divertikel n (Ausstülpung eines Hohlorgans) anat. med.
Schleimhautausstülpungen pl; Schleimhauttaschen pl; Divertikel pl
allantoenterisches Divertikel
Blasendivertikel n
Blinddarmdivertikel n; Appendixdivertikel n
Dickdarmdivertikel n; Colondivertikel n
echtes falsches Divertikel
epiphrenisches Divertikel
Harnröhrendivertikel n; Urethra-Divertikel n
Killian'sches Divertikel
Kirchner'sches Divertikel
Leberdivertikel n
Magendivertikel n
Meckel'sches Divertikel
Nuck'sches Divertikel
pharyngo-ösophageales Divertikel; Zenker'sches Divertikel
Rokitansky'sches Divertikel
supradiaphragmatisches Divertikel
tracheobronchiales Divertikel
ventrikuläres Divertikel
zervikales Divertikel
outpouching; pouch; diverticulum
outpouchings; pouches; diverticula
allanto-enteric diverticulum
diverticulum of the bladder; bladder diverticulum; vesical diverticulum
diverticulum of the appendix
diverticulum of the colon; colon diverticulum
true false diverticulum
epiphrenic diverticulum
urethral diverticulum
Killian's diverticulum
Kirchner's diverticulum
diverticulum of the liver; liver diverticulum; hepatic diverticulum
diverticulum of the stomach
Meckel's diverticulum
Nuck's diverticulum
pharyngo-oesophageal diverticulum; pharyngeal diverticulum; Zenker's pouch
Rokitansky's diverticulum
supradiaphragmatic diverticulum
tracheobronchial diverticulum
ventricular diverticulum
cervical diverticulum

Deutsche Grimmdarm {m} [anat.] Synonyme

Englische colon Synonyme

colon  Alexandrine  Deutschmark  Mark  Reichsmark  abdomen  accent  accentuation  afghani  amphibrach  amphimacer  anacrusis  anapest  anna  antispast  anus  appendix  arsis  bacchius  baht  beat  blind gut  boundary  bowels  brain  cadence  caesura  catalexis  cecum  cent  centavo  centime  chloriamb  chloriambus  comma  conto  counterpoint  cretic  dactyl  dactylic hexameter  diaeresis  dimeter  dipody  dochmiac  dollar  dong  duodenum  elegiac  elegiac couplet  elegiac pentameter  emphasis  endocardium  entrails  epitrite  feminine caesura  florin  foot  foregut  franc  giblets  gizzard  guilder  gulden  guts  heart  heptameter  heptapody  heroic couplet  hexameter  hexapody  hindgut  iamb  iambic  iambic pentameter  ictus  innards  inner mechanism  insides  internals  intestine  inwards  ionic  jejunum  jingle  juncture  kidney  kip  kishkes  kopeck  krona  krone  large intestine  lilt  lira  liver  liver and lights  lung  masculine caesura  measure  meter  metrical accent  metrical foot  metrical group  metrical unit  metron  midgut  milreis  molossus  mora  movement  numbers  paeon  pause  pentameter  pentapody  perineum  period  peseta  pie  piece of eight  pistareen  point  pound  proceleusmatic  pump  pylorus  pyrrhic  quantity  rand  rectum  rhythm  rial  ruble  rupee  semicolon  shekel  shilling  small intestine  sol  sou  spleen  spondee  sprung rhythm  stiver  stomach  stop  stress  swing  syzygy  tetrameter  tetrapody  tetraseme  thesis  ticker  tribrach  trimeter  tripes  tripody  triseme  trochee  vermiform appendix  viscera  vitals  won  works  yen  
colonel  ADC  CO  OD  aide  aide-de-camp  brigadier  brigadier general  captain  chicken colonel  chief of staff  commandant  commander  commander in chief  commanding officer  commissioned officer  company officer  exec  executive officer  field marshal  field officer  first lieutenant  five-star general  four-star general  general  general officer  generalissimo  jemadar  junior officer  lieutenant  lieutenant colonel  lieutenant general  major  major general  marechal  marshal  officer  one-star general  orderly officer  risaldar  senior officer  shavetail  sirdar  staff officer  subahdar  subaltern  sublieutenant  the Old Man  the brass  three-star general  top brass  two-star general  
colonialism  Eisenhower Doctrine  Monroe Doctrine  Nixon Doctrine  Truman Doctrine  absolute monarchy  appeasement  aristocracy  autarchy  autocracy  autonomy  balance of power  brinkmanship  coalition government  coexistence  commonwealth  compromise  constitutional government  constitutional monarchy  containment  democracy  detente  deterrence  dictatorship  diplomacy  diplomatic  diplomatics  dollar diplomacy  dollar imperialism  dominion rule  duarchy  duumvirate  dyarchy  expansionism  federal government  federation  feudal system  foreign affairs  foreign policy  garrison state  gerontocracy  good-neighbor policy  heteronomy  hierarchy  hierocracy  home rule  imperialism  internationalism  isolationism  limited monarchy  manifest destiny  martial law  meritocracy  militarism  military government  mob rule  mobocracy  monarchy  nationalism  neocolonialism  neutralism  nonresistance  ochlocracy  oligarchy  open door  open-door policy  pantisocracy  patriarchate  patriarchy  peace offensive  peaceful coexistence  police state  preparedness  pure democracy  regency  representative democracy  representative government  republic  self-determination  self-government  shirt-sleeve diplomacy  shuttle diplomacy  social democracy  spheres of influence  stratocracy  technocracy  the big stick  thearchy  theocracy  totalitarian government  totalitarian regime  tough policy  triarchy  triumvirate  tyranny  welfare state  world politics  
colonization  Hare system  PR  absentee voting  adoption  anchorage  appropriation  arrogation  assumption  ballot-box stuffing  card voting  conquest  cumulative system  cumulative voting  election fraud  empeoplement  enslavement  establishment  fixation  floating  foundation  inauguration  indent  inhabiting  initiation  installation  installment  investiture  list system  lodgment  mooring  occupation  peoplement  peopling  plantation  plural system  population  preemption  preferential system  preferential voting  preoccupation  prepossession  proportional representation  proxy voting  repeating  requisition  settlement  settling  single system  single transferrable vote  single-member district  subjugation  takeover  taking over  usurpation  vote  voting  voting machine  
colonize  adopt  anchor  appropriate  arrogate  assume  billet at  bivouac  burrow  camp  come to anchor  conquer  denizen  domesticate  drop anchor  empeople  ensconce  enslave  establish residence  hive  hog  indent  inhabit  jump a claim  keep house  live at  locate  make free with  make use of  monopolize  moor  move  nest  occupy  overrun  park  people  perch  plant  populate  preempt  preoccupy  prepossess  relocate  requisition  reside  roost  set up housekeeping  set up shop  settle  settle down  settle in  sit down  sit on  squat  squat on  stand  stay at  strike root  subjugate  take all of  take it all  take over  take possession of  take residence at  take root  take up  take up residence  usurp  
colonnade  access  aisle  alley  ambulatory  aperture  arcade  areaway  artery  atlas  avenue  baluster  balustrade  banister  base  breezeway  caryatid  channel  cloister  colonnette  column  communication  conduit  connection  corridor  covered way  dado  defile  die  exit  ferry  footstalk  ford  gallery  hall  hallway  inlet  interchange  intersection  jack  junction  lane  loggia  newel-post  opening  outlet  overpass  pass  passage  passageway  pedestal  pedicel  peduncle  pergola  peristyle  pier  pilaster  pile  piling  pillar  plinth  pole  portico  post  queen-post  railroad tunnel  shaft  socle  staff  stalk  stanchion  stand  standard  stem  subbase  surbase  telamon  traject  trajet  trunk  tunnel  underpass  upright  
colony  adverse possession  ally  alodium  archduchy  archdukedom  army  ashram  body  body politic  buffer state  bunch  burgage  captive nation  caste  chieftaincy  chieftainry  city-state  claim  clan  class  commonweal  commonwealth  commune  community  country  county  de facto  de jure  dependency  derivative title  domain  dominion  drift  drive  drove  duchy  dukedom  earldom  economic class  empery  empire  endogamous group  extended family  family  fee fief  fee position  fee simple  fee simple absolute  fee simple conditional  fee simple defeasible  fee simple determinable  fee tail  feodum  feud  fiefdom  flock  frankalmoign  free city  free socage  freehold  gam  gang  gavelkind  gens  grand duchy  having title to  herd  hold  holding  host  kennel  kingdom  kinship group  knight service  land  lay fee  lease  leasehold  legal claim  legal possession  litter  mandant  mandate  mandated territory  mandatee  mandatory  moiety  nation  nationality  nuclear family  occupancy  occupation  order  original title  owning  pack  phratria  phratry  phyle  pod  polis  polity  possessing  possession  power  preoccupancy  preoccupation  prepossession  prescription  pride  principality  principate  property  property rights  proprietary rights  protectorate  province  puppet government  puppet regime  realm  republic  satellite  school  seisin  seneschalty  settlement  shoal  skulk  sloth  socage  social class  society  sovereign nation  squatting  state  subcaste  sublease  sultanate  superpower  tenancy  tenantry  tenure  tenure in chivalry  territory  title  toparchia  toparchy  totem  trip  troop  underlease  undertenancy  usucapion  villein socage  villeinhold  villenage  

colon Definition

(n.) That part of the large intestines which extends from the caecum to the rectum. [See Illust of Digestion.]
(n.) A point or character, formed thus [:], used to separate parts of a sentence that are complete in themselves and nearly independent, often taking the place of a conjunction.

colon Bedeutung

colon the part of the large intestine between the cecum and the rectum, it extracts moisture from food residues before they are excreted
transverse colon the part of the large intestine that extends across the abdominal cavity and joins the ascending to the descending colon
ascending colon the part of the large intestine that ascends from the cecum to the transverse colon
descending colon the part of the large intestine that descends from the transverse colon to the sigmoid colon
sigmoid colon
sigmoid flexure
the s-shaped curve between the descending colon and the rectum
colon a punctuation mark (:) used after a word introducing a series or an example or an explanation (or after the salutation of a business letter)
a port city at the Caribbean entrance to the Panama Canal
Christopher Columbus
Cristoforo Colombo
Cristobal Colon
Italian navigator who discovered the New World in the service of Spain while looking for a route to China (-)
Costa Rican colon
the basic unit of money in Costa Rica, equal to centimos
colon El Salvadoran colon the basic unit of money in El Salvador, equal to centavos
colon cancer a malignant tumor of the colon, early symptom is bloody stools
irritable bowel syndrome
spastic colon
mucous colitis
recurrent abdominal pain and diarrhea (often alternating with periods of constipation), often associated with emotional stress
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Colon usually refers to: