
color Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Farbe (US)
color bar
Farbkarte f, Farbenkarte f
color card
farbecht adj comp.
lichtbeständige Farbe f
fast color
Farbandruck m
color proof
Augenfarbe f
color of eyes
color printer
Farbenplastik f geol.
color plastic
unwohl adj
off-color Am.
Farbauflösung f
color resolution
Sonnenschmerle f (Botia eos) zool.
blue color botia
background color
Fahnenabordnung f mil.
Color Guard Am.
Echtfarbendarstellung f
true-color display
andersfarbig adj
of different color
Abstufung f; Farbabstufung f; Farbnuance f
shade; color shade
Dreifarbendruck m
three-color printing
chromatiert adj
with olive drap color
Farbkörper m; Farbpigment n
pigment; color pigment
Farbfilm m
color film, colour film
colour Br., color Am.
Farbtafel f
color chart, colour chart
Farbtiefe f
colour depth, color depth
sich nicht wohl fĂĽhlen
to feel off-color coll.
colour Br.; color Am.
colour Br.; color Am.
Farbenrad n
Farbenräder pl
color wheel
color wheels
Farbmuster n
colour sample, color sample
Farbsehen n; Farbsichtigkeit f
colour-vision; color vision
Farbtherapie f, Farbentherapie f, Colortherapie f med.
colour healing, color healing
four-colour Br., four-color
nussbraun, haselnussbraun adj
braun-grĂĽn (Augenfarbe)
hazel (color of eyes)
Menschliches Blut hat ĂĽberall dieselbe Farbe.
Human blood is all one color.
Augenfarbe f
color of eyes; colour of eyes
Farbtherapie f; Farbentherapie f; Colortherapie f med.
colour healing; color healing
four-colour Br.; four-color
nussbraun; haselnussbraun adj
braun-grĂĽn (Augenfarbe)
hazel (color of eyes)
four-colour Br.; four-color
Farbkontrast m
colour contrast, color contrast
Farbtreue f
color fidelity, colour fidelity
Grundton m, Grundfarbton m
basic colour Br., basic color
Farbtreue f
color fidelity; colour fidelity
Grundton m; Grundfarbton m
basic colour Br.; basic color
Farbkennzeichnung f
colour coding, color coding Am.
Farbwiedergabe f
colour rendering, color rendering
Rassenschranke f
color bar Am., colour bar Br.
Farbwiedergabe f
colour rendering; color rendering
Rassenschranke f soc.
colour bar Br.; color bar Am.
Farbenabart f
colour variety, color variety Am.
Farbfernsehen n
color television, colour television
Farbkorrektur f
colour correction, color correction
Haarfarbe f
hair color Am., hair colour Br.
Lichtorgel f
clavilux, color organ, colour organ
Farbenabart f
colour variety; color variety Am.
Farbfernsehen n
color television; colour television
Hintergrundfarbe f
background color, background colours
Da pfeift es aus einem anderen Loch.
That's a horse of a different color.
Farbton m
tone; colour tone; color tone; shade
Sonnenschmerle f (Botia eos) zool.
Sonnenschmerlen pl
blue color botia
blue color botias
Blutfarbe f
blood colour Br., blood color Am.
Farbauszug m
FarbauszĂĽge pl
color separations
color separations
Farbtemperatur f
colour temperature, color temperature
Blutfarbe f
blood colour Br.; blood color Am.
Erdfarbe f
earth colour Br.; earth color Am.
FarbgefĂĽhl n
colour sense Br.; color sense Am.
Farbtemperatur f
colour temperature; color temperature
Farbtiefe f
colour depth Br.; color depth Am.
farbenblind adj med.
colour-blind Br.; color-blind Am.
Farbwechsel f
change of colour, change of color Am.
Farbmischung f
colour mixing Br.; color mixing Am.
Farbwechsel f
change of colour; change of color Am.
Tätowierfarbe f
tattoo colour Br.; tattoo color Am.
Farbzusammenstellung f
colour scheme Br.; color scheme Am.
Ăśbergang m
FarbĂĽbergang m
gradation in of colour color
Farbbildschirm m, Farbmonitor m
colour monitor Br., color monitor Am.
Farbwahrnehmung f
experience of colour, experience of color
Farbkennzeichnung f
colour marking Br.; color marking Am.
Farbwahrnehmung f
experience of colour; experience of color
Zuckercouleur f cook.
caramel colour Br.; caramel color Am.
Farbbildschirm m
colour terminal Br., color terminal Am.
Farbechtheit f
colour fastness Br., color fastness Am.
Kontrastfarbe f
contrasting colour, contrasting color Am.
farblich abgesetzt
of contrasting colour, of contrasting color
Abbildungsgenauigkeit f; Abbildungsqualität f techn.
colour fastness Br.; color fastness Am.
Farbkontrast m
colour contrast Br.; color contrast Am.
farblich abgesetzt
of contrasting colour; of contrasting color
Farbzusatz m chem. cook.
colour additive Br.; color additive Am.
Sanitärfarbe f
sanitary colour Br.; sanitary color Am.
unwohl adj
sich nicht wohl fĂĽhlen v
off-color Am.
to feel off-color coll.
Farbverlauf m
colour gradient Br.; color gradient Am.
Farbfehlsichtigkeit f med.
colour-blindness Br.; color-blindness Am.
Farbreduktion f
colour reduction Br.; color reduction Am.
Farbintensität f; Farbigkeit f
colour intensity Br.; color intensity Am.
Fenstermalfarbe f
Fenstermalfarben pl
window color; window colour
window color set
Buntwäsche f
colour wash Br.; color wash Am.; coloureds
Farbberater m, Farbberaterin f
colour consultant Br., color consultant Am.
Vierfarbdruck m
four-colour printing Br., four-color printing
Farbberater m; Farbberaterin f
colour consultant Br.; color consultant Am.
Farbfehlsichtigenmodus m
colour-blind mode Br.; color-blind mode Am.
Farbkorrektur f
colour correction Br.; color correction Am.
Farbseparation f
colour separation Br.; color separation Am.
Vierfarbdruck m
four-colour printing Br.; four-color printing
Auslaugung f des Farbstoffs (beim Wein) cook.
colour extraction Br.; color extraction Am.
farbverfälschend adj phys. techn.
colour-distorting Br.; color-distorting Am.
liturgische Farbe f relig.
liturgical colour Br.; liturgical color Am.
Farbsättigung f
colour saturation Br.; color saturation Am.
Falschfarbenfotografie f photo.
false colour photography; false color photography
Farbgewicht n
weight of colour Br. color Am.; visual weight
Kabel-Farbcode m
wiring colour code Br.; wiring color code Am.
entsättigte Farbe f
desaturated colour Br.; desaturated color Am.
farbenblind adj
colour-blind, colourblind Br., color-blind Am.
Farbfernseher m, Farbfernsehgerät n
Farbfernseher pl, Farbfernsehgeräte pl
color TV, colour TV set
color TVs, colour TV sets
Farbskala f
colour range, color range Am., gamut, colour chart
Farbumschlag m; Farbwechsel m (Labor) chem.
colour change Br.; color change Am. (laboratory)
Experte m fĂĽr die Spielanalyse; Spielanalyseexperte m sport
match analyst; expert commentator; color commentator
Komplementärfarbe f
complementary colour Br., complementary color Am.
sich färben
to colour, to color, to change color, to change colour
Farbinfrarotbild n
colour infrared image Br.; color infrared image Am.
Edelmetallfarbe f art
precious metal colour Br.; precious metal color Am.
Lokalkolorit n (typische Atmosphäre eines Ortes oder einer Gegend die örtliche Färbung)
Lokalkolorit n (typische Atmosphäre eines Ortes oder einer Gegend die örtliche Färbung)
local colour Br.; local color Am.
regionalism Am.
Farbbalken m
Farbbalken pl
colour bar Br., color bar Am.
colour bars, color bars
Farbbalken m
Farbbalken pl
colour bar Br.; color bar Am.
colour bars; color bars
Wagenfarbe f; Autofarbe f auto
Wagenfarben pl; Autofarben pl
car colour Br.; car color Am.
car colours; car colors
Lokalkolorit n (typisches Gepräge eines Ortes oder einer Gegend)
local colour Br.; local color Am.; local distinctiveness
Farbkarte f; Farbenkarte f
Farbkarten pl; Farbenkarten pl
colour card Br.; color card Am.
colour cards; color cards
Farbkennung f; Farbkode m
Farbkennungen pl; Farbkodes pl
colour code Br.; color code Am.
colour codes; color codes
Farbfilm m
Farbfilme pl
colour film Br.; color film Am.
colour films; color films
Haarfarbe f
Haarfarben pl
hair colour Br.; hair color Am.
hair colours; hair colors
Schriftfarbe f
Schriftfarben pl
font colour Br.; font color Am.
font colours; font colors
Farbanzeige f
Farbanzeigen pl
colour advertisement, color ad
colour advertisements, color ads
Pastellfarbe f
Pastellfarben pl
pastel colour, pastel color Am.
pastel colours, pastel colors
Farbanzeige f
Farbanzeigen pl
colour advertisement; color ad
colour advertisements; color ads
Pastellfarbe f
Pastellfarben pl
pastel colour; pastel color Am.
pastel colours; pastel colors
Schmuckfarbe m
Schmuckfarben pl
splot colour Br.; spot color Am.
spot colours; splot colors
Farbbild n
Farbbilder pl
colour image Br.; color image Am.
colour images; color images
Farbmusterkarte f; Farbtafel f
Farbmusterkarten pl; Farbtafeln pl
colour chart Br.; color chart Am.
colour charts; color charts
Farbraum m
Farbräume pl
colour space Br.; color space Am.
colour spaces; color spaces
Pigmentfarbe f; chemische Farbe f
pigment colour Br. color Am.; chemical colour Br. color Am.
gleichfarbig adj
gleichfarbiges Licht
of the same colour Br.; color Am.
monochromatic light phys.
Digitalfarbkopierer m
digital colour (photo)copier Br.; digital color (photo)copier Am.
Strukturfarbe f; physikalische Farbe f
structural colour Br. color Am.; physical colour Br. color Am.
Sekundärfarbe f
Sekundärfarben pl
secondary color, secondary colour
secondary colors, secondary colours
Farbabmusterung f; Farbableich m (mit einer Farbvorlage) techn.
colour matching Br.; color matching Am.; matching of colours colors
Farbkodierung f; Farbkennzeichnung f
Farbkodierungen pl; Farbkennzeichnungen pl
colour coding Br.; color coding Am.
colour codings; color codings
Farbmuster n
Farbmuster pl
colour sample Br.; color sample Am.
colour samples; color samples
Farbsystem n
Farbsysteme pl
colour system Br.; color system Am.
colour systems; color systems
Farbveränderung f
Farbveränderungen pl
colour change Br.; color change Am.
colour changes; color changes
Sekundärfarbe f
Sekundärfarben pl
secondary color; secondary colour
secondary colors; secondary colours

Deutsche Farbe (US) Synonyme

Beize  ÂFarbe  ÂFärbemittel  
Farbe  der  Liebe  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂRot  
lichtbeständig  Âlichtecht  (Farbe)  
schwarze  Farbe  ÂSchwärze  
Blässe  Âfahle  Farbe  ÂFahlheit  ÂFarblosigkeit  
Grundierung  ÂHaftgrund  ÂPutzgrund  ÂUntergrund  (z.  B.  fĂĽr  Farbe)  
Anstrich  ÂĂśberzug  (Farbe,  Metall)  ÂBelag  ÂBeschichtung  
Anstrich  ÂBemalung  ÂFarbe  ÂFarbton  ÂKolorierung  ÂKolorit  ÂNuance  ÂSchattierung  ÂSchimmer  ÂTönung  ÂTon  
(eine)  Entscheidung  treffen  Â(einen)  Entschluss  fassen  Â(sich)  entschlieĂźen  Âentscheiden  ÂFarbe  bekennen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âurteilen  
Farbe der Liebe (umgangssprachlich)  Rot  
schwarze Farbe  Schwärze  

Englische color Synonyme

color  Adrianople red  Alice blue  Arabian red  Argos brown  Bordeaux  Brunswick black  Brunswick blue  Burgundy  Capri blue  Cassel yellow  Chinese blue  Chinese white  Claude tint  Cologne brown  Columbian red  Congo rubine  Copenhagen blue  Dresden blue  Dutch orange  Egyptian green  English red  French blue  French gray  Gobelin blue  Goya  Guinea green  India pink  Indian red  Irish green  Janus green  Kelly green  Kendal green  Kildare green  Klangfarbe  Lincoln green  Majolica earth  Mars orange  Mars violet  Mexican red  Mitis green  Montpellier green  Nile green  Paris green  Paris yellow  Persian blue  Persian red  Pompeian blue  Prussian blue  Prussian red  Quaker green  Roman umber  Saint Benoit  Saxe blue  Saxony green  Schweinfurt green  Spanish green  Spanish ocher  Tanagra  Tangier ocher  Technicolor  Titian  Turkey red  Turkey umber  Tyrian purple  Vandyke red  Vienna green  Wedgwood blue  Wedgwood green  absinthe  acid yellow  acier  acorn  acting  action  adjunct  adorn  adornment  affect  affectation  air  alabaster  alesan  alibi  alizarin brown  allow for  allowance  amber  amethyst  amidonaphthol red  anagnorisis  aniline black  aniline blue  annatto  anthracene brown  anthragallol  antique brown  antique gold  any color  apology  appearance  apple green  apply paint  apricot  aqua green  aquamarine  architectonics  architecture  argument  arrangement  array  arsenic yellow  ash  ash gray  atmosphere  attitude  attitudinizing  aureolin  autumn leaf  avocado green  azo blue  azo-orange  azulene  azure  azurite blue  baby blue  background  badge  balance  banner  barium sulfate  bat  bearing  beautify  bedaub  bedeck  bedizen  begild  belie  bend  benzoazurine  beryl  beryl green  besmear  besprinkle  bias  bice  biscuit  bister  blanc fixe  blanch  blazon  bleu celeste  blind  blond  blood  blue black  blue turquoise  bluff  bluffing  blush  bone black  bone brown  bottle green  bracken  brand  breathe  breed  brew  bright color  bright rose  b  
color blind  ableptical  amaurotic  benighted  bereft of light  blind  dark  dim-sighted  eyeless  hemeralopic  in darkness  mind-blind  nyctalopic  rayless  sightless  spiritually blind  stark blind  stone-blind  undiscerning  unenlightened  unobserving  unperceiving  unseeing  visionless  
color blindness  Christmas disease  Daltonism  Hartnup disease  Werdnig-Hoffmann disease  achromatic vision  achromatopsia  albinism  cystic fibrosis  deuteranopia  dichromatic vision  dichromatism  dysautonomia  green blindness  hemophilia  ichthyosis  mongolianism  mongolism  monochromatism  mucoviscidosis  muscular dystrophy  pancreatic fibrosis  protanopia  red-green blindness  sickle-cell anemia  thalassemia  tritanopia  violet-blindness  xanthocyanopia  yellow blindness  
coloration  achromatism  allegory  allusion  arcane meaning  assumption  cast  chromatism  chromism  color  color balance  color harmony  color printing  color scheme  coloring  complexion  connotation  decorator color  dyeing  emblazonry  hint  hue  illumination  implication  implied meaning  import  inference  innuendo  intimation  ironic suggestion  key  lithography  meaning  metaphorical sense  natural color  nuance  occult meaning  overtone  pallor  pigmentation  presumption  presupposition  shade  skin color  staining  subsense  subsidiary sense  suggestion  supposition  symbolism  tinct  tinction  tincture  tinge  tinging  tint  tinting  tone  touch  undercolor  undercurrent  undermeaning  undertone  
coloratura  acciaccatura  alto  appoggiatura  arabesque  aria  aria buffa  aria cantabile  aria da capo  aria da chiesa  aria di bravura  aria di coloratura  aria fugata  aria parlante  arietta  arioso  baritone  bass  bel canto  bourdon  bravura  burden  cadence  cadenza  cantabile  chest voice  choral  choral singing  choric  croon  crooning  division  dramatic  drone  drone bass  embellishment  falsetto  fioritura  flight  flourish  folk singing  grace  grace note  head voice  heroic  hum  humming  hymnal  incidental  incidental note  intonation  liturgical  long mordent  lyric  lyricism  mordent  operatic  operatic singing  ornament  passage  pralltriller  psalmic  psalmodial  psalmodic  recitative  roulade  run  sacred  scat  scat singing  singing  single mordent  sol-fa  sol-fa exercise  solfeggio  solmization  solo  song  soprano  tenor  tonic sol-fa  treble  turn  vocal  vocal music  vocalization  voce  voce di petto  voce di testa  voice  warbling  yodel  yodeling  
coloratura soprano  Heldentenor  Meistersinger  alto  aria singer  baritenor  baritone  bass  basso  basso buffo  basso cantante  basso profundo  blues singer  canary  cantatrice  cantor  caroler  chanter  chantress  comic bass  contralto  countertenor  crooner  deep bass  diva  dramatic soprano  heroic tenor  hymner  improvisator  lead singer  lieder singer  melodist  mezzo-soprano  opera singer  prima donna  psalm singer  rock-and-roll singer  singer  singstress  songbird  songster  songstress  soprano  tenor  torch singer  vocalist  vocalizer  voice  warbler  yodeler  
colored  adorned  affected  antiblack  apocryphal  apparent  artificial  assumed  bastard  befrilled  biased  black  black-skinned  bogus  brummagem  chauvinistic  colorable  counterfeit  counterfeited  dark-complexioned  dark-skinned  decorated  deep  deep-colored  distorted  doctrinaire  dogmatic  dressed up  dummy  dyed  embellished  embroidered  ersatz  factitious  fake  faked  falsified  fancy  feigned  festooned  fictitious  fictive  figurative  figured  florid  flowery  full  full-colored  garbled  gilded  hued  illegitimate  imbued  imitation  in Technicolor  in color  influenced  interested  jaundiced  junky  know-nothing  lush  luxuriant  make-believe  man-made  melanian  melanic  melanistic  melano  melanotic  melanous  meretricious  mock  nonobjective  one-sided  opinionated  ornate  ostensible  overcharged  overloaded  partial  partisan  perverted  phony  pinchbeck  plausible  prejudiced  prepossessed  pretended  pseudo  purple  put-on  quasi  queer  racist  seeming  self-styled  sexist  sham  shoddy  simulated  so-called  soi-disant  specious  spurious  stained  superpatriotic  supposititious  swayed  synthetic  tendentious  tin  tinct  tinctured  tinged  tinsel  tinted  titivated  toned  twisted  ultranationalist  unauthentic  undetached  undispassionate  ungenuine  unnatural  unneutral  unreal  warped  wash-colored  xenophobic  
colored person  American Indian  Amerind  Australian aborigine  Bushman  Caucasian  Indian  Malayan  Mister Charley  Mongolian  Negrillo  Negrito  Negro  Oriental  Red Indian  WASP  black  black man  blackfellow  boy  brown man  burrhead  coon  darky  gook  honky  jigaboo  jungle bunny  nigger  niggra  ofay  paleface  pygmy  red man  redskin  slant-eye  spade  the Man  white  white man  whitey  yellow man  
colorful  bicolor  bicolored  blatant  brave  brazen  brazenfaced  bright  bright-hued  brilliant  burning  colory  crazy  crude  daedal  deep-colored  dichromatic  divers-colored  exotic  extravagant  flagrant  flaring  flashy  flaunting  florid  garish  gaudy  gay  gay-colored  glaring  gorgeous  harlequin  high-colored  intense  kaleidoscopic  loud  lurid  many-colored  medley  meretricious  motley  multicolor  multicolored  multicolorous  obtrusive  parti-color  parti-colored  polychromatic  polychrome  polychromic  prismal  rich  rich-colored  screaming  sensational  shameless  shot  shot through  showy  spectacular  spectral  splashy  tawdry  thunder and lightning  trichromatic  trichromic  tricolor  tricolored  two-tone  varicolored  variegated  versicolor  versicolored  vivid  vulgar  
coloring  Klangfarbe  abstractionism  achromatism  acrylic painting  acting  affectation  affective meaning  appearance  attitudinizing  bearing  bloom  bluff  bluffing  blush  blushing  cast  cheating  chromatic  chromatism  chromism  chromogen  clang color  coat  coat of paint  coating  cold  color  color balance  color filter  color gelatin  color harmony  color printing  color scheme  colorant  coloration  colorific  coloring  complexion  confabulation  connotation  consequence  cool  crimsoning  dead-color  deception  decorator color  deformation  delusion  denotation  dichromatic  disguise  dissemblance  dissembling  dissimulation  distemper  distortion  drier  drift  dye  dyeing  dyestuff  effect  embellishment  emblazonry  encaustic cerography  encaustic painting  equivocation  erubescent  essence  exaggeration  expressionism  extension  exterior paint  facade  face  fakery  faking  false air  false coloring  false front  false show  false swearing  falsification  falsifying  falsity  feigning  feint  finger painting  flat coat  flat wash  floor enamel  flower painting  flush  flushing  force  four-flushing  fraud  fresco painting  front  garbling  genre painting  gilt  gist  gloss  glow  glowing  gouache  grammatical meaning  grisaille  ground  guise  harmonious  hectic  hectic flush  hue  humbug  humbuggery  hyperbole  idea  illumination  illustration  impact  impasto  implication  import  imposture  inaccuracy  injustice  intension  interior paint  key  lexical meaning  literal meaning  lithography  litotes  mantling  many-colored  masquerade  matching  meaning  medium  medley  meretriciousness  miscoloring  misconstruction  misdrawing  mispainting  misquotation  misreport  misrepresentation  misstatement  misteaching  monochromatic  monochrome  monochromic  motley  mural painting  natural color  nonrealism  oil painting  opaque color  ostentation  outward show  overdrawing  overstatement  overtone  paint  painting  pallor  parti-colored  perjury  pertine  
colorless  abstract  achromatic  achromic  aloof  anemic  arid  ashen  ashy  barren  blah  blanched  bland  blank  bled white  bloodless  blurry  boring  cadaverous  characterless  chloranemic  cold  dead  deadly pale  deathly pale  detached  dim  dimmed  dingy  discolored  disinterested  dismal  dispassionate  doughy  drab  draggy  drearisome  dreary  dry  dryasdust  dull  dusty  effete  elephantine  empty  etiolated  exsanguinated  exsanguine  exsanguineous  fade  faded  faint  fallow  feeble  flat  ghastly  gray  haggard  hazy  heavy  ho-hum  hollow  hueless  hypochromic  impersonal  inane  inexcitable  insipid  jejune  lackluster  leaden  lifeless  livid  low-spirited  lurid  lusterless  mat  mealy  milk-and-water  muddy  namby-pamby  neutral  obscure  pale  pale as death  pale-faced  pallid  pasty  pedestrian  plodding  pointless  poker-faced  poky  ponderous  prosaic  prosy  remote  sallow  sickly  slow  solemn  spiritless  sterile  stiff  stodgy  stuffy  superficial  tallow-faced  tasteless  tedious  toneless  uncolored  unimaginative  uninspired  uninteresting  unlively  vacuous  vague  vapid  wan  washed out  washed-out  waxen  weak  whey-faced  white  wishy-washy  withdrawn  wooden  
colors  Communist threat  Dannebrog  Jolly Roger  Old Glory  Star-Spangled Banner  Stars and Stripes  Union Flag  Union Jack  Western imperialism  adornment  and blue  atrocity story  banderole  banner  banneret  battle hymn  beauties  black flag  bloody shirt  blue ensign  bunting  burgee  coachwhip  colors of rhetoric  crostarie  elegant variation  embellishment  embroidery  ensign  expansionism  face  fiery cross  figure  figure of speech  fine writing  flag  floridity  floridness  flourish  floweriness  flowers of speech  frill  gonfalon  gonfanon  guidon  house flag  imperialist threat  independence  jack  long pennant  lushness  luxuriance  manifest destiny  martial music  merchant flag  national anthem  national flag  oriflamme  ornament  ornamentation  pennant  pennon  pennoncel  purple patches  red  red ensign  royal standard  self-determination  signal flag  standard  streamer  swallowtail  tricolor  vexillum  war song  white  yellow peril  

color Definition

(n.) A property depending on the relations of light to the eye, by which individual and specific differences in the hues and tints of objects are apprehended in vision
(n.) Any hue distinguished from white or black.
(n.) The hue or color characteristic of good health and spirits
(n.) That which is used to give color
(n.) That which covers or hides the real character of anything
(n.) Shade or variety of character
(n.) A distinguishing badge, as a flag or similar symbol (usually in the plural)
(n.) An apparent right
(v. t.) To change or alter the hue or tint of, by dyeing, staining, painting, etc.
(v. t.) To change or alter, as if by dyeing or painting
(v. t.) To hide.
(v. i.) To acquire color
(a.) Affected with color blindness. See Color blindness, under Color, n.
Color sergeant
() See under Sergeant.
Isabel color
() See Isabella.
Isabella color
() A brownish yellow color.
(n.) A color not mixed or variegated.
() A dark bluish gray color.
Water color
() A color ground with water and gum or other glutinous medium
Water color
() A picture painted with such colors.

color Bedeutung

change of color an act that changes the light that something reflects
color television
colour television
color television system
colour television system
color TV
colour TV
a television that transmits images in color
color tube
colour tube
color television tube
colour television tube
color TV tube
colour TV tube
a television tube that displays images in full color
color wash
colour wash
a wash of whitewash or other water-base paint tinted with a colored pigment
field-sequential color television
field-sequential color TV
field-sequential color television system
field-sequential color TV system
an early form of color TV in which successive fields are scanned in three primary colors
oil oil color
oil colour
oil paint containing pigment that is used by an artist
poster paint
poster color
poster colour
pigment mixed with water-soluble glutinous materials such as size and egg yolk
color colour the appearance of objects (or light sources) described in terms of a person's perception of their hue and lightness (or brightness) and saturation
gloss color colour
an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading, he hoped his claims would have a semblance of authenticity, he tried to give his falsehood the gloss of moral sanction, the situation soon took on a different color
color of law
colour of law
a mere semblance of legal right, something done with the apparent authority of law but actually in contravention of law, the plaintiff claimed that under color of law the officer had deprived him of his civil rights
a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect, a white color is made up of many different wavelengths of light
primary color
primary colour
any of three colors from which all others can be obtained by mixing
primary color for pigments
primary colour for pigments
any of three pigments from which all colors can be obtained by mixing, the primary colors for pigments are red, blue, and yellow
primary color for light
primary colour for light
any of three primary colors of light from which all colors can be obtained by additive mixing, the primary colors for light are red, blue, and green
primary subtractive color for light
primary subtractive colour for light
any of the three colors that give the primary colors for light after subtraction from white light, the primary subtractive colors for light are magenta, cyan, and yellow
chromatic color
chromatic colour
spectral color
spectral colour
a color that has hue
achromatic color
achromatic colour
a color lacking hue, white or grey or black
copper color
a reddish-brown color resembling the color of polished copper
color property an attribute of color
complementary color
either one of two chromatic colors that when mixed together give white (in the case of lights) or grey (in the case of pigments), yellow and blue are complementaries
skin color
skin colour
the coloring of a person's face
nonsolid color
nonsolid colour
dithered color
dithered colour
a color produced by a pattern of differently colored dots that together simulate the desired color
color colour coloration colouration the timbre of a musical sound, the recording fails to capture the true color of the original music
color colour vividness interest and variety and intensity, the Puritan Period was lacking in color, the characters were delineated with exceptional vividness
areola ring of color small circular area such as that around the human nipple or an inflamed area around a pimple or insect bite
color vision
chromatic vision
the normal ability to see colors
color bar
colour bar
color line
colour line
Jim Crow
barrier preventing blacks from participating in various activities with whites
color constancy
colour constancy
the tendency for a color to look the same under widely different viewing conditions
color colour (physics) the characteristic of quarks that determines their role in the strong interaction, each flavor of quarks comes in three colors
color code system using colors to designate classifications
color chart a chart displaying colors
color circle
color wheel
a chart in which complementary colors (or their names) are arranged on opposite sides of a circle
food coloring
food colouring
food color
food colour
a digestible substance used to give color to food, food color made from vegetable dyes
color scheme
colour scheme
a planned combination of colors, the color scheme for this room was determined by an interior decorator
people of color
people of colour
a race with skin pigmentation different from the white race (especially Blacks)
color-blind person a person unable to distinguish differences in hue
person of color
person of colour
(formal) any non-European non-white person
color bearer
the soldier who carries the standard of the unit in military parades or in battle
color guard a ceremonial escort for the (regimental) colors
color sergeant a sergeant in a color guard who carries one of the colors
strong interaction
strong force
color force
(physics) the interaction that binds protons and neutrons together in the nuclei of atoms, mediated by gluons
visible spectrum
color spectrum
the distribution of colors produced when light is dispersed by a prism
color blindness
colour blindness
color vision deficiency
colour vision deficiency
genetic inability to distinguish differences in hue
red-green dichromacy
red-green color blindness
red-green colour blindness
confusion of red and green
yellow-blue dichromacy
yellow-blue color blindness
confusion of yellow and blue
earth color a colored mineral used as a pigment
basic dye
basic color
basic colour
a dye that is considered to be a base because the chromophore is part of a positive ion
coloring material
colouring material
any material used for its color, she used a different color for the trim
vat dye
vat color
a water-insoluble dye that is applied by reducing the dye to an alkaline form, applying the dye, then regenerating the insoluble dye by oxidation in the material, used for dyeing cotton
change color, often in an undesired manner, The shirts discolored
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Color or colour is the visual perceptual property corresponding in humans to the categories called red, blue, yellow, etc. Color derives from the spectrum of light interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors. Color categories and physical specifications of color are also associated with objects or materials based on their physical properties such as light absorption, reflection, or emission spectra. By defining a color space colors can be identified numerically by their coordinates.