
colour vision Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Farbsehen n; Farbsichtigkeit f
colour-vision; color vision
colour slide
colour film
colour photo
colour contrast
colour scale
colour effect
primary colour
natural colour
ruhige Farbe
quiet colour
Aufdruckfarbe f
colour of overprint
Betrachtungswinkel m
viewing angle, angle of vision
Bildfrequenz f
Bildfrequenzen pl
vision frequency
vision frequencies
Bildmischer m, Bildmischpult n
Bildmischer pl, Bildmischpulte pl
vision mixer
vision mixers
BlaufÀrbung f
blue colour, blue coloration, blueness
Blickfeld n
Blickfelder pl
im Blickfeld sein
field of vision, range of vision
fields of vision
to be in frame, to be in shot
Blutfarbe f
blood colour Br., blood color Am.
Deckfarbe f
body colour
Diplopie f, Doppeltsehen n med.
diplopia, double vision
EinstÀrkenglas n (Brille)
EinstÀrkenglÀser pl
single vision lens
single vision lenses
colour Br., color Am.
FarbÀnderung f
FarbÀnderungen pl
change of colour, change of color Am.
changes of colour, changes of color
Farbanzeige f
Farbanzeigen pl
colour advertisement, color ad
colour advertisements, color ads
Farbbalken m
Farbbalken pl
colour bar Br., color bar Am.
colour bars, color bars
Farbberater m, Farbberaterin f
colour consultant Br., color consultant Am.
Farbbildschirm m, Farbmonitor m
colour monitor Br., color monitor Am.
Farbbildschirm m
colour terminal Br., color terminal Am.
Farbdrucker m comp.
Farbdrucker pl
color printer Am., colour printer Br.
color printers, colour printers
Farbe f
Farben pl
komplementÀre Farben
kĂŒhle Farben
warme Farben
verlaufene Farben
Welche Farben gibt es?
colour Br., color Am.
colours Br., colors Am.
complementary colors
cool colours
warm colours
runny colours
Which colours are available?
Farbechtheit f
colour fastness Br., color fastness Am.
Farbenabart f
colour variety, color variety Am.
Farbenblindheit f, Achromatopsie f, Achromasie f med.
colour blindness, achondroplasia
Farbkennzeichnung f
colour coding, color coding Am.
Farbenpracht f, Farbenmeer n
blaze of colour
Farbentest m
colour test
Farbfernsehen n
color television, colour television
Farbfernseher m, FarbfernsehgerÀt n
Farbfernseher pl, FarbfernsehgerÀte pl
color TV, colour TV set
color TVs, colour TV sets
Farbfilm m
color film, colour film
Farbfoto n
Farbfotos pl
colour photo, colour photography
colour photos, colour photographies
Farbfotografie f
colour photography
FarbgefĂŒhl n
colour sense
Farbkontrast m
colour contrast, color contrast
Farbkorrektur f
colour correction, color correction
Farbmuster n
colour sample, color sample
Farbphotographie f
Farbphotographien pl
colour photography
colour photographies
Farbskala f
colour range, color range Am., gamut, colour chart
Farbtafel f
color chart, colour chart
Farbtemperatur f
colour temperature, color temperature
Farbtherapie f, Farbentherapie f, Colortherapie f med.
colour healing, color healing
Farbtiefe f
colour depth, color depth
Farbtreue f
color fidelity, colour fidelity
Farbtupfer m
Farbtupfer pl
dash of colour
dashes of colour
Farbunterschied m
Farbunterschiede pl
color difference Am., colour difference Br.
color differences, colour differences
Farbwahrnehmung f
experience of colour, experience of color
Farbwechsel f
change of colour, change of color Am.
Farbwiedergabe f
colour rendering, color rendering
Fleischfarbe f
flesh colour
Gesichtsfeld n
field of vision, field of view, range of vision
Grundfarbe f
ground colour
Grundfarbe f
primitive colour
Grundton m, Grundfarbton m
basic colour Br., basic color
Haarfarbe f
hair color Am., hair colour Br.
Hautfarbe f
Hautfarben pl
colour of the skin
colours of the skin
Klangfarbe f, Klangcharakter m
tone colour, tone quality, tone
KomplementÀrfarbe f
complementary colour Br., complementary color Am.
Kontrastfarbe f
contrasting colour, contrasting color Am.
Lichtorgel f
clavilux, color organ, colour organ
Lieblingsfarbe f
Lieblingsfarben pl
favorite color Am., favourite colour Br.
favorite colors, favourite colours
NachtsichtgerÀt n
night-vision glasses, night-vision device
Pastellfarbe f
Pastellfarben pl
pastel colour, pastel color Am.
pastel colours, pastel colors
Rassenschranke f
color bar Am., colour bar Br.
Regenbogensehen n med.
rainbow vision
Schockfarbe f
outrageous colour
Sehhilfe f
Sehhilfen pl
Sehhilfen bei Nacht mil.
visual aids
visual aids
night vision goggles
Sehkraft f, Sehvermögen n
SehkrÀfte pl, Traumbilder pl
Sehstörung f med.
impaired vision
Sehstörungen pl med.
vision disorders
SekundÀrfarbe f
SekundÀrfarben pl
secondary color, secondary colour
secondary colors, secondary colours
Sicht f
Sichtweite f
außer Sichtweite
in Sichtweite
visual range, range of vision
beyond the range of vision, outside the range of vision
within the range of vision
Stereosehen n
stereo vision
Tatsachen verdrehen
to give a false colour
Temperafarbe f
Temperafarben pl
tempera colour
tempera colours
Traum m
TrÀume pl
ein schlechter Traum
ein Traum in Weiß
a bad dream
a vision in white
Traumbild n
Traumbilder pl
vision, ideal image, fantasy image
visions, ideal images, fantasy images
Unterglasurfarbe f
Unterglasurfarben pl
underglaze colour
underglaze colours
four-colour Br., four-color
Vierfarbdruck m
four-colour printing Br., four-color printing
Vision f
Visionen pl
Vorstellung f
Vorurteil n, Voreingenommenheit f, Befangenheit f
Vorurteile pl
Vorurteile pl gegen Andersfarbige
mit einem Vorurteil beeinflussen
ein Vorurteil gegen etw. haben, gegen etw. voreingenommen sein
Vorurteile haben, Vorurteile hegen
seine Voreingenommenheit gegen ...
voller Vorurteile gegen
Abbau von Vorurteilen
prejudice, biased opinion
colour prejudice
to prejudice
to have a prejudice against sth.
to be prejudiced
his prejudice against ...
full of prejudice against
reduction of prejudices
Waffenfarbe f mil.
Waffenfarben pl
branch-of-service colour Br., branch-of-service color Am.
branch-of-service colours Br., branch-of-service colors Am.
Weitblick m
ein Mann mit Weitblick
a man of vision
sich fÀrben
to colour, to color, to change color, to change colour
fÀrben, beschönigen
to colour Br., to color Am.
colouring, coloring
coloured, colored
colours, colors
coloured, colored
farbempfindlich adj photo.
farbenblind adj
colour-blind, colourblind Br., color-blind Am.
farblich abgesetzt
of contrasting colour, of contrasting color
traumhaft schön
traumhaft schön sein
a perfect dream
to be a real vision
sich verfÀrben
to change colour, to become discoloured
changing colour, becoming discoloured
changed colour, become discoloured
changes colour
changed colour
Das ist ein Unterschied wie Tag und Nacht.
It's a horse of a different colour.
Sie bot einen entzĂŒckenden Anblick.
She was a vision of delight.
Sie sieht gut.
She has good vision.
Welche Farbe hat es?
What colour is it?
body colour
change colour
changed colour
changes colour
colour blind
farbecht, farbechte
colour fast
colour fastness
colour monitor
colour of the skin
colour photographies
colour photography
colour photography
colour television
colour terminal
field of vision
fields of vision
flesh colour
ground colour
impaired vision
primitive colour
Sie bot einen enttaeuschenden Anblick.
she was a vision of delight.
Sie bot einen enttÀuschenden Anblick
she was a vision of delight
to colour
vision frequency
water colour
welche Farbe hat
what colour is
Welche Farbe ist das
what colour is it
die Farbe verblasste
the colour faded
farbig machen, anmalen
die Farbe die Sie wĂŒnschen
the colour you desire
in allen Farben
in any shade of colour
muss in der Farbschattierung entsprechen
must correspond in the shade of colour
Abbildungsgenauigkeit f; AbbildungsqualitÀt f techn.
colour fastness Br.; color fastness Am.
Anlassfarbe f; Anlauffarbe f (Metallurgie) techn.
Anlassfarben pl; Anlauffarben pl
tempering colour; temper colour (metallurgy)
tempering colours; temper colours
Anschein m; Anstrich m
unter dem Mantel des Gesetzes
unter dem Vorwand einer Amtshandlung
ein falsches Licht auf die Ereignisse werfen; die Ereignisse in einem falschen Licht erscheinen lassen ĂŒbtr.
colour Br.; color Am.
under the colour of law
under the colour of office
to give a false colour Br. color Am. to the incidents fig.
Applikationsfarbe f textil.
Applikationsfarben pl
chemical colour Br.; chemical color Am.
chemical colours; chemical colors
jdn. etw. im Auge haben; sich jdn. etw. vorstellen; jdm. vorschweben (fĂŒr etw.)
im Auge habend; sich vorstellend; vorschwebend
im Auge gehabt; sich vorgestellt; vorgeschwebt
hat im Auge; stellt sich vor; schwebt vor
hatte im Auge; stellte sich vor; schwebte vor
Haben Sie fĂŒr den Posten jemanden im Auge?
Stellst du dir fĂŒr die KĂŒche eine bestimmte Farbe vor?
Das Haus ist nicht ganz das was uns vorschwebt.
to have sb. sth. in mind (for sth.)
having in mind
had in mind
has in mind
had in mind
Do you have anyone in mind for the job?
Have you any particular colour in mind for the kitchen?
The house isn't quite what we have in mind.
Augenfarbe f
color of eyes; colour of eyes
Bariumchromat n; Zitronengelb n (Farbe)
lemmon-yellow Br.; lemon chrome Am. (colour)
Bariummanganat n (Farbe)
Rosenstiehl's green (colour)
BestĂ€ndigkeit f; Echtheit f (von Materialen gegenĂŒber oberflĂ€chlicher Einwirkung von Licht FlĂŒssigkeit Reibung)
BestĂ€ndigkeit gegen chemische Reinigung gegenĂŒber chemischer Reinigung
BestĂ€ndigkeit gegen(ĂŒber) Sonnenlicht
Beuchechtheit f textil.
Blutechtheit f (Farbe)
BĂŒgelechtheit f textil.
BĂŒgelechtheit f (FĂ€rbung)
DĂ€mpfechtheit f textil.
Entbastungsechtheit f textil.
FarbbestÀndigkeit f gegen Licht
Farbechtheit f
Karbonisierechtheit f textil.
Lichtechtheit f; LichtbestÀndigkeit f; BestÀndigkeit gegen Lichteinwirkung
Lösungsmittelechtheit f
Merzerisierechtheit f textil.
Pottingechtheit f textil.
Reibechtheit f textil.
Salzwasserechtheit f; Meerwasserechtheit f (FĂ€rbung)
Schweißechtheit f textil.
Trockenhitzeechtheit f textil.
Trockenlichtechtheit f textil.
ÜberfĂ€rbeechtheit f textil.
Walkechtheit f textil.
Waschechtheit f textil.
Wasserechtheit f
Wassertropfenechtheit f (FĂ€rbung)
Wetterechtheit f textil.
fastness (of materials to the action of light liquids friction on their surface)
fastness to dry-cleaning
fastness to sunlight; sunlight fastness
fastness to bucking; fastness to kier-boiling
fastness to bleeding (paint)
fastness to ironing; fastness to pressing
colour Br. color Am. fastness to hot pressing (dye)
fastness to steaming
fastness to degumming; degumming fastness
colour Br. color Am. fastness to light
colour Br. color Am. fastness
fastness to carbonizing
fastness to light; light-fastness
fastness to solvents
fastness to mercerizing
fastness to potting
fastness to rubbing
fastness to saltwater (dye)
fastness to perspiration
fastness to dry heat
fastness to light in dry state
fastness to cross-dyeing
fastness to fulling
fastness to washing
fastness to water
fastness to water drops; fastness to water spotting (dye)
fastness to weathering

Deutsche Farbsehen {n}; Farbsichtigkeit {f} Synonyme

Englische colour-vision; color vision Synonyme

colour vision Definition

(n.) See Color.
(v.) The act of seeing external objects
(v.) The faculty of seeing
(v.) That which is seen
(v.) Especially, that which is seen otherwise than by the ordinary sight, or the rational eye
(v.) Hence, something unreal or imaginary
(v. t.) To see in a vision

colour vision Bedeutung

color television
colour television
color television system
colour television system
color TV
colour TV
a television that transmits images in color
color tube
colour tube
color television tube
colour television tube
color TV tube
colour TV tube
a television tube that displays images in full color
color wash
colour wash
a wash of whitewash or other water-base paint tinted with a colored pigment
oil oil color
oil colour
oil paint containing pigment that is used by an artist
poster paint
poster color
poster colour
pigment mixed with water-soluble glutinous materials such as size and egg yolk
color colour the appearance of objects (or light sources) described in terms of a person's perception of their hue and lightness (or brightness) and saturation
gloss color colour
an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading, he hoped his claims would have a semblance of authenticity, he tried to give his falsehood the gloss of moral sanction, the situation soon took on a different color
color of law
colour of law
a mere semblance of legal right, something done with the apparent authority of law but actually in contravention of law, the plaintiff claimed that under color of law the officer had deprived him of his civil rights
a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect, a white color is made up of many different wavelengths of light
primary color
primary colour
any of three colors from which all others can be obtained by mixing
primary color for pigments
primary colour for pigments
any of three pigments from which all colors can be obtained by mixing, the primary colors for pigments are red, blue, and yellow
primary color for light
primary colour for light
any of three primary colors of light from which all colors can be obtained by additive mixing, the primary colors for light are red, blue, and green
primary subtractive color for light
primary subtractive colour for light
any of the three colors that give the primary colors for light after subtraction from white light, the primary subtractive colors for light are magenta, cyan, and yellow
chromatic color
chromatic colour
spectral color
spectral colour
a color that has hue
achromatic color
achromatic colour
a color lacking hue, white or grey or black
skin color
skin colour
the coloring of a person's face
nonsolid color
nonsolid colour
dithered color
dithered colour
a color produced by a pattern of differently colored dots that together simulate the desired color
color colour coloration colouration the timbre of a musical sound, the recording fails to capture the true color of the original music
color colour vividness interest and variety and intensity, the Puritan Period was lacking in color, the characters were delineated with exceptional vividness
imagination imaginativeness
the formation of a mental image of something that is not perceived as real and is not present to the senses, popular imagination created a world of demons, imagination reveals what the world could be
vision visual sense
visual modality
the ability to see, the visual faculty
achromatic vision vision using the rods
binocular vision vision involving the use of both eyes
central vision vision using the fovea and parafovea, the middle part of the visual field
color vision
chromatic vision
the normal ability to see colors
distance vision vision for objects that afeet or more from the viewer
foveal vision vision with the fovea
monocular vision vision with only one eye
near vision vision for objects feet or closer to the viewer
night vision
scotopic vision
twilight vision
the ability to see in reduced illumination (as in moonlight)
daylight vision
photopic vision
normal vision in daylight, vision with sufficient illumination that the cones are active and hue is perceived
peripheral vision vision at the edges of the visual field using only the periphery of the retina
stereoscopic vision
three-dimensional vision produced by the fusion of two slightly different views of a scene on each retina
color bar
colour bar
color line
colour line
Jim Crow
barrier preventing blacks from participating in various activities with whites
color constancy
colour constancy
the tendency for a color to look the same under widely different viewing conditions
vision visual sensation the perceptual experience of seeing, the runners emerged from the trees into his clear vision, he had a visual sensation of intense light
vision a vivid mental image, he had a vision of his own death
color colour (physics) the characteristic of quarks that determines their role in the strong interaction, each flavor of quarks comes in three colors
visual field
field of vision
field of regard
all of the points of the physical environment that can be perceived by a stable eye at a given moment
colour supplement (British) a magazine that is printed in color and circulated with a newspaper (especially on weekends)
vision a religious or mystical experience of a supernatural appearance, he had a vision of the Virgin Mary
food coloring
food colouring
food color
food colour
a digestible substance used to give color to food, food color made from vegetable dyes
color scheme
colour scheme
a planned combination of colors, the color scheme for this room was determined by an interior decorator
people of color
people of colour
a race with skin pigmentation different from the white race (especially Blacks)
line of sight
line of vision
an imaginary straight line along which an observer looks
person of color
person of colour
(formal) any non-European non-white person
color blindness
colour blindness
color vision deficiency
colour vision deficiency
genetic inability to distinguish differences in hue
double vision
visual impairment in which an object is seen as two objects, diplopia often disappears when one eye is covered
red-green dichromacy
red-green color blindness
red-green colour blindness
confusion of red and green
monochromatic vision
complete color blindness, colors can be differentiated only on the basis of brightness
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