
common pool Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Allmendegut n; Quasikollektivgut n
common-pool resource CPR ; common good
Allmendegut n; Quasikollektivgut n
common-pool resource CPR ; common good
labour pool
bürgerliches Recht
common law
das gemeine Wohl, Wohl der Gesellschaft
common good
den Gewinn teilen
pool the profits
Dividende auf Stammaktien
dividend on common stock
einige übliche Abkürzungen
some abbreviations in common use
car pool
Gelder zusammenlegen
pool funds
gemein, gemeinsam
Gemeinsamer Markt
Common Market
Interessengemeinschaft, Ring
Interessengemeinschaft, Teich
Kapital zusammenlegen
pool together capital
Masse der freien Arbeitskräfte
pool of labour
pension pool
typing pool
typing pool
common shares
common stock
pool support
common carrier
ungelernter Arbeiter
common labourer
Verdienst zusammenlegen
pool together earnings
Vorrat an freien Arbeitskräften
pool of labour
Vorrat, Zusammenschluss, Kartell
pool together
zusammenlegen, Interessenverband
Allgemeinfläche f
common area
Allgemeinwohl n
public good, public welfare, common wealth
Allmende f, Allmeind f
common land, common
Anblick m, Blick m, Ansicht f
Anblicke pl, Blicke pl, Ansichten pl
fesselnder Anblick
hässlicher Anblick
ein alltäglicher Anblick
auf den ersten Blick
in seinen Augen, seiner Ansicht nach
fascinating sight
ugly sight
a common sight
at first blush, at first sight
in his sight
Anger m, Gemeindeland n, Dorfwiese f, Gemeindewiese f
common, common land, village green
Annahme f, Harmonisierung f
Harmonisierung gemeinschaftlicher Normen
adoption of common standards
Aufenthaltsraum m, Tagesraum m
Aufenthaltsräume pl, Tagesräume pl
common room
common rooms
Außenpolitik f pol.
Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
foreign policy
common foreign and security policy
Bademeister m, Bademeisterin f
Bademeister pl, Bademeisterinnen pl
bath attendant, pool attendant
bath attendants, pool attendants
gemeinsame Basis f
eine gemeinsame Basis finden (mit jdm.)
common ground
to find common ground (with sb.)
Blaufelche f zool. (Fischart)
common whitefish
Blutlache f
Blutlachen pl
pool of blood
pools of blood
Bruch m math.
echter Bruch
gemeiner Bruch
unechter Bruch
dyadischer Bruch
proper fraction
vulgar fraction, common fraction
improper fraction
dyary fraction
Dampfsammelschiene f mach.
common steam mains, common steam range
Datenbasis f
Datenbestand m
data pool, data stock, amount of data
Einsatz m, Spieleinsatz m
den Einsatz erhöhen
um hohe Einsätze spielen
stake, pool
to raise the stake
to gamble for high stakes
Erkältung f med.
Erkältungen pl
eine schlimme Erkältung haben
Ich bin erkältet.
cold, common cold
to have a bad cold
I have a cold.
Fahrbereitschaft f
motor pool
Fahrgemeinschaft f
eine Fahrgemeinschaft bilden
car pool, car sharing, ride sharing Am., car-pooling
to carpool
Finanzraum m
financial common market
Fischereipolitik f pol.
gemeinsame Fischereipolitik,
fisheries policy
common fisheries policy (CFP)
Freibad n
open-air swimming pool, open-air bath
Freischwimmbecken n
Freischwimmbecken pl
outdoor pool
outdoor pools
Fuhrpark m
car pool, motor pool
Gartenbohne f bot.
common bean
Gattungsbegriff m
common noun
Gebetbuch n
Gebetbücher pl
Gebetbuch der anglikanischen Kirche relig.
prayer book
prayer books
Book of Common Prayer
Gemeingut n
Gemeingüter pl
common property
common properties
Gemeinschaftsküche f
shared kitchen, common kitchen
Genpool m biol.
gene pool
Genus n, Geschlecht n gramm.
Genera pl, Geschlechter pl
doppeltes Geschlecht
common gender
Gewohnheitsrecht n
common law
Hallenbad n
Hallenbäder pl
indoor swimming pool
indoor swimming pools
Hauptnenner m
common denominator
Informationsbank f
information pool
Kader m sport
Kinderbecken n
children's pool
Krickente f ornith.
Krickenten pl
teal, Common Teal
Lache f (Pfütze)
Lachen pl
pool, puddle
pools, puddles
Leute pl, Menschen pl
die einfachen Leute
die meisten Leute, die meisten Menschen
Leute von Rang
junge Leute
the common people
most people
people of position
die breite Masse
the common run of mankind
Massengrab n
mass grave, common grave
gesunder Menschenverstand
mit gesundem Menschenverstand
common sense, sanity and reason
commonsense, commonsensical
Nebenkosten pl (Wohnung)
utilities and common charges
Nenner m math.
kleinster gemeinsamer Nenner
auf einen gemeinsamen Nenner bringen
least (lowest) common denominator
to bring down to a common denominator, to reduce sth. to a common denominator
einen gemeinsamen Nenner finden
to find some common ground on which to base
Netzbetreiber m
Netzbetreiber pl
common carrier
common carriers
Norm f
Normen pl
gemeinschaftliche Normen
internationale Normen
Anpassung von Normen
common standards
international standards
harmonization of standards
Normalbürger m
common man
Pensionskasse f
pension fund, pension pool
Pfau m ornith.
Pfauen pl
junger Pfau
peacock, Common Peafowl
peacocks, Common Peafowls
Pflichtfächer pl (Schule)
common core
Pfuhl m
murky pool
Plantschbecken n, Planschbecken n alt
paddle pond, paddling pool
Pool m, gemeinsamer Fond
Poolbillard n
Redensart f, Sprichwort n, Spruch m, Ausspruch m
Redensarten pl, Sprichwörter pl, Sprüche pl, Aussprüche pl
eine verbreitete Redensart
wie man zu sagen pflegt
a common saying
as the saying goes
Sache f, Angelegenheit f, Ding n
die Sache ist die
die Sache an sich
Kern der Sache übtr.
nach dem Stand der Dinge, wie die Dinge liegen
Angelegenheit von gemeinsamem Interesse
eine reelle Sache, ein faires Geschäft
eine klare Sache
einer Sache gewachsen sein
mit jdm. gemeinsame Sache machen
der Sache nachgehen
gleich zur Sache kommen
seine Sache gut machen
seine Sache gut machen
zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
Sachen umherwerfen
the point is
the matter itself, the thing itself, the situation itself
root of the matter
as matters stand, as it is
matter of mutual interest
a square deal
a plain sailing
to be equal to sth.
to make common cause with sb.
to go into the matter
to come straight to the point
to do a good job
to acquit oneself well
to come to business
to come to the point
to get down to brass tacks
to get down to the nitty-gritty
to send things flying
Schnitzer m, Fauxpas m, grober Fehler, Missgriff m
ein häufig gemachter Fehler
blunder, boob Br.
a common boob
Schreibzentrale f
typing pool
Schreibzimmer n, Sekretariat n (für mehrere Auftraggeber)
secretarial pool, typing pool
Schwimmbad n, Schwimmbecken n
Schwimmbäder pl, Schwimmbecken pl
swimming pool
swimming pools
Schwimmbadwasserechtheit f
fastness to swimming pool water
Schwimmhalle f, Hallenbad n, Hallenschwimmbad n, Innenschwimmbad n, überdachtes Schwimmbad
Schwimmhallen pl, Hallenbäder pl, Hallenschwimmbäder pl, Innenschwimmbäder pl, überdachte Schwimmbäder
indoor swimming pool, indoor pool
indoor swimming pools, indoor pools
Robbe f, Seehund m zool.
Robben pl, Seehunde pl
Gemeiner Seehund (Phoca vitulina)
common seal
Stadtgespräch n
common talk
Stammaktie f fin.
Stammaktien pl
original stock
common stock
Stammkapital n
original share capital, common capital stock Am.
Standpunkt m
Standpunkte pl
gemeinsamer Standpunkt
common position
Stieleiche f bot.
common oak, English oak, pedunculate oak
Stubenfliege f
Stubenfliegen pl
(common) housefly
Suhle f
muddy pool, wallow
Teich m, Tümpel m
Teiche pl, Tümpel pl
Teiler m math.
gemeinsamer Teiler
größter gemeinsamer Teiler (ggT) math.
niederwertiger Teiler
common factor
greatest common divisor (GCD)
divisor latch low
gemeinsamer Teiler
common measure
Transportunternehmer m
common carrier
Umgangssprache f
common speech
Verteidigungspolitik f
gemeinsame Verteidigungspolitik
defence policy, defense policy Am.
common defence policy
Vielfaches math.
kleinstes gemeinsames Vielfaches (kgV)
least common multiple (LCM)
Viervierteltakt m mus.
common time
Volksmund m
im Volksmund heißt es
common parlance
it's a popular saying
das Volkstümliche
the common touch
Zeitrechnung f
nach christlicher Zeitrechnung
nach jüdischer Zeitrechnung
unserer Zeitrechnung
according to the Christian calendar
according to the Jewish calendar
Common Era (CE)
Ziel n, Zielsetzung f, Zielvorstellung f
gemeinsame Ziele
common objectives
Zinnkraut n bot.
common horsetail
Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl n (Familie)
sense of a common bond
Zusammenschluss von Versicherern zur Deckung schwer versicherbarer Risiken
assigned risk pool
allgemein adj
allgemein bekannt sein
to be common currency
allgemein bekannt werden
to become common currency
current, (very) common
geläufig, allgemein bekannt adj
am geläufigsten
familiar, common
more common
most common
gemeinsam, gemeinschaftlich, zusammen adj, Gemein...
vieles gemeinsam haben
nichts gemeinsam haben
to have a lot in common
to have a nothing in common
gemeinsame Sache machen
to make common cause
gleichnamig adj (Brüche) math.
with a common denominator
gleichnamig machen (Brüche) math.
to bring down to a common denominator
häufig, weit verbreitet, gewöhnlich, gebräuchlich, üblich, normal adj
häufiger, gewöhnlicher, gebräuchlicher
am häufigsten, am gewöhnlichsten, am gebräuchlichsten
Es ist übliche Praxis.
more common, commoner
most common, commonest
It's common practice.
konzentrieren, zusammenfassen, bündeln, zusammenlegen
konzentrierend, zusammenfassend, bündelnd, zusammenlegend
konzentriert, zusammengefasst, gebündelt, zusammengelegt
to pool
landläufig adj
entgegen der landläufigen Meinung
common, popular
contrary to popular opinion
unmondän adj
unsophisticated, ordinary, run-of-the-mill, common
verbreitet adj
widespread, common
vernünftig, gesund adj
Ackersalat m bot.
corn salad, common corn salad, lamb's lettuce (Valerianella locusta)
Es ist allgemein bekannt.
It's a matter of common knowledge.
Sie kann gut mit Menschen umgehen.
She has the common touch.
Wir legen zusammen und reisen gemeinsam.
We'll pool expenses and travel together.
Gewöhnliche Meerbrasse f zool.
Gewöhnliche Meerbrassen pl
common seabream
common seabreams
(kleinere) Muschel f, Miesmuschel f zool.
Muscheln pl
zweischalige Muschel
mussel, common mussel
Krake m, Krake f ugs. zool.
Kraken pl
Common octopus
octopuses, octopi
Seezunge f zool.
Seezungen pl
Common sole
Common soles
Finnwal m, Finner m, Gemeiner Furchenwal m zool.
fin whale, finner, fin, finfish, finback, razorback, common rorqual, herring whale (Balaenoptera physalus)
Gemeiner Delfin m, Gewöhnlicher Delfin m, Unterarten: Kurzschnauzen Gemeiner Delfin m, Langschnauzen Gemeiner Delfin m zool.
common dolphin, saddleback dolphin, criss-cross dolphin, hourglass dolphin, cape dolphin, white-bellied porpoise, subspecies: short-beaked common dolphin, long-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis, Delphinus capensis)
Großer Tümmler zool.
bottlenose dolphin, grey porpoise, black porpoise, cowfish, common porpoise (Tursiops truncatus)
Schweinswal m, Kleiner Tümmler, Braunfisch m, Meeresschwein n zool.
harbour porpoise, common porpoise, puffing pig (Phocoena phocoena)
Bekassine f ornith.
Common Snipe (Gallinago gallinago)
Birkenzeisig m ornith.
Common Redpoll (Carduelis flammea)
Brandgans f ornith.
Common Shelduck (Tadorna tadorna)
Eiderente f ornith.
Common Eider (Somateria mollissima)
Eisvogel m ornith.
Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis), River Kingfisher
Fasan m ornith.
Common Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)
Flußseeschwalbe f ornith.
Common Tern (Sterna hirundo)

Deutsche Allmendegut {n}; Quasikollektivgut {n} Synonyme

Englische common-pool resource CPR ; common good Synonyme

common pool Definition

(v.) Belonging or relating equally, or similarly, to more than one
(v.) Belonging to or shared by, affecting or serving, all the members of a class, considered together
(v.) Often met with
(v.) Not distinguished or exceptional
(v.) Profane
(v.) Given to habits of lewdness
(n.) The people
(n.) An inclosed or uninclosed tract of ground for pleasure, for pasturage, etc., the use of which belongs to the public
(n.) The right of taking a profit in the land of another, in common either with the owner or with other persons
(v. i.) To converse together
(v. i.) To participate.
(v. i.) To have a joint right with others in common ground.
(v. i.) To board together
Common sense
() See Common sense, under Sense.
(n.) A small and rather deep collection of (usually) fresh water, as one supplied by a spring, or occurring in the course of a stream
(n.) A small body of standing or stagnant water
(n.) The stake played for in certain games of cards, billiards, etc.
(n.) A game at billiards, in which each of the players stakes a certain sum, the winner taking the whole
(n.) In rifle shooting, a contest in which each competitor pays a certain sum for every shot he makes, the net proceeds being divided among the winners.
(n.) Any gambling or commercial venture in which several persons join.
(n.) A combination of persons contributing money to be used for the purpose of increasing or depressing the market price of stocks, grain, or other commodities
(n.) A mutual arrangement between competing lines, by which the receipts of all are aggregated, and then distributed pro rata according to agreement.
(n.) An aggregation of properties or rights, belonging to different people in a community, in a common fund, to be charged with common liabilities.
(v. t.) To put together
(v. i.) To combine or contribute with others, as for a commercial, speculative, or gambling transaction.
Sea pool
() A pool of salt water.

common pool Bedeutung

pocket billiards
any of various games played on a pool table having pockets
numbers pool
numbers game
numbers racket
an illegal daily lottery
dirty pool conduct that is unfair or unethical or unsportsmanlike
common shiner
silversides Notropis cornutus
the common North American shiner
common canary
Serinus canaria
native to the Canary Islands and Azores, popular usually yellow cage bird noted for its song
common yellowthroat
Maryland yellowthroat
Geothlypis trichas
an American warbler
common starling
Sturnus vulgaris
gregarious bird having plumage with dark metallic gloss, builds nests around dwellings and other structures, naturalized worldwide
common European jay
Garullus garullus
fawnolored jay with black-and-white crest and blue-and-black wings
common nutcracker
Nucifraga caryocatactes
Old World nutcracker
common newt
Triturus vulgaris
small semiaquatic salamander
common snapping turtle
Chelydra serpentina
large-headed turtle with powerful hooked jaws found in or near water, prone to bite
common iguana
Iguana iguana
large herbivorous tropical American arboreal lizards with a spiny crest along the back, used as human food in Central America and South America
common kingsnake
Lampropeltis getulus
widespread in United States except northern regions, black or brown with yellow bands
common garter snake
Thamnophis sirtalis
a garter snake that is widespread in North America
common water snake
banded water snake
Natrix sipedon
Nerodia sipedon
in some classifications placed in the genus Nerodia, western United States snake that seldom ventures far from water
common viper
Vipera berus
small terrestrial viper common in northern Eurasia
common scoter
Melanitta nigra
a variety of scoter
common brant goose
Branta bernicla
the best known variety of brant goose
common opossum
Didelphis virginiana
Didelphis marsupialis
omnivorous opossum of the eastern United States, noted for feigning death when in danger, esteemed as food in some areas, considered same species as the crab-eating opossum of South America
common wallaby
Macropus agiles
a small wallaby having a height ofinches
common shrew
Sorex araneus
common American shrew
common roundworm
Ascaris lumbricoides
intestinal parasite of humans and pigs
common limpet
Patella vulgata
marine limpet
common spoonbill
Platalea leucorodia
pure white crested spoonbill of southern Eurasia and northeastern Africa
common murre
Uria aalge
the most frequent variety of murre
finback whale
fin whale
common rorqual
Balaenoptera physalus
large flat-headed whalebone whale having deep furrows along the throat, of Atlantic and Pacific
common dolphin
Delphinus delphis
black-and-white dolphin that leaps high out of the water,
pilot whale
black whale common blackfish
blackfish Globicephala melaena
small darkolored whale of the Atlantic coast of the United States, the largest male acts as pilot or leader for the school
harbor seal
common seal
Phoca vitulina
small spotted seal of coastal waters of the northern hemisphere
common lynx
Lynx lynx
of northern Eurasia
common louse
Pediculus humanus
head or body louse
common mosquito
Culex pipiens
common house mosquito
common wasp
Vespula vulgaris
a variety of vespid wasp
common pond-skater
Gerris lacustris
a variety of water strider
common booklouse
Trogium pulsatorium
a variety of booklouse
common European earwig
Forficula auricularia
sometimes destructive to cultivated bulbs
common zebra
Burchell's zebra
Equus Burchelli
of the plains of central and eastern Africa
common eland
Taurotragus oryx
dark fawnolored eland of southern and eastern Africa
common raccoon
common racoon
ringtail Procyon lotor
North American raccoon
common eel
freshwater eel
eels that live in fresh water as adults but return to sea to spawn, found in Europe and America, marketed both fresh and smoked
common American shad
Alosa sapidissima
shad of Atlantic coast of North America, naturalized to Pacific coast
common mackerel
shiner Scomber scombrus
important food fish of the northern Atlantic and Mediterranean, its body is greenish-blue with dark bars and small if any scales
common ax
common axe
Dayton ax
Dayton axe
an ax with a long handle and a head that has one cutting edge and one blunt side
common room a sitting room (usually at school or university)
cue stick
pool cue
pool stick
sports implement consisting of a tapering rod used to strike a cue ball in pool or billiards
pool an excavation that is (usually) filled with water
pool ball ball used in playing pool
pool table
billiard table
snooker table
game equipment consisting of a heavy table on which pool is played
swimming pool
swimming bath
pool that provides a facility for swimming, `swimming bath' is a British term
wading pool a shallow pool for children
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