
common sense Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

vernünftig, gesund adj
common sense
gesunder Menschenverstand
common sense
vernünftig; gesund adj
Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl n (Familie)
sense of a common bond
Anstandsgefühl n
sense of propriety; sense of (common) decency
gesunder Menschenverstand
mit gesundem Menschenverstand
common sense, sanity and reason
commonsense, commonsensical
das Diktat n +Gen. (Sachzwang; moralisches Gebot)
das Diktat der Mode
das Diktat der Vernunft
the dictates (of sth.)
the dictates of fashion
the dictates of common sense
Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl n; Gemeinschaftsgefühl n soc.
feeling sense of togetherness kinship a common bond (group family); communal spirit; feeling sense of solidarity; common identity; shared identity (society politics); team spirit (work sports)
Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl n; Gemeinschaftsgefühl n soc.
feeling sense of togetherness kinship a common bond (group, family); communal spirit; feeling sense of solidarity; common identity; shared identity (society, politics); team spirit (work, sports)
ein Funken m; Körnchen m von etw. (ein kleines Maß an etw.)
ein Körnchen Wahrheit
ein Funken (von) Ehrgefühl
jeder der auch nur einen Funken Verstand hat
ein Schauspieler ohne auch nur den geringsten Funken Talent
Es gibt noch einen Funken Hoffnung.
a modicum of sth. (formal)
a modicum of truth
e modicum of integrity
anyone with even a modicum of common sense intelligence
an actor without even a modicum of talent
There's still a modicum of hope.
ein Funken m; Körnchen n von etw. (ein kleines Maß an etw.)
ein Körnchen Wahrheit
ein Funken (von) Ehrgefühl
jeder, der auch nur einen Funken Verstand hat
ein Schauspieler ohne auch nur den geringsten Funken Talent
Es gibt noch einen Funken Hoffnung.
a modicum of sth. formal
a modicum of truth
e modicum of integrity
anyone with even a modicum of common sense intelligence
an actor without even a modicum of talent
There's still a modicum of hope.
gesunder Menschenverstand m; Verstand m; Hausverstand m Ös.
mit gesundem Menschenverstand
keinen Funken Verstand haben
seinen gesunden Menschenverstand benutzen
Ihm fehlt der gesunde Menschenverstand.
Sie war zumindest so gescheit die Polizei anzurufen.
common sense; horse sense; gumption; sanity and reason
commonsense; commonsensical
to have no more gumption than a grasshopper
to use common sense
He needs a little horse sense.
At least she had the gumption to phone the police.
gesunder Menschenverstand m; Verstand m; Hausverstand m Ös.
mit gesundem Menschenverstand
keinen Funken Verstand haben
seinen gesunden Menschenverstand benutzen
Ihm fehlt der gesunde Menschenverstand.
Er zweifelte langsam an seinem Verstand.
Sie war zumindest so gescheit, die Polizei anzurufen.
Es ist zum Verrücktwerden!
common sense; horse sense; gumption; sanity and reason; sanity
commonsense; commonsensical
to have no more gumption than a grasshopper
to use common sense
He needs a little horse sense.
He began to doubt his own sanity.
At least she had the gumption to phone the police.
It's enough to lose your sanity!
sich schnell auf neue Situationen einstellen; schnell reagieren; schnell schalten ugs.; sich schnell spontan etwas einfallen lassen; spontane Lösungen finden; fix sein ugs. v
Bei dieser Tätigkeit muss man sich schnell auf neue Situationen einstellen.
Sie musste viel Eigeninitiative aufbringen und spontane Entscheidungen treffen.
Er ist ein hervorragender Debattenredner, der blitzschnell reagiert.
Ich hatte von dieser Firma noch nie gehört, also musste ich mir schnell etwas einfallen lassen.
Ein Kabarettist muss improvisieren und schnell schalten können.
Da wird dann Hausverstand und schnelles Reagieren gefragt sein.
to think on your feet; to be quick on your feet
You have to think on your feet in this job.
She had to use a lot of initiative and think on her feet.
He's a brilliant debater, lightning quick on his feet.
I had never heard about that company before, so I had to think on my feet.
A satirical comedian needs to be able to improvise and think on his feet.
It's going to be a case of common sense and thinking on your feet.
Wissen n (Gesamtheit von Kenntnissen)
abgeleitetes Wissen
Alltagswissen n
Faktenwissen n
gesammeltes Wissen
gesichertes Wissen
Grundwissen n; Basiswissen n
implizites Wissen; stilles Wissen
Lehrbuchwissen n pej.
Herrschaftswissen n (Scheler); Machtwissen n (Faucault) phil.
Wahrnehmungswissen n
Wesenswissen n (Scheler) phil.
Wissen als Abbild der Wirklichkeit phil.
sein Wissen über etw. vertiefen
Die Gerätebedienung erfordert kein besonderes Wissen.; Die Bedienung des Geräts ist ohne besonderes Wissen möglich.
Wissen ist Macht. (Bacon)
Wissen ist Tugend. (Sokrates)
knowledge {no pl} (the sum of what is known) (knowledges)
derived knowledge; inferred knowledge
everyday knowledge; common-sense knowledge
knowledge of facts; factual knowledge; positive knowledge
body of acquired knowledge
established knowledge
basic knowledge; basics
tacit knowledge
textbook knowledge
knowledge for mastery (Scheler); power-knowledge; knowledge-power (Foucault)
perceptual knowledge
knowledge of essences (Scheler)
knowledge as an image of reality; knowledge as a copy of reality
to further expand your knowledge of sth.; to further your knowledge of sth.
No special knowledge is required to operate the machine.; It does not take much knowledge to operate the machine.
Knowledge is power. (Bacon)
Knowledge is virtue. (Socrates)

Deutsche vernünftig gesund {adj} Synonyme

angemessen  Âgescheit  (umgangssprachlich)  Ârational  Âsinnvoll  Âvernünftig  Âvernunftgemäß  
durchdacht  Âintelligent  Âklug  Ânützlich  Âsinnig  (umgangssprachlich)  Âsinnvoll  Âvernünftig  Âweise  Âweltklug  
gesund  Âvollwertig  
geistig  gesund  Ânormal  
gesund  (umgangssprachlich)  Âheilsam  
bei  Verstand  Âdenkfähig  Âmit  Verstand  begabt  Âurteilsfähig  Âvernünftig  Âverständig  Âzurechnungsfähig  
gesund  und  munter  Âquicklebendig  Âvital  Âvoller  Leben  
auf  die  Beine  kommen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âauskurieren  Âerholen  Âgenesen  Âgesund  machen  Âgesunden  Âheilen  Âwiederherstellen  
außer  Gefecht  (umgangssprachlich)  Âgesundheitlich  angegriffen  Âkrank  Âkränklich  Ânicht  gesund  Âsiech  Âverletzt  
auferstehen  Âaufleben  Âerstarken  Âgeheilt  werden  Âgenesen  Âgesund  werden  Âgesunden  Âsich  aufrichten  Âwieder  beleben  
fit  Âgesund  Âgut  in  Form  (umgangssprachlich)  Âin  Form  (umgangssprachlich)  Âwohlbehalten  
geistig gesund  normal  
gesund (umgangssprachlich)  heilsam  
gesund und munter  quicklebendig  vital  voller Leben  
gesund  vollwertig  

Englische common-sense Synonyme

common sense  admissibility  balance  cool head  coolheadedness  coolness  due sense of  good sense  gumption  horse sense  judgment  justifiability  justness  level head  levelheadedness  logic  logicality  logicalness  plain sense  plausibility  practical mind  practical wisdom  practicality  rationality  reason  reasonability  reasonableness  saneness  sanity  sense  sensibleness  sober-mindedness  soberness  sobriety  sound sense  soundness  sweet reason  wisdom  

common sense Definition

(v.) Belonging or relating equally, or similarly, to more than one
(v.) Belonging to or shared by, affecting or serving, all the members of a class, considered together
(v.) Often met with
(v.) Not distinguished or exceptional
(v.) Profane
(v.) Given to habits of lewdness
(n.) The people
(n.) An inclosed or uninclosed tract of ground for pleasure, for pasturage, etc., the use of which belongs to the public
(n.) The right of taking a profit in the land of another, in common either with the owner or with other persons
(v. i.) To converse together
(v. i.) To participate.
(v. i.) To have a joint right with others in common ground.
(v. i.) To board together
Common sense
() See Common sense, under Sense.
(v. t.) A faculty, possessed by animals, of perceiving external objects by means of impressions made upon certain organs (sensory or sense organs) of the body, or of perceiving changes in the condition of the body
(v. t.) Perception by the sensory organs of the body
(v. t.) Perception through the intellect
(v. t.) Sound perception and reasoning
(v. t.) That which is felt or is held as a sentiment, view, or opinion
(v. t.) Meaning
(v. t.) Moral perception or appreciation.
(v. t.) One of two opposite directions in which a line, surface, or volume, may be supposed to be described by the motion of a point, line, or surface.
(v. t.) To perceive by the senses

common sense Bedeutung

common shiner
silversides Notropis cornutus
the common North American shiner
common canary
Serinus canaria
native to the Canary Islands and Azores, popular usually yellow cage bird noted for its song
common yellowthroat
Maryland yellowthroat
Geothlypis trichas
an American warbler
common starling
Sturnus vulgaris
gregarious bird having plumage with dark metallic gloss, builds nests around dwellings and other structures, naturalized worldwide
common European jay
Garullus garullus
fawnolored jay with black-and-white crest and blue-and-black wings
common nutcracker
Nucifraga caryocatactes
Old World nutcracker
common newt
Triturus vulgaris
small semiaquatic salamander
common snapping turtle
Chelydra serpentina
large-headed turtle with powerful hooked jaws found in or near water, prone to bite
common iguana
Iguana iguana
large herbivorous tropical American arboreal lizards with a spiny crest along the back, used as human food in Central America and South America
common kingsnake
Lampropeltis getulus
widespread in United States except northern regions, black or brown with yellow bands
common garter snake
Thamnophis sirtalis
a garter snake that is widespread in North America
common water snake
banded water snake
Natrix sipedon
Nerodia sipedon
in some classifications placed in the genus Nerodia, western United States snake that seldom ventures far from water
common viper
Vipera berus
small terrestrial viper common in northern Eurasia
common scoter
Melanitta nigra
a variety of scoter
common brant goose
Branta bernicla
the best known variety of brant goose
common opossum
Didelphis virginiana
Didelphis marsupialis
omnivorous opossum of the eastern United States, noted for feigning death when in danger, esteemed as food in some areas, considered same species as the crab-eating opossum of South America
common wallaby
Macropus agiles
a small wallaby having a height ofinches
common shrew
Sorex araneus
common American shrew
common roundworm
Ascaris lumbricoides
intestinal parasite of humans and pigs
common limpet
Patella vulgata
marine limpet
common spoonbill
Platalea leucorodia
pure white crested spoonbill of southern Eurasia and northeastern Africa
common murre
Uria aalge
the most frequent variety of murre
finback whale
fin whale
common rorqual
Balaenoptera physalus
large flat-headed whalebone whale having deep furrows along the throat, of Atlantic and Pacific
common dolphin
Delphinus delphis
black-and-white dolphin that leaps high out of the water,
pilot whale
black whale common blackfish
blackfish Globicephala melaena
small darkolored whale of the Atlantic coast of the United States, the largest male acts as pilot or leader for the school
harbor seal
common seal
Phoca vitulina
small spotted seal of coastal waters of the northern hemisphere
common lynx
Lynx lynx
of northern Eurasia
common louse
Pediculus humanus
head or body louse
common mosquito
Culex pipiens
common house mosquito
common wasp
Vespula vulgaris
a variety of vespid wasp
common pond-skater
Gerris lacustris
a variety of water strider
common booklouse
Trogium pulsatorium
a variety of booklouse
common European earwig
Forficula auricularia
sometimes destructive to cultivated bulbs
common zebra
Burchell's zebra
Equus Burchelli
of the plains of central and eastern Africa
common eland
Taurotragus oryx
dark fawnolored eland of southern and eastern Africa
common raccoon
common racoon
ringtail Procyon lotor
North American raccoon
common eel
freshwater eel
eels that live in fresh water as adults but return to sea to spawn, found in Europe and America, marketed both fresh and smoked
common American shad
Alosa sapidissima
shad of Atlantic coast of North America, naturalized to Pacific coast
common mackerel
shiner Scomber scombrus
important food fish of the northern Atlantic and Mediterranean, its body is greenish-blue with dark bars and small if any scales
common ax
common axe
Dayton ax
Dayton axe
an ax with a long handle and a head that has one cutting edge and one blunt side
common room a sitting room (usually at school or university)
common denominator an attribute that is common to all members of a category
humor humour sense of humor
sense of humour
the trait of appreciating (and being able to express) the humorous, she didn't appreciate my humor, you can't survive in the army without a sense of humor
common wart a benign growth (often with a rough surface)
common touch the property of appealing to people in general (usually by appearing to have qualities in common with them)
common good
the good of a community
sense of purpose
the quality of having a definite purpose
sense organ
sensory receptor
an organ having nerve endings (in the skin or viscera or eye or ear or nose or mouth) that respond to stimulation
common carotid artery
common carotid
runs upward in the neck and divides into the external and internal carotid arteries
common iliac artery terminal branches of the abdominal aorta
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