
compass Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Kompass, Zirkel
Umkreis m
Seekompass m naut.
sea compass
radio compass
radio compass
Kompassnadel f
Kompasskurs m
compass bearing
Kompassqualle f (Chrysaora hysoscella) zool.
compass jellyfish
Schiffskompass m naut.
mariner's compass
Zirkel m (Sternbild) astron.
Circinus; Compass
Magnetkompass m
mariner's compass
Tonraum m, Umfang m (der Stimme) mus.
compass (of voice)
Schnellverstellzirkel m
spring bow compass
Tonraum m; Umfang m (der Stimme) mus.
compass (of voice)
Schiffskompass m (Sternbild) astron.
Pyxis; compass box
Kompass m
Kompasse pl, Kompen pl
point of the compass
Himmelsrichtung f
point of the compass
Lochsäge f techn.
Lochsägen pl
compass saw
compass saws
Falschweisung f
error in compass indication
Radiokompass m
Radiokompasse pl
radio compass
Grubenkompass m min.
mining compass; miner's dial
Gebiet n, Rahmen m
in kleinem Rahmen
in a small compass
Schiffhobel m mach.
Schiffhobel pl
compass plane
compass planes
Kompassnadel f
Kompassnadeln pl
compass needle
compass needles
jenseits des menschlichen Fassungsvermögens
beyond the compass of the human mind
Einsatzzirkel m
compass with interchangeable attachments
Abweichung f (Kompass, Flugbahn usw.) phys.
deviance; deviancy (compass, trajectory)
Hängekompass m
hanging compass; circumferentor (compass)
Stichsäge f
Stichsägen pl
pad saw; compass saw
pad saws; compass saws
Vermessungskompass m; Zirkumferentor m (Vermessungswesen)
surveyor's compass; circumferentor (surveying)
Kompassstrich m; nautischer Strich m; Windstrich m
point of the compass; compass point (marked point)
Windrose f
Windrosen pl
wind rose; compass card
wind roses; compass cards
Begriffsvermögen n; Fassungsvermögen n; Verständnis n; Einsicht f (für)
jenseits des menschlichen Fassungsvermögens
comprehension (of)
beyond the compass of the human mind
Ortsmissweisung f; (magnetische) Deklination f (Kompassnavigation) geogr. phys.
magnetic deviation; magnetic declination (compass navigation)
Steuerkurs m; gesteuerter Kurs m; Kompasskurs m aviat. naut.
mit nur einem Steuerkurs aviat.
heading hdg. ; compass heading; compass course
Magnetnadel f
Magnetnadeln pl
magnetic needle; compass needle
magnetic needles; compass needles
Windrose f; Winddiagramm n; Kompassrose f
Windrosen pl; Winddiagramme pl; Kompassrosen pl
wind rose; compass rose; compass card
wind roses; compass roses; compass cards
Himmelsrichtung f
Himmelsrichtungen pl
die vier Himmelsrichtungen
point of the compass; compass point
points of the compass; compass points
cardinal points
Gissen n aviat. naut.; Koppeln n naut. (ungefähre Positionsbestimmung anhand von Himmelsrichtung und zurückgelegter Entfernung)
dead reckoning (estimating the current position on the basis of compass point and distance travelled)
Einsatzzirkel m; Zirkel m math.
Mit dem Zirkel zieht man Kreise und Bögen.
a pair of compasses Br.; compasses Br.; compass Am.
A pair of compasses is used to draw circles and arcs.
Missweisung f
magnetische Missweisung
compass error
magnetic declination; variation of the magnetic needle; aberration of the magnetic needle; grid variation
Erkerfenster n arch.
Erkerfenster pl
polygonales Erkerfenster
rundes Erkerfenster
bay cant-bay window; bow oriel jutty window
bay cant-bay windows; bow oriel jutty windows
cant window
compass window
sich (gegen den Uhrzeigersinn) drehen; drehen (Wind, der von einer Himmelsrichtung auf eine andere dreht) v meteo. aviat. naut.
sich drehend; drehend
sich gedreht; gedreht
Der Wind hat auf Nordwest gedreht.
to back (wind changing anticlockwise from one compass point to another)
The wind has backed to the north-west.
Erkerfenster n arch.
Erkerfenster pl
polygonales Erkerfenster
rundes Erkerfenster
bay cant-bay window; bow window; oriel window; jutty window
bay cant-bay windows; bow windows; oriel windows; jutty windows
cant window
compass window
gissen aviat. naut.; koppeln naut. v (die derzeitige Position ungefähr anhand von Himmelsrichtung und zurückgelegter Entfernung bestimmen)
gissend; koppelnd
gegisst; gekoppelt
to make the dead reckoning (estimate the current position on the basis of compass point and distance travelled)
making the dead reckoning
made the dead reckoning
Position f; Lage f; Kurs m
Sonnenpeilung f
Gestirnpeilung f
Fremdpeilung f aviat. naut.
der gemessene beobachtete Winkel
etw. zur Standortbestimmung anpeilen
den Kompasskurs feststellen
bearing by the sun
bearing by stars
bearing by a radio-compass station
the bearing taken observed
to take a bearing on sth.
to take a compass bearing
Position f; Lage f; Kurs m
Sonnenpeilung f
Gestirnpeilung f
Fremdpeilung f aviat. naut.
der gemessene beobachtete Winkel
etw. zur Standortbestimmung anpeilen
den Kompasskurs feststellen
die Orientierung verlieren; in Verlegenheit geraten übtr.
bearing by the sun
bearing by stars
bearing by a radio-compass station
the bearing taken observed
to take a bearing on sth.
to take a compass bearing
to lose one's bearings
komprimiert; kompakt; kurz gefasst adv; auf engem engstem Raum; in kleinem Rahmen
etwas komprimert darstellen
sich in engen Grenzen in kleinem Rahmen bewegen
Seine Wünsche bewegen sich in engen Grenzen.
Die Innenstadt bietet auf engstem Raum sowohl historische als auch moderne Gebäude.
Die Sachlage ist einfach.
in a small compass
to state sth. in a small compass
to be in a small compass
His wants are in a small compass.
In a small compass the inner city includes both historic and modern buildings.
The facts are in a small compass.
komprimiert; kompakt; kurz gefasst adv; auf engem engstem Raum; in kleinem Rahmen
etwas komprimert darstellen
sich in engen Grenzen in kleinem Rahmen bewegen
Seine Wünsche bewegen sich in engen Grenzen.
Die Innenstadt bietet auf engstem Raum sowohl historische als auch moderne Gebäude.
Die Sachlage ist einfach.
in a small compass
to state sth. in a small compass
to be in a small compass
His wants are in a small compass.
In a small compass the inner city includes both historic and modern buildings.
The facts are in a small compass.
Kompass m
Kompasse pl; Kompanden pl
Geologenkompass m
Hängekompass m; Grubenkompass m
Kajütkompass m naut.
Kreiselkompass m
die Striche am Kompass
den Kompass anlegen
mit dem Kompass aufnehmen
bergmännischer Kompass
gedämpfter Kompass
geologist's compass
miner's compass; mine dial; mining dial
cabin compass
gyroscopic compass; gyrocompass; gyro compass
the points of the compass
to position the compass
to dial
miner's compass
aperiodical compass
sich (im Uhrzeigersinn) drehen; drehen (Wind, der von einer Himmelsrichtung auf eine andere dreht) v meteo. aviat. naut.
sich drehend; drehend
sich gedreht; gedreht
Der Wind drehte von Südlich auf Südwestlich.
Der Wind hat auf Süd gedreht
Der Wind drehte allmählich nach Osten.
to veer round; to veer (wind changing clockwise from one compass point to another)
veering round; veering
veered round; veered
The wind veered from southerly to south-westerly.
The wind has veered round to the south.
The wind was veering (to the) east.
Bereich m adm. jur.
Bereiche pl
Anwendungsbereich m; Geltungsbereich m
Aufgabenbereich m; Wirkungskreis m
Geschäftsrahmen m
der Geltungsbereich Anwendungsbereich eines Abkommens
der (sachliche) Geltungsbereich Anwendungsbereich eines Gesetzes
persönlicher Geltungsbereich
außerhalb jds. Aufgabenbereichs liegen
einen örtlich begrenzten Wirkungskreis haben
unter den Anwendungsbereich Geltungsbereich eines Gesetzes fallen
scope of application
scope of one's function
scope of business
the scope of an agreement
the scope of law
personal scope
to be beyond the scope of sb.'s function
to be local in scope
to come fall within the scope compass of a statute
Kompass m
Kompasse pl; Kompanden pl
bergmännischer Kompass; Markscheiderkompass m; Grubenkompass m; Hängekompass m
Dreikreiselkompass m
Geologenkompass m
Kajütkompass m naut.
Kreiselkompass m
Spiegelkompass m
die Striche am Kompass
den Kompass anlegen
mit dem Kompass aufnehmen
gedämpfter Kompass
miner's compass; mining dial; mine dial
triple compass
geologist's compass
cabin compass
gyroscopic compass; gyrocompass; gyro compass
mirror compass
the points of the compass
to position the compass
to dial
aperiodical compass
Himmelsrichtung f; Himmelsgegend poet. geogr.
die vier Haupthimmelsrichtungen; Himmelsrichtungen; Kardinalpunkte
(mehrfach unterteilte) Himmelsrichtungen auf der Kompass-Skala
Nebenhimmelsrichtungen auf der Kompass-Skala
Zwischenhimmelsrichtungen auf der Kompass-Skala
geographical direction; geographic direction
the four cardinal directions; the four cardinal points
points of the compass; compass points
intercardinal directions; ordinary directions; intercardinal (compass) points
secondary-intercardinal directions; secondary-intercardinal (compass) points
der Umfang von etw.; der Bereich von etw.
im Rahmen dieser Debatte dieses Buches usw.
jds. Kräfte übersteigen
jds. geistigen Horizont übersteigen
Das fällt in den Bereich der Philosophie und Religion.
Diese Fragestellung fällt nicht mehr in den Bereich meiner Forschungsarbeit.
Das liegt für Kleinkinder im Bereich des Möglichen.; Das ist für Kleinkinder zu schaffen.
the compass of sth.
within the compass of this debate book etc.
to be beyond the compass of sb.'s power
to be beyond the compass of sb.'s brain
This falls within the compass of philosophy and religion.
That issue falls beyond the compass of my research.
This is well within the compass of infant children.
der Umfang von etw.; der Bereich von etw.
im Rahmen dieser Debatte dieses Buches etc.
jds. Kräfte übersteigen
jds. geistigen Horizont übersteigen
Das fällt in den Bereich der Philosophie und Religion.
Diese Fragestellung fällt nicht mehr in den Bereich meiner Forschungsarbeit.
Das liegt für Kleinkinder im Bereich des Möglichen.; Das ist für Kleinkinder zu schaffen.
the compass of sth.
within the compass of this debate book etc.
to be beyond the compass of sb.'s power
to be beyond the compass of sb.'s brain
This falls within the compass of philosophy and religion.
That issue falls beyond the compass of my research.
This is well within the compass of infant children.

Deutsche Kompass Zirkel Synonyme

Bussole  (österr.)  ÂKompass  
Beirat  ÂGremium  ÂJunta  ÂKomitee  ÂKommission  ÂRat  ÂZirkel  
Diskussionsrunde  ÂGesprächskreis  ÂGesprächsrunde  ÂSitzung  ÂTalkrunde  ÂZirkel  

Englische compass Synonyme

compass  Gyrosin compass  Johansson block  RDF  T square  accept  accomplish  achieve  acquire  aesthetic distance  alentours  ambience  ambit  amount  annex  attain  beleaguer  beset  besiege  blockade  border line  borderlands  bound  boundaries  boundary  boundary condition  boundary line  bounds  bourn  bourns  box in  break boundary  breakoff point  bring off  bring through  cage  caliber  calipers  carry  carry off  catch  ceiling  chain  chamber  chromatic scale  circle  circuit  circuiteer  circulate  circumambiencies  circumambulate  circumference  circumjacencies  circummigrate  circumnavigate  circumscription  circumstances  circumvent  clearance  close  close in  close the circle  come full circle  compass about  comprehend  confine  confines  consummate  contain  context  coop  coop in  coop up  coordinates  cordon  cordon off  corral  crown with success  cut  cutoff  cutoff point  cycle  deadline  deal with  deep space  degree  delimitation  depths of space  describe a circle  determinant  dial  diapason  dig  dipstick  direction finder  discharge  dispatch  dispose of  distance  divergence  dividers  division line  do  do the job  do the trick  dodecuple scale  domain  edges  effect  effectuate  embay  embosom  embrace  enact  encircle  enclasp  enclose  enclosure  encompass  end  enfold  enharmonic scale  enshrine  entourage  envelop  environ  environing circumstances  environment  environs  enwrap  execute  extension  extent  extremity  farness  feeler gauge  fence in  fetch  field  finish  flank  floor  foot rule  fringes  frontier  fulfill  gain  gamut  gauge block  gestalt  get  get by  gird  girdle  girdle the globe  go about  go around  go round  go the round  goniometer  grade  gradiometer  graduated scale  grasp  great scale  gyre  gyrocompass  gyroscopic compass  gyrostatic compass  habitat  have  hedge  hedge in  height  hem  hem in  high-water mark  house in  impound  imprison  incarcerate  include  inertial navigation system  infinity  in  
compassion  acceptance  affectionateness  benevolence  benignancy  benignity  brotherhood  charity  clemency  clementness  commiseration  condolence  easiness  easygoingness  empathy  favor  feeling  feeling of kinship  fellow feeling  forbearance  forbearing  forgiveness  fraternal feeling  gentleness  goodness  goodness of heart  grace  graciousness  heart of gold  humaneness  humanity  kindheartedness  kindliness  kindly disposition  kindness  laxness  lenience  leniency  lenientness  lenity  loving kindness  mercifulness  mercy  mildness  mitigation  moderateness  niceness  pardon  pathos  patience  pity  quarter  relief  reprieve  rue  ruth  self-pity  softheartedness  softness  soul of kindness  sympathy  tenderheartedness  tenderness  tolerance  warmheartedness  warmth  warmth of heart  
compassionate  Christian  Christlike  Christly  accepting  ache  affectionate  benign  benignant  bleeding  brotherly  charitable  clement  commiserate  commiserative  condolent  decent  deplore  easy  easygoing  feel for  forbearant  forbearing  forgiving  fraternal  gentle  good  gracious  grieve over  human  humane  kind  kindhearted  kindly  kindly-disposed  lament  lax  lenient  loving  melting  merciful  mild  moderate  mourn  nice  patient  piteous  pitiful  pity  pitying  regret  repine  responsive  ruthful  soft  softhearted  sympathetic  sympathize with  sympathizing  tender  tenderhearted  tolerant  understanding  warm  warmhearted  

compass Definition

(n.) An arcograph.
(n.) A small pair of compasses, one leg of which carries a pencil, or a pen, for drawing circles. Its legs are often connected by a bow-shaped spring, instead of by a joint.
(n.) A pair of compasses, with a bow or arched plate riveted to one of the legs, and passing through the other.
(n.) A passing round
(n.) An inclosing limit
(n.) An inclosed space
(n.) Extent
(n.) Moderate bounds, limits of truth
(n.) The range of notes, or tones, within the capacity of a voice or instrument.
(n.) An instrument for determining directions upon the earth's surface by means of a magnetized bar or needle turning freely upon a pivot and pointing in a northerly and southerly direction.
(n.) A pair of compasses.
(n.) A circle
(v. t.) To go about or entirely round
(v. t.) To inclose on all sides
(v. t.) To reach round
(v. t.) To curve
(v. t.) To purpose
Sea compass
() The mariner's compass. See under Compass.

compass Bedeutung

circular plane
compass plane
a plane with a flexible face that can plane concave or convex surfaces
compass navigational instrument for finding directions
compass drafting instrument used for drawing circles
compass card
mariner's compass
compass in the form of a card that rotates so that
degrees or North points to magnetic north
compass saw a handsaw with a narrow triangular blade for cutting curves
magnetic compass compass based on an indicator (as a magnetic needle) that points to the magnetic north
radio compass a direction finder that gives a bearing by determining the direction of incoming radio signals
an area in which something acts or operates or has power or control: the range of a supersonic jet, a piano has a greater range than the human voice, the ambit of municipal legislation, within the compass of this article, within the scope of an investigation, outside the reach of the law, in the political orbit of a world power
the limit of capability, within the compass of education
compass plant
compass flower
any of several plants having leaves so arranged on the axis as to indicate the cardinal points of the compass
prairie bird's-foot trefoil
compass plant prairie lotus
prairie trefoil
Lotus americanus
North American annual with red or roseolored flowers
compass point
any of horizontal directions indicated on the card of a compass, he checked the point on his compass
cardinal compass point one of the four main compass points
north magnetic north
compass north
the direction in which a compass needle points
get the picture
get the meaning of something, Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?
travel around, either by plane or ship, We compassed the earth
bring about, accomplish, This writer attempts more than his talents can compass
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A compass is an instrument used for navigation and orientation that shows direction relative to the geographic "cardinal directions", or "points". Usually, a diagram called a compass rose, shows the directions north, south, east, and west on the compass face as abbreviated initials. When the compass is used, the rose can be aligned with the corresponding geographic directions, so, for example, the "N" mark on the rose really points to the north. Frequently, in addition to the rose or sometimes instead of it, angle markings in degrees are shown on the compass. North corresponds to zero degrees, and the angles increase clockwise, so east is 90 degrees, south is 180, and west is 270. These numbers allow the compass to show azimuths or bearings, which are commonly stated in this notation.