
compound Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Mischung f
Verbindung f
Verbund m, Verbund...
zusammengesetzt adj
verbinden, zusammensetzen, Praeparat
zusammengesetztes Wort
eingefriedeter Platz; eingezäunte Siedlung f
compoundieren; mischen v chem.
compound item
compound yield
compound entry
Laufflächenmischung f (Reifen)
tread compound
Doppelverbindung f
double compound
Ceriumverbindung f chem.
cerium compound
Abdichtmasse f, Abdichtungsmasse f
sealing compound
Schneideöl n
cutting compound
Vergussmasse f
potting compound
Kissenmischung f
cushion compound
Unterplattenmischung f
cushion compound
Abdichtmasse f; Abdichtungsmasse f
sealing compound
Unterplattenmischung f (Reifen)
cushion compound
compound interest
Additionsverbindung f
addition compound
Ausfugmasse f
jointing compound
Ausgangsverbindung f
starting compound
Chlorverbindung f chem.
chlorine compound
Dichtstoff m
jointing compound
Satzgefüge n
compound sentence
Zinseszins m fin.
compound interest
compound sentence
Syndiazoverbindung f chem.
syndiazo compound
Einschlussverbindung f
inclusion compound
Polierpaste f techn.
polishing compound
Verbund m
compound structure
compound structure
Flachverbund... electr.
level compound(ed)
Käfigeinschlussverbindung f; Einschlussverbindung f; Käfigverbindung f; Inklusionsverbindung f; Clathrat n chem.
inclusion compound
Kali n chem.
potassium compound
Wärmeableitpaste f
heat sink compound
Elastomermischung f techn.
elastomer compound
Flachverbund… electr.
level compound(ed)
Blattinhaltsstoff m biochem.
leaf borne compound
Poliermittel n (für das Polierdrücken) techn.
burnishing compound
Blattinhaltsstoff m bot.
leaf borne compound
Kompositum n
Komposita pl
Präparat n
Präparate pl
ein Problem verschärfen; eine Sache schlimmer machen v
to compound a problem
Zinseszinsmethode f fin.
use of compound interest
Antidröhnmittel n
sound-absorptive compound
Syndiazoverbindung f (Färberei) obs.
syndiazo compound (dyeing)
Zinseszinsen berechnen v fin.
to compound interest Am.
zusammengesetzte Profilstütze f
column of compound sections
komplexe Verwerfung f (Fehler im Holz)
compound (defect in timber)
Hebel-Vornschneider m
compound-leverage end cutter
Reparaturkitt m (Keramik)
plugging compound (ceramics)
Imidazol n (organische Verbindung) chem.
imidazole (organic compound)
Verfestigen n; Stabilisieren n; Beständigmachen n (einer Bindung) chem.
stabilization (of a compound)
Hydrazin n (Stickstoffverbindung) chem.
hydrazine (nitrogen compound)
Abstellplatz m
Abstellplätze pl
compound site
compound sites
Gebäudekomplex m
eingezäunter oder umwallter Gebäudekomplex, Residenz
complex of buildings
compound computation of interest
Zinseszinsrechnung f fin.
compound computation of interest
Kreuztisch m
Kreuztische pl
compound table
compound tables
Zinseszinsrechnung f; Zinseszinsberechnung f fin.
compound computation of interest
Azoverbindung f; Azoxyverbindung f chem.
Azoverbindungen pl; Azoxyverbindungen pl
azoxy compound
azoxy compounds
Diazoverbindung f chem.
Diazoverbindungen pl
diazo compound
diazo compounds
mehrgliedrig; vielgliedrig; polynomisch adj math.
compound; multi-term; polynomial
Hebel-Seitenschneider m
compound-leverage diagonal cutter
Abdruckmasse f
molding compound, casting compound
Abdruckmasse f
molding compound; casting compound
Kohlenstoffverbindung f chem.
Kohlenstoffverbindungen pl
carbon compound
carbon compounds
Sauerstoffverbindung f chem.
Sauerstoffverbindungen pl
oxygen compound
oxygen compounds
ein Element eine Verbindung halogenieren; in ein Halogenid überführen v
to halogenate an element a compound
Bromverbindung f chem.
Bromverbindungen pl
bromine compound
bromine compounds
Arsenverbindung f chem.
Arsenverbindungen pl
arsenic compound
arsenic compounds
Eisen-2-verbindung f; Eisen(II)-verbindung f; Ferroverbindung f obs. chem.
Eisen-2-verbindungen pl; Eisen(II)-verbindungen pl; Ferroverbindungen pl
ferrous compound
ferrous compounds
ein Element eine Verbindung karboxylieren v chem.
to carboxylate an element a compound
Doppelbruch m
Doppelbrüche pl
compound fraction
compound fractions
tilgen, in Raten abzahlen v
tilgend, in Raten abzahlend
getilgt, in Raten abgezahlt
to compound
verschlimmern, erschweren v
verschlimmernd, erschwerend
verschlimmert, erschwert
to compound
Ausgangsverbindung f
Ausgangsverbindungen pl
starting compound
starting compounds
Doppelbruch m math.
Doppelbrüche pl
compound fraction
compound fractions
Isotopenverbindung f chem.
Isotopenverbindungen pl
isotopic compound
isotopic compounds
Wasserstoffverbindung f chem.
Wasserstoffverbindungen pl
hydrogen compound
hydrogen compounds
Zinseszins m fin.
Zinseszinsen pl
compound interest
compound interests
tilgen; in Raten abzahlen v
tilgend; in Raten abzahlend
getilgt; in Raten abgezahlt
to compound
verschlimmern; erschweren v
verschlimmernd; erschwerend
verschlimmert; erschwert
to compound
Carbonylverbindung f chem.
Carbonylverbindungen pl
carbonyl compound
carbonyl compounds
Werkstoffverbund m; Materialverbund m techn.
Werkstoffverbunde pl; Materialverbunde pl
material compound
material compounds
Fugenversteichmasse; Fugenmasse; Ausfugmasse f constr.
pointing composition; pointing compound
sich mit seinem Gegner auf etw. einigen v jur. pol.
to compound with your adversary for sth.
Lunkerverhütungsmittel n; Lunkerabdeckmasse f; Lunkerabdeckpulver n (Metallurgie)
antipiping compound; liquefier (metallurgy)
anorganisch adj
anorganische Verbindung f
inorganic; non-organic
inorganic compound
sich verständigen, sich einigen v (mit)
sich verständigend, sich einigend
sich verständigt, sich geeinigt
to compound (with)
sich verständigen; sich einigen v (mit)
sich verständigend; sich einigend
sich verständigt; sich geeinigt
to compound (with)
Pendel n
mathematisches Pendel
physikalisches Pendel
simple pendulum
compound pendulum
etw. pauschalieren
to compound for sth.
etw. pauschalieren v
to compound for sth.
Schleifpaste f techn.
grinding paste; abrasive paste; rubbing compound
Dichtmasse f
sealing agent, sealing compound, jointing compound
Arzneimittelkandidat m pharm.
Arzneimittelkandidaten pl
candidate drug compound
candidate drug compounds
Dichtmasse f
sealing agent; sealing compound; jointing compound
Aluminiumverbundfolie f
aluminium compound foil, aluminum compound foil Am.
Einwellenanordnung f (Turbine) mach.
single-shaft arrangement, tandem-compound arrangement
Aluminiumverbundfolie f
aluminium compound foil; aluminum compound foil Am.
Einwellenanordnung f (Turbine) mach.
single-shaft arrangement; tandem-compound arrangement
Einwellenanordnung f (Turbine) techn.
single-shaft arrangement; tandem-compound arrangement
Facettenauge n; Fassettenauge n; Komplexauge n; Netzauge n zool.
Facettenaugen pl; Fassettenaugen pl; Komplexaugen pl; Netzaugen pl
compound eye; faceted eye
compound eyes; faceted eyes
Facettenauge n; Komplexauge n; Netzauge n zool.
Facettenaugen pl; Komplexaugen pl; Netzaugen pl
compound eye; faceted eye
compound eyes; faceted eyes
Gebäudekomplex m
Gebäudekomplexe pl
eingezäunter oder umwallter Gebäudekomplex; Residenz
complex of buildings
complexes of buildings
Unterbodenschutz m auto
underbody coating; underbody sealing compound; underseal
Kreuzsupporttisch m; Kreuztisch m mach.
Kreuzsupporttische pl; Kreuztische pl
compound table; cross table
compound tables; cross tables
Gesamtschneidwerkzeug n
combination cutting tool; compound press tool; compound die
Futterpellet n agr.
Futterpellets pl
compound feed; animal pellet
compound feed; animal pellets
Verbund m
Verbunde pl; Verbünde pl
compound; compound structure
compounds; compound structures
verbinden, zusammensetzen, mischen v
verbindend, zusammensetzend, mischend
verbunden, zusammengesetzt, gemischt
verbindet, setzt zusammen, mischt
verband, setzte zusammen, mischte
to compound
verbinden; zusammensetzen; mischen v
verbindend; zusammensetzend; mischend
verbunden; zusammengesetzt; gemischt
verbindet; setzt zusammen; mischt
verband; setzte zusammen; mischte
to compound
Proteinkunststoff m
Proteinkunststoffe pl
protein base moulding compound
protein base moulding compounds
Eisenverbindung f; Ferriverbindung f obs. chem.
Eisenverbindungen pl; Ferriverbindungen pl
iron compound; ferric compound
iron compounds; ferric compounds
Gehrungssäge f mach.
Gehrungssägen pl
Kapp- und Gehrungssäge
miter saw; mitre saw
miter saws; mitre saws
compound miter saw
Fugenabdichtungsmasse f; Fugendichtungsmasse f; Fugenmasse f constr.
joint sealing material; joint seal; joint sealant; sealant compound
Hoffmannstropfen pl; Hoffmannsgeist m; Ätherweingeist m pharm.
Hoffmann's anodyne; compound spirit of ether; aetheris spiritus compositus
etw. noch verschlimmern; schlimmer machen v
verschlimmernd; schlimmer machend
verschlimmert; schlimmer gemacht
to compound sth. Br. (make a bad thing worse)
Futter n; Viehfutter n; Tierfutter n agr.
Mischfutter n
Pressfutter n; pelletiertes Futter
Schweinefutter n
fodder; animal feed; animal food
compound feed
pelleted feed
pig feed
Angriff m (Fechten) sport
Gegenangriff m
Laufangriff m; Sturzangriff m; Flèche
zusammengesetzter Angriff
attack (fencing)
running attack; flèche
compound attack
Betondichtungsmittel n; Betondichtmittel n constr.
concrete waterproofing compound; (integral) concrete waterproofing admixture
(Streit) beilegen v
to resolve, to compound (dispute)
resolving, compounding
resolved, compounded
(Streit) beilegen v
to resolve; to compound (dispute)
resolving; compounding
resolved; compounded
razemisch; racemisch; Razemat...; Racemat... adj chem.
razemisches Gemisch; razemisches Konglomerat
razemische Verbindung
racemic mixture; racemic conglomerate
racemic compound; true racemate
razemisch; racemisch; Razemat…; Racemat… adj chem.
razemisches Gemisch; razemisches Konglomerat
razemische Verbindung
racemic mixture; racemic conglomerate
racemic compound; true racemate
zusammengesetztes Wort n; Kompositum n ling.
zusammengesetzte Wörter pl; Komposita pl
zusammengesetztes Substantiv; Nominalkompositum n
compound (word formed by combining two or more words)
composite noun
anorganisch adj
anorganischer Stoff
anorganische Verbindung f
inorganic; non-organic
inorganic substance; inorganic matter
inorganic compound
pharmakologisch adv pharm.
ein pharmakologisch wirksamer Stoff
a pharmacologically active substance; a pharmacologically active compound
flüchtig, unbeständig adj
nichtflüchtig, permanent adj
flüchtige Bestandteile
flüchtiger Speicher comp.
flüchtige organische Verbindungen chem.
volatile matter
volatile storage
volatile organic compound (VOC)
flüchtig; unbeständig adj chem. comp.
nichtflüchtig; permanent adj
flüchtige Bestandteile
flüchtiger Speicher comp.
flüchtige organische Verbindungen chem.
volatile matter
volatile storage
volatile organic compound VOC
(chemische) Verbindung f
Verbindungen pl
metallorganische Verbindung
niedermolekulare Verbindung
optisch aktive Verbindung
organometallic compound
low-molecular compound
optically active compound
Verbundwerkstoff m; Verbundmaterial n
Verbundwerkstoffe pl; Verbundmaterialien pl
composite; composite material; compound material
composites; composite materials; compound materials
gefiedert (Blattform) adj bot.
doppelt gefiedert
mehrfach gefiedert
paarig gefiedert
unpaarig gefiedert
unpaarig gefiederte Blätter
frequently compound
imparipinnate, odd-pinnate
imparipinnate leaves
Pendel n
Pendel pl
das Pendel einer Uhr
mathematisches Pendel
physikalisches Pendel
Foucault'sches Pendel
pendulums; pendula
the pendulum of a clock
simple pendulum
compound pendulum
Foucault pendulum
Wärmeleitpaste f techn.
heat sink compound, thermolube, heat transfer compound, thermo-lubricant, heat conducting paste, thermal interface material
gefiedert adj (Blattform) bot.
doppelt gefiedert
mehrfach gefiedert
paarig gefiedert
unpaarig gefiedert
pinnate (leaf shape)
twice pinnate; bipinnate
frequently compound
even-pinnate; paripinnate
odd-pinnate; imparipinnate
Wärmeleitpaste f techn.
heat sink compound; thermolube; heat transfer compound; thermo-lubricant; heat conducting paste; thermal interface material (goop)
Pendel n
Pendel pl
Pendelgewicht n
das Pendel einer Uhr
mathematisches Pendel
physikalisches Pendel
Foucault'sches Pendel
pendulums; pendula
tup of the pendulum
the pendulum of a clock
simple pendulum
compound pendulum
Foucault pendulum
Gießmörtel m; Vergussmörtel m; Vergussmasse f constr.
Einpressmörtel m; Injektionsmörtel m; Injektionsmittel n; Mörtelschlamm m
Fugenmörtel m; Fugmörtel m; Fugenmasse f (zum Verfugen von Fliesen)
Putzmörtel m
dünnflüssiger Putzmörtel m; Putzschlämme f
grouting compound; grout
injection grout
tiling grout; jointing mortar
finishing grout
highly fluid grout for roughcasting walls
Zwillingskristall m min.
Zwillingskristalle pl
twin crystal; compound crystal; geminate crystal; macle; hemitrope
twin crystals; compound crystals; geminate crystals; macles; hemitropes
Blattfeder f techn.
Blattfedern pl
leaf spring; laminated spring; coach spring; plate spring; compound spring
leaf springs; laminated springs; coach springs; plate springs; compound springs
Einmaleins n
kleines Einmaleins
großes Einmaleins
das Einmaleins lernen
multiplication-table, multiplication tables, tables
simple multiplication, tables up to ten
compound multiplication, tables over ten
to learn one's tables

Deutsche Mischung {f} Synonyme

Gebräu  ÂGemisch  ÂMischung  ÂMix  
Legierung  ÂMischung  (von  Metallen)  
Allerlei  ÂGemisch  ÂMelange  ÂMischung  ÂMix  
Gemenge  ÂMischung  ÂMixtur  ÂVermischung  

Englische compound Synonyme

compound  accommodate  acid  acidity  acronym  acrostic  add  add to  adjust  admix  admixture  agent  aggrandize  aggravate  alkali  alkalinity  alloisomer  alloy  alloyage  amalgam  amalgamate  amalgamation  anion  antacid  assemblage  assemble  assembly  assimilate  associate  atom  augment  avyayibhava  back formation  base  bemingle  biochemical  blend  boost  bracket  brew  build  building  buildup  cast  cation  chemical  chemical element  chromoisomer  clipped word  coadunate  coalesce  combination  combine  combo  come together  commingle  commix  commixture  complex  complicated  compose  composite  composition  compost  comprise  compromise  concoct  concoction  confection  conglomerate  conjugate  connect  consolidate  consolidation  constitution  construct  construction  cop out  copolymer  couple  create  decoct  devise  dimer  duck responsibility  dvandva  dvigu  elaborate  element  embodiment  embody  emulsify  encompass  endocentric compound  enhance  enlarge  ensemble  erect  evade responsibility  evolve  exacerbate  exocentric compound  expand  extend  extrude  fabricate  fabrication  fashion  fashioning  fix up  flux  form  formation  formulate  frame  fudge together  fuse  fusion  get up  getup  give and take  give way  go fifty-fifty  go together  hash  heavy chemicals  heighten  high polymer  homogenize  homopolymer  hydracid  immingle  immix  immixture  include  incorporate  incorporation  increase  indite  inorganic chemical  integrate  intensify  interblend  interfuse  interlace  interlard  intermingle  intermix  intermixture  intertwine  interweave  intricate  involved  ion  isomer  join  jumble  junction  knead  link  lump together  macromolecule  magma  magnify  make  make a deal  make an adjustment  make concessions  make one  make up  makeup  manufacture  mature  meet halfway  meld  melt into one  merge  merger  merging  metamer  mingle  mingle-mangle  mix  mix up  mixture  mold  molecule  monomer  multifaceted  multiform  multiple  mu  

compound Definition

(n.) In the East Indies, an inclosure containing a house, outbuildings, etc.
(v. t.) To form or make by combining different elements, ingredients, or parts
(v. t.) To put together, as elements, ingredients, or parts, in order to form a whole
(v. t.) To modify or change by combination with some other thing or part
(v. t.) To compose
(v. t.) To settle amicably
(v. i.) To effect a composition
(v. t.) Composed of two or more elements, ingredients, parts
(n.) That which is compounded or formed by the union or mixture of elements ingredients, or parts
(n.) A union of two or more ingredients in definite proportions by weight, so combined as to form a distinct substance
To compound a felony
() See under Compound, v. t.

compound Bedeutung

anti-TNF compound a class of drugs that block the action of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), used in cases of rheumatoid arthritis because TNF instigates inflammation of the joints
compound an enclosure of residences and other building (especially in the Orient)
compound lens a lens system consisting of two or more lenses on the same axis
compound lever a pair of levers hinged at the fulcrum
compound microscope light microscope that has two converging lens systems: the objective and the eyepiece
explosive compound a compound that is explosive
physical pendulum
compound pendulum
pendulum consisting of an actual object allowed to rotate freely around a horizontal axis
compound eye in insects and some crustaceans: composed of many light-sensitive elements each forming a portion of an image
compound a whole formed by a union of two or more elements or parts
compound morphology the part of grammar that deals with combinations of simple words into compound words
compound sentence a sentence composed of at least two coordinate independent clauses
compound pistil consists of two or more fused carpels
compound leaf a leaf composed of a number of leaflets on a common stalk
compound interest interest calculated on both the principal and the accrued interest
compound number a quantity expressed in two different units, one hour and ten minutes
complex fraction
compound fraction
a fraction with fractions in the numerator or denominator
compound fracture
open fracture
bone fracture associated with lacerated soft tissue or an open wound
alicyclic compound an aliphatic compound that contains a ring of atoms
aliphatic compound organic compound that is an alkane or alkene or alkyne or their derivative
aromatic compound a hydrocarbon containing one or more benzene rings that are characteristic of the benzene series of compounds
anionic compound a compound characterized by an active anion
binary compound chemical compound composed of only two elements
chelate compound
a heterocyclic compound having a metal ion attached by coordinate bonds to at least two nonmetal ions
quaternary ammonium compound a compound derived from ammonium with hydrogen atoms replaced by organic groups, used as surface-active agents, disinfectants, and in drugs
organic compound any compound of carbon and another element or a radical
conjugated protein
compound protein
a protein complex combining amino acids with other substances
coordination compound
a compound described in terms of the central atom to which other atoms are bound or coordinated
chemical compound
(chemistry) a substance formed by chemical union of two or more elements or ingredients in definite proportion by weight
inorganic compound any compound that does not contain carbon
heterocyclic compound
a compound containing a heterocyclic ring
spackling compound
powder (containing gypsum plaster and glue) that when mixed with water forms a plastic paste used to fill cracks and holes in plaster
put or add together, combine resources
intensify compound heighten deepen make more intense, stronger, or more marked, The efforts were intensified, Her rudeness intensified his dislike for her, Pot smokers claim it heightens their awareness, This event only deepened my convictions
combine so as to form a whole, mix, compound the ingredients
compound create by mixing or combining
compound calculate principal and interest
compound composed of more than one part, compound leaves are composed of several lobes, compound flower heads
composed of many distinct individuals united to form a whole or colony, coral is a colonial organism
compound consisting of two or more substances or ingredients or elements or parts, soap is a compound substance, housetop is a compound word, a blackberry is a compound fruit
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