
computer intensive Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Verfahren mit intensivem Computer-Einsatz
computer-intensive technology
arbeitsintensives Verfahren
labour-intensive technology
Computersprache, Programmiersprache
computer language
intensive Bearbeitung
intensive cultivation
intensive Werbung
intensive advertising
maschinenintensives Verfahren
machine-intensive technology
computer centre
Verfahren mit intensivem Computer-Einsatz
computer-intensive technology
Ablaufrechner f
object computer
Abrechnungscomputer m comp.
Abrechnungscomputer pl
accounting computer
accounting computers
Abteilungsrechner m
departmental computer
Airbag-Steuergerät n auto
airbag computer
Akkumulatorrechner m
accumulator computer
Allzweckrechner m, Universalrechner m comp.
Allzweckrechner pl, Universalrechner pl
all-purpose computer
all-purpose computers
Analogrechner m
analog computer
Arbeitsplatzrechner m
workstation computer
Asynchronrechner m comp.
asynchronous computer
Ausgabe: Computerdateien
Edition: Computer files
Bordcomputer m
Bordcomputer pl
on-board computer
on-board computers
Bordcomputer m (Schiff) naut.
seaborne computer
Bordcomputer m in Raum- oder Luftfahrzeugen
airborne computer
Bordrechner m bei Fahrzeugen
on-board computer
Bürocomputer m
business computer
Bürocomputer m
office computer
Computer m, Rechner m, Datenverarbeitungsanlage f comp.
Computer pl, Rechner pl, Datenverarbeitungsanlagen pl
einen Computer hochfahren, starten
arbeitender Rechner
to boot a computer
active computer
Computerabteilung f
Computerabteilungen pl
computer department
computer departments
Computeranwendung f comp.
Computeranwendungen pl
computer application
computer applications
Computerausdruck m comp.
computer printout
Computerausgabe auf Mikrofilm (COM)
computer-output microfilm
Computerberechnung f
Computerberechnungen pl
computer calculation
computer calculations
Computerbetrug m, Computerkriminalität f
computer fraud
Computerfreak m
Computerfreaks pl
computer freak, computer nerd
computer freaks, computer nerds
Computergeneration f
computer generation
Computergeschäft n, Computerladen m
Computergeschäfte pl, Computerläden pl
computer shop, computer store
computer shops, computer stores
Computergeschäft n
computer business
Computergestützter Leistungsprüfstand
computer-controlled performance test station
Computergrafik f, Computergraphik f comp.
computer graphics
Computerhersteller m
Computerhersteller pl
computer manufacturer
computer manufacturers
Computerkenntnisse pl
computer skills
Computerkriminalität f
computer crime
Computernetzwerk n
computer network
Computerpapier n
computer stationary
Computerpersonal n
computer staff
Computerprogramm n
Computerprogramme pl
computer program
computer programs
Computersatz m (Drucktechnik)
computer composition
Computersimulation f comp.
Computersimulationen pl
computer simulation
computer simulations
Computersystem n, Rechnersystem n comp.
Computersysteme pl, Rechnersysteme pl
computer system
computer systems
Computerspiel n comp.
Computerspiele pl
computer game
computer games
Computerspieler m, Computerspielerin f comp.
Computerspieler pl, Computerspielerinnen pl
online gamer, computer gamer
online gamers, computer gamers
Computertechnik f, Rechentechnik f
computer engineering
Computertomografie f, Computertomographie f (Schichtaufnahme des Körpers) (CT) med.
computer tomography (CT), CT scanning
Computer-Notdienst m
computer emergency service
DV-Mitarbeiter pl
computer personnel
Datenerfassungssystem n
computer data logging system
Datenverarbeitung f
Datenverarbeitungen pl
automatisierte Datenverarbeitung f
dezentralisierte Datenverarbeitung f
graphische Datenverarbeitung f
kommerzielle Datenverarbeitung f
data processing, data handling
data processings
automatic data processing
decentralized data processing
computer graphics
business data processing
Desktop-Computer m, Schreibtischrechner m, Tischrechner m comp.
desktop computer
Dialogrechner m
interactive computer
Digitalrechner m
digital computer
Doppelrechner m (zur Sicherung) comp.
duplex computer
EDV-Anwendung f comp.
EDV-Anwendungen pl
computer application
computer applications
EDV-Katalogisierung f
computer cataloguing
EDV-Kenntnisse pl
computer literacy
EDV-Verbuchung f
computer charging
Einadressrechner m
single-address computer
Einplatinenrechner m
monoboard computer
Einplatinenrechner m
one-board computer
Einplatinenrechner m
single-board computer
Einzelrechner m, eigenständiger Rechner comp.
stand-alone computer
Ersatzrechner m, Reserverechner m comp.
Ersatzrechner pl, Reserverechner pl
backup computer
backup computers
Gebührencomputer m
call charge computer
Größtrechner m comp.
superlarge computer
Handheld-Computer m, Computer im Taschenformat comp.
hand-held computer
Hauptrechner m comp.
central computer
Hauptrechner im Verbund comp.
master computer
Hochrechnung f bei Wahlen
computer prediction
Hybridrechner m
analog-digital computer
Hybridrechner m
combined computer, hybrid computer
Informatik f
angewandte Informatik
computer science, informatics, information science
applied computer science
Informatiker m, Informatikerin f
computer scientist
Intensivanbau m (Landwirtschaft)
intensive crop cultivation
Intensivpflege f med.
Pfleger m in der Intensivpflege, Pflegerin f in der Intensivpflege
intensive care (IC)
IC nurse
Intensivstation m med.
Intensivstationen pl
intensive care ward Br., intensive care unit (ICU)
intensive care wards, intensive care units
Kleinrechner m
small computer
Kundenrechenzentrum n
Kundenrechenzentren pl
service computer center
service computer centers
Laptop m comp.
Laptops pl
laptop, laptop computer
laptops, laptop computers
Leistungszentrum n sport
Leistungszentren pl
intensive training centre
intensive training centres
Lerncomputer m comp.
Lerncomputer pl
educational computer
educational computers
Lernen n, Erlernen n
mit dem Lernen anfangen
computer-unterstütztes Lernen, EDV-gestütztes Lernen
lebenslanges Lernen
programmiertes Lernen
soziales Lernen
to start learning, to begin learning, to take up studying
computer-based learning
lifelong learning
programmed learning
social learning
Maschinenbefehl m comp.
Maschinenbefehle pl
machine code instruction, computer instruction
machine code instructions, computer instructions
Maschinensprache f comp.
computer code, computer language
Mehradressrechner m comp.
Mehradressrechner pl
multi-address computer
multi-address computers
Mehrbenutzerrechner m
multi user computer
Mod f, Abwandlung eines Computerspiels comp.
Mods pl
mod, modification of a computer game
rechnergestützte Modellerstellung f comp.
computer-aided modelling
Nachrechner m, nachgeschalteter Rechner m comp.
back-end computer, backend computer
Navigationsrechner m
Navigationsrechner pl
navigation computer
navigation computers
Nebenrechner m
slave computer
Numerische Steuerung f (CNC)
direkte numerische Steuerung
computer numerical control, computerized numerical control (CNC)
direct digital control
CNC controlled
Online-Zugang m
online computer access
Parallelrechner m
simultaneous computer
Personalcomputer m (PC) comp.
personal computer (PC)
Personal-Computer m
personal computer
Programmiersprache f comp.
Programmiersprachen pl
höhere Programmiersprache
algorithmische Programmiersprache
maschinenorientierte Programmiersprache
problemorientierte Programmiersprache
symbolische Programmiersprache
programming language
programming languages
high-level language, advanced language
algorithmic language
computer-oriented language
problem-oriented programming language
symbolic language
Prozessrechner m
process computer, process control computer
Rasterfahndung f
computer search, dragnet investigation
Rechenzentrum n
Rechenzentren pl
computer centre Br., computer center Am., computing center
computer centres, computer centers, computing centers
Rechneranwendung f
computer application
Rechnerausgang m
computer port
Rechnerfamilie f
computer family
Rechnernetz n
Rechnernetze pl
computer network
computer networks
Rechnerplattform f comp.
computer platform
Reserverechner m comp.
Reserverechner pl
standby computer
standby computers
Rettungswagen m
Rettungswagen pl
ambulance, mobile intensive care unit (MICU)
ambulances, mobile intensive care units
Röntgencomputertomographie f, Röntgencomputertomographie f med.
X-ray computer tomography
Software f comp.
werbefinanzierte Software
adware, ad-supported computer software
Synchronrechner m
synchronous computer
Taschencomputer m, Palmtop-Computer m
handheld computer, palmtop computer
Technische Informatik f
Computer Engineering
Telefonie f
computergestützte Telefonie
computer telephony integration (CTI)
Tischrechner m
tabletop computer
Ãœbersetzungsrechner m
source computer
Universitätsrechenzentrum n
university computer centre Br., university computer center Am.
Unterweisung f
computerunterstützte Unterweisung
computer-aided instruction (CAI)
Vermittlungsrechner m
switching computer
Wirtschaftsinformatik f
information systems for business, computer science in economics
Wirtsrechner m comp.
host computer, host processor
arbeitsaufwändig, arbeitsaufwendig alt adj
arbeitsintensiv adj
labor-intensive Am., labour-intensive Br., with high labour costs
binden, verbinden, verknüpfen v
bindend, verbindend, verknüpfend
gebunden, verbunden, verknüpft
bindet, verbindet, verknüpft
band, verband, verknüpfte
durch Computer verbunden
to link
linked by computer
computergestützt, rechnerunterstützt adj
computerabhängig adj
computer dependent
computergesteuert adj
computer controlled
computerorientiert adj
computerunabhängig adj
computer independent
computerunterstützt adj
computer-aided, computer assisted, computer-assisted
kapitalintensiv adj
kommerzieller Kleinrechner
small business computer
kostenintensiv adj
lohnintensiv adj
mathematischer Rechner
arithmetic computer
parallele Rechnerstrukturen
parallel computer architecture
rechenintensiv, rechenaufwändig adj comp.
rechnergesteuert adj

Deutsche Verfahren mit intensivem Computer-Einsatz Synonyme

Antwort-Wahl-Verfahren  (fachsprachlich)  ÂMultiple-Choice-Verfahren  
Einsatz  ÂKapitaleinsatz  
Arbeitseinsatz  ÂAuftrag  ÂEinsatz  
Aufstellung  ÂEinsatz  ÂStationierung  
erprobt  im  praktischen  Einsatz  Âpraxiserprobt  Âpraxisgetestet  
Einsatz  ÂHinterlegung  ÂKaution  ÂPfand  ÂSicherheit  
Anwendung  ÂApplikation  (fachsprachlich)  ÂEinsatz  ÂVerwendung  
Arbeitsgang  ÂOperation  ÂVerfahren  
Art  ÂBetriebsart  ÂModus  ÂVerfahren  
CCC  ÂChaos  Computer  Club  
auf  Computer  umstellen  Âcomputerisieren  
Gerichtsprozess  ÂGerichtsverfahren  ÂProzess  ÂVerfahren  
Eifer  ÂEinsatz  ÂEngagement  ÂHingabe  ÂHingebung  ÂOpferbereitschaft  ÂSelbstaufopferung  
Backtracking  ÂRücksetzalgorithmus  ÂTrial-  and  Error  Verfahren  
Handlungsweise  ÂMechanismus  ÂProzedur  ÂVerfahren  ÂVerfahrensweise  
Annäherungsverfahren  ÂIterationsverfahren  Âiteratives  Verfahren  ÂNäherungsverfahren  
CIM  ÂComputer  Integrated  Manufacturing  Âcomputergestützte  Produktion  
Computer-Visualisierungsverfahren  durch  Strahlenverfolgung  ÂRaytracing  
(Computer)  hochfahren  Âbooten  Âinitialisieren  Âstarten  
CAM  ÂComputer  Aided  Manufacturing  Âcomputergestützte  Fertigung  
aussichtslos  Âausweglos  Âchancenlos  Âhoffnungslos  Âverbaut  Âverfahren  
bildgebendes  Verfahren  ÂBildgebung  ÂFotografie  ÂRadiografie  ÂSonografie  ÂThermografie  
Klapprechner  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂLaptop  ÂMobilrechner  ÂNotebook  Âtragbarer  Computer  
Ansatz  ÂArbeitsweise  ÂArt  und  Weise  ÂHerangehensweise  ÂKonzept  ÂMethode  ÂProzedere  ÂProzedur  ÂVerfahren  ÂVerfahrensweise  ÂVorgehen  ÂVorgehensweise  
Auftritt  (Musik)  ÂAuftritt  (Theater)  ÂEinsatz  ÂGig  ÂPerformance  ÂSpieleinsatz  
Datenautobahn  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂHochgeschwindigkeitsnetz  Âinternationales  (Computer-)Netzwerk  ÂInternet  ÂNetz  der  Netze  (umgangssprachlich)  
Anwender  ÂBenützer  (schweiz.,  Ã¶sterr.)  ÂBenutzer  ÂComputer-Nutzer  ÂNutzer  ÂUser  (umgangssprachlich)  
Blechidiot  (derb)  ÂComputer  ÂDatenverarbeitungsanlage  ÂElektronenhirn  (umgangssprachlich)  Âelektronische  Datenverarbeitungsanlage  ÂRechner  ÂUniversalrechner  (fachsprachlich)  
Kiste  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂPC  ÂPersonal  Computer  ÂPersonalcomputer  ÂRechner  (umgangssprachlich)  
diffizil  Âkein  Zuckerschlecken  (umgangssprachlich)  Âknifflig  Âkomplex  Âkompliziert  Âschwer  Âschwer  verständlich  Âschwierig  Âumfassend  Âumständlich  Âunübersichtlich  Âverfahren  Âverwickelt  Âverzwickt  Âvielschichtig  Âzusammengesetzt  
daddeln  (umgangssprachlich)  Âgamen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âspielen  (am  Computer)  Âzocken  (umgangssprachlich)  
CNC  ÂComputer  Numerical  Control  ÂComputergestützte  numerische  Steuerung  ÂComputerized  Numerical  Control  
(sich)  verfahren  Â(sich)  verfranzen  (umgangssprachlich)  Â(sich)  verirren  Â(sich)  verlaufen  
im  Einsatz  sein  Âim  Spiel  sein  Âim  Umlauf  sein  Âin  Verwendung  sein  Âverwendet  werden  ÂVerwendung  finden  Âzur  Verwendung  kommen  
(Computer) hochfahren  booten  initialisieren  starten  
(sich) verfahren  (sich) verfranzen (umgangssprachlich)  (sich) verirren  (sich) verlaufen  
Antwort-Wahl-Verfahren (fachsprachlich)  Multiple-Choice-Verfahren  
Computer-Visualisierungsverfahren durch Strahlenverfolgung  Raytracing  
Einsatz  Hinterlegung  Kaution  Pfand  Sicherheit  
Einsatz  Kapitaleinsatz  
auf Computer umstellen  computerisieren  
erprobt im praktischen Einsatz  praxiserprobt  praxisgetestet  
im Einsatz sein  im Spiel sein  im Umlauf sein  in Verwendung sein  verwendet werden  Verwendung finden  zur Verwendung kommen  
computer program  ALGOL  COBOL  FORTRAN  alphabetic data  alphanumeric code  angular data  assembler  binary digit  binary scale  
computer  IBM machine  IDA  Teleplotter  Telereader  abacist  accountant  actuary  adder  analog computer  

Englische computer-intensive technology Synonyme

computer intensive Definition

(n.) One who computes.
(a.) Stretched
(a.) Characterized by persistence
(a.) Serving to give force or emphasis
(n.) That which intensifies or emphasizes

computer intensive Bedeutung

computer game
video game
a game played against a computer
intensive care close monitoring and constant medical care of patients with life-threatening conditions
computer programming
computer programing
creating a sequence of instructions to enable the computer to do something
computer technology the activity of designing and constructing and programming computers
analog computer
analogue computer
a computer that represents information by variable quantities (e.g., positions or voltages)
computer backup
(computer science) a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device, he made a backup in case the original was accidentally damaged or erased
briefcase computer a portable computer housed in a box that resembles a briefcase
computing machine
computing device
data processor
electronic computer
information processing system
a machine for performing calculations automatically
computer accessory an accessory for a computer, when you add in all the computer accessories you are going to need the computer gets pretty expensive
computer circuit a circuit that is part of a computer
computer graphics the pictorial representation and manipulation of data by a computer
computer keyboard
a keyboard that is a data input device for computers, arrangement of keys is modelled after the typewriter keyboard
computer monitor a device that displays signals on a computer screen
computer network (computer science) a network of computers
computer screen
computer display
a screen used to display the output of a computer to the user
computer store a store that sells computers to the small businessperson or personal user
computer system
computing system
automatic data processing system
ADP system
a system of one or more computers and associated software with common storage
desktop computer a personal computer small enough to fit conveniently in an individual workspace
digital computer a computer that represents information by numerical (binary) digits
computer graphic
an image that is generated by a computer
hand-held computer
hand-held microcomputer
a portable battery-powered computer small enough to be carried in your pocket
hardware computer hardware (computer science) the mechanical, magnetic, electronic, and electrical components making up a computer system
home computer a computer intended for use in the home
laptop computer
a portable computer small enough to use in your lap
mainframe mainframe computer a large digital computer serving - users and occupying a special aironditioned room
computer memory
storage computer storage
store memory board
an electronic memory device, a memory and the CPU form the central part of a computer to which peripherals are attached
computer mouse
a hand-operated electronic device that controls the coordinates of a cursor on your computer screen as you move it around on a pad, on the bottom of the device is a ball that rolls on the surface of the pad, a mouse takes much more room than a trackball
notebook computer
a small compact portable computer
computer peripheral
peripheral device
(computer science) electronic equipment connected by cable to the CPU of a computer, disk drives and printers are important peripherals
personal computer
a small digital computer based on a microprocessor and designed to be used by one person at a time
portable computer a personal computer that can easily be carried by hand
small computer system interface
interface consisting of a standard port between a computer and its peripherals that is used in some computers
computer architecture
(computer science) the structure and organization of a computer's hardware or system software, the architecture of a computer's system software
complex instruction set computing
complex instruction set computer
(computer science) a kind of computer architecture that has a large number of instructions hard coded into the CPU chip
reduced instruction set computing
reduced instruction set computer
(computer science) a kind of computer architecture that has a relatively small set of computer instructions that it can perform
computer simulation
(computer science) the technique of representing the real world by a computer program, a simulation should imitate the internal processes and not merely the results of the thing being simulated
computer science
the branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structures
intensive r
a modifier that has little meaning except to intensify the meaning it modifies, `up' in `finished up' is an intensifier, `honestly' in `I honestly don't know' is an intensifier
file name
computer filename
computer file name
(computer science) the name given to a computer file in order to distinguish it from other files, may contain an extension that indicates the type of file
code computer code (computer science) the symbolic arrangement of data or instructions in a computer program or the set of such instructions
address computer address
(computer science) the code that identifies where a piece of information is stored
menu computer menu (computer science) a list of options available to a computer user
computer file (computer science) a file maintained in computereadable form
software program
computer software
software system
software package
(computer science) written programs or procedures or rules and associated documentation pertaining to the operation of a computer system and that are stored in read
memory, the market for software is expected to expand
computer-aided design
software used in art and architecture and engineering and manufacturing to assist in precision drawing
program programme computer program
computer programme
(computer science) a sequence of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute, the program required several hundred lines of code
computer virus
a software program capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great harm to files or other programs on the same computer, a true virus cannot spread to another computer without human assistance
electronic database
on-line database
computer database
electronic information service
(computer science) a database that can be accessed by computers
computer architecture the art of assembling logical elements into a computing device, the specification of the relation between parts of a computer system
computer language
computer-oriented language
machine language machine-oriented language
a programming language designed for use on a specific class of computers
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111 Bewertungen 5


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A computer is a device that can be instructed to carry out an arbitrary set of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. Their ability of computers to follow a sequence of operations, called a program, make computers very flexible and useful. Such computers are used as control systems for a very wide variety of industrial and consumer devices. This includes simple special purpose devices like microwave ovens and remote controls, factory devices such as industrial robots and computer assisted design, but also in general purpose devices like personal computers and mobile devices such as smartphones. The Internet is run on computers and it connects millions of other computers.