
cross crack Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Querriss m
Querrisse pl
cross-crack; transverse(al) crack; transversal cracking
croses-cracks; transverse(al) cracks; transversal crackings
cross trade
krachen, bersten
cross examination
querschreiben, Kreuz
repräsentativer Querschnitt
representative cross section
cross reference
Abdampfquerschnitt m
exhaust steam cross section
Absorptionsquerschnitt m
absorption cross-section
Aderquerschnitt m electr.
wire cross-section
Andreaskreuz n
St. Andrew's cross, diagonal cross
Aortaklemme f med.
aortic cross clamp
Aufhängetraverse f (am Zug)
suspension cross bar
Brennofen m
Brennofen mit überschlagender Flamme
Brennofen mit einer Kammer
Brennofen mit aufsteigender Flamme
Brennofen mit durchziehender Flamme
Frontlader-Brennofen m
mit Kohle geheizter Brennofen
kiln, pottery-kiln
downdraught kiln
single-chambered kiln
updraught (updraft Am.) kiln
cross-draught kiln
front loading kiln
coal burning kiln
Bundesverdienstkreuz n
Federal Cross of Merit Am.
Crack n (Rauschgift)
Cross-Selling n, Angebot und Verkauf von Zusatzprodukten econ.
Cross-Assembler m
Dampfüberströmleitung f (Turbine) mach.
Dampfüberströmleitungen pl
cross-over pipe
cross-over pipes
Daumen m
Daumen pl
Daumen drehen, Däumchen drehen
die Daumen drücken
Daumen lutschen
einen grünen Daumen haben übtr.
to twiddle one's thumbs
to cross one's fingers, to keep one's fingers crossed
to suck the thumb
to have green fingers fig.
Denksportaufgabe f, harte Nuss f, schwere Frage f
teaser, brain teaser, a hard nut to crack fig.
Diagonalstrebe f
cross stay
Doppelkreuz n
patriarchal cross
Doppelspiel n, falsches Spiel
Ehrenkreuz n
Ehrenkreuze pl
Ehrenkreuz der Bundeswehr mil.
honor cross Am., honour cross Br.
honor crosses, honour crosses
Honor Cross of the German Armed Forces Am., Honour Cross of the German Armed Forces Br.
Eichenlaub n (zum Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes) hist. mil.
oakleaves (to the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross)
Einriss m, Anriss m
Einrisse pl, Anrisse pl
Eisenbahnschwelle f
Eisenbahnschwellen pl
cross-tie, railway tie Am., railway sleeper Br.
cross-ties, railway ties, railway sleepers
Eliteeinheit f mil.
crack troops {pl}
Fadenkreuz n comp.
cross hairs, hair cross
Fahrendschalter m, Katzfahrendschalter m techn.
cross travel limit switch, long travel limit switch
Fahrgeschwindigkeit f, Katzfahrgeschwindigkeit f (bei Fahrwerken)
cross travel speed
Fahrwerkstraverse f
travel unit cross bar
Flanke f, Flankenball m sport
Flanken pl, Flankenbälle pl
eine Flanke schlagen
cross, centre pass
to put in a cross
Fremdassembler m, Kreuzassembler m, Wirtsassembler m comp.
cross assembler
Fremdbefruchtung f bot.
Fremdbestäubung f bot.
Fremdcompilierer m comp.
cross compiler
Gegenklage f, Gegenanklage f, Widerklage f jur.
Gegenklagen pl, Widerklagen pl
counterclaim, countercharge, cross action
cross actions
Gegenprobe f
Gegenproben pl
cross check
cross checks
Gegenzug m (Luft)
der Gekreuzigte relig.
Christ on the cross
Geländefahrzeug n
Geländefahrzeuge pl
cross-country vehicle, off-the-road vehicle
cross-country vehicles, off-the-road vehicles
Geländefahrt f
Geländefahrten pl
cross country drive
cross country drives
Geländefahrzeug n, Geländewagen m
Geländefahrzeuge pl
cross country vehicle
cross country vehicles
Geländegängigkeit f mil.
cross-country capability
Geländelauf m sport
Geländeläufe pl
cross country run
cross country runs
Geländeprofil n
Geländeprofile pl
cross-country tread
cross-country treads
Geländereifen m
Geländereifen pl
cross-country tyre, off-the-road tyre
cross-country tyres, off-the-road tyres
Gelegenheit f, Möglichkeit f, Chance f
Gelegenheiten pl, Möglichkeiten pl, Chancen pl
keine Chance
überhaupt keine Chance
eine faire Chance bekommen
not a chance
a snowball's chance fig.
a fair crack of the whip
Gerüstriegel m constr.
Gerüstriegel pl
scaffold cross-bar
scaffold cross-bars
Gipfelkreuz n
cross on the summit of a mountain
Haarriss m, Haarriß m alt, feiner Riss
hairline crack, micro crack
Herz n anat.
Herzen pl
aus tiefstem Herzen
von ganzem Herzen
aus tiefstem Herzen, aus innerster Seele
aus tiefstem Herzen danken
etw. auf dem Herzen haben
ins Herz schließen
ins Herz geschlossen
jdn. ans Herz drücken
jdm. ans Herz gewachsen sein
sich etw. zu Herzen nehmen
sich ein Herz fassen, mutig sein
Sei tapfer!, Sei mutig!
schweren Herzens
ans Herz drücken, an die Brust drücken, ins Herz schließen
ein Herz aus Stein übtr.
Hand aufs Herz!
from the bottom of the heart
with all my heart, dearly
with all one's heart and with all one's soul
to thank from the bottom of one's heart
to have sth. on the mind
to take into one's heart
locked in one's heart
to press (sb.) close to one's heart
to be dear to sb.'s heart
to take root
to take heart
Take heart!
with a heavy heart
to embosom (poetically, archaic)
a heart of stone, a heart of flint
cross your heart!
Hochkreuz n
high cross
Hüftschwung m (Ringen) sport
Inneneckverbinder m
cross section grille face connector
Ionisierungsquerschnitt m
ionization cross section
Kabelquerschnitt m, Anschlussquerschnitt m, Leiterquerschnitt m, Leitungsquerschnitt m electr.
Kabel-Nennquerschnitt m, Leitungs-Nennquerschnitt m
wire size, cable cross section
nominal wire size
Kathodenstrahlanzeige f
cross display
Katzfahren n
cross travel
Katzfahrmotor m
cross travel motor
Katzfahrschütz n
cross travel contactor
Kennsatz-Querverweistabelle f
label cross reference table
Kerntruppe f mil.
Kerntruppen pl
crack troop
crack troops
Kipptraverse f techn.
pivoting cross bar
Knall m
Kreuz n
Kreuze pl
Rotes Kreuz, das Rote Kreuz
Red Cross
Eisernes Kreuz mil.
Ritterkreuz n mil.
Iron Cross
Knight´s Cross of the Iron Cross
Kreuz-Kontamination f
Kreuzprodukt n math.
cross product
Kreuzgewölbe n arch.
cross vault
Kreuzhieb m
Kreuzhiebe pl
crosscut, cross cut
Kreuzmeißel m techn.
Kreuzmeißel pl
cross-cut chisel
cross-cut chisels
Kreuzreim m, alternierender Reim
Kreuzreime pl, alternierende Reime
cross rhyme, alternate rhyme
cross rhymes, alternate rhymes
Kreuzschlitz m
cross recess
Kreuzschlitzschraube f techn.
Kreuzschlitzschrauben pl
cross-head screw
cross-head screws
Kreuzschnitt m
cross section
Kreuzstoß m
cross joint
Kreuzverband m
cross bracing
Kreuzverhör n
Kreuzverhöre pl
cross examination, cross-examination
cross examinations, cross-examinations
ins Kreuzverhör nehmen
ins Kreuzverhör nehmend
ins Kreuzverhör genommen
to cross-examine
Kreuzverschraubung f techn.
cross fitting, cross-type flange joint, cross-type screw fitting
Kreuzverweisliste f
cross reference list
Leiterquerschnitt m
conductor cross-section, cross-section area of conductors
Lizenz f
Lizenzen pl
gegenseitige Lizenz
eine Lizenz erteilen
eine Lizenz haben
licence, license Am.
licences, licenses
cross-licence, cross-license
to grant a licence, to grant a license
to hold a licence, to hold a license Am.
Loipe f, Skiloipe f
Loipen pl, Skiloipen pl
cross-country skiing trail
cross-country skiing trails
Malterserkreuz n
Malterserkreuze pl
Maltese cross
Maltese crosses
Materialriss m
material crack
Mehrfachprüfung f, Überkreuzprüfung f
cross checking
Morgengrauen n
in aller Herrgottsfrühe ugs.
dawn, crack of dawn, daybreak
at the crack of dawn
Nuss f, Nuß f alt
Nüsse pl
Nüsse knacken
to crack nuts
Ofentür anlüften
to crack open the kiln door
Querankerschraube f techn.
Querankerschrauben pl
cross tie bolt
cross tie bolts
Querantrieb m
cross drive, transverse drive
Querkeilwalzen n
cross wedge rolling
Querkontamination f
cross contamination
Querpass m sport
Querpässe pl
cross pass, crossfield pass, lateral pass
cross passes, crossfield passes, lateral passes
Querprofil n
Querprofile pl
cross profile, cross-section
cross profiles, cross-sections
Querprofilpeilung f
cross-section sounding
Querrahmen m
Querrahmen pl
cross frame
cross frames
Querschlitten m (einer Drehmaschine) techn.
cross slide
Querschneider m
Querschneider pl
cross cutter
cross cutters
Querschnitt m
Querschnitte pl
runder Querschnitt
im Querschnitt
cross section, cross-section
cross sections, cross-sections
circular cross section
in cross section
Querschnittsfläche f
Querschnittsflächen pl
cross-sectional area
cross-sectional areas
Querschnittstechnologie f
cross-sectional technology
Querstabilisierung f
cross stabilization
Querstange f
Querstangen pl
cross bar
cross bars
Querstollen m, Quergang m, Querstrecke f
cross cut
Querstrebe f
cross member, cross brace
Querstreifen m
cross stripe, horizontal stripe
Querstück n
Querstücken pl
cross piece
cross pieces
Quersubvention f pol. econ.
Quersubventionen pl
Querträger m
Querträger pl
cross girder, floor beam
cross girders, floor beams
Quertrommelkessel m mach.
Quertrommelkessel pl
cross-drum boiler
cross-drum boilers
Querverbindung f
Querverbindungen pl
cross connection
cross connections
Querverweis m
Querverweise pl
cross reference, cross-reference
cross references
Querverweisliste f
cross-reference list
Querverweistabelle f
cross-reference table
Querzug m mach. (Kesselbau)
Querzüge pl
cross pass
cross passes
Reifenbreite f
tyre section width, tyre width, cross-sectional width (tyre)
Reifenquerschnitt m
cross-section (tyre), tyre cross-section, tyre section
Riegel m
Riegel pl
bar, locking bar, cross bar
bars, locking bars, cross bars
Riss m, Sprung m, Spalte f
Risse pl, Sprünge pl, Spalten pl
durchgehender Riss
Rissbildung f
crack initiation
Risswachstum n
crack propagation
Rohrriegel m
tubular cross bar
Schlagrichtung f
eben quer zur Schlagrichtung
impact direction
cross-coplanar to impact direction
Schneidersitz m
im Schneidersitz sitzen
Indian style sitting
to sit cross-legged
Schnittbild n
cross section
Schrunde f (Riss in der Haut)
Schweißriss m, Schweißriß m alt techn.
welding crack
Seitentraverse f
lateral cross bar
Sinn m, Meinung f, Ansicht f
in diesem Sinne
im Sinn haben, im Auge haben übtr.
was mir vor Augen schwebt, ist ... übtr.
ganz in meinem Sinn
meiner Meinung nach, für mein Gefühl
derselben Meinung sein
seine Meinung ändern, sich anders entschließen
in den Sinn kommen
with this in mind
to have in mind, to bear in mind
what I have in mind is ...
that suits me fine
to my mind
to be of the same mind
to change one's mind
to cross one's mind
Skilanglauf m, Langlauf m, Langlaufen n sport
cross-country skiing, cross-country ski run, langlauf
Spaltwirkungsquerschnitt m
fission cross-section
Spannungsriss m
stress crack
Stoßquerschnitt m
collision cross-section
Straße f, Landstraße f, Autostraße f
Straßen pl, Landstraßen pl, Autostraßen pl
auf offener Straße
die Straße entlang
die Straße überqueren
öffentliche Straße
öffentliche Straßen
raue Straße
vereiste Straße f
on the open road
along the road
to cross the road
public road
public roads
rough road
icy road
Streuquerschnitt m
scattering cross-section
Torlatte f
Torlatten pl
cross bar
cross bars
Torlinie f sport
Torlinien pl
die Torlinie überqueren
goal line
goal lines
to cross the goal line
Traverse f mit Umlenkrolle
cross beam with return sheave
Türspalt m
crack of the door
Ãœberblendung f
Ãœbersprechen n, Nebensprechen n electr.
cross-talk, crosstalk

Deutsche Querriss {m} / Querrisse {pl} Synonyme

Englische cross-crack; transverse crack; transversal cracking Synonyme

cross crack Definition

(v. t.) To break or burst, with or without entire separation of the parts
(v. t.) To rend with grief or pain
(v. t.) To cause to sound suddenly and sharply
(v. t.) To utter smartly and sententiously
(v. t.) To cry up
(v. i.) To burst or open in chinks
(v. i.) To be ruined or impaired
(v. i.) To utter a loud or sharp, sudden sound.
(v. i.) To utter vain, pompous words
(n.) A partial separation of parts, with or without a perceptible opening
(n.) Rupture
(n.) A sharp, sudden sound or report
(n.) The tone of voice when changed at puberty.
(n.) Mental flaw
(n.) A crazy or crack-brained person.
(n.) A boast
(n.) Breach of chastity.
(n.) A boy, generally a pert, lively boy.
(n.) A brief time
(n.) Free conversation
(a.) Of superior excellence
(a.) Having an impaired intellect
(n.) A gibbet, consisting of two pieces of timber placed transversely upon one another, in various forms, as a T, or +, with the horizontal piece below the upper end of the upright, or as an X. It was anciently used in the execution of criminals.
(n.) The sign or mark of the cross, made with the finger, or in ink, etc., or actually represented in some material
(n.) Affiction regarded as a test of patience or virtue
(n.) A piece of money stamped with the figure of a cross, also, that side of such a piece on which the cross is stamped
(n.) An appendage or ornament or anything in the form of a cross
(n.) A monument in the form of a cross, or surmounted by a cross, set up in a public place
(n.) A common heraldic bearing, of which there are many varieties. See the Illustration, above.
(n.) The crosslike mark or symbol used instead of a signature by those unable to write.
(n.) Church lands.
(n.) A line drawn across or through another line.
(n.) A mixing of breeds or stock, especially in cattle breeding
(n.) An instrument for laying of offsets perpendicular to the main course.
(n.) A pipe-fitting with four branches the axes of which usually form's right angle.
(a.) Not parallel
(a.) Not accordant with what is wished or expected
(a.) Characterized by, or in a state of, peevishness, fretfulness, or ill humor
(a.) Made in an opposite direction, or an inverse relation
(prep.) Athwart
(v. t.) To put across or athwart
(v. t.) To lay or draw something, as a line, across
(v. t.) To pass from one side to the other of
(v. t.) To pass, as objects going in an opposite direction at the same time.
(v. t.) To run counter to
(v. t.) To interfere and cut off
(v. t.) To make the sign of the cross upon
(v. t.) To cancel by marking crosses on or over, or drawing a line across
(v. t.) To cause to interbreed
(v. i.) To lie or be athwart.

cross crack Bedeutung

interchange between different cultures or different ways of thinking that is mutually productive and beneficial, the cross-fertilization of science and the creative arts
cross-pollination stimulating influence among diverse elements, the cross-pollination of the arts
the act of cracking something
double cross
an act of betrayal, he gave us the old double cross, I could no longer tolerate his impudent doublerossing
crack fling go pass whirl
a usually brief attempt, he took a crack at it, I gave it a whirl
crossing cross
(genetics) the act of mixing different species or varieties of animals or plants and thus to produce hybrids
dihybrid cross hybridization using two traits with two alleles each
monohybrid cross hybridization using a single trait with two alleles (as in Mendel's experiments with garden peas)
reciprocal cross
hybridization involving a pair of crosses that reverse the sexes associated with each genotype
cross dressing
the practice of adopting the clothes or the manner or the sexual role of the opposite sex
Stations of the Cross
(Roman Catholic Church) a devotion consisting of fourteen prayers said before a series of fourteen pictures or carvings representing successive incidents during Jesus' passage from Pilate's house to his crucifixion at Calvary
(genetics) an organism that is the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock, especially offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties or breeds or species, a mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey
Calvary cross
cross of Calvary
a Latin cross set on three steps
Celtic cross a Latin cross with a ring surrounding the intersection
crack crack cocaine
a purified and potent form of cocaine that is smoked rather than snorted, highly addictive
Cross a representation of the structure on which Jesus was crucified, used as an emblem of Christianity or in heraldry
cross a wooden structure consisting of an upright post with a transverse piece
cross bit a rock drill having cruciform cutting edges, used in mining
cross hair
cross wire
either of two fine mutually perpendicular lines that cross in the focus plane of an optical instrument and are use for sighting or calibration, he had the target in his cross hairs
cross-stitch embroidery done with pairs of stitches that cross each other
cross-stitch two stitches forming a cross or X
cross street a street intersecting a main street (usually at right angles) and continuing on both sides of it
a narrow opening, he opened the window a crack
Greek cross a cross with each of the four arms the same length
half cross stitch a single cross stitch at a diagonal
Jerusalem cross a cross with equal arms, each terminating in a small crossbar
Latin cross a cross with the lowest arm being longer than the others
Lorraine cross
cross of Lorraine
a cross with two crossbars, one above and one below the midpoint of the vertical, the lower longer than the upper
Maltese cross a cross with triangular or arrow-shaped arms and the points toward the center
papal cross a cross with three crossbars
patriarchal cross a cross with two crossbars
St. Andrew's cross
a cross resembling the letter x, with diagonal bars of equal length
Station of the Cross a representation of any of the stages in Christ's journey to Calvary
tau cross
St. Anthony's cross
cross resembling the Greek letter tau
cross thwart
a crosspiece spreading the gunnels of a boat, used as a seat in a rowboat
a marking that consists of lines that cross each other
crack a blemish resulting from a break without complete separation of the parts, there was a crack in the mirror
cross section (physics) the probability that a particular interaction (as capture or ionization) will take place between particles, measured in barns
classification according to more than one attribute at the same time, the crosslassification of cases was done by age and sex
cross section a sample meant to be representative of a whole population
vector product
cross product
a vector that is the product of two other vectors
cross-purpose a contrary aim, at cross-purposes
Distinguished Service Cross a United States Army decoration for extraordinary heroism against an armed enemy
Navy Cross a United States Navy decoration for extraordinary heroism against an armed enemy
Distinguished Flying Cross a United States Air Force decoration for heroism while participating in an aerial flight
Victoria Cross a British military decoration for gallantry
a reference at one place in a work to information at another place in the same work
witty remark
cross-examination (law) close questioning of a hostile witness in a court of law to discredit or throw a new light on the testimony already provided in direct examination
cross-question a question asked in cross-examination
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