
image Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Bild, Abbild, abbilden
Bild n math.
Ebenbild n
Image n
Profilierung f, Unterscheidung f
abbilden, Abbildung
Image, Ruf
Profilierung f; Unterscheidung f
Bildmenge f math.
image set
Bildfläche f
image area
Selbstbild n, Selbstverständnis n
Speicherabbild n
core image
core image
image area
Körperbild n
body image
Image des Werbeträgers
media image
Geisterbild n
ghost image
Nachabbildung f
after image
Standbild n
after image
Nachabbildung f; nachfolgende Abbildung
after image
Nachbild n; optische Nachwirkung med.
Bewegtbild n
moving image
Bildkodierung f
image coding
Götzenbild n
graven image
Spiegelbild n, seitenverkehrtes Bild
mirror image
Standbild n, Festbild n
freeze image
Vorabbildung f
spiegelbildlich adj
mirror image
freeze image
moving image
Bildreihe f
image series
Gottesbild n relig.
image of God
Bildrechte pl jur.
image rights
Image des Produktes
product image
Traumbild n
oneiric image
Bildbearbeitung f comp.
image editing
Traumbild n psych.
oneiric image
Bildarchiv n
image archive
Abbild n
Abbilder pl
Bild n, Abbildung f, Darstellung f
Bilder pl, Abbildungen pl, Darstellungen pl
Mehrfachbild n (auf Bildschirm)
multiple image
Mehrfachbild (auf Bildschirm)
multiple image
Bild n; Abbildung f; Darstellung f
Bilder pl; Abbildungen pl; Darstellungen pl
Nachwirkungsbild n electr.
retained image
Bildauswertung f; Bildanalyse f comp.
image analysis
Frauenbild n soc.
image of women
Image des Unternehmens
corporate image
Bilderzeuger m
image generator
Belichtungsdatei f print
image data file
Bildforensik f
image forensics
Bildsynthese f
image synthesis
Bildzergliederung f
image dissection
Wunderbild n
miraculous image
image dissection
image processing
miraculous image
Bilderkennung f
image recognition
Imagepflege f
image cultivation
Bilderkennung f comp.
image recognition
occupational image
Bildstörung f
image interference
Speicherbibliothek f comp.
core image library
Spiegelschallquelle f (Akustik)
source image model
core image library
Bildkommunikation f
image communication
Imageverlust m soc.
loss of public image
Imageschaden m
damage to one's image
seriös; gesetzt; spießig pej. adj
ein konservatives Image
a staid image
an Profil gewinnen
to improve one's image
Körperbildstörung f med.
body image disturbance
Netzhautbild n (Optik)
retinal image (optics)
an Profil gewinnen v
to improve one's image
Selbstbild n; Selbstverständnis n
self-image; self-esteem
Sprühdose f (Bildbearbeitung) comp.
airbrush (image editing)
Standbild n; stehendes Bild; Festbild n
freeze image; still image
Profilneurose f
neurosis about one's image
Bildebene f (Optik)
Bildebenen pl
image plane
image planes
Geisterbild n
Geisterbilder pl
ghost image
ghost images
Verzerrungswerkzeug n (Bildbearbeitung) comp.
warp brush (image editing)
to image
abbilden v
to image
Spiegelbild n; seitenverkehrtes Bild
Spiegelbilder pl; seitenverkehrte Bilder
mirror image
mirror images
Weihbild n
Weihbilder pl
votive image
votive images
Hochzeitsfoto n
wedding photo; wedding image
Gesichtsbild n adm.
Gesichtsbilder pl
facial image
facial images
Bildeinstellung vorne comp.
front-panel image positioning
Markenauftritt m; Markenimage n econ.
brand image; brand reputation
Dichtebild n
Dichtebilder pl
density image
density images
Firmendarstellung f
corporate image; company image
Kantenerkennung f (Bildbearbeitung) comp.
edge detection (image editing)
etw. anschlagen v (z. B. jds. Image)
to dent sth. (e.g. sb.'s image)
Abbildungsregister n
Abbildungsregister pl
image register
image registers
Merkmalsraum m (Bildverarbeitung) comp.
feature space (image processing)
Bildqualität f
picture quality, quality of image
Bildqualität f
picture quality; quality of image
Selbstdarstellung f
self-projection, image cultivation
Retusche f; Retuschieren n (Bildbearbeitung)
retouch; retouching (image editing)
Hintergrundbild n
Hintergrundbilder pl
background image
background images
Merkmalsselektion f (Bildverarbeitung) comp.
feature selection (image processing)
Bilddarstellung f
Bilddarstellung f
image display
image representation
Imageberater m; Imageberaterin f
Imageberater pl; Imageberaterinnen pl
image consultant
image consultants
Er ist seinem Vater wie aus dem Gesicht geschnitten.
He's the spitting image of his father.
Konterfei n
picture; image; portrait (of a person)
Marienbild n art relig.
Marienbilder pl
image of St. Mary
images of St. Mary
beschaulich; gemächlich; betulich adj (Sache)
ein konservatives Image
staid; sedate (matter)
a staid image
(bitgenaue) Datenkopie f; Datenabbild n comp.
forensische Datenkopie; Datenkopie zur kriminaltechnischen Auswertung
data image; image
forensic data image
Ebenbild n
jds. Ebenbild sein
to be the spitting image of sb.
Bildstörung f (TV)
Bildstörungen pl
image interference
image interferences
Bildertheater n
image theatre Br.; image theater Am.
Aufnahmebildgröße f (Film)
camera-aperture produced image area (film)
ein Signal Bild austasten; dunkeltasten (TV) v electr.
to blank; to blank out a signal image (TV)
Fremdbild m
external image; alien image; foreign image
Bildinhalt m
visual content; content of picture or image
Bildverarbeitung f
elektronische Bildverarbeitung EBV
image processing
digital image processing DIP
Die Zwillinge gleichen sich aufs Haar.
The twins are the spitting image of each other..
Bildbearbeitungsprogramm n; Bildbearbeitungssoftware f comp.
image editing program; image processing software
Bildverarbeitung f
elektronische Bildverarbeitung (EBV)
image processing
digital image processing (DIP)
Bildverarbeitung f
elektronische Bildverarbeitung EBV
image processing
digital image processing DIP
Retusche f; Retuschieren n (Gemälde, Foto, Bild) art comp. photo
retouch; retouching (painting, photograph, image)
Außendarstellung f
public image; external image; external appearance
Posterisation f; Tontrennung f; Tonwert-Trennung f; Tonwertseparation f (Bildbearbeitung) comp.
posterization; posterisation Br. (image editing)
Bildanalyserechner m comp.
Bildanalyserechner pl
image analysis computer
image analysis computers
Abbildtheorie f phil.
image theory, picture theory, representation theory
Abbildtheorie f phil.
image theory; picture theory; representation theory
Metamorphose f; Wandlung f; Verwandlung f
Metamorphosen pl; Wandlungen pl; Verwandlungen pl
Bildmetamorphose f
image metamorphosis
Bilderkennungssystem n
Bilderkennungssysteme pl
image recognition system
image recognition systems
Röntgenbild n, Röntgenaufnahme f med.
Röntgenbilder pl, Röntgenaufnahmen pl
radiograph, X-ray picture, X-ray image
Röntgenbild n; Röntgenaufnahme f med.
Röntgenbilder pl; Röntgenaufnahmen pl
radiograph; X-ray picture; X-ray image
Abbildungsfehler m
Abbildungsfehler pl
aberration, image defect
aberrations, image defects
Abbildungsfehler m
Abbildungsfehler pl
aberration; image defect
aberrations; image defects
Selbstdarstellung f
self-projection; image cultivation; self-presentation
unscharf; verschwommen; verwaschen adj
unschärfer; verschwommener; verwaschener
am unschärfsten; am verschwommensten; am verwaschesten
unscharfes Bild
more blurred
most blurred
blurred image
Kaskadenbildverstärker m techn.
Kaskadenbildverstärker pl
cascade image intensifier
cascade image intensifiers
(elektronisch erstelltes) Phantombild
photofit picture; e-fit picture; comfit image Austr.
Ton-Bild-Bandgerät n
Ton-Bild-Bandgeräte pl
sound-image tape recorder
sound-image tape recorders
Bildforensiker m
Bildforensiker pl
forensic image analyser FIA
forensic image analysers
Farbinfrarotbild n
colour infrared image Br.; color infrared image Am.
Götzenbild n; Götze m pej. relig.
Götzenbilder pl; Götzen pl
graven image; carved idol
graven images; carved idols
Merkmalsanalyse f; Merkmalserfassung f (Bildverarbeitung) comp.
feature analysis; feature extraction (image processing)
Standbild n (Film TV)
Standbilder pl
still image; freeze frame
still images; freeze frames
Standbild n (Film, TV)
Standbilder pl
still image; freeze frame
still images; freeze frames
Bildentstehung f
Verfahrens zur Bildentstehung
image formation
process in the creation of the picture
Bildformat n
Bildformate pl
image format, picture size
image formats, picture sizes
Bildformat n
Bildformate pl
image format; picture size
image formats; picture sizes
Bildtitel m
Bildtitel pl
picture title; image title
picture titles; image titles

Deutsche Bild Abbild abbilden Synonyme

Abbild  ÂAbgott  ÂGötze  ÂIdol  
Abbild  ÂAbbildung  ÂDarstellung  ÂIllustration  ÂSpiegelbild  ÂVisualisierung  ÂWiedergabe  
abbilden  Âprojizieren  
abbilden  Âwiedergeben  
abbilden  Ârealisieren  
abbilden  Âmodellieren  
abbilden  Âausarbeiten  Âplanen  
Bild  ÂGemälde  
Bild  ÂPortrait  
Abbildung  ÂBild  ÂDarstellung  
Abbild  ÂAntlitz  ÂAussehen  ÂGesicht  ÂKonterfei  ÂMaske  ÂMiene  ÂMimik  ÂPhysiognomie  (fachsprachlich)  
Bild  ÂGrafik  ÂSkizze  ÂZeichnung  
abbilden  Âdarstellen  Âpräsentieren  Âvorführen  Âvorstellen  Âvorzeigen  Âzeigen  
abbilden  Âbildlich  darstellen  Âdarstellen  Ârepräsentieren  Âsymbolisieren  Âverkörpern  Âversinnbildlichen  
Abbildung  ÂAblichtung  ÂAbzug  ÂAufnahme  ÂAusbelichtung  (fachsprachlich)  ÂBild  ÂFoto  ÂFotografie  ÂLichtbild  ÂPhoto  ÂPositiv  (fachsprachlich)  ÂVergrößerung  (fachsprachlich)  
aufklären  ÂAuskunft  geben  Âbelehren  Âbenachrichtigen  Âeinweihen  Âin  Kenntnis  setzen  Âinformieren  Âins  Bild  setzen  Âins  Vertrauen  ziehen  Âinstruieren  Âmitteilen  Âorientieren  (schweiz.)  Âunterrichten  Âunterweisen  
(sich)  ein  Bild  machen  (von)  Â(sich)  vergegenwärtigen  Â(sich)  vorstellen  
(sich) ein Bild machen (von)  (sich) vergegenwärtigen  (sich) vorstellen  
Abbild  Abbildung  Darstellung  Illustration  Spiegelbild  Visualisierung  Wiedergabe  
Abbild  Abgott  Götze  Idol  
Abbild  Antlitz  Aussehen  Gesicht  Geste  Konterfei  Maske  Miene  Mimik  Physiognomie (fachsprachlich)  
Bild  Gemälde  
Bild  Grafik  Skizze  Zeichnung  
Bild  Portrait  
abbilden  ausarbeiten  planen  
abbilden  bildlich darstellen  
abbilden  darstellen  präsentieren  vorführen  vorstellen  vorzeigen  zeigen  
abbilden  darstellen  symbolisieren  verkörpern  versinnbildlichen  
abbilden  modellieren  
abbilden  projizieren  
abbilden  wiedergeben  zeigen  

Englische image Synonyme

image  Doppelganger  Vorstellung  abstract  abstraction  adumbrate  affectation  affectedness  airs  airs and graces  allusion  ally  altarpiece  alter ego  analogon  analogue  angle  apparition  appearance  apprehension  archetypal pattern  archetype  artificiality  asiaticism  aspect  associate  badge  banner  black spot  block print  bloom  blooping  body forth  brother  call to mind  call up  cameo  cast  catalog  cataloging  certified copy  character  character sketch  characteristic  characterization  clone  close copy  close match  cognate  collage  color print  companion  complement  conceit  conceive  concept  conception  conceptualization  configuration  congenator  congener  conjure up  contemplate  coordinate  copy  corporealization  correlate  correlative  correspondent  counterfeit  counterpart  cyclorama  daub  dead ringer  definition  delineate  delineation  demonstrate  depict  depiction  describe  description  details  device  differentia  diptych  double  duplicate  earmark  ectype  effect  effigy  eidetic image  eidolon  embodiment  embody  engram  engraving  envisage  envisaging  envision  envisioning  epitome  equal  equivalent  essence  euphuism  evocation  exact likeness  exemplify  facade  facet  facsimile  fair copy  faithful copy  fake  false front  false image  false show  fancy  fantasy  fashion  father image  feature  feigned belief  fellow  fetish  figurative language  figurativeness  figure  figure of speech  flare  floridity  flourish  flower  flowery style  foreshadow  forgery  form  fresco  fringe area  front  gestalt  ghost  glass  granulation  graphic account  graven image  grid  guise  hallmark  hard shadow  hypocrisy  icon  idea  idiosyncrasy  idol  idolum  ikon  illumination  illustrate  illustration  imagery  imagery study  imagine  imaging  imagism  imagistic poetry  imago  imitation  impersonate  impression  incarnate  incarnation  index  indicant  indicator  insignia  insincerity  intellectual object  interpret  itemizatio  
imagery  Vorstellung  allusion  alphabet  apparition  art  asiaticism  blueprint  brainchild  bubble  cameo  catalog  cataloging  character  character sketch  charactering  characterization  chart  chimera  choreography  concept  conception  conceptualization  conventional representation  dance notation  delineation  delirium  demonstration  depiction  depictment  description  details  device  diagram  drama  drawing  eidetic image  eidolon  envisaging  envisioning  euphuism  evocation  exemplification  fancy  fantasque  fantasy  fiction  figment  figuration  figurative language  figurativeness  figure  figure of speech  floridity  flourish  flower  flowery style  graphic account  hallucination  hieroglyphic  iconography  ideogram  idle fancy  illusion  illustration  image  imagery study  imagination  imaging  imagining  imagism  imagistic poetry  impression  insubstantial image  invention  itemization  letter  lifelike image  limning  logogram  logograph  maggot  make-believe  manner of speaking  map  mental image  mental picture  mental representation  musical notation  myth  nonliterality  nonliteralness  notation  objectification  ornament  particularization  phantasm  phantom  photograph  pictogram  picture  picturing  picturization  plan  poetic imagery  portrait  portraiture  portrayal  prefigurement  presentment  printing  profile  projection  purple passage  realization  rendering  rendition  representation  romance  schema  score  script  sick fancy  sketch  specification  syllabary  symbol  symbolism  tablature  thick-coming fancies  trip  trope  turn of expression  vapor  vignette  vision  visual image  visualization  vivid description  way of speaking  whim  whimsy  wildest dreams  word painting  word-painting  writing  

image Definition

(n.) The impression of a vivid sensation retained by the retina of the eye after the cause has been removed
(n.) An imitation, representation, or similitude of any person, thing, or act, sculptured, drawn, painted, or otherwise made perceptible to the sight
(n.) Hence: The likeness of anything to which worship is paid
(n.) Show
(n.) A representation of anything to the mind
(n.) A picture, example, or illustration, often taken from sensible objects, and used to illustrate a subject
(n.) The figure or picture of any object formed at the focus of a lens or mirror, by rays of light from the several points of the object symmetrically refracted or reflected to corresponding points in such focus
(v. t.) To represent or form an image of
(v. t.) To represent to the mental vision

image Bedeutung

image compression the compression of graphics for storage or transmission
electronic image
an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
image simulacrum
a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture), the coin bears an effigy of Lincoln, the emperor's tomb had his image carved in stone
graven image
a material effigy that is worshipped, thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, money was his god
image orthicon
a now obsolete picture pickup tube in a television camera, electrons emitted from a photoemissive surface in proportion to the intensity of the incident light are focused onto the target causing secondary emission of electrons
a visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surface, they showed us the pictures of their wedding, a movie is a series of images projected so rapidly that the eye integrates them
scanner digital scanner
image scanner
an electronic device that generates a digital representation of an image for data input to a computer
image the general impression that something (a person or organization or product) presents to the public, although her popular image was contrived it served to inspire music and pageantry, the company tried to project an altruistic image
(Jungian psychology) a personal facade that one presents to the world, a public image is as fragile as Humpty Dumpty
mirror image
reflection reflexion
a likeness in which left and right are reversed
spitting image a perfect likeness or counterpart
mental image
an iconic mental representation, her imagination forced images upon her too awful to contemplate
imagination image
a mental image produced by the imagination
visual percept
visual image
a percept that arises from the eyes, an image in the visual system
memory image a mental image of something previously experienced
visual image visualization
a mental image that is similar to a visual perception
auditory image a mental image that is similar to an auditory perception
a standard or typical example, he is the prototype of good breeding, he provided America with an image of the good father
figure of speech
figure image
language used in a figurative or nonliteral sense
range range of a function
(mathematics) the set of values of the dependent variable for which a function is defined, the image of f(x) x^ is the set of all non-negative real numbers if the domain of the function is the set of all real numbers
someone who closely resembles a famous person (especially an actor), he could be Gingrich's double, she's the very image of her mother
iconoclast image breaker a destroyer of images used in religious worship
virtual image a reflected optical image (as seen in a plane mirror)
mirror-image relation
the relation of opposition between crystals or molecules that are reflections of one another
picture image
imagine, conceive of, see in one's mind, I can't see him on horseback!, I can see what will happen, I can see a risk in this strategy
image render visible, as by means of MRI
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An image is an artifact that depicts visual perception, for example a two-dimensional picture, that has a similar appearance to some subject?usually a physical object or a person, thus providing a depiction of it.

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