
in process Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

bearbeiten, Prozess
Prozessablauf m
Verfahren, Prozess
Prozess, Vorgang
Vorgang m
Arbeitsgang m
verarbeiten, entwickeln
to process
prozessintern adj
Teilprozess m
Prozessgas n techn.
process gas
process card
process time
Arbeitsgang m techn.
process step
Prozessablauf m
process flow
Prüfverfahren n
test process
Prozesskern m
process core
Heilverfahren n
care process
process chart
Pilat-Fraktionierung f (Asphalt) techn.
Pilat process
process chart
process chart
Chargenprozess m chem.
batch process
Prozessdampf m; Prozeßdampf m alt techn.
process steam
Pilat-Fraktionierung m (Asphalt) techn.
Pilat process
Aldoxprozess m chem.
aldox process
sales process
legal process
xerox process
Prozessmodell n
process model
Prozessdampf m, Prozeßdampf m alt techn.
process steam
Suchvorgang m
search process
Prozesssicherheit f techn.
process safety
Prozessgestaltung f
process design
prozesstauglich adj
Wandlungsprozess m
change process
Beimischvorgang m
mixing process
Kværner-Verfahren n chem.
Kværner process
Mikafilverfahren n (Kriechstromfestigkeitsprüfung) electr.
micafil process
Mahnverfahren n; Mahnverlauf m fin. adm.
dunning process
Beschichtungsvorgang m techn.
coating process
Mikafilverfahren (Kriechstromfestigkeitsprüfung) n electr.
micafil process
Crinkle-Verfahren n textil.
crinkle process
Ankunftsprozess m
arrival process
Steuerungstechnik f
process control
Siebeverfahren n
sifting process
Prozesssteuerung f
process control
process control
Arbeitsplaner m
process planner
Verkaufsvorgang, Verkaufsablauf
selling process
planning process
Conchierprozess m
conching process
Druckverfahren n
printing process
Prozessablauf m; Prozessverlauf m; Prozessfolge f
process sequence
Ein-Schritt-Verfahren n chem.
one-shot process
Prozessvariable f
process variable
goods in process
Planungsprozess m
planning process
prozessnah adj techn.
prozessabhängig; prozessorientiert adj
Röstarbeit f min.
roasting process
in Arbeit befindliche Ware
goods in process
learning process
Prozessmissbrauch m
abuse of process
Klischeehersteller m; Chemigraph m print
process engraver
Druckverfahren n print
printing process
reine Bearbeitungszeit
net process time
thinking process
process computer
Additivverfahren n
additive process
wirtschaftliche Entwicklung
economic process
abuse of process
prozessabhängig adj
Schrumpfungsprozess m
shrinking process
Vorgangsbearbeitung f
process treatment
Mischungsvorgang m
process of mixing
Prozessausrüstung f
process equipment
Rücknahmeverfahren n chem.
recycling process
Hinterfüllung f; Anschüttung f (von Hohlräumen mit stabilisierendem Material) constr.
backing (process)
Gossage-Prozess m (Sodaherstellung) chem.
Gossage's process
process allowance
finishing process
process allowance
Veredelungsverfahren n
finishing process
Abgangsprozess m mach.
departure process
flow process chart
Fertigungsverfahren n
production process
Prozesstechnik f techn.
process technology
Verfahrenserneuerung f; Prozessinnovation f
process innovation
process inspection
Flotationsverfahren n
floatation process
Bewegtbettverfahren n chem.
moving bed process
Fertigungsverfahren, Herstellungsverfahren
production process
flow process chart
Gesamtfertigungszeit, Auftragszeit
total process time
elektrische Verfahren n electr.
electrical process
Prozessautomatisierung f
process automation
Prozessfließbild n
process flow chart
Prozesssimulation f techn.
process simulation
Flotationsverfahren n min.
floatation process
Fertigungsüberwachung f chem.
process inspection
Prozessvalidierung f
process validation
Produktionsvorgang, Herstellungsablauf
production process
Verfahrenserneuerung, Prozessinnovation
process innovation
adjustment process
Adsorptionsprozesse pl techn.
absorption process
Einigungsprozess m
unification process
Entwicklungsprozess m
development process
Erfassungsvorgang m
acquisition process
Beseelung f; Animation f phil.
animation (process)
Prozessbeschreibung f
process description
Entwicklungsprozess m techn.
development process
Messverfahren n
measurement process
Phasenshiftverfahren n
phase shift process
Umformverfahren n; Umformvorgang m
deformation process
Prozessabluft f
process exhaust air
Prozessdatenkette f
process data stream
Prozessfortluft f
process exhaust air
Prozessinformation f
process information
Prozesskopplung f
process interfacing
Rechtsetzungsverfahren n
legislative process
process interfacing
process engineering
Umformverfahren n, Umformvorgang m
deformation process
duplicating process
acquisition process
Viertaktverfahren n
four-stroke process
Entstehungsprozess m
process of formation
Schuldenabbauprozess m fin.
deleveraging process
Fertigungsunterbrechung, Prozessunterbrechung
process interruption
Medienkanal m techn.
(process) media duct
Medientrasse f techn.
(process) media line
Messprozess m
process of measuring
Prozessoptimierung f
process optimization
Durchfließläppen n techn.
extrude-hone process
Autokollisions-Verfahren n
autocollision process
Akkulturationsprozess m soc.
acculturation process
manufacturing process
Herstellungsprozess m; Fertigungsprozess m; Produktionsprozess m
manufacturing process
Prozessvisualisierung f comp.
process visualization
manufacturing process
Herstellungsprozess m, Arbeitsprozess m
manufacturing process
Arbeitsverfahren n
manufacturing process
Qualifizierungsprozess m
qualification process
Fertigungsverfahren n
manufacturing process
Abstraktionsprozess m
process of abstraction

Deutsche bearbeiten Prozess Synonyme

bearbeiten  Âbehauen  Âhauen  
Gerichtsprozess  ÂGerichtsverfahren  ÂProzess  ÂVerfahren  
abfertigen  Âbearbeiten  Âfertig  machen  Âredigieren  
Ablauf  ÂHergang  ÂProzess  ÂVerlauf  ÂVorgang  
ackern  Âbearbeiten  Âbestellen  (Boden)  Âkultivieren  
Prozess  der  Spermienbildung  ÂReifung  der  Samenzellen  ÂSpermatogenese  (fachsprachlich)  
abändern  Âändern  Âbearbeiten  Âeditieren  Âmodifizieren  Âumschreiben  Âverändern  
kurzen  Prozess  machen  Ânicht  viel  Federlesen  machen  (umgangssprachlich)  
(etwas)  behandeln  Â(sich  mit  etwas)  auseinander  setzen  Â(sich)  befassen  (mit)  Â(sich)  beschäftigen  (mit)  Âbearbeiten  Âeingehen  (auf)  Âengagiert  (sein)  Âinvolviert  (sein)  
Prozess der Spermienbildung  Reifung der Samenzellen  Spermatogenese (fachsprachlich)  
bearbeiten  behauen  hauen  
kurzen Prozess machen  nicht viel Federlesen machen (umgangssprachlich)  

Englische process Synonyme

in process  accepted  acting  active  assumed  at work  brewing  chanced  forthcoming  functional  functioning  going  going on  in embryo  in exercise  in force  in hand  in operation  in play  in practice  in preparation  in production  in progress  in the oven  in the works  inaction  on foot  on stream  on the anvil  on the fire  on the way  ongoing  operating  operational  running  under construction  under revision  under way  undertaken  working  

in process Definition

(n.) The act of proceeding
(n.) A series of actions, motions, or occurrences
(n.) A statement of events
(n.) Any marked prominence or projecting part, especially of a bone
(n.) The whole course of proceedings in a cause real or personal, civil or criminal, from the beginning to the end of the suit
Siemens-Martin process
() See Open-hearth process, etc., under Open.
Weldon's process
() A process for the recovery or regeneration of manganese dioxide in the manufacture of chlorine, by means of milk of lime and the oxygen of the air

in process Bedeutung

physical process
a sustained phenomenon or one marked by gradual changes through a series of states, events now in process, the process of calcification begins later for boys than for girls
service serving
service of process
the act of delivering a writ or summons upon someone, he accepted service of the subpoena
surgery surgical operation
surgical procedure
surgical process
a medical procedure involving an incision with instruments, performed to repair damage or arrest disease in a living body, they will schedule the operation as soon as an operating room is available, he died while undergoing surgery
mathematical process
mathematical operation
(mathematics) calculation by mathematical methods, the problems at the end of the chapter demonstrated the mathematical processes involved in the derivation, they were learning the basic operations of arithmetic
a particular course of action intended to achieve a result, the procedure of obtaining a driver's license, it was a process of trial and error
due process
due process of law
(law) the administration of justice according to established rules and principles, based on the principle that a person cannot be deprived of life or liberty or property without appropriate legal procedures and safeguards
compulsory process the right of a defendant to have a court use its subpoena power to compel the appearance of material witnesses before the court
right to due process a right guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution, reaffirmed by the Fourteenth Amendment
acromial process
the outermost point of the spine of the shoulder blade
xiphoid process smallest of the three parts of the breastbone, articulates with the corpus sternum and the seventh rib
alveolar ridge
gum ridge
alveolar process
a ridge that forms the borders of the upper and lower jaws and contains the sockets of the teeth
a natural prolongation or projection from a part of an organism either animal or plant, a bony process
condylar process
condyloid process
mandibular condyle
the condyle of the ramus of the mandible that articulates with the skull
coronoid process
processus coronoideus
a sharp triangular process projecting from a bone
coronoid process of the mandible the coronoid process that provides an attachment for the temporal muscle
vermiform appendix
vermiform process
cecal appendage
a vestigial process that extends from the lower end of the cecum and that resembles a small pouch
mastoid process
mastoid bone
process of the temporal bone behind the ear at the base of the skull
styloid process extends from the base of the temporal bone
pterygoid process two bony processes descending from the body of the sphenoid bone
zygomatic process a slender process of the temporal bone that strengthens the zygomatic arch
transverse process one of two processes that extend from each vertebra and provide the point of articulation for the ribs
odontoid process a toothlike process at the back of nd vertebra of the neck
olecranon process
process of the ulna that forms the outer bump of the elbow and fits into the fossa of the humerus when the arm is extended
Benday process a photoengraving technique for adding shading or texture or tone to a printed image
cognitive process
mental process
cognitive operation
(psychology) the performance of some composite cognitive activity, an operation that affects mental contents, the process of thinking, the cognitive operation of remembering
process unconscious process a mental process that you are not directly aware of, the process of denial
basic cognitive process cognitive processes involved in obtaining and storing knowledge
representational process any basic cognitive process in which some entity comes to stand for or represent something else
higher cognitive process cognitive processes that presuppose the availability of knowledge and put it to use
thought process
the process of using your mind to consider something carefully, thinking always made him frown, she paused for thought
linguistic process
the cognitive processes involved in producing and understanding linguistic communication, he didn't have the language to express his feelings
a writ issued by authority of law, usually compels the defendant's attendance in a civil suit, failure to appear results in a default judgment against the defendant
monition process of monition a summons issued after the filing of a libel or claim directing all parties concerned to show cause why the judgment asked for should not be granted
printing process
reproduction by applying ink to paper as for publication
process printing a method of printing colored reproductions from halftone plates
collotype printing
photogelatin process
a photomechanical printing process that uses a glass plate with a gelatin surface that carries the image to be reproduced, can be used with one or more colors
carbon process a process of printing on paper coated with bichromated gelatin containing pigment
process cheese
processed cheese
made by blending several lots of cheese
process-server someone who personally delivers a process (a writ compelling attendance in court) or court papers to the defendant
plant process
a natural projection or outgrowth from a plant body or organ
Acheson process an industrial process for making graphite by heating a mixture of coke and clay
adiabatic process (thermodynamics) any process that occurs without gain or loss of heat
Bessemer process an industrial process for making steel using a Bessemer converter to blast air through molten iron and thus burning the excess carbon and impurities, the first successful method of making steel in quantity at low cost
bodily process
body process
bodily function
an organic process that takes place in the body, respiratory activity
chemical process
chemical change
chemical action
(chemistry) any process determined by the atomic and molecular composition and structure of the substances involved
cyanide process an industrial process for extracting gold and silver by treating ore with a sodium cyanide solution
decoction process
decoction mashing
(brewing) a process in which part of the mash is removed and boiled and then returned
dry plate
dry plate process
a former photographic method that used a glass plate coated with a light-sensitive gelatinous emulsion
economic process any process affecting the production and development and management of material wealth
fractional process
a process that uses heat to separate a substance into its components
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