
iron bearing Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Eisenerz enthaltend; eisenhaltig; eisenhältig Ös.; eisenschüssig; eisenführend adj min.
eisenhaltige Verkrustung
iron-bearing; ferriferous; ferruginous; ferrugineous
ferruginous incrustation
fixed interest bearing
bearing no interest
unverzinsliche Werte
non-interest bearing securities
bearing interest
zu verzinsen, verzinslich
Achslager n techn.
Achslager pl
axle box, axle bearing
axle boxes, axle bearings
Anschlusslager n techn.
Anschlusslager pl
Belastung der Anschlusslager
connection bearing
connection bearings
load of connection bearings
Auflagedruck m, Auflagerdruck m, Auflagerpressung f
bearing pressure, support pressure
Auflagekraft f
Auflagerfläche f
bearing surface
Auflagering m techn.
Auflageringe pl
bearing ring
bearing rings
Auflagerkonsole f
Auflagerkonsolen pl
bearing bracket
bearing brackets
Auflagerplatte f techn.
Auflagerplatten pl
bearing plate
bearing plates
Auflagerung f techn.
Auflagerungen pl
Auflageschiene f techn.
bearing rail
Auflagewinkel m
bearing elbow
Ausrücklager n techn.
Ausrücklager pl
release bearing
release bearings
Aventuringlasur f
aventurine glaze saturated iron glaze
Axiallager n techn.
Axiallager pl
axial bearing
axial bearings
Axial-Rillenkugellager n techn.
Axial-Rillenkugellager pl
deep groove ball thrust bearing
deep groove ball thrust bearings
Beschlag m
Beschläge pl
metal fittings, iron mounting
metal fittings, iron mountings
Betonstahlschere f constr.
Betonstahlscheren pl
iron bar cutter
iron bar cutters
Bodenschicht f
wasserführende Bodenschicht
water bearing formation
Bodentragfähigkeit f
soil bearing capacity
Buchsengehäuse n techn.
Buchsengehäuse pl
bush bearing
bush bearings
Bügeleisen n
Bügeleisen pl
iron, flat-iron
irons, flat-irons
Bügelmaschine f
rotary iron
Dampfross n
iron horse
Drahtkugellager n techn.
Drahtkugellager pl
wire race ball bearing
wire race ball bearings
Dulden n
Eichenlaub n (zum Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes) hist. mil.
oakleaves (to the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross)
Eisen n
schmiedbares Eisen
durch Chelatoren stabilisiertes Eisen
malleable iron
chelated iron
Eisenbarren m
bar iron
Eisenbeschlag m
Eisenbeschläge pl
iron mountings
iron mountings
Eisenerz n
iron ore
Eisenerzgrube f
Eisenerzgruben pl
iron ore mine
iron ore mines
Eisengehalt m
iron content
Eisengießerei f
Eisengießereien pl
iron foundry
iron foundries
Eisengitter n
iron grate
Eisenguss m
iron casting
Eisenkern m
dust core, iron core
Eisenmangel m
iron deficiency
Eisenoxid n, Eisenoxyd n alt chem.
Eisenoxide pl
Eisen-2-Oxid n
Eisen-3-Oxid n
hoher Gehalt an Eisenoxid
ferric oxide
ferric oxides
ferrous oxide
ferric oxide
high iron
Eisenrohr n
Eisenrohre pl
iron tube
iron tubes
Eisenschwammspeicher m
iron sponge storage
Eisenspat m min.
iron spar
Eisenstange f
Eisenstangen pl
iron rod, iron bar
iron rods, iron bars
Eisensuchgerät n (Bekohlung) mach.
Eisensuchgeräte pl
tramp iron detector
tramp iron detectors
Eisentablette f med.
Eisentabletten pl
iron tablet
iron tablets
Eisenteile pl (in der Kohle) mach.
tramp iron
Eisenwinkel m
angle iron
Eisenzeit f hist.
vorrömische Eisenzeit f
frühe Eisenzeit
späte Eisenzeit
Iron Age
pre-Roman iron age
early Iron Age
late Iron Age
Elektrode f electr. techn.
Elektroden pl
Elektrode (erzsauer)
Elektrode (Fülldraht)
Elektrode (kalkbasisch)
Elektrode (nackt, blank)
Elektrode (Seelen)
umhüllte Elektrode
iron oxide electrode
cored-wire electrode
basic electrode
bare-wire electrode
cored electrode
overed electrode, coated electrode
Ertragen n, Erdulden n
Faust f
Fäuste pl
auf eigene Faust
auf eigene Faust
mit eiserner Faust
mit der Faust auf den Tisch schlagen übtr.
mit der Faust auf den Tisch schlagen übtr.
mit den Fäusten kämpfen
fist (fisting)
off one's own bat
on one's own, on one's own initiative, on one's own hook
with an iron hand, with iron fist
to put one's foot down
to thump the table with one's fist
to fist-fight
Festlager n techn.
Festlager pl
solid bearing
solid bearings
Flacheisen n
Flacheisen pl
flat bar, flat iron
flat bars, flat irons
Flanschlager n techn.
Flanschlager pl
flange bearing
flange bearings
Führungslager n techn.
Führungslager pl
pilot bearing, spigot bearing
pilot bearings, spigot bearings
im Gedächtnis behalten, beachten, berücksichtigen, etw. in Rechnung ziehen
im Gedächtnis behaltend, beachtend, berücksichtigend, etw. in Rechnung ziehend
im Gedächtnis behalten, beachtet, berücksichtigt, etw. in Rechnung gezogen
to bear in mind
bearing in mind
borne in mind, born in mind
Gelenklager n techn.
Gelenklager pl
pivoting bearing, swing bearing
pivoting bearings, swing bearings
Gleitlager n techn.
Gleitlager pl
plain bearing, slide bearing, sliding contact bearing, sleeve bearing, friction bearing
plain bearings, slide bearings, sliding contact bearings, sleeve bearings, friction bearings
Grauguss m
gray iron, gray cast iron
Gummilager n techn.
Gummilager pl
rubber bearing
rubber bearings
Gusseisen n, Gußeisen n alt
cast iron
Halslager n mach.
Halslager pl
neck journal bearing
neck journal bearings
Hauptlager n techn.
Hauptlager pl
main bearing
main bearings
Hütten- und Stahlwerk n
iron and steel works
Innenlager n techn.
Innenlager pl
inside bearing, inner bearing
inside bearings, inner bearings
Kanonenofen m
round iron stove
Kanzler m, Kanzlerin f
Kanzler pl, Kanzlerinnen pl
Kanzlerin f
Eiserner Kanzler
female chancellor
Iron Chancellor
Kegelrollenlager n techn.
Kegelrollenlager pl
tapered roller bearing
tapered roller bearings
Kerneisen n
core iron
Kolbenbolzenlager n techn.
Kolbenbolzenlager pl
small end bearing
small end bearings
Kompasskurs m
compass bearing
Krafttraining n
Krafttraining machen
strength training
to pump iron coll.
Eisernes Kreuz mil.
Ritterkreuz n mil.
Iron Cross
Knight´s Cross of the Iron Cross
Kugeldrehverbindung f techn.
ball bearing supported (slewing) ring
Kugelhalter m techn.
Kugelhalter pl
ball bearing cage
ball bearing cages
Kugellager n techn.
Kugellager pl
ball bearing, journal bearing
ball bearings, journal bearings
Kugellagerkugel f techn.
Kugellagerkugeln pl
bearing ball
bearing balls
Kugellagerfett n techn.
ball-bearing grease
Kugellagerstahl m
ball bearing steel
Kurbelzapfenlager n techn.
Kurbelzapfenlager pl
crankpin bearing
crankpin bearings
Längseisen n
length iron
Lager n techn.
Lager pl
gedichtetes Lager, Innenlager n
dauergeschmiertes Lager
Auflager - beweglich
Auflager - fest
sealed bearing
lifetime-lubricated bearing, sealed-for-life bearing
expansion bearing
fixed bearing
Lagerblock m techn.
Lagerblöcke pl
bearing block, bearing chair
bearing blocks, bearing chairs
Lagerbock m
Lagerböcke pl
bearing block, bearing pedestal
bearing blocks, bearing pedestals
Lagerbrücke f techn.
Lagerbrücken pl
bearing bridge
bearing bridges
Lagerbuchse f techn.
Lagerbuchsen pl
bearing bush, bearing race
bearing bushes, bearing races
Lagerbüchse f techn.
Lagerbüchsen pl
bearing yoke
bearing yokes
Lagerbügel m
Lagerbügel pl
bearing support
bearing supports
Lagerdeckel m techn.
Lagerdeckel pl
bearing cap, bearing cover, crown
bearing caps, bearing covers, crowns
Lagerdruck m techn.
bearing pressure
Lagereinbau m
bearing installation
Lagerflansch m techn.
Lagerflansche pl
bearing flange
bearing flanges
Lagerflanschrohr n techn.
Lagerflanschrohre pl
bearing flange tube
bearing flange tubes
Lagergehäuse n techn.
Lagergehäuse pl
bearing housing
bearing housings
Lagerhaltering m techn.
Lagerhalteringe pl
bearing retainer
bearing retainers
Lagerhülse f techn.
Lagerhülsen pl
bearing bushing
bearing bushings
Lagerkörper m
Lagerkörper pl
bearing body
bearing bodies
Lagerschale f techn.
Lagerschalen pl
bearing shell, bearing half
bearing shells, bearing halves
Lagerspiel n, Spiel n techn.
bearing play, free play, play, bearing gap
Lagerstuhl m techn.
Lagerstühle pl
bearing block
bearing blocks
Lagerteil n techn.
Lagerteile pl
bearing part
bearing parts
Lagerwelle f techn.
Lagerwellen pl
bearing shaft
bearing shafts
Lagerwinkel m techn.
Lagerwinkel pl
bearing angle
bearing angles
Lagerzapfen m techn.
Lagerzapfen pl
bearing pin, journal, pivot bolt
bearing pins, journals, pivot bolts
Leibungsdruck m
Lochleibungsdruck m techn.
bearing, intrados pressure
Lochleibungsfläche f techn.
effective bearing area
(elektrischer) Lötkolben m
(electric) soldering iron, soldering bit
Luftpolster n bei Plattenspeicher comp.
air bearing
Lunge f anat.
Lungen pl
eiserne Lunge f
iron lung
Manieren pl
gute Manieren
schlechte Manieren
mit guten Manieren
Manieren der alten Schule
manners, bearing
good manners
bad manners, ill manners, bad style
old-school manners
Nadellager n techn.
Nadellager pl
needle bearing, needle roller bearing
needle bearings, needle roller bearings
Niro-Lager n techn.
Niro-Lager pl
stainless steel bearing
stainless steel bearings
Nockenwellenlager n techn.
Nockenwellenlager pl
camshaft bearing
camshaft bearings
Peilung f
stehende Peilung
bearing, fix
constant bearing
Peilung f, Peilen n
taking a bearing
Pelztier n
Pelztiere pl
fur bearing animal
fur bearing animals
Pendellager n techn.
Pendellager pl
self-aligning bearing
self-aligning bearings
Pendelrollenlager n techn.
Pendelrollenlager pl
self-aligning roller bearing, radial roller bearing
self-aligning roller bearings, radial roller bearings
Pleuellager n techn.
Pleuellager pl
big end bearing, large end bearing
big end bearings, large end bearings
Position f, Lage f, Kurs m
Presswehen pl med.
bearing down pains
Profileisen n, Formeisen n
profile iron
Pyrit n, Eisenkies m min.
Pyrite pl
iron pyrites
Radiopeilung f
radio bearing
Radlager n techn.
Radlager pl
wheel bearing
wheel bearings
Raseneisenerz n
bog iron ore
Ration f
Rationen pl
eiserne Ration
iron ration
Rillenkugellager n techn.
Rillenkugellager pl
deep groove ball bearing
deep groove ball bearings
Roheisen n
pig iron
Rollenlager n techn.
Rollenlager pl
roller bearing
roller bearings
Samenpflanze f, Spermatophyte f bot.
Samenpflanzen pl, Spermatophyta pl
seed-bearing plant, spermatophyte
seed-bearing plants, spermatophyta
Schalenhartguss m
chilled iron
Schicht f geol.
Schichten pl
gasführende Schicht
strata (stratums)
gas-bearing stratum, gas stratum
Schießeisen n ugs.
shooting iron, rod, gat coll.
Schmiedearbeit f
piece of wrought-iron work
Schmiedeeisen n
wrought iron
Schräglager n techn.
Schräglager pl
angular contact bearing
angular contact bearings
Schulterlager n techn.
Schulterlager pl
separable bearing
separable bearings
Sinterlager n techn.
Sinterlager pl
self-lubricating bearing
self-lubricating bearings
Spatenbeschlag m, Spatenschuh m
spade iron
Spindellager n techn.
Spindellager pl
spindle bearing
spindle bearings
Spitzendruck m
point bearing pressure
Stabeisen n
Stehlager m techn.
Stehlager pl
pedestal bearing, pillar block bearing
pedestal bearings, pillar block bearings

Deutsche Eisenerz enthaltend; eisenhaltig; eisenhältig [Ös.]; eisenschüssig; eisenführend {adj} [min.] / eisenhaltige Verkrustung Synonyme

eingeschlossen  Âenthaltend  Âimplizit  Âmitgemeint  Âunausgesprochen  

Englische iron-bearing; ferriferous; ferruginous; ferrugineous Synonyme

iron bearing Definition

Bar iron
() See under Iron.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bear
(n.) The manner in which one bears or conducts one's self
(n.) Patient endurance
(n.) The situation of one object, with respect to another, such situation being supposed to have a connection with the object, or influence upon it, or to be influenced by it
(n.) Purport
(n.) The act, power, or time of producing or giving birth
(n.) That part of any member of a building which rests upon its supports
(n.) The portion of a support on which anything rests.
(n.) Improperly, the unsupported span
(n.) The part of an axle or shaft in contact with its support, collar, or boxing
(n.) The part of the support on which a journal rests and rotates.
(n.) Any single emblem or charge in an escutcheon or coat of arms -- commonly in the pl.
(n.) The situation of a distant object, with regard to a ship's position, as on the bow, on the lee quarter, etc.
(n.) The widest part of a vessel below the plank-sheer.
(n.) The line of flotation of a vessel when properly trimmed with cargo or ballast.
Bearing cloth
() A cloth with which a child is covered when carried to be baptized.
Bearing rein
() A short rein looped over the check hook or the hames to keep the horse's head up
(n.) A hollow smoothing iron containing a heater within.
Branding iron
() An iron to brand with.
Brand iron
() A branding iron.
Brand iron
() A trivet to set a pot on.
Brand iron
() The horizontal bar of an andiron.
Bridle iron
() A strong flat bar of iron, so bent as to support, as in a stirrup, one end of a floor timber, etc., where no sufficient bearing can be had
Cast iron
() Highly carbonized iron, the direct product of the blast furnace
(a.) Made of cast iron. Hence, Fig.: like cast iron
Cramp iron
() See Cramp, n., 2.
Grozing iron
() A tool with a hardened steel point, formerly used instead of a diamond for cutting glass.
Grozing iron
() A tool for smoothing the solder joints of lead pipe.
Harping iron
() A harpoon.
(n.) The most common and most useful metallic element, being of almost universal occurrence, usually in the form of an oxide (as hematite, magnetite, etc.), or a hydrous oxide (as limonite, turgite, etc.). It is reduced on an enormous scale in three principal forms
(n.) An instrument or utensil made of iron
(n.) Fetters
(n.) Strength
(n.) Of, or made of iron
(n.) Resembling iron in color
(n.) Like iron in hardness, strength, impenetrability, power of endurance, insensibility, etc.
(n.) Rude
(n.) Firm
(n.) Inflexible
(n.) Not to be broken
(v. t.) To smooth with an instrument of iron
(v. t.) To shackle with irons
(v. t.) To furnish or arm with iron
(a.) Cased or covered with iron, as a vessel
(a.) Closefisted
(a.) Of a gray color, somewhat resembling that of iron freshly broken.
(n.) An iron-gray color
(a.) Hard-hearted
(a.) Having the ironwork loose or corroded

iron bearing Bedeutung

bearing false witness
lying under oath
criminal offense of making false statements under oath
dog dog-iron
metal supports for logs in a fireplace, the andirons were too hot to touch
angle bracket
angle iron
an L-shaped metal bracket
ball bearing
needle bearing
roller bearing
bearings containing small metal balls
bearing a rotating support placed between moving parts to allow them to move easily
bearing rein
a rein designed to keep the horse's head in the desired position
bearing wall any wall supporting a floor or the roof of a building
boot the boot
iron boot
iron heel
an instrument of torture that is used to heat or crush the foot and leg
charge bearing heraldic bearing
armorial bearing
heraldry consisting of a design or image depicted on a shield
corrugated iron usually galvanized sheet iron or sheet steel shaped into straight parallel ridges and hollows
cramp iron
a strip of metal with ends bent at right angles, used to hold masonry together
climbing iron
an iron spike attached to the shoe to prevent slipping on ice when walking or climbing
curling iron a cylindrical metal home appliance that heats a lock of hair that has been curled around it
driving iron
one iron
(golf) the long iron with the most nearly vertical face
fire iron metal fireside implements
iron collar
an instrument of execution for execution by strangulation
goffer gauffer goffering iron
gauffering iron
an iron used to press pleats and ridges
grapnel grapple
grappling hook
grappling iron
a tool consisting of several hooks for grasping and holding, often thrown with a rope
smoothing iron
home appliance consisting of a flat metal base that is heated and used to smooth cloth
iron a golf club that has a relatively narrow metal head
iron branding iron implement used to brand live stock
iron foundry a foundry where cast iron is produced
iron horse (c. ) an early term for a locomotive
iron lung respirator that produces alternations in air pressure in a chamber surrounding a patient's chest to force air into and out of the lungs thus providing artificial respiration
iron maiden instrument of torture consisting of a hollow iron frame shaped like the human body and lined with spikes to impale the victim
journal bearing the bearing of a journal
long iron an iron with a long shaft and a steep face, for hitting long low shots
five iron
middle-distance iron
mashie niblick
seven iron
iron with a lofted face for hitting high shots to the green
two iron
long iron with a nearly vertical face
nine iron
an iron with considerable loft
nickel-iron battery
nickel-iron accumulator
a storage battery having a nickel oxide cathode and an iron anode with an electrolyte of potassium hydroxide, each cell gives about . volts
side arm
shooting iron
a firearm that is held and fired with one hand
plate iron a plate of iron
putting iron
the iron normally used on the putting green
searing iron a hot iron used to destroy tissue
sheet iron plate iron thinner than tank iron
short iron an iron with a short shaft and pitched face, for hitting short high shots
soldering iron a hand tool with a heatable tip, used to melt and apply solder
steam iron a pressing iron that can emit steam
stirrup iron
support consisting of metal loops into which rider's feet go
stovepipe iron plate iron that is thinner than tank iron
tank iron plate iron that is thinner than boilerplate but thicker than sheet iron or stovepipe iron
thrust bearing a bearing designed to take thrusts parallel to the axis of revolution
tire iron
tire tool
hand tool consisting of a lever that is used to force the casing of a pneumatic tire onto a steel wheel
travel iron a small lightweight iron that can be carried while traveling
waffle iron a kitchen appliance for baking waffles, the appliance usually consists of two indented metal pans hinged together so that they create a pattern on the waffle
iron mold
iron mould
a spot caused the staining with rust or ink
dignified manner or conduct
the color of freshly broken cast iron
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