
mad doctor Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Artzt (falsche Schreibweise)
Arzt, Ärztin
kastrieren v med.
to doctor
Irrenarzt m
Imageberater m, Imageberaterin f, politischer Medienberater m
spin doctor
Dr. : Doktor m
Dr : Doctor
woman doctor
Betriebsarzt, Werksarzt
works doctor
Honorar des Arztes, ärztliches Honorar
doctor's fee
Arzthonorar n, ärztliches Honorar
doctor's fee
Kassenarzt m
panel doctor
Dr. : Doktor
Dr. : Doctor
panel doctor
Arzthonorar n; ärztliches Honorar
doctor's fee
family doctor
Doktor der Rechtswissenschaft
doctor of laws
Betreuer m, Betreuerin f (im Sport)
doctor, physio
ein Kurpfuscher
a quack doctor
Betreuer m; Betreuerin f (im Sport)
doctor; physio
Landarzt m; Landärztin f
country doctor
Ehrendoktor m
honorary doctor
Doktor Allwissend
Doctor Know-All
Arzthocker m med.
doctor´s chairs
honorary doctor
Doktor m, Doktorin f
Doktoren pl
assistant doctor
Arztkittel m; Doktorkittel m med.
doctor's overall
Doktor der Medizin
doctor of medicine
Feldscher m mil. med.
doctor's assistant
Doktor der Wirtschaftswissenschaften
doctor of economics
Dr. jur. : Doktor der Rechte
LL D : legum doctor
Doktor der Philosophie
doctor of philosophy
Dr. jur. : Doktor der Rechte
LLD : Doctor of Laws
Pferdedoktor m ugs. med.
horse doctor coll.
Arzthelferin f
doctor's receptionist
Kurpfuscher m
ein Kurpfuscher
a quack doctor
Regenmacher m
rainmaker, rain doctor
Regenmacher m
rainmaker; rain doctor
Aus ihr ist eine gute Ärztin geworden.
She made a good doctor.
Dr. theol. : Doktor der Theologie
DD : Doctor of Divinity
Visite f (Arzt und Begleitpersonal auf Visite) med.
doctor on his ward round
Dr. jur. : Doktor des Zivilrechts
DCL : Doctor of Civil Law
Welcher Arzt hat sie behandelt?
Which doctor attended you?
Dr. jur. : Doktor des Zivilrechts
JCD : juris civilis doctor
Arztinformationssysteme pl med.
doctor information systems
der Arzt wird dich gesund machen
the doctor will fix you up
Imageberater m; Imageberaterin f; politischer Medienberater m
Imageberater pl; Imageberaterinnen pl; politische Medienberater pl
spin doctor
spin doctors
Bereitschaftstasche f (für Photographen)
Bereitschaftstasche f (für Ärzte)
camera case
doctor's bag
etw. (mit etw.) vergiften
to doctor sth. (with sth.)
etw. (mit etw.) vergiften v
to doctor sth. (with sth.)
Abstreicher m mach. (Siebtrommel)
Abstreicher pl
doctor blade
doctor blades
Dr. rer.nat. : Doktor der Naturwissenschaften
DSc, ScD : Doctor of Science
Rakelmesser n mach.
Rakelmesser pl
doctor blade
doctor blades
Doktor Allwissend (Märchen)
Doctor Know-All (fairy tale)
Kirchenlehrer m; Kirchenlehrerin f relig.
Doctor of the Church; Doctor
Doktor Allwissend (Märchen) lit.
Doctor Know-All (fairy tale)
Er eignet sich nicht zum Arzt.
He's not suited for a doctor.
Arztzimmer n
Arztzimmer pl
doctor's room
doctor's rooms
Schiffsarzt m
Schiffsärzte pl
ship's doctor
ship's doctors
Er war beim Arzt.
He has been to see the doctor.
Doktor der Zahnmedizin
DDS : Doctor of Dental Surgery
Arztrechnung f
Arztrechnungen pl
doctor's bill
doctor's bills
Schiffsarzt m; Schiffsärztin f
Schiffsärzte pl; Schiffsärztinnen pl
ship's doctor
ship's doctors
Arztliege f; Liege f beim Arzt med.
Arztliegen pl
doctor's couch
doctor's couches
Arztbericht m
Arztberichte pl
doctor's report
doctor's reports
Arztberuf m
den Arztberuf ergreifen, Arzt werden, Ärztin werden
job of doctor
to become a doctor
Abtreibungsarzt m med.
Abtreibungsärzte pl
abortion doctor
abortion doctors
Arztberuf m
den Arztberuf ergreifen; Arzt werden; Ärztin werden
job of doctor
to become a doctor
Arztberuf m
den Arztberuf ergreifen; Arzt werden
job of doctor
to become a doctor
Assistentsarzt m, Assistenzarzt m
Assistentsärzte pl, Assistenzärzte pl
assistant doctor
assistant doctors
etw. fälschen; etw. frisieren ugs.
to doctor sth. (figures statistics)
Arztbesuch m
Arztbesuch m
visit to the doctor's
etw. fälschen; etw. frisieren ugs. v (Zahlen, Statistik)
to doctor sth. (figures, statistics)
Doktorfisch m; Knabberfisch m; Kangalfisch m (Cyprinion macrostomus) zool.
doctor fish; nibble fish kangal fish
Doktorfisch m; Knabberfisch m; Kangalfisch m (Cyprinion macrostomus) zool.
doctor fish; nibble fish, kangal fish
Ehrendoktor m
Ehrendoktoren pl
honorary doctor h.c.
honorary doctors
Humanmediziner m, Humanmedizinerin f
Humanmediziner pl, Humanmedizinerinnen pl
doctor of medicine
doctors of medicine
Feldscher m mil. med.
Feldscher pl
doctor's assistant
doctor's assistants
Humanmediziner m; Humanmedizinerin f
Humanmediziner pl; Humanmedizinerinnen pl
doctor of medicine
doctors of medicine
Medizinmann m, Wunderheiler m
Medizinmänner pl, Wunderheiler pl
witch doctor, witchdoctor
witch doctors
Dr. med. : Doktor der Medizin
MD : Doctor of Medicine, medicinae doctor
Ehrendoktor m
Ehrendoktoren pl
honorary doctor h.c.
honorary doctors
Medizinmann m; Wunderheiler m
Medizinmänner pl; Wunderheiler pl
witch doctor; witchdoctor
witch doctors
Anraten n
auf Anraten des Arztes
on doctor's recommendation
Schleie f; Schlei m (Tinca tinca) zool.
Schleien pl
tench; doctor fish
tenches; doctor fishes
Dr. phil. : Doktor der Philosophie
DPhil, PhD, Ph.D, DPh : Doctor of Philosophy
Arzttermin m
Arzttermine pl
doctor's appointment
doctor's appointments
Psychiater m, Klapsdoktor (scherzhaft)
shrink (short for headshrinker), couch doctor
Arztwartezimmer n
Arztwartezimmer pl
doctor's waiting room
doctor's waiting rooms
Doktor der Literaturwissenschaften
DLit : Doctor of Letters, Doctor of Literature
Arztstempel m
Arztstempel pl
doctor's personal seal
doctor's personal seals
Doktortitel m; Doktorgrad m; Doktorwürde f; Doktorat n stud.
doctoral degree; doctor's degree; doctorate; PhD
Befund m (schriftliches Untersuchungsergebnis) med.
ärztlicher Befund
Befund des Krankenhauses
medical report
doctor's report
clinical report
verarzten, behandeln
verarztend, behandelnd
verarztet, behandelt
to doctor
verarzten; behandeln v
verarztend; behandelnd
verarztet; behandelt
to doctor
Behandlungszimmer n med.
Behandlungszimmer pl
doctor's examination room
doctor's examination rooms
Promotion f (Verleihung der Doktorwürde) chem.
conferring of a doctorate; taking your doctor's degree
Sprechstundenhilfe f; Ordinationshilfe f med.
doctor's receptionist; GP receptionist; medical secretary
Arzt-Patient-Beziehung f med.
Arzt-Patient-Beziehungen pl
Arztkoffer m med.
Arztkoffer pl
doctor's kit, doctor's case
doctor's kits, doctor's cases
Doktor beider Rechte
JUD : juris utriesque doctor, Doctor of Canon and Civil Law
Arztkoffer m med.
Arztkoffer pl
doctor's kit; doctor's case
doctor's kits; doctor's cases
Arztpraxis f
medical practice, doctor's surgery Br., medical office Am.
Hausapotheke f (Behälter)
ärztliche Hausapotheke f med.
medicine cupboard; medicine chest hist.
doctor's dispensary
Hausarzt m, Hausärztin f med.
Hausärzte pl, Hausärztinnen pl
family doctor, family physician
family doctors, family physicians
Anraten n
auf Anraten des Arztes
on doctor's recommendation; on the doctor's advice
Hausarzt m; Hausärztin f med.
Hausärzte pl; Hausärztinnen pl
family doctor; family physician
family doctors; family physicians
Praxiszeiten pl; Arzt-Sprechzeiten pl; Ordinationszeiten pl Ös. med.
surgery hours Br.; surgery Br.; the doctor's office hours Am.
Rakelanstellwinkel m; Anstellwinkel m (beim Tiefdruck) print
counter (the angle between the doctor blade and the cylinder surface)
Medienstratege m (einer Organisation Partei) pol.
Medienstrategen pl
gewiefter Medienstratege
(an organizations a party's) spin doctor
spin doctors
Bei Unwohlsein den Arzt aufsuchen und ihm diesen Warnzettel zeigen. (Sicherheitshinweis)
If you feel unwell call a doctor and show him this label. (safety note)
Arzthelfer m; Arzthelferin f; Arztgehilfe m Schw.; Praxisassistent m; Praxisassistentin f Schw. med.
Arzthelfer pl; Arzthelferinnen pl; Arztgehilfen pl; Praxisassistenten pl; Praxisassistentinnen pl
doctor's assistant; practice nurse
doctor's assistants; practice nurses
Das ist genau das, was ich brauche.
Das ist genau das, was wir brauchen.
That's just what the doctor ordered.
That's just what the doctor ordered.
Arzthelferin f, Arzthelfer m, Notarzthelfer m
doctor's assistant, doctor's receptionist, practice nurse, medical secretary
falsch adj (vorgeblich)
ein falscher Arzt
ein falscher Name; ein Falschname
Sie sprach mit vorgetäuschtem deutschen Akzent.
a fake doctor
a fake name
She was speaking with a fake German accent.
Doktortitel m; Doktorgrad m; Doktorwürde f; Doktorat n stud.
Berufsdoktorat n
doctoral degree; doctor's degree; doctorate; DPhil; PhD
professional doctorate
Sprechzimmer n, Arztsprechzimmer n med.
Sprechzimmer pl, Arztsprechzimmer pl
consulting room Br., doctor's office Am.
consulting rooms, doctor's offices
Sprechzimmer n; Arztsprechzimmer n med.
Sprechzimmer pl; Arztsprechzimmer pl
consulting room Br.; doctor's office Am.
consulting rooms; doctor's offices
Arzt-Patient-Beziehung f med.
Arzt-Patient-Beziehungen pl
doctor-patient-relationship; doctor-patient relation
Arztsprechzeiten pl; Praxiszeiten pl; Ordinationszeiten pl Ös. med.
surgery hours Br.; opening times of surgery Br.; the doctor's office hours Am.
Augenarzt m, Augenärztin f med.
Augenärzte pl, Augenärztinnen pl
eye specialist, eye doctor, ophthalmologist
eye specialists, eye doctors, ophthalmologists
Augenarzt m; Augenärztin f; Ophthalmologe m med.
Augenärzte pl; Augenärztinnen pl; Ophthalmologen pl
eye specialist; eye doctor; ophthalmologist
eye specialists; eye doctors; ophthalmologists
Arztsprechstunde f; Sprechstunde f adm. med.
Sprechstunde abhalten halten haben
doctor's consultation hour; surgery Br.; clinic Br.
to hold a surgery Br. clinic Br.
Arbeitsmediziner m; Arbeitsmedizinerin f; Werksarzt m; Werksärztin f; Betriebsarzt m; Betriebsärztin f
Arbeitsmediziner pl; Arbeitsmedizinerinnen pl; Werksärzte pl; Werksärztinnen pl; Betriebsärzte pl; Betriebsärztinnen pl
occupational health physician; company doctor
occupational health physicians; company doctors
(ein Medikament) verschreiben; verordnen v med.
verschreibend; verordnend
verschrieben; verordnet
falls (vom Arzt) nicht anders verordnet
to prescribe (a medicine)
unless otherwise prescibed (by the doctor)
jdm. assistieren v (bei etw.)
Ein zweiter Arzt assistierte bei der Operation.
to assist sb. (at with sth.)
Another doctor assisted with the operation.
Garra-Algenfresser pl (Garra) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
rote Saugbarbe f; Knabberfisch m; Doktorfisch m; Kangalfisch m (Garra rufa)
garras (zoological genus)
reddish log sucker; nibble fish, doctor fish; physio fish; kangal fish
Assistentsarzt m; Assistenzarzt m; Assistenzärztin f med.
Assistentsärzte pl; Assistenzärzte pl
assistant doctor; resident Am.; junior doctor Br.
assistant doctors; residents; junior doctors
Assistenzarzt m; Assistenzärztin f; Sekundararzt m; Sekundarärztin f med.
Assistenzärzte pl; Assistenzärztinnen pl; Sekundarärzte pl; Sekundarärztinnen pl
assistant doctor; resident Am.; junior doctor Br.
assistant doctors; residents; junior doctors
Garra-Algenfresser pl (Garra) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
rote Saugbarbe; Knabberfisch; Doktorfisch; Kangalfisch (Garra rufa)
garras (zoological genus)
reddish log. sucker; nibble fish doctor fish; physio fish; kangal fish
jdn. (medizinisch) versorgen; jdn. verarzten v med.
versorgend; verarztend
versorgt; verarztet
Sie versorgte das kranke Kind, bis der Arzt kam.
to doctor sb. coll.
She doctored the sick child until the physician arrived.
Schweigepflicht f
amtliche Schweigepflicht f
ärztliche Schweigepflicht f
geschäftliche Schweigepflicht f
Verletzung der Schweigepflicht
secrecy, discretion
official discretion
doctor-patient confidentiality
business discretion
breach of secrecy
Vertrauensarzt m; Vertrauensärztin f med.
Vertrauensärzte pl; Vertrauensärztinnen pl
independent medical examiner; independent examining doctor
independent medical examiners; independent examining doctors
Seelendoktor m; Seelenklempner m humor. ugs. (Psychiater)
Seelendoktoren pl; Seelenklempner pl
head-shrinker; shrink; mind doctor; couch doctor coll. (psychiatrist)
head-shrinkers; shrinks; mind doctors; couch doctors
Nebenwirkung f; Seiteneffekt m
Nebenwirkungen pl; Seiteneffekte pl
Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen fragen Sie Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker.
side effect; byeffect
side effects; byeffects
Ask your doctor or pharmacist about any health risks and possible side effects.
jdn. etw. als etw. bezeichnen; jdn. etw. etw. nennen v
'Bezahlung nach Klicks' wird auch als 'Abrechnung nach Klicks' bezeichnet.
Er hört es gern wenn man ihn 'Herr Doktor' nennt.
to refer to sb. sth. as sth.
'Pay per click" is also referred to as 'cost per click'.
He likes to be referred to as 'Doctor'.
jdn. etw. als etw. bezeichnen; jdn. etw. etw. nennen v
„Bezahlung nach Klicks“ wird auch als „Abrechnung nach Klicks“ bezeichnet.
Er hört es gern, wenn man ihn 'Herr Doktor' nennt.
to refer to sb. sth. as sth.
'Pay per click" is also referred to as 'cost per click'.
He likes to be referred to as 'Doctor'.
bezeugen v
er sie bezeugt
ich er sie bezeugte
den Tod feststellen (Arzt)
to testify
he she testifies
I he she testified
to testify the death; to certify death (of a doctor)
jdn. (zum Schauplatz) rufen; holen v
rufend; holend
gerufen; geholt
den Doktor holen
Truppen anfordern
jdn. zum Streik auffordern
to call out () sb. (to the scene)
calling out
called out
to call the doctor out
to call out troops
to call sb. out on strike
Medikamentenausgabestelle f; Medikamentenausgabe f ugs.; Arzneiausgabe f ugs.; angeschlossene Apotheke f pharm.
Medikamentenausgabestellen pl; Medikamentenausgaben pl; Arzneiausgaben pl; angeschlossene Apotheken pl
ärztliche Hausapotheke f
Krankenhausapotheke f
Lazarettapotheke f mil.
Werksapotheke f
doctor's dispensary
hospital dispensary; pharmacy Br.
military hospital dispensary
factory dispensary
Rote-Hand-Brief m Dt. pharm.
Dear Doctor letter DDL ; Dear Healthcare Professional letter; DHCP letter Br.; Dear Healthcare Provider letter Am.; DHCP letter DHCPL
Visite f (im Krankenhaus) med.
Visiten pl
bei einer Visite
auf Visite sein
eine Visite machen
ward round; doctor's round (in the hospital)
ward rounds; doctor's rounds
on a ward round
to be doing a ward round
to do a ward round
Approbation f (Berufszulassung für Ärzte und Apotheker) adm.
einem Arzt die Approbation erteilen
jdm. die Approbation entziehen
licence to practise (as a doctor veterinary surgeon pharmacist)
to licence a doctor to practise medicine
to revoke sb.'s licence to practise
Notarzt m, Notärztin f med.
Notärzte pl, Notärztinnen pl
emergency doctor, emergency physician, emergency response physician Am.
emergency doctors, emergency physicians, emergency response physicians
Notarzt m; Notärztin f med.
Notärzte pl; Notärztinnen pl
emergency doctor; emergency physician; emergency response physician Am.
emergency doctors; emergency physicians; emergency response physicians
Ehrendoktorwürde f
jdm. die Ehrendoktorwürde verleihen
den Ehrendoktor in Jura Jus Ös. Schw. verliehen bekommen
degree of honorary doctor; honorary doctor's degree
to confer the honorary doctor's degree on sb.
to receive the honorary degree of doctor of law
jdn. nehmen; etw. annehmen v (als Aufgabe akzeptieren)
nehmend; annehmend
genommen; angenommen
Der Doktor nimmt derzeit keine neuen Patienten.
Wir können keine zusätzliche Arbeit annehmen.
to take on sb. sth. (accept as a task)
taking on
taken on
The doctor isn't taking on any new patients at present.
We can't take on any extra work.

mad doctor Definition

(n.) A teacher
(n.) An academical title, originally meaning a men so well versed in his department as to be qualified to teach it. Hence: One who has taken the highest degree conferred by a university or college, or has received a diploma of the highest degree
(n.) One duly licensed to practice medicine
(n.) Any mechanical contrivance intended to remedy a difficulty or serve some purpose in an exigency
(n.) The friar skate.
(v. t.) To treat as a physician does
(v. t.) To confer a doctorate upon
(v. t.) To tamper with and arrange for one's own purposes
(v. i.) To practice physic.
Water doctor
() One who professes to be able to divine diseases by inspection of the urine.
Water doctor
() A physician who treats diseases with water

mad doctor Bedeutung

doctor children take the roles of physician or patient or nurse and pretend they are at the physician's office, the children explored each other's bodies by playing the game of doctor
darning needle
devil's darning needle
sewing needle
snake feeder
snake doctor
mosquito hawk
skeeter hawk
slender-bodied non-stinging insect having iridescent wings that are outspread at rest, adults and nymphs feed on mosquitoes etc.
fish doctor
Gymnelis viridis
brightly colored scaleless Arctic eelpout
Acanthurus chirurgus
surgeon fish of the West Indies
medical bill
doctor's bill
statement of charges for medical services
doctor's degree
one of the highest earned academic degrees conferred by a university
Doctor of Dental Medicine
a doctor's degree in dental medicine
Doctor of Dental Surgery
a doctor's degree in dental surgery
Doctor of Divinity
a doctor's degree in religion
Doctor of Education
a doctor's degree in education
Doctor of Medicine
a doctor's degree in medicine
Doctor of Music
a doctor's degree in music
Doctor of Musical Arts
a doctor's degree in musical arts
Doctor of Optometry
a doctor's degree in optometry
Doctor of Osteopathy
doctor's degree in osteopathy
Doctor of Arts D.A. a doctor's degree with a special disciplinary focus
Doctor of Philosophy a doctorate awarded for original contributions to knowledge
Doctor of Public Health
a doctor's degree in preventive medicine
Doctor of Theology
a doctor's degree in theology
Doctor of Sacred Theology
a doctor's degree in theology, STD is from the Latin Sanctae Theologiae Doctor
Doctor of Arts
an honorary arts degree
Doctor of Fine Arts an honorary degree in fine arts
Doctor of Humane Letters an honorary degree in letters
Doctor of Humanities an honorary degree in the humanities
Doctor of Laws
an honorary law degree
Doctor of Science
an honorary degree in science
baby doctor
a specialist in the care of babies
foot doctor
a specialist in care for the feet
country doctor a doctor who practices in the country (rather than in a city) usually remote from a modern hospital, do country doctors still make house calls?
tooth doctor
dental practitioner
a person qualified to practice dentistry
skin doctor
a doctor who specializes in the physiology and pathology of the skin
a licensed medical practitioner, I felt so bad I went to see my doctor
doctor Dr. a person who holds Ph.D. degree (or the equivalent) from an academic institution, she is a doctor of philosophy in physics
Doctor of the Church
(Roman Catholic Church) a title conferred on saints who distinguished themselves through the orthodoxy of their theological teaching, the Doctors of the Church greatly influenced Christian thought down to the late Middle Ages
ear doctor
ear specialist
a physician who specializes in the ear and its diseases
ENT man
ear-nose-and-throat doctor
a specialist in the disorders of the ear or nose or throat
family doctor a general practitioner who treats all the family members
woman's doctor
a specialist in gynecology
herb doctor
a therapist who heals by the use of herbs
horse doctor a veterinarian who treats horses
brain doctor
a medical specialist in the nervous system and the disorders affecting it
eye doctor
a medical doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the eye
in societies practicing shamanism: one acting as a medium between the visible and spirit worlds, practices sorcery for healing or divination
spin doctor
a public relations person who tries to forestall negative publicity by publicizing a favorable interpretation of the words or actions of a company or political party or famous person, his title is Director of Communications but he is just a spin doctor
witch doctor someone who is believed to heal through magical powers
doctor-patient relation the responsibility of a physician to act in the best interests of the patient
doctor give medical treatment to
fix bushel
doctor furbish up
restore touch on
restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken, She repaired her TV set, Repair my shoes please
sophisticate doctor
doctor up
alter and make impure, as with the intention to deceive, Sophisticate rose water with geraniol
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