
mark to space Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Zeichen-Zwischenraum-Verhältnis n
mark-to-space ratio
mark-to-space ratio
work space
exhibition space
floor space
den erforderlichen Raum reservieren
reserve the necessary space
eingetragenes Warenzeichen
registered trade mark
Frachtraum, Laderaum
shipping space
question mark
gegen ein Warenzeichen verstoßen
infringe a trade mark
gold mark
mark of quality
irreführendes Markenzeichen
deceptive mark
storage space
trade mark
markieren, bezeichnen
Markierung, Kontrollvermerk
check mark
nahe daran
near the mark
zero mark
floor space
Preis herabsetzen
mark down
Preis heraufsetzen
mark up
price mark
test mark
Raum zurückgewinnen
recover lost space
Raumersparnis, Einsparung von Raum
economy of space
Silberstempel, Feingehaltsstempel
verfügbare Fläche
amount of space
owner of a trade-mark
weitab vom Ziel
wide off the mark
advertising space
wir werden uns um eine Fläche bewerben
we will apply for exhibition space
Abdruck m
Abdrücke pl
Abschnittsmarke f
control mark
Abstandsfläche f
distance space, clearance
Abstellfläche f
Abstellflächen pl
parking space
parking spaces
Adressbereich m comp.
Adressbereiche pl
address space
address spaces
Adressmarkierung f comp.
address mark
Adressraum m comp.
Adressräume pl
address space
address spaces
Änderungsvermerk m
revision mark
Anführungszeichen n, Anführungsstrich m
Anführungszeichen pl, Anführungsstriche pl
Anführungszeichen unten
Anführungszeichen oben
quotation mark, inverted comma Br., quote
quotation marks, inverted commas, quotes
Apostroph m, Hochkomma n
single quotation mark
Arbeitsfläche f
work space
Ausrufezeichen n, Ausrufungszeichen n
exclamation mark
Aussprachezeichen n
diacritical mark
Ausstellungsfläche f
Ausstellungsfläche mieten
floor space, exhibition space
to book exhibition space
Ausstellungsraum m
Ausstellungsräume pl
exhibition space
exhibition spaces
Banachraum m math.
Banach space
Benotung f, Benoten n
mark, marking, grading
Besatzraum m (eines Brennofens)
Besatzräume pl
stacking space
stacking spaces
Beschnittzeichen n
crop mark
Betonungszeichen n
stress mark
Bewegung f
Bewegungen pl
ebene Bewegung
gebundene Bewegung
krummlinige Bewegung
räumliche Bewegung
plane motion
constrained motion
curvilinear motion
space motion
Bewuchsmerkmal n
Bodenfläche f
floor space
Brandfleck m, versengte Stelle, verbrannte Stelle
scorch mark
Dampfraumbelastung f mach.
steam space loading
Dienstleistungszeichen n
service mark
Duftmarke f zool.
scent mark
Eckpunkt m
Eckpunkte pl
corner mark
corner marks
Eichstrich m
Eichstriche pl
calibration mark
calibration marks
Ereignisraum m, Stichprobenraum m math.
sample space
Erkennungszeichen n
distinctive mark
Europäische Raumfahrtbehörde f
European Space Agency (ESA)
Evangelium n, Evangelien pl, Evangelienbuch n relig.
Matthäusevangelium n, Evangelium nach Matthäus
Markusevangelium n, Evangelium nach Markus
Lukasevangelium n, Evangelium nach Lukas
Johannesevangelium n, Evangelium nach Johannes
Gospel of Matthew
Gospel of Mark
Gospel of Luke
Gospel of John
Festpunkt m
control point, bench-mark
Flächenmanagement n (FM)
floor-space management
Fragezeichen n
Fragezeichen pl
ein Fragezeichen setzen
etw. mit einem (großen) Fragezeichen versehen
question mark
question marks
to put a question mark
to put a (big) question mark over sth.
Fragezeichen n
interrogation mark, interrogation point
Gasraum m (Feuerung) mach.
radiation space
Gesamtnote f, Endnote f
Gesamtnoten pl, Endnoten pl
overall mark, final grade, cumulative grade, overall score
overall marks, final grades, cumulative grades, overall scores
Goldmark f
gold mark
Häkchen n, Zeichen n, Vermerkzeichen n
Häkchen pl, Zeichen pl, Vermerkzeichen pl
tick, check mark, checkmark
ticks, check marks, checkmarks
Halbraum m math.
half space
Handelszeichen n
trade mark
Heizgerät n, kleiner Heizofen
space heater
Hilbertraum m math.
Hilbert space
Hochkomma n
tick mark
Hochwassermarke f
high-water mark, flood mark
Höhenmarke f, Höhenmarkierung f
Höhenmarken pl, Höhenmarkierungen pl
bench-mark, benchmark
bench-marks, benchmarks
Hohlraum m
cavity, hollow space
Inserent m, Anzeigenexpedition f
advertising space buyer
Kennmarke f
Kennmarken pl
identification mark
identification marks
Kennzeichen n zool.
recognition mark
Kennzeichen n
mark, sign
Körnerpunkt m
centre mark Br., center mark Am.
Kollektivmarke f
collective mark
Korrekturzeichen n
correction mark
Kratzer m
Kratzer pl
claw mark
claw marks
Laufspur f
Laufspuren pl
run mark
run marks
Lebensraum m
living space, space to live, lebensraum
Leere f, leere Stelle f, freier Raum
blank, blank space
Leerfeld n, Zwischenraum m
Leerfelder pl, Zwischenräume pl
space, interspace
Leerraum m
voidage, empty space, spacing, vacuum
Leerraum m
white space, whitespace
Leertaste f
spacebar, space-bar, space
Leertaste f, Zwischenraumtaste f comp.
Leertasten pl, Zwischenraumtasten pl
space bar
space bars
Leerzeichen n, Abstand m
Löcher in die Luft starren übtr.
to stare into space
Lücke f
space, break, gap, vacant space, void
Luftfrachtraum m
air freight space
Mal n, Fleck m
Male pl
Mark f
Deutsche Mark f
Westmark f
deutsche mark, deutschemark, deutschmark
West German Mark
Marke f, Zeichen n, Schulnote f
Markierabfühlung f
mark detection
Markierbeleg m
mark sheet
Markierbelegabtaster m, Markierbelegleser m
mark scanner
Markierbelegleser m
mark reader
Markierung f
Markierungen pl
mark, marker, marking
markers, markings
Merkmal n
Merkmale pl
distinguishing mark
distinguishing marks
Mietfläche f
Mietflächen pl
renting space
renting spaces
Modell- und Papierbereich m
model and paper space
Muttermal n
birthmark, birth mark
Nullmarkierung f
zero mark
Papiertransport nach dem Druck
space after
Papiertransport vor dem Druck
space before
Parklücke f, Parkbox f, (einzelner) Parkplatz m, Abstellplatz m
Parklücken pl, Parkboxen pl, Abstellplätze pl
parking space, parking spot
parking spaces, parking spots
Passmarke f, Passkreuz n
register mark, registration mark
Platz m
vorgesehener Platz
Platz sparen
nicht genug Platz haben
den dritten Platz belegen
allocated space
to save space
to lack space
to rank 3rd
Platzbedarf m
space requirement, floor space, local requirements
aus Platzgründen
because of space reasons, for reasons of space, because of out-of-space reasons
Platzmangel m
Platzmangel haben
lack of space
to be pressed for space
Punkt m (Prüfung)
Raum m, Platz m
Platz einnehmen
freie Stelle
to take up space
blank space
Raum m math.
normierter Raum math.
normed space
Raum-Zeit-Kontinuum n
space-time continuum
Raumanzug m
space suit
Raumfahrt f
space travel, space flight
Raumfahrtprogramm n
space programme
Raumfahrttechnik f
space technology
Raumfähre f
Raumfähren pl
space shuttle
space shuttles
Raumfahrzeug n
Raumfahrzeuge pl
spacecraft, space vehicle
spacecrafts, space vehicles
Raumflug m
Raumflüge pl
space flight, space shot
space flights, space shots
Raumforschung f
space science
Raumgeschwindigkeit f
space velocity
Raumgruppe f
space group
Raumkapsel f
space capsule
Raumladung f
space charge
Raummangel m
lack of space, lack of room
Raumrichtung f
direction in space
Raumsonde f
space probe
Raumstation f
Raumstationen pl
Internationale Raumstation
space station, space platform
space stations, space platforms
International Space Station (ISS)
Raumzeitalter n, Weltraumzeitalter n
space age
Rautenzeichen n, Rautensymbol n
hash, hash mark
Reifenspur f
Reifenspuren pl
tire mark, tire track
tire marks, tire tracks
Reklamefläche f, Werbefläche f, Anzeigenraum m
Reklameflächen pl, Werbeflächen pl, Anzeigenräume pl
advertising space
advertising spaces
Rettungsdecke f, Isoliermatte f
Rettungsdecken pl, Isoliermatten pl
space blanket
space blankets

Deutsche Zeichen-Zwischenraum-Verhältnis {n} Synonyme

Kurs-Substanzwert-Verhältnis  ÂMarktwert-Buchwert-Verhältnis  ÂTobin's  Q  
alphabetisches  Zeichen  ÂAlphazeichen  ÂBuchstabe  ÂCharakter  ÂLetter  ÂZeichen  
Leerfeld  ÂZwischenraum  
Hohlraum  ÂLücke  ÂLeerraum  ÂLeerstelle  ÂZwischenraum  
Kurs-Umsatz-Verhältnis  ÂKUV  
KBV  ÂKurs-Buchwert-Verhältnis  
Gemischzusammensetzung  ÂLuft-Kraftstoff-Verhältnis  
Gewinnmultiplikator  ÂKGV  ÂKurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis  
KCF  ÂKCV  ÂKurs-Cash-Flow-Verhältnis  
Rauschabstand  ÂSignal-Stör-Verhältnis  
Fleck  ÂMal  ÂZeichen  
Geste  ÂZeichen  
Schild  ÂZeichen  
Beziehung  ÂKonnex  ÂKontakt  ÂUmgang  ÂVerhältnis  
Anteil  ÂGrößenverhältnis  ÂProportion  ÂQuotient  ÂVerhältnis  
Fanal  ÂSignal  ÂZeichen  
Kürzel  ÂSigel  ÂZeichen  
Mirakel  ÂWunder  ÂZeichen  
Beziehung  ÂBezug  ÂRelation  ÂVerbindung  ÂVerhältnis  ÂZusammenhang  
&  ÂEt-Zeichen  ÂKaufmanns-Und  ÂKaufmannsund  Âkaufmännisches  Und  
Signal  ÂSymbol  ÂVorzeichen  ÂZeichen  
Kennzeichen  ÂMerkmal  ÂStigma  ÂZeichen  
Markierung  ÂMerkmal  ÂSymbol  ÂToken  ÂZeichen  
Menetekel  ÂWarnzeichen  ÂZeichen  drohenden  Unheils  
Affäre  ÂBettgeschichte  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂFickbeziehung  (derb)  ÂFremdgehen  ÂLiaison  ÂLiebelei  ÂLiebesaffäre  ÂLiebesverhältnis  ÂLiebschaft  ÂSeitensprung  ÂTechtelmechtel  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂVerhältnis  
<  ÂKleiner-als  ÂKleiner-als-Zeichen  Âlinke  spitze  Klammer  
>  ÂGrößer-als  ÂGrößer-als-Zeichen  Ârechte  spitze  Klammer  
mit  jemandem  ein  Verhältnis  haben  Âzu  jemandem  eine  Beziehung  haben  
@  ÂAffenohr  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂAffenschaukel  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂAffenschwanz  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂAt-Zeichen  ÂKlammeraffe  (umgangssprachlich)  
alphabetisches Zeichen  Alphazeichen  Buchstabe  Charakter  Letter  Zeichen  
mit jemandem ein Verhältnis haben  zu jemandem eine Beziehung haben  

Englische mark-to-space ratio Synonyme

mark to space Definition

(n.) The official stamp of the Goldsmiths' Company and other assay offices, in the United Kingdom, on gold and silver articles, attesting their purity. Also used figuratively
(n.) A license of reprisals. See Marque.
(n.) An old weight and coin. See Marc.
(n.) The unit of monetary account of the German Empire, equal to 23.8 cents of United States money
(n.) A visible sign or impression made or left upon anything
(n.) A character or device put on an article of merchandise by the maker to show by whom it was made
(n.) A character (usually a cross) made as a substitute for a signature by one who can not write.
(n.) A fixed object serving for guidance, as of a ship, a traveler, a surveyor, etc.
(n.) A trace, dot, line, imprint, or discoloration, although not regarded as a token or sign
(n.) An evidence of presence, agency, or influence
(n.) That toward which a missile is directed
(n.) Attention, regard, or respect.
(n.) Limit or standard of action or fact
(n.) Badge or sign of honor, rank, or official station.
(n.) Preeminence
(n.) A characteristic or essential attribute
(n.) A number or other character used in registring
(n.) Image
(n.) One of the bits of leather or colored bunting which are placed upon a sounding line at intervals of from two to five fathoms. The unmarked fathoms are called "deeps."
(v. t.) To put a mark upon
(v. t.) To be a mark upon
(v. t.) To leave a trace, scratch, scar, or other mark, upon, or any evidence of action
(v. t.) To keep account of
(v. t.) To notice or observe
(v. i.) To take particular notice
Plimsoll's mark
() A mark conspicuously painted on the port side of all British sea-going merchant vessels, to indicate the limit of submergence allowed by law
(v. t.) To mark again, or a second time
(n.) Extension, considered independently of anything which it may contain
(n.) Place, having more or less extension
(n.) A quantity or portion of extension
(n.) Quantity of time
(n.) A short time
(n.) Walk
(n.) A small piece of metal cast lower than a face type, so as not to receive the ink in printing, -- used to separate words or letters.
(n.) The distance or interval between words or letters in the lines, or between lines, as in books.
(n.) One of the intervals, or open places, between the lines of the staff.
(n.) To walk
(n.) To arrange or adjust the spaces in or between
(n.) A peculiar distinguishing mark or device affixed by a manufacturer or a merchant to his goods, the exclusive right of using which is recognized by law.

mark to space Bedeutung

the unlimited expanse in which everything is located, they tested his ability to locate objects in space, the boundless regions of the infinite
absolute space physical space independent of what occupies it
phase space (physics) an ideal space in which the coordinate dimensions represent the variables that are required to describe a system or substance, a multidimensional phase space
bell ringer
bull's eye mark home run
something that exactly succeeds in achieving its goal, the new advertising campaign was a bell ringer, scored a bull's eye, hit the mark, the president's speech was a home run
space walk any kind of physical activity outside a spacecraft by one of the crew
space travel
a voyage outside the Earth's atmosphere
dead-air space an unventilated area where no air circulates
hair space (printing) the narrowest of the spaces used to separate words or letters
quad space (printing) a block of type without a raised letter, used for spacing between words or sentences
shoulder board
shoulder mark
epaulets that indicate rank
space bar the bar-shaped typewriter key that introduces spaces when used
space capsule
a spacecraft designed to transport people and support human life in outer space
ballistic capsule
space vehicle
a craft capable of traveling in outer space, technically, a satellite around the sun
space heater heater consisting of a selfontained (usually portable) unit to warm a room
space helmet a helmet worn by astronauts while in outer space
Space Needle a towerfeet tall in Seattle, a tourist attraction
space probe a rocket-propelled guided missile that can escape the earth's atmosphere, makes observations of the solar system that cannot be made by terrestrial observation
space rocket a rocket powerful enough to travel into outer space
space shuttle a reusable spacecraft with wings for a controlled descent through the Earth's atmosphere
space station
space platform
space laboratory
a manned artificial satellite in a fixed orbit designed for scientific research
storage space the area in any structure that provides space for storage
mark the impression created by doing something unusual or extraordinary that people notice and remember, it was in London that he made his mark, he left an indelible mark on the American theater
stretch mark a narrow band resulting from tension on the skin (as on abdominal skin after pregnancy)
a marking that consists of lines that cross each other
chatter mark a mark made by a chattering tool on the surface of a workpiece
an indication of damage
burn mark
a place or area that has been burned (especially on a person's body)
strawberry mark
hemangioma simplex
a soft red birthmark
mark of Cain the mark that God set upon Cain now refers to a person's sinful nature
pleural space the small potential space between the parietal and visceral layers of the pleura
pericardial cavity
pericardial space
the space between the layers of the pericardium that contains fluid that lubricates the membrane surfaces and allows easy heart movement
subarachnoid space a space in the meninges beneath the arachnoid membrane and above the pia mater that contains the cerebrospinal fluid
visual space the visual perception of space
space lattice
crystal lattice
Bravais lattice
a -dimensional geometric arrangement of the atoms or molecules or ions composing a crystal
mark grade
a number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance), she made good marks in algebra, grade A milk, what was your score on your homework?
space program a technological program intended to explore outer space
space-time continuum
the four-dimensional coordinate system ( dimensions of space and of time) in which physical events are located
space medicine the branch of medicine concerned with the effects of space flight on human beings
space biology
the branch of biology concerned with the effects of outer space on living organisms and the search for extraterrestrial life
space blank space
a blank area, write your name in the space provided
Mark Gospel According to Mark the shortest of the four Gospels in the New Testament
letter of marque
letters of marque
letter of mark and reprisal
a license to a private citizen to seize property of another nation
sign mark a perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent (as a visible clue that something has happened), he showed signs of strain, they welcomed the signs of spring
hypertext markup language
hypertext mark-up language
a set of tags and rules (conforming to SGML) for using them in developing hypertext documents
mark stigma
brand stain
a symbol of disgrace or infamy, And the Lord set a mark upon Cain--Genesis
mark print a visible indication made on a surface, some previous reader had covered the pages with dozens of marks, paw prints were everywhere
hoof mark
a visible impression on a surface made by the hoof of an animal
mark a written or printed symbol (as for punctuation), his answer was just a punctuation mark
call mark
call number
a mark consisting of characters written on a book, used to indicate shelf location
check mark
check tick
a mark indicating that something has been noted or completed etc., as he called the role he put a check mark by each student's name
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