
matter of factly Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

sachlich; nüchtern; leidenschaftslos; emotionslos adv
matter-of-factly; unemotionally
Angelegenheit von Bedeutung
matter of consequences
Angelegenheit von öffentlichem Interesse
matter of public concern
matter of opinion
Bestimmungen, die sich auf etwas beziehen
provisions affecting a subject matter
die Angelegenheit als dringend erachtet
considers the matter to be urgent
die zu entscheidende Angelegenheit
the matter to be decided
printed matter
eine Angelegenheit von ziemlicher Bedeutung
a matter of relative importance
eine Ermessensfrage
a matter of discretion
eine Sache überdenken
think a matter over
matter of discretion
etwas weiter bearbeiten, verfolgen
follow up a matter
matter of form
subject matter
geringfügige Angelegenheit, Nebensache
minor matter
principal matter
matter of price
private Angelegenheit
private matter
schwerwiegende Angelegenheit, ernste Sache
serious matter
strittige Angelegenheit
matter in dispute
Tatbestand, Tatsache
matter of fact
versicherte Sache, versicherter Gegenstand
subject-matter insured
vorliegende Sache, vorliegender Fall
matter in hand
wir wenden uns an die Versicherer
we will take the matter up with the insurers
Anliegen n
ein nationales Anliegen
a matter of national concern
Ansichtssache f
matter of opinion
zur Aufklärung einer Sache beitragen
to throw light on sth. (on the matter)
Beanspruchte n, Beanspruchtes
matter claimed
von Bedeutung sein, von Wichtigkeit sein, von Belang sein
von Bedeutung seiend, von Wichtigkeit seiend, von Belang seiend
von Bedeutung gewesen, von Wichtigkeit gewesen, von Belang gewesen
Es macht nichts.
to matter
It doesn't matter.
Chefsache f
etw. zur Chefsache erklären
Das ist Chefsache.
management issue
to make sth. a matter for decision at the management level
It's a matter for the boss.
Druckerzeugnis n
Druckerzeugnisse pl
piece of printed matter
pieces of printed matter
Drucksache f
printed matter
Eiter n med.
mit Eiter gefüllt, vereitert
pus, matter
Ermessensfrage f
a matter of discretion
Fehlen n der Geschäftsgrundlage
absence of valid subject matter
Feststoff m, fester Stoff
Feststoffe pl, feste Stoffe
solid, solid matter
Form f
in aller Form
der Form halber, der Ordnung halber
in absoluter Hochform sein
in due form
as a matter of form
to be in formidable form
Frage f
Fragen pl
einfache Frage, Frage, die leicht zu beantworten ist
eine Frage der Zeit
eine Frage zu etw.
ohne Frage
genau diese Frage
an jdn. eine Frage haben
eine Frage stellen
eine Frage aufwerfen
jdn. mit Fragen überschütten
in Frage kommen, infrage kommen
mit jeweils 50 Fragen
die deutsche Frage hist.
Das ist eine andere Frage.
no brainer question
a question of time, a matter of time
a question on sth.
without question, without doubt
this very question
to have a question for sb.
to ask a question
to raise a question
to pelt sb. with questions
to be possible, to be worth considering
with fifty questions each
the German question, the German issue
That is a separate question.
Fremdstoff m
frei von Fremdstoffen
foreign matter, foreign substance
free from extraneous matter
Gegenstand m, Material n
(bestimmter) Gegenstand m
versicherter Gegenstand
subject-matter insured
Geheimsache f
secret matter
Gehirnmasse f
cerebral matter
Geldangelegenheit f
Geldangelegenheiten pl
financial matter
financial matters
Geldsache f
money matter
Geschmackssache f, Geschmacksache f, Geschmacksfrage f
matter of taste, question of taste
Glückssache f
Es war reine Glückssache.
matter of luck
It was pure luck.
Grund m
Inhalt m
Inhalt eines Buches
subject matter
Kern m der Sache, Krux f, springender Punkt, der Dreh- und Angelpunkt, des Pudels Kern
crux of the matter
Kleinigkeit f, Bagatelle f, Lappalie f
Kleinigkeiten pl, Bagatellen pl, Lappalien pl
eine bloße Lappalie
trifle, petty little matter
a mere nothing
Kostenpunkt m
matter of expense
Lektüre f, Lesestoff m
empfohlene Lektüre
reading, reading matter
recommended reading
Lernstoff m
subject matter
Materie f (Thema)
subject matter
Materie f
Materien pl, Bewandtnisse pl
Nebensache f
minor matter
Patent n
Patente pl
abhängiges Patent
angemeldetes Patent
erloschenes Patent
unabhängiges Patent
Anwendung eines Patentes
Gegenstand des Patentes
ein Patent anmelden
ein Patent erteilen
ein Patent auf etw. erhalten
ein Patent abtreten
ein Patent verletzen
Patent angemeldet
dependent patent
patent applied for
expired patent
independent patent
implementation of a patent
patent subject matter
to file a patent application
to grant a patent
to take out a patent on sth.
to assign a patent
to infringe a patent
patent pending, patent applied for
Pflichtübung f
eine reine Pflichtübung
compulsory (set) exercise
purely a matter of duty
Prestigefrage f
Prestigefragen pl
matter of prestige
matters of prestige
Prinzip n
Prinzipien pl
allgemeines Prinzip
aus Prinzip, grundsätzlich
im Prinzip, an sich
im Prinzip
ein Mann mit Prinzipien
Das Prinzip ist sehr einfach.
universal principle, general principle
on principle
in principle
principally, as a matter of principle
a man of principle
The principle is very simple.
Privatangelegenheit f
Privatangelegenheiten pl
private matter, private affair
private matters, private affairs
des Pudels Kern übtr.
the gist of the matter fig.
Rechtsangelegenheit f
legal matter
Sache f, Angelegenheit f, Ding n
die Sache ist die
die Sache an sich
Kern der Sache übtr.
nach dem Stand der Dinge, wie die Dinge liegen
Angelegenheit von gemeinsamem Interesse
eine reelle Sache, ein faires Geschäft
eine klare Sache
einer Sache gewachsen sein
mit jdm. gemeinsame Sache machen
der Sache nachgehen
gleich zur Sache kommen
seine Sache gut machen
seine Sache gut machen
zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
Sachen umherwerfen
the point is
the matter itself, the thing itself, the situation itself
root of the matter
as matters stand, as it is
matter of mutual interest
a square deal
a plain sailing
to be equal to sth.
to make common cause with sb.
to go into the matter
to come straight to the point
to do a good job
to acquit oneself well
to come to business
to come to the point
to get down to brass tacks
to get down to the nitty-gritty
to send things flying
das Sagen haben
In dieser Angelegenheit hat nur der Chef das Sagen.
Wer hat das Sagen in ...?
to be in charge, to have the say, to call the shots fig.
In this matter only the boss has the say.
Who's in charge in ...?
Schwebstoff m
Schwebstoffe pl
suspended matter, matter in suspension, suspended sediment
suspended sediments
Selbstverständlichkeit f
matter of course
Streitfrage f
Streitfragen pl
dispute, matter of discussion, controversial question
disputes, controversial questions
Streitgegenstand m
matter in dispute
Streitwert m
matter in controversy
in allen Stücken
on every matter, in every detail
Thematik f
subject matter
Titelei f (Buchdruck)
prelims, preliminaries, front matter, title pages
Unterrichtsstoff m
subject matter
Urstoff m
primary matter
Versicherungsgegenstand m
subject matter of the insurance
Verstandesmensch m
Verstandesmenschen pl
matter-of-fact person
matter-of-fact people
Vertragsgegenstand m
subject matter of the contract, object of agreement
Vertragsinhalt m
subject matter of contract, subject terms of contract
Vertrauensfrage f
Vertrauensfragen pl
die Vertrauensfrage stellen
question of trust, matter of trust
questions of trust, matters of trust
to ask for a vote of confidence
Vertrauenssache f
Vertrauenssachen pl
confidential matter
confidential matters
Werbedrucksache f
advertising matter
Zündstoff m
inflammable matter, dynamite
bedauerliche Angelegenheit f
unfortunate matter
eingeweiht, vertraut, beteiligt, geheim adj
in etw. eingeweiht sein
eine geheime Sache
geheimer Rat
to be privy to sth.
a privy matter
privy counsellor Br.
flüchtig, unbeständig adj
nichtflüchtig, permanent adj
flüchtige Bestandteile
flüchtiger Speicher comp.
flüchtige organische Verbindungen chem.
volatile matter
volatile storage
volatile organic compound (VOC)
folgend, weiter, darauf folgend, darauffolgend alt adj
am folgenden Tage
Sie sagte Folgendes.
er schreibt Folgendes
Ich muss Folgendes vorausschicken.
Es handelt sich um Folgendes ...
the following day
She said the following.
he writes as follows
I must start by saying the following.
The matter is this ...
ganz gleich
ganz gleich, was passiert
ganz gleich, ob, gleichgültig, ob
no matter
no matter what happens
no matter whether, the same whether, equally whether
Es ist etwas los.
Hier ist viel los.
Hier ist immer etwas los.
Was ist hier los?
Was ist denn mit dir los?

Something is going on., There's something going on., There's something happening.
There is a lot going on here.
There is always sth. going on here.
What's going on here?, What's the matter here?
What's wrong with you?, What's up with you?, What'S the matter with you?
nichts zu melden haben (in dieser Angelegenheit)
to have no say (in that matter)
natürlich, selbstverständlich, gewiss, selbstredend adv
ganz selbstverständlich
of course
as a matter of course
ordnungshalber adv
matter of form
organisch adj
am organischsten
ein organisches Ganzes
organischer Stoff
more organic
most organic
an organic whole
organic matter
prinzipiell, grundsätzlich adv
as a matter of principle
pro forma adv
as a matter of form, for appearance's sake, pro forma
redaktionell adj
redaktioneller Inhalt
redaktioneller Teil
editorial content
editorial matter
ruhen lassen, ruhenlassen alt
eine Angelegenheit ruhen lassen, eine Sache auf sich beruhen lassen
to let rest
to let a matter rest
sachlich, nüchtern adj
as a matter of fact
verbürgt adj
eine verbürgte Tatsache
a matter of records
was das betrifft
for that matter
Da liegt der Hund begraben. übtr.
That's the crux of the matter.
Damit ist die Sache endgültig entschieden.
That settles the matter once and for all.
Damit ist die Sache erledigt.
That settles the matter.
Darüber lässt sich reden.
That's a matter of argument.
Das ist Ansichtssache.
That's a matter of opinion.
Das ist Nebensache.
That's a minor matter.
Das ist doch etwas ganz anderes.
That's quite another matter.
Das macht nichts.
That doesn't matter.
Das schadet ja gar nichts.
It doesn't matter, you see.
Das tut nichts zur Sache.
That doesn't matter., That's irrelevant., That's got nothing to do with it.
Die Angelegenheit wird überprüft.
The matter is under consideration.
Die Sache hat sich von selbst geregelt.
The matter has sorted itself out.
Die Sache hat sich von selbst erledigt.
The matter has resolved itself.
Du hast gar nichts zu wollen.
You have no say in the matter.
Er hat etwas dabei zu sagen.
He has a say in the matter.
Er macht gute Miene zum bösen Spiel.
He puts a good face on the matter.
Es geht um Leben und Tod.
It's a matter of life and death.
Es ist allgemein bekannt.
It's a matter of common knowledge.
Es ist mehr oder weniger Geschmacksache.
It is more or less a matter of taste.
Es ist nicht zum Lachen.
It's not a matter to laugh about.
Es ist nur Formsache.
It's merely a matter of form.
Es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit.
It's merely a matter of time.
Es ist wohl eine Sache der Gewohnheit.
I dare say it's only a matter of habit.
Haben Sie die Sache erledigt?
Did you straighten out the matter?
Ich bin ganz außer mir über die Sache.
I'm quite put out about the matter.
Und wenn du dich auf den Kopf stellt.
No matter what you say.
Was ist denn schon wieder los?
What's the matter now?
Was ist (denn) los?
What's the matter?, What is the matter?
Was ist (mit) Ihnen?
What's the matter with you?
es ist tatsächlich so, dass
AAMOF : as a matter of fact
eine Selbstverstaendlichkeit
a matter of course
eine verbuergte Tatsache
a matter of records
advertising matter
ganz selbstverstaendlich
as a matter of course
as a matter of course
as a matter of principle
confidential matter
Haben Sie die Sache erledigt
did you straighten out the matter
tut nichts zur Sache
does not matter
financial matter
hat etwas zu sagen
has a say in the matter
hat nichts zu sagen
has no say in the matter
er hat etwas dabei zu sagen
he has a say in the matter
Er macht gute Miene zum bösen Spiel
he puts a good face on the matter
es ist nur Formsache
it's merely a matter of form

matter of factly Definition

(n.) That of which anything is composed
(n.) That of which the sensible universe and all existent bodies are composed
(n.) That with regard to, or about which, anything takes place or is done
(n.) That which one has to treat, or with which one has to do
(n.) Affair worthy of account
(n.) Inducing cause or occasion, especially of anything disagreeable or distressing
(n.) Amount
(n.) Substance excreted from living animal bodies
(n.) That which is permanent, or is supposed to be given, and in or upon which changes are effected by psychological or physical processes and relations
(n.) Written manuscript, or anything to be set in type
(v. i.) To be of importance
(v. i.) To form pus or matter, as an abscess
(v. t.) To regard as important
(a.) Adhering to facts
(n.) The matter or thought presented for consideration in some statement or discussion

matter of factly Bedeutung

matter that which has mass and occupies space, physicists study both the nature of matter and the forces which govern it
matter (used with negation) having consequence, they were friends and it was no matter who won the games
grey matter
gray matter
grey substance
gray substance
substantia grisea
greyish nervous tissue containing cell bodies as well as fibers, forms the cerebral cortex consisting of unmyelinated neurons
white matter
substantia alba
whitish nervous tissue of the CNS consisting of neurons and their myelin sheaths
matter affair
a vaguely specified concern, several matters to attend to, it is none of your affair, things are going well
matter a problem, is anything the matter?
subject issue
some situation or event that is thought about, he kept drifting off the topic, he had been thinking about the subject for several years, it is a matter for the police
matter of fact a matter that is an actual fact or is demonstrable as a fact
conservation of mass
conservation of matter
law of conservation of mass
law of conservation of matter
a fundamental principle of classical physics that matter cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system
matter written works (especially in books or magazines), he always took some reading matter with him on the plane
textual matter
the words of something written, there were more than a thousand words of text, they handed out the printed text of the mayor's speech, he wants to reconstruct the original text
copy written matter matter to be printed, exclusive of graphical materials
front matter
written matter preceding the main text of a book
back matter
end matter
written matter following the main text of a book
subject matter
what a communication that is about something is about
crux of the matter
the most important point
question of fact
matter of fact
a disputed factual contention that is generally left for a jury to decide
question of law
matter of law
a disputed legal contention that is generally left for a judge to decide
graphics nontextual matter
photographs or other visual representations in a printed publication, the publisher was responsible for all the artwork in the book
pictorial matter
illustrations used to decorate or explain a text, the dictionary had many pictures
tabular matter
information set out in tabular form
foregone conclusion
matter of course
an inevitable ending
state of matter
(chemistry) the three traditional states of matter are solids (fixed shape and volume) and liquids (fixed volume and shaped by the container) and gases (filling the container), the solid state of water is called ice
dark matter (cosmology) a hypothetical form of matter that is believed to make uppercent of the universe, it is invisible (does not absorb or emit light) and does not collide with atomic particles but exerts gravitational force
particulate matter
a small discrete mass of solid or liquid matter that remains individually dispersed in gas or liquid emissions (usually considered to be an atmospheric pollutant)
fecal matter
faecal matter
dejection a
solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels
waste material
waste matter
waste product
any materials unused and rejected as worthless or unwanted, they collect the waste once a week, much of the waste material is carried off in the sewers
vegetable matter matter produced by plants or growing in the manner of a plant
have weight, have import, carry weight, It does not matter much
matter to
be of importance or consequence, This matters to me!
matter-of-course expected or depended upon as a natural or logical outcome
concerned with practical matters, a matter-of-fact (or pragmatic) approach to the problem, a matter-of-fact account of the trip
not fanciful or imaginative, local guides describe the history of various places in matter-of-fact tones, a prosaic and unimaginative essay
for that matter as far as that is concerned, for that matter I don't care either
no matter
in spite of everything, without regard to drawbacks, he carried on regardless of the difficulties
in fact
in point of fact
as a matter of fact
in reality or actuality, in fact, it was a wonder anyone survived, painters who are in fact anything but unsophisticated, as a matter of fact, he is several inches taller than his father
come hell or high water
no matter what happens
whatever may come
in spite of all obstacles, we'll go to Tibet come hell or high water
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