
meadow foams Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Sumpfblumen pl (Limnanthes) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Douglas-Sumpfblume; Spiegelei-Blume; Spiegelei-Pflanze (Limnanthes douglasii)
meadow-foams (botanical genus)
Douglas's meadow-foam; poached egg plant
Alm f
mountain pasture, Alpine pasture, alp, Alpine meadow, hill farm
Aue f, Au f
river meadow, floodplain
Flur f
durch Wald und Flur
open fields, meadow
through woods and meadows
Grünland n agr.
meadow land, pastureland, grassland
scharfer Hahnenfuß (Ranunculus acris) bot.
meadow buttercup
Moorwiese f
bog meadow, peatland meadow
Talwiese f
Talwiesen pl
valley meadow
valley meadows
Wiese f
Wiesen pl
auf der grünen Wiese übtr.
in the open countryside
Wiesenchampignon m bot. cook.
Wiesenchampignons pl
meadow mushroom
meadow mushrooms
Wiesental n
Wiesentäler pl
meadow valley
meadow valleys
mähen v
eine Wiese mähen
den Rasen mähen
Ich muss den Rasen mähen.
to mow {mowed, mown, mowed Am.}
mowed, mown
to mow a meadow
to mow the lawn
I have to mow the lawn.
schäumen v
vor Wut schäumen, vor Wut kochen
die Eier schaumig schlagen cook.
to foam, to froth
foaming, frothing
foamed, frothed
foams, frothes
foamed, frothed
to be foaming with rage
beat and froth the eggs
to foam over
foaming over
foams over
foamed over
Wiesenpieper m ornith.
Meadow Pipit (Anthus pratensis)
foams over
Alm f; Almweide f; Alpweide f; Senne f Bayr. Ös.
Almen pl; Almweiden pl; Alpweiden pl; Sennen pl
mountain pasture; alpine pasture; alp; alpine meadow; hill farm
mountain pastures; alpine pastures; alps; alpine meadows; hill farms
Feldmäuse pl (Microtus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Wiesenmühlmaus f (Microtus pennsylvanicus)
Präriewühlmaus f (Microtus ochrogaster)
meadow voles (zoological genus)
meadow mouse; field mouse
prairie vole
Flur f; Fluren pl geogr.
durch Wald und Flur
die Fluren bereinigen
allein auf weiter Flur stehen übtr.
open fields; meadow
through woods and meadows
to reallocate land
to be alone; to be on one's own
Flussaue f; Aue f; Au f geogr.
Flussauen pl; Auen pl
river flat; alluvial flat; river meadow
river flats; alluvial flats; river meadows
Grünland n agr.
meadow land; pastureland; grassland
Heuschrecke f; Heupferd n; Grashüpfer m; Heuschreck m Ös.; Heuhüpfer m Ös.; Heugumper m Schw. (solitär lebende Heuschrecke) zool.
Heuschrecken pl; Heupferde pl; Grashüpfer pl; Heuschrecken pl; Heuhüpfer pl; Heugumper pl
grünes Heupferd; großes Heupferd (Tettigonia viridissima)
gemeiner Grashüpfer (Chorthippus parallelus)
gefleckte Keulenschrecke (Myrmeleotettix maculatus) f
rote Keulenschrecke (Gomphocerippus rufus) f
sibirische Keulenschrecke (Aeropus sibiricus) f
Steppengrashüpfer (Chorthippus vagans)
brauner Grashüpfer (Chorthippus brunneus)
grasshopperbunter Grashüpfer (Omocestus viridulus)
bunter Grashüpfer (Omocestus viridulus)
buntbäuchiger Grashüpfer (Omocestus rufipes)
grasshopper; hopper (solitary grasshopper)
grasshoppers; hoppers
great green bush-cricket
meadow grasshopper
mottled grasshopper
rufous grasshopper
Siberian grasshopper
heath grasshopper
common field
common green grasshopper
common green grasshopper
woodland grasshopper
Kuhschellen pl; Küchenschellen pl (Pulsatilla) (botanische Gattung) bot.
pasque flowers; Easter flowers; wind flowers; meadow anemones; prairie crocusses (botanical genus)
Marsch f; Marschland n
Marschen pl
marsh; fertile marshland; estuarine flat; low lying flat; low meadow; shore moorland
marshes; fertile marshlands
Moorwiese f
Moorwiesen pl
bog meadow; peatland meadow
bog meadows; peatland meadows
Wiesen-Moosfarn m; Kissen-Moosfarn m; Mooskraut n (Selaginella apoda) bot.
meadow spikemoss
Perlfarn m (Onoclea sensibilis) bot.
sensitive fern; bead fern; sympathy fern; meadow brake
Rispengräser pl (Poa) (botanische Gattung) bot.
meadow-grasses; speargrasses; bluegrasses Am.; tussocks NZ (botanical genus)
Sumpffarne pl (Thelypteris) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gewöhnlicher Sumpffarn m; Sumpflappenfarn m; Sumpfnierenfarn m (Thelypteris palustris)
maiden ferns; female ferns
Eastern marsh fern; meadow fern
Treibmittel n; Treibgas n; Blähmittel n (Schaumstoffherstellung)
Treibmittel pl; Treibgase pl; Blähmittel pl
blowing agent; foaming agent (polymer foams production)
blowing agents; foaming agents
Wasen m; nasse Wiese f
wet meadow
Wiesenblume f bot.
Wiesenblumen pl
meadow flower
meadow flowers
Wiesenknöteriche pl (Bistorta) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Schlangenknöterich m; Schlangenwurz m (Bistorta officinalis)
Knöllchenknöterich m; Otterwurz m Ös. (Bistorta vivipara)
Amerikanischer Knöterich m (Bistorta bistortoides)
bistorts (botanical genus)
European bistort; snakeroot; snakeweed; Easter ledges
Alpine bistort
American bistort Western bistort; smokeweed; mountain meadow knotweed
Wiesenrasen m
natural lawn (meadow style)
etw. abmähen; etw. mähen v
abmähend; mähend
abgemäht; gemäht
mäht ab; mäht
mähte ab; mähte
eine Wiese mähen
abgemähte Wiese
Ich muss den Rasen mähen.
to mow sth. {mowed; mown mowed}
mowed; mown
to mow a meadow
mowed meadow
I have to mow the lawn.
überschäumen v
to foam over
foaming over
foamed over
foams over
foamed over
Wiesenpieper m (Anthus pratensis) ornith.
meadow pipit
Blumenwiese f bot.
Blumenwiesen pl
wildflower meadow
wildflower meadows
Grünlandfläche f; Grünland n; Rasen m (in Zusammensetzungen); Wiese f (in Zusammensetzungen) agr. envir.
natürliches Grünland
Dauergrünlandfläche f; Dauergrünland n
Halbtrockenrasen m; Halbstrauch-Gebüschtrockenrasen m
Kalktrockenrasen m; Kalkmagerrasen m; basiphiler Magerrasen m
Magerrasen m; Magerwiese f
Sandtrockenrasen m; Sandmagerrasen m; Silikatmagerrasen m
Volltrockenrasen m; Trockenrasen m
Wechselgrünland n; zeitweiliges Grünland; Feldgraswiese f
Xerothermrasen m
grassland; meadowland; meadowlands; meadow (in compounds)
natural grassland
permanent grassland
semi-dry grassland
chalk grassland; limestone grassland; limestone prairie Am.
nutrient-poor grassland
acidic grassland
arid grassland; arid sward; dry sward; dry meadow
temporary ley Br.; ley Br.; temporary grassland Am.
xerothermous meadow
Hahnenfüße pl (Ranunculus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Alpenhahnenfuß (Ranunculus alpestris)
Asiatischer Hahnenfuß; Riesenranunkel; Topfranunkel (Ranunculus asiaticus)
Eisenhutblättriger Hahnenfuß; Eisenhut-Hahnenfuß (Ranunculus aconitifolius)
Goldgelber Hahnenfuß; Goldhaarhahnenfuß; Goldschopfhahnenfuß; Goldhahnenfuß (Ranunculus auricomus)
Scharfer Hahnenfuß; Butterblume Schw. (Ranunculus acris)
Weißer Hahnenfuß (Ranunculus amplexicaulis)
buttercups, spearworts and water crowfoots (botanical genus)
Alpine buttercup
Persian buttercup
aconite-leaf buttercup; bachelor's buttons
goldilocks buttercup
meadow buttercup; giant buttercup; tall buttercup
clasping-leaf buttercup; clasping buttercup
Heuschrecke f; Heupferd n; Grashüpfer m; Heuschreck m Ös.; Heuhüpfer m Ös.; Heugumper m Schw. (solitär lebende Heuschrecke) zool.
Heuschrecken pl; Heupferde pl; Grashüpfer pl; Heuschrecken pl; Heuhüpfer pl; Heugumper pl
grünes Heupferd; großes Heupferd (Tettigonia viridissima)
gemeiner Grashüpfer (Chorthippus parallelus)
gefleckte Keulenschrecke f (Myrmeleotettix maculatus)
rote Keulenschrecke f (Gomphocerippus rufus)
sibirische Keulenschrecke f (Aeropus sibiricus)
Steppengrashüpfer (Chorthippus vagans)
brauner Grashüpfer (Chorthippus brunneus)
grasshopperbunter Grashüpfer (Omocestus viridulus)
bunter Grashüpfer (Omocestus viridulus)
buntbäuchiger Grashüpfer (Omocestus rufipes)
grasshopper; hopper (solitary grasshopper)
grasshoppers; hoppers
great green bush-cricket
meadow grasshopper
mottled grasshopper
rufous grasshopper
Siberian grasshopper
heath grasshopper
common field
common green grasshopper
common green grasshopper
woodland grasshopper
Mähweide f; Rotationsmähweide f; Mähumtriebsweide f agr.
hay meadow Br.; hayfield Am.
Rispengräser pl (Poa) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Wiesenrispengras n (Poa pratensis)
meadow-grasses; speargrasses; bluegrasses Am.; tussocks NZ (botanical genus)
common meadow-grass; smooth meadow-grass; Kentucky bluegrass
Schwarzmundgewächse pl (Melastomataceae Melastomaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
melastomes; melastomads; melastomataceous plants; melastomaceous plants; melastome family; meadow-beauty family (botanical family)
Schwingelgräser pl; Schwingel pl (Festuca) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Alpenschwingel m (Festuca alpina)
Amethyst-Schwingel m (Festuca amethystina)
Apenninenschwingel m; Apenninschwingel m (Festuca apennina)
Bärenfellschwingel m; Bärenfellgras n (Festuca gautieri Festuca scoparia)
Blauschwingel m (Festuca cinerea)
Buntschwingel m (Festuca bosniaca)
Felsenschwingel m (Festuca halleri)
Gämsenschwingel m (Festuca rupicaprina)
Goldschwingel m (Festuca paniculata)
Riesenschwingel m (Festuca gigantea)
Rohrschwingel m (Festuca arundinacea)
Rotschwingel m (Festuca rubra)
Schafschwingel m (Festuca ovina)
Schwärzlicher Schwingel m; Dunkelvioletter Schwingel m; Violetter Schwingel m (Festuca nigricans Festuca puccinellii)
Waldschwingel m (Festuca altissima)
Wiesenschwingel m (Festuca pratensis)
fescue grasses; fescues (botanical genus)
Alpine fescue
tufted fescue
Apennine fescue
bearskin fescue; spiky fescue
blue fescue
Bosnian fescue
Haller's fescue
chamois fescue
East Alpine violet fescue
giant fescue
tall fescue
creeping red fescue; red fescue
sheep's fescue; sheep fescue
chewings fescue
wood fescue
meadow fescue
Streuobstwiese f; Streuobstgarten m agr.
Streuobstwiesen pl; Streuobstgärten pl
meadow orchard
meadow orchards
Sumpfblumen pl (Limnanthes) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Douglas-Sumpfblume; Spiegelei-Blume; Spiegelei-Pflanze (Limnanthes douglasii)
meadow-foams (botanical genus)
Douglas's meadow-foam; poached egg plant
Sumpffarne pl (Thelypteris) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gewöhnlicher Sumpffarn m; Sumpflappenfarn m; Sumpfnierenfarn m (Thelypteris palustris)
maiden ferns; female ferns (botanical genus)
Eastern marsh fern; meadow fern
Viehweide f; Weide f agr.
Viehweiden pl; Weiden pl
Allmendweide f; Hutweide f; Hutung f; Triftweide f; Trift f
Bergweide f; Hochweide f; Almweide f; Alm f; Alpweide f; Senne f Bayr. Ös.
Fettweide f
Kuhweide f
Magerweide f
Schafweide f
Sommerweide f
Standweide f
Umtriebsweide f; Rotationsweide f; Koppelweide f
Waldweide f; Wytweide f Schw.
Winterweide f
pasture; pasturage; grazing land; grazing ground; grazing
pastures; pasturages; grazing grounds; grazings
land pasture; grazing common Br.; grazing commons Am.
mountain pasture; alpine pasture; alp; alpine meadow; hill farm
fertilized pasture
cow pasture
pasture of low productivity
sheep pasture
summer pasture; summer pasturage; summer grazing ground; summer grazing
intensively grazed pasture
rotational grazing; rotation pasture Am.
forest pasture; wood pasture; forest grazing ground
winter pasture; winter pasturage; winter grazing ground; winter grazing
Wiese f
Wiesen pl
Bergwiese f
Ackerwiese f
nasse Wiese; feuchter Wiesenboden; Wasen m Süddt.
mountain meadow
meadow formerly under cultivation
wet meadow
Wiesenrauten pl (Thalictrum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
meadow rues (botanical genus)
Wiesenstreifen m agr.
Wiesenstreifen pl
meadow strip
meadow strips
Zeitlosen pl (Colchicum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Alpenherbstzeitlose f (Colchicum alpinum)
Cupanis-Zeitlose f (Colchicum cupanii)
Frühlingslichtblume f; Lichtmessblume f; Lichtblume f (Colchicum bulbocodium)
Herbstzeitlose f (Colchicum autumnale)
meadow saffrons; autumn crocusses; naked ladies (botanical genus)
alpine autumn crocus
Mediterranean meadow saffron
spring meadow saffron
autumn crocus; meadow saffron; naked lady
etw. abmähen; etw. mähen v
abmähend; mähend
abgemäht; gemäht
mäht ab; mäht
mähte ab; mähte
eine Wiese mähen
abgemähte Wiese
Ich muss den Rasen mähen.
to mow sth. {mowed; mown, mowed}
mowed; mown
to mow a meadow
mowed meadow
I have to mow the lawn.
begrenzt; umschlossen adj geogr.
begrenzter Wasserlauf
Der Platz war auf einer Seite von der Hauptstraße und auf der anderen von einer Wiese begrenzt.
bounded stream
The ground was bounded by the main road on one side and a meadow on the other.
Feuchtwiese f
Feuchtwiesen pl
wet meadow; wetland meadow
wet meadows; wetland meadows
Großes Ochsenauge n (Schmetterling) zool.
meadow brown (butterfly)

Deutsche Sumpfblumen {pl} (Limnanthes) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] / Douglas-Sumpfblume; Spiegelei-Blume; Spiegelei-Pflanze (Limnanthes douglasii) Synonyme

mehrjährige  Pflanze  Âperennierende  Pflanze  
Blume  (fachsprachlich)  ÂHasenschwanz  
Gewächs  ÂPflanze  
Blume  ÂSchaum  auf  gefülltem  Bierglas  ÂSchaumkrone  
Art  ÂGattung  ÂKlasse  ÂMenge  
Gattung  ÂGenus  (fachsprachlich)  ÂGeschlecht  
Pflanzenteil  ÂTeil  einer  Pflanze  
Art  ÂGattung  ÂGenre  ÂSorte  ÂSpezies  ÂTyp  ÂWesen  
Gattung  Genus (fachsprachlich)  Geschlecht  

Englische meadow-foams Synonyme

meadow foams Definition

(n.) A meadow irrigated by water from a spring or rivulet on the side of hill.
(n.) A tract of low or level land producing grass which is mown for hay
(n.) Low land covered with coarse grass or rank herbage near rives and in marshy places by the sea
(a.) Of or pertaining to a meadow
Water meadow
() A meadow, or piece of low, flat land, capable of being kept in a state of fertility by being overflowed with water from some adjoining river or stream.

meadow foams Bedeutung

meadow pipit
Anthus pratensis
a common pipit that is brown above and white below, widely distributed in northern and central Europe and in Asia
meadow spittlebug
Philaenus spumarius
North American insect that severely damages grasses
meadow vole
meadow mouse
Microtus pennsylvaticus
widely distributed in grasslands of northern United States and Canada
meadow jumping mouse
Zapus hudsonius
widely distributed in northeastern and central United States and Canada
a field where grass or alfalfa are grown to be made into hay
meadow buttercup
tall buttercup
tall crowfoot
tall field buttercup
Ranunculus acris
perennial European buttercup with yellow spring flowers widely naturalized especially in eastern North America
marsh marigold
kingcup meadow bright
May blob
cowslip water dragon Caltha palustris
swamp plant of Europe and North America having bright yellow flowers resembling buttercups
meadow rue any of various herbs of the genus Thalictrum, sometimes rhizomatous or tuberous perennials found in damp shady places and meadows or stream banks, have lacy foliage and clouds of small purple or yellow flowers
lady's smock
cuckoo flower meadow cress
Cardamine pratensis
a bitter cress of Europe and America
meadow goldenrod
Canadian goldenrod
Solidago canadensis
large North American goldenrod having showy clusters of yellow flowers on arching branches, often a weed
meadow salsify
shepherd's clock
Tragopogon pratensis
weedy European annual with yellow flowers, naturalized in United States
meadow foxtail
Alopecurus pratensis
stout erect perennial grass of northern parts of Old World having silky flowering spikes, widely cultivated for pasture and hay, naturalized in North America
tall oat grass
tall meadow grass
evergreen grass
false oat
French rye
Arrhenatherum elatius
coarse perennial Eurasian grass resembling oat, found on roadside verges and rough grassland and in hay meadows, introduced in North America for forage
fescue grass
meadow fescue
Festuca elatior
grass with wide flat leaves cultivated in Europe and America for permanent pasture and hay and for lawns
reed meadow grass
Glyceria grandis
a pasture grass of moist places throughout North America
meadow grass
any of various grasses that thrive in the presence of abundant moisture
family Melastomataceae
family Melastomaceae
meadow-beauty family
a family of trees and bushes and herbs of order Myrtales, many are cultivated as ornamentals
deer grass
meadow beauty
any of several plants of the genus Rhexia usually having pink-purple to magenta flowers, eastern North America
Canada lily
wild yellow lily
meadow lily
wild meadow lily
Lilium canadense
common lily of the eastern United States having nodding yellow or reddish flowers spotted with brown
Canada garlic
meadow leek
rose leek
Allium canadense
North American bulbous plant
autumn crocus
meadow saffron
naked lady Colchicum autumnale
bulbous autumn-flowering herb with white, purple or lavender-and-white flowers, native to western and central Europe
common vetchling
meadow pea
yellow vetchling
Lathyrus pratensis
scrambling perennial Eurasian wild pea having yellowish flowers and compressed seed pods, cultivated for forage
meadow cranesbill
Geranium pratense
tall perennial cranesbill with paired violet-blue axillary flowers, native to northern parts of Old World and naturalized in North America
meadow saxifrage
Saxifraga granulata
rosette-forming perennial having compact panicles of white flowers, Europe
meadow clary
Salvia pratensis
tall perennial Old World salvia with violet-blue flowers, found in open grasslands
meadow mushroom
field mushroom
Agaricus campestris
common edible mushroom found naturally in moist open soil, the cultivated mushroom of commerce
meadow spikemoss
basket spikemoss
Selaginella apoda
spikemoss forming dense mats, eastern North America
snuffbox fern
meadow fern
Thelypteris palustris pubescens
Dryopteris thelypteris pubescens
fern of northeastern North America
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