
measuring glass Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Messglas n
measuring glass
Messglasträger m
measuring-glass carrier
das Glas erheben
raise the glass
ein Glas füllen
fill a glass
Glas, gläsern
glass bottle
glass breakage insurance
plate glass insurance
glass padding
Messen, Vermessen
measuring device
sein Glas erheben
raise one's glass
Stückchen Glas
piece of glass
Abgasmessgeräte pl
exhaust gas measuring equipment
Acrylglas n
acrylic glass
Altglas n
used glass
Aluminiumglasdach n
Aluminiumglasdächer pl
aluminium frame glass roof
aluminium frame glass roofs
Analogmessinstrument n
analog measuring instrument
Aufmaß n
site measuring, measurement (of quantities)
Aufzug m, Fahrstuhl m, Winde f
Aufzüge pl, Fahrstühle pl, Winden pl
getriebeloser Aufzug
hydraulischer Aufzug
verglaster Aufzug
Aufzug mit Spindelantrieb
Aufzug mit Triebscheibenantrieb
Aufzug mit Trommelantrieb
elevator Am., lift Br.
elevators, lifts
gearless lift, gearless elevator
hydraulic lift, hydraulic elevator
glass lift, glass elevator
screw-driven lift, screw-driven elevator
sheave drive lift, sheave drive elevator
drum-driven lift, drum-driven elevator
Bandmaß n
Bandmaße pl
measuring tape
measuring tapes
unsichtbare Barriere, die eine Entwicklung hindert
glass ceiling
Bierglas n
Biergläser pl
hohes Bierglas
beer glass
beer glasses
beer schooner
Bleiglas n
leaded glass
Borglas n
boron glass
Brillenglas n, Glas n
Brillengläser pl, Gläser pl
hochbrechendes Glas
spectacles glass, ophthalmic lens, lens
spectacles glasses, ophthalmic lenses, lenses
high-index lens
Deckglas n
cover slip, coverslip, cover glass
Dehnungsmessgerät n
expansion measuring device
Dieselrußmessgerät n
diesel soot measuring equipment
Draht-Verbund-Sicherheitsglas n
laminated wire glass
Dünnglas n
thin window glass
Einmessen n
Einscheibensicherheitsglas n (ESG)
single-pane safety glass
Epoxidglasfaserplatte f
epoxy glass fiber board
Fensterglas n
window glass, plain glass
Fernfeldmessplatz n
region measuring station
Flachglas n, Scheibenglas n
sheet glass
Flintglas n, farbloses Glas
flint glass
Glas n (Stoff, Trinkgefäß)
Gläser pl
ein Glas Wasser
a glass of water
Glasauge n, Kunstauge n, Augenprothese f med.
Glasaugen pl, Kunstaugen pl, Augenprothesen pl
ocular prosthetic, artificial eye, glass eye
ocular prosthetics, artificial eyes, glass eyes
Glasblasen n
Glasdachträger m auto
glass roof carrier
Glasfaser f
glass fibre
Glasfaserfiltermedien pl
glass fibre filter media
Glasfenster n
Glasfenster pl
glass window
glass windows
Glasglocke f
glass cover
Glashaus n
glass building
Glaskasten m
Glaskästen pl
glass case
glass cases
Glaskuppel f
Glaskuppeln pl
glass dome
glass domes
Glasleiste f
glass strip
Glasmalerei f
glass painting
Glasperle f
Glasperlen pl
glass bead
glass beads
Glasplatte f
Glasplatten pl
glass top
glass tops
Glasrohr n
Glasrohre pl
glass tube
glass tubes
Glasschaden m
breakage of glass
Glasscheibe f
Glasscheiben pl
glass plate
glass plates
Glasscherbe f
Glasscherben pl
piece of broken glass
pieces of broken glass
Glasschmelzofen m
Glasschrank m
Glasschränke pl
glass cabinet
glass cabinets
Glasseidenmatte f
Glasseidenmatten pl
glass mat
glass mats
Glassplitter m
Glassplitter pl
splinter of glass
splinters of glass
Glastafel f
Glastafeln pl
glass panel, glass pane
glass panels, glass panes
Glaswolle f
glass wool
Glasziegel m
glass tile
Glättglas n, Glättstein m
linen glass-smoother
Hinterglasbild n
Hinterglasbilder pl
reverse glass painting, reverse painting on glass
reverse glass paintings, reverse painting on glasses
Isolierglas n
insulating glass
Kognakglas n, Weinbrandglas n
Kognakgläser pl, Weinbrandgläser pl
snifter, brandy snifter, brandy glass
snifters, brandy snifters, brandy glasses
Koordinatenmessgerät n
coordinate measuring equipment
Koordinaten-Messmaschine f
coordinate measuring machine (CMM)
Kristallbildner m
glass former
Kristallglas m
crystal glass
Kristallspiegelglas n
polished plate glass
Kunststoff m
glasfaserverstärkter Kunststoff (GFK)
plastic, plastics
fibre reinforced plastic (FRP), glass fibre reinforced plastic (GRP)
Lupe f, Vergrößerungsglas n
Lupen pl, Vergrößerungsgläser pl
magnifying glass, magnifier
Mattglas n
obscured glass
Mattscheibe f
ground glass screen, matt screen
Mensur f (Labor)
measuring cylinder
Messapparatur f
Messapparaturen pl
measuring apparatus
measuring apparatuses
Messbecher m
measuring cup
Messeinrichtung f
measuring system
Messen n, Messung f
Messfloß n
measuring platform
Messgerät n
(measurement) instrument, measuring instrument
Messglas n
measuring glass
Messglasträger m
measuring-glass carrier
Messinstrument n
measuring instrument
Messkabel n
measuring cable
Messkabine f
Messkabinen pl
measuring cabin
measuring cabins
Messleiste f
measuring block
Messmaschine f
Messmaschinen pl
measuring machine
measuring machines
Messmethode f
measuring method, method of measurement
Messplatz m
Messplätze pl
measuring station
measuring stations
Messprogramm n
measuring program
Messprozess m
process of measuring
Messpunkt m, Messstelle f
measuring point
Messstation f
Messstationen pl
monitoring station, measuring station
monitoring stations, measuring stations
Messstellenbezeichnung f
Messstellenbezeichnungen pl
measuring point name
measuring point names
Messtechnik f, Messverfahren n
berührungslose Messtechnik
measuring technique
non-contact measuring technique, contact-free measuring technique
Messumformer m
Messumformer pl
measuring transducer
measuring transducers
Messverfahren n
measuring system
Messwerkzeuge pl
measuring instruments
Messwertgeber m
Messwertgeber pl
measuring transducer
measuring transducers
Messzylinder m (Labor)
Messzylinder pl
measuring cylinder
measuring cylinders
Milchglas n
opaque glass, milk glass
Mittelpfosten m, Sprosse f (im Fenster) arch.
innen liegende Sprosse
mullion, muntin
muntin sealed inside the airspace, muntin sealed between the glass
Molle f
(glass of) beer
Präzisions-Längenmessmaschine f
precision dimension measuring instrument
Probierglas n (für Whisky)
Probiergläser pl
nosing glass
nosing glasses
Radüberwachung m techn.
wheel measurement, wheel measuring
Rauchglas n
smoked glass
Rotweinglas n
Rotweingläser pl
glass for red wine
glasses for red wine
Sanduhr f
Sanduhren pl
hour glass, hourglass
hour glasses, hourglasses
Sanduhr f
sand glass
Schauglas n
sight glass
Schmelze f (flüssiges Metall, Glas)
molten metal, molten glass
Sektschale f
champagne glass
Sekuritglas n
tempered glass
Sherryglas n
sherry glass
Sicherheitsglas n
Mehrschicht-Sicherheitsglas n, laminiertes Sicherheitsglas
safety glass
laminated safety glass
Spektralmessplatz m
spectral measuring station
Spiegel m
Spiegelglas n
plate glass
Teeglas n
Teegläser pl
tea glass
tea glasses
Teilentladungsmessung f
partial discharge measuring
Tulpe f (Glas)
tulip glass
Trinkglas n
drinking glass, tumbler
Uhrglas n
watch glass, crystal Am.
Verbundglas n
laminated glass
Vielstellenmesseinrichtung f
multiple measuring equipment
Vitrine f
Vitrinen pl
display case, showcase, glass cabinet
display cases, showcases, glass cabinets
Waldglas n
forest glass, potash glass
Wandspiegel m
Wandspiegel pl
pier glass
pier glasses
Wasserglas n
Wassergläser pl
water glass, tumble, soluble glass
water glasses, tumbles, soluble glasses
Wein m (Getränk)
Weine pl
Wein vom Fass
lieblicher Wein
offener Wein
verfälschter Wein
bei einem Glas Wein
dem Wein tüchtig zusprechen
Beerenauslese f
wine from the wood
sweet wine
wine by the carafe, wine by the glass
adulterated wine
over a glass of wine
to do justice to the wine
vintage wine of selected grapes
Weinglas n
Weingläser pl
wine glass
wine glasses
Zerspankraftmessgerät n techn.
Zerspankraftmessgeräte pl
cutting force measuring device
cutting force measuring devices
abmessen v
to measure off
measuring off
measured off
to measure for
measuring for
measured for
gehärtet, sekurisiert adj
gehärtetes Glas
toughened glass
gewichten v
to weight, to rate, to measure
weighting, rating, measuring
weighted, rated, measured
gläsern adj, aus Glass
glass, of glass
messen v
du misst (mißt alt)
sie misst (mißt alt)
sie maß
sie hat
hatte gemessen
sie mäße
miss! (miß alt)
to measure
you measure
she measures
she measured
she has
had measured
she would measure
sich messen mit
sich messend mit
sich gemessen mit
to measure up to
measuring up to
measured up to
nachmessen, noch einmal messen v
nachmessend, noch einmal messend
nachgemessen, noch einmal gemessen
to measure again
measuring again
measured again
spiegelglatt adj
as smooth as glass
teilvorgespannt adj
teilvorgespanntes Glas (TVG)
annealed glass
to measure out
measuring out
measured out
Messband n
measuring tape
Messfelge f
measuring rim
Messinstrument n
measuring instrument, meter

Deutsche Messglas {n} Synonyme

Englische measuring glass Synonyme

measuring glass Definition

Claude Lorraine glass
() A slightly convex mirror, commonly of black glass, used as a toy for viewing the reflected landscape.
(n.) A small sandglass, running about three minutes, for marking time in boiling eggs
Flint glass
() A soft, heavy, brilliant glass, consisting essentially of a silicate of lead and potassium. It is used for tableware, and for optical instruments, as prisms, its density giving a high degree of dispersive power
(v. t.) A hard, brittle, translucent, and commonly transparent substance, white or colored, having a conchoidal fracture, and made by fusing together sand or silica with lime, potash, soda, or lead oxide. It is used for window panes and mirrors, for articles of table and culinary use, for lenses, and various articles of ornament.
(v. t.) Any substance having a peculiar glassy appearance, and a conchoidal fracture, and usually produced by fusion.
(v. t.) Anything made of glass.
(v. t.) A looking-glass
(v. t.) A vessel filled with running sand for measuring time
(v. t.) A drinking vessel
(v. t.) An optical glass
(v. t.) A weatherglass
(v. t.) To reflect, as in a mirror
(v. t.) To case in glass.
(v. t.) To cover or furnish with glass
(v. t.) To smooth or polish anything, as leater, by rubbing it with a glass burnisher.
(n.) The larval state (Phyllosoma) of the genus Palinurus and allied genera. It is remarkable for its strange outlines, thinness, and transparency. See Phyllosoma.
(a.) Mirror-faced
(a.) Given to viewing one's self in a glass or mirror
Glass maker
(n.) Alt. of Glassmaker
(n.) A remarkable vitreous sponge, of the genus Hyalonema, first brought from Japan. It has a long stem, consisting of a bundle of long and large, glassy, siliceous fibers, twisted together.
(n.) A small, transparent, land snail, of the genus Vitrina.
(n.) A long, footless lizard (Ophiosaurus ventralis), of the Southern United States
(n.) A siliceous sponge, of the genus Hyalonema, and allied genera
Lady's looking-glass
() See Venus's looking-glass, under Venus.
(n.) A mirror made of glass on which has been placed a backing of some reflecting substance, as quicksilver.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Measure
(a.) Used in, or adapted for, ascertaining measurements, or dividing by measure.
Millefiore glass
() Slender rods or tubes of colored glass fused together and embedded in clear glass
Muscovy glass
() Mica
Water glass
() See Soluble glass, under Glass.

measuring glass Bedeutung

the act or process of assigning numbers to phenomena according to a rule, the measurements were carefully done, his mental measurings proved remarkably accurate
glass lizard
glass snake
joint snake
snakelike lizard of Europe and Asia and North America with vestigial hind limbs and the ability to regenerate its long fragile tail
glass sponge a siliceous sponge (with glassy spicules) of the class Hyalospongiae
measuring worm
small hairless caterpillar having legs on only its front and rear segments, mostly larvae of moths of the family Geometridae
alcohol thermometer
alcohol-in-glass thermometer
thermometer consisting of a glass capillary tube marked with degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit and containing alcohol which rises or falls as it expands or contracts with changes in temperature
beer glass a relatively large glass for serving beer
bell jar
bell glass
a bell-shaped glass cover used to protect and display delicate objects or to cover scientific apparatus or to contain gases
cheval glass a full length mirror mounted in a frame in which it can be tilted
clinical thermometer
mercury-in-glass clinical thermometer
a mercury thermometer designed to measure the temperature of the human body, graduated to cover a range a few degrees on either side of the normal body temperature
cover glass
cover slip
a small and very thin piece of glass used to cover the specimen on a microscope slide
watch crystal
watch glass
a protective cover that protects the face of a watch
cut glass glass decorated by cutting or grinding facets
field glass
glass spyglass
a small refracting telescope
flute flute glass
champagne flute
a tall narrow wineglass
drinking glass
a container for holding liquids while drinking
glass glassware collectively, She collected old glass
glass cutter a tool for cutting glass
glass eye prosthesis consisting of an artificial eye made of glass
hand glass
simple microscope
magnifying glass
light microscope consisting of a single convex lens that is used to produce an enlarged image, the magnifying glass was invented by Roger Bacon in
hand glass hand mirror a mirror intended to be held in the hand
highball glass a tall glass for serving highballs
jeweler's glass an optical instrument used by jewelers, has one or more lenses and is used to view features not readily seen
liqueur glass a small glass for serving a small amount of liqueur (typically after dinner)
looking glass
a mirror, usually a ladies' dressing mirror
measuring cup graduated cup used to measure liquid or granular ingredients
measuring instrument
measuring system
measuring device
instrument that shows the extent or amount or quantity or degree of something
measuring stick
measuring rod
measuring instrument having a sequence of marks at regular intervals, used as a reference in making measurements
mercury thermometer
mercury-in-glass thermometer
thermometer consisting of mercury contained in a bulb at the bottom of a graduated sealed glass capillary tube marked in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, mercury expands with a rise in temperature causing a thin thread of mercury to rise in the tube
c methamphetamine
methamphetamine hydrochloride
chalk chicken feed
crank glass ice shabu
an amphetamine derivative (trade name Methedrine) used in the form of a crystalline hydrochloride, used as a stimulant to the nervous system and as an appetite suppressant
objective lens
object lens
object glass
the lens or system of lenses in a telescope or microscope that is nearest the object being viewed
optical fiber
glass fiber
optical fibre
glass fibre
a very thin fiber made of glass that functions as a waveguide for light, used in bundles to transmit images
pane of glass
window glass
sheet glass cut in shapes for windows or doors
parfait glass a tall slender glass with a short stem in which parfait is served
pier glass
pier mirror
a large mirror between two windows
plate glass
sheet glass
glass formed into large thin sheets
shot glass
a small glass adequate to hold a single swallow of whiskey
brandy snifter
brandy glass
a globular glass with a small top, used for serving brandy
stained-glass window a window made of stained glass
time-delay measuring instrument
time-delay measuring system
chronoscope for measuring the time difference between two events
Venetian glass fine glassware made near Venice
watch glass laboratory glassware, a shallow glass dish used as an evaporating surface or to cover a beaker
water clock
water glass
clock that measures time by the escape of water
water gauge
water gage
water glass
gauge for indicating the level of water in e.g. a tank or boiler or reservoir
water glass a glass for drinking water
glass ceiling a ceiling based on attitudinal or organizational bias in the work force that prevents minorities and women from advancing to leadership positions
pheasant under glass a dish of roast pheasant served in a manner characteristic of expensive restaurants
glass cutter
someone who cuts flat glass to size
glass cutter glassutter someone who cuts or grinds designs on glass
looking glass tree
Heritiera macrophylla
large evergreen tree of India and Burma whose leaves are silvery beneath
looking-glass plant
Heritiera littoralis
small tree of coastal regions of Old World tropics whose leaves are silvery beneath
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