
mouth to nose Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Mund-zu-Nase-Beatmung f med.
mouth-to-nose breathing; mouth-to-nose ventilation; mouth-to-nose resuscitation
by word of mouth
mouth-to-mouth advertising
Adlernase f
aquiline nose
Bohrlochmund m
mouth of bore
Bug m, Nase f (eines Luftfahrzeugs) aviat.
Bugfahrwerk n aviat.
nose landing gear, nose gear
Bugrad n aviat.
Bugräder pl
nose wheel
nose wheels
Bukett n (Wein)
bouquet, aroma, nose
ins Fettnäpfchen treten übtr.
to put one's foot in one's mouth fig.
Flachzange f
flat-nose pliers
Flussmündung f, Mündung f, Mündungsgebiet n
estuary, mouth of a river
Gaumen m
roof of the mouth
Geschmack m
Geschmäcker pl
schlechter Geschmack
auf den Geschmack kommen
nach jds. Geschmack
einen schlechten Nachgeschmack haben
bad taste
to acquire a taste
to so.'s taste
to leave a bad taste in one's mouth
Großmaul n
loudmouth, big mouth, bigmouth
Hakennase f
hooked nose
Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Arzt m, Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Ärztin f med.
ear, nose, and throat specialist
Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Krankheiten pl med.
diseases of the ear, nose, and throat
Hand f anat.
Hände pl
mit der Hand
sich die Hand geben
in der Hand halten, in seiner Hand halten
unter der Hand
unter der Hand, klammheimlich
unter der Hand
unter der Hand
eine ruhige Hand
aus erster Hand
aus zweiter Hand
aus zweiter Hand kaufen
bei der Hand, zur Hand
mit leeren Händen
jdm. freie Hand lassen
etw. aus den Händen geben
ohne Hand und Fuß übtr.
von der Hand in den Mund leben übtr.
zwei linke Hände haben übtr.
mit sicherer Hand
die Hände falten
by hand, manual, manually
to shake hands
to hold in the hand, to hold in one's hand
on the quiet
underhandly, backhandedly
a steady hand
at first hand, firsthand
to buy secondhand
at hand
to give sb. plenty of rope
to let sth. out of one's hands
without rhyme or reason
to lead a hand-to-mouth existence
to be all thumbs
with sure touch
to clasp one's hands
Klatsch m, Klatscherei f, Tratsch m
Klatschereien pl
gossip, bad mouth
Klugscheißer m ugs.
ein Klugscheißer sein
smart-ass, big mouth
to be a smart-ass
Kuhmaulschuh m
Kuhmaulschuhe pl
cow-mouth shoe
cow-mouth shoes
Maul n
mouth (of an animal)
Maul- und Klauenseuche f med.
foot-and-mouth disease
Mündung f
Mündungen pl
Mund m
Münder pl
den Mund halten
den Mund halten
den Mund spitzen
to hold one's tongue, to wrap up
to keep mum, to stay mum
to purse one's lips
Mundharmonika f mus.
Mundharmonikas pl
mouth organ, blues harp
mouth organs, blues harps
Mundspiegel m
Mundspiegel pl
dental mirror, mouth mirror
dental mirrors, mouth mirrors
Mundwinkel m
corner of one's mouth
Mund-zu-Mund-Beatmung f med.
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, kiss of life
Mund-zu-Mund-Propaganda f
word-of-mouth recommendation
Mund-zu-Mund-Werbung f
mouth-to-mouth advertising
Nadelzange f
needle-nose pliers
Nase f anat.
Nasen pl
Mir läuft die Nase., Meine Nase läuft.
Mir blutet die Nase.
die Nase voll haben übtr.
die Nase voll haben von etw. übtr.
die Nase voll haben von allem übtr.
eine Nase drehen, eine lange Nase machen
jdn. an der Nase herumführen übtr.
jdn. an der Nase herumführen übtr.
I've got a runny nose
My nose is bleeding., I've got a nosebleed.
to be fed up with
to have a belly full of sth.
to be fed up with the whole shebang
to thumb one's nose, to cock a snook
to draw a red herring across the track fig.
to muck around with sb.
seine Nase in jds. Angelegenheiten stecken übtr.
to pry into sb.'s affairs, to stick one's nose into sb.'s business
die Nase hinausstecken übtr.
to stick one's nose out, to go outside, to peek out (from a hiding place)
Nasen-Finne f techn.
nose fin
Nasenauflage f (einer Brille)
Nasenauflagen pl
nose pad
nose pads
Nasenbein n anat.
nasal bone, nose bone
Nasenflöte f mus.
Nasenflöten pl
Nasenkorrektur f
sich einer Nasenkorrektur unterziehen
nose job coll.
to have a nose job
Nasenring m
Nasenringe pl
nose ring
nose rings
Nasenschnäuzen n, Nasenschneuzen n alt
das viele Nasenschnäuzen
nose blowing
the constant nose blowing
Nasenspray m, Schnupfenspray m
nose spray
Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Facharzt m, Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Fachärztin f, HNO-Arzt m, HNO-Ärztin f med.
Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Fachärzte pl, Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Fachärztinnen pl, HNO-Ärzten pl, HNO-Ärztinnen pl
ear, nose and throat specialist, ENT specialist
ear, nose and throat specialists, ENT specialists
Pappnase f
false nose, cardboard nose
jdn. nach seiner Pfeife tanzen lassen übtr.
to lead sb. by the nose fig.
Raketenspitze f
Raketenspitzen pl
nose cone, ogive
nose cones, ogives
Riecher m ugs. (Gespür)
einen guten Riecher (für etw.) haben
to have a sixth sense (for sth.)
Schaum m
Schaum vor dem Mund haben
to foam at the mouth
Sporn m (an Wasserturbine) techn.
Spürnase f
Spürnasen pl
good nose
good noses
Spürsinn m (beim Hund)
Stupsnase f
Stupsnasen pl
snub nose
snub noses
Sturzflug m aviat.
einen Sturzflug machen
nose dive, nosedive, dive
to nosedive
Tellerrand m
über den eigenen Tellerrand übtr.
edge of a plate
beyond one's own nose
Triefnase f
Triefnasen pl
runny nose
runny noses
Ventileingang m
mouth (valve)
Ventilmund m
mouth (valve)
Ventilmündung f
valve inlet, valve mouth
jdm. auf den Wecker gehen übtr.
to get on one's tits, to get up sb.'s nose
Xerostomie f, Trockenheit der Mundschleimhaut med.
xerostomia, dry mouth
Zunge f anat.
Zungen pl
eine scharfe Zunge haben übtr.
sich auf die Zunge beißen
(jdm.) die Zunge herausstecken
lose (scharfe) Zunge f
mit der Zunge anstoßen
auf der Zunge zergehen
mit gespaltener Zunge
mit gespaltener Zunge reden
to have a sharp tongue
to bite one's tongue
to put one's tongue out, to stick one's tongue out (at sb.)
loose (sharp) tongue
to (have a) lisp
to melt in one's mouth
with forked tongue
to talk falsely
armselig, kümmerlich adj
zuviel bezahlen
to pay through the nose fig.
in der Nase bohren, popeln
to pick one's nose
dichthalten ugs., nichts verraten
dichthaltend, nichts verratend
dichtgehalten, nichts verraten
to keep mum, to hold one's tongue, to keep one's mouth shut
keeping mum, holding one's tongue, keeping one's mouth shut
kept mum, held one's tongue, kept one's mouth shut
direkt, unmittelbar adj
direkt aus der Quelle
straight (straighter) (straightest)
straight from the horse's mouth fig.
hineinstecken, reinstecken ugs. v
hineinsteckend, reinsteckend
hineingesteckt, reingesteckt
steckt hinein, steckt rein
steckte hinein, steckte rein
seine Nase in etw. reinstecken übtr.
to stick into
sticking into
stuck into
sticks into
stuck into
to stick one's nose into so. else's business
sich die Nase putzen
to blow one's nose
rinnen, strömen, fließen v
rinnend, strömend, fließend
geronnen, geströmt, geflossen
es rinnt
es rann
es ist
war geronnen
es ränne
rinnende Nase, laufende Nase
to run, to stream, to flow
running, streaming, flowing
run, streamed, flowed
it runs
it ran
it has
had run
it would run
running nose
savory Am., savoury Br., mouth-watering
schnäuzen, schneuzen alt, sich die Nase schnäuzen
schnäuzend, schneuzend alt
geschnäuzt, geschneuzt alt
einem Kind die Nase schnäuzen
to blow one's nose
blowing one's nose
blown one's nose
to blow a child's nose
sonnenklar adj ugs.
as plain as the nose in your face, clear as daylight, plain as a pikestaff coll.
tief in die Tasche greifen müssen
to have to pay through one's nose
sich verplappern
sich verplappernd
to open one's mouth too wide
opening one's mouth too wide
opened one's mouth too wide
Kopf m (Extruder)
mouth (extruder)
Du hast die richtige Revolverschnauze! übtr.
Stop shooting off your big mouth! fig.
Eigenlob stinkt. Sprw.
A man's praise in his own mouth stinks. prov.
Einem geschenkten Gaul schaut man nicht ins Maul. Sprw.
Never look a gift horse in the mouth. prov.
Er kümmert sich um jeden Dreck.
He pokes his nose into everything.
Er steckt seine Nase in alles hinein.
He sticks his nose into everything.
Immer der Nase nach!
Just follow your nose!
Lass den Kopf nicht hängen!
Don't be down in the mouth!
Lassen Sie den Kopf nicht hängen.
Don't be down in the mouth.
Mir rutschte das Herz in die Hose.
My heart was in my mouth.
Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist Gold. Sprw.
A shut mouth catches no flies. prov.
Sie leben von der Hand in den Mund. übtr.
They live from hand to mouth.
Sie rümpft die Nase über Leute.
She looks down her nose at people.
Sie sehen nicht weiter als Ihre Nasenspitze.
You can't see any further than the end of your nose.
Sie sieht aus, als ob sie kein Wässerchen trüben könnte.
She looks as if butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.
Sprich nicht mit vollem Mund!
Don't talk with your mouth full!
Wir müssen von der Hand in den Mund leben.
We must live from hand to mouth.
Rüsselschmerle f (Acantopsis dialuzona) zool.
long-nose loach
Erst denken, dann reden!
PMIGBOM : Put mind in gear, before opening mouth!
aquiline nose
as plain as the nose in your face
flat nose pliers
good nose
Er kümmert sich um jeden Dreck
he pokes his nose into everything
immer der Nase nach
just follow your nose!
Immer der Nase nach.
just follow your nose.
Immer der Nase nach
just follow your nose
Mund, Muendung
nose dive
roof of the mouth
snub nose
direkt aus der Quelle
straight from the horse's mouth
sie leben von der Hand in den Mund
they live from hand to mouth
tip of the nose
Mündung ins Meer
estuary mouth
Abstrich m med.
Abstriche pl
einen Mundhöhlenabstrich machen
smear; smear test; cervical smear; pap test
smears; smear tests; cervical smears; pap tests
to take a mouth swab; to take an oral swab
Anströmdüse f; Venturi-Düse f; Venturi-Rohr n aviat. phys. techn.
aspirating mouth; Venturi tube; venturi
Bug m; Nase f (eines Luftfahrzeugs) aviat.
Bugfahrwerk n aviat.
nose landing gear; nose gear; front landing gear
Bugkühler m aviat.
Bugkühler pl
nose radiator
nose radiators
Bugluftschraube f; Bugschraube f aviat.
Bugluftschrauben pl; Bugschrauben pl
nose propeller
nose propellers
Bukett n (Wein)
bouquet; aroma; nose
Entgleisung f; Taktlosigkeit f; Fauxpas m geh.; Ausrutscher ugs. Fettnäpfchen n ugs. soc.
einen Fauxpas begehen
ins Fettnäpfchen in ein Fettnäpfchen treten
Da bin ich (ja) ganz schön ins Fettnäpfchen getreten!
Ich fürchte er wird sich blamieren.
gaffe; faux pas; embarrassing blunder; embarrassing clanger Br.
to make commit a faux pas
to put your foot in it Br.; to put your foot in your mouth Am.; to drop a brick clanger Br.
I really put my foot in it there!
I'm afraid he'll put his foot in it.
Flachrundzange f; Storchschnabelzange f; Storchenschnabelzange f techn.
Flachrundzange mit Seitenschneider
snipe nose plier; needle nose
snipe nose plier with side cutter
Flachzange f mach.
Flachzangen pl
Flachzange für Uhrmacher
Flachzange für Freileitungen
flat-nose pliers; flat pliers
flat-nose pliers; flat pliers
flat-nose pliers for horologists
fancing pliers; lineman's pliers
Flussmündung f; Mündung f geogr.
Flussmündungen pl; Mündungen pl
mouth of a river; river mouth; stream outlet; embouchure obs.
mouths of a river; river mouths; stream outlets; embouchures
Fresse f; Gusche f; Schnauze f; Maul n ugs. (für Mund)
trap; gob; yap; maw; piehole coll. (for mouth)
Geschmack m
Geschmäcker pl
schlechter Geschmack
je nach Geschmack
Die Geschmäcker sind verschieden.
auf den Geschmack kommen
(ganz) nach jds. Geschmack sein
einen schlechten Nachgeschmack haben
einen ersten Eindruck von etw. gewinnen
Damit bekommen Stadtkinder einen ersten Eindruck vom Landleben.
Die Farben sind zu hell für meinen Geschmack.
Das ist nicht nach unserem Geschmack.
bad taste
according to taste
Tastes differ.
to acquire a taste
to be (just) to sb.'s taste liking
to leave a bad taste in your mouth
to get a taste of sth.
Thus town children can get a taste of the country life.
The colours are too bright for my taste liking.
That's not to our taste.
Großmaul n; Maulheld m
Großmäuler pl; Maulhelden pl
loudmouth; big mouth; bigmouth
loudmouths; big mouths; bigmouths
Hafeneinfahrt f; Hafenmündung f
Hafeneinfahrten pl; Hafenmündungen pl
harbour entrance; harbour mouth
harbour entrances; harbour mouths
Hakennase f; Habichtsnase f
Hakennasen pl; Habichtsnasen pl
hooked nose
hooked noses
Hals m anat.
Hälse pl
steifer Hals
einen steifen Hals bekommen
Mir schlug das Herz bis zum Hals.
crick in one's neck; wrick in one's neck Br.; rick in one's neck Br.
to crick one's neck
My heart was in my mouth.
Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Krankheiten pl med.
diseases of the ear nose and throat
Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Besteck n; HNO-Besteck n med.
ear-nose-throat set
Hand f anat.
Hände pl
mit der Hand
sich die Hand geben
in der Hand halten; in seiner Hand halten
unter der Hand
unter der Hand; klammheimlich
unter der Hand
unter der Hand
eine ruhige Hand
aus erster Hand
aus zweiter Hand
aus zweiter Hand kaufen
bei der Hand; zur Hand
sich an den Händen fassen
jdm. freie Hand lassen
etw. aus den Händen geben
ohne Hand und Fuß übtr.
von der Hand in den Mund leben übtr.
leicht von der Hand gehen; gut von der Hand gehen
jdm. geht etw. leicht von der Hand
mit sicherer Hand
die Hände falten
Beim Backen etc. hat sie zwei linke Hände.; Beim Backen etc. ist sie nicht zu gebrauchen
by hand; manual; manually
to shake hands
to hold in the hand; to hold in one's hand
on the quiet
underhandly; backhandedly
a steady hand
at first hand; firsthand
to buy secondhand
at hand
to link hands
to give sb. (a) free rein
to let sth. out of one's hands
without rhyme or reason
to lead a hand-to-mouth existence
to find sth. easy
sb. finds sth. easy
with sure touch
to clasp one's hands
She is all (fingers and) thumbs when it comes to baking etc.; She can't bake etc. her way out of a paper bag.; She can't bake etc. for toffee. Br. (old-fashioned)
Hobelmaul n mach.
mouth (of a plane)
Kaminmündungshöhe f mach.
stack mouth height
Kindermund m (Mund eines Kindes)
Kindermund m (Ausspruch eines Kindes)
Kindermund tut Wahrheit kund. Sprw.
child's mouth
children's talk; children's speech
Children are never shy about telling the truth.
Klinik f med.
Kliniken pl
Klinik für Hals- Nasen- und Ohrenkrankheiten; Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Klinik; HNO-Klinik
Sprechstunde haben
ear-nose-throat clinic
to hold a clinic Br.
Klugscheißer m vulg.; Schlaumeier m; Naseweis m ugs.; Besserwisser m
ein Klugscheißer sein
smart-ass; big mouth; smarty-pants; smart aleck; wisenheimer; weisenheimer Am. coll.
to be a smart-ass
Knubbelnase f
Knubbelnasen pl
podgy nose
podgy noses
Kötzerspitze f textil.
cop nose
Langbeckzange f
long nose pliers
Löffelbohrer m (Holz)
spoon shell dowel duck's bill auger bit; nose bit; wimble scoop (wood)
Luftfahrzeug n; Fluggerät n; Flugzeug n aviat.
Luftfahrzeuge pl; Fluggeräte pl; Flugzeuge pl
unbemanntes Luftfahrzeug
ferngesteuertes Fluggerät
zweistufiges Fluggerät (Raumfahrt)
Flugzeug mit gepfeilten Tragflächen
Flugzeug mit absenkbarer Rumpfspitze
überfälliges Luftfahrzeug
vom Kurs abgekommenes Luftfahrzeug
aircraft; craft; aerial vehicle
aircraft; craft; aerial vehicles
unmanned aerial vehicle UAV
remotely piloted aerial vehicle RPV
two-stage vehicle (astronautics)
swept wing aircraft
droop-nose aircraft
overdue aircraft
strayed aircraft
Marionettenfalten pl (an den Mundwinkeln)
marionette lines (at the corners of the mouth)
Maul n
Mäuler pl
mouth (of an animal)
Maul- und Klauenseuche f; Aphthenseuche f med.
foot-and-mouth disease
Mündung f
Mündungen pl
Mund m anat.
Münder pl
den Mund halten
den Mund halten
den Mund spitzen
Halt den Mund! ugs.
Mir läuft das Wasser im Mund zusammen.
Sie kann ihren Mund einfach nicht halten.
to hold one's tongue; to wrap up
to keep mum; to stay mum; to shut up
to purse one's lips
Shut up! coll.
It makes my mouth water.; My mouth is watering.
She just cannot hold her tongue.
mit offenem Mund
etw. begaffen
open-mouthed {adj}; with open mouth
to stare open-mouthed at sth.
Mundatmung f med.
mouth breathing; mouth respiration
Mundatresie f; Atretostomie f med.
imperforation of the mouth; oral atresia; atretostomia

Deutsche Mund-zu-Nase-Beatmung {f} [med.] Synonyme

den  Mund  betreffend  Âmündlich  ÂMund...  Âoral  
durch  den  Mund  Âperoral  (fachsprachlich)  
Mund  und  Gesicht  betreffend  Âorofazial  (umgangssprachlich)  
Bolzen  ÂKeil  ÂNase  
Öse  ÂFahne  (zum  Befestigen)  ÂNase  
große  Nase  ÂZinken  (umgangssprachlich)  
in  der  Nase  bohren  Âpopeln  (umgangssprachlich)  
Nase  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂVorsprung  Âvorstehender  Teil  
rümpfen  (Nase)  Ârunzeln  (Stirn,  Augenbrauen)  
nicht  auf  den  Mund  gefallen  sein  (umgangssprachlich)  Âschlagfertig  sein  
Fresse  (derb)  ÂGosche  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂMaul  (derb)  ÂMund  ÂOmme  (derb)  ÂSchnauze  (derb)  ÂSchnute  (umgangssprachlich)  
Gesichtserker  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂGewürzprüfer  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂNase  ÂRiechkolben  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂRiechorgan  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂZinken  (umgangssprachlich)  
(einer  Sache)  Ã¼berdrüssig  sein  Âdie  Faxen  dicke  haben  (umgangssprachlich)  Âdie  Nase  voll  haben  (umgangssprachlich)  Âdie  Schnauze  voll  haben  (umgangssprachlich)  Âleid  sein  Âsatt  haben  
Mund und Gesicht betreffend  orofazial (umgangssprachlich)  
Nase (umgangssprachlich)  Vorsprung  vorstehender Teil  
den Mund betreffend  mündlich  Mund...  oral  
durch den Mund  peroral (fachsprachlich)  
große Nase  Zinken (umgangssprachlich)  
in der Nase bohren  popeln (umgangssprachlich)  
nicht auf den Mund gefallen sein (umgangssprachlich)  schlagfertig sein  
rümpfen (Nase)  runzeln (Stirn, Augenbrauen)  

Englische mouth-to-nose breathing; mouth-to-nose ventilation; mouth-to-nose resuscitation Synonyme

mouth to nose Definition

(n.) An interior angle or notch cut across a piece of timber, for the reception of the edge of another, as that in a rafter to be laid on a plate
(n.) A cetacean of the Dolphin family, of several species, as Delphinus Tursio and Lagenorhyncus leucopleurus, of Europe.
(n.) The puffin.
(n.) An external angle when obtuse or rounded.
(n.) A red nose.
(n.) The opening through which an animal receives food
(n.) An opening affording entrance or exit
(n.) The opening of a vessel by which it is filled or emptied, charged or discharged
(n.) The opening or entrance of any cavity, as a cave, pit, well, or den.
(n.) The opening of a piece of ordnance, through which it is discharged.
(n.) The opening through which the waters of a river or any stream are discharged.
(n.) The entrance into a harbor.
(n.) The crosspiece of a bridle bit, which enters the mouth of an animal.
(n.) A principal speaker
(n.) Cry
(n.) Speech
(n.) A wry face
(v. t.) To take into the mouth
(v. t.) To utter with a voice affectedly big or swelling
(v. t.) To form or cleanse with the mouth
(v. t.) To make mouths at.
(v. i.) To speak with a full, round, or loud, affected voice
(v. i.) To put mouth to mouth
(v. i.) To make grimaces, esp. in ridicule or contempt.
(a.) Having the basal joints of the legs converted into jaws.
(a.) Spoken without sincerity
(n.) The prominent part of the face or anterior extremity of the head containing the nostrils and olfactory cavities
(n.) The power of smelling
(n.) A projecting end or beak at the front of an object
(v. t.) To smell
(v. t.) To touch with the nose
(v. t.) To utter in a nasal manner
(v. i.) To smell
(v. i.) To pry officiously into what does not concern one.
Pug nose
() A short, thick nose
(n.) A snub nose.

mouth to nose Bedeutung

nose dive
a steep nose-down descent by an aircraft
nose count
a periodic count of the population
nose job
cosmetic surgery to improve the appearance of your nose
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
cardiac resuscitation
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
kiss of life
an emergency procedure consisting of external cardiac massage and artificial respiration, the first treatment for a person who has collapsed and has no pulse and has stopped breathing, attempts to restore circulation of the blood and prevent death or brain damage due to lack of oxygen
big H
hell dust
nose drops
street names for heroin
nose candy
street names for cocaine
mouth organ
harp mouth harp
a small rectangular freeeed instrument having a row of free reeds set back in air holes and played by blowing into the desired hole
jew's harp
jews' harp
mouth bow
a small lyre-shaped musical instrument that is placed between the teeth and played by twanging a wire tongue while changing the shape of the mouth cavity
mouth the opening of a jar or bottle, the jar had a wide mouth
mouth hole a hole (as in a ski mask) for the mouth
nose a front that resembles a human nose (especially the front of an aircraft), the nose of the rocket heated up on reentry
nose the front or forward projection of a tool or weapon, he ducked under the nose of the gun
nose cone
front consisting of the conical head of a missile or rocket that protects the payload from heat during its passage through the atmosphere
nose flute a flute that is played by blowing through the nostrils (used in some Asian countries)
nose ring a ring worn on the nose as an ornament or on the nose of an animal to control it
a projecting spout from which a fluid is discharged
mouth the externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening, she wiped lipstick from her mouth
mouth oral cavity
oral fissure
rima oris
the opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge, he stuffed his mouth with candy
roof of the mouth
the upper surface of the mouth that separates the oral and nasal cavities
olfactory organ
the organ of smell and entrance to the respiratory tract, the prominent part of the face of man or other mammals, he has a cold in the nose
hawk nose a nose curved downward like the beak of a hawk
pug nose a short nose, flattened and turned up at the end
Roman nose
a nose with a prominent slightly aquiline bridge
nose a natural skill, he has a nose for good deals
nose the sense of smell (especially in animals), the hound has a good nose
back talk
an impudent or insolent rejoinder, don't give me any of your sass
nose a symbol of inquisitiveness, keep your nose out of it
word of mouth
gossip spread by spoken communication, the news of their affair was spread by word of mouth
parson's nose
pope's nose
the tail of a dressed fowl
mouth the point where a stream issues into a larger body of water, New York is at the mouth of the Hudson
mouth an opening that resembles a mouth (as of a cave or a gorge), he rode into the mouth of the canyon, they built a fire at the mouth of the cave
ENT man
ear-nose-and-throat doctor
a specialist in the disorders of the ear or nose or throat
mouth a person conceived as a consumer of food, he has four mouths to feed
mouthpiece mouth a spokesperson (as a lawyer)
bog rose
wild pink dragon's mouth
Arethusa bulbosa
a bog orchid with usually a solitary fragrant magenta pink blossom with a wide gaping corolla, Canada
green adder's mouth
Malaxis ophioglossoides
North American orchid having a solitary leaf and flowers with threadlike petals
nose a small distance, my horse lost the race by a nose
Vincent's angina
Vincent's infection
trench mouth
an acute communicable infection of the respiratory tract and mouth marked by ulceration of the mucous membrane
bull nose a disease of pigs resulting in swelling of the snout
foot-and-mouth disease
hoof-and-mouth disease
acute contagious disease of cloven-footed animals marked by ulcers in the mouth and around the hoofs
hypertrophic rosacea
toper's nose
brandy nose
rum nose
potato nose
hammer nose
copper nose
enlargement of the nose with dilation of follicles and redness and prominent vascularity of the skin, often associated with excessive consumption of alcohol
dry mouth
abnormal dryness of the mouth resulting from decreased secretion of saliva
lip off
shoot one's mouth off
speak spontaneously and without restraint, She always shoots her mouth off and says things she later regrets
pull the wool over someone's eyes
lead by the nose
play false
conceal one's true motives from especially by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an end, He bamboozled his professors into thinking that he knew the subject well
butter up
flatter with the intention of getting something
keep quiet
shut one's mouth
keep one's mouth shut
refrain from divulging sensitive information, keep quiet about confidential information, Don't tell him any secrets--he cannot keep his mouth shut!
express in speech, She talks a lot of nonsense, This depressed patient does not verbalize
mouth articulate silently, form words with the lips only, She mouthed a swear word
mouth off
rabbit on
talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner
nose defeat by a narrow margin
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