
muscle Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Wadenmuskel m
calf muscle
Muskelriss m med.
torn muscle
Muskelmasse f med.
muscle mass
Muskelzerrung f med.
pulled muscle
Muskelrelaxans n; muskelentspannendes Mittel med.
muscle relaxant
Muskelrelaxans n, muskelentspannendes Mittel med.
muscle relaxant
Muskel m
Muskeln pl
Muskelfaserriss m med.
torn muscle fibre
Abduktor m (Muskel) anat.
abductor (muscle)
Steigbügelmuskel m anat.
stapedius (muscle)
Muskelschmerzen pl; Muskelschmerz m; Myalgie f med.
muscle pain; myalgia
Myalgie f, Muskelschmerz m med.
myalgia, muscle pain
Tetanie f; Krampfkrankheit f med.
tetany; muscle spasm
Tetanie f, Krampfkrankheit f med.
tetany, muscle spasm
Bulbokavernosus m (Muskel) anat.
bulbocavernosus (muscle)
Hammermuskel m anat.
salpingomalleus (muscle)
Augenmuskel m anat.
Augenmuskeln pl
eye muscle
eye muscles
Muskelaufbautraining n sport
muscle building training
(Muskelmasse) aufbauen v sport
to bulk up (muscle mass)
Klitorisaufrichtemuskel m anat.
erector clitoridis muscle
Stirnhautsenker m (Musculus procerus) anat.
procerus muscle; procerus
Gesichtsmuskel m anat.
Gesichtsmuskel pl
face muscle
face muscles
Schalblattel n; Fledermaus f Ös. (Teilstück vom Rind) cook.
backbone muscle (beef cut)
Verspannung f; Muskelverspannung f
tenseness; muscle tenseness
Muckibude f ugs. sport
muscle factory (gym) coll
Myasthenie f; krankhafte Muskelschwäche f med.
myasthenia; muscle weakness
Myasthenie f, krankhafte Muskelschwäche f med.
myasthenia, muscle weakness
Verspannung f, Muskelverspannung f
tenseness, muscle tenseness
Haarbalgmuskel m anat.
Haarbalgmuskeln pl
pilar muscle
pilar muscles
Muckibude f ugs. sport
muscle factory (gym) coll.
Faszikulation f; Muskelzucken n
fasciculation; muscle twitch
Muskelkrampf m, Krampus m Ös. med.
Muskelkrämpfe pl, Krampi pl
muscle cramp
muscle cramps
sich in etw. hineindrängen v
to muscle in on sth. coll.
Muskelkrampf m; Krampus m Ös. med.
Muskelkrämpfe pl; Krampi pl
muscle cramp
muscle cramps
Unterschlüsselbeinmuskel m anat.
subclavius muscle; subclavius
Muskelriss m med.
sich einen Muskelriss zuziehen
torn muscle
to tear a muscle
Muskelkraft f
muscular strength; muscle power
Muskelkraft f
muscular strength, muscle power
Gesäßmuskel m anat.
Gesäßmuskeln pl
gluteal muscle
gluteal muscles
Lachmuskel m
Lachmuskeln pl
risible muscle
risible muscles
Muskelspindel f anat.
muscle spindle; muscular spindle
Augenhöhlenmuskel m anat.
orbital muscle; orbitalis (muscle)
Myositis f, Entzündung des Bindegewebes im Muskel, Muskelentzündung f med.
myositis, inflammation of a muscle
Myositis f; Entzündung des Bindegewebes im Muskel; Muskelentzündung f med.
myositis; inflammation of a muscle
Unterschulterblattmuskel m anat.
subscapularis muscle; subscapularis
Mamillenmuskel m anat.
Mamillenmuskeln pl
mamillary muscle
mamillary muscles
Muskelansatz m anat.
muscular insertion; muscle attachment
muskelbepackt adj; extrem muskulös
musclebound {adj}; muscle-bound {adj}
Schläfen-Scheitel-Muskel m (Musculus temporoparietalis) anat.
temporoparietalis muscle; temporoparietalis
Schließmuskelnarbe f
Schließmuskelnarben pl
adductor muscle scar
adductor muscle scars
Schläfenmuskel m; Temporalis m (Musculus temporalis) anat.
temporal muscle; temporalis muscle; temporalis
sich (rücksichtslos) einmischen; sich irgendwo mit (aller) Gewalt hineindrängeln v
sich einmischend; sich mit Gewalt hineindrängelnd
sich eingemischt; sich mit Gewalt hineingedrängelt
to muscle in (on sth.)
muscling in
muscled in
Kopfwender m; Kopfnicker m (Muskel) anat.
sternocleidomastoid (muscle); sternomastoid muscle
Kopfwender m; Kopfnicker m; (Muskel) m anat.
sternocleidomastoid (muscle); sternomastoid muscle
Zerrung f (eines Muskels usw.) med.
Zerrungen pl
Leistenzerrung f
strain (of a muscle etc.)
groin strain
Bauchmuskel m anat.
Bauchmuskeln pl
abdominal muscle
abdominal muscles, abdominals, abs
Bauchmuskel m anat.
Bauchmuskeln pl
abdominal muscle
abdominal muscles; abdominals; abs
Streckmuskel m anat.
Streckmuskeln pl
extensor; extensor muscle
extensors; extensor muscles
sich krampfartig zusammenziehen v (Muskel usw.) med.
sich krampfartig zusammenziehend
sich krampfartig zusammengezogen
to convulse (of a muscle etc.)
Vorderfußstrecker m zool. anat.
external radial extensor muscle; external radial extensor
Herzmuskel f; Myokard n anat.
Herzmuskeln pl; Myokarden pl
cardiac muscle; heart muscle
cardiac muscles; heart muscles
Bauchmuskel m anat.
Bauchmuskeln pl
abdominal muscle
abdominal muscles; abdominals; abs coll.
Muskelfaser f anat.
Muskelfasern pl
muscle fibre; muscle fiber Am.
muscle fibres; muscle fibers
Muskelfaser f anat.
Muskelfasern pl
muscle fibre, muscle fiber Am.
muscle fibres, muscle fibers
langer Kopf (eines Muskels); Caput longum m anat.
langer Trizepskopf; Caput longum musculi tricipitis brachii
long head (of a muscle)
long head of the triceps (brachii) muscle
Sehne f anat.
Sehnen pl
Ansatzsehne f (eines Muskels)
tendon; sinew
tendons; sinews
tendon of insertion (of a muscle)
Rautenhirnmuskel m anat.
großer Rautenhirnmuskel
kleiner Rautenhirnmuskel
rhomboid muscle
rhomboid major (muscle)
rhomboid minor (muscle)
Muskelfaserbündel n; Muskelbündel n anat.
Muskelfaserbündel pl; Muskelbündel pl
muscle bundle; muscular fascicle
muscle bundles; muscular fascicles
Gesäßmuskel m anat.
Gesäßmuskeln pl
gluteal muscle; gluteus muscle; gluteus
gluteal muscles; gluteus muscles
Muskel m anat.
Muskeln pl
großer Rundmuskel m
kleiner Rundmuskel m
innerhalb des Muskels (liegend gelegen) adj
teres major (muscle)
teres minor (muscle)
intramuscular i.m.
Rachenmuskel m; Schlundmuskel m; Pharynxmuskel m anat.
Rachenmuskeln pl; Schlundmuskeln pl; Pharynxmuskeln pl
muscle of the pharynx; pharyngeal muscle
muscles of the pharynx; pharyngeal muscles
Muskelkater m
Muskelkater haben
stiffness, sore muscles, muscle soreness, charley horse Am.
to feel stiff and aching
Muskelstarre f med.
angeborene spastische Muskelstarre
muscle stiffness; muscular rigidity
congenital spastic muscle stiffness; Little's disease
(bei einem Wettbewerb) aufgeben v sport
Er musste wegen einer Muskelzerrung aufgeben.
to retire (in a competition)
He had to retire because of a muscle strain.
Herzmuskel f; Myokard n anat.
Herzmuskeln pl; Myokarden pl
ventrikuläres Myokard
cardiac muscle; heart muscle; myocardium
cardiac muscles; heart muscles
ventricular myocardium
kurzer Kopf (eines Muskels); Caput breve m anat.
kurzer Kopf des Armbeugers; Caput breve musculi bicipitis brachii
kurzer Kopf des Beinbeugers; Caput breve musculi bicipitis femoris
short head (of a muscle)
short head of the biceps muscle of the arm
short head of the biceps muscle of the leg
Kaumuskel m anat.
Kaumuskeln pl
masticatory muscle; muscle of mastication; masseter (muscle)
masticatory muscles; muscles of mastication; masseters
Schnürmuskel m anat.
Schnürmuskeln pl
constrictor muscle; constrictor; sphincter muscle; sphincter
constrictor muscles; constrictors; sphincter muscles; sphincters
Muskelbinde f; Muskelfaszie f; Faszie f; Fascia f; Epimysium n anat.
Muskelbinden pl; Muskelfaszien pl; Faszien pl; Fasciae pl; Epimysien pl
Fußsohlenfaszie f
Halbanfaszie f (Septum vesicovaginale)
muscular fascia; fascia; epimysium (fibrous sheath of a muscle)
muscular fascias; fasciae; epimysia
plantar fascia
Halban's fascia
Muskelspannung f med.
erhöhte Muskelspannung
verminderte Muskelspannung
muscle tension; muscular tenderness; myotonia
muscular hypertonicity; hypertonia; hypertonus
muscular hypotonicity; hypotonia; hypotonus
Kugel f Dt.; Nuss f Ös.; Zapfen m Ös.; Vorschlag Schw. (Teilstück vom Rind Kalb Schwein Lamm) cook.
Kugel schier; Nuss entvliest Ös.
flache Kugel Nuss Ös.
Kugelrose; Nussrose; runde Nuss Ös.
Kugeldeckel f; Nussdeckel m Ös.
thick flank Br.; knuckle Am. (beef veal pork lamb cut)
lean knuckle
flat muscle of thick flank
round of thick flank
cap of thick flank
Muskelkater m med.
einen Muskelkater haben
muscular aching; muscle soreness; aching sore muscles; charley horse Am. coll.
to have aching sore stiff muscles; to have a charley horse Am.
Muskel m anat.
Muskeln pl
Kennmuskel m
großer Rundmuskel m
kleiner Rundmuskel m
synergistischer Muskel; Synergist
innerhalb des Muskels (liegend gelegen) adj
seine Muskeln spielen lassen (auch übtr.)
key muscle; segment-indicating muscle
teres major (muscle)
teres minor (muscle)
synergist muscle; synergist
intramuscular i.m.
to flex your muscles (also fig.)
Halsmuskel m anat.
Halsmuskeln pl
langer Halsmuskel
querer Halsmuskel
cervical muscle; collar muscle
cervical muscles; collar muscles
longus colli muscle; longus cervicis muscle
transverse nuchal muscle; transversus nuchae nuscle; occipitalis minor muscle
Reflex m; unwillkürliche Reaktion f; Reizantwort f geh. med.
bedingter Reflex
kindliche Reflexe
Konvergenzreflex m (beim Auge)
mütterliche Reflexe
Erektionsreflex m
Muskelreflexe pl
Schutzreflex m
Stillreflexe pl
conditional reflex
infant reflexes
convergence reflex (in the eye)
maternal reflexes
erection reflex
muscle reflexes
protective reflex; defence reflex; guarding reflex
breastfeeding reflexes
Fleisch n (als Nahrungsmittel) cook.
Dosenfleisch n
Frischfleisch n
Muskelfleisch n
Trockenfleisch n
durchwachsenes Fleisch
sehnendurchzogenes sehniges flachsiges Bayr. Ös. Fleisch
Fleisch aus Weidehaltung
Fleisch aus Freilandhaltung
Biofleisch n; Fleisch aus biologischer Landwirtschaft
noch ein Stück Fleisch
Fleisch parieren (Haut, Fett, Sehnen wegschneiden)
Sie isst kein Fleisch.
tinned meat Br.; canned meat Am.
fresh meat
muscle meat; lean meat
dried meat
marbled meat
sinewy meat
pastured meat
free-range meat
organic meat
another piece of meat
to trim meat
She doesn't eat meat.
Schlundschürermuskel m; Schlundschnürer m (Musculus constrictor pharyngis) anat.
mittlerer Schlundschnürer
oberer Schlundschnürer
unterer Schlundschnürer
constrictor muscle of the pharynx; constrictor pharyngis
medial constrictor muscle of the pharynx; middle constrictor pharyngis
superior constrictor muscle of the pharynx; superior constrictor pharyngis
inferior constrictor muscle of the pharynx; inferior constrictor pharyngis; infraconstrictor; laryngopharyngeus
Muskelkrampf m; Krampf m (unwillkürliche Muskelkontraktionen) med.
Muskelkrämpfe pl; Krämpfe pl
Muskelkrampf der Extremitäten
generalisierter Muskelkrampf
sich generalisierender Muskelkrampf
klonischer Muskelkrampf; Muskelklonus m; Klonus m
klonisch-tonischer Krampf
Schreibkrampf m
tonischer Muskelkrampf
Uhrmacherkrampf m
Wadenkrampf m; Krampf der Wadenmuskulatur
einen Krampf bekommen
einen Krampf haben
muscle cramp; cramp; muscular spasm; myospasm (involuntary muscular contractions)
muscle cramps; cramps; muscular spasms; myospasms
generalized muscular spasm; generalized tonic spasm; holotetanus; holotonia
clonic muscle cramp; clonic cramp; clonus
clonic-tonic cramp; clonicotonic cramp
writer's cramp; spasm in writing
tonic muscle spasm; myotonus
watchmaker's cramp
cramp in the calf; calf cramp; spasm of the calf muscles; systremma
to get a cramp
to have a cramp
Hebemuskel m; Heber m; Levatormuskel m (Musculus levator) anat.
Anushebemuskel m; Anusheber m (Musculus levator ani)
Epiglottishebemuskel m; Epiglottisheber m (Musculus levator epiglottidis)
Gaumensegelhebemuskel m; Gaumensegelheber m (Musculus levator veli palatini)
Kinnhebemuskel m; Kinnheber m (Musculus levator mentalis)
Mundwinkelhebemuskel m; Mundwinkelheber m (Musculus levator anguli oris)
Oberlidhebemuskel m; Oberlidheber m; oberer Lidheber m (Musculus levator palpebrae superioris)
Oberlippenhebemuskel m; Oberlippenheber m (Musculus levator labii superioris)
Oberlippen- und Nasenflügelhebemuskel m; Oberlippen- und Nasenflügelheber m (Musculus levator labii superioris alaeque nasi)
Prostatahebemuskel m; Prostataheber m (Musculus levator prostatae)
Schlüsselbeinhebemuskel m; Schlüsselbeinheber m (Musculus levator claviculae)
Schulterblatthebemuskel m; Schulterblattheber m (Musculus levator scapulae)
levator muscle; levator
levator ani muscle; levator ani
levator epiglottidis muscle; levator epiglottidis
levator veli palatini muscle; levator veli palatini
levator menti muscle; levator menti
levator anguli oris muscle; levator anguli oris
levator palpebrae superioris muscle; levator palpebrae superioris
levator labii superioris muscle; levator labii superioris
levator alaeque nasi muscle; levator alaeque nasi
levator prostatae muscle; levator prostatae
levator claviculae muscle; levator claviculae
levator scapulae muscle; levator scapulae

Deutsche Muskel Synonyme

in  einem  Muskel  Âintramuskulär  (fachsprachlich)  
Entzündung  des  Bindegewebes  im  Muskel  ÂMyositis  (fachsprachlich)  
Entzündung des Bindegewebes im Muskel  Myositis (fachsprachlich)  
in einem Muskel  intramuskulär (fachsprachlich)  

Englische muscle Synonyme

muscle  adductor  arm  beef  beefiness  biceps  brawn  brawniness  buccinator  effort  elasticity  elbow grease  endeavor  energy  exert strength  exertion  force  gemellus  gluteus maximus  hard pull  heftiness  huskiness  infraspinatus  intercostal  involuntary muscle  latissimus dorsi  levator  long pull  masseter  mentalis  might  might and main  muscularity  musculature  mylohyoid  nasalis  nerve and sinew  oblique  occipitalis  omohyoid  pains  pectineus  pectoralis  peroneus  physique  potency  power  sinew  sinewiness  sinews  sphincter  strength  strong arm  strong-arm  tensor  thew  thewiness  thews  tone  trapezius  triceps  trouble  use force  voluntary muscle  
muscle bound  able-bodied  athletic  brawny  broad-shouldered  burly  dour  firm  fundamentalist  hard  hidebound  impliable  inexorable  inflexible  iron  ironbound  ironclad  ironhanded  muscular  obdurate  obstinate  orthodox  procrustean  purist  puristic  puritan  puritanic  relentless  rigid  rigorist  rigoristic  rigorous  rockbound  sinewy  stiff  straightlaced  straitlaced  stubborn  thewy  thickset  unbending  uncompromising  unrelenting  unyielding  well-built  well-knit  well-set  well-set-up  wiry  
muscle man  Antaeus  Atlas  Briareus  Brobdingnagian  Charles Atlas  Cyclops  Goliath  Hercules  Polyphemus  Samson  Superman  Tarzan  Titan  bruiser  bully  bullyboy  colossus  giant  goon  gorilla  gun  gunsel  hatchet man  hellion  holy terror  hood  hoodlum  hooligan  mug  mugger  plug-ugly  powerhouse  rodman  roughneck  stalwart  strong man  strong-arm man  terror  the mighty  the strong  torpedo  tough  tough guy  tower of strength  trigger man  ugly customer  

muscle Definition

(n.) An organ which, by its contraction, produces motion.
(n.) The contractile tissue of which muscles are largely made up.
(n.) Muscular strength or development
(n.) See Mussel.

muscle Bedeutung

contraction muscular contraction
muscle contraction
(physiology) a shortening or tensing of a part or organ (especially of a muscle or muscle fiber)
anaerobic exercise
muscle building
exercise that builds muscles through tension
muscle relaxant a drug that reduces muscle contractility by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses or by decreasing the excitability of the motor end plate or by other actions
possessing muscular strength
muscle authority or power or force (especially when used in a coercive way), the senators used their muscle to get the party leader to resign
muscle muscular tissue animal tissue consisting predominantly of contractile cells
one of the contractile organs of the body
striated muscle tissue muscle tissue characterized by transverse stripes
skeletal muscle
striated muscle
a muscle that is connected at either or both ends to a bone and so move parts of the skeleton, a muscle that is characterized by transverse stripes
voluntary muscle striated muscle that can be controlled voluntarily
abductor muscle
a muscle that draws a body part away from the median line
adductor muscle
a muscle that draws a body part toward the median line
musculus adductor magnus
great adductor muscle
the muscle that adducts and extends the thigh
anconeous muscle
musculus anconeus
the muscle that extends the forearm and abducts the ulna in pronation of the wrist
antagonistic muscle (physiology) a muscle that opposes the action of another, the biceps and triceps are antagonistic muscles
articular muscle a muscle that inserts directly onto the capsule of a joint
cheek muscle
buccinator muscle
musculus buccinator
a muscle that flattens the cheek and retracts the angle of the mouth
extensor muscle
a skeletal muscle whose contraction extends or stretches a body part
flexor muscle
a skeletal muscle whose contraction bends a joint
ocular muscle
eye muscle
one of the small muscles of the eye that serve to rotate the eyeball
abducens muscle
lateral rectus muscle
lateral rectus
rectus lateralis
the ocular muscle whose contraction turns the eyeball outward
inferior rectus muscle
inferior rectus
rectus inferior
the ocular muscle whose contraction turns the eyeball down and medially
medial rectus muscle
medial rectus
rectus medialis
the ocular muscle whose contraction turns the eyeball medially
superior rectus muscle
superior rectus
rectus superior
the ocular muscle whose contraction turns the eyeball upward and medially
cardiac muscle
heart muscle
the muscle tissue of the heart, adapted to continued rhythmic contraction
papillary muscle any of several muscles associated with the atrioventricular valves, the papillary muscles contract during systole to prevent regurgitation of blood into the atria
muscle cell
muscle fiber
muscle fibre
an elongated contractile cell that forms the muscles of the body
striated muscle cell
striated muscle fiber
an elongated contractile cell in striated muscle tissue
smooth muscle muscle tissue that does not appear striated under the microscope, has the form of thin layers or sheets
smooth muscle
involuntary muscle
a muscle that contracts without conscious control and found in walls of internal organs such as stomach and intestine and bladder and blood vessels (excluding the heart)
smooth muscle cell cells of the smooth muscles
muscular structure
muscle system
the muscular system of an organism
deltoid muscle
musculus deltoideus
a large triangular muscle covering the shoulder joint and serving to abduct and flex and extend and rotate the arm
anterior serratus muscle
serratus anterior
musculus serratus anterior
serratus magnus
muscles that rotate the scapula and elevate the rib cage
posterior serratus muscle
serratus posterior
musculus serratus posterior
skeletal muscle that draws the rib cage backward and downward
pectoral muscle
musculus pectoralis
either of two large muscles of the chest
pectoralis major
musculus pectoralis major
greater pectoral muscle
a skeletal muscle that adducts and rotates the arm
pectoralis minor
musculus pectoralis minor
smaller pectoral muscle
a skeletal muscle that draws down the scapula or raises the ribs
intercostal muscle
musculus intercostalis
muscles between the ribs, they contract during inspiration
depressor muscle
any skeletal muscle that draws a body part down
abdominal muscle
the muscles of the abdomen
external oblique muscle
musculus obliquus externus abdominis
abdominal external oblique muscle
a diagonally arranged abdominal muscle on either side of the torso
transversus abdominis muscle
transverse muscle of abdomen
musculus transversalis abdominis
transversus abdominis
a flat muscle with transverse fibers that forms the anterior and lateral walls of the abdominal cavity
gluteus muscle
gluteal muscle
any one of three large skeletal muscles that form the buttock and move the thigh
anatomical sphincter
sphincter muscle
a ring of muscle that contracts to close an opening
gastrocnemius muscle
the muscle in the back part of the leg that forms the greater part of the calf, responsible for the plantar flexion of the foot
rhomboid muscle
any of several muscles of the upper back that help move the shoulder blade
rhomboideus major muscle
greater rhomboid muscle
musculus rhomboideus major
rhomboid muscle that draws the scapula toward the spinal column
rhomboid minor muscle
lesser rhomboid muscle
musculus rhomboideus minor
rhomboid muscle that draws the scapula toward the vertebral column and slightly upward
soleus muscle
a broad flat muscle in the calf of the leg under the gastrocnemius muscle
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Muscle is a soft tissue found in most animals. Muscle cells contain protein filaments of actin and myosin that slide past one another, producing a contraction that changes both the length and the shape of the cell. Muscles function to produce force and motion. They are primarily responsible for maintaining and changing posture, locomotion, as well as movement of internal organs, such as the contraction of the heart and the movement of food through the digestive system via peristalsis.