
needle Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

fir needle
Nadelwachs n biochem.
needle wax
Nadelwachs n bot.
needle wax
Kiefernadel f
pine needle
pine needle
Nadelpalme f (Rhapidophyllum hystrix) bot.
needle palm
Nadeljahrgang m biochem.
needle class
Nadeljahrgang m bot.
needle class
Nähnadel f
sewing needle
spruce needle
Hornhechtartige pl zool.
needle fishes
Nadelbleichung f bot.
needle blight
Nadellänge f biochem.
needle length
chirurgische Nadel f med.
suture needle
Nadellänge f bot.
needle length
Kompassnadel f
Nadelfilz m
needle felting
Radiernadel f
etching needle
darning needle
etching needle
needle bearing
Benadelungsdichte f
needle density
Nadeldichte f biochem.
needle density
Benadelungsdichte f textil.
needle density
Nadelfilz m textil.
needle felting
Nadeldichte f bot.
needle density
Schwimmernadel m
carburet needle
carburet needle
knitting needle
Fichtennadelöl n
pine needle oil
Nadel f
Nadeln pl
Analysenadeln pl med. techn.
analysing needle
Nadelkrümmung f biochem.
needle curvature
Nadelkrümmung f bot.
needle curvature
Abstrichnadel techn.
separating needle
point of a needle
Hundertnadelgewicht n biochem.
100-needle weight
Nadeltrockengewicht n biochem.
needle dry weight
Hundertnadelgewicht n bot.
100-needle weight
Notversteifung f; Notverstrebung f constr.
Anbringen von Notverstrebungen
Nadeltrockengewicht n bot.
needle dry weight
Nadelzange f
needle-nose pliers
einen Faden (in ein Nadelöhr) einfädeln
to thread a needle
Nadelspitzennekrose f biochem.
needle tip necrosis
Nadelspitzennekrose f bot.
needle tip necrosis
Dünnschnabeleremit m ornith.
Needle-billed Hermit
Dünnschnabeleremit m (Phaethornis philippii) ornith.
needle-billed hermit
Nadelverfärbung f biochem.
needle discolouration
Nadelverfärbung f bot.
needle discolouration
Aragonit m min.
aragonite; needle spar
Augennadel f
Augennadeln pl
eye needle
eye needles
Düsennadel f
Düsennadeln pl
jet needle
jet needles
Tannennadel f
Tannennadeln pl
fir needle
fir needles
Inklinationsnadel f techn.
Inklinationsnadeln pl
dip needle
dip needles
Spitzzange f techn.
needle nose pliers Br.
Tannennadel f bot.
Tannennadeln pl
fir needle
fir needles
Gelbspitzigkeit f biochem.
yellowing of needle tips
Gelbspitzigkeit f bot.
yellowing of needle tips
messerscharf, gestochen scharf adj
razor-sharp, needle-sharp
Spritzentausch m; Spritzenaustausch m; Austausch m von Spritzen (für Drogensüchtige)
needle exchange programme
messerscharf; gestochen scharf adj
razor-sharp; needle-sharp
Nadelverlustprozent n biochem.
percentage of needle loss
Nadelverlustprozent n bot.
percentage of needle loss
Kiefernnadel f bot.
Kiefernnadeln pl
pine needle
pine needles
Kiefernnadelöl n
pine needle oil; piney oil
Nadelhülse f
Nadelhülsen pl
needle bush
needle bushes
Spicknadel f cook.
larding needle, larding pin
Spicknadel f cook.
larding needle; larding pin
Goethit m; Nadeleisenerz n; Rubinglimmer m min.
goethite; needle iron-stone
Rückstellkraft f (Plattenspieler)
needle drag (record player)
Nadelventil n techn.
Nadelventile pl
needle valve
needle valves
Nadelquerschnittsfläche f biochem.
sectional area of the needle
Nadelquerschnittsfläche f bot.
sectional area of the needle
Fichtennadel f
Fichtennadeln pl
spruce needle
spruce needles
Heftnadel f
Heftnadeln pl
sewing needle
sewing needles
Fichtennadel f bot.
Fichtennadeln pl
spruce needle
spruce needles
Nähnadel f
Nähnadeln pl
sewing needle
sewing needles
Hohlnadel f
Hohlnadeln pl
hollow needle
hollow needles
Spritzennadel f med.
Spritzennadeln pl
syringe needle
syringe needles
Stopfnadel f
Stopfnadeln pl
darning needle
darning needles
Kompassnadel f
Kompassnadeln pl
compass needle
compass needles
Radiernadel f
Radiernadeln pl
etching needle
etching needles
Stopfnadel f textil.
Stopfnadeln pl
darning needle
darning needles
Zwerg m; Winzling m; winziges Ding n
Mini-Nadel f
minikin dated
minikin needle
Nadelöhr n
Nadelöhre pl
eye of a needle
eyes of needles
Nadeln n; Nadelung f (Teppich) textil.
needle bonding; needling (carpet)
Stricknadel f
Stricknadeln pl
knitting needle
knitting needles
Aneurysma-Nadel f med.
Aneurysma-Nadeln pl
aneurysm needle
aneurysm needles
Stricknadel f textil.
Stricknadeln pl
knitting needle
knitting needles
mit der Nadel nicht seht gut umgehen können v textil.
not to be a very good needle-woman
Wollnadel f (Nähen) textil.
Wollnadeln pl
wool needle (sewing)
wool needles
Butterfly-Kanüle f med.
Butterfly-Kanülen pl
butterfly needle
butterfly needles
Heftnadel f
Heftnadeln pl
stitching needle
stitching needles
Rundnadel f med.
Rundnadeln pl
round (curved) needle
round needles
Nadelfeile f
Nadelfeilen pl
needle-point file
needle-point files
Injektionsnadel f med.
Injektionsnadeln pl
hypodermic needle
hypodermic needles
Aspirationsnadel f med.
Aspirationsnadeln pl
aspiration needle
aspiration needles
Nadelbewegungssensor m techn.
Nadelbewegungssensoren pl
needle lift sensor
needle lift sensors
Nadelhubgeber m techn.
Nadelhubgeber pl
needle lift sensor
needle lift sensors
Zwerg m; Winzling m; winziges Ding n
Mini-Nadel f
minikin (old-fashioned)
minikin needle
nadelförmig, nadelig, lang und spitz adj
needle-shaped, acerate, acicular, acerose
Filznadel f (Nähen) textil.
Filznadeln pl
felting needle (sewing)
felting needles
Ledernadel f (Nähen) textil.
Ledernadeln pl
leather needle (sewing)
leather needles
Nadelgreifer m (Nähen)
Nadelgreifer pl
needle grabber (sewing)
needle grabbers
Nadelstange f (Nähmaschine) textil.
Nadelstangen pl
needle bar (sewing machine)
needle bars
Stopfnadel f (Nähen) textil.
Stopfnadeln pl
darning needle (sewing)
darning needles
Da suchen Sie eine Stecknadel im Heuhaufen. übtr.
You're looking for a needle in a haystack.
Lepidokrokit m min.
lepidocrocite; needle iron-stone; goethite
Besetzen n mit Nadeln; Benadelung f; Benadlung f (Kämmmaschine) textil.
needle setting; needling (combing machine)
Doppelnadel f (Nähmaschine) textil.
Doppelnadeln pl
twin needle (sewing machine)
twin needles
Nadeleinfädler m (Nähen) textil.
Nadeleinfädler pl
needle threader (sewing)
needle threaders
ausfädeln v (den Faden aus dem Nadelöhr herausziehen) textil.
to unthread the needle (take the thread out)
Modistennadel f (Nähen) textil.
Modistennadeln pl
millinery needle (sewing)
millinery needles
Nadelwickelvorrichtung f; Nadelwickler m techn.
Nadelwickelvorrichtungen pl; Nadelwickler pl
needle winding device
needle winding devices
Abwerfen n; Abwurf m; Abfall m bot.
Blattabwurf m
Nadelabfall m
leaf abscission
needle abscission
Nadelfilzmaschine f textil.
Nadelfilzmaschinen pl
needle-felting machine
needle-felting machines
Blutentnahmekanüle f med.
Blutentnahmekanülen pl
blood collecting needle
blood collecting needles
fixen (Drogen nehmen)
to shoot drugs, to be on the needle, to fix slang
fixen (Drogen nehmen)
to shoot drugs; to be on the needle; to fix slang
Biopsienadel f med.
Biopsienadeln pl
Silverman'sche Biopsienadel
biopsy needle
biopsy needles
Silverman's needle
Rundstricknadel f
Rundstricknadeln pl
circular knitting needle
circular knitting needles
Rundstricknadel f textil.
Rundstricknadeln pl
circular knitting needle
circular knitting needles
Stanzbiopsie f med.
punch biopsy procedure; core needle biopsy procedure
nadelförmig; nadelig; lang und spitz adj
needle-shaped; acerate; acicular; acerose; aciculate
Patentnadel f (Nähen) textil.
Patentnadeln pl
self-threading needle (sewing)
self-threading needles
Nadelproblem n von Buffon; Buffon-Nadelproblem n; Buffon'sches Nadelproblem n statist.
Buffon's needle problem; Buffon's problem; needle problem
sticheln, ärgern v
stichelnd, ärgernd
gestichelt, geärgert
stichelt, ärgert
stichelte, ärgerte
to needle coll.
sticheln; ärgern v
stichelnd; ärgernd
gestichelt; geärgert
stichelt; ärgert
stichelte; ärgerte
to needle coll.
Nadelstreu f bot.
needle litter; conifer coniferous litter; litter of conifers
Zündstift m; Zündnadel f mil.
Zündstifte pl; Zündnadeln pl
firing pin; percussion needle
firing pins; percussion needles
Schwammnadel f
Schwammnadeln pl
sponge needle; sponge spicule
sponge needles; sponge spicules
Federgräser und Pfriemengräser pl (Stipa) (botanische Gattung) bot.
feather grasses; needle grasses; spear grasses (botanical genus)
Flachrundzange f; Storchschnabelzange f; Storchenschnabelzange f techn.
Flachrundzange mit Seitenschneider
snipe nose plier; needle nose
snipe nose plier with side cutter
Kielnagelgalagos pl (Euoticus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
needle-clawed bushbabies; needle-clawed galagos (zoological genus)
Magnetnadel f
Magnetnadeln pl
magnetic needle; compass needle
magnetic needles; compass needles
Instrumentenzeiger m; Zeigernadel f; Zeiger m techn.
Instrumentenzeiger pl; Zeigernadeln pl; Zeiger pl
pointer; hand; needle (of an instrument)
pointers; hands; needles
Graviernadel f
Graviernadeln pl
engraving needle; graving needle
engraving needles; graving needles
Konfektion f textil.
manufacture of ready-made clothes; garment industry; needle trade Am.
Spitzennadel f textil.
Spitzennadeln pl
spring (beard) needle; bearded needle
spring needles; bearded needles
Punktionsnadel f med.
Punktionsnadeln pl
puncture needle; exploring needle
puncture needles; exploring needles
entnommene Probe f; entnommene Probemenge f; Kontrollprobe f chem. techn.
Waschprobe f
Strichprobe f
assay (substance analysed)
assay of buddled ore
assy of the touch needle
Nadellager n techn.
Nadellager pl
needle bearing, needle roller bearing
needle bearings, needle roller bearings
Nadellager n techn.
Nadellager pl
needle bearing; needle roller bearing
needle bearings; needle roller bearings
Ritznadel f; Zugnadel f (Samt) textil.
Ritznadeln pl; Zugnadeln pl
round velvet needle; velvet pile wire
round velvet needles; velvet pile wires
Heuhaufen n; Heuschober m; Schober m agr.
Heuhaufen pl; Heuschober pl; Schober pl
wie die Suche nach der Nadel im Heuhaufen sein übtr.
haystack; hayrick
haystacks; hayricks
to be a needle-in-a-haystick job fig.
Stanzkanal m (nach einer Biopsie) med.
Stanzkanäle pl
core needle biopsy tract; biopsy tract
core needle biopsy tracts; biopsy tracts
Stricknadel f textil.
Stricknadeln pl
Rundstricknadel f
Zopfstricknadel f
knitting needle
knitting needles
circular knitting needle
cable knitting needle
Häkelnadel f
Häkelnadeln pl
crochet hook, crochethook, crochet needle
crochet hooks, crochethooks, crochet needles

Deutsche Nadel Synonyme


Englische needle Synonyme

needle  Gramophone  Gyrosin compass  PA  PA system  RDF  Victrola  aculeus  acumination  aggravate  annoy  arrow  audio sound system  audiophile  auger  badger  bait  banter  be at  bedevil  beset  between  binaural system  bit  bitch box  bite  blade  blaze  blunt  bore  borer  bother  bract  bracteole  bractlet  bramble  brier  bristle  broach  brown off  bug  bullhorn  bullyrag  burin  burn up  burr  cactus  cartridge  catchweed  ceramic pickup  chaff  changer  chivy  cleavers  compass  compass needle  cotyledon  countersink  crystal pickup  cusp  derived four-channel system  devil  die  direction  direction finder  direction post  discompose  discrete four-channel system  distemper  disturb  dog  drill  dun  empierce  engraving tool  etching ball  etching ground  etching needle  etching point  exasperate  exercise  fash  finger post  fist  fix  flag  flog  floral leaf  foliole  four-channel stereo system  frond  get  glume  gnaw  goad  goose grass  gore  gouge  gouge out  graver  gripe  guide  guideboard  guidepost  gyrocompass  gyroscopic compass  gyrostatic compass  hand  harass  harry  haze  heckle  hector  hi-fi  hi-fi fan  high-fidelity  hole  honeycomb  hound  hour hand  impale  index  index finger  inertial navigation system  intaglio  intercom  intercommunication system  involucre  involucrum  irk  jape  jest  jive  joke  jolly  josh  jukebox  kid  knitting wire  lamina  lance  lash  lead  leaf  leaflet  lemma  ligule  long-eyed sharp  loran  lubber line  magnetic compass  magnetic needle  magnetic pickup  miff  milepost  minute hand  molest  monaural system  mono  mucro  nag  neb  nettle  nib  nickelodeon  nudge  nudzh  peeve  penetrate  perforate  persecute  pester  petal  phonograph  photoelectric pickup  pick on  pickup  pierce  pile  pine needle  pink  pique  plague  pluck the beard  point  pointer  poke  pother  prick  prickle  prod  provoke  public-address system  punch  puncture  put on  quadraphonic sound system  quill  radio compass  radio dire  
needled  badgered  baited  bedeviled  beset  bugged  bullyragged  chivied  deviled  dogged  harassed  harried  heckled  hectored  hounded  nipped at  persecuted  pestered  picked on  plagued  ragged  teased  tormented  worried  
needless  de trop  dispensable  excess  excessive  expendable  expletive  gratuitous  in excess  inessential  naturally  nonessential  obviously  pleonastic  prolix  redundant  spare  supererogatory  superfluous  tautologic  tautological  tautologous  to spare  uncalled-for  unessential  unnecessary  unneeded  unrequired  unwanted  useless  verbose  
needlessly  aimlessly  beyond need  beyond reason  bootlessly  fecklessly  fruitlessly  futilely  overplus  pointlessly  purposelessly  redundantly  supererogatorily  superfluously  tautologously  to little purpose  to no purpose  unnecessarily  uselessly  vainly  
needlework  applique  basting  binding  buttonholing  crochet  embroidery  fancywork  garment making  knitting  macrame  needlepoint  netting  petit point  quilting  ribbing  sewing  stitchery  stitching  suture  tatting  

needle Definition

Devil's darning-needle
() A dragon fly. See Darning needle, under Darn, v. t.
(n.) A small instrument of steel, sharply pointed at one end, with an eye to receive a thread, -- used in sewing.
(n.) See Magnetic needle, under Magnetic.
(n.) A slender rod or wire used in knitting
(n.) One of the needle-shaped secondary leaves of pine trees. See Pinus.
(n.) Any slender, pointed object, like a needle, as a pointed crystal, a sharp pinnacle of rock, an obelisk, etc.
(v. t.) To form in the shape of a needle
(v. i.) To form needles
(a.) Pointed as needles.
Sea needle
() See Garfish (a).
(n.) A small bar of gold and silver, either pure, or alloyed in some known proportion with copper, for trying the purity of articles of gold or silver by comparison of the streaks made by the article and the bar on a touchstone.

needle Bedeutung

darning needle
devil's darning needle
sewing needle
snake feeder
snake doctor
mosquito hawk
skeeter hawk
slender-bodied non-stinging insect having iridescent wings that are outspread at rest, adults and nymphs feed on mosquitoes etc.
ball bearing
needle bearing
roller bearing
bearings containing small metal balls
crochet needle
crochet hook
a needle with a hook on the end, used in crocheting
darning needle
embroidery needle
a long needle with an eye large enough for heavy darning or embroidery thread
hypodermic needle a hollow needle
knitting needle needle consisting of a slender rod with pointed ends, usually used in pairs
magnetic needle a slender magnet suspended in a magnetic compass on a mounting with little friction, used to indicate the direction of the earth's magnetic pole
needle a sharp pointed implement (usually steel)
needle a slender pointer for indicating the reading on the scale of a measuring instrument
packing needle a large needle used to sew up canvas packages
phonograph needle
a stylus that formerly made sound by following a groove in a phonograph record
sewing needle a needle used in sewing to pull thread through cloth
Space Needle a towerfeet tall in Seattle, a tourist attraction
upholstery needle any of several very heavy and sometimes curved sewing needles used by upholsterers
needle biopsy biopsy of deep tissue that is obtained through a hollow needle
ice crystal
snow mist
diamond dust
ice needle
frost snow
frost mist
small crystals of ice
virgin's bower
old man's beard devil's darning needle
Clematis virginiana
common climber of eastern North America that sprawls over other plants and bears numerous panicles of small creamy white flowers
needle spike rush
needle rush
slender spike rush
hair grass
Eleocharis acicularis
fine-leaved aquatic spike rush, popular as aerator for aquariums
needle wood
Hakea leucoptera
large bushy shrub with pungent pointed leaves and creamy white flowers, central and eastern Australia
needle bush
Hakea lissosperma
shrub with pungent rigid needle-shaped leaves and white flowers, eastern Australia
Adam's needle
Adam's needle-and-thread
spoonleaf yucca
needle palm
Yucca filamentosa
yucca with long stiff leaves having filamentlike appendages
broom tree
needle furze
petty whin
Genista anglica
prickly yellow-flowered shrub of the moors of New England and Europe
acerate leaf
the leaf of a conifer
needle blight
needle cast
leaf cast
a disease of conifers causing the needles to fall
goad or provoke,as by constant criticism, He needled her with his sarcastic remarks
needle prick with a needle
narrow and long and pointed, as pine leaves
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A needle is generally a thin, cylindrical object, often with a sharp point on the end.

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