
non magnetic Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

magnetisch, Magnet..
magnethaftend adj
Magnettinte f
magnetic ink
magnetic ink
unmagnetisch adj
Magnetdraht m, Magnetdrahtspeicher m
magnetic wire
Magnetkarte f
magnetic card
magnetic card
magnetic core
Magnetplatte, Magnetdiskette
magnetic disk
magnetic drum
magnetic head
magnetic tape
magnetic wire
Magnetdraht m; Magnetdrahtspeicher m
magnetic wire
magnetischer Fluss m; Magnetfluss m techn.
magnetic flux
Magnetkraft f
magnetic force
Magnetschicht f
magnetic layer
magnetic layer
magnetic strip
magnetic track
Magnetkraft f phys.
magnetic force
Magnetverschluss m
magnetic catch
Magnetpulver n
magnetic powder
magnetic bubble
Magnetrührer m
magnetic stirrer
Magnetschrift f
magnetic writing
Magnetsucher m
magnetic pick-up
magnetic writing
magnetische Rasterung f
magnetic scanning
magnetic resonance
magnetic videodisk
fixed magnetic head
Magnetscheidung f techn.
magnetic separation
Dünnschichtspeicher m
magnetic film memory
Magnetkontokarte f
magnetic ledger-card
magnetic film memory
magnetic ledger-card
Durchflutungssteuerung f electr.
magnetic flux control
Magnetfeldsonde f techn.
magnetic field sensor
Magnetumformen n
magnetic metal forming
magnetisch adj, Magnet...
nicht magnetisch
magnetisches Wechselfeld
alternating magnetic field
Zwischenkanal-Zeitfehler m (Magnetband)
skew error (magnetic tape)
Magnetspule f electr. techn.
magnetic coil; magnet coil
Ferritkern m
ferrite core, magnetic core
Bankrücksetzen n; Rückwärtsschritt m (Magnetband) comp.
backspacing (magnetic tape)
durchflutungsgesteuert adj electr.
controlled by magnetic flux
Aufsetzzeit f (Magnetplatte) comp.
set-up time (magnetic disk)
Magnetmutter f techn.
Magnetmuttern pl
magnetic nut
magnetic nuts
Magnetband n
Magnetbänder pl
magnetic tape
magnetic tapes
Magnetdichtung f
Magnetdichtungen pl
magnetic seal
magnetic seals
Magnetständer m (für Messuhr)
magnetic-base indicator holder
Magnettrommel f
Magnettrommeln pl
magnetic drum
magnetic drums
Eisenoxidabgabe f (Magnetband)
oxide shedding (magnetic tape)
Ablegen n (Magnetlager) techn.
delevitation (magnetic bearing)
Permeanz f; magnetischer Leitwert; Kehrwert der Reluktanz electr.
permeance; magnetic conductance
Haftmagnet m
Haftmagnete pl
magnetic clamp
magnetic clamps
Magnetbremse f
Magnetbremsen pl
magnetic brake
magnetic brakes
Magnetfeld n
Magnetfelder pl
magnetic field
magnetic fields
Magnetspur f
Magnetspuren pl
magnetic track
magnetic tracks
Magnetstreifen m
Magnetstreifen pl
magnetic strip
magnetic strips
Magnetschicht f
Magnetschichten pl
magnetic layer
magnetic layers
Magnetblase f
Magnetblasen pl
magnetic bubble
magnetic bubbles
Störung f nach dem Schreibvorgang (Magnetband)
post-write disturb (magnetic tape)
(leerer) Nachspann m (Filmspule; Magnetband) techn.
trailer (film reel; magnetic tape)
Magnetprisma n
Magnetprismen pl
magnetic V-block
magnetic V-blocks
Magnetrührer m
Magnetrührer pl
magnetic stirrer
magnetic stirrers
Magnetanomalie f geol.
Magnetanomalien pl
magnetic anomaly
magnetic anomalies
etw. ummagnetisieren v
to reverse the magnetic poles of sth.
Bandschleife f (Magnetband)
Bandschleifen pl
tape loop (magnetic tape)
tape loops
Magnetsenkrechtförderer m techn.
Magnetsenkrechtförderer pl
magnetic elevator
magnetic elevators
Säbelförmigkeit f (Magnetband) techn.
longitudinal curvature (magnetic tape)
Zweirichtungsschrift f (Magnetband)
bicirectional waveform (magnetic tape)
Abschirmeffekt m techn.
magnetic shielding; magnetic screening
Abbau m; Dämpfung f (eines Magnetfelds) phys.
decay; ramp-down (of a magnetic field)
Magnetresonanztomograph m, Kernspintomograph m, Kernspintomograf m, Kernspin-Tomograf m med.
MRI scanner, magnetic resonance scanner
Magnetresonanztomograph m; Kernspintomograph m; Kernspintomograf m; Kernspin-Tomograf m med.
MRI scanner; magnetic resonance scanner
Pyrrhotin m min.
pyrrhotin; pyrrhotite; magnetic pyrites
(leerer) Vorspann m (Filmspule, Magnetband) techn.
start leader (film reel, magnetic tape)
Eisenabscheider m, Magnetabscheider m mach.
Eisenabscheider pl, Magnetabscheider pl
magnetic separator
magnetic separators
Magnetbildplatte f
Magnetbildplatten pl
magnetic videodisk
magnetic videodisks
Eisenabscheider m; Magnetabscheider m mach.
Eisenabscheider pl; Magnetabscheider pl
magnetic separator
magnetic separators
Fluss m (elektrischer magnetischer) phys.
Kraftfluss pro Bandbreite
flux (electrical magnetic)
power flux
Reluktanz f; magnetischer Widerstand phys.
magnetic reluctance; magnetic resistance
Magnetkies m min.
pyrrhotine; pyrrhotite; magnetic pyrites
Fluss m (elektrischer, magnetischer) phys.
Kraftfluss pro Bandbreite
flux (electrical, magnetic)
power flux
Magnetkernspeicher m; Ferritkernspeicher m; Kernspeicher m comp. hist.
magnetic core memory; ferrite-core memory
Festkopf m
Festköpfe pl
fixed magnetic head
fixed magnetic heads
Magnetschraube f techn.
Magnetschrauben pl
magnetic drain plug
magnetic drain plugs
hartmagnetisch adj
hartmagnetischer Werkstoff electr.
magnetically hard
hard magnetic material
Dickenmessgerät n (Galvanisieren) chem. techn.
magnetic thickness tester (electroplating)
Magnetkern m
Magnetkerne pl
magnetic core, core
magnetic cores, cores
Magnetkern m
Magnetkerne pl
magnetic core; core
magnetic cores; cores
Polsprung m; Polumkehr f; Umkehr f des Erdmagnetfelds geogr. phys.
magnetic polarity flip; geomagnetic reversal
Größe f phys.
magnetische Größe f
nichtelektrische Größe f
magnetic value
non-electrical value
Anziehung f phys.
Anziehungen pl
magnetische Anziehung
magnetic attraction
etw. rücksetzen v (Magnetband; Tonkopf) (Audio; EDV)
to back-space sth. (magnetic tape; sound head)
Kreuzpolarisation f (Kernmagnetresonanz) phys.
crosspolarization (nuclear magnetic resonance)
Neigung f; Schräglage f
Neigungen pl; Schräglagen pl
magnetische Abweichung
magnetic declination
(magnetische) Durchflutungsprüfung f
Durchflutungsprüfungen pl
magnetic flaw detection
magnetic flaw detections
Resonanz f; Nachklang m
Resonanzen pl
kernmagnetische Resonanz phys.
nuclear magnetic resonance
Magnetscheider m techn.
magnetic separator; magnet(ic) cobber; guard magnet
Kernspinresonanz f
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), magnetic resonance
Kernspinresonanz f
nuclear magnetic resonance NMR ; magnetic resonance
Magnetklappenanzeige f
Magnetklappenanzeigen pl
magnetic flapper indicator
magnetic flapper indicators
Ãœberbandmagnetabscheider m techn.
Ãœberbandmagnetabscheider pl
overbelt magnetic separator
overbelt magnetic separators
Eisen-2 3-oxid n; Eisen(II III)-oxid n; Eisenoxyduloxyd n obs. chem.
ferrosoferric oxide; black iron oxide; magnetic iron oxide
Eisen-2,3-oxid n; Eisen(II,III)-oxid n; Eisenoxyduloxyd n obs. chem.
ferrosoferric oxide; black iron oxide; magnetic iron oxide
Klebestelle f (Magnetband, Film) (Computer, Audio, Video)
splice (on a magnetic tape, film) (computer, audio, video)
Magnetkopf m
Magnetköpfe pl
fliegender Magnetkopf
magnetic head
magnetic heads
floating head, flying head
Ferritkern m
Ferritkerne pl
ferrite core; magnetic core
ferrite cores; magnetic cores
Magnetkopf m
Magnetköpfe pl
fliegender Magnetkopf
magnetic head
magnetic heads
floating head; flying head
Magnetschwebetechnik f (Bahn) techn.
magnetic levitation technology; maglev technology (railways)
Ortsmissweisung f; (magnetische) Deklination f (Kompassnavigation) geogr. phys.
magnetic deviation; magnetic declination (compass navigation)
magnetisch adj; Magnet...
nicht magnetisch
magnetischer Sturm
magnetic storm; magnetic disturbance
magnetisch adj; Magnet…
nicht magnetisch
magnetischer Sturm
magnetic storm; magnetic disturbance
Magnetventil n techn.
Magnetventile pl
spannungsloses Magnetventil
magnetic valve
magnetic valves
magnetic valve without voltage
Kreuzpolarisationsentkopplung f (Kernmagnetresonanz) phys.
crosspolarization discrimination XPD (nuclear magnetic resonance)
Fokussierung f
elektromagnetische Fokussierung
magnetische Fokussierung
focussing; focusing
electromagnetic focusing
magnetic focusing
Magnetnadel f
Magnetnadeln pl
magnetic needle; compass needle
magnetic needles; compass needles
Wechselfeld n
Wechselfelder pl
magnetisches Wechselfeld
alternating field
alternating fields
alternating magnetic field
Magnafluxprüfung f
magnetic particle examination testing; magnetic particle flaw detection
RZ-Verfahren n (Magnetbandaufzeichnung)
return-to-zero recording; RZ recording; dipole recording (magnetic tape)
Magnetfeldstärkenmessgerät n, Magnetometer n
Magnetfeldstärkenmessgeräte pl, Magnetometer pl
magnetic field meter, magnetometer
magnetic field meters, magnetometers
Magnafluxprüfung f
magnetic particle examination testing; magnetic particle flaw detection
Magnetplatte f comp.
Magnetplatten pl
magnetic disc Br.; magnetic disk Am.
magnetic discs; magnetic disks
Magnetplatte f, Magnetdiskette f
Magnetplatten pl, Magnetdisketten pl
magnetic disk Br., magnetic discs Am.
magnetic disks, magnetic discs
Magnetkupplung f techn.
Magnetkupplungen pl
magnetic coupling; magnetic clutch
magnetic couplings; magnetic clutches
Ablenkung f, Ablenken n, Ausschlag m
Ablenkungen pl, Ausschläge pl
Ablenkung im Magnetfeld
deflection, deflexion Br.
deflections, deflexions
magnetic deflection
Resonanz f (Mitschwingen eines Körpers mit einem anderen) phys.
Resonanzen pl
Oberwellenresonanz f; Nebenwellenresonanz f
kernmagnetische Resonanz
sympathetic resonance
nuclear magnetic resonance
Magnetband-Lochkartenumsetzer m comp. hist.
Magnetband-Lochkartenumsetzer pl
magnetic tape-to-punch-card converter
magnetic tape-to-punch-card converters
Feldwaage f
Feldwaagen pl
magnetische Feldwaage
Schmidtsche Feldwaage
field balance
field balances
magnetic field balance
Schmidt field balance
Magnettonkopf m; Magnetkopf m
Magnettonköpfe pl; Magnetköpfe pl
magnetic recording head; magnetic head
magnetic recording heads; magnetic heads
Magnetschwebebahn f; Magnetschienenbahn f; Magnetbahn f; Magneteisenbahn f
Magnetschwebebahnen pl; Magnetschienenbahnen pl; Magnetbahnen pl; Magneteisenbahnen pl
magnetic levitation train; maglev train
magnetic levitation trains; maglev trains
Kernspinresonanz f (Methode der Hochfrequenzspektroskopie) phys.
nuclear magnetic resonance NMR ; magnetic nuclear resonance; paramagnetic resonance
Kernspinresonanzabbildung f phys.
nuclear magnetic imaging resonance; nuclear magnetic resonance imaging; NMR imaging
stationär; statisch adj
statische Berechnung f
die Auswirkung von statischen Magnetfeldern auf den Menschen
static; statical
static analysis
the effects of static magnetic fields on humans
Magnetfeld n phys. techn.
Magnetfelder pl
magnetisches Umfeld
schwaches Magnetfeld
magnetic field
magnetic fields
ambient magnetic field
low-intensity magnetic field
Folgeerscheinung f; Nachwirkung f
Folgeerscheinungen pl; Nachwirkungen pl
elastische Nachwirkung
magnetische Nachwirkung
elastic after-effect; creep recovery
magnetic after-effect
leichter Zugang m (zu etw.); leichte Verfügbarkeit f (von etw.) übtr.
die leichte Verfügbarkeit von Magnetresonanztomografen
accessiblity (to of sth.) fig.
the accessibility of magnetic resonance imaging systems
Magnetit m min.
vulkanischer Magnetit
magnetite; magnetic iron ore; black iron ore; natural magnet; load stone; lodestone
Suszeptibilität f electr.
magnetische Suszeptibilität
elektrische Suszeptibilität
biologische Suszeptibilität
magnetic susceptibility
electric susceptibility
biological susceptibility
Ablenkung f; Ablenken n; Ausschlag m
Ablenkungen pl; Ausschläge pl
Ablenkung im Magnetfeld
Horizonalablenkung f; X-Ablenkung f (TV)
deflection; deflexion Br.
deflections; deflexions
magnetic deflection
horizontal deflection
Ablenkung f; Ablenken n; Ausschlag m
Ablenkungen pl; Ausschläge pl
Ablenkung im Magnetfeld
Horizontalablenkung f; X-Ablenkung f (TV)
deflection; deflexion Br.
deflections; deflexions
magnetic deflection
horizontal deflection
Magnetresonanztomographie f MR; MRT ; Kernspintomographie f; Kernspintomografie f; Kernspin-Tomografie f med.
magnetic resonance imaging MRI ; magnetic resonance tomography MRT ; nuclear magnetic resonance NMR

Deutsche magnetisch Synonyme

anziehend  Âmagnetisch  

Englische magnetic Synonyme

non magnetic Definition

(a.) Of, Pertaining to, or produced by, magnetism which is developed by the passage of an electric current.
(a.) Alt. of Magnetical
(n.) A magnet.
(n.) Any metal, as iron, nickel, cobalt, etc., which may receive, by any means, the properties of the loadstone, and which then, when suspended, fixes itself in the direction of a magnetic meridian.

non magnetic Bedeutung

magnetic resonance imaging
the use of nuclear magnetic resonance of protons to produce proton density images
functional magnetic resonance imaging
a form of magnetic resonance imaging of the brain that registers blood flow to functioning areas of the brain
blood-oxygenation level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging
functional magnetic resonance imaging that relies on intrinsic changes in hemoglobin oxygenation
magnetic levitation
high-speed rail technology, train is suspended on a magnetic cushion above a magnetized track and so travels free of friction
core magnetic core (computer science) a tiny ferrite toroid formerly used in a random access memory to store one bit of data, now superseded by semiconductor memories, each core has three wires passing through it, providing the means to select and detect the contents of each bit
magnetic bottle container consisting of any configuration of magnetic fields used to contain a plasma during controlled thermonuclear reactions
magnetic bubble memory a nonvolatile storage device that holds information in the form of bubbles on a thin film of magnetic silicate, no longer used in most computers
magnetic compass compass based on an indicator (as a magnetic needle) that points to the magnetic north
magnetic core memory
core memory
(computer science) a computer memory consisting of an array of magnetic cores, now superseded by semiconductor memories
magnetic disk
magnetic disc
disk disc
(computer science) a memory device consisting of a flat disk covered with a magnetic coating on which information is stored
magnetic head an electromagnet (as on a tape recorder) that converts electrical variations into magnetic variations that can be stored on a surface and later retrieved
magnetic mine (nautical) a marine mine that is detonated by a mechanism that responds to magnetic material (as the steel hull of a ship)
magnetic needle a slender magnet suspended in a magnetic compass on a mounting with little friction, used to indicate the direction of the earth's magnetic pole
magnetic recorder recorder consisting of equipment for making records on magnetic media
magnetic stripe a short strip of magnetic tape attached to a credit card or debit card, it contains data that will tell a reading device who you are and what your account number is, etc.
magnetic tape
mag tape
memory device consisting of a long thin plastic strip coated with iron oxide, used to record audio or video signals or to store computer information, he took along a dozen tapes to record the interview
negative magnetic pole
negative pole
south-seeking pole
the pole of a magnet that points toward the south when the magnet is suspended freely
pole magnetic pole one of the two ends of a magnet where the magnetism seems to be concentrated
positive pole
positive magnetic pole
north-seeking pole
the pole of a magnet that points toward the north when the magnet is suspended freely
magnetic field strength
magnetic intensity
magnetic induction
magnetic flux density
the amount of magnetic flux in a unit area perpendicular to the direction of magnetic flow
magnetic storage medium
magnetic medium
magnetic storage
any storage medium in which different patterns of magnetization are used to represent stored bits or bytes of information, the hard disk in you computer is magnetic storage
magnetic storm a sudden disturbance of the earth's magnetic field, caused by emission of particles from the sun
aclinic line
magnetic equator
an imaginary line paralleling the equator where a magnetic needle has no dip
magnetic pole either of two points where the lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field are vertical
magnetic meridian an imaginary line passing through both magnetic poles of the Earth
magnetic dipole a dipole with opposing magnetic poles
magnetic monopole a hypothetical particle with a single magnetic pole instead of the usual two
magnetic line of force a line of force in a magnetic field
solar magnetic field the magnetic field of the sun
magnetic field
magnetic flux
the lines of force surrounding a permanent magnet or a moving charged particle
magnetic resonance resonance of electrons or atoms or molecules or nuclei to radiation frequencies as a result of space quantization in a magnetic field
nuclear magnetic resonance
proton magnetic resonance
resonance of protons to radiation in a magnetic field
magnetic attraction
magnetic force
attraction for iron, associated with electric currents as well as magnets, characterized by fields of force
magnetic dipole moment (physics) a current loop gives rise to a magnetic field characteristic of a magnetic dipole, An orbiting electron in an atom will have a magnetic dipole moment
magnetic moment
moment of a magnet
the torque exerted on a magnet or dipole when it is placed in a magnetic field
magnetic induction
the process that makes a substance magnetic (temporarily or permanently)
magnetic flux a measure of the strength of a magnetic field over a given area
flux unit
magnetic flux unit
a measure of the strength of a magnetic field per unit area
north magnetic north
compass north
the direction in which a compass needle points
angle of dip
magnetic dip
magnetic inclination
(physics) the angle that a magnetic needle makes with the plane of the horizon
magnetic declination
magnetic variation
the angle (at a particular location) between magnetic north and true north
magnetic pyrites
a brownish iron sulfide mineral (FeS) having weak magnetic properties
magnetic ink an ink that contains particles of a magnetic substance whose presence can be detected by magnetic sensors
magnetic iron-ore
an oxide of iron that is strongly attracted by magnets
possessing an extraordinary ability to attract, a charismatic leader, a magnetic personality
having the properties of a magnet, i.e. of attracting iron or steel, the hard disk is covered with a thin coat of magnetic material
magnetic determined by earth's magnetic fields, magnetic north, the needle of a magnetic compass points to the magnetic north pole
magnetic capable of being magnetized
magnetic of or relating to or caused by magnetism, magnetic forces
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