
non revolution Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Umlauf, Umwälzung, Revolution
Auflehnung f
ausgebliebene Revolution f; abgesagte Revolution f; Revolution f, die keine war pol. soc.
Verlustrisiko durch Revolution
revolution risk
green revolution
arabische Revolution f; arabischer Frühling m pol.
Jasmine revolution
counter revolution
Oktoberrevolution f hist.
October revolution
revolution counter
cultural revolution
Kulturrevolution f hist.
cultural revolution
period of revolution
Umlaufszeit f
period of revolution
industrielle Revolution
industrial revolution
die Samtene Revolution hist.
the Velvet Revolution
die revolutionäre Entwicklung in der Kommunikation
communcations revolution
Revolution f, Umwälzung f
Revolutionen pl, Umwälzungen pl
verursacht durch die Umstellung
caused by the revolution
die ständige Fortentwicklung
the continuing revolution in
kopernikanisch adj hist.
kopernikanische Wende
Copernican revolution
Umdrehung f
Umdrehungen pl
revolution, rev
revolutions, revs
Agrarrevolution f
Agrarrevolutionen pl
green revolution
green revolutions
die Umstellung im Seetransport
the revolution in maritime transport
Gegenrevolution f, Konterrevolution f
counter-revolution, counterrevolution
Rotationskörper m
Rotationskörper pl
solid of revolution
solids of revolution
siderische Umlaufdauer f; Umlaufzeit f eines Sterns astron.
sidereal period; period of revolution of a star
Umlaufzeit f; Umlaufszeit f mach.
time period duration of a revolution; revolution period
Drehzahlmesser m auto
rev counter, revmeter, r.p.m. counter, revolution counter
Umlauf m; Kreislauf m; Umdrehung f (um eine Achse einen anderen Himmelskörper) astron.
Umläufe pl; Kreisläufe pl; Umdrehungen pl
revolution (around an axis another celestial body)
Tourenzähler m
Tourenzähler pl
revcounter, revolution counter
revcounters, revolution counters
Palastrevolution f pol. übtr.
Palastrevolutionen pl
palace revolution; palace coup
palace revolutions; palace coups
Tourenzähler m
Tourenzähler pl
revcounter; revolution counter
revcounters; revolution counters
Revolution f; Umwälzung f
Revolutionen pl; Umwälzungen pl
Französische Revolution hist.
die Industrielle Revolution hist.
French Revolution
the Industrial Revolution
Gegenrevolution f; Konterrevolution f
Gegenrevolutionen pl; Konterrevolutionen pl
counter-revolution; counterrevolution
counter-revolutions; counterrevolutions
über jdn. hereinbrechen v
Die Revolution brach über die kapitalistische Welt herein.
to irrupt into sb.
The revolution irrupted into the capitalist world.
Rotationskörper m
Rotationskörper pl
body of revolution; solid of rotation; rotational solid
bodies of revolution; solids of rotation; rotational solids
Drehzahlmesser m auto
Drehzahlmesser pl
rev counter; revmeter; r.p.m. counter; revolution counter
rev counters; revmeters; r.p.m. counters; revolution counters
Umdrehung f
Umdrehungen pl
Umdrehungen Kilometer
Umdrehungen pro Minute (U min)
Umdrehungen pro Sekunde
revolution; rev
revolutions; revs
revolutions kilometer
revolutions per minute RPM; r.p.m.
revolutions per second
Umdrehung f
Umdrehungen pl
Umdrehungen Kilometer
Umdrehungen pro Minute (U min)
Umdrehungen pro Sekunde
revolution; rev
revolutions; revs
revolutions kilometer
revolutions per minute RPM; r.p.m.
revolutions per second
Umdrehungsellipsoid n; Rotationsellipsoid n; Sphäroid n math. phys.
Umdrehungsellipsoide pl; Rotationsellipsoide pl; Sphäroide pl
abgeplattetes Umdrehungsellipsoid
ellipsoid of revolution; revolution ellipsoid; spheroid
ellipsoids of revolution; revolution ellipsoids; spheroids
oblate ellipsoid of revolution
Umdrehungsellipsoid n; Rotationsellipsoid n; Sphäroid n math. phys.
Umdrehungsellipsoiden pl; Rotationsellipsoiden pl; Sphäroiden pl
abgeplattetes Umdrehungsellipsoid
ellipsoid of revolution; revolution ellipsoid; spheroid
ellipsoids of revolution; revolution ellipsoids; spheroids
oblate ellipsoid of revolution
Revolution f; Umwälzung f
Revolutionen pl; Umwälzungen pl
Französische Revolution hist.
die Industrielle Revolution hist.
Novemberrevolution 1918 f hist.
Oktoberrevolution f; Große Sozialistische Oktoberrevolution f hist.
French Revolution
the Industrial Revolution
November Revolution of 1918
October revolution; Great October Socialist Revolution
Drehzahlmesser m auto
Drehzahlmesser pl
tachometer; rev counter; revmeter; r.p.m. counter; revolution counter; RPM gauge
tachometers; rev counters; revmeters; r.p.m. counters; revolution counters; RPM gauges
Begleitumstand m; Begleiterscheinung f (eines Phänomens)
Begleitumstände pl; Begleiterscheinungen pl
Begleitumstände oder Folgen der Berichterstattung
die digitale Revolution und ihre sozialen Begleiterscheinungen
concomitant circumstance; concomitant (of a phenomenon)
concomitant circumstances; concomitants
concomitants or consequences of media coverage
the digital revolution and its social concomitants
Die eigentliche "Revolution" des Jahres 1968 konnte deshalb gar nicht auf der Strasse ausgefochten werden sondern musste in der subversiven und schleichenden Vereinnahmung des Denkens von Studenten Geistlichen Journalisten und Politikern Verwirklichung finden.
For this reason the actual "Revolution" of the year 1968 could not be fought out on the street but rather had to be realized through the subversive and creeping assimilation of the thought of students religious figures journalists and politicians.
etw. unterdrücken; etw. verdrängen v
unterdrückend; verdrängend
unterdrückt; verdrängt
nicht unterdrückt
jdn. etw. aus dem Bewusstsein verdrängen
eine Revolution niederschlagen
die Menschenrechte missachten
to suppress sth.; to repress sth.
suppressing; repressing
suppressed; repressed
suppresses; represses
suppressed; repressed
unsuppressed; unrepressed
to repress suppress all memory of sb. sth.
to suppress a revolution
to suppress human rights
Wie bereits in der "Konservativen Revolution" hatten die "68er" ihren Anfang und Kern in den ganz wesentlichen Fragen nach der kritischen Selbstsicht des Menschen nach dem ideelen Gehalt seines Tuns und dessen metaphysische Bindung an Gott.
Just as in the earlier "Conservative Revolution" the origin and essence of the "'68ers" was rooted in the substantive questions of human beings' capacity for critical self-reflection of the ideal composition of their actions and of their metaphysical connection to God.
Wie bereits in der „Konservativen Revolution“ hatten die „68er“ ihren Anfang und Kern in den ganz wesentlichen Fragen nach der kritischen Selbstsicht des Menschen, nach dem ideellen Gehalt seines Tuns und dessen metaphysische Bindung an Gott.
Just as in the earlier "Conservative Revolution", the origin and essence of the "'68ers" was rooted in the substantive questions of human beings' capacity for critical self-reflection, of the ideal composition of their actions, and of their metaphysical connection to God.
etw. miterleben v (zur fraglichen Zeit noch am Leben sein)
Er hat den arabischen Frühling noch miterlebt.
Das werde ich wohl nicht mehr miterleben erleben.
to live to see sth. happen; to be still alive when sth. happens happened
living to see happen; being still alive when happens happened
lived to see happen; been still alive when happens happened
He was still alive during the Jasmine revolution.
I don't think I'll live to see it happen.
etw. ausfechten v
einen Streit vor Gericht ausfechten
Wir müssen es ausfechten.
Die eigentliche Revolution des Jahres 1968 wurde nicht auf der Straße ausgefochten, sondern vollzog sich in den Köpfen durch die schleichende Übernahme der Sichtweise der studentischen Revoluzzer.
to fight out () sth. {fought; fought}
fighting out
fought out
to fight out a dispute in court
We have to fight it out.
The actual revolution of 1968 was not fought out in the streets, but took place in the minds of the people through a creeping assimilation of the thought of the revolting students.

Deutsche Auflehnung Synonyme


Englische revolution Synonyme

non revolution Definition

(n.) The act of revolving, or turning round on an axis or a center
(n.) Return to a point before occupied, or to a point relatively the same
(n.) The space measured by the regular return of a revolving body
(n.) The motion of any body, as a planet or satellite, in a curved line or orbit, until it returns to the same point again, or to a point relatively the same
(n.) The motion of a point, line, or surface about a point or line as its center or axis, in such a manner that a moving point generates a curve, a moving line a surface (called a surface of revolution), and a moving surface a solid (called a solid of revolution)
(n.) A total or radical change
(n.) A fundamental change in political organization, or in a government or constitution

non revolution Bedeutung

revolution the overthrow of a government by those who are governed
American Revolution
American Revolutionary War
War of American Independence
American War of Independence
the revolution of the American Colonies against Great Britain, -
Chinese Revolution the republican revolution against the Manchu dynasty in China, -
Cuban Revolution the revolution led by Fidel Castro and a small band of guerrilla fighters against a corrupt dictatorship in Cuba, -
English Revolution
Glorious Revolution
Bloodless Revolution
the revolution against James II, there was little armed resistance to William and Mary in England although battles were fought in Scotland and Ireland (-)
French Revolution the revolution in France against the Bourbons, -
Mexican Revolution a revolution for agrarian reforms led in northern Mexico by Pancho Villa and in southern Mexico by Emiliano Zapata (-)
Russian Revolution February Revolution the revolution against the czarist government which led to the abdication of Nicholas II and the creation of a provisional government in March
Russian Revolution October Revolution the coup d'etat by the Bolsheviks under Lenin in November that led to a period of civil war which ended in victory for the Bolsheviks in
revolution a drastic and fareaching change in ways of thinking and behaving, the industrial revolution was also a cultural revolution
Cultural Revolution
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
a radical reform in China initiated by Mao Zedong in and carried out largely by the Red Guard, intended to eliminate counterrevolutionary elements in the government it resulted in purges of the intellectuals and socioeconomic chaos
green revolution the introduction of pesticides and high-yield grains and better management during the s and s which greatly increased agricultural productivity
a single complete turn (axial or orbital), the plane made three rotations before it crashed, the revolution of the earth about the sun takes one year
ellipsoid of revolution
a shape that is generated by rotating an ellipse around one of its axes, it looked like a sphere but on closer examination I saw it was really a spheroid
Industrial Revolution
technological revolution
the transformation from an agricultural to an industrial nation
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