
northern Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

nördlich, Nord-
Schneehase m zool.
northern hare
Graunackentimalie f ornith.
Northern Jery
more northern
most northern
Gelbstirn-Blatthühnchen n ornith.
Northern Jacana
Baltimoretrupial ornith.
Northern Oriole
northern lights
Eissturmvogel m (Fulmarus glacialis) ornith.
northern fulmar
Baltimoretrupial m ornith.
northern oriole
Brownsittich m ornith.
Northern Rosella
Braunbauchsylvietta ornith.
Northern Crombec
Witwenfächerschwanz m ornith.
Northern Fantail
Habicht m (Accipiter gentilis) ornith.
northern goshawk
Kiebitz m (Vanellus vanellus) ornith.
northern lapwing
Spießente f (Anas acuta) ornith.
northern pintail
Braunbauchsylvietta f ornith.
northern crombec
Nordallianz f
Northern Alliance
Weißwangen-Wehrvogel m ornith.
Northern Screamer
Virginiawachtel f ornith.
Northern Bobwhite
Aschkehl-Krummschnabel m ornith.
Northern Bentbill
Schillingsbülbül m ornith.
Northern Brownbul
Löffelente f (Anas clypeata) ornith.
northern shoveler
Gambia-Schneeballwürger m (Dryoscopus gambensis) ornith.
Northern puffback
Gnomenkauz m ornith.
Northern Pygmy Owl
Nordhalbkugel f
northern hemisphere
Sperbereule f (Surnia ulula) ornith.
(Northern) hawk owl
Nordirland n geogr.
Northern Ireland NI
Spottdrossel f ornith.
Northern Mockingbird
Augenstreif-Scheindrossel f ornith.
Northern Scrub Robin
Nördlicher Schnapper m (Lutjanus campechanus) zool.
northern red snapper
Sperber m ornith.
Northern Sparrow Hawk
Bronzedrossling m ornith.
Northern Pied Babbler
Drosselwaldsänger m ornith.
Northern Water-thrush
Nordirland n geogr.
Northern Ireland NI
Rußschmätzer m ornith.
Northern Anteater Chat
Goldmantelweber m ornith.
Northern Masked Weaver
nördliche Dwina f (Fluss) geogr.
Northern Dvina (river)
nördliche Teile von Wales
northern parts of Wales
am Nordrand von
on the northern edge of
nördlich adj
Nördliche Marianen-Inseln pl MP geogr.
Northern Mariana Islands
Zypern n CY geogr.
Northern Cyprus
Nördliche Marianen-Inseln pl MP geogr.
Northern Mariana Islands
Nordufer n
north bank, northern bank
Waldohreule f (Asio otus) ornith.
(Northern) long-eared owl
im Norden
round the northern regions
Schwan m; Nördliches Kreuz (Sternbild) astron.
Cygnus; Swan; Northern Cross
Nordlicht n, Polarlicht n
northern lights, polar lights
Nördliche Marianen-Inseln geogr.
Northern Mariana Islands (mp)
Spießente f ornith.
Northern Pintail (Anas acuta)
Chaparralfliegenstecher m ornith.
Northern Beardless Tyrannulet
Nördliche Rauhflügelschwalbe f ornith.
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Jerichonektarvogel m ornith.
Northern Orange-tufted Sunbird
Riedweber m ornith.
Northern Brown-throated Weaver
Schneehase m zool.
Schneehasen pl
northern hare
northern hares
Eskimobrachvogel m (Numenius borealis) ornith.
Eskimo curlew; Northern curlew
Meisenwaldsänger m (Parula americana) ornith.
northern parula; parula warbler
Baßtölpel m ornith.
Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus)
Preussnektarvogel m ornith.
Northern Double-collared Sunbird
Löffelente f ornith.
Northern Shoveler (Anas clypeata)
Eistaucher m ornith.
Great Northern Diver (Gavia immer)
Sperbereule f ornith.
(Northern) Hawk Owl (Surnia ulula)
ach; ah interj
Ach so!
oh; ee Northern English
I see!
Northern Territory, Nordterritorium (Territorium Australiens)
Northern Territory, capital: Darwin
Northern Territory; Nordterritorium (Territorium Australiens)
Northern Territory; capital: Darwin
Galiläa (Gebiet in Nordisrael) geogr.
Galilee (region in Northern Israel)
Eissturmvogel m ornith.
Northern Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis)
Kiebitz m ornith.
Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus)
Norddeutsches Tiefland n; Norddeutsche Tiefebene geogr.
North German Plain; Northern Lowland
Habicht m ornith.
Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis)
Steinschmätzer m ornith.
Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe)
Waldohreule f ornith.
(Northern) Long-eared Owl (Asio otus)
Nördliche Krone f astron. (Sternbild)
The Northern Crown (Coronae Borealis)
Nordseite f
north face; north side; northern side
Belfast (Hauptstadt von Nordirland) geogr.
Belfast (capital of Northern Ireland)
Norddeutschland n geogr.
Northern Germany, the North of Germany
nördlich adj
am nördlichsten
more northern
most northern
Seebär m zool.
Seebären pl
Nördliche Seebär (Callorhinus ursinus)
fur seal
fur seals
Northern Fur Seal
Waldrapp m; Klausrapp m; Klausrabe m; Schopfibis m; europäischer Ibis m (Geronticus eremita) ornith.
hermit ibis; northern bald ibis; Waldrapp
Bayreuth (Stadt in Nordbayern) geogr.
Bayreuth (city in northern Bavaria Germany)
Bayreuth (Stadt in Nordbayern) geogr.
Bayreuth (city in northern Bavaria, Germany)
Nordstern m; Polarstern m; Polaris m; Stella Polaris m astron.
North Star Northern Star; Pole Star; Polaris
Nordstern m; Polarstern m; Polaris m; Stella Polaris m astron.
North Star, Northern Star; Pole Star; Polaris
feingliedriger Dornfarn m; gewöhnlicher Dornfarn m (Dryopteris expansa) bot.
spreading wood fern; Northern wood buckle fern
Uferland n geogr.
riverside land; haugh Northern English Sc.
Garnelen pl; Crevetten pl (Caridea) (zoologische Teilordnung) zool.
Eismeergarnele f (Pandalus borealis)
shrimp (zoological infraorder)
Northern prawn
nördliches Eismeer n; nördliches Polarmeer n; nördlicher Ozean m; Nordpolarmeer n; arktisches Meer n; arktischer Ozean m geogr.
Northern Polar Sea; North Polar Sea; Arctic Ocean
Leeds (Stadt in Großbritannien und Nordirland)
Leeds (city in Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Meisenwaldsänger m ornith.
Northern Parula (Parula americana), Parula Warbler
Uhu m ornith.
Eurasian Eagle-Owl (Bubo bubo), Northern Eagle Owl
Gabelstreifenfarn m; nordischer Streifenfarn (Asplenium septentrionale) bot.
grass fern; forked spleenwort; Northern spleenwort
Hufeisenfarn m; Pfauenradfarn m; amerikanischer Frauenhaarfarn m (Adiantum pedatum) bot.
five-finger fern; American Northern maidenhair fern
Glasgow (Stadt in Großbritannien und Nordirland)
Glasgow (city in Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Lanzenschildfarn m (Polystichum lonchitis) bot.
mountain holly fern; Northern holly fern; holly fern
Kammmolch m; Nördlicher Kammmolch (Triturus cristatus) zool.
great crested newt; northern crested newt; warty newt
London (Hauptstadt von Großbritannien und Nordirland)
London (capital of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Liverpool (Stadt in Großbritannien und Nordirland)
Liverpool (city in Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Sheffield (Stadt in Großbritannien und Nordirland)
Sheffield (city in Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
London (Hauptstadt von Großbritannien und Nordirland) geogr.
London (capital of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Sheffield (Stadt in Großbritannien und Nordirland) geogr.
Sheffield (city in Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Birmingham (Stadt in Großbritannien und Nordirland)
Birmingham (city in Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Manchester (Stadt in Großbritannien und Nordirland)
Manchester (city in Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Alpenwimperfarn m (Woodsia alpina) bot.
Alpine cliff fern; flower-cup fern; Northern cliff fern
Nordufer n
Nordufer pl
north bank; northern bank
north banks; northern banks
Ruprechtsfarn m; Storchschnabelfarn m (Gymnocarpium robertianum) bot.
limestone oak fern; scented oak fern; Northern oak fern
das Vereinigte Königreich von Großbritannien und Nordirland geogr.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (uk)
die Yorkshire Dales; die Dales (Region in Nordengland) geogr.
The Yorkshire Dales; The Dales (area in Northern England)
Nördlicher Glattdelfin m (Lissodelphis borealis) zool.
northern right whale dolphin; pacific right whale porpoise
Nordländer m; Bewohner des Nordens
Norddeutscher m; Norddeutsche f; Nordlicht n ugs.; Fischkopp m übtr. humor. pej.
northerner (person who lives in Northern Germany)
Bewohner m des Nordens; jd., der aus dem Norden (eines Landes) kommt soc.
Norddeutscher m; Norddeutsche f; Nordlicht n ugs.; Fischkopp m humor. pej.
northerner (person who lives in Northern Germany)
Polizeibehörde f
nordirische Polizeibehörde f
Police Department PD
Police Service of Northern Ireland PSNI
Strobe f; Weymouth(s)kiefer f (Pinus strobus) bot.
Eastern Northern white pine; white pine; soft pine; Weymouth pine
Italien n IT (Kfz: I ) geogr.
Norditalien n; Oberitalien n
Süditalien n; Unteritalien n
Northern Italy; North Italy
Southern Italy; South Italy
Italien n IT (Kfz: I ) geogr.
Norditalien n; Oberitalien n
Süditalien n; Unteritalien n
Northern Italy; North Italy
Southern Italy; South Italy
Polizeibehörde f
nordirische Polizeibehörde f
Police Department PD
Police Service of Northern Ireland PSNI
Hemisphäre f; Erdhalbkugel f geogr.
Hemisphären pl; Erdhalbkugeln pl
Nordhalbkugel f
Südhalbkugel f
northern hemisphere
southern hemisphere
Nordengland geogr.
Northern England; the North of England; the North Country; the North
Nordengland n geogr.
Northern England; the North of England; the North Country; the North
Frankreich n FR (Kfz: F ) geogr.
Nordfrankreich n
Südfrankreich n
Northern France; North France
Southern France; South France
Frankreich n FR (Kfz: F ) geogr.
Nordfrankreich n
Südfrankreich n
Northern France; North France
Southern France; South France
Großbritannien n (Vereinigtes Königreich von Großbritannien und Nordirland) GB geogr.
Great Britain (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland UK )
Großbritannien n (Vereinigtes Königreich von Großbritannien und Nordirland) GB geogr.
Great Britain (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland UK )
Nördlicher Glattwal m; Nordkaper; Nordatlantischer Glattwal m; Nordpazifik-Glattwal m; Biskayerwal m; Richtiger Wal (Eubalaena glacialis) zool.
northern right whale; Biscayan right whale; black right whale; right whale
Birkenmäuse pl; Streifenhüpfmäuse pl (Sicista) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Steppenbirkenmaus f (Sicista subtilis)
Waldbirkenmaus f (Sicista betulina)
birch mice (zoological genus)
southern birch mouse
northern birch mouse
Riechkolben m; Riecher m; Gurke f; Kartoffel f ugs. (Nase)
sniffer; snoot; beak; conk Br.; neb Northern English Sc. coll. (nose)
Alpennordseite f geogr. meteo.
an entlang der Alpennordseite
north northern side of the Alps
on along the north northern side of the Alps
Nördlicher Glattdelfin m zool.
northern right whale dolphin, pacific right whale porpoise (Lissodelphis borealis)
Buchenfarne pl (Phegopteris) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gewöhnlicher Buchenfarn m (Phegopteris connectilis) bot.
beech ferns (botanical genus)
long beech fern; narrow beech fern; Northern beech fern
Sperber und Habichte pl (Accipiter) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Gemeiner Sperber; Eurasischer Sperber (Accipiter nisus)
sparrowhawks and goshawks (zoological genus)
Eurasian sparrowhawk; Northern sparrowhawk
vielleicht; möglicherweise; eventuell adv
Vielleicht habe ich es verloren.
Vielleicht weiß sie es.
maybe; perhaps; mayhap; happen Northern English
Maybe I have lost it.
Maybe she knows.
Nördlicher Glattwal m, Nordkaper, Nordatlantischer Glattwal m, Nordpazifik-Glattwal m, Biskayerwal m, Richtiger Wal zool.
northern right whale, Biscayan right whale, black right whale, right whale (Eubalaena glacialis)
Morus-Tölpel pl (Morus) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Basstölpel m; Baßtölpel m (Morus bassanus)
Australischer Tölpel m; Australtölpel m (Morus serrator)
Kaptölpel m (Morus capensis)
gannets (zoological genus)
Northern gannet
Australian gannet; Australasian gannet
Cape gannet
Mitgift f; Aussteuer f; Dos f jur.
ohne Mitgift
dowry; marriage portion; marriage settlement; tocher Northern English Sc.; dot archaic
Rand m geogr.
Alpennordrand m
Alpensüdrand m
Alpenostrand m
Alpenwestrand m
northern Alps boundary
southern Alps boundary
eastern Alps boundary
western Alps boundary
Baird-Schnabelwal m (Berardius bairdii) zool.
Baird's beaked whale; northern giant bottlenose whale; North Pacific bottlenose whale; giant four-toothed whale
herumkritteln; herummeckern; herummaulen; herummäkeln; herumnörgeln (an etw.); herummotzen; herummatschkern Ös.; quengeln (über etw.) v
herumkrittelnd; herummeckernd; herummaulend; herummäkelnd; herumnörgelnd; herummotzend; herummatschkernd; quengelnd
herumgekrittelt; herumgemeckert; herumgemault; herumgemäkelt; herumgenörgelt; herumgemotzt; herumgematschkert; gequengelt
to mither; to mither on Northern English coll. (about sth.)
mithering; mithering on
mithered; mithered on
Entenwal m zool.
northern bottlenose whale, North Atlantic bottlenose whale, bottlehead, steephead, flathead (Hyperoodon ampullatus)
Ackerschnecken pl; Kleinschnegel pl (Agriolimacidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
graue Feldschnecke; graue einfarbige Ackerschnecke (Deroceras agrestis Limax agrestis Agriolimax agrestis)
genetzte Ackerschnecke (Deroceras reticulatum)
agriolimacidae (zoological family)
Northern field slug; field slug; milky slug
grey garden slug; grey field slug
Ackerschnecken pl; Kleinschnegel pl (Agriolimacidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
graue Feldschnecke; graue einfarbige Ackerschnecke (Deroceras agrestis Limax agrestis Agriolimax agrestis)
genetzte Ackerschnecke (Deroceras reticulatum)
agriolimacidae (zoological family)
Northern field slug; field slug; milky slug
grey garden slug; grey field slug
Uhus pl (Bubo) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Europäischer Uhu m (Bubo bubo)
Schnee-Eule f (Bubo scandiacus Nyctea scandiaca)
eagle owls and horned owls (zoological genus)
European eagle owl; Eurasian eagle owl; Northern eagle owl
snowy owl
Superintendent m; Dekan m Süddt.; Propst m; Kreisoberpfarrer m (protestantische Kirche) relig.
Superintendenten pl; Dekane pl; Propste pl; Kreisoberpfarrer pl
dean (Protestant Church); superintendent (in Central and Northern European Protestant Churches)
deans; superintendents
Blauwal m, Riesenwal m, Grosser nördlicher Furchenwal m zool.
blue whale, great blue whale, great northern rorqual, Sibbald's rorqual, sulphur bottom, silver bottom (Balaenoptera musculus)
Wehrvögel pl (Anhimidae) (zoologische Familie) ornith.
Hornwehrvogel m (Anhima cornuta)
Weißwangen-Wehrvogel m (Chauna chavaria)
Halsband-Wehrvogel m; Tschaja m (Chauna torquata)
screamers (zoological family)
horned screamer
black-necked screamer; Northern screamer
crested screamer; Southern screamer
Parnassus-Gräser pl; Herzblatt n (Parnassia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Sumpfherzblatt n; Studentenröschen n; Schwanenrose f (Parnassia palustris)
grass-of-Parnassus; bog-stars (botanical genus)
marsh grass-of-Parnassus; swamp grass-of-Parnassus; northern grass-of-Parnassus
Aegolius-Käuze pl (Aegolius) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Raufußkauz m; Rauhfußkauz m (Aegolius funereus)
Ridgwaykauz m (Aegolius ridgwayi)
Sägekauz m (Aegolius acadicus)
Südamerikanischer Sägekauz m; Gelbstirnkauz m; Blaßstirnkauz m (Aegolius harrisii)
aegolius owls (zoological genus)
boreal owl; Tengmalm's owl
unspotted saw-whet owl
northern saw-whet owl
buff-fronted owl
Baird-Schnabelwal m zool.
Baird's beaked whale, northern giant bottlenose whale, North Pacific bottlenose whale, giant four-toothed whale (Berardius bairdii)
von überall her; aus allen Ecken
aus allen Ecken der Welt kommen
from all quarters; from all airts and pairts Northern English Ir. Sc.
to come from all quarters airts and pairts of the world
Pardelkatzen pl (Leopardus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Bergozelot m; Baumozelot m; Langschwanzkatze f; Margaykatze f; Peludokatze f
Ozelot m (Leopardus pardalis)
Tigerkatze f; Ozelotkatze f (Leopardus tigrinus)
leopardus cats (zoological genus)
tree ocelot; margay cat; margay
northern tiger cat; little spotted cat; oncilla; tigrillo

northern Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to the north
(a.) In a direction toward the north

northern Bedeutung

parula warbler
northern parula
Parula americana
small grey-blue wood warbler with yellow throat and breast, of eastern North America
northern oriole
Icterus galbula
a kind of New World oriole
northern shrike
Lanius borealis
a butcherbird of northern North America
marsh hawk
northern harrier
hen harrier
Circus cyaneus
common harrier of North America and Europe, nests in marshes and open land
northern cricket frog
Acris crepitans
a cricket frog of eastern and central United States
lowland burrowing treefrog
northern casque-headed frog
Pternohyla fodiens
terrestrial burrowing nocturnal frog of grassy terrain and scrub forests having very hard upper surface of head, of the United States southwest
northern bobwhite
Colinus virginianus
a favorite game bird of eastern and central United States
American lobster
Northern lobster
Maine lobster
Homarus americanus
lobster of Atlantic coast of America
northern phalarope
Lobipes lobatus
breeds in Arctic regions of Old and New Worlds, large flocks often seen far out at sea
stormy petrel
northern storm petrel
Hydrobates pelagicus
sooty black petrel with white markings, of the northern Atlantic and Mediterranean
northern bog lemming
Synaptomys borealis
of wet alpine and subalpine meadows of Canada and Alaska
northern pocket gopher
Thomomys talpoides
greyish to brown gopher of western and central United States
northern flying squirrel
Glaucomys sabrinus
large flying squirrel, chiefly of Canada
woolly mammoth
northern mammoth
Mammuthus primigenius
very hairy mammoth common in colder portions of the northern hemisphere
northern snakehead a voracious freshwater fish that is native to northeastern China, can use fin to walk and can survive out of water for three days, a threat to American populations of fish
Australian bonytongue
northern barramundi
Scleropages jardinii
a species of large fish found in Australian rivers
northern pike
Esox lucius
voracious piscivorous pike of waters of northern hemisphere
scup northern porgy
northern scup
Stenotomus chrysops
found in Atlantic coastal waters of North America from South Carolina to Maine, esteemed as a panfish
northern whiting
Menticirrhus saxatilis
whiting of the east coast of United States, closely resembles king whiting
northern sea robin
Prionotus carolinus
large searobin, found from Nova Scotia to Florida
Northern a dialect of Middle English that developed into Scottish Lallans
Northern Spy large lateipening apple with skin striped with yellow and red
American lobster
Northern lobster
Maine lobster
flesh of cold-water lobsters having large tender claws, caught from Maine to the Carolinas
American Baptist Convention
Northern Baptist Convention
an association of Northern Baptists
Northern Alliance
United Front
a multiethnic alliance in Afghanistan who practice a moderate form of Islam and are united in their opposition to the Taliban
northern hemisphere the hemisphere that is to the north of the equator
northern Europe the northernmost countries of Europe
Northern Territory a territory in north central Australia
Northern Marianas
Northern Mariana Islands
a self-governing territory comprising all of the Mariana Islands except Guam
United Kingdom
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Great Britain
a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles, divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland, `Great Britain' is often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom
Northern Ireland a division of the United Kingdom located on the northern part of the island of Ireland
capital of Northern Ireland
capital and largest city of Northern Ireland, the center of Protestantism in Northern Ireland
Republic of Zambia
Northern Rhodesia
a republic in central Africa, formerly controlled by Great Britain and called Northern Rhodesia until it gained independence within the commonwealth in
Northern Cross a cluster of bright stars forming a cross in the constellation Cygnus
Northern Baptist a member of the American Baptist Convention
aurora borealis
northern lights
the aurora of the northern hemisphere
pitch pine northern pitch pine
Pinus rigida
large three-needled pine of the eastern United States and southeastern Canada, closely related to the pond pine
American arborvitae
northern white cedar
white cedar Thuja occidentalis
small evergreen of eastern North America having tiny scalelike leaves on flattened branchlets
northern dune tansy
Tanacetum douglasii
lightly hairy rhizomatous perennial having aromatic feathery leaves and stems bearing open clusters of small buttonlike yellow flowers, sand dunes of Pacific coast of North America
jack oak northern pin oak
Quercus ellipsoidalis
small to medium deciduous oak of east central North America, leaves have sharply pointed lobes
northern red oak
Quercus rubra
Quercus borealis
large symmetrical deciduous tree with rounded crown widely distributed in eastern North America, has large leaves with triangular spiny tipped lobes and coarse-grained wood less durable than that of white oaks
Northern dewberry
American dewberry Rubus flagellaris
of eastern North America
Northern bedstraw
Northern snow bedstraw
Galium boreale
North American stoloniferous perennial having white flowers, sometimes used as an ornamental
northern Jacob's ladder
Polemonium boreale
perennial erect herb with white flowers, circumboreal
limestone fern
northern oak fern
Gymnocarpium robertianum
yellow-green fern of rocky areas of northern hemisphere
northern holly fern
Polystichum lonchitis
evergreen European fern widely cultivated
Alpine woodsia
northern woodsia
flowerup fern
Woodsia alpina
slender fern of northern North America with shining chestnutolored stipes and bipinnate fronds with usually distinct marginal sori
long beech fern
narrow beech fern
northern beech fern
Phegopteris connectilis
Dryopteris phegopteris
Thelypteris phegopteris
beech fern of North America and Eurasia
northerly northern coming from the north, used especially of wind, the north wind doth blow, a northern snowstorm, the winds are northerly
northerly northern situated in or oriented toward the north, the northern suburbs, going in a northerly direction
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Northern may refer to the following: