
nose flute Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Nasenflöte f mus.
Nasenflöten pl
Adlernase f
aquiline nose
Aufbohrer m (Spiralsenker)
spiral-flute counterbore
Blockflöte f mus.
recorder, fipple flute, fipple pipe
Bug m, Nase f (eines Luftfahrzeugs) aviat.
Bugfahrwerk n aviat.
nose landing gear, nose gear
Bugrad n aviat.
Bugräder pl
nose wheel
nose wheels
Bukett n (Wein)
bouquet, aroma, nose
Flachzange f
flat-nose pliers
Flöte f mus.
Flöten pl
flute, pipe
flutes, pipes
Flötenspieler m, Flötenspielerin f mus.
Flötenspieler pl
flute player, piper
flute players, pipers
Hakennase f
hooked nose
Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Arzt m, Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Ärztin f med.
ear, nose, and throat specialist
Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Krankheiten pl med.
diseases of the ear, nose, and throat
Nadelzange f
needle-nose pliers
Nase f anat.
Nasen pl
Mir läuft die Nase., Meine Nase läuft.
Mir blutet die Nase.
die Nase voll haben übtr.
die Nase voll haben von etw. übtr.
die Nase voll haben von allem übtr.
eine Nase drehen, eine lange Nase machen
jdn. an der Nase herumführen übtr.
jdn. an der Nase herumführen übtr.
I've got a runny nose
My nose is bleeding., I've got a nosebleed.
to be fed up with
to have a belly full of sth.
to be fed up with the whole shebang
to thumb one's nose, to cock a snook
to draw a red herring across the track fig.
to muck around with sb.
seine Nase in jds. Angelegenheiten stecken übtr.
to pry into sb.'s affairs, to stick one's nose into sb.'s business
die Nase hinausstecken übtr.
to stick one's nose out, to go outside, to peek out (from a hiding place)
Nasen-Finne f techn.
nose fin
Nasenauflage f (einer Brille)
Nasenauflagen pl
nose pad
nose pads
Nasenbein n anat.
nasal bone, nose bone
Nasenflöte f mus.
Nasenflöten pl
Nasenkorrektur f
sich einer Nasenkorrektur unterziehen
nose job coll.
to have a nose job
Nasenring m
Nasenringe pl
nose ring
nose rings
Nasenschnäuzen n, Nasenschneuzen n alt
das viele Nasenschnäuzen
nose blowing
the constant nose blowing
Nasenspray m, Schnupfenspray m
nose spray
Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Facharzt m, Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Fachärztin f, HNO-Arzt m, HNO-Ärztin f med.
Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Fachärzte pl, Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Fachärztinnen pl, HNO-Ärzten pl, HNO-Ärztinnen pl
ear, nose and throat specialist, ENT specialist
ear, nose and throat specialists, ENT specialists
Pappnase f
false nose, cardboard nose
jdn. nach seiner Pfeife tanzen lassen übtr.
to lead sb. by the nose fig.
Querflöte f
transverse flute
Raketenspitze f
Raketenspitzen pl
nose cone, ogive
nose cones, ogives
Riecher m ugs. (Gespür)
einen guten Riecher (für etw.) haben
to have a sixth sense (for sth.)
Spiralsenker m
spiral-flute counterbore
Sporn m (an Wasserturbine) techn.
Spürnase f
Spürnasen pl
good nose
good noses
Spürsinn m (beim Hund)
Stupsnase f
Stupsnasen pl
snub nose
snub noses
Sturzflug m aviat.
einen Sturzflug machen
nose dive, nosedive, dive
to nosedive
Tellerrand m
über den eigenen Tellerrand übtr.
edge of a plate
beyond one's own nose
Triefnase f
Triefnasen pl
runny nose
runny noses
jdm. auf den Wecker gehen übtr.
to get on one's tits, to get up sb.'s nose
Zauberflöte f
zuviel bezahlen
to pay through the nose fig.
in der Nase bohren, popeln
to pick one's nose
flöten, Flöte spielen mus.
flötend, Flöte spielend
geflötet, Flöte gespielt
flötet, spielt Flöte
flötete, spielte Flöte
to play the flute, to play the recorder, to pipe
playing the flute
played the flute
plays the flute
played the flute
flöten (Vogel)
to flute (bird)
hineinstecken, reinstecken ugs. v
hineinsteckend, reinsteckend
hineingesteckt, reingesteckt
steckt hinein, steckt rein
steckte hinein, steckte rein
seine Nase in etw. reinstecken übtr.
to stick into
sticking into
stuck into
sticks into
stuck into
to stick one's nose into so. else's business
sich die Nase putzen
to blow one's nose
rinnen, strömen, fließen v
rinnend, strömend, fließend
geronnen, geströmt, geflossen
es rinnt
es rann
es ist
war geronnen
es ränne
rinnende Nase, laufende Nase
to run, to stream, to flow
running, streaming, flowing
run, streamed, flowed
it runs
it ran
it has
had run
it would run
running nose
schnäuzen, schneuzen alt, sich die Nase schnäuzen
schnäuzend, schneuzend alt
geschnäuzt, geschneuzt alt
einem Kind die Nase schnäuzen
to blow one's nose
blowing one's nose
blown one's nose
to blow a child's nose
sonnenklar adj ugs.
as plain as the nose in your face, clear as daylight, plain as a pikestaff coll.
tief in die Tasche greifen müssen
to have to pay through one's nose
Er kümmert sich um jeden Dreck.
He pokes his nose into everything.
Er steckt seine Nase in alles hinein.
He sticks his nose into everything.
Immer der Nase nach!
Just follow your nose!
Sie rümpft die Nase über Leute.
She looks down her nose at people.
Sie sehen nicht weiter als Ihre Nasenspitze.
You can't see any further than the end of your nose.
Rüsselschmerle f (Acantopsis dialuzona) zool.
long-nose loach
aquiline nose
as plain as the nose in your face
flat nose pliers
flute player
flute players
good nose
Er kümmert sich um jeden Dreck
he pokes his nose into everything
immer der Nase nach
just follow your nose!
Immer der Nase nach.
just follow your nose.
Immer der Nase nach
just follow your nose
nose dive
snub nose
tip of the nose
Altflöte f mus. (Blasinstrument)
Altflöten pl
alto flute; bass flute
alto flutes; bass flutes
Auskehlung f; Kannelure f; Kannelierung f (an einer Säule) arch.
Auskehlungen pl; Kanneluren pl; Kannelierungen pl
Steg der Kannelierung
flute; cannelure (of a column)
flutes; cannelures
ridge between the flutes
Bambusflöte f mus.
Bambusflöten pl
bamboo flute
bamboo flutes
Blul f; Sring f (armenische Schäferflöte) mus. hist.
sring (Armenian shepherd's flute)
Bohreinsatz m; Bohrer m
Bohreinsätze pl; Bohrer pl
Bohrer mit geraden Nuten
den Bohrer umsetzen min.
drill bit; auger bit (removable drilling tool)
drill bits; auger bits
straight-flute drill bit
to shift rotate the drill bit
Bug m; Nase f (eines Luftfahrzeugs) aviat.
Bugfahrwerk n aviat.
nose landing gear; nose gear; front landing gear
Bugkühler m aviat.
Bugkühler pl
nose radiator
nose radiators
Bugluftschraube f; Bugschraube f aviat.
Bugluftschrauben pl; Bugschrauben pl
nose propeller
nose propellers
Bukett n (Wein)
bouquet; aroma; nose
Flachrundzange f; Storchschnabelzange f; Storchenschnabelzange f techn.
Flachrundzange mit Seitenschneider
snipe nose plier; needle nose
snipe nose plier with side cutter
Flachzange f mach.
Flachzangen pl
Flachzange für Uhrmacher
Flachzange für Freileitungen
flat-nose pliers; flat pliers
flat-nose pliers; flat pliers
flat-nose pliers for horologists
fancing pliers; lineman's pliers
Flöte f mus.
Flöten pl
Nay-Flöte; Ney-Flöte
nay flute; ney flute
Flöte spielen mus.
Flöte spielend
Flöte gespielt
spielt Flöte
spielte Flöte
to play the flute
playing the flute
played the flute
plays the flute
played the flute
Flötenschule f (Methode) mus.
flute method
Flötenschule f (Übungsbuch) mus.
flute tutor book; flute method book
Flötenspieler m; Flötenspielerin f mus.
Flötenspieler pl
flute player; piper
flute players; pipers
Hakennase f; Habichtsnase f
Hakennasen pl; Habichtsnasen pl
hooked nose
hooked noses
Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Krankheiten pl med.
diseases of the ear nose and throat
Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Besteck n; HNO-Besteck n med.
ear-nose-throat set
Klinik f med.
Kliniken pl
Klinik für Hals- Nasen- und Ohrenkrankheiten; Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Klinik; HNO-Klinik
Sprechstunde haben
ear-nose-throat clinic
to hold a clinic Br.
Knubbelnase f
Knubbelnasen pl
podgy nose
podgy noses
Kolbenflöte f; Lotusflöte f; Stempelflöte f mus.
Kolbenflöten pl; Lotusflöten pl; Stempelflöten pl
slide whistle; swanee whistle; piston flute
slide whistles; swanee whistles; piston flutes
Kolkmarke f (Wasserbau)
Kolkmarken pl
scour mark; flute cast (water engineering)
scour marks; flute casts
Konzert n (Komposition) mus.
Konzerte pl
Gitarrenkonzert n
Klavierkonzert n
Violinkonzert n
Konzert für Flöte und Harfe
concertos; concerti
guitar concerto
piano concerto
violin concerto
concerto for flute and harp
Kötzerspitze f textil.
cop nose
Langbeckzange f
long nose pliers
Lernflöte f mus.
song flute; tonette Am.
Löffelbohrer m (Holz)
spoon shell dowel duck's bill auger bit; nose bit; wimble scoop (wood)
Luftfahrzeug n; Fluggerät n; Flugzeug n aviat.
Luftfahrzeuge pl; Fluggeräte pl; Flugzeuge pl
unbemanntes Luftfahrzeug
ferngesteuertes Fluggerät
zweistufiges Fluggerät (Raumfahrt)
Flugzeug mit gepfeilten Tragflächen
Flugzeug mit absenkbarer Rumpfspitze
überfälliges Luftfahrzeug
vom Kurs abgekommenes Luftfahrzeug
aircraft; craft; aerial vehicle
aircraft; craft; aerial vehicles
unmanned aerial vehicle UAV
remotely piloted aerial vehicle RPV
two-stage vehicle (astronautics)
swept wing aircraft
droop-nose aircraft
overdue aircraft
strayed aircraft
Näslinge pl; Nasen pl zool.
nose carps
Nase f anat.
Nasen pl
schiefe Nase f
elektronische Nase f techn.
Mir läuft die Nase.; Meine Nase läuft.
alle Nase lang übtr.
die Nase voll haben übtr.
die Nase voll haben von etw. übtr.
die Nase voll haben von allem übtr.
über etw. die Nase rümpfen
die Nase rümpfen
jdn. an der Nase herumführen übtr.
jdn. an der Nase herumführen übtr.
jdm. auf der Nase herumtanzen übtr.
Es liegt gleich vor deiner Nase.
crooked nose
electronic nose
I've got a runny nose
to be fed up with
to have a belly full of sth.
to be fed up with the whole shebang
to turn up one's nose at sth.; to sniff at sth.
to cock one's nose
to draw a red herring across the track fig.
to muck around with sb.
to walk all over sb. Br. coll.
It's right under your nose.
Nase f (Hobelgriff) mach.
lange Nase (Geste schadenfrohen Spotts)
jdm. eine (lange) Nase drehen machen
auf etw. pfeifen; sich keinen Deut um etw. scheren
snook Br. (gesture of gloating)
to cock a snook Br.; to thumb your nose at sb.
to cock a snook Br.; to thumb your nose at sth. fig.
seine Nase in jds. Angelegenheiten stecken übtr.
to pry into sb.'s affairs; to stick one's nose into sb.'s business; to poke one's nose into sb.'s affairs
die Nase hinausstecken übtr.
to stick one's nose out; to go outside; to peek out (from a hiding place)
Nasenbein n anat.
nasal bone; nose bone
Nasenbeinbruch m; Nasenbeinfraktur f med.
Nasenbeinbrüche pl; Nasenbeinfrakturen pl
fracture of the nose; nasal bone fracture
fractures of the nose; nasal bone fractures
Nasenbluten n; Nasenblutung f; Epistaxis f; Rhinorrhagie f med.
Mir blutet die Nase.; Ich habe Nasebluten.
nosebleed; nasal bleeding; epistaxis; rhinorrhagia
My nose is bleeding.; I've got a nosebleed.
Nasenflügel m anat.
side of the nose
Nasenkegel m; Bugkonus m (Raumfahrt)
nose cone (astronautics)
Nasenschnäuzen n; Nasenschneuzen n alt
das viele Nasenschnäuzen
nose blowing
the constant nose blowing
Nasenspray m; Schnupfenspray m med. pharm.
nose spray
Nasenstütze f; Nasenauflage f; Nasensteg m (an der Brille)
Nasenstützen pl; Nasenauflagen pl; Nasenstege pl
nose pad (on spectacles)
nose pads
Nasenstüber m
Nasenstüber pl
bump on the nose
bumps on the nose
Obertonflöte f mus.
Obertonflöten pl
overtone flute
overtone flutes
Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Facharzt m; Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Fachärztin f; HNO-Arzt m; HNO-Ärztin f med.
Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Fachärzte pl; Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Fachärztinnen pl; HNO-Ärzte pl; HNO-Ärztinnen pl
ear nose and throat specialist; ENT specialist; otolaryngologist; otorhinolaryngologist
ear nose and throat specialists; ENT specialists; otolaryngologists; otorhinolaryngologists
Hals- Nasen- und Ohrenabteilung f; HNO-Abteilung f med.
ear nose and throat department; ENT department
Pappnase f
Pappnasen pl
false nose; cardboard nose
false noses; cardboard noses
Pikkoloflöte f; Pikkolo n mus.
Pikkoloflöten pl; Pikkolos pl
piccolo; octave flute
piccolos; octave flutes
Querflöte f mus.
Querflöten pl
transverse flute; German flute
transverse flutes; German flutes
Raketenspitze f
Raketenspitzen pl
nose cone; ogive
nose cones; ogives
Rinne f
Rinnen pl
furrow; flute
furrows; flutes
Rosazea f; Rosacea f med.
rosacea; brandy face nose; rosy drop; facial teleangiectasis
Rotznase f ugs.
Rotznasen pl
snotty nose
snotty noses
Rüsselschmerle f (Acantopsis dialuzona) zool.
Rüsselschmerlen pl
long-nose loach
long-nose loaches
Säufernase f med.
whisky nose; brandy nose; toper's nose
Schnabelflöte f; Kernspaltflöte f mus.
Schnabelflöten pl; Kernspaltflöten pl
fipple flute; fipple pipe
fipple flutes; fipple pipes
Schnupfen m; Nasenschleimhautentzündung f; Nasenschleimhautkatarrh f; Rhinitis f; Koryza f med.
chronischer Schnupfen; Stockschnupfen m
Neugeborenenrhinitis f
Schnupfen bekommen
head cold; cold in the head; nasal catarrh; nasitis; rhinitis; coryza; the sniffles coll.
thick cold; chronic cold in the nose; chronic rhinitis
rhinitis of the newborn
to catch a cold; to get the sniffles
Spiralsenker m mach.
Spiralsenker pl
spiral-flute counterbore
spiral-flute counterbores
Spitzzange f techn.
needle nose pliers Br.
Sprachgebrauch m; Jargon m ling.
im modernen allgemeinen juristischen Sprachgebrauch
im Kletterjargon im Werbejargon
Rhinoplastik oder 'Nasenkorrektur' wie es im Volksmund heißt
ein veralteter Ausdruck der einmal allgemeiner Sprachgebrauch war
Im Sprachgebrauch In der Sprache der Gastronomie bedeutet 'Mayfair Italian' oft übertrieben raffiniertes teures Essen.
Eine Leibesvisitation ist das was man landläufig 'Filzen' nennt.
Der Ausdruck ist mittlerweile in den allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch übergegangen.
'Lichtsignalanlage' im Sinne von 'Ampel' ist in der Alltagssprache nicht gebräuchlich.
in modern general legal parlance
in climbing advertising parlance
rhinoplasty or 'nose job' as it is known expressed in common parlance
a dated term which was once in common parlance use
In restaurant parlance 'Mayfair Italian' often means overwrought expensive food.
A body search is what is known in common parlance as 'frisk'.
The term is now in common parlance.
'Optical signalling system' meaning 'traffic lights' is not used in everyday parlance.
Stups m; Stupser m; Puff m; Knuff m Dt.
jdm. einen Nasenstüber geben
jdm. eins auf den Kopf geben
to give sb. a bop on the nose
to give sb. a bop on the head
Sturzflug m aviat.
schnellster Sturzflug
nose dive; nose-dive; dive
terminal nose-dive
Tapirnase f med.
tapir nose
Traversflöte f mus. hist.
Traversflöten pl
traverso flute; traverso
traverso flutes; traversos
Vorschub... (Brücke) constr.
Vorschubbogen m
Vorschubgerüst n
Vorbauschnabel m
launching ... (bridge)
launching arch; formwork launching girder
launching gantry
launching nose
jdm. auf den Wecker gehen; jdm. auf den Keks gehen übtr.
Das geht mir auf den Wecker.; Das geht mir auf den Keks.
to get on one's tits; to get up sb.'s nose
It gets up my nose.
Weidenflöte f mus.
Weidenflöten pl
willow flute; sallow flute
willow flutes; sallow flutes
Zwiebelflöte f; Eunuchenflöte f mus. hist.
Zwiebelflöten pl; Eunuchenflöten pl
eunuch flute
eunuch flutes
abkippen; sturzfliegen; einen Sturzflug machen v aviat.
abkippend; sturzfliegend; einen Sturzflug machend
abgekippt; sturzgeflogen; einen Sturzflug gemacht
to nosedive; to nose-dive
nosediving; nose-diving
nosedived; nose-dived
aufschnüffeln v
to nose out
nosing out
nosed out
ausgeprägt; charaktervoll adj
mit einem ausgeprägten Zimtgeschmack
Die Wirkung ist bei Männern ausgeprägter.
Er hat einen ausgeprägten deutschen Akzent wenn er französisch spricht.
Er hat eine ausgeprägte Säufernase.
with a pronounced flavour Br. flavor Am. of cinnamon
The effect is more pronounced in men.
He has a pronounced German accent when he speaks French.
He has a pronounced boozer's nose.
etw. beginnen; anfangen v
beginnend; anfangend
begonnen; angefangen
beginnt; fängt an
begann; fing an
Ich habe auch mit Flöte angefangen. ugs.
von der Tatsache Vorstellung ausgehen dass ...
to start sth.
I have also started to learn to play the flute.
to start (out) from the fact idea that ...
bezahlen; zahlen v
bezahlend; zahlend
bezahlt; gezahlt
er sie bezahlt; er sie zahlt
ich er sie bezahlte; ich er sie zahlte
er sie hat hatte bezahlt; er sie hat hatte gezahlt
die Rechnung bezahlen
die Waren bezahlen
gut bezahlt; hoch bezahlt
schlecht bezahlt
den Preis bezahlen; den Preis zahlen
ein Heidengeld (für etw.) bezahlen ugs.
Kann ich mit Kreditkarte bezahlen?
Ich bezahle!; Ich spendiere ...
Wer zahlt bestimmt.; Wer zahlt schafft an. Bayr. Ös. Sprw.
to pay {paid; paid}
he she pays
I he she paid
he she has had paid
to pay the bill Br.
to pay for the goods
to pay the price
to pay through the nose (for sth.) coll.
Can I pay by credit card?
It's on me!
He who pays the piper calls the tune. prov.
in der Nase bohren; popeln
to pick one's nose
buglastig adj aviat.
nose-heavy; bow-heavy

Deutsche Nasenflöte {f} [mus.] / Nasenflöten {pl} Synonyme

Englische nose-flute Synonyme

nose flute Definition

(n.) A cetacean of the Dolphin family, of several species, as Delphinus Tursio and Lagenorhyncus leucopleurus, of Europe.
(n.) The puffin.
(n.) An external angle when obtuse or rounded.
(n.) A red nose.
(v. i.) A musical wind instrument, consisting of a hollow cylinder or pipe, with holes along its length, stopped by the fingers or by keys which are opened by the fingers. The modern flute is closed at the upper end, and blown with the mouth at a lateral hole.
(v. i.) A channel of curved section
(n.) A similar channel or groove made in wood or other material, esp. in plaited cloth, as in a lady's ruffle.
(n.) A long French breakfast roll.
(n.) A stop in an organ, having a flutelike sound.
(n.) A kind of flyboat
(v. i.) To play on, or as on, a flute
(v. t.) To play, whistle, or sing with a clear, soft note, like that of a flute.
(v. t.) To form flutes or channels in, as in a column, a ruffle, etc.
Flute a bec
() A beak flute, an older form of the flute, played with a mouthpiece resembling a beak, and held like a flageolet.
(n.) The prominent part of the face or anterior extremity of the head containing the nostrils and olfactory cavities
(n.) The power of smelling
(n.) A projecting end or beak at the front of an object
(v. t.) To smell
(v. t.) To touch with the nose
(v. t.) To utter in a nasal manner
(v. i.) To smell
(v. i.) To pry officiously into what does not concern one.
Pug nose
() A short, thick nose
(n.) A snub nose.

nose flute Bedeutung

nose dive
a steep nose-down descent by an aircraft
nose count
a periodic count of the population
nose job
cosmetic surgery to improve the appearance of your nose
big H
hell dust
nose drops
street names for heroin
nose candy
street names for cocaine
fipple flute
fipple pipe
vertical flute
a tubular wind instrument with finger holes and a fipple mouthpiece
transverse flute
a high-pitched woodwind instrument, a slender tube closed at one end with finger holes on one end and an opening near the closed end across which the breath is blown
flute fluting a groove or furrow in cloth etc (particularly a shallow concave groove on the shaft of a column)
flute flute glass
champagne flute
a tall narrow wineglass
nose a front that resembles a human nose (especially the front of an aircraft), the nose of the rocket heated up on reentry
nose the front or forward projection of a tool or weapon, he ducked under the nose of the gun
nose cone
front consisting of the conical head of a missile or rocket that protects the payload from heat during its passage through the atmosphere
nose flute a flute that is played by blowing through the nostrils (used in some Asian countries)
nose ring a ring worn on the nose as an ornament or on the nose of an animal to control it
a projecting spout from which a fluid is discharged
straight flute
straight-fluted drill
a rock drill with flutes that are straight
olfactory organ
the organ of smell and entrance to the respiratory tract, the prominent part of the face of man or other mammals, he has a cold in the nose
hawk nose a nose curved downward like the beak of a hawk
pug nose a short nose, flattened and turned up at the end
Roman nose
a nose with a prominent slightly aquiline bridge
nose a natural skill, he has a nose for good deals
nose the sense of smell (especially in animals), the hound has a good nose
nose a symbol of inquisitiveness, keep your nose out of it
parson's nose
pope's nose
the tail of a dressed fowl
ENT man
ear-nose-and-throat doctor
a specialist in the disorders of the ear or nose or throat
flute player
someone who plays the flute
nose a small distance, my horse lost the race by a nose
bull nose a disease of pigs resulting in swelling of the snout
hypertrophic rosacea
toper's nose
brandy nose
rum nose
potato nose
hammer nose
copper nose
enlargement of the nose with dilation of follicles and redness and prominent vascularity of the skin, often associated with excessive consumption of alcohol
pull the wool over someone's eyes
lead by the nose
play false
conceal one's true motives from especially by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an end, He bamboozled his professors into thinking that he knew the subject well
butter up
flatter with the intention of getting something
nose defeat by a narrow margin
rub noses
flute form flutes in
nose push or move with the nose
nose advance the forward part of with caution, She nosed the car into the left lane
scent nose wind catch the scent of, get wind of, The dog nosed out the drugs
sniff out
scent out
smell out
nose out
recognize or detect by or as if by smelling, He can smell out trouble
horn in
search or inquire in a meddlesome way, This guy is always nosing around the office
plug away
peg away
keep one's nose to the grindstone
keep one's shoulder to the wheel
work doggedly or persistently, She keeps plugging away at her dissertation
having a blunt nose, a pug-nosed boy with freckles, a snub-nosed automatic
on the nose
on the button
being precise with regard to a prescribed or specified criterion, his guess was on the nose, the prediction for snow was right on the button
precisely exactly on the nose
on the dot
on the button
just as it should be, `Precisely, my lord,' he said
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Anatomically, a nose is a protuberance in vertebrates that houses the nostrils, or nares, which admit and expel air for respiration in conjunction with the mouth. Behind the nose are the olfactory mucosa and the sinuses. Behind the nasal cavity, air next passes through the pharynx, shared with the digestive system, and then into the rest of the respiratory system. In humans, the nose is located centrally on the face and serves as an alternative respiratory passage especially during suckling for infants. On most other mammals, it is located on the upper tip of the snout.

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