
on Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Nachtkerzengewächse pl (Onagraceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
onagraceous plants; evening primrose family (botanical family)
vocat onal school
Onanie f
onanistisch adj ~ Onanie
onanistic {adj} ~ onanism
Onanie f geh. (männliche Selbstbefriedigung)
onanism formal (male masturbation)
Bordmittel pl
die Bordmittel des Betriebssystems comp.
facilities on board; onboard resources
the standard tools of the operating system
jdn. an Bord holen; mit dem Hausbrauch vertraut machen v (neue Mitarbeiter Kunden) econ.
to onboard sb. (new employees clients)
bordeigen adj
on-board (onboard) (on board)
Einstellen n und Integrieren neuer Mitarbeiter
in ein Team aufgenommen werden
to be onboarded
Integrieren n neuer Mitarbeiter in den Betrieb econ.
in ein Team aufgenommen werden
to be onboarded
Flussblindheit f; Onchozerkose f; Onchozerkiasis f med.
river blindness; onchocerciasis; Robles disease
Pardelkatzen pl (Leopardus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Bergozelot m; Baumozelot m; Langschwanzkatze f; Margaykatze f; Peludokatze f
Ozelot m (Leopardus pardalis)
Tigerkatze f; Ozelotkatze f (Leopardus tigrinus)
leopardus cats (zoological genus)
tree ocelot; margay cat; margay
northern tiger cat; little spotted cat; oncilla; tigrillo
Onkogen n; geschwulsterzeugendes Gen
Onkogene pl; geschwulsterzeugende Gene
Karzinogenese f; Krebsentstehung f; Tumorentwicklung f med.
carcinogenesis; tumorigenesis; oncogenesis
Krebsentstehung f; Tumorbildung f; Karzinogenese f med.
strahlungsbedingte Krebsentstehung; Strahlenkarzinogenese
cancer formation; carcinogenesis; tumorigenesis; oncogenesis
radiation-induced carcinogenesis; radiation tumorigenesis
Virus n; Virus m ugs. med.
Viren pl
abgeschwächtes Virus
adeno-assoziiertes Virus
amphotropes Virus
bakterienpathogenes Virus
Croup-assoziiertes Virus
dermatotropes Virus; dermotropes Virus
humanpathogene Viren
humanes Cytomegalie-Virus
humane Papillomviren Papillomaviren HPV
karyotropes Virus
krebsauslösendes Virus; onkogenes Virus
langsames Virus
mesogenes Virus
neurotropes Virus
nicht filtrierbares Virus
respiratorisches Synzytial-Virus; RS-Virus
synzytiales Virus
tierisches Virus
Varizella-Zoster-Virus n
attenuated virus
adeno-associated virus
amphotropic virus
bacterial virus
croup-associated virus
dermotropic virus
DNA viruses
Epstein-Barr virus; EB virus EBV
human pathogenic viruses
human cytomegaly virus HCMV
human papillomaviruses HPV
karyotropic virus
cancer-producing virus; oncogenic virus
slow virus
mesogenic virus
neurotropic virus
filter-passing virus; non-filterable virus; non-filtrable virus
respiratory syncitial virus
syncytial virus
animal virus
varicella zoster virus
onkologisch adj
Onkologe m, Onkologin f, Facharzt für Tumorkrankheiten, Krebsspezialist m
Onkologen pl, Onkologinnen pl, Fachärzte für Tumorkrankheiten, Krebsspezialisten pl
Onkologe m; Onkologin f; Facharzt für Tumorkrankheiten; Krebsspezialist m
Onkologen pl; Onkologinnen pl; Fachärzte für Tumorkrankheiten; Krebsspezialisten pl
Onkologie f med.
Onkologie f med.
gynäkologische Onkologie
Strahlentherapie f; Radioonkologie f
gynecologic oncology
clinical oncology
onkolytisch adj med.
Gegenverkehr m
oncoming traffic
Gegenzug m
oncoming train, opposite train
Verkehr m
für den Verkehr freigeben
den Verkehr regeln
Verkehr aus der Gegenrichtung
abbiegender Verkehr
den Verkehr zum Stehen bringen
to open to traffic
to regulate the traffic, to regulate the flow of traffic
oncoming traffic
turning traffic
to bring traffic to a standstill
oncoming traffic
Gegenkommer m naut.
oncoming vessel
Gegenverkehr m
oncoming traffic; contraflow
Gegenzug m (Eisenbahen)
oncoming train; opposite train
Straßenverkehr m adm.; Autoverkehr m; Verkehr m auto
im Straßenverkehr
abbiegender Verkehr
abgehender Verkehr
ankommender Verkehr
ausfahrender Verkehr
dichter Verkehr
einfädelnder Verkehr
einspuriger Verkehr
flüssiger Verkehr
gewerblicher Straßenverkehr
internationaler Straßenverkehr
durchschnittlicher täglicher Verkehr
etw. für den Verkehr freigeben
den Verkehr regeln
Verkehr aus der Gegenrichtung
eine wenig frequentierte Straße
den Verkehr zum Stehen bringen
den Verkehr aufhalten
den Verkehr behindern
für den Verkehr gesperrt sein
etw. dem Verkehr übergeben
den Verkehr umleiten
Es herrscht starker Verkehr.
road traffic; street traffic (in towns); traffic on public roads; traffic
in normal situations on public roads
turning traffic
outgoing traffic
incoming traffic
emerging traffic
heavy traffic; dense traffic
merging traffic
single lane file traffic
moving traffic
commercial road traffic
international road transport
average daily traffic ADT
to open sth. to traffic
to regulate the traffic; to regulate the flow of traffic
oncoming traffic
a low-traffic road
to bring traffic to a standstill
to block hold up (the) treffic
to obstruct tie up (the) traffic
to be closed to (all) traffic
to open sth. to (the) traffic
to divert Br. detour Am. (the) traffic
There is heavy traffic.; The traffic is heavy.
entgegenkommend; nahend adj
Das Licht am Ende des Tunnels könnte ein entgegenkommender Zug sein.
The light at the end of the tunnel might be an oncoming train.
Anströmung f
oncoming flow; approaching flow; approach flow
Anströmung f (Strömungslehre) phys.
parallele Anströmung von Platten
Anströmung eines Körpers mit Überschallgeschwindigkeit
oncoming flow; approaching flow; approach flow (fluid mechanics)
laminar flow past plates
supersonic flow over bodies
Gegenverkehr m auto
Gegenverkehr! (Hinweisschild)
oncoming traffic; opposing traffic
Two-way traffic!; Two-way traffic ahead!
Gegenzug m (Eisenbahn)
Gegenzüge pl
oncoming train; opposite train
oncoming trains; opposite trains
abbiegen; abzweigen; seine Richtung ändern (Person, Tier); die Fahrtrichtung ändern (Person; Fahrzeug); eine Biegung machen (Streckenverlauf) v (nach + Richtungsangabe) transp.
abbiegend; abzweigend; seine Richtung ändernd; die Fahrtrichtung ändernd; eine Biegung machend
abgebogen; abgezweigt; seine Richtung geändert; die Fahrtrichtung geändert; eine Biegung gemacht
scharf nach links abbiegen
einem entgegenkommenden Fahrzeug ausweichen auto
die Hauptroute verlassen und ins Waldgebiet abzweigen
Das Schiff drehte ab.
Du folgst dem Weg und biegst nach 400 m links ab.
Die Straße macht eine Biegung nach rechts zweigt nach rechts ab.
Plötzlich bog der Strauß in Richtung Zaun ab.
to veer (to onto + direction)
to veer sharply to the left
to veer to avoid an oncoming vehicle
to veer off the main route into woodland area
The ship veered round.
Follow the path and veer left after 400m.
The road veers to the right.
Suddenly the ostrich veered towards the fence.
Gemeinkosten pl; allgemeine Kosten pl econ.
Gemeinkosten verrechnen
overhead costs; overhead expenses; overheads; overhead; oncost Br.
to allocate overhead expense
Gemeinkosten pl; allgemeine Kosten pl; indirekte Kosten pl econ.
anteilige Gemeinkosten
überdeckte Gemeinkosten
umgelegte Gemeinkosten; verrechnete Gemeinkosten
die Gemeinkosten umlegen verrechnen
overhead cost; overhead costs; overhead; overheads; indirect cost; oncost Br.; burden cost Am.; burden Am.
prorated overhead
overassigned overhead costs; overallocated overhead; overapplied overhead
absorbed overhead(s)
to allocate the overhead(s)
Lohnnebenkosten pl econ.
ancillary wage costs; employee oncosts Br.
onkotisch adj, eine Geschwulst betreffend med.
kolloidosmotischer Druck; onkotischer Druck m chem.
colloid-osmotic pressure; oncotic pressure
onkotisch adj; eine Geschwulst betreffend med.
Onkotomie f; Eröffnen eines Tumors med.
Pfeifgänse pl (Dendrocygna) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Gelbbrustpfeifgans (Dendrocygna bicolor)
Herbstpfeifgans (Dendrocygna autumnalis)
Kubapfeifgans (Dendrocygna arborea)
Sichelpfeifgans (Dendrocygna eytoni)
Tüpfelpfeifgans (Dendrocygna guttata)
Wanderpfeifgans (Dendrocygna arcuata)
Witwenpfeifgans (Dendrocygna viduata)
Zwergpfeifgans (Dendrocygna javanica)
whistling ducks; tree ducks (zoological genus)
fulvous whistling duck
black-bellied whistling duck
West Indian whistling duck
plumed whistling duck
spotted whistling duck
wandering whistling duck
white-faced whistling duck
lesser whistling duck; Ondian whistling duck
Wellenlinienschreiber m; Wellenschreiber m; Ondograph m techn.
Wellenlinienschreiber pl; Wellenschreiber pl; Ondographen pl
Glimmlichtoszilloskop n; Ondoskop n techn.
Glimmlichtoszilloskope pl; Ondoskope pl
Onegasee m geogr.
Lake Onega; Lake Onego
traumartig adj psych.
dream-like; oneirc
Traumbild n
oneiric image
oneiric, oniric, onyric
oneiric; oniric; onyric
Traumbild n psych.
oneiric image
oneiric; oniric; onyric
traumähnlich; traumartig; traumhaft; Traum… adj
dreamlike; oneiric formal
Traumzustand m med.
hypnotischer Traumzustand
dream state; oneirism
Schlafwandeln n; Nachtwandeln n; Mondsüchtigkeit f; Somnambulismus m; Somnambulie f; Noktambulismus m med.
sleepwalking; nightwalking; somnambulance; somnambulism; noctambulism; noctambulation; hypnobatia; active oneirodynia
traumerzeugend adj (Substanz) pharm.
causing dreams; oneirogenic (of a substance)
Psychose f med.
Psychosen pl
affektiv-reaktive Psychose
amnestische Psychose
desintegrative Psychose
enklamptische Psychose
funktionelle Psychose; reversible symptomatische Psychose
halluzinatorische Psychose
hypterkinetische Psychose
kurzzeitige reaktive Psychose
manisch-depressive Psychose
oneiroide Psychose
polyneutritische Psychose
postinfektiöse Psychose
reaktive Psychose
schizoaffektive Psychose
schizophrenieähnliche Psychose
symbiotische kindliche Psychose
Psychose mit Krankheitsdisposition
Infektionspsychose f
neuropsychosis; psychosis
neuropsychoses; psychoses
affective-reaction type of psychosis; thymergasia
amnesic psychosis
disintegrative psychosis
enclamptic psychosis
functional psychosis
hallucinatory psychosis
hyperkinetic psychosis
brief reactive psychosis
manic-depressive psychosis
oneiroid psychosis
polyneutritic psychosis
postinfectious psychosis; infectious-exhaustive syndrome
reactive psychosis; situational psychosis
schizo-affective psychosis
schizophreniform psychosis
symbiotic infantile psychosis
infection psychosis; infectious psychosis; psychosis with infectious disease
Traumlehre f psych.
Traumdeuterei f; Oneiromantie f
Oneirismus m, traumähnliche Erlebnisweise von realen Vorgängen psych.
Oneirismus m; traumähnliche Erlebnisweise von realen Vorgängen psych.
Traumanalyse f psych.
Einheit f
Einigkeit f; Einssein n (von jdm.) relig.
oneness (of sb.)
Einssein n; vollkommene Verbundenheit (mit jdm. etw.)
ein Gefühl der vollkommenen Verbundenheit mit der Natur
oneness (with sb. sth.)
a sense of oneness with nature
ein Gefühl der Einheit
a sense of oneness

Deutsche Nachtkerzengewächse {pl} (Onagraceae) (botanische Familie) [bot.] Synonyme

Angehörige  ÂClan  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂFamilie  ÂSippe  ÂVerwandtschaft  
Familie  ÂFamilienbande  ÂGeblüt  ÂGeschlecht  ÂHaus  ÂSippe  ÂStamm  
Familie  Familienbande  Geblüt  Geschlecht  Haus  Sippe  Stamm  

Englische onagraceous plants; evening primrose family Synonyme

on  about  above  accidental  accompanying  across  ado  afloat  afoot  after which  against  ahead  along  among  anent  apropos of  as for  as regards  as respects  as to  astraddle  astride  at  atop  by  by dint of  by means of  by use of  by virtue of  by way of  circumstantial  concerning  current  doing  en route to  eventuating  for  forth  forward  forwards  from  going on  happening  headed for  hereby  hereinafter  herewith  horseback  in  in connection with  in contact with  in hand  in passage to  in point of  in re  in reference to  in regard to  in relation to  in relation with  in respect to  in the wind  in transit to  in virtue of  incidental  near  next to  occasional  occurring  of  on foot  on horseback  on route to  on top of  ongoing  onward  onwards  opposite  over  over against  passing  per  pertaining to  pertinent to  prevailing  prevalent  re  referring to  regarding  relating to  relative to  respecting  resultant  speaking of  straddle  straddle-legged  straddleback  taking place  thanks to  thereby  therewith  through  to  touching  toward  towards  under way  up  up against  upon  upon which  versus  vis-a-vis  whereat  whereby  wherefore  whereon  whereto  whereunto  whereupon  wherewith  wherewithal  with  with regard to  with respect to  
on a par  alike  at par  au pair  commensurate  drawn  equal  equalized  even  even stephen  fifty-fifty  half-and-half  knotted  level  like  nip and tuck  on a footing  on a level  on even ground  par  proportionate  quits  square  stalemated  tied  
on account of  after  because of  by reason of  by virtue of  considering  due to  for  in aid of  in behalf of  in consideration of  in favor of  in furtherance of  in view of  in virtue of  on behalf of  owing to  remedial of  thanks to  
on and on  ad infinitum  again and again  always  at a stretch  at all times  ceaselessly  connectedly  constantly  continually  continuously  cumulatively  cyclically  daily  daily and hourly  day after day  day and night  endlessly  ever  ever and anon  ever more  every day  every hour  every moment  greater and greater  growingly  hour after hour  hourly  incessantly  increasingly  interminably  monotonously  month after month  more  more and more  night and day  on a stretch  on end  perennially  perpetually  rapidly  regularly  repetitively  right along  round the clock  steadily  sustainedly  together  unbrokenly  unceasingly  unintermittently  uninterruptedly  unrelievedly  unvaryingly  without a break  without cease  without letup  without stopping  year after year  
on board  aboard  accessible  afloat  all aboard  aloft  among us  at hand  athwart the hawse  athwarthawse  attendant  available  before the mast  here  hereabout  hereabouts  hereat  hereinto  hereto  hereunto  hither  hitherward  hitherwards  immanent  immediate  in sail  in this place  in this vicinity  in view  indwelling  inherent  just here  on board ship  on deck  on hand  on shipboard  on the spot  present  somewhere about  to this place  topside  with us  within call  within reach  within sight  
on call  COD  accessible  adaptable  all-around  at demand  at hand  available  cash  cash down  cash on delivery  convenient  down  handy  money down  of all work  on deck  on demand  on hand  on tap  pay-as-you-go  ready  strictly cash  to hand  upon presentation  versatile  
on duty  at it  at work  busy  employed  engaged  full of business  hard at it  hard at work  in harness  occupied  on the go  on the hop  on the job  on the jump  on the move  on the run  tied up  working  
on edge  all nerves  antsy  antsy-pantsy  anxious  apprehensive  breathless  chafing  eager  edgy  excitable  excited  fearful  fretful  fretting  frightened  hasty  high-strung  hopped-up  impatient  impetuous  in a lather  in a stew  in a sweat  in suspense  irritable  keyed-up  nerves on edge  nervous  nervy  on tenterhooks  on tiptoe  overstrung  panicky  quivering  restive  restless  squirming  squirmy  taut  tense  uneasy  unpatient  unquiet  with bated breath  with muscles tense  
on end  ad infinitum  again and again  at a stretch  at attention  bolt upright  ceaselessly  connectedly  constantly  continually  continuously  cumulatively  cyclically  endlessly  endways  endwise  erectly  incessantly  interminably  monotonously  on a stretch  on and on  perennially  repetitively  right on end  round the clock  together  unbrokenly  unceasingly  unintermittently  uninterruptedly  unrelievedly  up  up on end  upright  uprightly  upstandingly  without a break  without cease  without stopping  
on guard  Argus-eyed  all ears  all eyes  at bay  aux abois  aux aguets  canny  careful  cautious  circumspect  custodial  defensively  deliberate  discreet  eagle-eyed  gingerly  guarded  hawk-eyed  heedful  hesitant  in defense  in self-defense  judicious  keen-eyed  leaving out nothing  lidless  mindful  noncommittal  observant  on the defensive  on the lookout  on the watch  open-eyed  overlooking no possibility  pawky  politic  prudent  regardful  safe  sharp-eyed  sleepless  slow to act  tentative  thorough  unadventurous  uncommunicative  undaring  unenterprising  unprecipitate  vigilant  wary  watchful  with open eyes  
on hand  accessible  adaptable  all-around  at hand  attendant  available  by one  convenient  free and clear  handy  held  immanent  immediate  in fee  in fee simple  in hand  in seisin  in stock  in store  in supply  in view  indwelling  inherent  of all work  on board  on call  on deck  on tap  own  owned  possessed  present  ready  to hand  versatile  within call  within reach  within sight  
on high  above  abovestairs  airward  aloft  aloof  among the blest  ethereally  high  high up  in glory  in heaven  in the air  in the clouds  on stilts  on the peak  on tiptoe  over  overhead  paradisally  skyward  straight up  tiptoe  to the zenith  up  upstairs  upward  upwards  
on ice  ascertained  assured  attested  certified  cooked-up  cut out  cut-and-dried  cut-and-dry  decided  determinate  determined  established  fixed  guaranteed  in the bag  made sure  nailed down  open-and-shut  packed  planned  plotted  prearranged  preconcerted  precontrived  premeditated  preordered  proved  put-up  rigged  schemed  secure  set  set-up  settled  stacked  stated  tested  tried  warranted  
on paper  autograph  autographic  calligraphic  chirographic  cursive  engrossed  flowing  graphic  graphoanalytic  graphologic  graphometric  holograph  holographic  hypothetically  ideally  in idea  in longhand  in shorthand  in the abstract  in theory  in writing  inscribed  italic  italicized  longhand  manuscript  penciled  penned  printed  running  scriptorial  scriptural  shorthand  stylographic  theoretically  written  
on purpose  advisedly  by design  calculatedly  consciously  contemplatedly  deliberately  designedly  in cold blood  intentionally  knowingly  meditatedly  pointedly  premeditatedly  purposefully  purposely  purposively  voluntarily  willfully  with full intent  with intent  with malice aforethought  with purpose  wittingly  
on record  booked  documented  down  enrolled  entered  filed  indexed  inscribed  legal  logged  minuted  of record  official  on file  on the books  posted  recorded  registered  written down  
on tenterhooks  addled  agitated  all-overish  anxious  anxioused up  apprehensive  at a loss  baffled  bamboozled  beat  bothered  buffaloed  concerned  confounded  dazed  disquieted  disturbed  fearful  floored  foreboding  fuddled  in a dilemma  in a pucker  in a stew  in suspense  keyed-up  licked  misgiving  muddled  mystified  nervous  nonplussed  on edge  on tiptoe  overanxious  overapprehensive  perplexed  perturbed  puzzled  quivering  solicitous  strained  stuck  stumped  suspenseful  taut  tense  thrown  troubled  uneasy  with bated breath  with muscles tense  zealous  
on the ball  advertent  agile  agog  alert  alive  all ears  all eyes  assiduous  attentive  awake  aware  bright  careful  clear-sighted  clear-witted  clearheaded  concentrated  conscious  diligent  earnest  finical  finicking  finicky  heedful  intense  intent  intentive  keen  meticulous  mindful  nice  niggling  nimble  observant  observing  on the  on the alert  on the job  open-eared  open-eyed  openmouthed  prompt  qui vive  quick  ready  regardful  sharp  sleepless  smart  unblinking  unnodding  unsleeping  unwinking  wakeful  watchful  wide-awake  
on the beam  aside  askance  askant  asquint  broadside  broadside on  crabwise  directly  down the alley  edgeway  edgeways  edgewise  glancingly  go-go  groovy  hep  hip  into  laterad  laterally  on its side  on the straight  really into  right and left  sideling  sidelong  sideward  sidewards  sideway  sideways  sidewise  sidling  straight  straightly  undeviatingly  unswervingly  with it  
on the brink  about to  at next hand  at the limit  at the periphery  at the threshold  bordering on  close to  close upon  hard on  marginally  near  near to  near upon  nearabout  next door to  nigh  nigh about  not far from  on the borderline  on the edge  on the point  on the verge  peripherally  verging on  verging upon  

on Definition

on Bedeutung

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On, on, or ON may refer to: