
open and shut Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

ein einfacher klarer offensichtlicher Fall jur.
an open-and-shut case
klar adj; eindeutig adj
ein klarer Fall
open-and-shut {adj}
an open-and-shut case
zufallen; zuschnappen; zugehen v (Tür etc.)
zufallend; zuschnappend; zugehend
zugefallen; zugeschnappt; zugegangen
fällt zu; schnappt zu; geht zu
fiel zu; schnappte zu; ging zu
Ihm fielen beinahe die Augen zu.
to close; to shut (door etc.)
closing; shutting
closed; shut
closes; shuts
closed; shut
He could hardly scarcely keep his eyes open.
zufallen; zuschnappen; zugehen v (Tür usw.)
zufallend; zuschnappend; zugehend
zugefallen; zugeschnappt; zugegangen
fällt zu; schnappt zu; geht zu
fiel zu; schnappte zu; ging zu
Ihm fielen beinahe die Augen zu.
to close; to shut (door etc.)
closing; shutting
closed; shut
closes; shuts
closed; shut
He could hardly scarcely keep his eyes open.
Tür f, Tor n
Türen pl, Tore pl
an der Tür
an die Tür klopfen
die Tür öffnen
mit der Tür ins Haus fallen
offene Türen einrennen
die Tür fest schließen
von Tür zu Tür
die Tür einen Spalt öffnen
at the door
to knock at the door
to answer the door
to go like a bull at a gate
to preach to the converted, to kick at an open door
to shut the door tight
door-to-door, door to door
to open the door slightly
Tür f; Türe f (zu etw.)
Türen pl; Tore pl
Tür f zur hofseitigen Terrasse oder Veranda
Scheintür f; Scheintüre f
an der Tür
an die Tür klopfen
die Tür öffnen
mit der Tür ins Haus fallen
offene Tür
offene Türen einrennen
die Tür fest schließen
von Tür zu Tür
zwischen Tür und Angel übtr. (auf die Schnelle)
die Tür einen Spalt öffnen
Jemand klopft öffnest du die Tür?
Schließ die Tür bitte!
Die Tür zum Turnsaal lässt sich nur von innen öffnen.
door (to sth.)
patio door
false door
at the door
to knock at the door
to answer the door
to go like a bull at a gate
open door
to preach to the converted; to kick at an open door
to shut the door tight
door-to-door; door to door
in passing
to open the door slightly
Somebody is knocking will you answer the door?
Please close the door!
You can only open the door to the gym from the inside.
Tür f; Türe f (zu etw.)
Türen pl; Tore pl
Tür f zur hofseitigen Terrasse oder Veranda
Anschlagtür f
Balkontür f
Futtertür f
Haustür f
Scheintür f; Scheintüre f
Stahltür f
Verandatür f
an der Tür
an die Tür klopfen
die Tür öffnen
mit der Tür ins Haus fallen
offene Tür
offene Türen einrennen
die Tür fest schließen
von Tür zu Tür
zwischen Tür und Angel übtr. (auf die Schnelle)
die Tür einen Spalt öffnen
jdm. die Türe vor der Nase zuschlagen
Jemand klopft, öffnest du die Tür?
Schließ die Tür bitte!
Die Tür zum Turnsaal lässt sich nur von innen öffnen.
door (to sth.)
patio door
single-action door; single-acting door; single-swing door
balcony door
split jamb door
front door
false door
steel door
veranda door; patio door
at the door
to knock at the door
to answer the door
to go like a bull at a gate
open door
to preach to the converted; to kick at an open door
to shut the door tight
door-to-door; door to door
in passing
to open the door slightly
to slam the door in sb.'s face
Somebody is knocking, will you answer the door?
Please, close the door!
You can only open the door to the gym from the inside.

Deutsche ein einfacher klarer offensichtlicher Fall [jur.] Synonyme

im  Ã¼belsten  Fall  (umgangssprachlich)  Âim  Extremfall  Âim  schlimmsten  Fall  Âschlechtestens  Âschlimmstenfalls  
schlechtester  Fall  Âungünstigster  Fall  ÂWorst  Case  
Doppelkorn  ÂKlarer  ÂKorn  ÂKurzer  ÂShortdrink  
einfacher  Detektor  ÂFritter  
allemal  (umgangssprachlich)  Âauf  jeden  Fall  (umgangssprachlich)  Âbestimmt  Âdefinitiv  Âfraglos  Âganz  bestimmt  Âgewiss  Âin  jedem  Fall  Âmit  Sicherheit  Âohne  Frage  Âohne  Zweifel  Âsicher  Âtodsicher  (umgangssprachlich)  Âunbedingt  Âunter  allen  Umständen  Âunweigerlich  Âunzweifelhaft  Âwahrlich  Âzweifelsohne  
Cäsarchiffre  Âeinfacher  Cäsar  ÂShiftchiffre  ÂVerschiebechiffre  
Fall  ÂKasus  
Angelegenheit  ÂChose  ÂFall  ÂSache  
Akkusativ  Âvierter  Fall  ÂWenfall  
Fall-out  ÂFallout  Âradioaktiver  Niederschlag  
Fall  ÂKern  ÂKernpunkt  ÂSachverhalt  
erster  Fall  ÂNominativ  ÂWerfall  
Dativ  Âdritter  Fall  ÂWemfall  
einkassieren  Âkassieren  Âkippen  Âzu  Fall  bringen  
falls  Âfür  den  Fall,  dass  Âsofern  Âwenn  
allenfalls  Âbestenfalls  Âhöchstens  Âim  besten  Fall  
Bestmögliches  ÂIdealwert  Âoptimaler  Fall  ÂOptimalwert  ÂOptimum  
Genitiv  ÂGenitivus  (fachsprachlich)  ÂWesfall  Âzweiter  Fall  
Abfall  ÂFall  ÂFallen  ÂNiedergang  ÂSinken  ÂSturz  ÂUntergang  
dabei  Âderbei  Âdieserfalls  Âhier  Âhierbei  Âin  diesem  Fall  Âin  diesem  Zusammenhang  Ânun  Âunterdies  
auf  keinen  Fall  Âin  keiner  Weise  Âin  keinster  Weise  Âkeinesfalls  Âkeineswegs  Âmitnichten  Ânicht  
an  diesem  Punkt  Âdann  Âdiesfalls  Âhier  Âhierbei  Âin  diesem  Fall  Âzu  dieser  Gelegenheit  
auf  alle  Fälle  (umgangssprachlich)  Âauf  jeden  Fall  (umgangssprachlich)  Âjedenfalls  Âsicherlich  (umgangssprachlich)  Âunbedingt  (umgangssprachlich)  
Fall-out  Fallout  radioaktiver Niederschlag  
Fall  Kasus  
Fall  Kern  Kernpunkt  Sachverhalt  
auf jeden Fall (umgangssprachlich)  bestimmt  definitiv  ganz bestimmt  gewiss  in jedem Fall  mit Sicherheit  sicher  todsicher (umgangssprachlich)  unbedingt  
auf keinen Fall  in keiner Weise  in keinster Weise  keinesfalls  keineswegs  mitnichten  nicht  
einfacher Detektor  Fritter  
erster Fall  Nominativ  Werfall  
im übelsten Fall (umgangssprachlich)  im Extremfall  im schlimmsten Fall  schlechtestens  schlimmstenfalls  
schlechtester Fall  ungünstigster Fall  Worst Case  
fall away  abate  ablate  apostacize  apostatize  ascend  bank  bate  be eaten away  be found wanting  
fall back  avoid  back  back down  back out  back up  backslide  beat a retreat  blench  blink  
fall behind  back  back up  backslide  cock  come after  come last  dawdle  drag  fall astern  
fall flat  bomb  break down  capsize  careen  collapse  come a cropper  come to naught  come to nothing  crash  
fall for  and sinker  be a sucker  be smitten  be taken in  become attached to  bite  cotton to  devour  eat up  
fall from grace  apostasy  atheism  backslide  backsliding  desertion  fall  fall again into  fall back  fall of Adam  
fall guy  also-ran  babe  boob  booby  butt  chump  cinch  credulous person  cull  
fall in with  accommodate  accommodate with  accord  acquiesce  acquire  adapt  adapt to  adjust  adjust to  
fall in  break down  cave  cave in  collapse  come together  crash  crystallize  deflate  draw up  
fall into  accept  acquire  alter into  assume  attack  attempt  be converted into  be responsible for  become  
fall off  abate  ablate  apostacize  apostatize  ascend  bank  bate  be eaten away  bolt  
fall out  agree to disagree  attend  become of  befall  betide  bicker  break  break with  caterwaul  
fall short  be disappointing  be found wanting  be inferior  be insufficient  collapse  come short  crash  decline  fail  
fall through  break down  collapse  come to naught  come to nothing  crash  fall  fall dead  fall down  fall flat  
fall to pieces  ablate  atomize  bite the dust  break  break open  break up  burst  canker  carry away  
fall to  accept  assume  attack  attempt  begin  blast away  blast off  break bread  buckle down  
fall upon  alight upon  ambush  appear unexpectedly  arrive at  arrive upon  assail  assault  attack  be unexpected  
fall  Niagara  Scotch mist  Waterloo  abate  abatement  ablate  accept  apostasy  ascend  

Englische an open-and-shut case Synonyme

open and shut Definition

(a.) Closed while too cold to become thoroughly welded
(n.) An imperfection caused by such insufficient welding.
(a.) Free of access
(a.) Free to be used, enjoyed, visited, or the like
(a.) Free or cleared of obstruction to progress or to view
(a.) Not drawn together, closed, or contracted
(a.) Without reserve or false pretense
(a.) Not concealed or secret
(a.) Not of a quality to prevent communication, as by closing water ways, blocking roads, etc.
(a.) Not settled or adjusted
(a.) Free
(a.) Uttered with a relatively wide opening of the articulating organs
(a.) Uttered, as a consonant, with the oral passage simply narrowed without closure, as in uttering s.
(a.) Not closed or stopped with the finger
(a.) Produced by an open string
(n.) Open or unobstructed space
(v. t.) To make or set open
(v. t.) To spread
(v. t.) To disclose
(v. t.) To make known
(v. t.) To enter upon
(v. t.) To loosen or make less compact
(v. i.) To unclose
(v. i.) To expand
(v. i.) To begin
(v. i.) To bark on scent or view of the game.
(a.) Taking place in the open air
(a.) With eyes widely open
(a.) Generous
(a.) Bareheaded.
(a.) Candid
(a.) Having the mouth open
(imp. & p. p.) of Shut
(v. t.) To close so as to hinder ingress or egress
(v. t.) To forbid entrance into
(v. t.) To preclude
(v. t.) To fold together
(v. i.) To close itself
(a.) Closed or fastened
(a.) Rid
(a.) Formed by complete closure of the mouth passage, and with the nose passage remaining closed
(a.) Cut off sharply and abruptly by a following consonant in the same syllable, as the English short vowels, /, /, /, /, /, always are.
(n.) The act or time of shutting
(n.) A door or cover
(n.) The line or place where two pieces of metal are united by welding.

open and shut Bedeutung

open sesame any very successful means of achieving a result
open primary a primary in which any registered voter can vote (but must vote for candidates of only one party)
open frame
any frame in which a bowler fails to make a strike or spare, the break in the eighth frame cost him the match
open-heart surgery heart surgery in which the rib cage is spread open, the heart is stopped and blood is detoured through a heart-lung machine while a heart valve or coronary artery is surgically repaired
fireplace hearth open fireplace an open recess in a wall at the base of a chimney where a fire can be built, the fireplace was so large you could walk inside it, he laid a fire in the hearth and lit it, the hearth was black with the charcoal of many fires
open-air market
open-air marketplace
market square
a public marketplace where food and merchandise is sold
open circuit an incomplete electrical circuit in which no current flows
open-end wrench
tappet wrench
a wrench having parallel jaws at fixed separation (often on both ends of the handle)
open-hearth furnace a furnace for making steel in which the steel is placed on a shallow hearth and flames of burning gas and hot air play over it
open sight rear gunsight having an open notch instead of a peephole or telescope
open weave a weave in which warp threads never come together, leaving interstices in the fabric
open door freedom of access, he maintained an open door for all employees
information that has become public, all the reports were out in the open, the facts had been brought to the surface
open interval
unbounded interval
an interval that does not include its endpoints
open account an unpaid credit order
open letter a letter of protest, addressed to one person but intended for the general public
open-door policy
open door
the policy of granting equal trade opportunities to all countries
open secret something that is supposed to be secret but is generally known, their love affair was an open secret
open sesame a magical command, used by Ali Baba
open a tournament in which both professionals and amateurs may play
open-face sandwich
open sandwich
sandwich without a covering slice of bread
mutual fund
mutual fund company
open-end fund
open-end investment company
a regulated investment company with a pool of assets that regularly sells and redeems its shares
open shop a company whose workers are hired without regard to their membership in a labor union
open house an informal party of people with hospitality for all comers
Open University a British university that is open to people without formal academic qualifications and where teaching is by correspondence or broadcasting or summer school
open society a society that allows its members considerable freedom (as in a democracy), America's open society has made it an easy target for terrorists
open order a military formation leaving enough space between ranks to allow an inspecting officer to pass
open air
where the air is unconfined, he wanted to get outdoors a little, the concert was held in the open air, camping in the open
open clear a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water, finally broke out of the forest into the open
open chain a chain of atoms in a molecule whose ends are not joined to form a ring
someone who is incapacitated by a chronic illness or injury
open-end credit
revolving credit
charge account credit
a consumer credit line that can be used up to a certain limit or paid down at any time
credit account
charge account
open account
credit extended by a business to a customer
open-hearth process a process for making steel using an open-hearth furnace
open marriage a marriage in which each partner is free to enter into extraneous sexual relationships without guilt or jealousy from the other
chronic glaucoma
open-angle glaucoma
glaucoma caused by blockage of the canal of Schlemm, produces gradual loss of peripheral vision, open-angle glaucoma is the most common type of glaucoma
compound fracture
open fracture
bone fracture associated with lacerated soft tissue or an open wound
erupt irrupt flare up
flare break open
burst out
erupt or intensify suddenly, Unrest erupted in the country, Tempers flared at the meeting, The crowd irrupted into a burst of patriotism
split break open
come open suddenly and violently, as if from internal pressure, The bubble burst
hush quieten
shut up
hush up
cause to be quiet or not talk, Please silence the children in the church!
open up
make available, This opens up new possibilities
open open up become available, an opportunity opened up
keep quiet
shut one's mouth
keep one's mouth shut
refrain from divulging sensitive information, keep quiet about confidential information, Don't tell him any secrets--he cannot keep his mouth shut!
close up
clam up
dummy up
shut up
belt up
button up
be quiet
keep mum
refuse to talk or stop talking, fall silent, The children shut up when their father approached
open up talk freely and without inhibition
open make the opening move, Kasparov opened with a standard opening
open fire
start firing a weapon
move so that an opening or passage is obstructed, make shut, Close the door, shut the window
open up
cause to open or to become open, Mary opened the car door
break open open with force, He broke open the picnic basket
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