
organization Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Organisation, Einrichtung, Ordnung
Umorganisierung, Neuorganisierung
Linienorganisation f
line organization
data organization
file organization
field organization
organization chart
organization chart
schematische Aufstellung der Organisation
organization chart
Verkaufsorganisation, Vertriebsapparat
sales organization
Arbeiterbewegung, Arbeiterorganisation
labour organization
market organization
organization theory
Arbeitsorganisation f
labour organization
Büroorganisation f
office organization
Hilfsorganisation f
relief organization
Marktorganisation f
market organization
gestreute Speicherung einer Datei comp.
random organization
office organization
gestreute Speicherung einer Datei
random organization
travel organization
form of organization
Speicherorganisation f
storage organization
storage organization
umbrella organization
informelle Organisation
informal organization
Spitzenverband m
umbrella organization
marketing organization
gemeinnützige Gesellschaft
non-profit organization
organization department
Ausstellungsgestaltung f techn.
exhibition organization
sequentielle Speicherung
sequential organization
organization arrangement
Untersuchung der Büroeffizienz
organization and methods
Berufsverband, Berufsvereinigung
professional organization
Verwaltungsapparat m
ministrative organization
ministrative organization
Ordnung des Marktes
organization of the market
staatliche Fremdenverkehrsorganisation
state tourist organization
Verwaltungsapparat m
administrative organization
Welthandelsorganisation f
World Trade Organization WTO
nationale Fremdenverkehrsorganisation
national tourist organization
Katastrophenschutz m (Organisation)
disaster control organization
WTO : Welthandelsorganisation f
WTO : World Trade Organization
Welthandelsorganisation f
World Trade Organization WTO
WHO : Weltgesundheitsorganisation f
WHO : World Health Organization
aufsässig; rebellisch; faktiös veraltet adj (Gruppe, Organisation) pol. soc.
fractious (group, organization)
Aktive m f , Aktiver (in einer Organisation)
full member (of an organization)
Aktive m f; Aktiver (in einer Organisation)
full member (of an organization)
Aktive m,f; Aktiver (in einer Organisation)
full member (of an organization)
eine internationale Organisation für
an international organization for
Freizeitgestaltung f
organization of one's leisure time
NRO : nichtstaatliche Organisation (häufig zweifelhaft übersetzt: Nichtregierungsorganisation)
NGO : Non-Governmental Organization
Organisation amerikanischer Staaten OAS
Organization of American States OAS
Dateiorganisation f
data organization, file organization
OAS : Organisation amerikanischer Staaten
OAS : Organization of American States
Organisation amerikanischer Staaten OAS
Organization of American States OAS
IAO : Internationale Arbeitsorganisation
IAO : International Labour Organization
Organisation f des Nordatlantikvertrags; Organisation f des Nordatlantikpakts; NATO f mil. pol.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO
NATO : Nato f (Nordatlantikpakt)
NATO : North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NATO f; Nordatlantikpakt m
North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO
Dachorganisation f
umbrella organization, parent organization
übernational adj
übernationale Organisation
supranational organization
Organisationskomitee n
organisation comitee; organization comitee
Verbrecherorganisation f; kriminelle Vereinigung f
criminal organization; criminal association
Flüchtlingsorganisation f
Flüchtlingsorganisationen pl
refugee organization
refugee organizations
Veranstaltungsorganisation f
event organization; event organisation Br.
Oberchef m (in einer Organisation) ugs.
top banana (in an organization) Am. coll.
Arbeitnehmerorganisation f
Arbeitnehmerorganisationen pl
workers' organization
workers' organizations
Büroorganisation f
office organization eAm.; organisation Br.
Nachfolgeorganisation f
Nachfolgeorganisationen pl
sucessor organization
sucessor organizations
Weltorganisation für Geistiges Eigentum
WIPO : World Intellectual Property Organization
(abkommandierte) Abteilung f (einer Gruppe Organisation) adm.
Abteilungen pl
detachment (of a group organization)
Organisation Erdöl exportierender Länder OPEC
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries OPEC
Erzeugerorganisation f agr. econ.
producer organisation Br.; producer organization
Deutsches Jungvolk hist.
German Youth (youth organization in the Hitler era)
ISO : Internationale Organisation für Standardisierung
ISO : International Organization for Standardization
OPEC : Organisation Erdöl exportierender Länder
OPEC : Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Arbeitsorganisation f
labor organization eAm.; labour organisation Br.
Organisation Erdöl exportierender Länder OPEC
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries OPEC
Außenstelle f (einer Firma Organisation)
Außenstellen pl
outstation (of a company organization)
Fischereiorganisation f
fisheries organisation Br.; fisheries organization
Organisationslehre f
organization theory eAm.; organisation theory Br.
Speicherorganisation f
storage organization eAm.; storage organisation Br.
Beschaffungsorganisation f econ.
procurement organization; procurement organisation Br.
Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa OSZE pol. hist.
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe OSCE
Umweltorganisation f soc.
Umweltorganisationen pl
environmental organization
environmental organizations
Spitzenverband m
umbrella organization eAm.; umbrella organisation Br.
Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa OSZE pol. hist.
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe OSCE
Die Tafel f (Hilfsorganisation)
food bank (charitable organization) (food-bank) (foodbank)
Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit OECD
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD
OECD : Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit
OECD : Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit OECD
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD
FAO : UNO-Organisation für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft
FAO : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Internationale kriminalpolizeiliche Organisation IKPO ; Interpol IP f
International Criminal Police Organization ICPO ; Interpol IP
Selbstverwaltungskörperschaft f
self-regulatory organization; self-regulating organization SRO
Auflösung f (einer organisierten Gruppe Organisation) adm.
Auflösungen pl
disbandment (of an organized group organization)
Organisationsplanung f
organization arrangement eAm.; organisation arrangement Br.
Internationale kriminalpolizeiliche Organisation IKPO ; Interpol IP f
International Criminal Police Organization ICPO ; Interpol IP
Selbstverwaltungskörperschaft f
self-regulatory organization; self-regulating organization SRO
Organigramm n, Organisationsplan m
Organigramme pl, Organisationspläne pl
organization chart, organigram
organization charts, organigrams
jdn. hereinholen; holen v (in eine Organisation)
hereinholend; holend
hereingeholt; geholt
to bring in () sb. (to an organization)
bringing in
brought in
Geheimorganisation f
Geheimorganisation f
secret organisation Br.; secret organization Am.
secret society
Vorläuferorganisation f (einer Organisation) adm.
Vorläuferorganisationen pl
precursor organisation (of an organization)
precursor organisations
Auftragsforschungsinstitut n
Auftragsforschungsinstitute pl
contract research organization (CRO)
contract research organizations
nichtstaatliche Organisation f (häufig zweifelhaft übersetzt: Nichtregierungsorganisation) NRO
nichtstaatliche Organisationen pl
Non-Governmental Organization NGO
Non-Governmental Organizations NGOs
Ablauforganisation f
process organization, process organisation, process-oriented organization
UNESCO : Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für Erziehung, Wissenschaft und Kultur
UNESCO : United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
Reiseunternehmen n
Reiseunternehmen pl
travel company, travel organization
travel companies, travel organizations
Organisationsform f
Organisationsformen pl
form of organization eAm.; form of organisation Br.
forms of organization
nicht auf Gewinn ausgerichtet; gemeinnützig adj
gemeinnütziger Verein; gemeinnützige Organisation
non-profit; nonprofit
non-profit organization; non-profit-making organization
Datenorganisation f
Datenorganisation f
data organization Am.
data organisation Br.; data organization also Br.
Naturschutzorganisation f
nature conservation organisation Br.; nature conservation organization eAm.
organisatorisch adv
organisatorisch begabt
organisatorisch begabt sein
talented for organization
to have a talent for organization
Exilorganisation f pol.
Exilorganisationen pl
exile organization; exile organisation
exile organizations; exile organisations
hydrografisch; hydrographisch adj geogr. naut.
hydrografische Vermessungen
Internationale hydrographische Organisation
hydrographic surveys
International Hydrographic Organization IHO
Massenorganisation f pol.
Massenorganisationen pl
mass organization; mass organisation Br.
mass organizations; mass organisations
hydrografisch; hydrographisch adj geogr. naut.
hydrografische Vermessungen
Internationale hydrographische Organisation
hydrographic surveys
International Hydrographic Organization IHO
übernational adj
übernationale Organisation
supranational organization eAm.; supranational organisation Br.
Trägerorganisation f adm.
Trägerorganisationen pl
host organization; host organisation Br.
host organizations; host organisations
Abwicklung f (von etw.) adm.
die konkrete Abwicklung des Austauschs
organization; organisation Br. (of sth.)
the actual organization of the exchange
Palästinensische Befreiungsorganisation f PLO pol.
Palestine Liberation Organisation Br.; Palestine Liberation Organization eAm. PLO
Ablauforganisation f
process organization eAm.; process organisation Br.; process-oriented organization
Dateiorganisation f
data organization; file organization eAm.; data organisation; file organisation Br.
Organisationseinheit f
Organisationseinheiten pl
organizational unit; unit of organization
organizational units; units of organization
hierarchischer Organisationsaufbau m; Unternehmenshierarchie f; Linienorganisation f
Unternehmenshierarchien pl; Linienorganisationen pl
line organization eAm.; line organisation Br.
line organizations; line organisations
Jugendverband m; Jugendorganisation f
Jugendverbände pl; Jugendorganisationen pl
youth organization eAm.; youth organisation Br.
youth organizations; youth organisations
Handelsorganisation f econ.
Handelsorganisationen pl
commercial organization; trading organization
commercial organizations; trading organizations
Vertriebsorganisation f
Vertriebsorganisationen pl
marketing organization, marketing organisation
marketing organizations, marketing organisations
Hilfsorganisation f
Hilfsorganisationen pl
relief organization eAm.; relief organisation Br.
relief organizations; relief organisations
Marktorganisation f
Marktorganisationen pl
market organization eAm.; amrket organisation Br.
market organizations; amrket organisations
Normierung f; Normung f; Standardisierung f; Vereinheitlichung f
Internationale Organisation für Standardisierung ISO
standardization eAm.; standardisation Br.
International Organization for Standardization ISO
Normierung f; Normung f; Standardisierung f; Vereinheitlichung f
Internationale Organisation für Standardisierung ISO
standardization eAm.; standardisation Br.
International Organization for Standardization ISO
Organisationsabteilung f
Organisationsabteilungen pl
coordination department, organization department
coordination departments, organization departments
Organisationsabteilung f
Organisationsabteilungen pl
coordination department; organization department
coordination departments; organization departments
Arbeitnehmerorganisation f
Arbeitnehmerorganisationen pl
workers' organization eAm.; workers' organisation Br.
workers' organizations; workers' organisations
Vertriebsorganisation f
Vertriebsorganisationen pl
marketing organization eAm.; marketing organisation Br.
marketing organizations; marketing organisations
Marktordnung f
Marktordnung f
market organisation; organisation of the market Br.
market organization; organization of the market eAm.
organisatorisch adv
organisatorisch begabt
organisatorisch begabt sein
organizationally eAm.; organisationally Br.
talented for organization
to have a talent for organization
Datenverarbeitungsorganisation f
Datenverarbeitungsorganisation f
data processing organization Am.
data processing organisation Br. also: data processing organization Br.
sich auflösen v (organisierte Gruppe Organisation) adm.
sich auflösend
sich aufgelöst
Das Kommittee löste sich im Dezember formell auf.
to disband (organized group organization)
The committee formally disbanded in December.
sich auflösen v (organisierte Gruppe, Organisation) adm.
sich auflösend
sich aufgelöst
Das Komitee löste sich im Dezember formell auf.
to disband (organized group, organization)
The committee formally disbanded in December.
Organisation f
Organisationen pl
internationale Organisationen
zwischenstaatliche Organisation
organization, organisation
organizations, organisations
international organizations
intergovemmental organization
Organigramm n; Organisationsplan m; Organisationsschema n
Organigramme pl; Organisationspläne pl
organization chart eAm.; organisation chart Br.; organigram
organization charts; organisation charts; organigrams
Planung f
großzügige Planung
technische Planung
Planung f für Eventualfälle; Notfallplanung f
gemeinsame Planung
betriebliche Planung und Organisation f
spacious planning
contingency planning
joint planning
corporate planning and organization
Verwaltungsapparat m
administrative organization; ministrative organization eAm.; administrative organization; ministrative organisation Br.
Verbandszeitschrift f; Vereinsmagazin n
Verbandszeitschriften pl; Vereinsmagazine pl
association magazine; organization's periodical; journal of …
association magazines; organization's periodicals; journals of …
Fachschaft f stud.
Fachschaften pl
student body of a faculty; departmental student organization Am.
student bodies of a faculty; departmental student organizations

Deutsche Organisation Einrichtung Ordnung Synonyme

Einrichtung  ÂInstitution  ÂOrganisation  
Anstalt  ÂEinrichtung  ÂInstitution  
Einrichtung  ÂMechanismus  ÂVorrichtung  
Ausstattung  ÂEinrichtung  ÂMöblierung  ÂWohnungseinrichtung  
OAS  ÂOrganisation  amerikanischer  Staaten  
NGO  ÂNichtregierungsorganisation  Ânichtstaatliche  Organisation  
Internationale  Organisation  für  Standardisierung  ÂISO  
Anordnung  ÂOrdnung  ÂRegelmäßigkeit  
Bewertung  ÂOrdnung  ÂPriorisierung  
FAO  ÂUNO-Organisation  für  Ernährung  und  Landwirtschaft  
akzeptabel  Âfair  Âin  Ordnung  Âpassabel  
Ordnung  ÂOrdnungsprinzip  ÂRegelmäßigkeit  ÂSystematik  
im  Lot  (umgangssprachlich)  Âin  Ordnung  Âkorrekt  Âregelgerecht  
annehmbar  Âganz  recht  Âgut  so  Âin  Ordnung  
OPEC  ÂOrganisation  Erdöl  exportierender  Länder  
politische  Ordnung  Âpolitisches  System  ÂStaatsform  
Anlage  ÂGebilde  ÂOrganisation  ÂOrganismus  ÂStruktur  ÂSystem  
Organisation  der  Vereinten  Nationen  für  Erziehung,  Wissenschaft  und  Kultur  ÂUNESCO  
OECD  ÂOrganisation  für  wirtschaftliche  Zusammenarbeit  ÂOrganization  For  Economic  Cooperation  And  Development  
Anordnung  ÂAufbau  ÂBeschaffenheit  ÂForm  ÂGefüge  ÂGeflecht  ÂGerüst  ÂKonsistenz  ÂOrganisation  ÂQualität  ÂStruktur  ÂZustand  
(Fehler)  ausmerzen  Â(Mangel)  beheben  Â(Missstand)  abstellen  Â(Problem)  bewältigen  Âabhelfen  ÂAbhilfe  schaffen  Âbereinigen  Âbeseitigen  Âin  Ordnung  bringen  Âlösen  
alles  klar!  (umgangssprachlich)  Âd'accord  (umgangssprachlich)  Âeinverstanden  Âgut  (umgangssprachlich)  Âin  Ordnung  ÂO.  K.  (umgangssprachlich)  Âo.  k.  (umgangssprachlich)  Âokay  (umgangssprachlich)  
akzeptabel  Âin  Ordnung  Âo.  k.  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂO.K.  (umgangssprachlich)  Âokay  (umgangssprachlich)  Âschon  gut  (umgangssprachlich)  
Einrichtung  Institution  Organisation  
Internationale Organisation für Standardisierung  ISO  
Ordnung  Ordnungsprinzip  Regelmäßigkeit  Systematik  
Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für Erziehung, Wissenschaft und Kultur  UNESCO  
politische Ordnung  politisches System  Staatsform  

Englische organization Synonyme

organization  KP  adjustment  aerobic organism  affiliation  agency  anaerobic organism  anatomy  approach  architectonics  architecture  army  army group  arrangement  array  assemblage  assembling  assembly  atelier  attack  autotrophic organism  barbershop  battalion  battery  battle group  beauty parlor  beauty shop  being  bench  blueprint  blueprinting  body  branch  brigade  build  building  buildup  butcher shop  cadre  calculation  categorization  categorizing  charting  church  classification  classifying  coalition  codification  codifying  cohort  column  combat command  combat team  combination  combine  communion  community  company  composition  compound  conception  concern  concord  confederacy  confederation  configuration  conformation  conglomerate  consortium  constitution  construction  contrivance  coordination  corporation  corps  creation  creature  denomination  deployment  design  desk  detachment  detail  device  disposal  disposition  division  effectuation  embodiment  enterprise  envisagement  establishment  fabric  fabrication  facility  faction  fashion  fashioning  federation  fellowship  field army  field train  figuring  file  firm  flying column  foresight  forethought  forging  form  format  formation  foundation  frame  framework  game  garrison  genetic individual  getup  graphing  ground plan  group  grouping  guidelines  harmonization  harmony  heterotrophic organism  house  idea  inauguration  inception  incorporation  individual  installation  institute  institution  intention  junction  kitchen police  layout  league  legion  lineup  living being  living thing  loft  long-range plan  make  makeup  making  maniple  manufacture  mapping  marshaling  master plan  materialization  method  methodization  methodology  microbe  microorganism  mixture  mold  molding  morphological individual  normalization  offshoot  ont  operations research  order  ordination  organic being  organic structure  organism  organizing  outfit  parlo  
organization man  Babbitt  Middle American  Philistine  anal character  bourgeois  burgher  compulsive character  conformer  conformist  conventionalist  formalist  methodologist  middle-class type  model child  parrot  pedant  perfectionist  plastic person  precisian  precisianist  sheep  square  teenybopper  trimmer  yes-man  

organization Definition

(n.) The act of organizing
(n.) The state of being organized
(n.) That which is organized
(n.) an arrangement of parts for the performance of the functions necessary to life.

organization Bedeutung

formation organization organisation
the act of forming or establishing something, the constitution of a PTA group last year, it was the establishment of his reputation, he still remembers the organization of the club
organization organisation the activity or result of distributing or disposing persons or things properly or methodically, his organization of the work force was very efficient
the act of organizing a business or an activity related to a business, he was brought in to supervise the organization of a new department
nonprofit organization
an organization chartered for other than profit-making activities
organizing yourself (especially organizing your own labor union)
an ordered manner, orderliness by virtue of being methodical and well organized, his compulsive organization was not an endearing quality, we can't do it unless we establish some system around here
an organized structure for arranging or classifying, he changed the arrangement of the topics, the facts were familiar but it was in the organization of them that he was original, he tried to understand their system of classification
Gestalt law of organization
Gestalt principle of organization
a principle of Gestalt psychology that identifies factors leading to particular forms of perceptual organization
organization chart a chart showing the lines of responsibility between departments of a large organization
a group of people who work together
nongovernmental organization
an organization that is not part of the local or state or federal government
Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia
Orly Group
rd October Organization
a militant Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization formed in to force Turkey to acknowledge killing more than a million Armenians and forcibly removing them from border areas in , wants Turkey to pay reparations and cede territory to Armenia, ASALA bombing at Orly Airport in Paris in killed and wounded people
Fatah Revolutionary Council
Abu Nidal Organization
Arab Revolutionary Brigades
Black September
Revolutionary Organization of Socialist Muslims
a Palestinian international terrorist organization that split from the PLO in , has conducted terrorist attacks incountries, in the s the Fatah-RC was considered the most dangerous and murderous Palestinian terror group
a Hizballah
Lebanese Hizballah
Party of God
Islamic Jihad Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine
Revolutionary Justice Organization
Organization of the Oppressed on Earth
a Shiite terrorist organization with strong ties to Iran, seeks to create an Iranian fundamentalist Islamic state in Lebanon, car bombs are the signature weapon
Mujahidin-e Khalq Organization
People's Mujahidin of Iran
a terrorist organization formed in the s by children of Iranian merchants, sought to counter the Shah of Iran's pro-western policies of modernization and opposition to communism, following a philosophy that mixes Marxism and Islam it now attacks the Islamic fundamentalists who deposed the Shah
May Organization a terrorist organization formed in by a faction of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine but disbanded in the s when key members left to join a faction of al-Fatah
Revolutionary Organization November
a Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization in Greece that is violently opposed to imperialism and capitalism and NATO and the United States, an active terrorist group during the s
line organization
line organisation
the organizational structure of activities contributing directly to the organization's output
financial institution
financial organization
financial organisation
an institution (public or private) that collects funds (from the public or other institutions) and invests them in financial assets
business concern
business organization
business organisation
a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it, he bought his brother's business, a small mom-and-pop business, a racially integrated business concern
governing body
establishment brass
organization organisation
the persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something, he claims that the present administration is corrupt, the governance of an association is responsible to its members, he quickly became recognized as a member of the establishment
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
an international organization created in by the North Atlantic Treaty for purposes of collective security
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
international organization for chemical disarmament, administers the Chemical Weapons Convention
Organization of American States
an association including most countries in the western hemisphere, created in to promote military and economic and social and cultural cooperation
Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries
an organization of countries formed in to agree on a common policy for the production and sale of petroleum
paramilitary force
paramilitary unit
paramilitary organization
paramilitary organisation
a group of civilians organized in a military fashion (especially to operate in place of or to assist regular army troops)
musical organization
musical organisation
musical group
an organization of musicians who perform together
professional organization
professional organisation
an organization of and for professional people
world organization
world organisation
international organization
international organisation
global organization
an international alliance involving many different countries
Food and Agriculture Organization
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
the United Nations agency concerned with the international organization of food and agriculture
International Civil Aviation Organization
the United Nations agency concerned with civil aviation
International Labor Organization
International Labour Organization
the United Nations agency concerned with the interests of labor
International Maritime Organization
the United Nations agency concerned with international maritime activities
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
an agency of the United Nations that promotes education and communication and the arts
World Health Organization
a United Nations agency to coordinate international health activities and to help governments improve health services
World Meteorological Organization
the United Nations agency concerned with the international collection of meteorological data
Palestine Liberation Organization
a political movement uniting Palestinian Arabs in an effort to create an independent state of Palestine, when formed in it was a terrorist organization dominated by Yasser Arafat's al-Fatah, in Arafat became chairman, received recognition by the United Nations and by Arab states in as a government in exile, has played a largely political role since the creation of the Palestine National Authority
news agency
press agency
wire service
press association
news organization
news organisation
an agency to collects news reports for newspapers and distributes it electronically
social organization
social organisation
social structure
social system
the people in a society considered as a system organized by a characteristic pattern of relationships, the social organization of England and America is very different, sociologists have studied the changing structure of the family
terrorist organization
terrorist group
foreign terrorist organization
a political movement that uses terror as a weapon to achieve its goals
Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
an agency in the Department of Defense that is responsible for making ballistic missile defense a reality
World Trade Organization
an international organization based in Geneva that monitors and enforces rules governing global trade
organization man an employee who sacrifices his own individuality for the good of an organization
organization expense the cost (over a period of five years) of organizing a new corporation or partnership
health maintenance organization
group insurance that entitles members to services of participating hospitals and clinics and physicians
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An organization or organisation is an entity comprising multiple people, such as an institution or an association, that has a collective goal and is linked to an external environment.

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