
pocket Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Ablagefach, Tasche
Tasche am Anzug
to pocket
air pocket
Meterstab m
pocket rule
Schlackennest n techn. (Feuerraum)
slag pocket
Taschenformat n
pocket size
Taschenkamm m
pocket comb
pocket book
pocket lamp
pocket size
side pocket
vest pocket
pocket comb
pocket money
Harzgalle f
pitch pocket
pocket knife
pocket watch
aus der Tasche
out of pocket
secret pocket
Lattentasche f (Segel) naut.
batten pocket
pocket knives
Brusttasche f
breast pocket
Taschendiebstahl m
pocket picking
pocket lighter
trouser pocket
etw. einsacken ugs.; etw. kassieren; etw. einstreichen
to pocket sth.
Zahnfleischtasche f med.
gingival pocket
Ablage f, Fach n, Ablagefach n
Ablagen pl, Fächer pl, Ablagefächer pl
im Westentaschenformat
vest-pocket Am.
pocket calculator
pocket dictionary
pocket book edition
pocket dictionaries
in die eigene Tasche arbeiten
to line one's pocket
Taschenluftdruckprüfer m
pocket pressure gauge
stecken Sie es in die Tasche
put it in your pocket
Stecken Sie es in die Tasche!
Put it in your pocket!
Barauslagen pl (Auslagen für Unkosten) fin.
out-of-pocket expenses
Buchkalender m techn.
pocket diary; datebook
Taschenfeuerzeug n
pocket lighter, lighter
Taschenformat n
im Taschenformat
pocket size
Taschen...; im Taschenformat
pocketable; pocket-size
im Westentaschenformat
vest-pocket {adj} Am.
Taschen…; im Taschenformat
pocketable; pocket-size
Seitentasche f
Seitentaschen pl
side pocket
side pockets
Taschenlampe f
Taschenlampen pl
pocket lamp
pocket lamps
Manteltasche f
Manteltaschen pl
coat pocket
coat pockets
Verluste machen
to be out of pocket eBr.
toter Wassersack m (in einer Leitung) techn.
water pocket (in a conduit)
Außentasche f
Außentaschen pl
outer pocket
outer pockets
etw. einstreichen; etw. einheimsen v
to pocket sth.; to gain sth.
Taschenuhr f
fob; fob watch; pocket watch
Taschenatlas m
Taschenatlanten pl, Taschenatlasse pl
pocket atlas
pocket atlases
Taschenatlas m
Taschenatlanten pl; Taschenatlasse pl
pocket atlas
pocket atlases
Taschendiebstahl m
pocket picking; pickpocketing
Jackentasche f
Jackentaschen pl
jacket pocket
jacket pockets
Ankertasche m naut.
Ankertaschen pl
anchor pocket
anchor pockets
Einschweishülse n techn.
Einschweishülsen pl
welded pocket
welded pockets
Einstecktuch n; Stecktuch n; Krawattentuch n; Pochette f textil.
Einstecktücher pl; Stecktücher pl; Krawattentücher pl; Pochetten pl
pocket square
pocket squares
Harzgalle f (Holz)
resin gall; pitch pocket (wood)
Taschenmäuse pl (Heteromyidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
pocket mice (zoological family)
Hosentasche f
Hosentaschen pl
trouser pocket
trouser pockets
Kupplungsschacht m, Kupplungsaufnahme f techn.
Kupplungsschächte pl, Kupplungsaufnahmen pl
coupler pocket
coupler pockets
sich aneignen v
sich aneignend
sich angeeignet
to pocket
Blasebalgtasche f textil.
Blasebalgtaschen pl
bellows pocket
bellows pockets
Kupplungsschacht m; Kupplungsaufnahme f techn.
Kupplungsschächte pl; Kupplungsaufnahmen pl
coupler pocket
coupler pockets
sich aneignen v; vereinnahmen v
sich aneignend; vereinnahmend
sich angeeignet; vereinnahmt
to pocket
Taschenratten (Geomyidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
pocket gophers (zoological family)
Zahnfleischtasche f med.
Zahnfleischtaschen pl
gingival pocket
gingival pockets
Gasblase f; Gaspore f; Blase f (beim Schweißen) techn.
Gasblasen pl; Gasporen pl; Blasen pl
gas pocket (in welding)
gas pockets
etw. einstreichen Dt. Schw.; etw. einstreifen Ös.; etw. einsacken ugs.; etw. kassieren v (sich skrupellos aneignen) fin.
einstreichend; einstreifend; einsackend; kassierend
eingestrichen; eingestreift; eingesackt; kassiert
to pocket sth.
Ventiltasche f techn.
Ventiltaschen pl
valve seat pocket
valve seat pockets
(Gesetz) hinauszögern v
to pocket Am.
Lochstreifentasche f comp. hist.
Lochstreifentaschen pl
paper tape pocket
paper tape pockets
Handwörterbuch n
Handwörterbücher pl
pocket dictionary
pocket dictionaries
Taschenwörterbuch n
Taschenwörterbücher pl
pocket dictionary
pocket dictionaries
Einem Bettler kann man nichts aus der Tasche ziehen.
A beggar may sing before a pick-pocket.
Einschluss m; Einschluß m min.
inclusion; enclosure; pocket; occlusion
Taschenwecker m
Taschenwecker pl
pocket alarm clock
pocket alarm clocks
Zahnfleischtasche f; Paradontaltasche f anat.
Zahnfleischtaschen pl; Paradontaltaschen pl
periodontal pocket
periodontal pockets
Pokémon n (Fantasiewesen aus dem gleichnamigen Videospiel, Manga & Anime)
Pokémon pl
Pokémon (pocket monster)
Pokémons {pl}
Hülle f; Fach n; Tasche f
Hüllen pl; Fächer pl; Taschen pl
pocket; receptacle
pockets; receptacles
Taschenausgabe f
Taschenausgaben pl
pocket book edition
pocket book editions
Sprungdeckeluhr f
Sprungdeckeluhren pl
hunter (pocket watch with cover)
vereinzelte Gruppe f soc.
vereinzelte Gruppen unzufriedener Angestellter
pockets of dissatisfied employees
Pokémon n (Fantasiewesen aus dem gleichnamigen Videospiel Manga & Anime)
Pokémon pl
Pokémon (pocket monster)
Pokémons {pl}
Rauhaar-Taschenmäuse pl (Chaetodipus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
chaetodipus pocket mice (zoological genus)
Dreieckstasche f (für Hefter)
triangular pocket; cornerfix (for folders)
Wassersack m (Stahlbau) techn.
water pocket (structural steel engineering)
Barauslagen pl; Auslagen für Unkosten; Spesen f econ.
out-of-pocket expenses; out-of-pocket costs
Taschenratten pl (Geomyidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
pocket gophers; gophers (zoological family)
In einer leeren Tasche tanzt der Teufel. Sprw.
The devil dances in an empty pocket. prov.
Luftloch n
Luftlöcher pl
air hole, air pocket
air holes, air pockets
Taschenuhr f
Taschenuhren pl
pocket watch, watch
pocket watches, watches
Luftloch n
Luftlöcher pl
air hole; air pocket
air holes; air pockets
Taschenuhr f
Taschenuhren pl
pocket watch; watch
pocket watches; watches
jdm. auf der Tasche liegen v ugs.
to be a drain upon someone's pocket resources
Taschenluftdruckprüfer m
Taschenluftdruckprüfer pl
pocket pressure gauge
pocket pressure gauges
Brandnest n; Glutnest n
Brandnester pl; Glutnester pl
hot spot; fire pocket
hot spots; fire pockets
Aussteuerungsfach n; Fehlerfach n; Restfach n (Peripheriegerät) comp.
reject pocket; reject stacker (peripheral device)
Taschengeld n
etw. von seinem Taschengeld kaufen
pocket money
to buy sth. with one's pocket money
Rindeneinschluss m (Holz)
Rindeneinschlüsse pl
bark pocket; inbark (wood)
bark pockets; inbarks
Gesäßtasche f
Gesäßtaschen pl
back pocket, hip pocket
back pockets, hip pockets
Sackloch n techn.
Sacklöcher pl
blind hole, pocket hole
blind holes, pocket holes
Taschenbuch n
Taschenbücher pl
pocket book, pocketbook
pocket books, pocketbooks
Gesäßtasche f
Gesäßtaschen pl
back pocket; hip pocket
back pockets; hip pockets
Sackloch n techn.
Sacklöcher pl
blind hole; pocket hole
blind holes; pocket holes
Taschenbuch n print
Taschenbücher pl
pocket book; pocketbook
pocket books; pocketbooks
Taschenfeuerzeug n
Taschenfeuerzeuge pl
pocket lighter; lighter
pocket lighters; lighters
einstecken, in die Tasche stecken v
einsteckend, in die Tasche steckend
eingesteckt, in die Tasche gesteckt
steckt ein, steckt in die Tasche
steckte ein, steckte in die Tasche
to pocket
Taschenmesser n
Taschenmesser pl
pocket knife, pocketknife
pocket knives, pocketknives
Horst m (Gruppe gleichartiger Bäume in einem gemischten Bestand) bot.
pocket (group of trees of the same species in a mixed stand)
Taschengeld n
etw. von seinem Taschengeld kaufen
pocket money; allowance
to buy sth. with one's pocket money
Klappentasche f textil.
Klappentaschen pl
flap-type pocket; flap pocket
flap-type pockets; flap pockets
Nest n; Kessel m mil.
Nester pl; Kessel pl
Widerstandsnest n
der Kessel von Stalingrad hist.
pocket of resistance
the Stalingrad pocket
Taschenradio n
Taschenradios pl
pocket radio; packetable radio
pocket radios; packetable radios
Kurzanleitung f
Kurzanleitungen pl
brief instruction; pocket guide
brief instructions; pocket guides
Westentasche f
Westentaschen pl
etw. wie seine Westentasche kennen
vest pocket
vest pockets
to know sth. like the back of one's hand
Schlitz m (bei Schraubenköpfen Schiebetüren etc.)
Kreuzschlitz m
pocket; recess (on crew heads under sliding doors etc.)
cross recess
Schlitz m (bei Schraubenköpfen, Schiebetüren usw.)
Kreuzschlitz m
pocket; recess (on crew heads, under sliding doors etc.)
cross recess
Rundstiellappen m anat.
Rundstiellappen pl
tunnel (tube) flap; gauntlet (pocket) flap
tunnel flaps; gauntlet flaps
Hosentasche f; Hosensack m Westdt. Süddt. Westös. Schw. textil.
Hosentaschen pl; Hosensäcke pl
trouser pocket Br.; pants pocket Am.
trouser pockets; pants pockets
Tasche f
Taschen pl
tief in die Tasche greifen
in die eigene Tasche arbeiten
to dip into one's purse (pocket)
to line one's pocket
Gaseinschluss m; Gasblase f; Blase f (beim Schweißen) techn.
Gaseinschlüsse pl; Gasblasen pl; Blasen pl
gas pocket; pocket; blowhole (in welding)
gas pockets; pockets; blowholes
Gaseinschluss m; Gasblase f; Blase f; Gaspore f (beim Schweißen) techn.
Gaseinschlüsse pl; Gasblasen pl; Blasen pl; Gasporen pl
gas pocket; pocket; blowhole (in welding)
gas pockets; pockets; blowholes
Schleifmaschine f; Schleifer m mach.
Schleifmaschinen pl; Schleifer pl
Tasche der Schleifmaschine
grinding machine; grinder
grinding machines; grinders
pocket of the grinder
einstecken; in die Tasche stecken v
einsteckend; in die Tasche steckend
eingesteckt; in die Tasche gesteckt
steckt ein; steckt in die Tasche
steckte ein; steckte in die Tasche
to pocket; to put into one's pocket
Anruf m, Telefonanruf m
Anrufe pl
einen Anruf durchführen
Anruf durch versehentliches Drücken auf Tasten des Handys in der Tasche
call, phone call, ring Br., buzz coll.
to complete a call
pocket call
Nest n; Kessel m mil.
Nester pl; Kessel pl
Widerstandsnest n
der Kessel von Stalingrad hist.
pocket of resistance
the pocket of Stalingrad; the Stalingrad pocket
Einsteckmappe f adm.
Einsteckmappen pl
two-pocket portfolio; twin-pocket portfolio
two-pocket portfolios; twin-pocket portfolios
Taschenrechner m
Taschenrechner pl
Taschenrechner mit Solarzellen
pocket calculator, hand calculator
pocket calculators, hand calculators
solar calculator
Taschenrechner m
Taschenrechner pl
Taschenrechner mit Solarzellen
pocket calculator; hand calculator
pocket calculators; hand calculators
solar calculator
Atlas m; Atlant m
Atlanten pl; Atlasse pl
Autoatlas m
geologischer Atlas
Sprachatlas m ling.
Taschenatlas m
Weltatlas m
road atlas
geological atlas
linguistic atlas
pocket atlas
world atlas
Lasche f; Klappe f
Laschen pl; Klappen pl
die Spitzlasche Spitzklappe eines Briefumschlags
die Klappe einer Jackentasche
die Zeltklappe öffnen
the triangular flap of an envelope
the flap of a jacket pocket
to open the tent flap
Harz n; Baumharz n
Harze pl; Baumharze pl
Harztasche f (Sperrholz)
resin; tree resin; sap; tree sap Am.
resins; tree resins; saps; tree saps
pocket of resin (plywood)
Taschengeld n
etw. von seinem Taschengeld kaufen
jdm. das Taschengeld streichen
pocket money; allowance money; allowance
to buy sth. with one's pocket money
to take away sb.'s allowance
etw. herausnehmen; entfernen v
herausnehmend; entfernend
herausgenommen; entfernt
ein Messer aus seiner Tasche nehmen
to take out; to remove sth.
taking out; removing
taken out; removed
to take out a knife from your pocket
Tasche f textil.
Taschen pl
aufgesetzte Tasche textil.
tief in die Tasche greifen
in die eigene Tasche arbeiten
sich die Taschen vollstopfen
patch pocket
to dip into one's purse (pocket)
to line one's pocket
to line one's pockets
Trageband n; Trageschleife f; Tragekordel f (für Trillerpfeife, Schlüssel, Taschenlampe usw.)
Tragebänder pl; Trageschleifen pl; Tragekordeln pl
Schlüsselband n
Umhängeband n
lanyard; laniard (for whistle, key, pocket lamp etc.)
lanyards; laniards
key lanyard; key laniard
neck lanyard
linker; linke; linkes adj
in meiner linken Tasche
in der linken hinteren Ecke des Raumes
der äußerst linke Stecker; der ganz linke Stecker ugs.; der Stecker ganz links
left; left-hand
in my left-hand pocket
in the far left corner of the room
the leftmost socket; the far left socket
(Telefonnummer) wählen v
eine Nummer wählen
durch versehentliches Drücken auf Tasten des Handys in der Tasche wählen
to dial
dialling; dialing
dialled; dialed
dialled; dialed
to dial a number
to pocket dial; to butt dial
Gashohlraum m; Gasblase f; Galle f (Gussfehler in der Gießerei) techn.
Gashohlräume pl; Gasblasen pl; Gen pl
blowhole; gas hole; gas pocket; gas cavity (casting defect in the foundry)
blowholes; gas holes; gas pockets; gas cavities
Wolle f
Klettenwolle f
aus Wolle; Wollware; Wollwaren
ein Sack Wolle
einschurige Wolle
Wolle kämmen; krempeln
Wolle pflücken; zupfen; verlesen v agr.
moity wool; burry wool
woollen Br.; woolen Am.
a pocket of wool
wool of one year
to tease wool
to cull wool

Deutsche Tasche Synonyme

Beutel  ÂTasche  ÂTäschchen  
Beutel  ÂSack  ÂSackerl  (südd.,  Ã¶sterr.)  ÂTasche  ÂTüte  ÂTragetasche  
abdrücken  (umgangssprachlich)  Âausgeben  Âberappen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âbezahlen  Âblechen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âentrichten  ÂGeld  in  die  Hand  nehmen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âhinblättern  (umgangssprachlich)  Âin  die  Tasche  greifen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âlöhnen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âzahlen  

Englische pocket Synonyme

pocket  CAT  Swiss bank account  abstract  acquire  aerospace  aerosphere  air hole  air pocket  airspace  alveolation  alveolus  antrum  appropriate  area  armpit  assets  baby  baby-sized  bag  balance  balloon  bank account  bantam  banty  barrel  basin  bear with  beleaguer  beset  besiege  billfold  bladder  blind alley  blockade  bottle  bottom dollar  bound  bowl  box  box in  budget  bump  burden  cage  camp  can  canned  capsule  cash reserves  catch up  cavity  ceiling  chamber  checking account  claim  clap hands on  clasp  claw  clench  clinch  close in  cluster  clutch  collar  command of money  compact  compass  concave  concavity  concentration  constitute  contain  coop  coop in  coop up  cordon  cordon off  corral  crate  crater  crosswind  crypt  cul-de-sac  cup  dead end  decree  depression  digest  diminutive  dip  disregard  down  drain off  draw off  duodecimo  dwarfish  eat  embezzle  embrace  empty space  enact  enact laws  encircle  enclose  encompass  endure  enshrine  exchequer  favorable wind  fence in  filch  filibuster  fill  finances  fiscal  fob  fog  fold  follicle  freight  front  fund  funds  funnel chest  get  get hold of  get the floor  glom on to  grab  grab hold of  grapple  grasp  grip  gripe  handbag  handy  have the floor  head wind  heap  heap up  hedge in  hem in  high-pressure area  hole  hollow  hollow shell  hook  house in  hug  ignore  impasse  impound  imprison  incarcerate  include  ionosphere  island  itsy-bitsy  jail  jetstream  keep  kennel  kill  kitty  lacuna  lade  lay hands on  lay hold of  leaguer  legislate  life savings  lift  load  lobby through  logroll  loot  low-pressure area  mass  means  mew  mew up  miniature  miniaturized  minikin  minimal  minuscule  minute  monetary  money belt  money clip  moneys  nab  nail  nest egg  nick  nip  nip up  ordain  overcast  pack  pack away  palm  partake  pass  pecuniary  pecuniary resources  pen  pen in  pigeonhole  pile  pilfer  pillage  pinch  pit  pocket the aff  
pocketbook  Domesday Book  account book  address book  adversaria  album  annual  appointment calendar  appointment schedule  bag  billfold  blankbook  blotter  calendar  cashbook  catalog  classified catalog  commonplace book  court calendar  daybook  desk calendar  diary  diptych  docket  engagement book  handbag  journal  ledger  log  logbook  loose-leaf notebook  memo book  memorandum book  memory book  money belt  money clip  notebook  pad  petty cashbook  pocket  pocket notebook  poke  police blotter  porte-monnaie  purse  purse strings  scrapbook  scratch pad  spiral notebook  table  tablet  triptych  wallet  workbook  writing tablet  yearbook  

pocket Definition

(n.) A bag or pouch
(n.) One of several bags attached to a billiard table, into which the balls are driven.
(n.) A large bag or sack used in packing various articles, as ginger, hops, cowries, etc.
(n.) A hole or space covered by a movable piece of board, as in a floor, boxing, partitions, or the like.
(n.) A cavity in a rock containing a nugget of gold, or other mineral
(n.) A hole containing water.
(n.) A strip of canvas, sewn upon a sail so that a batten or a light spar can placed in the interspace.
(n.) Same as Pouch.
(v. t.) To put, or conceal, in the pocket
(v. t.) To take clandestinely or fraudulently.

pocket Bedeutung

pocket veto indirect veto of legislation by refusing to sign it
pocket billiards
any of various games played on a pool table having pockets
pocket rat any of various rodents with cheek pouches
pocket mouse any of various small nocturnal burrowing desert rodents with cheek pouches and long hind legs and tail
silky pocket mouse
Perognathus flavus
small pale yellowish soft-furred rodent of southwestern United States and Mexico
plains pocket mouse
Perognathus flavescens
small rodent of open areas of United States plains states
hispid pocket mouse
Perognathus hispidus
large stiff-haired rodent of shortgrass prairies of United States
Mexican pocket mouse
Liomys irroratus
large pocket mouse of Mexico
kangaroo mouse
dwarf pocket rat
small silky-haired pouched rodent, similar to but smaller than kangaroo rats
gopher pocket gopher
pouched rat
burrowing rodent of the family Geomyidae having large external cheek pouches, of Central America and southwestern North America
plains pocket gopher
Geomys bursarius
gopher of chiefly grasslands of central North America
southeastern pocket gopher
Geomys pinetis
gopher of Alabama and Georgia and Florida
valley pocket gopher
Thomomys bottae
of valleys and mountain meadows of western United States
northern pocket gopher
Thomomys talpoides
greyish to brown gopher of western and central United States
breast pocket a pocket inside of a man's coat
cigar lighter
cigarette lighter
pocket lighter
a lighter for cigars or cigarettes
corner pocket a pocket at the corner of a billiard table
fob watch pocket a vest pocket to hold a pocket watch
hand calculator
pocket calculator
a calculator small enough to hold in the hand or carry in a pocket
pocket flask
a flask that holds spirits
hip pocket a pocket in rear of trousers
patch pocket a flat pocket sewn to the outside of a garment
pocket a small pouch inside a garment for carrying small articles
pocket an opening at the corner or on the side of a billiard table into which billiard balls are struck
pocket battleship a small battleship built to conform with treaty limitations on tonnage and armament (from to )
pocketbook pocket book pocket edition pocket-sized paperback book
pocket comb
a small comb suitable for carrying in a pocket
pocket flap a flap that covers the access to a pocket
pocket-handkerchief a handkerchief that is carried in a pocket
pocket knife
a knife with a blade that folds into the handle, suitable for carrying in the pocket
pocket watch a watch that is carried in a small watch pocket
side pocket a pocket on the side of a billiard table
slash pocket a pocket in a garment (usually below the waist) to which access is provided by a vertical or diagonal slit in the outside of the garment
vest pocket a small pocket in a man's vest
(anatomy) saclike structure in any of various animals (as a marsupial or gopher or pelican)
pocket dictionary
little dictionary
a dictionary that is small enough to carry in your pocket
pocket bread
usually small round bread that can open into a pocket for filling
pocket a small isolated group of people, they were concentrated in pockets inside the city, the battle was won except for cleaning up pockets of resistance
pocket borough a sparsely populated borough in which all or most of the land is owned by a single family
air pocket
air hole
a local region of low pressure or descending air that causes a plane to lose height suddenly
deep pocket a source of substantial wealth (usually plural), a patron of the arts should have deep pockets
pocket a supply of money, they dipped into the taxpayers' pockets
pocket money
pin money
spending money
cash for day-to-day spending on incidental expenses
a hollow concave shape made by removing something
pocket (bowling) the space between the headpin and the pins behind it on the right or left, the ball hit the pocket and gave him a perfect strike
an enclosed space, the trapped miners found a pocket of air
pocket put in one's pocket, He pocketed the change
pocket bag take unlawfully
out-of-pocket calling for the spending of cash, his out-of-pocket costs were $
small enough to be carried in a garment pocket, pocket-size paperbacks
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A pocket is a bag- or envelope-like receptacle either fastened to or inserted in an article of clothing to hold small items. Pockets may also be attached to luggage, backpacks, and similar items. In older usage, a pocket was a separate small bag or pouch.