
radio active Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik
active employment policy
aktive Handelsbilanz
active trade balance
aktiver Teilhaber
active partner
aktiver Vulkan
active volcano
active balance
active debts
Erwerbsbevölkerung, erwerbstätige Bevölkerung
economically active population
economically active
gefragte Wertpapiere
active securities
haben alle aktiv teilgenommen
have all played an active role
lebhaft, wirkend, tätig
lebhafte Eröffnung
active opening
lebhafte Konkurrenz
active competition
lebhafte Nachfrage
active demand
lebhafter Markt
active market
non-active population
active circulation
radio announcement
radio set
radio audience
radio advertising
sich aus dem aktiven Leben zurückziehen
retire from active life
teilnehmen an
take an active part in
Aktiv n, Tatform f gramm.
Aktive m f , Aktiver
active participant
Aktivitätsordnung f
active life table
Aktivsaldo n, aktive Handelsbilanz fin.
active trade balance
Aktivkohle f
activated carbon, active carbon, activated charcoal
Amateurfunk m
amateur radio, ham radio
Amateurfunklizenz f
amateur radio licence Br., amateur radio license Am.
Amateurfunksatellit m
Amateurfunksatelliten pl
orbiting satellite carrying amateur radio
orbiting satellites carrying amateur radio
Arbeitsmarktpolitik f
aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik
labour market policy
active employment policy
Arbeitszustand m des Ãœbertragungskanals comp.
active data link channel
Autoradio n
Autoradios pl
car radio, car stereo
car radios, car stereos
Bordfunker m
radio operator
Computer m, Rechner m, Datenverarbeitungsanlage f comp.
Computer pl, Rechner pl, Datenverarbeitungsanlagen pl
einen Computer hochfahren, starten
arbeitender Rechner
to boot a computer
active computer
Datei f, File n comp.
Dateien pl
aktive Datei
file, data file
files, data files
active file
Datenstation f comp.
arbeitende Datenstation f
empfangende Datenstation f
intelligente Datenstation f
unintelligente Datenstation f
nicht programmierbare Datenstation f
active station
accepting station
intelligent terminal
dumb terminal
nonintelligent terminal
Drahtfunk m
wired radio
Empfang m, Funkempfang m
radio reception
Empfänger m, Funkempfänger m
radio receiver
Fehler m
Fehler pl
einen Fehler machen
Fehler über Fehler machen
auf einen Fehler hinweisen
einen Fehler korrigieren
mit Fehlern gespickt
absoluter Fehler
additiver Fehler
aktiver Fehler
behebbarer Fehler
gefährlicher Fehler
nicht zu behebender Fehler
absoluter Fehler math.
passiver Fehler
relativer Fehler math.
sprachlicher Fehler
systematischer Fehler
ungefährlicher Fehler
vorübergehender Fehler
zufälliger Fehler
mistake, error, fault
mistakes, errors, faults
to make a mistake
to make mistake after mistake
to point out a mistake
to fix (up) an error
peppered with mistakes
absolute error
accumulated error
active fault
correctable error
dangerous fault
unrecoverable error
absolute error
passive fault
relative error
language mistake
systematic error
harmless fault
transient error
random error
Fernlenkung f
radio control
Filter m
Filter pl
abgestimmter Filter
aktiver Filter
digitaler Filter
Filter mit Steg
tuned filter
active filter
digital filter
filter with centre bar
Forderung f fin. (Schuld)
Forderungen pl
ausstehende Forderung
zweifelhafte Forderungen
zweifelhafte Forderungen (Rechtsanspruch)
active debt
doubtful debts Br., bad debts Am.
doubtful claims
Funk-Fernschreiber m
radio teleprinter
Funk-Fernschreiber m
radio teletypewriter
Funkamateur m, Funkamateurin f
Funkamateure pl, Funkamateurinnen pl
radio ham, radio amateur, amateur radio enthusiast, amateur radio operator
radio hams, radio amateurs, amateur radio enthusiasts, amateur radio operators
Funkanlage f
Funkanlagen pl
radio installation
radio installations
Funkausstellung f
Funkausstellungen pl
radio show
radio shows
Funkbake f, Funkfeuer n aviat. electr.
Funkbaken pl, Funkfeuer pl
ungerichtetes Funkfeuer
radio beacon
radio beacons
nondirectional radio beacon
Funkbild n
Funkdienst m
radio service
Funkeinheit f
radio unit
Funkentstörung f
radio interference suppression
Funker m, Funkerin f, Funkgerätebediener m, Funkgerätebedienerin f
Funker pl, Funkerinnen pl, Funkgerätebediener pl, Funkgerätebedienerinnen pl
radio operator
radio operators
Funkfernschreiber m
Funkgerät n
Funkgeräte pl
mobile radio
mobile radios
Funkgerät n, Sprechfunkgerät n, Funksprechgerät n, Walkie-Talkie n
Funkgeräte pl, Sprechfunkgeräte pl, Funksprechgeräte pl, Walkie-Talkies pl
radio set, walkie-talkie
radio sets, walkie-talkies
Funkleitstrahl m
Funkleitstrahlen pl
radio beam
radio beams
Funkmutung f geol.
radio prospection
Funknetz n
radio circuit
Funkortung f
radio location
Funkortung f
radio orientation
Funkrundsteuerung f
radio ripple control
Funkschutzzeichen n
radio suppression seal
Funksignal n
radio signal
Funkspruch m
Funksprüche pl
radio message
radio messages
Funkstation f
radio station
Funksteuerung f
radio control
Funkstille f
radio silence
Funkstörung f, Radio-Frequenz-Interferenz f techn.
radio frequency interference (RFI)
Funkstörung f
radio interference
Funkstreifenwagen m
radio patrol car
Funksystem n
radio system
Funktechnik f
radio engineering
Funktechnik f, Hochfrequenztechnik f
radio technology
Funkturm m
Funktürme pl
radio tower
radio towers
Funküberwachung f
radio monitoring
Funkuhr f
Funkuhren pl
radio controlled clock
radio controlled clocks
Funkverbindung f
radio contact
Funkverbindung f, Funkverkehr m
radio communication
Funkwagen m
radio car
Graphikverarbeitung mit graphischer Ein- und Ausgabe
active graphics
Grundbestand m
active inventory
Handel m, Geschäft n
lebhafter Handel
Rund um die Uhr Handel
Handel zwischen zwei Staaten
trade, trading
active trading
all day trading
bilateral trade
Hörspiel n
Hörspiele pl
radio play
radio plays
Instandsetzungsdauer f
active repair time
Kapital n
arbeitendes Kapital
gezeichnetes Kapital
totes Kapital
totes Kapital, totes Inventar
geistiges Kapital, intellektuelles Kapital
betriebsnotwendiges Kapital
nicht betriebsnotwendiges Kapital
Kapital und Arbeit
active capital
subscribed capital
dormant capital, unemployed capital
dead stock
intellectual capital, intellectual assets
operating capital
non-operating capital
capital and labour
Karteileiche f ugs.
non-active member, passive member, nominal member
Kofferradio n
Kofferradios pl
portable radio
portable radios
Kontrolllampe f, Kontrollampe f alt
active light
Kopfstütze f, Nackenstütze f auto
Kopfstützen pl, Nackenstützen pl
aktive Kopfstützen
headrest, head restraint
headrests, head restraints
active head restraints
Kraft f, Einfluss m, Wirkung f, Zwang m
Kräfte pl
in Kraft sein
in Kraft setzen
in Kraft treten
in Kraft treten (Versicherung)
außer Kraft treten
außer Kraft sein
Kraft ausüben
äußere Kraft f
eingeprägte Kraft f
generalisierte Kraft f, verallgemeinerte Kraft f
konservative Kraft f
Summe aller äußeren Kräfte
to be in force
to implement
to come into force
to be incepted
to cease to be in force
to have ceased to be in force
to exert force
external force
active force
generalized force
conservative force
sum of all external forces
Kriminalhörspiel n
radio thriller
Langwellensender m
long-wave radio station, long-wave transmitter
Laufwerk n
Laufwerke pl
aktives Laufwerk
active drive
Mobilfunk m
mobile radio, cellular radio
Optionsschaltfläche f comp.
radio button
Oranje-Sender m hist.
Dutch Radio, Radio Holland (from Britain during WWII)
Ordner m comp.
aktiver Ordner
active folder
Peilfunk m
radio direction finding
Peilgerät n
radio direction finder
Piratensender m, Schwarzsender m
pirate station, pirate radio station
Polizeifunk m
police radio
Radar m, n
radar, radio detection and ranging
Radio n
Radios pl
Radio hören
im Radio
im Radio durchgeben
im Radio hören
to listen to the radio
on the radio, over the radio
to announce over the radio
to hear on the radio
Radioansager m
radio announcer
Radioapparat m, Radiogerät n, Rundfunkgerät n
radio set, radio
Radioastronomie f
radio astronomy
Radiodatensystem n (RDS)
radio data system (RDS)
Radiodurchsage f
Radiodurchsagen pl
radio announcement
radio announcements
Radiofrequenz f
Radiofrequenzen pl
radio frequency
radio frequencies
Radiogeschäft n
Radiogeschäfte pl
radio shop
radio shops
Radiohändler m
radio dealer
Radiokanal m
Radiokanäle pl
radio channel
radio channels
Radiokompass m
Radiokompasse pl
radio compass
Radiomechaniker m, Radiomechanikerin f
Radiomechaniker pl, Radiomechanikerinnen pl
radio mechanic
radio mechanics
Radionachrichten pl
radio news
Radiomitteilung f
Radiomitteilungen pl
radio message
radio messages
Radionavigation f
radio navigation
Radiopeilung f
radio bearing
Radiorecorder m
radio cassette recorder
Radioröhre f
radio valve, valve
Radiosender m, Rundfunksender m
radio station
Radiosendung f
radio transmission
Radiotechniker m
radio engineer
Radiotelegraphie f
radio telegraphy
Radiotelefon n
radio telephone
Radiotelefonie f
radio telephony
Radioübertragung f
radio programme
Radiowecker m
clock radio, radio alarm clock
Radiowelle f, Funkwelle f
Radiowellen pl, Funkwellen pl
radio wave
radio waves
Radiozeitung f
radio magazine
Richtfunkstrecke f
radio link
Rufname m, Rufzeichen n (Funkverkehr) mil.
Rufnamen pl, Rufzeichen pl
radio call sign
radio call signs
Rundfunkgebühren pl
radio licence fees
Sender m (drahtlos)
radio transmitter
Senderöhre f
radio tube
Speicher m comp.
aktiver Speicher
löschbarer Speicher
seitenorientierter Speicher
virtueller Speicher, virtueller Arbeitsspeicher
memory, storage, store
active storage
erasable storage
paging area memory (PAM)
virtual memory
Sprechfunk m
voice radio
Sprechfunker m
voice radio operator
(aktive, passive) Sterbehilfe f, Euthanasie f
aktive Sterbehilfe f
(active, passive) euthanasia
mercy killing
Strahlenundurchlässigkeit n techn. med.
radiopacity, radio-opacity
Tonrundfunk m
Tonrundfunk m
sound radio
Unterwasserschallgerät n, Sonar n, Sonargerät n
niederfrequenter aktiver Sonar (NFAS) mil.
sonar, sound navigation ranging
low-frequency active sonar (LFAS)
Verbreitung f, Ausbreitung f
Ausbreitung von Funkwellen
radio wave propagation
Volksempfänger n hist.
Volksempfänger pl
NS-era radio
NS-era radios

Deutsche radioaktiv Synonyme

radioaktiv  sein  Âstrahlen  Âzerfallen  Âzerstrahlen  
radioaktiv sein  strahlen  zerfallen  zerstrahlen  

Englische radio-active Synonyme

radio active Definition

(a.) Having the power or quality of acting
(a.) Quick in physical movement
(a.) In action
(a.) Given to action
(a.) Requiring or implying action or exertion
(a.) Given to action rather than contemplation
(a.) Brisk
(a.) Implying or producing rapid action
(a.) Applied to a form of the verb
(a.) Applied to verbs which assert that the subject acts upon or affects something else
(a.) Applied to all verbs that express action as distinct from mere existence or state.
() A combining form indicating connection with, or relation to, a radius or ray
(n. pl.) A group of Protozoa having both flagella and pseudopodia.
(a.) Acting of one's self or of itself

radio active Bedeutung

active air defense air defense by the use aircraft or missiles or artillery or electronic countermeasures
radio observation an observation made with a radio telescope
active matrix screen a type of LCD screen used for some portable computers, there is a separate circuit for each pixel
active placebo a placebo used in experimental tests of a drug that has noticeable side effects, an active placebo mimics the side effects of the experimental drug
clock radio a radio that includes a clock that can be set to turn it on automatically
drug cocktail
highly active antiretroviral therapy
a combination of protease inhibitors taken with reverse transcriptase inhibitors, used in treating AIDS and HIV
omnidirectional range
omnidirectional radio range
a navigational system consisting of a network of radio beacons that provide aircraft with information about exact position and bearing
push-button radio a radio receiver that can be tuned by pressing buttons
microwave radar
radio detection and ranging
measuring instrument in which the echo of a pulse of microwave radiation is used to detect and locate distant objects
a communication system based on broadcasting electromagnetic waves
radio antenna
radio aerial
omnidirectional antenna comprising the part of a radio receiver by means of which radio signals are received
radio beacon
a radio station that broadcasts a directional signal for navigational purposes
radio chassis a chassis for a radio receiver
radio compass a direction finder that gives a bearing by determining the direction of incoming radio signals
radio interferometer radio telescope that uses interference patterns from two antennas instead of a parabolic antenna
radio link
a two-way radio communication system (usually microwave), part of a more extensive telecommunication network
electronic equipment consisting of a combination of a radio receiver and a record player
radio receiver
receiving set
radio set
radio tuner
an electronic receiver that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted signals
radio station station for the production and transmission of AM or FM radio broadcasts
radio telescope
radio reflector
astronomical telescope that picks up electromagnetic radiations in the radio-frequency range from extraterrestrial sources
radio transmitter transmitter that is the part of a radio system that transmits signals
radio brightness the strength of a radio wave picked up by a radio telescope
radio frequency an electromagnetic wave frequency between audio and infrared
radio astronomy the branch of astronomy that detects and studies the radio waves emitted by celestial bodies
medium for communication
active application an application that is currently running and in the foreground
radio broadcast a broadcast via radio
radio news a radio broadcast of news
radio beam
a signal transmitted along a narrow path, guides airplane pilots in darkness or bad weather
radio beacon a characteristic signal emitted by a transmitter used for navigation
radio noise static at radio wavelengths
active site the part of an enzyme or antibody where the chemical reaction occurs
quasi-stellar radio source
a starlike object that may send out radio waves and other forms of energy, many have large red shifts
radio source an object that radiates radio waves
active a person who is a participating member of an organization, the club issues a list of members, both the actives and the retirees
active citizen a citizen who takes an active role in the community (as in crime prevention and neighborhood watch)
radio announcer an announcer whose voice is broadcast on radio
radio operator someone who operates a radio transmitter
De Forest
Lee De Forest
Father of Radio
United States electrical engineer who inpatented the first triode vacuum tube, which made it possible to detect and amplify radio waves (-)
opacity to Xays or other radiation
radio wave
radio emission
radio radiation
an electromagnetic wave with a wavelength between . cm to , m
radio signal a radio wave used to transmit and receive messages
radio spectrum
radio-frequency spectrum
the entire spectrum of electromagnetic frequencies used for communications, includes frequencies used for radio and radar and television
active trust a trust in which the trustee must perform certain duties
active birth childbirth during which the mother is encouraged to be an active participant
active transport transport of a substance (as a protein or drug) across a cell membrane against the concentration gradient, requires an expenditure of energy
active voice
the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is performing the action or causing the happening denoted by the verb, `The boy threw the ball' uses the active voice
active immunity a form of acquired immunity in which the body produces its own antibodies against diseaseausing antigens
active agent
chemical agent capable of activity
wetting agent
surface-active agent
a chemical agent capable of reducing the surface tension of a liquid in which it is dissolved
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Einfach einen Begriff in der Tabelle rechts anklicken um weitere Übersetzungen in dieser Sidebar zu erhalten.

Radio is the technology of using radio waves to carry information, such as sound, by systematically modulating some property of electromagnetic energy waves transmitted through space, such as their amplitude, frequency, phase, or pulse width. When radio waves strike an electrical conductor, the oscillating fields induce an alternating current in the conductor. The information in the waves can be extracted and transformed back into its original form.

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