
residual current operated Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Fehlerstromschutzschalter m; FI-Schutzschalter m; FI-Schalter m ugs. electr.
residual-current-operated protective device; residual-current-operated circuit breaker; residual-current circuit breaker RCCB ; residual current device RCD ; ground fault circuit interrupter GFCI Am.; ground fault interrupter GFI Am.; appliance leakage current interrupter ALCI Am.
dem gegenwärtigen Handelsbrauch angepasst
in line with the current practice
die gegenwärtige größere Problematik
the current major problem
gegenwärtiger Wert, Tageswert, Marktwert
current value
Girokonto (Br.)
current account
account current
deposits on current account
Kontokorrentkonto, laufendes Konto
current account
advance on current account
current account customer
laufende Einnahmen
current receipts
laufende Geschäfte
current transactions
laufende Preis
price current
laufende Risiken
current risks
laufende Verbindlichkeiten
current liabilities
laufende Zahlungen
current payments
residual leave
current quotation
current rate
current price
current assets
zum Tageskurs
at the current rate
Ableitstrom m
leakage current, leakance current
Abschaltstrom m
cut-off current, breaking current
Abwasser n
residual water
Abzapfstrom m aus einer Wicklung
tapping current of winding
Aktualität f
relevance to the current situation
DC, alternating current
direct current
Allstrommotor m electr.
all-current motor Am., all-mains motor Br.
Anfangskurzschlusswechselstrom m electr.
initial symmetrical short-circuit current
Ankerstrom m electr.
armature current
Anlaufstrom m electr.
starting current
Anodensperrstrom m
anode cutoff current
Anodenzündstrom m
anode trigger current
Ansprechstrom m
operating current
Anwerfvorrichtung f
manually-operated turning gear
Anzugsstrom m
locked rotor current, breakaway starting current
Austauschstromdichte f
exchange current density
Basisspitzenstrom m
Basisspitzenströme pl
peak current
peak currents
Bemessungs-Betriebsstrom m
rated normal current
Beobachtung f von Neuerscheinungen
current awareness service
Betriebsstrom m electr.
operating current
Blindstrom m electr.
idle current
Blitzstromableiter m
Blitzstromableiter pl
lightning stroke current arrester
lightning stroke current arresters
Dauerkurzschlussstrom m electr.
sustained short-circuit current
Dauerstrom m
continuous current
Dichteströmung f
density current
Drehspulstrommesser m electr.
moving-coil current meter
Drehstrom m electr.
rotary current
Drehstrom m electr.
three-phase current, three-phase A.C. current
Drehstromgetriebemotor m
three-phase current geared motor
Drehstrommotor m
three-phase motor, three-phase a.c. motor, three-phase current motor
Eigenspannung f
internal stress, residual stress
Einphasenwechselstrom m electr.
single phase alternating current
Elektronenstrom m
electron current
Erdstrom m
earth current
Erregerstrom m
exciting current
Fehlerstrom-Schutzschalter m, FI-Schalter electr.
residual-current circuit-breaker
Feldstrom m
field current
Fremdstrom m electr.
stray current
Fußpumpe f
Fußpumpen pl
foot operated pump
foot operated pumps
Girokonto n
Girokonten pl
current account, checking account Am.
current accounts, checking accounts
Gleichstrom m electr.
direct current (DC, D.C.)
Handpumpe f
Handpumpen pl
hand operated pump
hand operated pumps
Handspannfutter n techn.
hand-operated chuck
Hauptstromkreis m electr.
main current circuit
Hauptstromzuführung f electr.
main current supply line
Heizstrom m
filament current
Kartenkopierer m
card-operated copier, card-operated copying machine
Kontoauszug m
accounts current
Kontokorrentkunde m fin.
current account customer
Kontokorrent n
account current, current account, open account, checking account
Kontokorrenteinlagen pl
deposits on current account
Kontosaldo n, Kontostand m, Kontosalden pl
aktueller Kontostand
account balance, balance of account
current account balance
Kosten pl, Ausgabe f, Aufwand m, Spesen pl, Unkosten pl ugs. fin.
Kosten pl, Ausgaben pl, Aufwendungen pl, Auslagen pl
allgemeine Kosten
auf Kosten von
auf meine Kosten
laufende Kosten, laufende Ausgaben
abzugsfähige Ausgaben, Spesen
rasant steigende Kosten
verrechnete Kosten
einmalige Ausgaben
zusätzliche Kosten
kleine Auslagen
mit großen Kosten
zu enormen Kosten
Kosten senken
Kosten umlegen
sich in Unkosten stürzen ugs.
sich in große Unkosten stürzen ugs.
Kosten sparend, kostensparend alt
die Kosten übernehmen, die Kosten tragen (für)
expense, cost
overhead charges
at the expense of
at my expense
current expenses, running costs
allowable expenses
soaring costs
allocated costs
non-recurring expenses
additional costs
petty expenses
at great expense
at vast expense
to reduce costs
to split costs
to go to expense
to incur heavy expenses
cost-saving, at low cost
to bear the expense, bear the costs, to accept the costs (of)
Kriechstrom m electr.
surface leakage, current leak
Kriechstrommessung f
current leak measurement
Kurzschlussstrom m electr.
short circuit current
Ladestrom m electr.
charging current, charging rate
Leistungsbilanz f
current account
Leistungsbilanz f
current account balance Am.
Leistungsbilanz f (einer Firma)
current balance including investments
Löcherstrom m (Halbl.)
hole current
Luftschrauber m techn.
air-operated power wrench
Luftströmung f
Meeresströmung f
Meeresströmungen pl
ocean current
ocean currents
Mehrphasenstrom m
multi phase current
Messflügel m
current meter
Mikrostrom m
micro current
Münzkopierer m
coin-operated copier, coin-operated copying machine
Nenngleichstrom m
nominal direct current
Nennkurzzeitstrom m
rated short-time current
Nennstrom m
rated current, current rating
Passatströmung f
equatorial current
Preis m
Preise pl
zum halben Preis
angemessener Preis
annehmbarer Preis
halber Preis, zum halben Preis
voraussichtlicher Preis
zu herabgesetzten Preisen
zu jeweiligen Preisen
zu konstanten Preisen
zum angegebenen Preis
taxierter Preis, Taxe f
Preis, alles inbegriffen, Gesamtpreis m
Preise reduzieren
Preise erhöhen
einen Preis nennen
Preise angeben
Preise ausgleichen
die Preise in die Höhe treiben
um jeden Preis
um keinen Preis
at half (the) price
fair price
acceptable price
anticipated price
at reduced prices
at current prices
at constant prices
at the price indicated
all in price
to cut prices
to spike prices
to quote a price
to quote prices
to adjust prices
to push up prices, to force up prices
at any price
not at any price, not for anything
Propellermessflügel m
propeller-type current meter
Prüfstrom m electr.
test current
Publizist n, Publizistin f
publicist, commentator on politics and current affairs
Reizstrom m med.
stimulation current
Residuum n math.
Restabsenkung f
residual drawdown
Restlumen n
residual lumen
Reststrom m
cutoff current
Restverschmutzung f
residual pollution
Restwert m
residual value
Ruhestrom m electr.
closed-circuit current, closed current, quiescent current
Schaltungstechnik f (stromliefernd)
current sourcing logic
Schaltungstechnik f (stromziehend)
current sinking logic
Scheinstrom m
apparent current
Schlüsseltaster m
key-operated push button
Schwachstrom m electr. ugs.
low-voltage current, weak current
Sohlströmung f
bottom current
Spitzenstrom m
peak current, surge current
Starkstrom m
heavy current
Starkstrom m
high voltage current
Starkstrom m
power current
Starkstromtechnik f
heavy current engineering
Staubsauger m
Akku-Staubsauger m
vacuum cleaner
battery-operated vacuum cleaner
Steuerstrom m electr.
control current
Strangstrom f electr.
line-to-line current
Strömung f, Strom m, Lauf m
Strömungen pl
Strom m
Ströme pl
elektrischer Strom
hohe Ströme
hoher Strom bei geringer Spannung
electric current
high currents
high current at low voltage
Stromabnehmer m
Stromabnehmer pl
current collector
current collectors
Stromabnehmerbügel m
current collector bracket
Stromabnehmerwagen m
Stromabnehmerwagen pl
current collector trolley
current collector trolleys
Stromanschluss m
current sink
Strombelastbarkeit f
current carrying capacity, current load rating
Strombegrenzer m electr.
current leveller
Strombelastbarkeitsprüfung f
current carrying capacity test
Stromerzeugung f
generation of current, (electric) power generation, electricity generation
Stromfluss m
current flow
Stromregelventil n techn.
Stromregelventile pl
current regulation valve
current regulation valves
Stromregler m electr.
Stromregler pl
current regulator
current regulators
Stromverbrauch m, Stromaufnahme f
current consumption
Stromwandler m electr.
Stromwandler pl
current transformer, current transducer
current transformers
Stromweg m
current path
Tagesereignisse pl
Tageskurs m
Tageskurse pl
current rate, today's rate
current rates
Tagespreis m
Tagespreise pl
current price, market price
current prices, market proces
Teslastrom m
Tesla current
Trägerstrom m
carrier current
Ãœberstrom m electr.
excess current
Umlageverfahren n (der Sozialversicherung)
pay-as-you-go, current income financing
Umlaufvermögen n
current assets
Unwucht f
dynamische Unwucht
zulässige Restunwucht
unbalance, heavy spot, imbalance, out-of-balance, unbalance
dynamic unbalance
permissible residual unbalance
Upwelling n, nährstoffreiche Aufwärtsströmung aus der Tiefsee
upwelling, nutrient-rich upward current from the deep sea
Verbindlichkeit f, Verpflichtung f fin.
Verbindlichkeiten pl
kurzfristige Verbindlichkeiten
current liabilities
Versorgungsstrom m electr.
supply current

Deutsche Fehlerstromschutzschalter {m}; FI-Schutzschalter {m}; FI-Schalter {m} [ugs.] [electr.] Synonyme

Fehlerstrom-Schutzschalter  ÂFehlerstromschutzschalter  ÂFI-Schalter  
Anschalteinrichtung  ÂEinschalteinrichtung  ÂSchalter  
Auskunft  ÂAuskunftsschalter  ÂInformation  ÂSchalter  
Knopf  ÂSchalter  ÂTaste  ÂTaster  
Fehlerstrom-Schutzschalter  Fehlerstromschutzschalter  FI-Schalter  

Englische residual-current-operated protective device; residual-current-operated circuit breaker; residual-current circuit breaker RCCB ; residual current device RCD ; ground fault circuit interrupter GFCI ; ground fault interrupter GFI ; appliance leakage current interrupter ALCI Synonyme

residual current operated Definition

(a.) Running or moving rapidly.
(a.) Now passing, as time
(a.) Passing from person to person, or from hand to hand
(a.) Commonly estimated or acknowledged.
(a.) Fitted for general acceptance or circulation
(a.) A flowing or passing
(a.) General course
(imp. & p. p.) of Operate
(a.) Pertaining to a residue
(n.) The difference of the results obtained by observation, and by computation from a formula.
(n.) The difference between the mean of several observations and any one of them.
Rossel current
() A portion of the southern equatorial current flowing westward from the Fiji Islands to New Guinea.

residual current operated Bedeutung

current intelligence intelligence of all types and forms of immediate interest, usually disseminated without delays for evaluation or interpretation
tidal flow
tidal current
the water current caused by the tides
rip current
a strong surface current flowing outwards from a shore
a steady flow of a fluid (usually from natural causes), the raft floated downstream on the current, he felt a stream of air, the hose ejected a stream of water
dominant course (suggestive of running water) of successive events or ideas, two streams of development run through American history, stream of consciousness, the flow of thought, the current of history
alternating current
alternating electric current
an electric current that reverses direction sinusoidally, In the US most household current is AC atcycles per second
current electric current a flow of electricity through a conductor, the current was measured in amperes
direct current
direct electric current
an electric current that flows in one direction steadily
ocean current the steady flow of surface ocean water in a prevailing direction
equatorial current any of the ocean currents that flow westward at the equator
North Equatorial Current an equatorial current that flows west across the Pacific just north of the equator
South Equatorial Current an equatorial current that flows west across the Pacific just south of the equator
Japan current
Kuroshio current
a warm ocean current that flows northeastwardly off the coast of Japan into the northern Pacific ocean
Peruvian current
Humboldt current
a cold ocean current that flows north along the Pacific Coast of South America before turning west
dynamic electricity
current electricity
a flow of electric charge
thermionic current an electric current produced between two electrodes as a result of electrons emitted by thermionic emission
air current current of air
air moving (sometimes with considerable force) from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure, trees bent under the fierce winds, when there is no wind, row, the radioactivity was being swept upwards by the air current and out into the atmosphere
red currant
garden current
Ribes rubrum
cultivated European current bearing small edible red berries
residual (often plural) a payment that is made to a performer or writer or director of a television show or commercial that is paid for every repeat showing, he could retire on his residuals
liquid assets
current assets
quick assets
assets in the form of cash (or easily convertible into cash)
checking account
chequing account
current account
a bank account against which the depositor can draw checks that are payable on demand
current account that part of the balance of payments recording a nation's exports and imports of goods and services and transfer payments
current unit a measure of the amount of electric charge flowing past a circuit point at a specific time
something left after other parts have been taken away, there was no remainder, he threw away the rest, he took what he wanted and I got the balance
residual soil
residual clay
the soil that is remaining after the soluble elements have been dissolved
residual oil
oil products that remain after petroleum has been distilled
operated by hand
current occurring in or belonging to the present time, current events, the current topic, current negotiations, current psychoanalytic theories, the ship's current position
coin-operated of devices that do not operate without the prior insertion of one or more coins, a coin-operated telephone
relating to or indicating a remainder, residual quantity
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