
ribbon Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

LesebÀndchen n; Leseband n
LesebÀndchen n
Multifunktionsleiste f comp.
ribbon bar
ink ribbon
Kohlefarbband n
film ribbon
film ribbon
Atlasband n textil.
satin ribbon
Kohlefarbband n
carbon ribbon
carbon ribbon
Band n
BĂ€nder pl
BĂ€ndel n
ribbon; shoelace
BĂ€ndel n
ribbon, shoelace
BĂ€nderstruktur f
ribbon structure
Dekorationsband n
decorative ribbon
Knopflochband n textil.
buttonhole ribbon
Farbband n
ribbon; ink ribbon
Farbband n
ribbon, ink ribbon
Zielband n sport
finish line ribbon
Schmalschwanz-Paradieselster f ornith.
Ribbon-tailed Bird of Paradise
NasenmurÀne f (ausgewachsen) (Rhinomuraena quaesita) zool.
blue ribbon eel, ghost ribbon eel
NasenmurÀne f (Jungtier) (Rhinomuraena quaesita) zool.
black ribbon eel, ghost ribbon eel
Spannbandlagerung f
taut suspension; taut-ribbon suspension
Bandachat m min.
schwarz und weißer Bandachat
banded agate; ribbon agate
Bandnudel f cook.
Bandnudeln pl
ribbon noodle; tagliatelle
ribbon noodles
Bandnudel f cook.
Bandnudeln pl
ribbon noodle, tagliatelle
ribbon noodles
BĂ€nderjaspis m min.
banded jasper; ribbon jasper; riband jasper
Bandweberei f textil.
ribbon weaving; ribbon knitting; inkle weaving
(beschichtetes) Kohlefarbband n (Schreibmaschine Anschlagdrucker)
carbon (film) ribbon (typewriter impact printer)
(beschichtetes) Kohlefarbband n (Schreibmaschine, Anschlagdrucker)
carbon (film) ribbon (typewriter, impact printer)
Flachbandkontakt m; Bandkontakt m (Anschlussstecker) electr.
Flachbandkontakte pl; Bandkontakte pl
ribbon contact (connector plug)
ribbon contacts
NasenmurÀne f (Rhinomuraena quaesita) zool.
ghost ribbon eel, blue ribbon eel, black ribbon eel
Wattenmaschine f textil.
Wattenmaschinen pl
lap machine; ribbon lapper
lap machines; ribbon lappers
Schleife f; Masche f (zu Schlaufen gebundenes Zierband)
Schleifen pl; Maschen pl
Geschenkschleife f; Geschenkrosette f
Ziehschleife f
bow (tied decorative ribbon)
gift bow
pull bow
Band n
BĂ€nder pl
Geschenkband n
KrÀuselband n; Ringelband n
gift ribbon
curling gift ribbon; curling ribbon
BĂ€nderton m min.
banded clay; ribbon clay; varved clay; bedded clay; leaf clay; laminated clay
Flechtartikel m; geflochtener Artikel m textil.
Flechtartikel pl; geflochtene Artikel pl
Flachgeflecht n; Flechtborte f; Litze f
Rundgeflecht n; Flechtkordel f
Zickzack-Borte f; Zackenlitze f
flat braid
round braid
zigzag braid; zigzag border ribbon
Flachbandkabel n, Bandkabel n, Flachbandleitung f
Flachbandkabel pl, Bandkabel pl, Flachbandleitungen pl
flatcable, ribbon cable, flat ribbon cable
flatcables, ribbon cables, flat ribbon cables
Flachbandkabel n; Bandkabel n; Flachbandleitung f electr.
Flachbandkabel pl; Bandkabel pl; Flachbandleitungen pl
flatcable; ribbon cable; flat ribbon cable
flatcables; ribbon cables; flat ribbon cables
Fliegenstreifen m; Fliegenköderstreifen m; Fliegenpapier n; FliegenfÀnger m (klebriger Papierstreifen)
Fliegenstreifen pl; Fliegenköderstreifen pl; Fliegenpapiere pl; FliegenfÀnger pl
fly strip; fly ribbon; flypaper (sticky strip of paper)
fly strips; fly ribbons; flypapers
etw. bordieren; bördeln; verbrÀmen; mit einem Rand versehen v textil.
bordierend; bördelnd; verbrÀmend; mit einem Rand versehend
bordiert; gebördelt; verbrÀmt; mit einem Rand versehrn
etw. mit einem Band verbrÀmen; die Kante von etw. mit einem Band besetzen
to border sth.; to edge sth.
bordering; edging
bordered; edged
to edge sth. with a ribbon
Saumfarne pl (Pteris) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Bandförmiger Saumfarn m; GebÀnderter Saumfarn m (Pteris vittata)
Kretischer Saumfarn m (Pteris cretica)
brake ferns (botanical genus)
ladder brake fern; ladder brake; ladder fern
Cretan brake fern; Cretan brake; ribbon fern
NasenmurÀne f (Rhinomuraena quaesita) zool.
NasenmurÀne f (ausgewachsen) (Rhinomuraena quaesita) zool.
NasenmurÀne f (Jungtier) (Rhinomuraena quaesita) zool.
ghost ribbon eel; blue ribbon eel; black ribbon eel
blue ribbon eel; ghost ribbon eel
black ribbon eel; ghost ribbon eel
Lautsprecher m
Bandlautsprecher m
Facetten-Lautsprecher; Fassetten-Lautsprecher
mobiler Lautsprecher
vorderer Lautsprecher
hinterer Lautsprecher
loudspeaker; loud speaker; speaker
ribbon loudspeaker
multicellular loudspeaker; multicell loudspeaker
mobile loudspeaker
front speaker
rear speaker
Paradies-Elstern pl (Astrapia) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Blaubrust-Paradieselster f; Rothschild-Paradieselster f (Astrapia rothschildii)
Prachtparadieselster f (Astrapia splendidissima)
Prinzessin-Stephanie-Paradieselster f (Astrapia stephaniae)
Schwarzkehl-Paradieselster f; FĂ€cherparadieselster f (Astrapia nigra)
Seidenband-Paradieselster f; Schmalschwanz-Astrapia f (Astrapia mayeri)
astrapias (zoological genus)
Huon astrapia
splendid astrapia
Princess Stephanie's astrapia
Arfak astrapia
ribbon-tailed astrapia; Shaw Mayer's astrapia
Programm n comp.
Programme pl
absolutes Programm
ausfĂŒhrbares Programm comp.
diagnostisches Programm
Computerprogramm mit einer einzigen Befehlszeile
Blaues-Band-Programm n (auf Anhieb fehlerfrei)
program; programme Br.
absolute program
object program; executable
diagnostic program
blue-ribbon program (works properly on first try)
Lautsprecher m
Bandlautsprecher m
Leslie-Lautsprecher; Rotationslautsprecher
mobiler Lautsprecher
vorderer Lautsprecher
hinterer Lautsprecher
loudspeaker; loud speaker; speaker
ribbon loudspeaker
multicellular loudspeaker; multicell loudspeaker
Leslie speaker
mobile loudspeaker
front speaker
rear speaker
Programm n comp.
Programme pl
absolutes Programm
ausfĂŒhrbares Programm comp.
Blaues-Band-Programm n (auf Anhieb fehlerfrei)
Computerprogramm mit einer einzigen Befehlszeile
diagnostisches Programm
FehlerprĂŒfprogramm n
ein Programm unter Windows betreiben
program; programme Br.
absolute program
object program; executable
blue-ribbon program (works properly on first try)
diagnostic program
error checking program
to run a program in Windows
Webstuhl m; Webmaschine f; Webautomat m textil.
WebstĂŒhle pl; Webmaschinen pl; Webautomaten pl
Bandwebstuhl m; Bandstuhl m; Bandwebmaschine f
DĂŒsenwebmaschine f
Fangkettenstuhl m
Florwebmaschine f
Greiferwebmaschine f
Jacquardwebstuhl m; Jacquardmaschine f hist.
Lanzenwebstuhl m; Greiferwebstuhl m; Webmaschine mit Lanzenantrieb; Webmaschine mit Greifereintrag
Lanzenwebmaschine f mit zweiseitigen Greifern
Maschinenwebstuhl m
Musterwebstuhl m
Nadelstuhl m; Nadelmaschine f
Revolverwebmaschine f; Revolverwechselwebstuhl m
Revolver-Überspringer-Webmaschine f
SchĂŒtzenwebstuhl m
Webmaschine mit selbsttĂ€tigem Spulen-, Schlauchkops- oder SchĂŒtzenwechsel
den Webstuhl bespulen; mit Spulen versehen
weaving loom; loom
weaving looms; looms
ribbon loom; inkle loom; bar loom; smallware loom
loom with weft insertion by nozzles
chain tappet loom; double rib loom
loom for pile fabrics
loom with weft gripping device; loom with rigid gripper
Jacquard loom; Jacquard machine
rapier loom; rapier weaving machine
loom with bilateral rapiers
power loom
loom for sample weaving
needle loom; needling machine
loom with circular battery
loom with circular skip battery
loom with shuttles
loom with automatic bobbin, pirn, cop, or shuttle changing
to load the loom; to creel the bobbins

Deutsche Farbband Synonyme

Englische ribbon Synonyme

ribbon  Mystik tape  Scotch tape  X ray  actinic ray  actinism  adhesive tape  arch  atomic beam  atomic ray  band  bandage  bandeau  barrow  batten  bead  beam  beam of light  bejewel  belt  beribbon  bespangle  blue ribbon  boundary stone  brass  bust  cairn  cellophane tape  cenotaph  cloth tape  column  cordon  cordon bleu  cromlech  cross  cup  cyclolith  decoration  decoration of honor  diamond  dolmen  engrave  fascia  feather  figure  filigree  fillet  flag  flounce  flower  footstone  friction tape  gamma ray  garland  garter  gem  girdle  gleam  gold star  grand cordon  grave  gravestone  headstone  hoarstone  illuminate  infrared ray  inscription  invisible radiation  jewel  lath  leam  ligula  ligule  list  marker  masking tape  mausoleum  megalith  memento  memorial  memorial arch  memorial column  memorial statue  memorial stone  menhir  monolith  monument  mound  necrology  obelisk  obituary  order  ornament  paint  patch  pencil  photon  pillar  plank  plaque  plastic tape  plume  prize  pyramid  radiation  radiorays  ray  ray of light  red ribbon  reliquary  remembrance  riband  ribband  ribbon of light  rostral column  shaft  shred  shrine  slat  slip  solar rays  spangle  spill  spline  star  stela  stone  strake  strap  streak  stream  stream of light  streamer  strip  stripe  strop  stupa  tablet  taenia  tape  tape measure  tapeline  testimonial  ticker tape  tinsel  tomb  tombstone  tope  trophy  ultraviolet ray  violet ray  wreathe  

ribbon Definition

(n.) A fillet or narrow woven fabric, commonly of silk, used for trimming some part of a woman's attire, for badges, and other decorative purposes.
(n.) A narrow strip or shred
(n.) Same as Rib-band.
(n.) Driving reins.
(n.) A bearing similar to the bend, but only one eighth as wide.
(n.) A silver.
(v. t.) To adorn with, or as with, ribbons

ribbon Bedeutung

ribbon snake
Thamnophis sauritus
slender yellow-striped North American garter snake, prefers wet places
Western ribbon snake
Thamnophis proximus
yellow- or reddish-striped snake of temperate woodlands and grasslands to tropics
ribbon worm
proboscis worm
soft unsegmented marine worms that have a threadlike proboscis and the ability to stretch and contract
ribbon notion consisting of a narrow strip of fine material used for trimming
ribbon typewriter ribbon a long strip of inked material for making characters on paper with a typewriter
ribbon development building complex in a continuous row along a road
laurel wreath
an award for winning a championship or commemorating some other event
blue ribbon
cordon bleu
an honor or award gained for excellence
blue ribbon commission
blue ribbon committee
an independent and exclusive commission of nonpartisan statesmen and experts formed to investigate some important governmental issue
special jury
blue ribbon jury
a jury whose members are selected for special knowledge for a case involving complicated issues
any long object resembling a thin line, a mere ribbon of land, the lighted ribbon of traffic, from the air the road was a grey thread, a thread of smoke climbed upward
reed canary grass
gardener's garters
lady's laces
ribbon grass
Phalaris arundinacea
perennial grass of marshy meadows and ditches having broad leaves, Europe and North America
ribbon tree
ribbonwood Plagianthus regius
Plagianthus betulinus
deciduous New Zealand tree whose inner bark yields a strong fiber that resembles flax and is called New Zealand cotton
ribbon-leaved water plantain a variety of water plantain
ribbon fern Ophioglossum pendulum epiphytic fern with straplike usually twisted fronds of tropical Asia and Polynesia and America
grass fern
ribbon fern Vittaria lineata
epiphytic fern found in lowland forests of tropical America
ribbon fern
spider fern Pteris serrulata
fern of North Africa and Azores and Canary Islands
ribbon-shaped shaped in the form of a ribbon
selected or chosen for special qualifications, the blue-ribbon event of the season
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A ribbon or riband is a thin band of material, typically cloth but also plastic or sometimes metal, used primarily as decorative binding and tying. Cloth ribbons are made of natural materials such as silk, velvet, cotton, and jute and of synthetic materials, such as polyester, nylon, and polyproylene. Ribbon is used for innumerable useful, ornamental, and symbolic purposes. Cultures around the world use ribbon in their hair, around the body, and as ornamentation on non-human animals, buildings, and packaging. Some popular fabrics used to make ribbons are satin, organza, sheer, silk, velvet, and grosgrain.

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