
rose handle Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Schwengelpumpe f
Schwengelpumpen pl
rose-handle pump
rose-handle pumps
erledigen, handhaben
Geschäfte jeder Art erledigen
handle any sort of business
leichter zu handhaben
easier to handle
mit großen Geldbeträgen umgehen
handle large sums of money
mit Vorsicht zu handhaben
handle with care
Schadensfälle bearbeiten
handle claims
vorsichtig umgehen
handle with care
Alpenrose f, Almrose f Ös. bot.
alpine rose
Attasche f
attachment, handle attachment
Bandhenkel m, seitlicher Henkel
strap handle
Besenstiel m
Besenstiele pl
broomstick, broom handle
Brille f, Augengläser pl Ös.
rahmenlose Brille
Brille mit goldenem Gestell
Brille mit Drahtgestell
durch eine rosa Brille sehen übtr.
glasses, eyeglasses
rimless glasses, rimless mounting
gold-rimmed glasses
wire-rimmed glasses
to see things through rose-colored glasses
Drehgriff m
Drehgriffe pl
turning handle
turning handles
Eimerhenkel m
Einschlagheft n
folding handle
Fällgriff m
fell handle
Feilenheft n
Feilenhefte pl
file handle
file handles
Fensterrose f
rose window
Gelenkgriff m (für Schraubenschlüssel)
flex handle
Griff m, Handgriff m, Haltegriff m, Henkel m
Griffe pl, Handgriffe pl, Haltegriffe pl, Henkel pl
vorderer Handgriff
hinterer Handgriff
herausziehbarer Griff
handle, handhold
handles, handholds
front handle
rear handle
retractable handle
Hagebutte f (Frucht) bot.
Hagebutten pl
rosehip, rose hip
rose hips
Hagebuttentee m
rosehip tea, rose hip tea
Handgriff m
Handgriffe pl
handle bar
handle bars
Handkurbel f
crank handle
Hantel f
Haut f
Häute pl
reifere Haut
unreine Haut
die eigene Haut retten übtr.
aus der Haut fahren übtr.
mature skin
blemished skin
to save one's own skin, to save one's hide
to go up the wall, to fly off the handle
Heckenrose f, Hagebutte f bot.
dog rose
Henkel m
seitlicher Henkel
gezogener Henkel
einen Henkel ziehen
pulled handle
to pull a handle
Henkelattasche f
handle attachment
Hibiskus m, Roseneibisch m bot.
hibiscus, rose mallow
Kegelgriff m
tapered handle
Klappgriff m
Klappgriffe pl
hinged handle
hinged handles
Kletterrose f
rambler rose
Klinke f, Türklinke f
Kugelgriff m
spherical handle
Löffelstiel m
spoon handle
Messergriff n, Messerheft n
Messergriffe pl, Messerhefte pl
knife handle
knife handles
etw. auf die Reihe kriegen
to handle sth.
Röschen n
Röschen pl
little rose
little roses
Rose f bot.
Rosen pl
Rosenbeet n
Rosenbeete pl
rose bed
rose beds
Rosengarten m
Rosengärten pl
rose garden, rosary
rose gardens, rosaries
Rosengewächs n bot.
Rosengewächse pl
rose, rosaceous plant
roses, rosaceous plants
Rosenstock m bot.
Rosenstöcke pl
rose tree
rose trees
Samthandschuh m
Samthandschuhe pl
jdn. mit Samthandschuhen anfassen übtr.
velvet glove
velvet gloves
to handle sb. with kid gloves
Steckgriff m (starr, für Schlüssel) techn.
drive handle
Steckgriff m mit Gelenk (für Schlüssel) techn.
flex handle
Stiel m
Stiele pl
Teerose f
Teerosen pl
tea rose
tea roses
Totmannschaltung f, Totmanneinrichtung f
dead man's handle
Tragegriff m
carrying handle
Türdrücker m
Türdrücker pl
door handle
door handles
Türgriff m, Türklinke f
Türgriffe pl, Türklinken pl
doorhandle, door handle
doorhandles, door handles
Verschlussgriff m, Verschlußgriff m alt
bolt handle
Windrose f
Windrosen pl
wind rose
wind roses
altrosa adj
old rose
anfassen, handhaben, behandeln v
anfassend, handhabend, behandelnd
angefasst, gehandhabt, behandelt
fasst an, behandelt
fasste an, behandelte
vorsichtig behandeln
to handle
to handle with care
ansteigen, emporsteigen, anwachsen, aufsteigen, aufgehen, aufstehen, anschwellen, sich erheben
ansteigend, emporsteigend, anwachsend, aufsteigend, aufgehend, aufstehend, anschwellend, sich erhebend
angestiegen, emporgestiegen, angewachsen, aufgestiegen, aufgeht, aufgestiegen, angeschwollen, sich erhoben
to rise {rose, risen}
entstehen, entspringen, sichtbar werden v
entstehend, entspringend, sichtbar werdend
entstanden, entsprungen, sichtbar geworden
to rise {rose, risen}
das Wort ergreifen
das Wort ergreifend
das Wort ergriffen
ergreift das Wort
ergriff das Wort
to rise to speak
rising to speak
risen to speak
rises to speak
rose to speak
herausragen (über)
to rise {rose, risen} (above)
rosarot adj
rose, pink
steigen v
es steigt
es stieg
es ist
war gestiegen
to rise {rose, risen}
it rises
it rose
it has
had risen
verarbeiten, bedienen
verarbeitend, bedienend
verarbeitet, bedient
to handle
Der Himmel hängt ihm voller Geigen.
He sees things through rose-colored glasses.
Gift und Galle speien
to fly off the handle
Sie müssen ihn wie ein rohes Ei behandeln.
You must handle him with kid gloves.
Vorsicht! Glas!
Glass! Handle with care!
Malediven-Anemonenfisch m (Amphiprion nigripes) zool.
rose skunk (anemone) clown
Halsbandsittich m ornith.
Rose-ringed Parakeet (Psittacula krameri)
Rosenstar m ornith.
Rose-colored Starling (Pastor roseus)
Rosenwangenpapagei m ornith.
Rose-faced Parrot
Rotkopfsittich m ornith.
Rose-crowned Conure
Dickkopfbekarde f ornith.
Rose-throated Becard
Halsbandpiha ornith.
Rose-coloured Piha
Rosenschnäpper m ornith.
Rose Robin
Rosenbauchfink m ornith.
Rose-bellied Bunting
Rosenbrust-Kernknacker m ornith.
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Rosenkehltangare f ornith.
Rose-throated Tanager
Trupialtangare f ornith.
Rose-breasted Tanager
Rosenbauchgranatellus ornith.
Rose-breasted Chat
Felsengimpel m ornith.
Rose-breasted Rosefinch
Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot
Snow White and Rose Red
Armhebelarmaturen pl techn.
arm-operated single-handle fittings
alpine rose
crank handle
dog rose
door handle
verarbeiten, bedienen, behandeln, Griff
handle with care
rambler rose
rose hip
rose window
tea rose
aus der Haut fahren
to fly off the handle
to handle
to handle
to handle
vorsichtig behandeln
to handle with care
to rise (rose, risen)
to rise (rose, risen)
to rise (rose,risen)
sich erheben
to rise (rose,risen)
turning handle
wind rose
behandeln, umgehen mit
die Musik wurde lauter und schwächer
the music rose and fell
stand auf, erhob sich
rose liquor
Ware in Kommission nehmen
to handle goods on a consignment basis
handle (noun)
handle (+_ing)
Alpenrose f; Almrose f Ös. bot.
Alpenrosen pl; Almrosen pl
alpine rose
alpine roses
Andrehkurbel f
Andrehkurbeln pl
starting handle
starting handles
jdn. für etw. in Anspruch nehmen; jdn. bemühen etw. zu tun v soc.
in Anspruch nehmend; bemühend
in Anspruch genommen; bemüht
Bitte bemühen Sie sich nicht. Es geht schon.
Darf ich Sie um den Pfeffer bitten?
Dürfte ich Sie bitten das Fenster aufzumachen?
Dürfte ich Sie um die Uhrzeit bitten?
to trouble sb. for sth. to do sth.
Please don't trouble yourself. I can manage I can handle it.
May I trouble you for the pepper?
Could I trouble you to open the window please?
Could I trouble you for the time?
Attasche f
attachment; handle attachment
Außengriff m
Außengriffe pl
outer handle
outer handles
Axtstiel m; Axthelm m; Axtholm m
Axtstiele pl; Axthelme pl; Axtholme pl
axe handle; ax handle Am.
axe handles; ax handles
Bandhenkel m; seitlicher Henkel
strap handle
Bedienungsfreundlichkeit f
easiness to use; easiness to handle
Bedienungsgriff m
Bedienungsgriffe pl
operating handle
operating handles
Besenstiel m
Besenstiele pl
broomstick; broom handle
Bohrfräse f (Drechseln) techn.
Bohrfräsen pl
rose countersink (turning of wood)
rose countersinks
Brille f; Augengläser pl Ös.
randlose rahmenlose Brille; Randlosbrille f
Goldrandbrille f; Brille f mit goldener Fassung
Hornbrille f
Korrekturbrille f
Lesebrille f
Brille mit Metallfassung
optische Brille
durch eine rosa Brille sehen übtr.
Sie hat eine neue randlose Lesebrille.
glasses; eyeglasses; spectacles (formal); specs coll.
rimless glasses
gold-rimmed glasses
horn-rimmed glasses
correction glasses
(a pair of) reading glasses
wire-rimmed glasses
optical glasses
to see things through rose-colored glasses
She's got new rimless reading glasses.
Dateideskriptor m comp.
Dateideskriptoren pl
file handle
file handles
Dorn m poet. übtr.
Keine Rosen ohne Dornen.
Der Pastor ist dem Regime seit langem ein Dorn im Auge.
There is no rose without a thorn.
The pastor has long been a thorn in the side flesh of the regime
Ei n biol. agr. cook.
Eier pl
frische Landeier pl; Frischeier pl
faules Ei
gekochtes Ei
verlorene Eier; pochierte Eier
Russische Eier
ein Ei ausblasen
Sie müssen ihn wie ein rohes Ei behandeln. übtr.
egg; hen fruit Am. slang
farm fresh eggs
rotten egg
boiled egg
poached eggs (pouched eggs)
deviled eggs; eggs mimosa; Russian eggs
to blow an egg
You must handle him with kid gloves. fig.
Eimerhenkel m
Eimerhenkel pl
Entbindung f; Geburtsvorgang m; Geburt f; Gebären n; Niederkunft f poet.; Parturitio f med.
die Geburt erleichtern
die Geburt anregen
die Geburt einleiten
die Geburt leiten
bei der Geburt assistieren
Auslösung f der Geburt
gut schlecht auf die Geburt vorbereitet sein
Geburt auf natürlichem Wege
Geburt bei verengtem Becken
Geburt nach vorzeitigem Fruchtwasserabgang
Geburt nach dem Termin
Geburt in Längslage
Geburt in Querlage
Geburt in Schräglage
Geburt in Beckenendlage
delivery; labour; accouchement; parturition; childbirth; giving birth
to facilitate delivery
to stimulate labour
to induce labour
to manage delivery labour
to handle the delivery
onset of labour
to be well ill prepared for labour
delivery by way of natural maternal passages
contracted pelvis delivery
dry labour; xerotocia
post-term birth
longitudinal presentation
transverse presentation; cross-birth
oblique presentation
breech presentation
Fahrstraßenhebel m (Bahn)
Fahrstraßenhebel pl
route handle; route lever; key lever (railway)
route handles; route levers; key levers
Feilenheft n; Feilengriff m mach.
Feilenhefte pl; Feilengriffe pl
file handle
file handles
Funkhandgriff m (Teil eines Staubsaugers)
Funkhandgriffe pl
radio-control handle (vacuum cleaner component)
radio-control handles
Gelenkgriff m techn. (für Schraubenschlüssel)
Gelenkgriffe pl
flex handle
flex handles
Griff m; Handgriff m; Haltegriff m; Henkel m
Griffe pl; Handgriffe pl; Haltegriffe pl; Henkel pl
vorderer Handgriff
hinterer Handgriff
herausziehbarer Griff
handle; handhold
handles; handholds
front handle
rear handle
retractable handle
Griff m; Heft m
Griffe pl
haft; handle
hafts; handles
Grifflochtragetasche f; Grifflochtasche f; Deltatragetasche f; Deltatasche f; DKT-Tasche f
Grifflochtragetaschen pl; Grifflochtaschen pl; Deltatragetaschen pl; Deltataschen pl; DKT-Taschen pl
patch handle carrier bag; patch handle bag
patch handle carrier bags; patch handle bags
Grüße pl
Einen schönen Gruß an ...; Viele Grüße an ...
Viele Grüße; Herzliche Grüße (Briefschluss)
Sag ihr einen schönen Gruß!
mit freundlichen Grüßen MfG (Briefschluss) adm.
mit besten Grüßen (Briefschluss)
herzliche Grüße liebe Grüße (Briefschluss)
herzliche Grüße; mit herzlichen Grüßen (an) (Briefschluss vertraut)
mit kollegialen Grüßen
mit lieben Grüßen
Gruß und Kuss
Gruß und Kuss dein Julius. ugs.
jdm. Grüße übermitteln bestellen
Einen schönen Gruß an Ihre Frau!
Liebe Grüße auch an eure Kinder.
Give my regards to ...
best regards; kind regards; best wishes (letter closing line)
Give my regards to her!
Yours sincerely; Sincerely yours; Yours truly Am. (letter closing line)
With kind best regards; Kindest regards (letter closing line)
love; with love; best wishes (letter closing line)
Kind regards; Best regards (to) (letter closing line)
(With) collegial regards; Sincerely your colleague
fondest regards
love and kisses
Time to close go with love from Rose Joe. coll.
to pass on give (one's) regards best wishes to sb.
Please give my best regards to your wife!
Give my love to your children too.
Hagebutte f (Frucht) bot.
Hagebutten pl
rosehip; rose hip; rose haw
rose hips; rose haws
Hagebuttentee m
rosehip tea; rose hip tea
Haltegriff m (im oder am Fahrzeug) auto
Haltegriffe pl
assist handle; grab handle
assist handles; grab handles
Hammerhandgriff m anat.
handle manubrium of the malleus
Handbohrer m; Nagelbohrer m; Schneckenbohrer m; Zimmermannsbohrer m (Zimmerei)
Handbohrer pl; Nagelbohrer pl; Schneckenbohrer pl; Zimmermannsbohrer pl
glatter Bohrer
Bohrer mit Ringgriff (früher: Nagelbohrer)
wimble; gimlet (carpentry)
wimbles; gimlets
plain gimlet
twist gimlet; gimlet with ring handle
Handhabe f (gegen)
handle (against)

Deutsche Schwengelpumpe {f} / Schwengelpumpen {pl} Synonyme

Englische rose-handle pump Synonyme

rose handle Definition

(n.) The red, or corn, poppy.
(n.) Red poppy. See Cop-rose.
(n.) A common European wild rose, with single pink or white flowers.
(n.) Same as Guelder-rose.
(a.) Turned round like a crook, or bent to and fro.
(v. t.) To touch
(v. t.) To manage in using, as a spade or a musket
(v. t.) To accustom to the hand
(v. t.) To receive and transfer
(v. t.) To deal with
(v. t.) To treat
(v. t.) To manage
(v. t.) To use or manage in writing or speaking
(v. i.) To use the hands.
(n.) That part of vessels, instruments, etc., which is held in the hand when used or moved, as the haft of a sword, the knob of a door, the bail of a kettle, etc.
(n.) That of which use is made
Provence rose
() The cabbage rose (Rosa centifolia).
Provence rose
() A name of many kinds of roses which are hybrids of Rosa centifolia and R. Gallica.
(imp.) of Rise
() imp. of Rise.
(n.) A flower and shrub of any species of the genus Rosa, of which there are many species, mostly found in the morthern hemispere
(n.) A knot of ribbon formed like a rose
(n.) A rose window. See Rose window, below.
(n.) A perforated nozzle, as of a pipe, spout, etc., for delivering water in fine jets
(n.) The erysipelas.
(n.) The card of the mariner's compass
(n.) The color of a rose
(n.) A diamond. See Rose diamond, below.
(v. t.) To render rose-colored
(v. t.) To perfume, as with roses.
(a.) Having the color of a pink rose
(a.) Uncommonly beautiful
(a.) Cut flat on the reverse, and with a convex face formed of triangular facets in rows
(a.) Having a pink color like that of the rose, or like the pigment called rose pink. See Rose pink, under Rose.
(a.) Disposed to clothe everything with roseate hues
(a.) Red as a rose
(n.) A name of several English gold coins struck in different reigns and having having different values
Rose water
() Water tinctured with roses by distillation.
(a.) Having the odor of rose water

rose handle Bedeutung

razor clam
jackknife clam
marine clam having a long narrow curved thin shell
rose chafer
rose bug
Macrodactylus subspinosus
common North American beetle: larvae feed on roots and adults on leaves and flowers of e.g. rose bushes or apple trees or grape vines
rose chafer rose beetle
Cetonia aurata
a common metallic green European beetle: larvae feed on plant roots and adults on leaves and flowers of e.g. roses
ax handle
axe handle
the handle of an ax
broom handle
the handle of a broom
crank handle
starting handle
crank used to start an engine
grip handgrip
the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it, he grabbed the hammer by the handle, it was an old briefcase but it still had a good grip
hoe handle the handle of a hoe
mop handle the handle of a mop
rake handle the handle of a rake
rose bed
bed of roses
a flower bed in which roses are growing
rose garden a garden for growing roses
rose water perfume consisting of water scented with oil of roses
rose window
circular window filled with tracery
threeentered arch
basket-handle arch
a round arch whose inner curve is drawn with circles having three centers
wind rose weather map showing the frequency and strength of winds from different directions
a dusty pink color
old rose a greyish-pink color
a large bushy moustache (with hair growing sometimes down the sides of the mouth)
spare tire
love handle
excess fat around the waistline
rose apple fragrant oval yellowish tropical fruit used in jellies and confections
blush wine
pink wine
rose wine
pinkish table wine from red grapes whose skins were removed after fermentation began
William Rose Benet
United States writer, brother of Stephen Vincent Benet (-)
Lee Gypsy Rose Lee
Rose Louise Hovick
United States striptease artist who became famous on Broadway in the s (-)
Christmas rose
winter rose
black hellebore Helleborus niger
European evergreen plant with white or purplish rose-like winter-blooming flowers
lenten rose
black hellebore Helleborus orientalis
slightly hairy perennial having deep green leathery leaves and flowers that are ultimately purplish-green
impala lily
mock azalia
desert rose
kudu lily
Adenium obesum
Adenium multiflorum
South African shrub having a swollen succulent stem and bearing showy pink and white flowers after the leaves fall, popular as an ornamental in tropics
periwinkle rose periwinkle
Madagascar periwinkle
old maid Cape periwinkle
red periwinkle
cayenne jasmine
Catharanthus roseus
Vinca rosea
commonly cultivated Old World woody herb having large pinkish to red flowers
rose bay Nerium oleander
an ornamental but poisonous flowering shrub having narrow evergreen leaves and clusters of fragrant white to pink or red flowers: native to East Indies but widely cultivated in warm regions
crape jasmine
crepe jasmine
crepe gardenia
pinwheel flower
East Indian rosebay
Adam's apple
Nero's crown
coffee rose
Tabernaemontana divaricate
tropical shrub having glossy foliage and fragrant nocturnal flowers with crimped or wavy corollas, northern India to Thailand
mullein pink
rose campion
gardener's delight
dusty miller Lychnis coronaria
an old cottage garden plant of southeastern Europe widely cultivated for its attractive white woolly foliage and showy crimson flowers
rose moss
sun plant
Portulaca grandiflora
widely cultivated in many varieties for its fleshy moss-like foliage and profusion of brightly colored flowers
rose of Jericho resurrection plant Anastatica hierochuntica small grey Asiatic desert plant bearing minute white flowers that rolls up when dry and expands when moist
cotton rose cudweed filago any plant of the genus Filago having capitate clusters of small woolly flower heads
bog rose
wild pink dragon's mouth
Arethusa bulbosa
a bog orchid with usually a solitary fragrant magenta pink blossom with a wide gaping corolla, Canada
cliff rose
sea pink
Armeria maritima
tufted thrift of seacoasts and mountains of north temperate zone, occasionally grown as a ground cover
musk mallow mus rose
Malva moschata
erect Old World perennial with faintly musk-scented foliage and white or pink flowers, adventive in United States
rose mallow Alcea rosea
Althea rosea
plant with terminal racemes of showy white to pink or purple flowers, the English cottage garden hollyhock
rose mallow swamp mallow
common rose mallow
swamp rose mallow
Hibiscus moscheutos
showy shrub of salt marshes of the eastern United States having large roseolored flowers
cotton rose Confederate rose
Confederate rose mallow
Hibiscus mutabilis
Chinese shrub or small tree having white or pink flowers becoming deep red at night, widely cultivated, naturalized in southeastern United States
China rose Chinese hibiscus
Rose of China
shoeblack plant
shoe black
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
large showy Asiatic shrub or small tree having large single or double red to deeped flowers
rose of Sharon
Hibiscus syriacus
Asiatic shrub or small shrubby tree having showy bell-shaped rose or purple or white flowers and usually three-lobed leaves, widely cultivated in temperate North America and Europe
marsh pink
rose pink
bitter floom
American centaury
Sabbatia stellaris
Sabbatia Angularis
any of several pink-flowered marsh plant of the eastern United States resembling a true centaury
rose apple
rose-apple tree
Eugenia jambos
tropical tree of the East Indies cultivated for its edible fruit
rose gum
Eucalypt grandis
very tall tree of Queensland and New South Wales
rose chestnut
ironwood ironwood tree Mesua ferrea
handsome East Indian evergreen tree often planted as an ornamental for its fragrant white flowers that yield a perfume, source of very heavy hardwood used for railroad ties
rockrose rock rose small shrubs of scrub and dry woodland regions of southern Europe and North Africa, grown for their showy flowers and soft often downy and aromatic evergreen foliage
sun rose
any plant of the genus Helianthemum, vigorous plants of stony alpine meadows and dry scrub regions
rockrose rock rose any of numerous varieties of helianthemums having small rose-like yellow or white or reddish flowers
rush rose
Helianthemum scoparium
woody yellow-flowered perennial of southeastern United States
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129 Bewertungen 5


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See List of Rosa species