
taxed at source Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

endbesteuert adj fin.
endbesteuerte Erträge pl
taxed-at-source income
etw. endbesteuern; quellenbesteuern v fin.
endbesteuerte Zinsen
to tax sth. at source; to tax sth. under PAYE Br.
interest taxed at source
deduction at source
address source
beständige Ursache von Reibungen
constant source of friction
dauerhafte Einkommensquelle
perpetual source of income
source of earnings
money source
key source
source of supply
Unterhaltsquelle, Quelle des Lebensunterhalts
source of livelihood
Unterhaltsquelle, Quelle des Lebensunterhalts
source of subsistence
Abbildungsbreite f, Klangkörperausdehnung f (Akustik)
apparently source width, auditory source width
Absenderkennung f
source identifier
Ausgangssprache f
source language
Bezugsquelle f, Lieferquelle f
source of supply
Bezugsquelle f
supplier, buying source
Brandherd m
Brandherde pl
source of fire
sources of fire
Datenquelle f
Datenquellen pl
data origin, data source
data origins, data sources
Einkommensteuer f, Einkommenssteuer f
Einkommensteuer einbehalten
gestaffelte Einkommensteuer
income tax
to deduct income tax at source
graduated income tax
Einnahmequelle f (des Staates)
source of revenue
Einnahmequelle f
source of income
Emission f
Emissionen pl
punktuelle Emissionen
diffuse Emissionen
point source emissions
non-point source emissions
Energiequelle f
energy source
Energieträger m
source of energy, energy carrier
Ergiebigkeit f
source function
Erwerbsquelle f
Erwerbsquellen pl
source of income
sources of income
Fehlerquelle f
source of error, source of trouble
Fundgrube f
Fundgruben pl
rich source
rich sources
Geldquelle f
Geldquellen pl
source of capital
sources of capital
Gewährsmann m
informant, source
Gewerbeabfall m, Gewerbeabfälle pl
Gewerbeabfall zur Verwertung
commercial waste, waste collected from a commercial source
commercial waste to be re-used
Hauptquelle f
Hauptquellen pl
key source, main source
key sources, main sources
Herkunftsangabe f
indication of source
Informationsquelle f
information source
Inspirationsquelle f, Impulsgeber m
source of inspiration
Lichtquelle f
source of light
Literaturquelle f
reference, literature source
Originalbeleg m
source document
Portierung f (eines Computerprogrammes) comp.
porting, transferring (of source code)
Primärbibliothek f
source library
Primäre Informationsquelle f
chief source of information
Primärprogramm n comp.
source program
Quelle f, Quell m
heiße Quellen
source, spring
hot springs
Quelle f, Ursprung m
Quellen pl
aus zuverlässiger Quelle
aus sicherer Quelle
aus guter Quelle
eine Quelle erschließen
die Quelle allen Ãœbels
an der Quelle sitzen
from a reliable source
from a trustworthy source
on good authority
to develop a source, to exploit a source
the root of all evil
to be well-placed
Quellcode m
source code
Quelle-Senke-Abstand m
source-drain spacing
Quellenkarte f
source map
Quellenmaterial n
source material
Quellensteuer f
tax at source, withholding tax
Quellgebiet n, Quellflüsse pl
headwater, source region
Quellprogramm n comp.
Quellprogramme pl
source program
source programs
Quelltext m comp.
source code
Räumlichkeit f (Akustik)
spaciousness, early spacial impression, auditory source width
Reibungsfläche f übtr.
source of friction
Rohstoffquelle f
Rohstoffquellen pl
source of raw materials
sources of raw materials
Seitenquelltext m comp.
website source code
Spannungsquelle f
voltage source
Spiegelschallquelle f (Akustik)
source image model
Ãœbersetzungsrechner m
source computer
Unterlieferant m
second source
Urquell m
primary source
Ursprung m
Ursprungsdaten pl
source data
Verwendungsnachweis m
source and disposition statement, where-used list
Wärmequelle f
heat source
Zündquelle f
Zündquellen pl
source of ignition
sources of ignition
beschuldigen, bezichtigen v
beschuldigend, bezichtigend
beschuldigt, bezichtigt
to tax
besteuern v
to tax
besteuert, steuerlich belastet adj
to have its source
versteuern v
to tax, to pay tax on
taxing, paying tax on
taxed, paid tax on
Ich habe es aus guter Quelle.
I have it from a good source.
have its source
heat source
Ich habe es aus guter Quelle
i have it from a good source
rich source
second source
source-drain spacing
source computer
source data
source document
source identifier
source language
source library
source material
source of capital
source of income
source program
besteuertem, besteuerte
voltage source
Ursprung, Quelle
Abbildungsbreite f; Klangkörperausdehnung f (Akustik)
apparently source width; auditory source width
Abzugspflicht f
deduction at source
Adressenquelle f
Adressenquellen pl
address source
address sources
Alarmanlage f; Alarmeinrichtung f; Alarmsystem n
Alarmanlagen pl; Alarmeinrichtungen pl; Alarmsysteme pl
Autoalarmanlage f auto.
Punktquellen-Alarmsystem n
alarm equipment; alarm device; alarm installation; alarm system
alarm equipments; alarm devices; alarm installations; alarm systems
car alarm device; car alarm system
point source alarm system
Ausgangssprache f ling.
Ausgangssprachen pl
source language
source languages
unter Berufung auf etw.
unter Berufung auf eine Informationsquelle
unter Berufung auf Artikel 15 der Charta
unter Berufung auf die Nichteinhaltung der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen kündigen
referring to sth.; basing one's argument on sth.
citing a source of information
invoking article 15 of the Charter
to give notice on the grounds of non-compliance with the statutory requirements
Bezugsquelle f; Lieferquelle f
Bezugsquellen pl; Lieferquellen pl
source of supply
sources of supply
eine Bezugsquelle für etw. ausfindig machen v
eine Bezugsquelle für Teppiche ausfindig machen
to source sth.; to source a supply of sth.
to source a supply of carpet
Bezugsquelle f
Bezugsquellen pl
supplier; buying source
suppliers; buying sources
Datenquelle f
Datenquellen pl
data origin; data source
data origins; data sources
Einkommensteuer f; Einkommenssteuer f
Einkommensteuer einbehalten
gestaffelte Einkommensteuer
income tax
to deduct income tax at source
graduated income tax
Einnahmequelle f (des Staates) pol. fin.
Einnahmequellen pl
neue Einnahmequellen erschließen
source of revenue; revenue stream
sources of revenue; revenue streams
to tap new sources of revenue; to tap into fresh revenue streams
Einnahmequelle f econ.
Einnahmequellen pl
sich neue Einnahmequellen erschließen
source of income; source of funding; income stream
sources of income; sources of funding; income streams
to tap new sources of income funding; to tap into new income streams
Emissionsquelle f; Emittent m envir.
Emissionsquellen pl; Emittenten pl
source of emission; emitter
sources of emission; emitters
Endbesteuerung f; Quellenbesteuerung f; Abzugsbesteuerung f fin.
taxation at source; taxation under PAYE Br.
Energiequelle f
Energiequellen pl
alternative Energiequellen
energy source
energy sources
alternative energy sources
Energieträger m
source of energy; energy carrier
Erzlagerstätte f; Erzlager n min.
Erzlagerstätten pl; Erzlager pl
ore deposit; source of ore
ore deposits; sources of ore
Fehlerquelle f
Fehlerquellen pl
source of error; source of trouble
sources of error; sources of trouble
Finanzierungsmöglichkeit f fin.
source of finance
Fundstelle f (Veröffentlichungsort)
mit weiteren Nachweisen (bei Quellenangaben) jur.
der Titel der Verordnung und die Fundstelle im Bundesgesetzblatt
Die Veröffentlichung der Fundstellen im Amtsblatt bedeutet nicht dass die neuen Normen in allen Amtssprachen verfügbar sind.
publication reference; publication source
with further references (when citing sources)
the title of the Regulation and it's publication reference in the Federal Law Gazette
Publication of the references in the Official Journal does not mean that the new standards are available in all official languages.
Funkenionenquelle f electr.
Funkenionenquellen pl
spark discharge ion source
spark discharge ion sources
Gesamtsystemanbieter m econ. (für)
Gesamtsystemanbieter pl
single-source supplier; single-source provider (for)
single-source suppliers; single-source providers
Gewährsmann m; Quelle f; geheimer Informant m
Gewährsmänner pl; Quellen pl; geheime Informanten pl
source; secret informant
sources; secret informants
Gewerbeabfall m; Gewerbeabfälle pl
Gewerbeabfall zur Verwertung
commercial waste; waste collected from a commercial source
commercial waste to be re-used
Gruppenbesteuerung f fin.
für eine Gruppenbesteuerung optieren
group taxation
to elect to be taxed as a group
Halbleiteroszillator m
Halbleiteroszillatoren pl
solid-state source
solid-state sources
Hauptquelle f
Hauptquellen pl
key source; main source
key sources; main sources
Informationsquelle f
primäre Informationsquelle
information source
chief source of information
Inspirationsquelle f; Impulsgeber m
Inspirationsquellen pl; Impulsgeber pl
source of inspiration
sources of inspiration
Kodename m; Deckname m
Kodenamen pl; Decknamen pl
ein Einsatz mit dem Kodenamen 'Buffy'
Er arbeitete als Informant der Polizei unter dem Decknamen 'George".
code name
code names
a mission code-named 'Buffy'
He worked as a police source under the code name 'George'.
LED-Quelle f
LED-Quellen pl
LED source
LED sources
Lastwiderstand m; Quellenwiderstand m; Innenwiderstand m electr.
load source intrinsic internal resistance
Lichtquelle f
Lichtquellen pl
source of light
sources of light
Literaturquelle f
reference; literature source
Materialverwendungsnachweis m (SAP) econ.
source and disposition statement; where-used list (SAP)
Objektsprache f; Objektkode m (Sprache in die ein Quellprogramm übersetzt wird) comp.
object language; object code; target language; target code (language into which a source program is translated)
Open Source Software f; quelloffene Software f comp.
open source software OSS
Originalbeleg m
Originalbelege pl
source document
source documents
Punktquelle f
Punktquellen pl
point source
point sources
Quelle f; Quell m
heiße Quellen
source; spring
hot springs
Quelle f; Ursprung m
Quellen pl
aus zuverlässiger Quelle
aus sicherer Quelle
aus guter Quelle
eine Quelle erschließen
die Quelle allen Ãœbels
an der Quelle sitzen
from a reliable source
from a trustworthy source
on good authority
to develop a source; to exploit a source
the root of all evil
to be well-placed
Quellenabzug m fin.
deduction Br. withholding Am. (of tax) at source
Quellenkarte f
Quellenkarten pl
source map
source maps
Quellenmaterial n
Quellenmaterialien pl
source material
source materials
Quellenprinzip n fin.
principle of levying taxes by deduction at source
Quellenstaat m fin.
Quellenstaaten pl
die Steuer des Quellenstaats auf die inländische Steuer anrechnen
source country; country state of source
source countries; countries states of source
to credit the tax of the source state against the national tax
Quellensteuer f; Abzugsteuer f; Abgeltungssteuer f fin.
Quellensteuern pl; Abzugsteuern pl; Abgeltungssteuern pl
Abzugsteuervorschriften pl
Abzugsteuer auf Dividenden
Befreiung von der Quellensteuer Abzugsteuer
von der Quellensteuer Abzugsteuer ausgenommen sein
einer Quellensteuer Abzugsteuer unterliegen
quellensteuerpflichtiges Einkommen
Quellensteuern Abzugsteuern werden erhoben.
tax at source; tax (deducted) at the source state; withholding tax
taxes at source; taxes at the source state; withholding taxes
withholding rules
withholding tax on dividends
exemption from withholding tax
to be exempt from the withholding requirement
to be subject to withholding tax
income subject to withholding tax
rate of tax at source
Taxes are deducted at source. Withholding taxes are levied.
Quellgebiet n; Quellflüsse pl
headwater; source region
Quellschüttung f; Schüttung f einer Quelle (austretende Wassermenge)
yield of a source; yield of a spring
Quellstärke f; Stärke f einer Strahlungsquelle (Kerntechnik) techn.
source strength; source intensity (nuclear engineering)
Räumlichkeit f (Akustik)
spaciousness; early spacial impression; auditory source width
Schadgasquelle f
Schadgasquellen pl
pollution gas source
pollution gas sources
Seitenquelltext m einer Webseite comp.
website source code
Spannungsquelle f
voltage source; voltage supply

Deutsche endbesteuert {adj} [fin.] / endbesteuerte Erträge {pl} Synonyme

Englische taxed-at-source Synonyme

taxed at source Definition

(n.) The act of rising
(n.) The rising from the ground, or beginning, of a stream of water or the like
(n.) That from which anything comes forth, regarded as its cause or origin
(imp. & p. p.) of Tax

taxed at source Bedeutung

light source
any device serving as a source of illumination, he stopped the car and turned off the lights
source a facility where something is available
source of illumination any device serving as a source of visible electromagnetic radiation
ultraviolet lamp
ultraviolet source
any source of illumination that emits ultraviolet radiation
anything that provides inspiration for later work
source language a language that is to be translated into another language
source code program instructions written as an ASCII text file, must be translated by a compiler or interpreter or assembler into the object code for a particular computer before execution
source book a collection of historically important documents published together as a book
source program a program written in a language from which statements are translated into machine language
source a document (or organization) from which information is obtained, the reporter had two sources for the story
source materials publications from which information is obtained
reference source a publication (or a passage from a publication) that is referred to, he carried an armful of references back to his desk, he spent hours looking for the source of that quotation
the place where something begins, where it springs into being, the Italian beginning of the Renaissance, Jupiter was the origin of the radiation, Pittsburgh is the source of the Ohio River, communism's Russian root
point source a concentrated source (especially of radiation or pollution) that is spatially constricted
quasi-stellar radio source
a starlike object that may send out radio waves and other forms of energy, many have large red shifts
radio source an object that radiates radio waves
anything (a person or animal or plant or substance) in which an infectious agent normally lives and multiplies, an infectious agent depends on a reservoir for its survival
someone who originates or causes or initiates something, he was the generator of several complaints
a person who supplies information
passive source an informant who is not assigned to obtain specific intelligence but who routinely passes on whatever information he or she has
source (technology) a process by which energy or a substance enters a system, a heat source, a source of carbon dioxide
source specify the origin of, The writer carefully sourced her report
source get (a product) from another country or business, She sourced a supply of carpet, They are sourcing from smaller companies
open-source of or relating to or being computer software for which the source code is freely available
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