
ticket Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Fahrkarte, Flugschein, Eintrittskarte
Schein, Zettel
Strafmandat n
job ticket
Tageskarte f
day ticket
Buskarte f techn.
bus ticket
free ticket
Laufkarte für die Fertigung
move ticket
Freibillett n
free ticket
Kartenverkauf m
ticket sale
Streckenkarte f
zone ticket
free ticket
order ticket
Bahnkarte f
train ticket
Fahrkarte lösen
buy a ticket
extra ticket
ticket office
weekly ticket
Schalter m, Fahrkartenschalter m (im Bahnhof)
ticket window
am round-trip ticket
return ticket
am round
return ticket
return ticket
season ticket
am one way ticket
single ticket
ticket office
ticket reader
Kinokarte f
cinema ticket
Inhaber m eines Fahrausweises; Fahrscheininhaber m transp. adm.
ticket holder
railway ticket
luggage ticket
luggage ticket
one way ticket
ticket machine
ticket offices
weekend ticket
circular ticket
Gabelflugticket n
open-jaw ticket
discount ticket
eine Fahrkarte kaufen
to buy a ticket
transfer ticket
ticket collector
Billet n, Billett n
Billets pl, Billetts pl
Fahrschein m
Fahrscheine pl
Netzkarte f (Verkehr)
runaround ticket
admission ticket
Billet n; Billett n
Billets pl; Billetts pl
Strafmandat n
Strafmandate pl
cloak room ticket
commutation ticket
supplementary ticket
Dauerkarteninhaber m; Inhaber m von Dauerkarten
season ticket holder
Schalterfenster n
wicket, ticket-window
correspondence ticket
Entwerter m techn.
ticket canceller Br.
Tageskarte f
Tageskarten pl
day ticket
day tickets
Kassenschluss m
ticket office closing time
Pfandschein m
Pfandscheine pl
pawn ticket
pawn tickets
Zonenfahrkarte f
Zonenfahrkarten pl
zone ticket
zone tickets
Kartenschwarzhändler m; Kartenschwarzhändlerin f
Kartenschwarzhändler pl; Kartenschwarzhändlerinnen pl
ticket tout
ticket touts
Schalterhalle f (Verkehrsmittel) transp.
Schalterhallen pl
ticket hall
ticket halls
Kombikarte f
Kombikarten pl
Verbundkarte f, Verbundfahrkarte f
Verbundkarten pl, Verbundfahrkarten pl
Parkstrafe f; Parkbusse f Schw. auto adm.
parking fine; parking ticket
Verbundkarte f; Verbundfahrkarte f
Verbundkarten pl; Verbundfahrkarten pl
Wägekarte f
Wägekarten pl
scale ticket
scale tickets
Dauerkarte f
Dauerkarten pl
season ticket
season tickets
Etikettenleser m
Etikettenleser pl
ticket reader
ticket readers
Kartenausgabestelle f, Fahrkartenausgabe f
Kartenausgabestellen pl, Fahrkartenausgaben pl
ticket office
ticket offices
Saisonkarte f
Saisonkarten pl
season ticket
season tickets
Zehnerkarte f
Zehnerkarten pl
ticket of ten
tickets of ten
Zirkuskarte f
Zirkuskarten pl
circus ticket
circus tickets
Kartenausgabestelle f; Fahrkartenausgabe f
Kartenausgabestellen pl; Fahrkartenausgaben pl
ticket office
ticket offices
Schalter m; Fahrkartenschalter m (im Bahnhof)
Schalter pl; Fahrkartenschalter pl
ticket window
ticket windows
Ticketsystem n
Ticketsysteme pl
ticket system
ticket systems
Veranstaltungskasse f; Kasse f; Kassa f Ös.
Veranstaltungskassen pl; Kassen pl; Kassaen pl
ticket window
ticket windows
Lotterielos n
Lotterielos n
lottery ticket
raffle ticket
Tombolalos n
Tombolalose pl
raffle ticket
raffle tickets
Kartenvorverkaufsstelle f
Kartenvorverkaufsstellen pl
ticket agency
ticket agencies
Einheitsliste n
single list, single ticket Am.
Fahrkartenautomat m
Fahrkartenautomaten pl
ticket machine
ticket machines
Sonntagsfahrkarte f
Sonntagsfahrkarten pl
weekend ticket
weekend tickets
Theaterkarte f
Theaterkarten pl
theatre ticket
theatre tickets
auspreisen v
to ticket
Einheitsliste n
single list; single ticket Am.
Schwarzfahren v
traveling without a valid ticket
Wochenendfahrkarte f
Wochenendfahrkarten pl
weekend ticket
weekend tickets
Lottoschein m
Lottoscheine pl
lottery ticket
lottery tickets
Einheitsliste f
single list; single ticket Am.
Fahrkartenautomat m transp.
Fahrkartenautomaten pl
ticket machine
ticket machines
Lotterielos n; Glücksspiellos n
Lotterielose pl; Glücksspiellose pl
lottery ticket
lottery tickets
Tippzettel m
Tippzettel pl
lottery ticket
lottery tickets
Gepäckaufbewahrungsschein m
luggage ticket; cloak room ticket
Umsteigebillett n
Umsteigebillette pl
transfer ticket
transfer tickets
Gabelflugticket n aviat.
Gabelflugtickets pl
open-jaw ticket
open-jaw tickets
Umsteigefahrkarte f; Umsteigebillett n
Umsteigefahrkarten pl; Umsteigebillette pl
transfer ticket
transfer tickets
Eintrittskarte f, Einlasskarte f
Eintrittskarten pl, Einlasskarten pl
admission ticket
admission tickets
Eintrittskarte f; Einlasskarte f
Eintrittskarten pl; Einlasskarten pl
admission ticket
admission tickets
Fahrscheinkontrolleur m; Fahrkartenkontrolleur m; Fahrscheinkontrollor m Ös.; Schwarzkappler m Ös. ugs.
Fahrscheinkontrolleure pl; Fahrkartenkontrolleure pl; Fahrscheinkontrollore pl; Schwarzkappler pl
ticket inspector
ticket inspectors
angeklebter Strafzettel für Verkehrssünden, Knöllchen n
ticket, traffic ticket, speeding ticket
Strafmandat; Strafzettel ugs.; (gebührenpflichtige) Verwarnung adm.; Knöllchen n ugs.; Organmandat n Ös. adm; Organstrafverfügung f Ös. adm.; Polizeibusse f Schw. adm.; Bussenzettel m Schw. ugs.
Schnellfahrstrafe f; Schnellfahrstrafmandat n
ticket; traffic ticket
speeding ticket
Strafmandat; Strafzettel ugs.; (gebührenpflichtige) Verwarnung adm.; Knöllchen n ugs.; Organmandat n Ös. adm.; Organstrafverfügung f Ös. adm.; Polizeibusse f Schw. adm.; Bussenzettel m Schw. ugs.
Schnellfahrstrafe f; Schnellfahrstrafmandat n
ticket; traffic ticket
speeding ticket
Losnummer f
ticket number, lottery number, lot number
Schalterhalle f (Verkehrsmittel) transp.
Schalterhallen pl
Schalterhalle mit Fahrausweisverkauf
ticket hall
ticket halls
booking hall
Tombolagewinn m (für die Besucher einer geschlossenen Veranstaltung)
door prize (on an admission ticket) Am.
Freilos n
Freilose pl
free lottery ticket
free lottery tickets
Flugscheinnummer f
Flugscheinnummern pl
flight ticket number
flight ticket numbers
Jahresnetzkarte f; Jahreskarte f; Generalabonnement n Schw. transp. adm.
Jahresnetzkarten pl; Jahreskarten pl; Generalabonnements pl
yearly season ticket
yearly season tickets
Stehplatzkarte f
Stehplatzkarten pl
standing room ticket
standing room tickets
Bahnsteigkarte f (Bahn)
Bahnsteigkarten pl
platform ticket (railway)
platform tickets
Dauerkarte f (Veranstaltungsreihe) art sport
Dauerkarten pl
season ticket (event series)
season tickets
Fahrausweisverkäufer m; Beamter am Fahrkartenschalter m; Einnehmer m Schw. (Bahn)
booking clerk; ticket-issuing clerk (railway)
Umsteigekarte f
Umsteigekarten pl
correspondence ticket
correspondence tickets
Wertmarke f
Wertmarken pl
stamp, ticket, token
stamps, tickets, tokens
Wertmarke f
Wertmarken pl
stamp; ticket; token
stamps; tickets; tokens
Schalterfenster n
Schalterfenster pl
wicket; ticket-window
wickets; ticket-windows
Rubbellos n
Rubbellose pl
lottery scratch ticket
lottery scratch tickets
Abholschein m
pick-up slip; collection voucher; collection ticket
Bahnfahrkarte f, Eisenbahnfahrkarte f, Zugfahrkarte f
Bahnfahrkarten pl, Eisenbahnfahrkarten pl, Zugfahrkarten pl
rail ticket, train ticket
rail tickets, train tickets
Flugticket n, Flugschein m
Flugtickets pl, Flugscheine pl
air ticket, flight ticket
air tickets, flight tickets
Bahnfahrkarte f; Eisenbahnfahrkarte f; Zugfahrkarte f; Bahnkarte f
Bahnfahrkarten pl; Eisenbahnfahrkarten pl; Zugfahrkarten pl; Bahnkarten pl
rail ticket; train ticket
rail tickets; train tickets
Flugticket n; Flugschein m
Flugtickets pl; Flugscheine pl
air ticket; flight ticket
air tickets; flight tickets
Garderobenmarke m
Garderobenmarken pl
cloakroom ticket, check Am.
cloakroom tickets, checks
Bahnsteigkartenautomat m (Bahn)
Bahnsteigkartenautomaten pl
platform ticket machine (railway)
platform ticket machines
Preisgestaltung f; Preisfestsetzung f; Preisfestlegung f; Preisfindung f econ.
Fahrpreisgestaltung f
pricing; price setting; price determination
ticket pricing
Schalterdrucker m für Fahrausweise (Bahn)
Schalterdrucker pl für Fahrausweise
ticket-printing machine (railway)
ticket-printing machines
Bahnhofsschaffner m (Bahn)
Bahnhofsschaffner pl
station ticket collector (railway)
station ticket collectors
Essenmarke f, Essensmarke f, Essensbon m, Essenscoupon m, Essensgutschein m
Essenmarken pl, Essensmarken pl, Essensbons pl, Essenscoupons pl, Essensgutscheine pl
luncheon voucher, meal ticket
luncheon vouchers, meal tickets
Haltestelle f; Station f (Baulichkeit) transp.
Haltestellen pl; Stationen pl
Fahrscheinautomaten in der U-Bahn-Station
ticket machines at the underground station
Kartenvorverkauf m
advance ticket sale, advance sale of tickets, booking of tickets
Kartenvorverkauf m
advance ticket sale; advance sale of tickets; booking of tickets
Rabattmarke f
Rabattmarken pl
trading stamp, discount ticket
trading stamps, discount tickets
Rabattmarke f
Rabattmarken pl
trading stamp; discount ticket
trading stamps; discount tickets
Störfallmeldung f (eines Computersystemnutzers) comp.
trouble ticket; ticket (incident report by a computer system user)
Gepäckschein m
Gepäckscheine pl
luggage receipt, luggage ticket
luggage receipts, luggage tickets
Sammelfahrschein m
Sammelfahrscheine pl
group ticket, collective ticket
group tickets, collective tickets
Gepäckschein m
Gepäckscheine pl
luggage receipt; luggage ticket
luggage receipts; luggage tickets
Sammelfahrschein m; Gruppenfahrschein m
Sammelfahrscheine pl; Gruppenfahrscheine pl
group ticket; collective ticket
group tickets; collective tickets
Eintrittskarte f, Ticket n, Karte f
Eintrittskarten pl, Tickets pl, Karten pl
elektronisches Ticket
zwei Eintrittskarten für das Fußballspiel
electronic tickets
two tickets for the soccer game
Freikarte f
Freikarten pl
complimentary ticket, free ticket
complimentary tickets, free tickets
Zeitkarte f
Zeitkarten pl
commutation ticket, season ticket
commutation tickets, season tickets

Deutsche Fahrkarte Flugschein Eintrittskarte Synonyme

Billett  (schweiz.)  ÂEintrittskarte  ÂFahrausweis  ÂFahrkarte  ÂFahrschein  ÂKarte  ÂTicket  ÂVoucher  
Flugschein  ÂFlugticket  ÂTicket  
Flugschein  Flugticket  Ticket  

Englische ticket Synonyme

ticket  Australian ballot  Indiana ballot  Massachusetts ballot  OK  absentee ballot  admission  affidavit  allowance  attestation  authority  authorization  baggage check  ballot  bill of health  billhead  blanket ballot  book stamp  bookplate  brand  broad arrow  cachet  card  cashiering  certificate  certificate of proficiency  certification  charter  check  choice  colophon  conge  consent  counter  counterfoil  countermark  coupon  credential  deposal  deposition  diploma  discharge  disemployment  dismissal  dispensation  displacing  docket  drumming out  earmark  firing  forced separation  furloughing  government mark  government stamp  hallmark  hat check  imprint  key  label  layoff  leave  letterhead  liberty  license  lineup  list  logo  logotype  long ballot  masthead  navicert  nonpartisan ballot  notarized statement  note  office-block ballot  okay  open sesame  party emblem  party-column ballot  pass  password  patent  permission  permission to enter  pink slip  plate  price tag  proxy  registered trademark  release  removal  retirement  running head  running title  sample ballot  scrip  seal  sheepskin  short ballot  sigil  signet  slate  slip  slug  special permission  split ticket  stamp  sticker  straight ticket  stub  surplusing  suspension  sworn statement  tab  tag  tally  testamur  testimonial  the ax  the boot  the bounce  the gate  the sack  ticket of admission  title page  token  trade name  trademark  trademark name  visa  vise  vote  voucher  vouchsafement  waiver  walking papers  warrant  warranty  witness  

ticket Definition

(v.) A small piece of paper, cardboard, or the like, serving as a notice, certificate, or distinguishing token of something.
(v.) A little note or notice.
(v.) A tradesman's bill or account.
(v.) A certificate or token of right of admission to a place of assembly, or of passage in a public conveyance
(v.) A label to show the character or price of goods.
(v.) A certificate or token of a share in a lottery or other scheme for distributing money, goods, or the like.
(v.) A printed list of candidates to be voted for at an election
(v. t.) To distinguish by a ticket
(v. t.) To furnish with a tickets
Tyburn ticket
() A certificate given to one who prosecutes a felon to conviction, exempting him from certain parish and ward offices.

ticket Bedeutung

split ticket a ballot cast by a voter who votes for candidates from more than one party
straight ticket a ballot cast by a voter who votes for all the candidates of one party
box office
ticket office
ticket booth
the office where tickets of admission are sold
ticket window a window through which tickets are sold (as from a ticket booth)
just the ticket
the appropriate or desirable thing, this car could be just the ticket for a small family
ticket book a book of tickets that can be torn out and used
slate ticket a list of candidates nominated by a political party to run for election to public offices
meal ticket
luncheon voucher
coupon redeemable at a restaurant and entitling the holder to a meal
ticket a commercial document showing that the holder is entitled to something (as to ride on public transportation or to enter a public entertainment)
commutation ticket
season ticket
a ticket good for several trips or to attend a season of entertainments, sold at a reduced rate
plane ticket
airplane ticket
a ticket good for a trip on an airplane
railroad ticket
train ticket
a ticket good for a ride on a railroad train
theater ticket
theatre ticket
a ticket good for admission to a theater
bus ticket a ticket good for a ride on a bus
round-trip ticket
return ticket
a ticket to a place and back (usually over the same route)
ticket stub
a torn part of a ticket returned to the holder as a receipt
ticket a summons issued to an offender (especially to someone who violates a traffic regulation)
speeding ticket a ticket issued for driving above the speed limit
parking ticket a ticket issued for parking in a restricted place
ticket-of-leave a permit formerly given to convicts allowing them to leave prison under specific restrictions
a label written or printed on paper, cardboard, or plastic that is attached to something to indicate its owner, nature, price, etc.
ticket line a queue of people waiting to buy tickets
ticket agent
booking clerk
someone who sells tickets (e.g., theater seats or travel accommodations)
ticket holder holder of a ticket (for admission or for passage)
ticket collector
ticket taker
someone who is paid to admit only those who have purchased tickets
tout ticket tout someone who buys tickets to an event in order to resell them at a profit
meal ticket a source of income or livelihood
pawn ticket a pawnbroker's receipt for articles taken as security
ticket provide with a ticket for passage or admission, Ticketed passengers can board now
issue a ticket or a fine to as a penalty, I was fined for parking on the wrong side of the street, Move your car or else you will be ticketed!
very expensive, big-ticket items like cars and furs, a big-ticket government program
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Ticket or tickets may refer to: