
tower Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

starker Rückhalt
bell tower
sich türmen
to tower up
radio tower
tower block
water tower
Wohnturm m; Wohnbergfried m arch. hist.
tower house
Eiffelturm m
Eiffel tower
Stellwerk n
signal tower
Gloverturm m chem.
Glover tower
Abschlussmast m
terminal tower
Turm m
Türme pl
turmhoch adj
high as a tower
high as a tower
television tower
Elfenbeinturm m übtr.
ivory tower fig.
Laugeturm m
caustic wash tower
Heuturm m agr.
Heutürme pl
hay tower
hay towers
Turmventillator m; Säulenventillator m
Turmventillatoren pl; Säulenventillatoren pl
tower fan
tower fans
Turmventilator m; Säulenventilator m
Turmventilatoren pl; Säulenventilatoren pl
tower fan
tower fans
Glockenturm m
Glockentürme pl
bell tower
bell towers
Westturm m
Westtürme pl
west tower
west towers
Reiter-Stellwerk n
gantry-style signal tower
Funkturm m
Funktürme pl
radio tower
radio towers
Turmuhr f
Turmuhren pl
tower clock
tower clocks
Wasserturm m
Wassertürme pl
water tower
water towers
Uhrturm m; Uhrenturm m arch.
Uhrtürme pl; Uhrentürme pl
clock tower
clock towers
Eckturm m techn. (Bekohlung)
Ecktürme pl
corner tower
corner towers
überragen, hinausragen (über)
to tower above, to overtower
Bürohochhaus n; Bürogebäude n
Bürohochhäuser pl; Bürogebäude pl
office tower
office towers
Kontrollturm m
Kontrolltürme pl
control tower
control towers
Kühlturm m
Kühltürme pl
cooling tower
cooling towers
Gittermastturm m
Gittermasttürme pl
lattice tower
lattice towers
Aussichtsturm m
Aussichtstürme pl
lookout tower
lookout towers
Turmbau zu Babel (biblische Erzählung) relig.
Tower of Babel (biblical story)
Betonturm m
Betontürme pl
concrete tower
concrete towers
Erkerturm m; Erkertürmchen n; Tourelle f arch.
Erkertürme pl; Erkertürmchen pl; Tourellen pl
Turm mit Ecktürmchen m arch.
turreted tower
Erkerturm m; Erkertürmchen n; Tourelle f arch.
Erkertürme pl; Erkertürmchen pl; Tourellen pl
Turm m mit Ecktürmchen arch.
turreted tower
Fernsehturm m
Fernsehtürme pl
television tower
television towers
Lampenhaus n (eines Leuchtturms) naut.
lantern room (of a lighthouse tower)
Trockenturm m
Trockentürme pl
absorption tower
absorption towers
ragen, emporragen, hochragen, herausragen (aus)
ragend, emporragend, hochragend, herausragend
geragt, emporgeragt, hochgeragt, herausgeragt
to tower (above)
Wohnturm m
Wohntürme pl
residential tower
residential towers
sich auftürmen, sich erheben v (über, bis)
sich auftürmend, sich erhebend
sich aufgetürmt, sich erhoben
to tower (above, to)
Sprungturm m mil. (Luftlandetruppe)
Sprungtürme pl
jump tower (airborne troops)
jump towers
Glockenturm m arch.
Glockentürme pl
bell tower; belfry
bell towers; belfries
Stahlrohrturm m
Stahlrohrtürme pl
tubular steel tower
tubular steel towers
Stubengelehrte m; Stubengelehrter (veraltend)
Stubengelehrten pl; Stubengelehrte
ivory tower scholar
ivory tower scholars
Sprungrichterturm m (Skispringen) sport
Sprungrichtertürme pl
judges tower (ski jumping)
judges towers
Stubengelehrte m; Stubengelehrter veraltend
Stubengelehrten pl; Stubengelehrte
ivory tower scholar
ivory tower scholars
Fluchtturm m; Fluchtsystem n (Raumfahrt)
Fluchttürme pl; Fluchtsysteme pl
flight tower (astronautics)
flight towers
Katzausleger m (eines Turmkrans) techn.
Katzausleger pl
trolley jib (of a tower crane)
trolley jibs
Nadelausleger m (eines Turmkrans) techn.
Nadelausleger pl
luffing jib (of a tower crane)
luffing jibs
Pisa n (Stadt in Italien) geogr.
der Schiefe Turm von Pisa geogr.
Pisa (city in Italy)
the Leaning Tower of Pisa
Startturm m (Raumfahrt)
Starttürme pl
launching tower (astronautics)
launching towers
Wippausleger-Turmkran m constr.
Wippausleger-Turmkrane pl
luffing-jib tower crane
luffing-jib tower cranes
Zwiebelturm m arch.
Zwiebeltürme pl
onion dome, onion tower
onion domes, onion towers
Zwiebelturm m arch.
Zwiebeltürme pl
onion dome; onion tower
onion domes; onion towers
Küstenbohrturm m
Küstenbohrtürme pl
offshore drill rig tower
offshore drill rig towers
Kirchturm m; Kirchenturm m arch.
Kirchtürme pl; Kirchentürme pl
spitzer Kirchturm; Spitzturm m
church tower
church towers
steeple tower; steeple
Monierzange f techn.
tower pliers; tower pincers (for cutting wire netting)
Beregnungsturm m; Regnerturm m ugs. agr.
Beregnungstürme pl; Regnertürme pl
overhead irrigation tower
overhead irrigation towers
Abspannmast m
Abspannmasten pl
span pole, dead-end tower
span poles, dead-end towers
Wachturm m
Wachtürme pl
watchtower, lookout tower
watchtowers, lookout towers
Abspannmast m
Abspannmasten pl
span pole; dead-end tower
span poles; dead-end towers
Wachturm m
Wachtürme pl
watchtower; lookout tower
watchtowers; lookout towers
Felsturm m; Felszinne f geol.
Felstürme pl; Felszinnen pl
rock tower; natural tower
rock towers; natural towers
Funkturm m; Antennenturm m telco.
Funktürme pl; Antennentürme pl
radio tower; antenna tower
radio towers; antenna towers
Türmer m; Turmwächter m; Turmbläser m hist.
Türmer pl; Turmwächter pl; Turmbläser pl
tower watchman; tower warder
tower watchmen; tower warders
Turmkran m constr.
Turmkrane pl
monotower crane; tower crane
monotower cranes; tower cranes
(jdm.) eine große Stütze sein; ein Fels in der Brandung sein; wie ein Fels in der Brandung stehen v übtr.
to be a pillar of strength; to be a tower of strength (for sb.)
'Lied des Verfolgten im Turm' (von Mahler Werktitel) mus. mus.
'Song of the persecuted man in the tower' (by Mahler work title)
Förderturm m min.
Fördertürme pl
shaft tower; production derrick
shaft towers; production derricks
Startturm (Raketenstartplatz) (Raumfahrt) m
Starttürme pl
launch tower (rocket launch complex) (astronautics)
launch towers
Versorgungsturm m (Raketenstartplatz) (Raumfahrt)
Versorgungstürme pl
supply tower (rocket launch complex) (astronautics)
supply towers
Stahlgittermast m (Seilbahn)
Stahlgittermasten pl
lattice steel tower; pylon (cableway)
lattice steel towers; pylons
Aussichtsturm m
Aussichtstürme pl
observation tower, lookout tower
observation towers, lookout towers
Aussichtsturm m
Aussichtstürme pl
observation tower; lookout tower
observation towers; lookout towers
Wehrturm m arch.
Wehrtürme pl
defensive tower; fortified tower
defensive towers; fortified towers
Rektifikationskolonne f chem. techn.
Rektifikationskolonnen pl
stripping column; stripping tower
stripping columns; stripping towers
Fernmeldeturm m telco.
Fernmeldetürme pl
telecommunications tower
telecommunications towers; telecommunication towers
Glockenturm m arch.
Glockentürme pl
freistehender Glockenturm; Kampanile m; Campanile m
bell tower; belfry
bell towers; belfries
freestanding bell tower; campanile
Windkraftturm m; Windradturm m
Windkrafttürme pl; Windradtürme pl
wind turbine tower; wind energy tower
wind turbine towers; wind energy towers
Kühlturmtasse f mach.
Kühlturmtassen pl
cooling tower basin; cooling tower pond
cooling tower basins; cooling tower ponds
Pendelturm m; Pendelstütze f (Kabelkran)
Pendeltürme pl; Pendelstützen pl
pendulum tower; pendulum support (cable crane)
pendulum towers; pendulum supports
Turmfördermaschine f min.
Turmfördermaschinen pl
tower-type winder; tower-mounted winder
tower-type winders; tower-mounted winders
Uhrglasnägel pl med.
hour-glass nails; watch-glass nails; watch-crystal nails; tower nails; hippocratic nails
Derrikkran m; Turmkran m constr.
Derrikkrane pl; Turmkrane pl
derrick tower gantry; building tower crane
derrick tower gantries; building tower cranes
Turmkran m; Derrickkran m constr.
Turmkrane pl; Derrickkrane pl
derrick tower gantry; building tower crane
derrick tower gantries; building tower cranes
Stellwerksgebäude n (Bahn)
Stellwerksgebäude pl
signal box building Br.; switch tower Am. (railway)
signal box buildings; switch towers
Fernmeldeturm m telco.
Fernmeldetürme pl
telecommunication tower; telecommunications tower
telecommunication towers; telecommunications towers
Obendreher m; Obendreherkran m; obendrehender Turmkran m constr.
Obendreher pl; Obendreherkrane pl; obendrehender Turmkrane pl
top lewing crane; tower crane revolving at the top
top lewing cranes; tower cranes revolving at the top
Turm m arch.
Türme pl
Beobachtungsturm m
Eckturm m
Turm mit Satteldach
Treppenturm m
Vierungsturm m
observation tower
corner tower
gabled tower
staircase tower; stair turret
crossing tower
seilverankert; (mit Seilen) verspannt; mit Seilverspannung (nachgestellt); abgespannt adj constr. techn.
verspannter Derrickkran; Derrick mit Seilverspannung
abgespannter Gittermast electr.
abgespannter Mast
abgespannter Turm (küstennahe Ölbohrungen)
guyed-mast derrick; guyed derrick
guyed lattice
guyed pole; guyed mast
guyed tower (offshore drilling)
weit nach oben ragend; hochragend; hoch emporragend geh. adj
eine weit nach oben ragende Halle
ein hochragender Turm
hoch emporragende Berge
in luftigen Höhen
lofty; towering
a lofty hall; a towering hall
a lofty tower
lofty mountains; towering mountains
in lofty heights
Destillationskolonne f chem. techn.
Destillationskolonnen pl
distillation column; distilling column; distillation tower
distillation columns; distilling columns; distillation towers
Vorbeiflug m; Vorüberflug m (an etw.) astron. aviat.
am Flugkontrollturm vorbeifliegen
Der Komet flog nahe an der Sonne vorbei.
fly-by; pass (of sth. past sth.)
make a fly-by past the airport control tower
The comet made a close fly-by pass of the sun.
Mobilfunkmast m; Funkmast m; Handymast m telco.
Mobilfunkmasten pl; Funkmasten pl; Handymasten pl
mobile phone mast Br.; mobile phone tower Br. cellphone tower Am.
mobile phone masts; mobile phone tower cellphone towers
abstürzen v (am Berg, von einem Turm, Gerüst usw.)
von einem Überhang abstürzen
tödlich abstürzen; zu Tode stürzen
to fall {fell; fallen} (on the mountain, off a tower, scaffold etc.)
to fall off an overhang
to fall to death
Hochhaus n arch.
Hochhäuser pl
Sie lebt in einem Hochhaus mit Blick auf den Fluss.
high-rise building; high rise; tower block
high-rise buildings; high rises; tower blocks
She lives in a high rise overlooking the river.
Abtriebssäule f; Abtreibsäule f; Abstreifsäule f; Abstreifer m (oft fälschlich: Abtreibkolonne, Abstreifkolonne) chem. techn.
Abtriebssäulen pl; Abtreibsäulen pl; Abstreifsäulen pl; Abstreifer pl
Kerosinabscheider m
stripping tower; stripping column; column stripper; stripper
stripping towers; stripping columns; column strippers; strippers
kerosene stripper
Bohrturm m
Bohrtürme pl
drilling derrick; wellhead; boring tower; boring trestle; drill tower; drill rig
drilling derricks; wellheads; boring towers; boring trestles; drill towers; drill rigs
Fördergerüst n min.
headframe; headgear; headsticks; headstocks; headtree; headwork; shaft framework; shaft tower; pit frame; pit top; pithead frame; pithead gear; hoist frame; gallows frame
Untendreher m; Untendreherkran m; untendrehender Turmkran m constr.
Untendreher pl; Untendreherkrane pl; untendrehender Turmkrane pl
bottom lewing crane; tower crane with rotating base; tower crane revolving at the base
bottom lewing cranes; tower cranes with rotating base; tower cranes revolving at the base
Turmdrehkran m; Hammerkran m constr.
Turmdrehkrane pl; Hammerkrane pl
ausfahrbarer Turmdrehkran
revolving slewing tower crane; tower turret slewing crane; hammer-head crane
revolving slewing tower cranes; tower turret slewing cranes; hammer-head cranes
self-erecting building tower crane
jdn. etw. (eindrucksvoll) überragen; über etw. ragen; über etw. thronen übtr. v
überragend; über ragend; über thronend
überragt; über geragt; über gethront
Er überragt alle seine Klassenkameraden.
Eine Gebirgswand überragt das Tal des Kyzyl Suu Flusses.
Wolkenkratzer ragen über die Stadt.
to loom; to tower above over sth.
looming; towering above over
loomed; towered above over
He towers over all his classmates.
A wall of mountains looms above over the valley of the Kyzyl Suu River.
Skyscrapers loom over the city.
Rektifiziersäule f; Rektifizierkolonne f; Rektifikationssäule f; Rektifikationskolonne f chem. techn.
Rektifiziersäulen pl; Rektifizierkolonnen pl; Rektifikationssäulen pl; Rektifikationskolonnen pl
Überflutung einer Rektifikationssäule
rectifying column; rectification column; fractionating column; fractionation column; fractional column; fractionating tower
rectifying columns; rectification columns; fractionating columns; fractionation columns; fractional columns; fractionating towers
flooding of a fractionating column
Internet-Fundstelle f; Fundstelle f; Treffer m; Suchergebnis n comp.
Internet-Fundstellen pl; Fundstellen pl; Treffer pl; Suchergebnisse pl
Es gibt 1.500 Fundstellen zu für "Tower Bridge".
Alle diese Internet-Fundstellen stammen von wissenschaftlichen Webseiten.
Bei einer Internetsuche erhält man nur wenige Treffer zu diesem Namen.
Bessere Suchergebnisse erhält man wenn man den vollständigen Suchbegriff eingibt.
(Internet) search result; hit
search results; hits
There are 1 500 search results for "Tower Bridge".
All the Internet search results were obtained from scientific web sites.
An internet search returns yields only few hits for this name.
Better search results are obtained if the full search term is entered.
Internet-Fundstelle f; Fundstelle f; Treffer m; Suchergebnis n comp.
Internet-Fundstellen pl; Fundstellen pl; Treffer pl; Suchergebnisse pl
Es gibt 1.500 Fundstellen zu für „Tower Bridge“.
Alle diese Internet-Fundstellen stammen von wissenschaftlichen Webseiten.
Bei einer Internetsuche erhält man nur wenige Treffer zu diesem Namen.
Bessere Suchergebnisse erhält man, wenn man den vollständigen Suchbegriff eingibt.
(Internet) search result; hit
search results; hits
There are 1,500 search results for "Tower Bridge".
All the Internet search results were obtained from scientific web sites.
An internet search returns yields only few hits for this name.
Better search results are obtained if the full search term is entered.
hallen; schallen v (an einem Ort)
hallend; schallend
gehallt; geschallt
Unsere Schritte hallten auf dem Metallsteg.
Lachen hallte über den See (herüber).
Das Läuten des Glockenturms hallt schallt durch die Stadt.
Dieses Pfeifsignal hallt immer noch in meinen Ohren.
Die Warnung meiner Mutter klang in meinen Ohren.
to echo; to resound; to resonate; to reverberate (in a place)
echoing; resounding; resonating; reverberating
echoed; resounded; resonated; reverberated
Our footsteps echoed on the metal catwalk.
Laughter echoed across the lake.
The bell tower's ring resounds reverberates through the town.
That whistle still echoes resonates in my ears.
My mother's warning echoed in my ears head.
Signalstellwerk n; Weichenstellwerk n; Stellwerk n (Bahn)
Signalstellwerke pl; Weichenstellwerke pl; Stellwerke pl
Ablaufstellwerk n
Ablaufstellwerk n mit Ablaufspeicherung
Befehlsstellwerk n
Drucktastenstellwerk n; Dr-Stellwerk n
Einzelbedienungshebelstellwerk n; Einzelhebelstellwerk n; Stellwerk mit Einzelbedienung (von Weichen und Signalen)
Einzeltastenrangierstellwerk n; Stellwerk mit Einzelbedienungstasten
elektrisches Stellwerk
elektrisches Stellwerk mit Einzelbedienungshebeln; elektrisches Stellwerk mit Einzelbedienung (der Weichen und Signale)
elektrohydraulisches Stellwerk
elektromechanisches Stellwerk
elektronisches Stellwerk ESTW
elektropneumatisches Stellwerk; Elektrodruckluftstellwerk n
Fahrstraßenstellwerk n mit Teilabschnittsbedienung
Kraftstellwerk n
mechanisches Stellwerk
rechnergesteuertes Relaisstellwerk n; rechnergestütztes Relaisstellwerk n; Hybridstellwerk n
Rechnerstellwerk n
Reiterstellwerk n
Relaisstellwerk n; Stellwerk mit elektrischen Verschlüssen
Relaisstellwerk n mit abschnittsweiser Fahrstraßenauflösung
Relaisstellwerk n mit Einzelbedienungshebeln
Spurplan-Drucktasten-Stellwerk n; Sp-Dr-Stellwerk
Stahlkugelrangierstellwerk n; Rangierstellwerk n mit Weichenumstellung über Stahlkugeln
Stellwerk mit Fahrstraßenhebeln
Stellwerk mit frei beweglichen Bedienungshebeln; Stellwerk mit freien Ein- und Ausfahrhebeln
Stellwerk mit Gleisbedienungshebeln
Stellwerk mit statischen Bauteilen
Zentralstellwerk n; Streckenstellwerk n; Fernstellwerk n Schw.
signal box Br.; signal cabin Br.; interlocking cabin Br.; signal tower Am.; switch tower Am.; interlocking tower Am. (railway)
signal boxes; signal cabins; interlocking cabins; signal towers; switch towers; interlocking towers
yard signal box Br.; hump control cabin Br.; hump control tower Am.
programmable route-setting box
master signal box Br.; master signal tower Am.
signal box Br. signal tower Am. with push-button route-setting
signal box with individual levers Br.; signal tower with individual switch control Am.
push-button signal box Br.; signal cabin with individual push-button control Br.; push-button signal tower Am.; switch tower with individual push-button control Am.
all-electric interlocking cabin Br.; all-electric interlocking signal tower Am.
signal box with individual electric levers Br.; signal tower with individual electric switches Am.
hydroelectric signal box Br.; hydroelectric signal tower Am.
electromechanical signal box Br.; electromechanical signal tower Am.
electronic signal box Br.; electronic signal tower Am.
electropneumatic signal box Br.; electropneumatic signal tower Am.
signal box Br. signal tower Am. with route-setting
power-operated signal box Br.; power-operated signal tower Am.
mechanical interlocking cabin Br.; mechanical interlocking tower Am.
computer-controlled relay interlocking; computer-controlled all-relay interlocking
computerized signal box Br.; computerized signal tower Am.
bridge signal box Br.; gantry-style signal box Br.; bridge switch tower Am.
all-relay interlocking box Br.; all-relay interlocking tower Am.; all-relay interlocking
all-relay interlocking with sectional route release
all-relay interlocking box with individual control switches Br.; all-relay interlocking tower with individual control switches Am.
push-button and track-diagram signal box Br.; push-button and track-diagram signal tower Am.
marshalling yard cabin using steel-ball humping machine Br.; marshalling yard tower using steel-ball humping machine
route-lever signal box Br.; route-lever signal tower Am.
free switch signal box Br. signal tower Am.; entrance-exit free-lever signal cabin Br. switch tower Am.; N-X type free lever signal cabin Br. switch tower Am.
signal box Br. signal tower Am. with individual track switches
solid state interlocking signal box Br.; solid state interlocking signal tower Am.; solid state interlocking SSI
traffic control office; CTC office

Deutsche Turm Synonyme


Englische tower Synonyme

tower  Texas tower  acropolis  antenna tower  architecture  arise  ascend  barbican  bastion  beachhead  beacon  bedrock  belfry  bell tower  belvedere  bench mark  bleachers  blockhouse  blossom  bookmark  brew  bridge  bridgehead  building  bulk  bulk large  bunker  burgeon  buss the clouds  cairn  campanile  castle  catstone  champion  citadel  colossus  column  come up  conning tower  construct  construction  court  cupola  curl upwards  defender  derrick  develop  dome  donjon  dungeon  edifice  erection  establishment  exceed  fabric  fasthold  fastness  fire tower  flourish  fort  fortress  foundation  gallery  garrison  garrison house  gather  gazebo  germinate  go up  grandstand  grow  grow up  hold  house  hypertrophy  increase  keep  landmark  lantern  levitate  lighthouse  lightship  lookout  loom  loom large  loophole  mansion  mark  marker  martello  martello tower  mast  mature  menhir  milepost  milestone  minaret  monument  mote  motte  mount  mushroom  obelisk  observation post  observation tower  observatory  outgrow  outlook  outsoar  outstrip  overdevelop  overgrow  overlook  overtop  packaged house  pagoda  palace  palais  palatial residence  palazzo  patron  patroness  peanut gallery  peel  peel tower  peephole  pharos  pilaster  pile  pillar  pillbox  pinnacle  platform  pole  post  prefab  prefabrication  prison  procreate  protector  protectress  pullulate  pylon  pyramid  rath  rear  rear up  reproduce  ringside  ringside seat  rise  rise above  rise up  rock  safehold  safekeeper  seamark  shaft  shoot up  sighthole  skyscraper  soar  spiral  spire  spring up  sprout  sprout up  stand on tiptoe  stand out  stand up  standpipe  steeple  strong point  stronghold  structure  stupa  superstructure  surge  swarm up  sweep up  television mast  thrive  top gallery  tope  tour  tower above  tower of strength  tower over  transcend  turret  up  upgo  upgrow  upheave  uprise  upshoot  upspear  upspin  upspring  upsprout  upstream  upsurge  upswarm  
tower above  best  bestraddle  bestride  better  bulk  bulk large  cap  clear  command  dominate  exceed  excel  go one better  improve on  look down upon  loom  loom large  outsoar  outstrip  outtop  outweigh  overarch  overbalance  overbear  overcome  overlook  overpass  overshadow  overtop  perfect  predominate  preponderate  prevail  rear  rise above  soar  stand out  surmount  surpass  top  tower  tower over  transcend  trump  
towering  Atlantean  Brobdingnagian  Cyclopean  Gargantuan  Herculean  Homeric  Olympian  abysmal  aerial  airy  altitudinous  ascending  aspiring  astronomic  august  burning  colossal  consuming  cracking  crashing  distinguished  dizzy  dominating  elephantine  elevated  eminent  enormous  epic  ethereal  exalted  excessive  exorbitant  extraordinary  extravagant  extreme  famous  fantastic  fiery  giant  giantlike  gigantic  glorious  godlike  great  haughty  heroic  high  high-pitched  high-reaching  high-set  high-up  huge  immense  immoderate  imposing  impressive  incomparable  infinite  inordinate  intemperate  intense  jumbo  lauded  lofty  magnanimous  magnificent  majestic  mammoth  massive  mighty  mind-blowing  monster  monstrous  monumental  mortal  mountainous  mounting  noble  outstanding  outtopping  overlooking  overpowering  overtopping  overwhelming  paramount  passionate  preeminent  prodigious  profound  prominent  renowned  sky-high  skyscraping  soaring  spiring  steep  stupendous  sublime  superb  superior  superlative  supernal  supreme  surpassing  tall  titanic  topless  toplofty  topping  towery  transcendent  tremendous  ultimate  unconscionable  undue  unequally  unmatchable  unmatched  unmeasurable  unparalleled  unrestrained  unsurpassable  unsurpassed  uplifted  upreared  vast  vehement  violent  

tower Definition

Conning tower
(n.) The shot-proof pilot house of a war vessel.
Martello tower
() A building of masonry, generally circular, usually erected on the seacoast, with a gun on the summit mounted on a traversing platform, so as to be fired in any direction.
(n.) A mass of building standing alone and insulated, usually higher than its diameter, but when of great size not always of that proportion.
(n.) A projection from a line of wall, as a fortification, for purposes of defense, as a flanker, either or the same height as the curtain wall or higher.
(n.) A structure appended to a larger edifice for a special purpose, as for a belfry, and then usually high in proportion to its width and to the height of the rest of the edifice
(n.) A citadel
(n.) A headdress of a high or towerlike form, fashionable about the end of the seventeenth century and until 1715
(n.) High flight
(v. i.) To rise and overtop other objects
(v. t.) To soar into.
Water tower
() A large metal pipe made to be extended vertically by sections, and used for discharging water upon burning buildings.

tower Bedeutung

bell tower a tower that supports or shelters a bell
church tower the tower of a church
clock tower a tower with a large clock visible high up on an outside face
CN Tower a tower in Toronto, feet tall for broadcasting widely
conning tower a raised bridge on a submarine, often used for entering and exiting
conning tower an armored pilothouse on a warship
control tower a tower with an elevated workspace enclosed in glass for the visual observation of aircraft around an airport
cooling tower a cooling system used in industry to cool hot water (by partial evaporation) before reusing it as a coolant
Eiffel Tower a wrought iron tower meters high that was constructed in Paris in , for many years it was the tallest man-made structure
fire tower a watchtower where a lookout is posted to watch for fires
tower block
tower consisting of a multistoried building of offices or apartments, `tower block' is the British term for `highise'
Leaning Tower
Leaning Tower of Pisa
a tall round marble campanile in Pisa that is not perpendicular, construction was begun in
observation tower
lookout station
a structure commanding a wide view of its surroundings
martello tower a circular masonry fort for coastal defence
mooring tower
mooring mast
a tower for mooring airships
Sears Tower a skyscraper built in Chicago in , feet tall
shot tower tower of a kind once used to make shot, molten lead was poured through a sieve and dropped into water
signal box
signal tower
a building from which signals are sent to control the movements of railway trains
supporting tower a tower that serves to support something
tower a structure taller than its diameter, can stand alone or be attached to a larger building
Tower of Babel
(Genesis :-) a tower built by Noah's descendants (probably in Babylon) who intended it to reach up to heaven, God foiled them by confusing their language so they could no longer understand one another
Tower of London a fortress in London on the Thames, used as a palace and a state prison and now as a museum containing the crown jewels
Tower of Pharos a great lighthouse ( feet high) built at Alexandria in BC
a powerful small boat designed to pull or push larger ships
water tower a large reservoir for water
ivory tower a state of mind that is discussed as if it were a place, he lived in the ivory tower of speculation, they viewed universities as ivory towers
tower of strength
pillar of strength
a person who can be relied on to give a great deal of support and comfort
tower cress tower mustard Arabis turrita European cress having stiff erect stems, sometimes placed in genus Turritis
tower mustard tower cress Turritis glabra
Arabis glabra
or genus Arabis: erect cress widely distributed throughout Europe
column tower
anything that approximates the shape of a column or tower, the test tube held a column of white powder, a tower of dust rose above the horizon, a thin pillar of smoke betrayed their campsite
predominate hulk
appear very large or occupy a commanding position, The huge sculpture predominates over the fountain, Large shadows loomed on the canyon wall
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A tower is a tall structure, taller than it is wide, often by a significant margin. Towers are distinguished from masts by their lack of guy-wires and are therefore, along with tall buildings, self-supporting structures.

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