
two pack Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

packen, verpacken, Packung, Bündel
Bündel n
Pack n
packen, Buendel
Rotte f (von Wölfen)
pack up
to pack
scher dich weg
pack off
Fangopackung f, Schlammpackung f med.
mud pack
Packeis n
pack ice
Packeis n geogr.
pack ice
Sechserpack m
bulk pack
pack away
Meute f
pack, mob
disk pack
flat pack
Lastesel m
pack mule
Gürteltasche f
belt pack
dummy pack
Saumpferd n
pack horse
pack horse
Tragtier, Packtier
Saumsattel m
pack saddle
Sturmgepäck n mil.
combat pack
pack animal
pack saddle
Verpackungsbindfaden m
pack thread
Rudeltier n
pack animal
Blisterverpackung f
blister pack
Klarsichtpackung f, Schrumpffolienverpackung f, Durchdrückpackung f, Blisterpackung f
blister pack
Lug und Trug
pack of lies
Stapel m
Stapel pl
Wartungspaket n comp.
service pack
ein Haufen Lügen
a pack of lies
Trinkrucksack m
hydration pack
Zweischichtlack m
two-pack paint
giant-size pack
Instrumentenblock m
instrument pack
ein Kartenspiel
a pack of cards
ein Spiel Karten
a pack of cards
Damm m min.
pack (in mines)
see-through pack
transparent pack
Klarsichtpackung f
see-through pack
bepacken v
to load; to pack
wir packen die Ware im voraus
we pre-pack goods
etw. voll packen, vollpacken alt
to pack sth. full
Durchdrückverpackung f; Durchdrückpackung f
push-through pack
etw. voll packen; vollpacken alt v
to pack sth. full
Kühlbeutel m; Eisbeutel m
ice pack; icepack
Kühlakku m
ice pack; icepack
Filterhöhe f
filter pack height
Heizblechpaket n mach.
heating element pack
Fangopackung f; Schlammpackung f med.
Fangopackungen pl; Schlammpackungen pl
mud pack
mud packs
Heizblechpaket n
heating element pack
Sechserpackung f, Sixpack n
pack of six, six-pack
Sechserpackung f; Sixpack n
pack of six; six-pack
Flachgehäuse n
Flachgehäuse pl
flat pack
flat packs
Kühlakku m
Kühlakkus pl
cold pack
cold packs
Kühlkompresse f med.
Kühlkompressen pl
cold pack
cold packs
Tragesel m
Tragesel pl
Packmaultier n zool.
Packmaultiere pl
pack mule
pack mules
Sechserpack n für Bier; Bierträger m Bayr. Ös.; Biertragerl n Bayr. Ös.
Sechserpacks pl für Bier; Bierträger pl; Biertragerle pl
beer pack
beer packs
Das Lumpengesindel
The Pack of Ragamuffins
Packungseinheit f
bulk pack, bulk quantity
Rudel n
pack, herd, swarm, horde
Packpferd n; Lastpferd m
Packpferde pl; Lastpferde pl
pack horse
pack horses
Packungseinheit f
bulk pack; bulk quantity
Probepackung f
Probepackungen pl
trial pack
trial packs
Antriebsaggregat n electr.
Antriebsaggregate pl
power pack
power packs
Dreierpackung f, Dreierset n
Dreierpackungen pl, Dreiersets pl
triple pack
triple packs
Lasttier n, Packtier n, Tragtier n
Lasttiere pl, Packtiere pl, Tragtiere pl
pack animal
pack animals
Dreierpackung f; Dreierset n
Dreierpackungen pl; Dreiersets pl
triple pack
triple packs
Gefrierkonserve f cook.
Gefrierkonserven pl
frozen pack
frozen packs
Lasttier n; Packtier n; Tragtier n
Lasttiere pl; Packtiere pl; Tragtiere pl
pack animal
pack animals
jdn. wegschicken; jdn. fortschicken
to pack off () so. coll.
Packesel m
pack mule, packhorse, burro
Packesel m
pack mule; packhorse; burro
Quartett n (Spielkarten)
deck (pack) of cards Quartett
Gürteltasche f
bum bag Br., fanny pack Am.
Koffer m
Koffer pl
die Koffer packen
to pack one's bags
Skatblatt n
skat pack Br., skat deck Am.
Skatblatt n
skat pack Br.; skat deck Am.
Trinkrucksack m
Trinkrucksäcke pl
hydration pack
hydration packs
Einwegpackung f
Einwegpackungen pl
expendable pack
expendable packs
to pack up
packing up
packed up
Klarsichtpackung f
Klarsichtpackungen pl
see-through pack
see-through packs
gefräßig; hungrig; beutehungrig adj
ein Rudel hungriger Wölfe
a pack of ravening wolves
Das Lumpengesindel (Märchen)
The Pack of Ragamuffins (fairy tale)
etw. fein säuberlich in einem einen Behälter verstauen; einordnen; einschlichten Ös. v
to pack sth. neatly into a container
Das Lumpengesindel (Märchen) lit.
The Pack of Ragamuffins (fairy tale)
wegpacken v
to pack away
packing away
packed away
Gebirgspackpferd n; Saumpferd n
Gebirgspackpferde pl; Saumpferde pl
mountain pack horse
mountain pack horses
Waschbrettbauch m ugs., stark ausgeprägte Bauchmuskulatur
washboard stomach, six-pack stomach coll.
Waschbrettbauch m ugs.; stark ausgeprägte Bauchmuskulatur
washboard stomach; six-pack stomach coll.
Sechserpack m; Sechserträger m Bayr. Ös.; 6er-Träger m Bayr. Ös.; Sechsertragerl n Ös. (für Getränkeflaschen)
Sechserpacks pl; Sechserträger pl; 6er-Träger pl; Sechsertragerle pl
six-pack (for beverage bottles)
ein Kartenspiel, ein Spiel Karte
a pack of cards Br., a deck of cards Am.
ein Kartenspiel; ein Spiel Karten
a pack of cards Br.; a deck of cards Am.
Geschenkpackung f
Geschenkpackungen pl
gift box; gift pack
gift boxes; gift packs
Tragkorb m
Tragkörbe pl
pack basket, pannier
pack baskets, panniers
Schrumpffolienverpackung f; Schrumpffolienpackung f; Schrumpfverpackung f
shrink wrap pack; shrink wrapping; tight pack
Luftpolsterfolie f; Noppenfolie f
air cushion foil; bubble pack; bubble wrap tm
Packesel m zool.
Packesel pl
pack donkey; burro Am.
pack donkeys; burros
Packpferd n; Lastpferd m
Packpferde pl; Lastpferde pl
packhorse (pack-horse) (pack horse)
pack horses
Originalitätsverschluss m (Verpackung)
Verpackung mit Erstöffnungsgarantie
tamper-evident closure
tamper-evidence safety pack
Kältekompresse f; Kühlkompresse f; Kühlbeutel f med.
Kältekompressen pl; Kühlkompressen pl; Kühlbeutel pl
cold compress; cold pack
cold compresses; cold packs
Bauchtasche f
Bauchtaschen pl
bum bag Br., fanny pack Am.
bum bags, fanny packs
Bauchtasche f
Bauchtaschen pl
bum bag Br.; fanny pack Am.
bum bags; fanny packs
Gürteltasche f
Gürteltaschen pl
bum bag Br.; fanny pack Am.
bum bags; fanny packs
Rudel n
Rudel pl
pack; herd; swarm; horde
packs; herds; swarms; hordes
etw. aufgeben v; aufhören, etw. zu tun
Hör auf damit!
to pack sth. () in coll.
Pack it in! eBr. coll.
zerbrechliche Ware f
zerbrechliche Waren pl
Packen Sie die zerbrechlichen Sachen extra.
Pack the breakables separately.
Wildschweinrotte f zool.
Wildschweinrotten pl
pack of wild boar; sounder
packs of wild boar; sounders
Lasttier n; Packtier n; Tragetier n; Tragtier n agr. transp.
Lasttiere pl; Packtiere pl; Tragetiere pl; Tragtiere pl
beast of burden; pack animal
beasts of burden; pack animals
Abheben n (eines Spielkartenstoßes vor dem Geben)
cut (dividing a pack of playing cards into two before dealing)
packen, einpacken, verpacken v
packend, einpackend, verpackend
gepackt, eingepackt, verpackt
packt, packt ein, verpackt
packte, packte ein, verpackte
seine Sachen packen
to pack
to pack ones bags
Blisterverpackung f; Blisterpackung f; Klarsichtpackung f
Blisterverpackungen pl; Blisterpackungen pl; Klarsichtpackungen pl
blister pack; blister package
blister packs; blister packages
packen; einpacken; verpacken v
packend; einpackend; verpackend
gepackt; eingepackt; verpackt
packt; packt ein; verpackt
packte; packte ein; verpackte
seine Sachen packen
to pack
to pack your bags
Meute f
mit der Meute jagen
eine hungrige Journalistenmeute
pack; mob
to ride to the hounds
a hungry pack of journalists
etw. zusammenpacken v
to pack sth. up together
packing up together
packed up together
Bremsraketeneinheit f (Luft- und Raumfahrt)
Bremsraketeneinheiten pl
retrorocket pack; retropack (aerospace)
retrorocket packs; retropacks
Mitnahmemöbel pl
knock-down furniture; flat-pack furniture; ready-to-assemble furniture RTA
Mitnahmemöbel pl
knock-down furniture; flat-pack furniture; ready-to-assemble furniture RTA
Kompresse f; Umschlag m med.
Kompressen pl; Umschläge pl
Kalt-Warm-Kompresse f; Kalt-Warm-Beutel m
compress; pack
compresses; packs
hot-and-cold compress; hot-and-cold pack
Akkumulator m, Akku m
alkalischer Akkumulator
accumulator, battery, power pack, rechargeable battery
alkaline storage battery
Werbebanderole f; Banderole f (auf einer Produktverpackung) econ.
Werbebanderolen pl; Banderolen pl
on-pack flash; flash (band on the packaging of a product)
on-pack flashes; flashes
Tellerfedersäule f techn.
Tellerfedersäulen pl
disc spring pack Br.; disk spring pack Am.
disc spring packs; disk spring packs
Blechpaket n (Walzwerk) techn.
Blechpakete pl
pack; sheet stack; stack of sheets (rolling mill)
packs; sheet stacks; stacks of sheets
abheben v (Kartenspiel)
Wer hebt ab?
Du hebst ab.
to cut the pack the cards (card-playing)
Who's going to cut the cards?
It's your cut.
Gesichtsmaske f; Gesichtspackung f (Kosmetik)
Gesichtsmasken pl; Gesichtspackungen pl
eine Gesichtsmaske auftragen
face mask; face pack Br. (cosmetics)
face masks; face packs
to apply a face mask pack
Packung f
eine Packung Zigaretten
Packung Kekse
packet, pack Am.
a packet of cigarettes, a pack of cigarettes Am.
packet of biscuits
Aufstellkarton m; Schaupackung f econ.
Aufstellkartons pl; Schaupackungen pl
display pack; display unit; counter display
display packs; display units; counter displays
Tupfer m med.
Tupfer pl
mit Kochsalzlösung getränkter Tupfer
swab; sponge; pledget; pack
swabs; sponges; pledgets; packs
saline-soaked surgical sponge
etw. zusammenpacken v
Pack deine Sachen zusammen!
to pack sth.; to pack away () sth.
packing; packing away
packed; packed away
Get packed!
Kiesschüttung f
Kiesschüttungen pl
gravel packing; gravel accretion gravel pack; gravel accretion gravel envelope
gravel packings
Probesendung f, Mustersendung f
Probesendungen pl, Mustersendungen pl
sample pack, sample package, sample consignment
sample packs, sample packages, sample consignments
Probesendung f; Mustersendung f
Probesendungen pl; Mustersendungen pl
sample pack; sample package; sample consignment
sample packs; sample packages; sample consignments
abheben v (Kartenspiel)
Wer hebt ab?
Du hebst ab.
to cut the pack the cards (card-playing)
Who's going to cut the cards?
It's your cut. (card-playing)
etw. versetzen; zukippen v min.
versetzend; zukippend
versetzt; zugekippt
to fill; to pack; to stow; to gob sth.
filling; packing; stowing; gobing
filled; packed; stowed; gobed
Heizofen m; Wärmeofen m; Wärmofen m techn.
Heizöfen pl; Wärmeöfen pl; Wärmöfen pl
Paketheizofen m; Sturzenheizofen m (Metallurgie)
heating furnace
heating furnaces
pack-heating furnace; sheet-heating furnace; sheet furnace (metallurgy)
stark ausgeprägte Bauchmuskulatur f; Waschbrettbauch m ugs.
well-defined abdominal muscles; washboard abdominals; washboard stomach; six-pack stomach; six-pack abs coll.
Lügenmärchen n
Der ganze Artikel ist erstunken und erlogen.
Er hat uns ein Lügenmärchen aufgetischt.; Er hat uns die Hucke vollgelogen. Norddt. Mitteldt. ugs.
pack of lies coll.; tissue of lies Br.
The article is nothing but a pack of lies.
He told fed us a pack of lies.
Lebensmittel (an der Produktionsstätte) abpacken v
to pre-pack food; to pre-package food (on the site of production)
pre-packing; pre-packaging
pre-packed; pre-packaged
Einmannpackung f (EPa) mil.
24 Hour Operational Ration Pack ORP Br.; Meal Ready to Eat MRE Am.; Combat Ration Pack CRP Austr.; Individual Meal Pack IMP (Canada)
Heizofen m; Wärmeofen m; Wärmofen m techn.
Heizöfen pl; Wärmeöfen pl; Wärmöfen pl
Knüppelstoßofen m
Paketheizofen m; Sturzenheizofen m (Metallurgie)
heating furnace
heating furnaces
pusher-type billet heating furnace
pack-heating furnace; sheet-heating furnace; sheet furnace (metallurgy)

Deutsche packen verpacken Packung Bündel Synonyme

einhüllen  Âeinpacken  Âeinwickeln  Âverpacken  
Box  ÂKarton  ÂPackung  ÂSchachtel  
Box  ÂKasten  ÂPackung  ÂPäckchen  ÂSchachtel  
Ballen  ÂBündel  
Bündel  ÂKnäuel  ÂKonvolut  
Ballen  ÂBündel  ÂBund  ÂStrauß  
einpacken  Âpacken  
ballen  Âpacken  Âumklammern  Âzusammenpressen  
komprimieren  Âkomprimiert  archivieren  Âpacken  (umgangssprachlich)  Âzippen  (umgangssprachlich)  
überladen  Âvoll  packen  Âvoll  stellen  Âvoll  stopfen  
eine  Gelegenheit  beim  Schopf  packen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âeine  Gelegenheit  nutzen  
(jemandes)  habhaft  werden  Âam  Schlaffitchen  zu  fassen  kriegen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âaufgreifen  Âergreifen  Âertappen  Âerwischen  Âfangen  Âfassen  Âfestnehmen  Âgreifen  Âpacken  (umgangssprachlich)  Âschnappen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âverhaften  
auf  die  Reihe  bekommen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âauf  die  Reihe  kriegen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âbewältigen  Âbewerkstelligen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âgebacken  kriegen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âgeregelt  bekommen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âgeregelt  kriegen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âmeistern  Âpacken  (umgangssprachlich)  Âschaffen  Âschaukeln  (umgangssprachlich)  
Bündel  Knäuel  Konvolut  
eine Gelegenheit beim Schopf packen (umgangssprachlich)  eine Gelegenheit nutzen  

Englische pack Synonyme

two pack Definition

(n.) A pact.
(n.) A bundle made up and prepared to be carried
(n.) A number or quantity equal to the contents of a pack
(n.) A number or quantity of connected or similar things
(n.) A full set of playing cards
(n.) A number of hounds or dogs, hunting or kept together.
(n.) A number of persons associated or leagued in a bad design or practice
(n.) A shook of cask staves.
(n.) A bundle of sheet-iron plates for rolling simultaneously.
(n.) A large area of floating pieces of ice driven together more or less closely.
(n.) An envelope, or wrapping, of sheets used in hydropathic practice, called dry pack, wet pack, cold pack, etc., according to the method of treatment.
(n.) A loose, lewd, or worthless person. See Baggage.
(n.) To make a pack of
(n.) To fill in the manner of a pack, that is, compactly and securely, as for transportation
(n.) To sort and arrange (the cards) in a pack so as to secure the game unfairly.
(n.) Hence: To bring together or make up unfairly and fraudulently, in order to secure a certain result
(n.) To contrive unfairly or fraudulently
(n.) To load with a pack
(n.) To cause to go
(n.) To transport in a pack, or in the manner of a pack (i. e., on the backs of men or beasts).
(n.) To envelop in a wet or dry sheet, within numerous coverings. See Pack, n., 5.
(n.) To render impervious, as by filling or surrounding with suitable material, or to fit or adjust so as to move without giving passage to air, water, or steam
(v. i.) To make up packs, bales, or bundles
(v. i.) To admit of stowage, or of making up for transportation or storage
(v. i.) To gather in flocks or schools
(v. i.) To depart in haste
(v. i.) To unite in bad measures
Pack herse
() See under 2d Pack.
Pack saddle
() Alt. of Pack thread
Pack thread
() See under 2d Pack.

two pack Bedeutung

pack riding riding with a pack
pack animal
an animal (such as a mule or burro or horse) used to carry loads
pack rat
trade rat
bushytail woodrat
Neotoma cinerea
any of several bushy-tailed rodents of the genus Neotoma of western North America, hoards food and other objects
back pack
a bag carried by a strap on your back or shoulder
backpacking tent
pack tent
a tent that can be carried in a backpack
blister pack
bubble pack
packaging in which a product is sealed between a cardboard backing and clear plastic cover
fanny pack
butt pack
a waist pack worn with the pouch in back
ice pack
ice bag
a waterproof bag filled with ice: applied to the body (especially the head) to cool or reduce swelling
pack a convenient package or parcel (as of cigarettes or film)
pack a bundle (especially one carried on the back)
pack a sheet or blanket (either dry or wet) to wrap around the body for its therapeutic effect
pack face pack a cream that cleanses and tones the skin
power pack a device for converting a power supply to a voltage required by particular equipment
six pack
a carton containing six bottles or cans
waist pack
belt bag
a small pouch (usually with a zipper) that attaches to a belt and is worn around the waist
pack a complete collection of similar things
disk pack
disc pack
(computer science) a portable pack of magnetic disks used in a disk storage device
pack of cards
deck of cards
a pack of playing cards
pack a group of hunting animals
wolf pack a group of wolves hunting together
inner circle
pack camp
an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose
gang pack ring
an association of criminals, police tried to break up the gang, a pack of thieves
wolf pack a group of submarines operating together in attacking enemy convoys
pack ice
ice pack
a large expanse of floating ice
pack rat
someone who collects things that have been discarded by others
large number
plurality pack
a large indefinite number, a battalion of ants, a multitude of TV antennas, a plurality of religions
pack on gain (weight), He packed on two pounds over the summer
pack treat the body or any part of it by wrapping it, as with blankets or sheets, and applying compresses to it, or stuffing it to provide cover, containment, or therapy, or to absorb blood, The nurse packed gauze in the wound, You had better pack your swollen ankle with ice
compress compact pack together make more compact by or as if by pressing, compress the data
pack carry, as on one's back, Pack your tents to the top of the mountain
pack arrange in a container, pack the books into the boxes
pack load down load with a pack
pack bundle wad compact compress into a wad, wad paper into the box
compact pack b have the property of being packable or of compacting easily, This powder compacts easily, Such odd-shaped items do not pack well
pack seal with packing, pack the faucet
tamp down
press down tightly, tamp the coffee grinds in the container to make espresso
hike with a backpack, Every summer they are backpacking in the Rockies
press tightly together or cram, The crowd packed the auditorium
pack fill to capacity, This singer always packs the concert halls, The murder trial packed the court house
pack set up a committee or legislative body with one's own supporters so as to influence the outcome, pack a jury
carry pack
have with oneself, have on one's person, She always takes an umbrella, I always carry money, She packs a gun when she goes into the mountains
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