
two stripe Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

to stripe
Aalstrich m zool. (dunkler Rückenstreifen)
dorsal stripe
Streifigkeit f
stripe; streak
Streifigkeit f
stripe, streak
Streifen m (Linie)
Streifen pl
Netz-Preußenfisch m (Dascyllus reticulatus) zool.
two-stripe damsel
Pantherzaunkönig m ornith.
Stripe-backed Wren
Vierbinden-Preußenfisch m (Dascyllus melanurus) zool.
four-stripe damsel
Schwarzbrustmeise f ornith.
Stripe-breasted Tit
Dreibinden-Preußenfisch m (Dascyllus aruanus) zool.
three-stripe damsel
Streifenkehl-Zaunkönig m ornith.
Stripe-throated Wren
Streifenbrust-Zaunkönig m ornith.
Stripe-breasted Wren
Streifenkehltimalie f ornith.
Stripe-throated Jery
Rostschwanzammer f ornith.
Stripe-headed Sparrow
Streifendommel f ornith.
Stripe-backed Bittern
Streifenkopf-Trugbaumläufer m ornith.
Stripe-headed Creeper
Blaustreifen-Falterfisch m, Hawaii-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon fremblii) zool.
blue stripe butterfly
Dabbeneammer f ornith.
Stripe-capped Sparrow
Streifenkopftangare f ornith.
Stripe-headed Tanager
Weißbart-Ameisenfänger m ornith.
Stripe-backed Antbird
Streifenkehlbülbül m ornith.
Stripe-throated Bulbul
Strichelkopf-Ameisenpitta ornith.
Stripe-headed Antpitta
Langschwanz-Ameisenschlüpfer m ornith.
Stripe-chested Antwren
Olivbrustbülbül m ornith.
Stripe-cheeked Greenbul
Goldstreifen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon aureofasciatus) zool.
golden stripe butterfly
Streifengesichtwachtel f ornith.
Stripe-faced Wood Quail
Nacktaugen-Brillenvogel m ornith.
Stripe-headed White-eye
Streifenkopfschlüpfer m ornith.
Stripe-crowned Spinetail
Schmuck-Zwergkaiserfisch m; Orangestreifen-Zwergkaiserfisch m; Schmuck-Herzogfisch m (Centropyge eibli) zool.
red stripe (dwarf) angel
Schmuck-Zwergkaiserfisch m, Orangestreifen-Zwergkaiserfisch m, Schmuck-Herzogfisch m (Centropyge eibli) zool.
red stripe (dwarf) angel
Streifenkopf-Buschammer f ornith.
Stripe-headed Brush Finch
Miombogirlitz m ornith.
Stripe-breasted Seedeater
Streifenschwanzeupherusa m ornith.
stripe-tailed hummingbird
Streifenbrust-Spateltyrann m ornith.
Stripe-necked Tody Tyrant
Zimtschlüpfer m ornith.
Stripe-breasted Spinetail
Streifenschwanzeupherusa ornith.
Stripe-tailed Hummingbird
Streifenbrustspecht m ornith.
Stripe-breasted Woodpecker
Temminckkolibri m ornith.
Stripe-breasted Starthroat
Zitronengilbammer f ornith.
Stripe-tailed Yellow Finch
Tuch mit einem grauen Streifen
a cloth with a grey stripe
Tamaulipasbaumsteiger m ornith.
Stripe-throated Woodcreeper
Randalls Partnergrundel f (Amblyeleotris randalli) zool.
orange stripe watchman goby
Orangeflossen-Anemonenfisch m (Amphiprion chrysopterus) zool.
blue stripe (anemone) clown
(Amphiprion tricinctus) zool.
three stripe (anemone) clown
Verwundetenstreifen m (an der Uniform)
wound stripe (on the uniform)
Graurücken-Dickkopf m ornith.
Stripe-breasted Shrike-Thrush
Streifen ziehen f
Streifen ziehend
Streifen gezogen
to stripe
Kodierstreifen m
Kodierstreifen pl
coding stripe
coding stripes
Querstreifen m
cross stripe, horizontal stripe
Längsstreifen m
Längsstreifen pl
vertical stripe
vertical stripes
Tresse f
goldene Tresse
(strip of) braid, stripe
gold braid
Tresse f
goldene Tresse
(strip of) braid; stripe
gold braid
Vierbinden-Preußenfisch m (Dascyllus melanurus) zool.
Vierbinden-Preußenfische pl
four-stripe damsel
four-stripe damsels
Nadelstreifen m
mit Nadelstreifen
pinstripe; pin stripe
pin-striped; pinstriped
Nadelstreifen m
mit Nadelstreifen
pinstripe, pin stripe
pin-striped, pinstriped
Heftstreifen m
filing clip, filing stripe, filing stripe fastener
Heftstreifen m
filing clip; filing stripe; filing stripe fastener
to stripe
Heidegrashüpfer (Stenobothrus lineatus) m zool.
kleiner Heidegrashüpfer (Stenobothrus stigmaticus)
stripe-winged grasshopper
lesser mottled grasshopper
Heidegrashüpfer m (Stenobothrus lineatus) zool.
kleiner Heidegrashüpfer (Stenobothrus stigmaticus)
stripe-winged grasshopper
lesser mottled grasshopper
Aalstrich m (auf dem Rücken von Wildtieren) Jägersprache
eel stripe; spinal stripe; dorsal stripe hunters' parlance
Querstreifen m
Querstreifen pl
cross stripe; horizontal stripe
cross stripes; horizontal stripes
Ausgleichstreifen m
Ausgleichstreifen pl
regulating stripe; regulating course
regulating stripes; regulating courses
Fahrbahnmarkierungsmaschine f auto
Fahrbahnmarkierungsmaschinen pl
stripe painter; pavement marking machine Am.
stripe painters; pavement marking machines
Chaetodon-Falterfische pl (Chaetodon) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Blaupunkt-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon plebeius)
Blaustreifen-Falterfisch m; Hawaii-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon fremblii)
Doppelsattel-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon ulietensis)
Eisenfalterfisch m (Chaetodon daedalma)
Fähnchen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon auriga)
Gelbkopf-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon xanthocephalus)
Gestreifter Falterfisch m; Gitter-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon lineolatus)
Gitter-Orangefalterfisch m; Gelbschwanz-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon xanthurus)
Goldstreifen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon aureofasciatus)
Großschuppen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon rafflesi)
Guyana-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon guyanesis)
Günthers Falterfisch m (Chaetodon guentheri)
Halsband-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon collare)
Hirsekorn-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon miliaris)
Karibischer Pinzettfisch m (Chaetodon aculeatus)
Karibischer Riff-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon sedentarius)
Kleins Falterfisch m (Chaetodon kleinii)
Marquesa-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon declevis)
Maskarill-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon semilarvatus)
Orangestreifen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon ornatissimus)
Perlen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon reticulatus)
Pfauenaugen-Falterfisch m; Vieraugen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon capistratus)
Punktierter Falterfisch m (Chaetodon citrinellus)
Punktstreifen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon punctatofasciatus)
Rippelstreifen-Falterfisch m; Rotsaum-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon trifasciatus)
Sattelfleck-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon ephippium)
Schwarzbinden-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon striatus); Ostpazifik-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon humeralis)
Schwarzer Falterfisch m (Chaetodon flavirostris)
Schwarzrücken-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon melannotus)
Indischer Doppelsattel-Falterfisch m; Sichelfleck-Falterfisch m; Keilfleck-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon falcula)
Silberfalterfisch m (Chaetodon argentatus)
Tabak-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon fasciatus)
Tinkers Falterfisch m
chaetodon butterflyfish (zoological genus)
blue spot butterflyfish
blue stripe butterflyfish
double saddle butterflyfish
wrought iron butterflyfish
auriga butterflyfish
yellowhead butterflyfish
lined butterflyfish
pearlscale butterflyfish
golden stripe butterflyfish
latticed butterflyfish
Guyana butterflyfish
Gunther's butterflyfish
Pakistan butterflyfish
lemon butterflyfish
longsnout butterflyfish
painted reef butterflyfish
orange butterflyfish
Marquesas butterflyfish
golden butterflyfish
ornate butterflyfish
reticulated butterflyfisbutterflyfisbutterflyfisbutterflyfish
foureye butterflyfish
speckled butterflyfish
dot dash butterflyfish
melon butterflyfish
saddleback butterflyfish
banded butterflyfish
yellownose butterflyfish
black back butterflyfish
black-wedged butterflyfish
black pearlscale butterflyfish
raccoon butterflyfish
tinker butterflyfish
teardrop butterflyfish
triangle butterflyfish
spotted butterflyfish
vagabond butterflyfish
pebbled butterflyfish
four-spot butterflyfish
white face butterflyfish
spot-tail butterflyfish
Chaetodon-Falterfische pl (Chaetodon) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Blaupunkt-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon plebeius)
Blaustreifen-Falterfisch m; Hawaii-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon fremblii)
Doppelsattel-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon ulietensis)
Eisenfalterfisch m (Chaetodon daedalma)
Fähnchen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon auriga)
Gelbkopf-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon xanthocephalus)
Gestreifter Falterfisch m; Gitter-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon lineolatus)
Gitter-Orangefalterfisch m; Gelbschwanz-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon xanthurus)
Goldstreifen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon aureofasciatus)
Großschuppen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon rafflesi)
Guyana-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon guyanesis)
Günthers Falterfisch m (Chaetodon guentheri)
Halsband-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon collare)
Hirsekorn-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon miliaris)
Karibischer Pinzettfisch m (Chaetodon aculeatus)
Karibischer Riff-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon sedentarius)
Kleins Falterfisch m (Chaetodon kleinii)
Marquesa-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon declevis)
Maskarill-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon semilarvatus)
Orangestreifen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon ornatissimus)
Perlen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon reticulatus)
Pfauenaugen-Falterfisch m; Vieraugen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon capistratus)
Punktierter Falterfisch m (Chaetodon citrinellus)
Punktstreifen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon punctatofasciatus)
Rippelstreifen-Falterfisch m; Rotsaum-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon trifasciatus)
Sattelfleck-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon ephippium)
Schwarzbinden-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon striatus); Ostpazifik-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon humeralis)
Schwarzer Falterfisch m (Chaetodon flavirostris)
Schwarzrücken-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon melannotus)
Indischer Doppelsattel-Falterfisch m; Sichelfleck-Falterfisch m; Keilfleck-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon falcula)
Silberfalterfisch m (Chaetodon argentatus)
Tabak-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon fasciatus)
Tinkers Falterfisch m (Chaetodon tinkeri)
Tränentropfen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon unimaculatus)
Triangel-Falterfisch m; Indischer Baronesse-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon triangulum)
Tüpfelfalterfisch m (Chaetodon guttatissimus); Malaiischer Einfleckfalterfisch m (Chaetodon speculum)
Vagabund-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon vagabundus)
Vielpunkt-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon multifasciatus)
Vierflecken-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon quadrimaculatus)
Weißgesicht-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon mesoleucos)
Schwanzfleck-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon ocellicaudus)
chaetodon butterflyfish (zoological genus)
blue spot butterflyfish
blue stripe butterflyfish
double saddle butterflyfish
wrought iron butterflyfish
auriga butterflyfish
yellowhead butterflyfish
lined butterflyfish
pearlscale butterflyfish
golden stripe butterflyfish
latticed butterflyfish
Guyana butterflyfish
Gunther's butterflyfish
Pakistan butterflyfish
lemon butterflyfish
longsnout butterflyfish
painted reef butterflyfish
orange butterflyfish
Marquesas butterflyfish
golden butterflyfish
ornate butterflyfish
reticulated butterflyfisbutterflyfisbutterflyfisbutterflyfish
foureye butterflyfish
speckled butterflyfish
dot dash butterflyfish
melon butterflyfish
saddleback butterflyfish
banded butterflyfish
yellownose butterflyfish
black back butterflyfish
black-wedged butterflyfish
black pearlscale butterflyfish
raccoon butterflyfish
tinker butterflyfish
teardrop butterflyfish
triangle butterflyfish
spotted butterflyfish
vagabond butterflyfish
pebbled butterflyfish
four-spot butterflyfish
white face butterflyfish
spot-tail butterflyfish
Pittas pl (Pittidae) (zoologische Familie) ornith.
Graubrust-Ameisenpitta m
Bartstreif-Ameisenpitta m
Strichelkopf-Ameisenpitta m
Olivrücken-Ameisenpitta m
Blakeameisenpitta m
Blaßschnabel-Ameisenpitta m
Tachiraameisenpitta m
Rostkehl-Ameisenpitta m
Weißkehl-Ameisenpitta m
Kastanienameisenpitta m
Rotohr-Ameisenpitta m
Großameisenpitta m
Riesenameisenpitta m
Graunacken-Ameisenpitta m
Schuppenkopf-Ameisenpitta m
Braunrücken-Ameisenpitta m
Rotrücken-Ameisenpitta m
Bandameisenpitta m
Rotkopf-Ameisenpitta m
Punaameisenpitta m
Bergameisenpitta m
Rostkappen-Ameisenpitta m
Zweifarben-Ameisenpitta m
Einfarb-Ameisenpitta m
Schuppenbauch-Ameisenpitta m
Königsameisenpitta m
Watkinsameisenpitta m
Salomonenpitta m
Angolapitta m (Pitta angolensis)
Rotkopfpitta m (Pitta arcuata)
Rotrückenpitta m (Pitta baudii)
Bengalenpitta m; Neunfarbenpitta m (Pitta brachyura)
Riesenpitta m (Pitta caerulea)
Blaupitta m (Pitta cyanea)
Schmuckpitta m (Pitta elegans)
Elliotpitta m
Rotbauchpitta m (Pitta erythrogaster)
Granatpitta m (Pitta granatina)
Blauschwanzpitta m
Goldkehlpitta m (Pitta gurneyi)
Regenbogenpitta m (Pitta iris)
Luzonpitta m
Halmaherapitta m
Blauflügelpitta m (Pitta moluccensis)
Blaunackenpitta m (Pitta nipalensis)
Nymphenpitta m (Pitta nympha)
Braunkopfpitta m (Pitta oatesi)
Sichelpitta m
Grünbrustpitta m (Pitta reichenowi)
Schneiderpitta m (Pitta schneideri)
Kappenpitta m (Pitta sordida)
Blaubürzelpitta m (Pitta soror)
Blaubauchpitta m (Pitta steerii)
Mohrenpitta m
Schwarzscheitelpitta m
Lärmpitta m (Pitta versicolor)
pittas (zoological family)
white-throated antpitta
moustached antpitta
stripe-headed antpitta
santa marta antpitta
chestnut antpitta
pale-billed antpitta
tachira antpitta
ochre-striped antpitta
elusive antpitta
chestnut-brown antpitta
rufous-faced antpitta
great antpitta
giant antpitta
grey-naped antpitta
scaled antpitta
plain-backed antpitta
bay-backed antpitta
brown-banded antpitta
chestnut-naped antpitta
puna antpitta
tawny antpitta
chestnut-crowned antpitta
bicoloured antpitta
rufous antpitta
undulated antpitta
variegated antpitta
Watkin's antpitta
black-faced pitta
African pitta
blue-banded pitta
blue-headed pitta
blue-winged pitta
giant pitta
blue pitta
elegant pitta
Elliot's pitta
red-breasted pitta
garnet pitta
blue-tailed pitta
Gurney's pitta
rainbow pitta
Koch's pitta
great pitta
blue-winged pitta; moluccan pitta
blue-naped pitta
fairy pitta
fulvous pitta
Phayre's pitta
green-breasted pitta
Schneider's pitta
hooded pitta
blue-backed pitta
Steere's pitta
superb pitta
black-crowned garnet pitta
noisy pitta

two stripe Definition

(n.) A line, or long, narrow division of anything of a different color or structure from the ground
(n.) A pattern produced by arranging the warp threads in sets of alternating colors, or in sets presenting some other contrast of appearance.
(n.) A strip, or long, narrow piece attached to something of a different color
(n.) A stroke or blow made with a whip, rod, scourge, or the like, such as usually leaves a mark.
(n.) A long, narrow discoloration of the skin made by the blow of a lash, rod, or the like.
(n.) Color indicating a party or faction
(n.) The chevron on the coat of a noncommissioned officer.
(v. t.) To make stripes upon
(v. t.) To strike

two stripe Bedeutung

band banding
an adornment consisting of a strip of a contrasting color or material
magnetic stripe a short strip of magnetic tape attached to a credit card or debit card, it contains data that will tell a reading device who you are and what your account number is, etc.
a narrow marking of a different color or texture from the background, a green toad with small black stripes or bars, may the Stars and Stripes forever wave
stripe a kind or category, businessmen of every stripe joined in opposition to the proposal
service stripe
hash mark
an insignia worn to indicate years of service
grade insignia
V-shaped sleeve badge indicating military rank and service, they earned their stripes in Kuwait
stripe a piece of braid, usually on the sleeve, indicating military rank or length of service
stripe blight a disease of oats
stripe mark with stripes
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