
zinc base Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Zinkgrundierung f
zinc-base primer
base level
base period
Basis, Grundlage
base year
Basiszeitraum zum Vergleich
base period
Basiszeitraum, Bezugszeitraum
base period
base lending rate
base rate
eiserner Bestand
base stock
burden base
base fee
base salary
base pay
base rate
base price
base rate
military base
Normalzeit für einen Arbeitsablauf
base time
Abschreibungsgrundlage f
depreciation base
Achsstand n techn.
wheel base
Adressierung f, Adressieren n comp.
abgekürzte Adressierung
absolute Adressierung
direkte Adressierung
indirekte Adressierung
indizierte Adressierung
relative Adressierung
unmittelbare Adressierung
virtuelle Adressierung
Adressierung über Basisadresse
abbreviated addressing
absolute addressing
direct addressing
indirect addressing
indexed addressing
relative addressing
immediate addressing
virtual addressing
base displacement addressing
Anschlussrahmen m
adapter base
Anzeigengrundpreis m
Anzeigengrundpreise pl
advertising base price
advertising base prices
Armeestützpunkt m, Armeebasis f
army base
Ausgangsstoff m
base material, raw material, starting substance
Base f chem.
Basen pl
Basis f, Unterlage f, Unterbau m, Stützpunkt m
Basen pl, Unterbauten pl
Basisadresse f comp.
base address
Basisadressierung f comp.
base addressing
Basisadressverschiebung f comp.
base relocation
Basisdotierung f
base doping
Basisjahr n
Basisjahre pl
base year
base years
Basislager n
Basislager pl
base camp
base camps
Basisregister n comp.
Basisregister pl
base register
base registers
Basissatz m
Basissätze pl
base rate
base rates
Basisspannung f electr.
Basisspannungen pl
base voltage
base voltages
Basisstation f
Basisstationen pl
base station
base stations
Basiswiderstand m
Basiswiderstände pl
base resistance
base resistances
Basiszinssatz m fin.
Basiszinssätze pl
base rate
base rates
Basiszone f
Basiszonen pl
base region
base regions
Berechnungsgrundlage f
calculation base
Betonsockel f constr.
Betonsockel pl
concrete base
concrete bases
steuerliche Bewertungsabschläge auf Vorräte
adjustment of inventories to tax base
Boden m (von Gefäß)
base compression
Datenbank f comp.
Datenbanken pl
database, data base
Druckguss m, Druckgießen n
Zink-Druckguss m
high pressure die casting, die casting
zinc die casting
Eckwandständer m
angular wall base
Feuerverzinkungsschicht f
hot-dip galvanized zinc coating, galvanized coating
Flachdachsockel m arch.
flat roof base
Flottenstation f
naval base
Fundament n, Sockel m, Fuß m arch.
Fußplatte f
Fußplatten pl
base plate
base plates
Gold n
Gold waschen
Gold auf Nickel
to pan for gold
gold over nickel base
Grund m
Grundeinstellung f techn.
Grundeinstellungen pl
base setting
base settings
Grundgehalt n
base salary
Grundgröße f
Grundgrößen pl
base item
base items
Grundkraftwerk n techn.
Grundkraftwerke pl
base-load power station
base-load power stations
Grundlast f
base load
Grundlicht n photo.
Grundlinie f
Grundlinien pl
base line, baseline
base lines
Grundplatte f
Grundplatten pl
base plate, baseplate, base slab
base plates
Grundpreis m
base price
Grundrahmen m
Grundrahmen pl
base frame, basic frame
base frames, basic frames
Grundrate f, Grundtarif m
base rate
Grundstoff m
base material
Gummifuß m
Gummifüße pl
rubber base, rubber bumper
rubber bumpers
Gummifußventil n
Gummifußventile pl
rubber base valve
rubber base valves
Inconel n (Nickellegierung) techn.
Inconel (nickel-base alloy)
Kapitalbasis f
capital base
Kuchenboden m cook.
cake base
Kundenstamm m, Kundenbestand m, Kundenkreis m, Kundenstock m, Stammkundschaft f
customer base, regular customers, regular clientele
Lebensgrundlage f, Existenzgrundlage f
base of life, basis of existence, livelihood Am.
Leitwährung f fin.
key currency, base currency
Leitzins m fin.
base rate
Luftstützpunkt m, Fliegerhorst m mil.
Luftstützpunkte pl, Fliegerhorste pl
air base, military airfield
air bases, military airfields
Magnetständer m (für Messuhr)
magnetic-base indicator holder
Marinestützpunkt m
naval base
Metallfuß m
metal base
Metallfußventil n
Metallfußventile pl
metal base valve
metal base valves
Militärstützpunkt m mil.
Militärstützpunkte pl
military base
military bases
einen gemeinsamen Nenner finden
to find some common ground on which to base
Operationsbasis f
base of operations
Pizzaboden m cook.
Pizzaböden pl
pizza base
pizza bases
Profilgrund m
base of tread groove
Radstand m
Radstände pl
wheel base, wheelbase
wheel bases, wheelbases
Raketenabschussbasis f, Raketenbasis f
missile launching base, missile base
Raketenstützpunkt m
Raketenstützpunkte pl
missile base
missile bases
Rechteckgrundrahmen m
base frame
Richtpreis m
Richtpreise pl
offizieller Richtpreis m
basic price, norm price, suggested price, recommended price, target price
basic prices, norm prices, suggested prices, recommended prices, target prices
officially fixed base price
Säuren-Basen-Gleichgewicht n
Schädelbasis f anat.
base of the skull
Schirmmütze f, Base-Cap n
baseball cap, base-cap, baseball hat
Sockel m, Basis f
Spritzverzinkung f
zinc spraying (on metal)
Stellenschreibweise f (Zahlen)
positional notation, base notation
Steuerbemessungsgrundlage f
tax base
Tortenboden m cook.
flan case, flan base, baked pastry case
obere Tragschicht f (Straßenbau)
road base
untere Tragschicht f (Straßenbau)
Unterlack m
base coat
Ventilfuß m
base of valve stem, button base, stem base, valve base, valve pad, valve plate, valve spud Am.
Verrechnungsgrundlage f
allocation base
Vollreifen m
Vollreifen pl
Vollreifen mit konischem Fuß
Vollreifen mit zylindrischem Fuß
solid tyre
solid tyres
conical base solid tyre
cylindrical base solid tyre
Volltextdatenbank f
full text data base system
Wissensbasis f
Wissensbasen pl
knowledge base
knowledge bases
Wolkenuntergrenze f aviat.
cloud base
Wulstsohle f (Reifen)
bead base
Zahnweite f techn.
base tangent length
Zink-Kohle-Batterie f electr.
zinc-carbon battery
Zinkblende f
zinc blende
Zinkblech n
Zinkbleche pl
zinc plate, zink sheeting, zinc sheet
zinc plates, zinc sheets
Zinkchlorid n chem.
zinc chloride
Zinkchromat n chem.
zinc chromate
Zinkeinkristall m
zinc single crystal
Zinkfarbe f
zinc paint
Zinkglasur f
zinc glaze
Zinkgrundierung f
zinc-base primer
Zinkkarbonat n chem.
zinc carbonate
Zinkmangel m med.
zinc deficiency
Zinkoxid n, Zinkoxyd n chem.
zinc oxide
Zinkoxidschicht f
zinc oxide layer
Zinkpaste f
zinc paste, zinc oxide paste
Zinksalbe f med.
zinc oxide ointment
Zinksarg m, Zinkblechsarg m
Zinksärge pl, Zinkblechsärge pl
zinc casket, zink sheet casket Am., zinc coffin, zinc sheet coffin
zinc caskets, zink sheet caskets, zinc coffins, zinc sheet coffins
Zinkphosphat n chem.
zinc phosphate
Zinkplatte f
Zinkplatten pl
zinc plate
zinc plates
Zinkpulver n
powdered zinc
Zinkschaum m
zinc scum
Zinkstaub m
zinc dust
Zinksulfat n chem.
zinc sulphate, zinc sulfate Am.
Zinkvergiftung f med.
zinc poisoning
Zinkweiß n
zinc white
entwürdigend adj
feige, selbstsüchtig adj
sich melden (bei)
to touch base (with) coll. Am.
niederträchtig, niedrig, gemein adj
niederträchtiger, gemeiner
am niederträchtigsten, am gemeinsten, gemeinst
objektorientiertes Datenbanksystem comp.
object-oriented data base system
stützen, beruhen, basieren, gründen, aufbauen (auf)
stützend, beruhend, basierend, gründend, aufbauend
gestützt, beruht, basiert, gegründet, aufgebaut
sich stützen auf
to base (on)
to base oneself on
to zinc
verzinkt adj
vorgeschobene Einsatzbasis f, vorgeschobener Feldflugplatz, vorgeschobene Versorgungsbasis f mil.
forward operating base
zinkhaltig adj
Abstand zwischen Ringnutsteg und Felgenmitte
rim base offset
Breitreifen m auto
wide base tyre
Felgenbett n
rim base, rim well
Flachbett n
flat base
Flachbettfelge f
flat base rim
Grundfelge f
rim base

Deutsche Zinkgrundierung {f} Synonyme

Englische zinc-base primer Synonyme

zinc base Definition

(a.) Of little, or less than the usual, height
(a.) Low in place or position.
(a.) Of humble birth
(a.) Illegitimate by birth
(a.) Of little comparative value, as metal inferior to gold and silver, the precious metals.
(a.) Alloyed with inferior metal
(a.) Morally low. Hence: Low-minded
(a.) Not classical or correct.
(a.) Deep or grave in sound
(a.) Not held by honorable service
(n.) The bottom of anything, considered as its support, or that on which something rests for support
(n.) Fig.: The fundamental or essential part of a thing
(n.) The lower part of a wall, pier, or column, when treated as a separate feature, usually in projection, or especially ornamented.
(n.) The lower part of a complete architectural design, as of a monument
(n.) That extremity of a leaf, fruit, etc., at which it is attached to its support.
(n.) The positive, or non-acid component of a salt
(n.) The chief ingredient in a compound.
(n.) A substance used as a mordant.
(n.) The exterior side of the polygon, or that imaginary line which connects the salient angles of two adjacent bastions.
(n.) The line or surface constituting that part of a figure on which it is supposed to stand.
(n.) The number from which a mathematical table is constructed
(n.) A low, or deep, sound. (Mus.) (a) The lowest part
(n.) A place or tract of country, protected by fortifications, or by natural advantages, from which the operations of an army proceed, forward movements are made, supplies are furnished, etc.
(n.) The smallest kind of cannon.
(n.) That part of an organ by which it is attached to another more central organ.
(n.) The basal plane of a crystal.
(n.) The ground mass of a rock, especially if not distinctly crystalline.
(n.) The lower part of the field. See Escutcheon.
(n.) The housing of a horse.
(n.) A kind of skirt ( often of velvet or brocade, but sometimes of mailed armor) which hung from the middle to about the knees, or lower.
(n.) The lower part of a robe or petticoat.
(n.) An apron.
(n.) The point or line from which a start is made
(n.) A line in a survey which, being accurately determined in length and position, serves as the origin from which to compute the distances and positions of any points or objects connected with it by a system of triangles.
(n.) A rustic play
(n.) Any one of the four bounds which mark the circuit of the infield.
(n.) To put on a base or basis
(a.) To abase
(a.) To reduce the value of
(n.) A furnace or stove in which the fuel is contained in a hopper or chamber, and is fed to the fire as the lower stratum is consumed.
(n.) The secondary, inferior, or rear courtyard of a large house
(n.) An inferior court of law, not of record.
Base viol
() See Bass viol.
(n.) Same as Prison base.
(n.) The lowest member of a base when divided horizontally, or of a baseboard, pedestal, or the like.
(n.) An abundant element of the magnesium-cadmium group, extracted principally from the minerals zinc blende, smithsonite, calamine, and franklinite, as an easily fusible bluish white metal, which is malleable, especially when heated. It is not easily oxidized in moist air, and hence is used for sheeting, coating galvanized iron, etc. It is used in making brass, britannia, and other alloys, and is also largely consumed in electric batteries. Symbol Zn. Atomic weight 64.9.
(v. t.) To coat with zinc

zinc base Bedeutung

base on balls
walk pass
(baseball) an advance to first base by a batter who receives four balls, he worked the pitcher for a base on balls
base hit
(baseball) the successful act of striking a baseball in such a way that the batter reaches base safely
two-base hit
a base hit on which the batter stops safely at second base, he hit a double to deep centerfield
three-base hit
a base hit at which the batter stops safely at third base
first base the initial stage in accomplishing something, we didn't get to first base with that approach
prisoner's base a children's game, two teams capture opposing players by tagging them and taking them to their own base
first base first the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed at first of the bases in the infield (counting counterclockwise from home plate)
second base
the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed near the second of the bases in the infield
third base
the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed near the third of the bases in the infield (counting counterclockwise from home plate), he is playing third
air base
air station
a base for military aircraft
army base a large base of operations for an army
a support or foundation, the base of the lamp
base bag a place that the runner must touch before scoring, he scrambled to get back to the bag
base (electronics) the part of a transistor that separates the emitter from the collector
base base of operations installation from which a military force initiates operations, the attack wiped out our forward bases
base a flat bottom on which something is intended to sit, a tub should sit on its own base
base the principal ingredient of a mixture, glycerinated gelatin is used as a base for many ointments, he told the painter that he wanted a yellow base with just a hint of green, everything she cooked seemed to have rice as the base
first base the base that must be touched first by a base runner in baseball
base fundament
lowest support of a structure, it was built on a base of solid rock, he stood at the foot of the tower
headquarters central office
main office
home office
home base
(usually plural) the office that serves as the administrative center of an enterprise, many companies have their headquarters in New York
home plate
home base home plate
(baseball) base consisting of a rubber slab where the batter stands, it must be touched by a base runner in order to score, he ruled that the runner failed to touch home
the stock of basic facilities and capital equipment needed for the functioning of a country or area, the industrial base of Japan
latex paint
rubber-base paint
a water-base paint that has a latex binder
navy base base of operations for a naval fleet
rocket base a military base for rocket missiles
second base the base that must be touched second by a base runner in baseball
third base
the base that must be touched third by a base runner in baseball, he was cut down on a close play at third
water-base paint paint in which water is used as the vehicle
zinc ointment an ointment containing zinc that is used to treat certain skin diseases
the fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated or explained, the whole argument rested on a basis of conjecture
knowledge domain
knowledge base
the content of a particular field of knowledge
root word
stem theme radical
(linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed, thematic vowels are part of the stem
subdata base a subset of data in a database that are used in a specific application
a lower limit, the government established a wage floor
a terrorist network intensely opposed to the United States that dispenses money and logistical support and training to a wide variety of radical Islamic terrorist groups, has cells in more thancountries
base home the place where you are stationed and from which missions start and end
base (anatomy) the part of an organ nearest its point of attachment, the base of the skull
base the bottom or lowest part, the base of the mountain
base runner
a baseball player on the team at bat who is on base (or attempting to reach a base)
tax base collective value of taxable assets
base rate the interest rate set by the Bank of England for lending to other banks
acid-base equilibrium
acid-base balance
(physiology) the normal equilibrium between acids and alkalis in the body, with a normal acid-base balance in the body the blood is slightly alkaline
(numeration system) the positive integer that is equivalent to one in the next higher counting place, is the radix of the decimal system
basis base the most important or necessary part of something, the basis of this drink is orange juice
base the bottom side of a geometric figure from which the altitude can be constructed, the base of the triangle
zinc deficiency a deficiency caused by inadequate zinc in the diet or by liver disease or cystic fibrosis or other diseases
acid-base indicator an indicator that changes color on going from acidic to basic solutions
any of various water-soluble compounds capable of turning litmus blue and reacting with an acid to form a salt and water, bases include oxides and hydroxides of metals and ammonia
base metal a metal that is common and not considered precious, lead, iron, copper, tin, and zinc are base metals
base pair one of the pairs of chemical bases joined by hydrogen bonds that connect the complementary strands of a DNA molecule or of an RNA molecule that has two strands, the base pairs are adenine with thymine and guanine with cytosine in DNA and adenine with uracil and guanine with cytosine in RNA
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