
Deutsche (sachbezogenes Synonyme

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Englische objective Synonyme

objective  achromatic lens  affectless  aim  ambition  anesthetized  animus  appetence  appetency  appetite  arctic  aspiration  astigmatic lens  autistic  bauble  bibelot  blunt  burning glass  butt  by-end  by-purpose  camera  catatonic  chill  chilly  choice  coated lens  cold  cold as charity  cold-blooded  coldhearted  command  conation  conatus  concave lens  concavo-convex lens  condenser  convex lens  cool  corporeal  curio  decision  design  desire  destination  detached  determination  discretion  disinterested  dispassionate  disposition  drugged  dull  duty  emotionally dead  emotionless  end  end in view  equitable  evenhanded  external  extraneous  extraorganismal  extrinsic  eyeglass  eyepiece  fair  fancy  final cause  foreign  free choice  free will  frigid  frosted  frosty  frozen  function  game  gewgaw  gimcrack  glass  goal  gross  hand lens  heartless  hope  icy  immovable  impartial  impassible  impassive  impersonal  inclination  indifferent  inexcitable  insusceptible  intent  intention  judicious  just  lens  liking  lust  magnifier  magnifying glass  mark  material  meniscus  mind  neutral  nonemotional  nonsubjective  novelty  object  object glass  object in mind  objective prism  obtuse  ocular  open-handed  open-minded  out of touch  outer  outlying  outside  outward  passion  passionless  phenomenal  physical  pleasure  prey  prism  purpose  pursuit  quarry  quintain  reader  reading glass  reason for being  resolution  self-absorbed  sensible  sexual desire  soulless  spiritless  substantial  tangible  target  teleology  telephoto lens  toric lens  trinket  ultimate aim  unaffectionate  unbiased  unbigoted  uncolored  undazzled  unemotional  unfeeling  unimpassioned  unimpressionable  uninfluenced  unjaundiced  unloving  unpassionate  unprejudiced  unprepossessed  unresponding  unresponsive  unsusceptible  unswayed  unsympathetic  untouchable  use  varifocal lens  velleity  volition  whatnot  will  will power  wish  zoom lens  

(sachbezogenes Definition

(v. t.) To carry on to a final close
(v. t.) To obtain, or gain, as the result of exertion
(v. t.) To finish
(v. t.) To achieve or accomplish, that is, to reach by efforts
(v. t.) To gain or obtain possession of
(v. t.) To get at the knowledge of
(v. t.) To reach or come to, by progression or motion
(v. t.) To overtake.
(v. t.) To reach in excellence or degree
(v. i.) To come or arrive, by motion, growth, bodily exertion, or efforts toward a place, object, state, etc.
(v. i.) To come or arrive, by an effort of mind.
(n.) Attainment.
(v.) Belonging or relating equally, or similarly, to more than one
(v.) Belonging to or shared by, affecting or serving, all the members of a class, considered together
(v.) Often met with
(v.) Not distinguished or exceptional
(v.) Profane
(v.) Given to habits of lewdness
(n.) The people
(n.) An inclosed or uninclosed tract of ground for pleasure, for pasturage, etc., the use of which belongs to the public
(n.) The right of taking a profit in the land of another, in common either with the owner or with other persons
(v. i.) To converse together
(v. i.) To participate.
(v. i.) To have a joint right with others in common ground.
(v. i.) To board together
Common sense
() See Common sense, under Sense.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Establish
(n.) A square or beveled notch cut out of a girder, binding joist, or other timber which supports a floor beam, so as to receive the end of the floor beam.
(a.) Convenient
(v. t.) That which is gained, obtained, or acquired, as increase, profit, advantage, or benefit
(v. t.) The obtaining or amassing of profit or valuable possessions
(n.) To get, as profit or advantage
(n.) To come off winner or victor in
(n.) To draw into any interest or party
(n.) To reach
(n.) To get, incur, or receive, as loss, harm, or damage.
(v. i.) To have or receive advantage or profit
(n.) The mark set to bound a race, and to or around which the constestants run, or from which they start to return to it again
(n.) The final purpose or aim
(n.) A base, station, or bound used in various games
(v. t.) To join, or come in contact with
(v. t.) To come in collision with
(v. t.) To come into the presence of without contact
(v. t.) To perceive
(v. t.) To come up to
(v. t.) To come together by mutual approach
(v. t.) To come together with hostile purpose
(v. t.) To assemble together
(v. t.) To come together by mutual concessions
(n.) An assembling together

objective (goal) / common objectives / quantified objectives / in establishing our objectives / to achieve attain gain meet an objective Bedeutung

goal-kick (association football) a kick by the defending side after the attacking side sends the ball over the goal-line
goal-kick (rugby) an attempt to kick a goal
goal a successful attempt at scoring, the winning goal came with less than a minute left to play
own goal (soccer) a goal that results when a player inadvertently knocks the ball into the goal he is defending, the own goal cost them the game
field goal a score in American football, a score made by kicking the ball between the opponents' goal posts
field goal
a score in basketball made by throwing the ball through the hoop
common shiner
silversides Notropis cornutus
the common North American shiner
common canary
Serinus canaria
native to the Canary Islands and Azores, popular usually yellow cage bird noted for its song
common yellowthroat
Maryland yellowthroat
Geothlypis trichas
an American warbler
common starling
Sturnus vulgaris
gregarious bird having plumage with dark metallic gloss, builds nests around dwellings and other structures, naturalized worldwide
common European jay
Garullus garullus
fawnolored jay with black-and-white crest and blue-and-black wings
common nutcracker
Nucifraga caryocatactes
Old World nutcracker
common newt
Triturus vulgaris
small semiaquatic salamander
common snapping turtle
Chelydra serpentina
large-headed turtle with powerful hooked jaws found in or near water, prone to bite
common iguana
Iguana iguana
large herbivorous tropical American arboreal lizards with a spiny crest along the back, used as human food in Central America and South America
common kingsnake
Lampropeltis getulus
widespread in United States except northern regions, black or brown with yellow bands
common garter snake
Thamnophis sirtalis
a garter snake that is widespread in North America
common water snake
banded water snake
Natrix sipedon
Nerodia sipedon
in some classifications placed in the genus Nerodia, western United States snake that seldom ventures far from water
common viper
Vipera berus
small terrestrial viper common in northern Eurasia
common scoter
Melanitta nigra
a variety of scoter
common brant goose
Branta bernicla
the best known variety of brant goose
common opossum
Didelphis virginiana
Didelphis marsupialis
omnivorous opossum of the eastern United States, noted for feigning death when in danger, esteemed as food in some areas, considered same species as the crab-eating opossum of South America
common wallaby
Macropus agiles
a small wallaby having a height ofinches
common shrew
Sorex araneus
common American shrew
common roundworm
Ascaris lumbricoides
intestinal parasite of humans and pigs
common limpet
Patella vulgata
marine limpet
common spoonbill
Platalea leucorodia
pure white crested spoonbill of southern Eurasia and northeastern Africa
common murre
Uria aalge
the most frequent variety of murre
finback whale
fin whale
common rorqual
Balaenoptera physalus
large flat-headed whalebone whale having deep furrows along the throat, of Atlantic and Pacific
common dolphin
Delphinus delphis
black-and-white dolphin that leaps high out of the water,
pilot whale
black whale common blackfish
blackfish Globicephala melaena
small darkolored whale of the Atlantic coast of the United States, the largest male acts as pilot or leader for the school
harbor seal
common seal
Phoca vitulina
small spotted seal of coastal waters of the northern hemisphere
common lynx
Lynx lynx
of northern Eurasia
common louse
Pediculus humanus
head or body louse
common mosquito
Culex pipiens
common house mosquito
common wasp
Vespula vulgaris
a variety of vespid wasp
common pond-skater
Gerris lacustris
a variety of water strider
common booklouse
Trogium pulsatorium
a variety of booklouse
common European earwig
Forficula auricularia
sometimes destructive to cultivated bulbs
common zebra
Burchell's zebra
Equus Burchelli
of the plains of central and eastern Africa
common eland
Taurotragus oryx
dark fawnolored eland of southern and eastern Africa
common raccoon
common racoon
ringtail Procyon lotor
North American raccoon
common eel
freshwater eel
eels that live in fresh water as adults but return to sea to spawn, found in Europe and America, marketed both fresh and smoked
common American shad
Alosa sapidissima
shad of Atlantic coast of North America, naturalized to Pacific coast
common mackerel
shiner Scomber scombrus
important food fish of the northern Atlantic and Mediterranean, its body is greenish-blue with dark bars and small if any scales
common ax
common axe
Dayton ax
Dayton axe
an ax with a long handle and a head that has one cutting edge and one blunt side
common room a sitting room (usually at school or university)
goal game equipment consisting of the place toward which players of a game try to advance a ball or puck in order to score points
objective lens
object lens
object glass
the lens or system of lenses in a telescope or microscope that is nearest the object being viewed
common denominator an attribute that is common to all members of a category
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