
Deutsche (textiles) Synonyme


Englische care label Synonyme

care  TLC  abetment  accordance  accountability  acquittal  acquittance  adherence  administration  adverse circumstances  adversity  advertence  advertency  advocacy  aegis  affliction  agency  agentship  aggravation  agitation  agony  alarm  alertness  all-overs  angst  anguish  annoyance  anticipation  anxiety  anxiety hysteria  anxiety neurosis  anxious bench  anxious concern  anxious seat  anxiousness  apprehension  apprehensiveness  assiduity  assiduousness  assignment  attend to  attention  attention span  attentiveness  auspices  austerity  austerity program  authority  authorization  awareness  backing  be affected  be concerned  be fond of  be in tune  be inspired  be involved  be moved  be responsible for  bitter cup  bitter draft  bitter draught  bitter pill  blight  bossing  bread  brevet  bummer  burden  burden of care  calculation  cankerworm of care  canniness  care about  care for  careful consideration  carefulness  carking care  carrying out  catch the flame  catch the infection  caution  cautiousness  championship  change color  charge  chariness  charity  circumspection  circumspectness  color with emotion  commission  commissioning  commitment  compliance  concentration  concern  concernment  conduct  conformance  conformity  consciousness  consider  consideration  consignment  consternation  control  countenance  cross  crown of thorns  cure  curiosity  curse  custodianship  custody  daily bread  delegated authority  delegation  deliberate stages  deliberateness  deliberation  deputation  devolution  devolvement  difficulties  difficulty  dig  diligence  direction  discharge  discretion  dismay  disquiet  disquietude  distress  disturbance  dole  dolor  downer  dread  ear  earnestness  echo  economic planning  economic support  economicalness  economy  economy of means  effort  embassy  empathize with  empowerment  encouragement  encumbrance  endowment  enthusiasm  entrusting  entrustment  errand  execution  executorship  exequatur  exertion    
care for  administer to  attend  attend on  attend to  baby-sit  bandage  bathe  be fond of  be partial to  burn with love  chaperon  cherish  chore  coddle  conserve  contend with  cope with  cosset  cradle  cultivate  cure  dance attendance upon  deal with  diagnose  do for  do service to  do with  doctor  dote on  dote upon  drudge  dry-nurse  fancy  feed  flux  fondle  foster  give care to  go for  handle  have eyes for  have it bad  heal  help  keep watch over  lackey  lavish care on  like  look after  look out for  look to  love  maid  manage  massage  matronize  mind  minister to  mother  nourish  nurse  nurture  operate on  pamper  pander to  physic  plaster  poultice  preserve  protege  provide for  purge  remedy  ride herd on  rub  see after  see to  serve  shepherd  splint  spoon-feed  steward  strap  suckle  support  sustain  take care of  take charge of  tend  treat  upon  use  valet  wait  wait on  watch  watch out for  watch over  wet-nurse  work for  
care of souls  advowson  apostleship  benefice  call  charge  curacy  cure  glebe  holy orders  incumbency  living  pastorage  pastoral care  pastorate  prelacy  priesthood  priestship  rabbinate  rectory  sacred calling  the church  the cloth  the desk  the ministry  the pulpit  vicarage  vocation  
careen  ascend  bank  blunder  bob  bobble  cant  capsize  career  climb  coggle  come a cropper  culbuter  dangle  decline  descend  dip  drop  fall  fall away  fall down  fall flat  fall headlong  fall off  fall over  fall prostrate  falter  flounce  flounder  fluctuate  flutter  get a cropper  go downhill  go uphill  grade  heel  incline  keel  keel over  labor  lay down  lean  librate  lie along  list  lurch  nutate  oscillate  overset  overthrow  overturn  pendulate  pitch  pitch and plunge  plunge  rake  reel  resonate  retreat  rise  rock  roll  seethe  shake  shelve  sidle  slant  slope  sprawl  spread-eagle  stagger  struggle  stumble  subvert  swag  sway  swerve  swing  swinging  take a fall  take a flop  take a header  take a pratfall  take a spill  thrash about  tilt  tip  tip over  topple  topple down  topple over  topsy-turvify  topsy-turvy  toss  toss and tumble  toss and turn  totter  trip  tumble  turn a somersault  turn over  turn topsy-turvy  turn turtle  turn upside down  uprise  upset  upturn  vacillate  veer  vibrate  volutation  wag  waggle  wallop  wallow  wave  waver  weave  welter  wobble  
career  Brownian movement  accomplished  advance  advancement  advancing  angular motion  art  ascending  ascent  at concert pitch  axial motion  backflowing  backing  backward motion  blunder  bolt  business  calling  careen  career building  careerism  chase  climbing  clip  coached  conversant  course  craft  current  dart  dash  descending  descent  downward motion  drift  driftage  ebbing  employment  falter  finished  flight  fling  flounce  flounder  flow  flux  fly  forward motion  forwardal  forwarding  furtherance  furthering  gait  game  go-ahead  handicraft  haste  hasten  headway  hie  hump  hump it  hurry  hurtle  initiate  initiated  job  labor  lick  lifework  line  line of business  line of work  livelihood  lurch  make haste  march  metier  mission  mounting  mystery  number  oblique motion  occupation  ongoing  onrush  onward course  pace  passage  pitch  pitch and plunge  plunge  plunging  post  practice  practiced  prepared  primed  profession  professional  progress  progression  progressiveness  promotion  pursuit  race  racket  radial motion  random motion  rate  reel  reflowing  refluence  reflux  regression  retrogression  rising  rock  roll  rolling  rolling on  run  rush  scamper  scoot  scour  scramble  scud  scurry  scuttle  seethe  set  shoot  sideward motion  sinking  skedaddle  skilled  soaring  specialization  specialty  speed  stagger  step  step on it  sternway  stream  stride  struggle  stumble  subsiding  sway  swing  tear  technical  thrash about  toss  toss and tumble  toss and turn  totter  trade  trained  traject  trajet  travel  tread  trend  tumble  upward motion  vocation  walk  walk of life  wallop  wallow  way  welter  work  zoom  
carefree  airy  blase  blithe  breezy  buoyant  careless  contented  corky  debonair  easy  easygoing  feckless  free and easy  happy  happy-go-lucky  incautious  indifferent  insouciant  jaunty  light  light-hearted  lighthearted  lightsome  nonchalant  perky  reckless  resilient  unconcerned  unworried  wild  
careful  Scotch  accurate  advertent  agog  alert  all ears  all eyes  assiduous  attentive  aware  calculating  canny  cautious  chary  cheeseparing  circumspect  concentrated  conscientious  conscionable  conscious  conserving  considerate  critical  curious  deliberate  diligent  discreet  discriminating  discriminative  duteous  dutiful  earnest  economic  economizing  enlightened  exact  fastidious  finical  finicking  finicky  forehanded  foresighted  frugal  fussy  gingerly  guarded  heedful  hesitant  intense  intent  intentive  judgmatic  judicial  judicious  labor-saving  leaving out nothing  loving  meticulous  mindful  money-saving  nice  niggling  noncommittal  observant  observing  on guard  on the ball  on the job  open-eared  open-eyed  openmouthed  overconscientious  overlooking no possibility  overscrupulous  painstaking  parsimonious  particular  pawky  penny-wise  politic  precise  provident  prudent  prudential  punctilious  punctual  reflecting  reflective  regardful  religious  safe  saving  scrimping  scrupulous  skimping  slow to act  solicitous  spare  sparing  strict  studied  systematic  tender  tender-conscienced  tentative  thorough  thoughtful  thrifty  time-saving  unadventurous  uncommunicative  undaring  unenterprising  unprecipitate  unwasteful  vigilant  wary  watchful  well-advised  well-judged  
carefully  assiduously  cannily  cautiously  charily  circumspectly  considerately  diligently  discreetly  easy  economically  frugally  gingerly  guardedly  heedfully  husbandly  industriously  judiciously  lovingly  mindfully  painstakingly  pawkily  providently  prudently  regardfully  sedulously  solicitously  sparingly  tenderly  thoroughgoingly  thoroughly  thoughtfully  thriftily  with care  with caution  with great care  
carefulness  austerity  austerity program  calculation  canniness  care  careful consideration  caution  cautiousness  chariness  circumspection  concern  consciousness  deliberate stages  deliberateness  deliberation  discretion  economic planning  economicalness  economy  economy of means  false economy  forehandedness  frugality  frugalness  gingerliness  good management  guardedness  hedge  hedging  heed  heedfulness  hesitation  husbandry  judiciousness  management  mindfulness  parsimoniousness  parsimony  pawkiness  prior consultation  providence  prudence  prudential administration  prudentialness  regard  regardfulness  safeness  safety first  slowness to act  solicitude  sparingness  tentativeness  thoroughness  thrift  thriftiness  tight purse strings  uncommunicativeness  unprecipitateness  unwastefulness  
careless  absent-minded  accident-prone  airy  all thumbs  aloof  apathetic  arbitrary  artless  ataractic  awkward  barbarous  beat-up  bedraggled  behindhand  blase  blowzy  blunderheaded  blundering  boorish  bored  breakneck  bumbling  bungling  butterfingered  capricious  carefree  casual  chintzy  clownish  clumsy  clumsy-fisted  cumbersome  cursory  degage  delinquent  derelict  desperate  detached  devil-may-care  dilapidated  disheveled  disinterested  dispassionate  disregardant  disregardful  distant  distracted  distrait  drabbletailed  draggled  draggletailed  easy  easygoing  erroneous  faulty  feckless  fingers all thumbs  flippant  forgetful  free and easy  frowzy  frumpish  frumpy  fumbling  furious  gauche  gawkish  gawky  graceless  grubby  ham-fisted  ham-handed  harum-scarum  hasty  headlong  heavy-handed  heedless  hotheaded  hulking  hulky  hurried  impassive  impetuous  impotent  imprecise  improper  imprudent  in rags  inaccurate  inadequate  inadvertent  inattentive  incapable  incautious  inconsiderate  incorrect  incurious  indifferent  inelegant  inexact  inexcitable  infelicitous  informal  ingenuous  inobservant  insouciant  irresponsible  lackadaisical  lax  lazy  left-hand  left-handed  lenient  listless  loose  loutish  lubberly  lumbering  lumpen  lumpish  mad  maladroit  messy  mindless  mussy  neglectful  negligent  nonchalant  oafish  oblivious  offhand  overeager  overenthusiastic  overindulgent  overpermissive  overzealous  perfunctory  permissive  phlegmatic  pococurante  poky  ponderous  precipitant  precipitate  precipitous  ragged  raggedy  rash  raunchy  reasonless  reckless  regardless  relaxed  remiss  respectless  ruinous  scraggly  seedy  shabby  shoddy  slack  slap-bang  slapdash  slatternly  slipshod  sloppy  slovenly  sluttish  soft  solecistic  sordid  squalid  stiff  stolid  tacky  tactless  tattered  thoughtless  turned-off  unanxious  uncalculating  uncaring  unconcerned  uncouth  undiplomatic  undiscriminating  
carelessly  a corps perdu  airily  any old way  any which way  anyhow  apathetically  at haphazard  at intervals  at random  bunglingly  by chance  by fits  by snatches  capriciously  casually  clumsily  cursorily  desperately  desultorily  disinterestedly  dispassionately  disregardfully  erratically  fitfully  forgetfully  furiously  haphazardly  happen what may  hastily  head over heels  headfirst  headforemost  headlong  heedlessly  heels over head  helter-skelter  hit and miss  hit or miss  holus-bolus  hotheadedly  hurriedly  hurry-scurry  impetuously  in snatches  in spots  inadvertently  inattentively  inconsiderately  indeliberately  indiscriminately  insouciantly  involuntarily  irregularly  lackadaisically  like crazy  like mad  listlessly  madly  messily  mindlessly  negligently  nonchalantly  offhand  offhandedly  once over lightly  overeagerly  overenthusiastically  overzealously  perfunctorily  precipitantly  precipitately  precipitously  promiscuously  ramble-scramble  randomly  recklessly  regardlessly  slam-bang  slap-bang  slapdash  sloppily  spasmodically  sporadically  tactlessly  thoughtlessly  unadvisedly  uncalculatedly  unconcernedly  undesignedly  unguardedly  unheedfully  unheedingly  unintentionally  uninterestedly  unmethodically  unmindfully  unpremeditatedly  unreasoningly  unsolicitously  unsystematically  unthinkingly  unthoughtfully  unvigilantly  unwarily  wantonly  wildly  without premeditation  without willing  
carelessness  abandon  absentmindedness  accidia  acedia  aloofness  apathy  ataraxia  ataraxy  blowziness  blunderheadedness  blundering  boggling  boredom  botchery  botching  bungling  caprice  careless abandon  casualness  chintziness  cursoriness  desperateness  detachment  devil-may-careness  disinterest  disinterestedness  dispassion  disregard  disregardfulness  distraction  dowdiness  easiness  easygoingness  flightiness  flippancy  forgetfulness  frivolousness  frowziness  frumpishness  fumbling  furiousness  giddiness  grubbiness  haste  hastiness  heedlessness  hotheadedness  hurriedness  impassiveness  impassivity  impetuosity  impetuousness  impotence  imprecision  inadvertence  inadvertency  inattention  inattentiveness  inconsiderateness  inconsideration  incuriosity  incuriousness  indifference  indifferentism  indifferentness  indiscrimination  inexcitability  inobservance  insouciance  intellectual inertia  lack of affect  lack of foresight  lack of interest  lackadaisicalness  laxity  laxness  laziness  leniency  levity  lightmindedness  listlessness  looseness  loosening  messiness  mindlessness  muffing  negligence  nonchalance  nonobservance  oblivion  obliviousness  offhandedness  overeagerness  overenthusiasm  overindulgence  overpermissiveness  overzealousness  perfunctoriness  permissiveness  pococurantism  precipitance  precipitancy  precipitateness  precipitation  precipitousness  recklessness  regardlessness  relaxation  relaxedness  remissness  seediness  shabbiness  shallowness  shoddiness  slackness  slatternliness  slipshodness  sloppiness  sloth  slovenliness  slovenry  sluttishness  softness  sordidness  sprezzatura  squalidness  squalor  stolidity  superficiality  tackiness  tactlessness  tawdriness  thoughtlessness  too many cooks  unalertness  unanxiousness  unawareness  unconcern  unconsciousness  unheedfulness  uninquisitiveness  unintentiveness  uninterestedness  unmindfulness  unneatness  unobservance  unpreparedness  unrea  
caress  artful endearments  attouchement  blandishment  blandishments  breath  brush  brush by  cocker  coddle  come in contact  contact  contingence  coquet  cosset  cuddle  cutaneous sense  dally  dandle  embrace  endearment  feel  feel up  feeling  fingertip caress  flick  flirt  fondle  fondling  frictionize  glance  graze  hand-mindedness  hit  honeyed words  hug  impinge  impingement  impingence  indulge  kiss  knead  lambency  lap  lick  light touch  love  massage  nose  nudge  nuzzle  osculate  osculation  pamper  pat  pet  rub  rub against  rub down  rub noses  scrape  sense of touch  shave  sideswipe  skim  skirt  soft words  squeak by  stroke  sweet nothings  sweet talk  tactile sense  taction  tangency  tap  tentative contact  tentative poke  touch  touching  toy  trifle  whisper  
caressing  amorous dalliance  billing and cooing  bundling  cuddling  dalliance  feeling  fingering  fondling  friction  frottage  handling  hugging  kissing  lollygagging  lovemaking  manipulation  necking  nestling  nuzzling  palpation  petting  pressure  rubbing  sexual intercourse  snuggling  spooning  stroking  touching  
caretaker  air warden  attendant  castellan  conservator  curator  custodian  forest ranger  game warden  gamekeeper  governor  guardian  guardian angel  janitor  keeper  lifeguard  lifesaver  next friend  prochein ami  ranger  shepherd  steward  warden  warder  
careworn  aggrieved  anguished  distressed  doleful  dolorous  drawn  dumb with grief  exhausted  fagged  grief-stricken  griefful  grieved  grievous  heavy-laden  in grief  jaded  lamentable  lugubrious  mournful  pinched  plaintive  plangent  plunged in grief  rueful  sorrowed  sorrowful  sorrowing  tearful  troubled  tuckered  woeful  worn  

(textiles) Definition

(n.) A burdensome sense of responsibility
(n.) Charge, oversight, or management, implying responsibility for safety and prosperity.
(n.) Attention or heed
(n.) The object of watchful attention or anxiety.
(n.) To be anxious or solicitous
(n.) A tassel.
(n.) A slip of silk, paper, parchment, etc., affixed to anything, usually by an inscription, the contents, ownership, destination, etc.
(n.) A slip of ribbon, parchment, etc., attached to a document to hold the appended seal
(n.) A writing annexed by way of addition, as a codicil added to a will.
(n.) A barrulet, or, rarely, a bendlet, with pendants, or points, usually three, especially used as a mark of cadency to distinguish an eldest or only son while his father is still living.
(n.) A brass rule with sights, formerly used, in connection with a circumferentor, to take altitudes.
(n.) The name now generally given to the projecting molding by the sides, and over the tops, of openings in mediaeval architecture. It always has a /quare form, as in the illustration.
(n.) In mediaeval art, the representation of a band or scroll containing an inscription.
(v. t.) To affix a label to
(v. t.) To affix in or on a label.
(a.) Pertaining to weaving or to woven fabrics
(n.) That which is, or may be, woven

(textile) care label Bedeutung

hair care
care for the hair: the activity of washing or cutting or curling or arranging the hair
activity involved in maintaining something in good working order, he wrote the manual on car care
camera care keeping a camera in good working order
car care keeping a car in good working order
care attention aid tending the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something, no medical care was required, the old car needs constant attention
primary care the medical care received on first contact with the medical system (before being referred elsewhere)
dental care care for the teeth
medical care
medical aid
professional treatment for illness or injury
hospital care
placing in medical care in a hospital
nursing care care by a skilled nurse
tender loving care
considerate and solicitous care, young children need lots of TLC
personal care care for someone who is disabled or is otherwise unable to care for themselves, can including bathing and cooking and managing bodily functions
skin care
care for the skin
intensive care close monitoring and constant medical care of patients with life-threatening conditions
care charge
tutelage guardianship
attention and management implying responsibility for safety, he is in the care of a bodyguard
healthcare health care the preservation of mental and physical health by preventing or treating illness through services offered by the health profession
healthcare delivery
health care delivery
care delivery
the provision of health care
health care social insurance for the ill and injured
primary health care health care that is provided by a health care professional in the first contact of a patient with the health care system
due care
ordinary care
reasonable care
the care that a reasonable man would exercise under the circumstances, the standard for determining legal duty
foster care supervised care for delinquent or neglected children usually in an institution or substitute home
great care more attention and consideration than is normally bestowed by prudent persons, the pilot exercised great care in landing
slight care such care as a careless or inattentive person would exercise
child care
a service involving care for other people's children
day care
childcare during the day while parents work
day nursery
day care center
a nursery for the supervision of preschool children while the parents work
artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers, the fabric in the curtains was light and semitransparent, woven cloth originated in Mesopotamia around BC, she measured off enough material for a dress
textile machine a machine for making textiles
textile mill a factory for making textiles
judiciousness in avoiding harm or danger, he exercised caution in opening the door, he handled the vase with care
label recording label trade name of a company that produces musical recordings, the artists and repertoire department of a recording label is responsible for finding new talent
label a brief description given for purposes of identification, the label Modern is applied to many different kinds of architecture
label an identifying or descriptive marker that is attached to an object
gummed label
an adhesive label
care a cause for feeling concern, his major care was the illness of his wife
concern care fear an anxious feeling, care had aged him, they hushed it up out of fear of public reaction
extended care facility a medical institution that provides prolonged care (as in cases of prolonged illness or rehabilitation from acute illness)
coronary care unit a hospital unit specially staffed and equipped to treat patients with serious cardiac problems
neonatal intensive care unit
an intensive care unit designed with special equipment to care for premature or seriously ill newborn
intensive care unit
a hospital unit staffed and equipped to provide intensive care
Casualty Care Research Center
an agency in the Department of Defense that is a national center for research on all aspects of injury control and casualty care
health professional
primary care provider
health care provider
a person who helps in identifying or preventing or treating illness or disability
primary care physician the physician who provides primary care, the primary care physician acts as a gatekeeper to the medical system
textile screw pine
Pandanus tectorius
Polynesian screw pine
label a radioactive isotope that is used in a compound in order to trace the mechanism of a chemical reaction
care for
provide treatment for, The doctor treated my broken leg, The nurses cared for the bomb victims, The patient must be treated right away or she will die, Treat the infection with antibiotics
label distinguish (an element or atom) by using a radioactive isotope or an isotope of unusual mass for tracing through chemical reactions
label distinguish (as a compound or molecule) by introducing a labeled atom
label judge
pronounce judgment on, They labeled him unfit to work here
label assign a label to, designate with a label, These students were labelled `learning disabled'
Ergebnisse der Bewertung:
121 Bewertungen 5


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