
Deutsche Adventslied Synonyme

Englische Advent song Synonyme

advent  access  accession  accomplishment  achievement  advance  afflux  affluxion  appearance  approach  approach of time  approaching  appropinquation  approximation  appulse  arrival  attainment  coming  coming near  coming toward  flowing toward  forthcoming  imminence  nearing  nearness  oncoming  proximation  reaching  time drawing on  
Advent  Allhallowmas  Allhallows  Allhallowtide  Annunciation  Annunciation Day  Ascension Day  Ash Wednesday  Candlemas  Candlemas Day  Carnival  Christmas  Corpus Christi  Easter  Easter Monday  Easter Saturday  Easter Sunday  Eastertide  Ember days  Epiphany  Good Friday  Halloween  Hallowmas  Holy Thursday  Holy Week  Lady Day  Lammas  Lammas Day  Lammastide  Lent  Lententide  Mardi Gras  Martinmas  Maundy Thursday  Michaelmas  Michaelmas Day  Michaelmastide  Palm Sunday  Pancake Day  Passion Week  Pentecost  Quadragesima  Quadragesima Sunday  Septuagesima  Shrove Tuesday  Trinity Sunday  Twelfth-day  Twelfth-tide  Whit-Tuesday  White Sunday  Whitmonday  Whitsun  Whitsunday  Whitsuntide  Whitweek  
adventitious  accessory  accidental  additional  adscititious  aleatory  appurtenant  ascititious  auxiliary  casual  causeless  chance  chancy  circumstantial  collateral  conditional  contingent  destinal  dicey  extra  fatal  fatidic  fluky  fortuitous  iffy  incidental  indeterminate  inessential  nonessential  occasional  provisional  risky  secondary  subsidiary  superadded  superfluous  supervenient  supplemental  supplementary  uncaused  undetermined  unessential  unexpected  unforeseeable  unforeseen  unlooked-for  unpredictable  
adventure  Clio  accomplished fact  accomplishment  achievement  act  acta  action  adventures  affair  annals  aristeia  autobiography  bet  biographical sketch  biography  blow  bold stroke  case history  casualty  chance  chance hit  chronicle  chronicles  chronology  circumstance  confessions  contingency  contingent  coup  curriculum vitae  danger  dare  dealings  deed  diary  doing  doings  effort  emprise  endanger  endeavor  enterprise  episode  escapade  event  expedition  experience  experiences  exploit  exploration  fact  fait accompli  feat  fluke  fortuity  fortunes  freak accident  gamble  gest  go  hagiography  hagiology  hand  handiwork  hap  happening  happenstance  hazard  heroic act  historiography  history  imperil  incident  jeopardize  job  journal  legend  life  life and letters  life story  long odds  long shot  lucky shot  maneuver  martyrology  matter of fact  measure  memoir  memoirs  memorabilia  memorial  memorials  mission  move  necrology  obituary  occasion  occurrence  operation  overt act  particular  passage  performance  peril  phenomenon  photobiography  pilgrimage  proceeding  production  profile  punt  quest  reality  record  res gestae  resume  risk  speculation  stake  step  story  stroke  stunt  theory of history  thing  thing done  threaten  tour de force  transaction  turn  turn of events  undertaking  venture  wager  waver  work  works  
adventurer  adventuress  alpinist  astronaut  betting ring  bettor  big operator  boneshaker  bounder  bourgeois gentilhomme  brazenface  cad  camper  cardshark  cardsharp  cardsharper  charlatan  cheat  climber  comers and goers  commuter  compulsive gambler  condottiere  cosmopolite  crap shooter  cruiser  daredevil  devil  excursionist  explorer  fare  fire-eater  free lance  gambler  gamester  globe-girdler  globe-trotter  goer  gun  gunman  gunslinger  hajji  harum-scarum  hazarder  hellcat  hero  heroine  hired gun  hired killer  hireling  hotspur  jet set  jet-setter  journeyer  knave  lame duck  madbrain  madcap  margin purchaser  mariner  mercenary  mountaineer  name-dropper  newly-rich  nouveau riche  nouveau roturier  operator  opportunist  palmer  parvenu  passenger  passerby  pathfinder  petty gambler  philanderer  pig in clover  piker  pilgrim  pioneer  player  plunger  professional killer  punter  rantipole  rogue  rubberneck  rubbernecker  sailor  scalper  scoundrel  sharp  sharper  sharpie  sightseer  smart operator  social climber  soldier of fortune  speculator  sport  sporting man  sportsman  sprout  stag  status seeker  straphanger  swashbuckler  swindler  tinhorn  tipster  tourer  tourist  tout  trailblazer  trailbreaker  transient  traveler  trekker  trickster  tripper  tufthunter  upstart  venturer  viator  visiting fireman  voortrekker  voyager  voyageur  wagerer  wayfarer  wild man  world-traveler  would-be gentleman  
adventuresome  adventurous  aggressive  ambitious  audacious  daredevil  daring  driving  dynamic  enterprising  foolhardy  forceful  go-ahead  hustling  overbold  pushful  pushing  pushy  rash  reckless  temerarious  up-and-coming  venturesome  venturous  
adventuress  Aspasia  Delilah  Jezebel  Messalina  Phryne  Thais  adventurer  brazenface  courtesan  daredevil  demimondaine  demimonde  demirep  devil  femme fatale  fire-eater  harem girl  harum-scarum  hellcat  hetaera  hotspur  houri  madbrain  madcap  odalisque  rantipole  seductress  temptress  vamp  vampire  wild man  
adventurous  adventuresome  adversary  aggressive  aleatory  ambitious  antagonist  anti  assaulter  attacker  audacious  bold  brash  brave  chancy  con  courageous  daredevil  daring  death-defying  devil-may-care  dicey  doughty  driving  dynamic  enterprising  fire-eating  foolhardy  forceful  forward  full of risk  go-ahead  harebrained  hazardous  hotheaded  hustling  impetuous  imprudent  intrepid  madbrain  madbrained  madcap  match  opposer  oppugnant  overbold  overconfident  presumptuous  pushful  pushing  pushy  rash  reckless  riskful  risky  speculative  temerarious  up-and-coming  venturesome  venturous  wild  wild-ass  wildcat  

Adventslied Definition

(n.) The period including the four Sundays before Christmas.
(n.) The first or the expected second coming of Christ.
(n.) Coming
(n.) That which is sung or uttered with musical modulations of the voice, whether of a human being or of a bird, insect, etc.
(n.) A lyrical poem adapted to vocal music
(n.) More generally, any poetical strain
(n.) Poetical composition
(n.) An object of derision
(n.) A trifle.

Advent song / Advent songs Bedeutung

arrival that has been awaited (especially of something momentous), the advent of the computer
swan song
last hurrah
a final performance or effort (especially before retirement)
the act of singing, with a shout and a song they marched up to the gates
song sparrow
Melospiza melodia
small songbird common in North America
song thrush
Turdus philomelos
common Old World thrush noted for its song
cover version
cover song
a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else, they made a cover of a Beatles' song
siren call
siren song
the enticing appeal of something alluring but potentially dangerous, he succumbed to the siren call of the wilderness
Song of Songs
Song of Solomon
Canticle of Canticles
an Old Testament book consisting of a collection of love poems traditionally attributed to Solomon but actually written much later
Prayer of Azariah and Song of the Three Children an Apocryphal book consisting of text added to the Book of Daniel
fairytale fairy tale fairy story cock-and-bull story
song and dance
an interesting but highly implausible story, often told as an excuse
call birdsong
the characteristic sound produced by a bird, a bird will not learn its song unless it hears it at an early age
song and dance theatrical performance combining singing and dancing
theme song a melody that recurs and comes to represent a musical play or movie
signature signature tune
theme song
a melody used to identify a performer or a dance band or radio
religious song religious music for singing
a short musical composition with words, a successful musical must have at least three good songs
drinking song a song celebrating the joys of drinking, sung at drinking parties
folk song
folk ballad
a song that is traditionally sung by the common people of a region and forms part of their culture
love song
a song about love or expressing love for another person
banquet song
a song (sometimes improvised) sung by guests at a banquet
torch song a popular song concerned with disappointment in love
work song a usually rhythmical song to accompany repetitious work
Second Coming
Second Coming of Christ
Second Advent
(Christian theology) the reappearance of Jesus as judge for the Last Judgment
song a distinctive or characteristic sound, the song of bullets was in the air, the song of the wind, the wheels sang their song as the train rocketed ahead
Sung dynasty
Song dynasty
the imperial dynasty of China fromto , noted for art and literature and philosophy
song a very small sum, he bought it for a song
Advent the season including the four Sundays preceding Christmas
Advent Sunday the first of the four Sundays during Advent
for a song
for a bargain price
at a low price
for a relatively small amount of money, we bought the house for a song
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Adventslieder sind christliche Lieder, die den Advent, die Erwartung der Ankunft Gottes bei den Menschen, besingen und daher der Adventszeit gesungen werden. Adventslieder sind geprägt von der sehnlichen Erwartung des Heilands , der Lichtsymbolik und der Bildwelt der alttestamentlichen Prophezeiungen.