
Aktivposten {m} (Buchhaltung) [econ] [adm] Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Aktivposten m (Buchhaltung) econ. adm.
Aktivposten pl
credit item (accounting)
credit items
Aktivposten m; Gutschriftposten m; Gutschrift f; Kreditposten m; Habenposten m; Posten m auf der Habenseite (Buchhaltung) econ. adm.
Aktivposten pl; Gutschriftposten pl; Gutschriften pl; Kreditposten pl; Habenposten pl; Posten pl auf der Habenseite
asset item; credit item; entry on the credit side (accounting)
asset items; credit items; entries on the credit side
Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten m; Rechnungsabgrenzungsposition f RAP (Buchhaltung) econ. adm.
Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten pl; Rechnungsabgrenzungspositionen pl
aktiver Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten; antizipativer Posten; Antizipativum (vorweggenommener späterer Zahlungsvorgang)
antizipativer Aktivposten; antizipiertes Aktivum; aktives Antizipativum (vorweggenommener Ertrag)
antizipativer Passivposten; antizipatives Passivum; passives Antizipativum (vorweggenommene Aufwendung)
passiver Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten; transitorischer Posten (zurückgestellte Verbuchung eines Zahlungsvorgangs)
transitorischer Aktivposten; transitorisches Aktivum (aufgeschobene Verbuchung eines Ertrags)
transitorischer Passivposten; transitorisches Passivum (aufgeschobene Verbuchung einer Aufwendung)
Auflösung von Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten
non-operational item; non-cash item; accrual or deferral item (accounting)
non-operational items; non-cash items; accrual or deferral items
accrued item; accrual
accrued asset; accrued income; accrued revenue
accrued charge; accrued expense; accrued liability
deferred item; deferral
deferred credit; deferred income; deferred revenue
deferred charge; deferred expense; deferred liability
amortization of accruals and deferrals

Deutsche Aktivposten {m} (Buchhaltung) [econ] [adm] Synonyme

Aktivposten  ÂAnlagegegenstand  ÂAnlagengegenstand  ÂVermögensgegenstand  ÂVermögenswert  
Buchführung  ÂBuchhaltung  
Buchhaltung  ÂRechnungsführung  ÂRechnungswesen  
Buchführung  ÂBuchhaltung  ÂFibu  ÂFinanzbuchhaltung  ÂGeschäftsbuchhaltung  
Aktivposten  Anlagegegenstand  Anlagengegenstand  Vermögensgegenstand  Vermögenswert  
Buchhaltung  Rechnungsführung  Rechnungswesen  
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Englische credit item Synonyme

credit  accept  accept for gospel  accept implicitly  acceptability  acceptation  acception  acclaim  account  account for  accounting for  accredit  accredit with  accrete to  acknowledge  acknowledgment  acquiescence  answerability  application  apply to  approbation  approval  arrogation  ascendancy  ascribe  ascribe to  ascription  assign  assign to  assignation  assignment  assurance  assuredness  attach to  attachment  attribute  attribute to  attribution  authority  avails  balance  balance the books  be certain  belief  believability  believableness  believe  believe without reservation  benediction  blame  blame for  blame on  bless  book  box office  bring home to  buy  capitalize  carry  carry over  cast up accounts  certainty  charge  charge off  charge on  charge to  charisma  charm  close out  close the books  clout  cognizance  commendation  commissions  conceivability  confess  confidence  connect with  connection with  consequence  consider  consideration  control  credence  credibility  credit with  crediting  credits  credulity  debit  deem  deficit  depend on  dependability  dependence  derivation from  difference  discrepancy  disposable income  distinction  dividend  dividends  docket  dominance  domination  double entry  due  earned income  earnings  effect  eminence  enchantment  enter  entry  epact  esteem  estimation  etiology  faith  faithfulness  fasten upon  father upon  favor  feel  fix on  fix upon  force  gains  gate  gate receipts  get  give credit  give faith to  give thanks  glory  good feeling  grace  great honor  gross  gross income  gross receipts  hang on  hold  honesty  honor  hope  hymn  importance  imputation  impute  impute to  incidental power  income  influence  influentiality  insinuation  intake  item  journalize  keep books  lay  lay to  leadership  leverage  log  magnetism  make  make acknowledgments of  make an entry  mastery  merit  minute  moment  net  net income  net receipts  notation  note  offer thanks  ornamen  
credit rating  bank credit  book credit  borrowing power  cash credit  commercial credit  consumer credit  credit  credit insurance  credit union  financial condition  hire purchase plan  installment credit  installment plan  investment credit  line of credit  never-never  rating  tax credit  tick  trust  
credit union  Bund  Rochdale cooperative  alliance  assemblage  association  axis  band  bank  bank credit  bloc  body  book credit  borrowing power  cash credit  coalition  college  combination  combine  commercial credit  common market  confederacy  confederation  consumer cooperative  consumer credit  cooperative  cooperative society  corps  council  credit  credit insurance  credit rating  customs union  economic community  federation  finance company  finance corporation  free trade area  gang  group  grouping  hire purchase plan  hock shop  installment credit  installment plan  investment credit  league  lending institution  line of credit  machine  mob  mortgage company  never-never  partnership  pawnbroker  pawnbrokery  pawnshop  political machine  rating  ring  society  tax credit  tick  trust  union  
creditable  Christian  admirable  beyond all praise  blameless  clean  colorable  commendable  credible  decent  deserving  erect  esteemed  estimable  ethical  exemplary  fair  full of integrity  good  held in esteem  high-minded  high-principled  highly esteemed  highly regarded  highly reputed  highly respectable  honest  honorable  honored  immaculate  in favor  in good odor  in high favor  inviolate  irreproachable  just  laudable  law-abiding  law-loving  law-revering  manly  meritorious  model  moral  noble  plausible  praiseworthy  prestigious  principled  pure  reputable  reputed  respectable  respected  revered  reverend  right  right-minded  righteous  satisfactory  spotless  stainless  sterling  suitable  true-dealing  true-devoted  true-disposing  true-souled  true-spirited  truehearted  unblemished  uncorrupt  uncorrupted  undefiled  unexceptionable  unimpeachable  unspotted  unstained  unsullied  untarnished  upright  uprighteous  upstanding  venerable  venerated  virtuous  well-deserving  well-thought-of  worshipful  worthy  yeomanly  
credited  accepted  accountable  accredited  alleged  ascribable  assignable  attributable  attributed  believed  charged  derivable from  derivational  derivative  due  explicable  imputable  imputed  of good credit  owing  putative  received  referable  referred to  traceable  trusted  uncontested  undisputed  undoubted  unquestioned  unsuspected  well-rated  

Aktivposten {m} (Buchhaltung) [econ] [adm] Definition

(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Account
(n.) Reliance on the truth of something said or done
(n.) Reputation derived from the confidence of others
(n.) A ground of, or title to, belief or confidence
(n.) That which tends to procure, or add to, reputation or esteem
(n.) Influence derived from the good opinion, confidence, or favor of others
(n.) Trust given or received
(n.) The time given for payment for lands or goods sold on trust
(n.) The side of an account on which are entered all items reckoned as values received from the party or the category named at the head of the account
(v. t.) To confide in the truth of
(v. t.) To bring honor or repute upon
(v. t.) To enter upon the credit side of an account
Credit foncier
() A company licensed for the purpose of carrying out improvements, by means of loans and advances upon real securities.
Credit mobilier
() A joint stock company, formed for general banking business, or for the construction of public works, by means of loans on personal estate, after the manner of the credit foncier on real estate. In practice, however, this distinction has not been strictly observed.
(adv.) Also
(n.) An article
(n.) A hint
(n.) A short article in a newspaper
(v. t.) To make a note or memorandum of.

credit item (accounting) / credit items Bedeutung

credit used in the phrase `to your credit' in order to indicate an achievement deserving praise, she already had several performances to her credit
course credit
recognition by a college or university that a course of studies has been successfully completed, typically measured in semester hours
semester hour
credit hour
a unit of academic credit, one hour a week for an academic semester
the occupation of maintaining and auditing records and preparing financial reports for a business
cost accounting keeping account of the costs of items in production
inventory accounting accounting that controls and evaluates inventory
collector's item
piece de resistance
the outstanding item (the prize piece or main exhibit) in a collection
item a whole individual unit, especially when included in a list or collection, they reduced the price on many items
accounting a system that provides quantitative information about finances
credit rating
an estimate, based on previous dealings, of a person's or an organization's ability to fulfill their financial commitments
an isolated fact that is considered separately from the whole, several of the details are similar, a point of information
credit system a system for allowing people to purchase things on credit
accounting principle
accounting standard
a principle that governs current accounting practice and that is used as a reference to determine the appropriate treatment of complex transactions
credit an entry on a list of persons who contributed to a film or written work, the credits were given at the end of the film
credit line
a line giving the name of the writer of a story or article
a distinct part that can be specified separately in a group of things that could be enumerated on a list, he noticed an item in the New York Times, she had several items on her shopping list, the main point on the agenda was taken up first
agenda item one of the items to be considered
inventory item an item listed in an inventory
line item an item in an appropriation bill, Some governors can veto line items in their state budgets
news item an item in a newspaper
credit application an application for a line of credit
credit order
bill-me order
an order that is received without payment, requires billing at a later date
full faith and credit a guarantee to pay interest and principal on debt, usually issued by the United States Treasury
approval, give her recognition for trying, he was given credit for his work, give her credit for trying
accounting a convincing explanation that reveals basic causes, he was unable to give a clear accounting for his actions
citation cite
acknowledgment credit reference mention quotation
a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage, the student's essay failed to list several important citations, the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book, the article includes mention of similar clinical cases
photo credit a note acknowledging the source of a published photograph
an individual instance of a type of symbol, the word`error' contains three tokens of `r'
accounting firm a firm of accountants who provide accounting and auditing services for a fee
generally accepted accounting principles
a collection of rules and procedures and conventions that define accepted accounting practice, includes broad guidelines as well as detailed procedures
Government Accounting Office
United States Government Accounting Office
an independent nonpartisan federal agency that acts as the investigative arm of Congress making the executive branch accountable to Congress and the government accountable to citizens of the United States
credit union a cooperative depository financial institution whose members can obtain loans from their combined savings
credit bureau a private firm that maintains consumer credit data files and provides credit information to authorized users for a fee
commercial finance company
commercial credit company
a finance company that makes loans to manufacturers and wholesalers
Farm Credit System
a cooperative nationwide system of banks and associations providing credit to farmers and related businesses, originally capitalized by the federal government but now owned by its members and borrowers
accounting data all the data (ledgers and journals and spreadsheets) that support a financial statement, can be hard copy or machine readable
credit analyst an analyst who studies the financial statements and financial history of applicants for credit in order to evaluate their creditworthiness
operating expense
operating cost
budget items
the expense of maintaining property (e.g., paying property taxes and utilities and insurance), it does not include depreciation or the cost of financing or income taxes
account accounting
account statement
a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance, they send me an accounting every month
deferred payment
arrangement for deferred payment for goods and services
consumer credit a line of credit extended for personal or household use
home loan
home equity credit
home equity loan
equity credit line
a loan secured by equity value in the borrower's home
installment credit
installment loan
a loan repaid with interest in equal periodic payments
open-end credit
revolving credit
charge account credit
a consumer credit line that can be used up to a certain limit or paid down at any time
credit account
charge account
open account
credit extended by a business to a customer
credit card
charge card
charge plate
a card (usually plastic) that assures a seller that the person using it has a satisfactory credit rating and that the issuer will see to it that the seller receives payment for the merchandise delivered, do you take plastic?
credit money available for a client to borrow
tax credit a direct reduction in tax liability (not dependent on the taxpayer's tax bracket)
export credit a credit opened by an importer with a bank in an exporter's country to finance an export operation
import credit credit opened by an importer at a bank in his own country upon which an exporter may draw
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