
Deutsche Alleinvertrieb {m} Synonyme

Englische sole distributors Synonyme

sole  a certain  absolute  alone  an  any  any one  arch  atomic  azygous  bachelorlike  base  baseboard  basement  celibate  chassis  clubfoot  dado  digit  dog  either  exclusive  extremity  fetlock  first and last  foot  footing  forefoot  forepaw  foundation  frame  harefoot  heel  hoof  husbandless  impair  individual  indivisible  instep  integral  irreducible  keel  lone  maiden  maidenly  monadic  monistic  mopboard  nadir  odd  old-maidish  one  one and only  only  only-begotten  pad  particular  pastern  patte  paw  pedal extremity  pedes  personal  pes  pied  pug  separate  shoemold  simple  single  singular  solid  solitary  solo  spinsterish  spinsterlike  spinsterly  splayfoot  spouseless  toe  tootsy  trotter  unanalyzable  underneath  underside  undivided  unexampled  ungula  uniform  unique  unitary  unmarried  unpaired  unrepeatable  unrepeated  unshared  unwed  unwedded  virgin  virginal  wainscot  whole  
solecism  Irish bull  anachronism  anacoluthon  antiphrasis  argument  argument by analogy  argumentum ad baculum  argumentum ad captandum  argumentum ad hominem  bad case  barbarism  begging the question  bloomer  blooper  blunder  boner  boo-boo  boob  botch  breach  break  bull  bungle  catachresis  circular argument  claptrap  corruption  crowd-pleasing argument  empty words  error  fallacy  fault  faux pas  flub  fluff  folk etymology  formal fallacy  fumble  gaffe  gaucherie  grammatical error  hypercorrection  hyperform  hysteron proteron  impropriety  incongruity  inconsistency  indecorum  indiscretion  infelicity  insincere argument  lapse  logical fallacy  malaprop  malapropism  marrowsky  material fallacy  mere rhetoric  misconstruction  mispronunciation  missaying  mistake  misusage  moonshine  non sequitur  paralogism  petitio principii  philosophism  pseudosyllogism  slip  sophism  sophistry  spoonerism  stupidity  ungrammaticism  verbal fallacy  vernacularism  violation  vulgarism  weak point  
solely  alone  barely  but  entirely  exclusively  integrally  irreducibly  just  merely  only  plainly  purely  simply  simply and solely  singly  totally  unanalyzably  undividedly  wholly  
solemn  Christian  Christianlike  Christianly  admiring  adorant  adoring  apotheosizing  arid  aristocratic  august  awe-inspiring  awed  awesome  awestricken  awestruck  barren  believing  black  blah  blank  bleak  bloated  bloodless  bombastic  celebrating  celebrative  ceremonial  ceremonious  characterless  cold  colorless  commemorating  commemorative  conventional  courtly  cultish  cultist  cultistic  dark  dead  decorous  deifying  demure  devoted  devotional  devout  dignified  dismal  divine  draggy  drear  drearisome  dreary  dry  dryasdust  dull  dusty  dutiful  earnest  ecclesiastical  effete  elephantine  elevated  empty  etiolated  fade  faithful  fatal  fateful  flat  flatulent  formal  formidable  frowning  full  funebrial  funereal  gassy  gloomy  glum  grand  grandiloquent  grave  gray  grim  grim-faced  grim-visaged  hallowed  heavy  hero-worshiping  hieratic  ho-hum  hollow  holy  idolatrous  idolizing  imploring  important  imposing  impressive  in awe  in the dust  inane  inexcitable  inflated  insipid  inspiring  jejune  kingly  leaden  lifeless  liturgic  liturgical  lofty  long-faced  lordly  low-spirited  magisterial  magnificent  majestic  memorial  mirthless  moderate  momentous  morbid  morose  moving  no-nonsense  noble  on bended knee  ostentatious  overwhelming  pale  pallid  pedestrian  pietistic  pious  plenary  plodding  pointless  poky  pompous  ponderous  pontifical  portentous  prayerful  precative  precatory  princely  prostrate before  queenly  regal  religious  reserved  reverent  reverential  ritual  ritualistic  royal  sacerdotal  sacramental  sacred  saturnine  sedate  self-important  serious  slow  sober  sober-minded  sobersided  somber  sombrous  spiritless  staid  stately  statuesque  sterile  stiff  stilted  stodgy  stone-faced  straight-faced  stuffy  sublime  superficial  suppliant  supplicant  supplicatory  swollen  taciturn  tasteless  tedious  temperate  theistic  thoughtful  triste  tumid  turgid  unlively  u  
solemnity  aridity  augustness  baccalaureate service  barrenness  bleakness  bloodlessness  buckram  celebration  ceremonial  ceremoniousness  ceremony  characterlessness  circumstance  colorlessness  commencement  consequence  convocation  courtliness  darkness  deadness  dignifiedness  dignity  dismalness  dragginess  dreariness  dryness  dullness  dustiness  duty  earnestness  effeteness  elevation  emptiness  empty formality  etiolation  exercise  exercises  extrinsicality  flatness  form  form of worship  formal  formality  formalization  formula  formulary  function  gloom  gloominess  graduation  graduation exercises  grandeur  gravity  grimness  heaviness  heraldry  hollowness  holy rite  impersonality  importance  impressiveness  inanity  inaugural  inauguration  inexcitability  initiation  insipidity  insipidness  institution  jejunity  kingliness  leadenness  lifelessness  liturgy  loftiness  lordliness  lowness of spirit  majesty  mode of worship  moderation  momentousness  mummery  mystery  no joke  no laughing matter  nobility  observance  office  order of worship  ordinance  paleness  pallor  performance  pointlessness  pokiness  pomp  pomposity  ponderousness  practice  prescribed form  pride  pride of bearing  pride of place  primness  princeliness  proud bearing  regality  religious ceremony  reserve  rigidness  rite  rite de passage  rite of passage  ritual  ritual observance  rituality  sacrament  sacramental  sedateness  seriousness  service  slowness  sober-mindedness  soberness  sobersidedness  sobersides  sobriety  solemnization  solemnness  somberness  spiritlessness  staidness  starchiness  state  stateliness  sterility  stiffness  stiltedness  stodginess  stuffiness  stylization  sublimity  superficiality  taciturnity  tastelessness  tediousness  temperance  uninterestingness  unliveliness  vapidity  vapidness  venerability  wearifulness  wearisomeness  weight  weightiness  woodenness  worthiness  
solemnize  administer Communion  attend Communion  attend Mass  beat the drum  blow the trumpet  celebrate  celebrate Mass  commemorate  communicate  conventionalize  dignify  dress ship  fire a salute  formalize  freer  hallow  hold jubilee  honor  jubilate  jubilize  keep  maffick  make merry  mark  memorialize  observe  receive the Sacrament  ritualize  signalize  solemnly mark  sound a fanfare  stylize  venerate  
solemnly  bleakly  ceremoniously  decorously  demurely  dismally  drearily  earnestly  formally  funereally  gloomily  grandly  gravely  grimly  heavily  imposingly  in due form  in set form  loftily  magisterially  majestically  nobly  pro forma  regally  ritualistically  ritually  royally  sadly  sedately  seriously  sober-mindedly  soberly  sobersidedly  somberly  sombrously  staidly  stately  thoughtfully  venerably  with dignity  worthily  

Alleinvertrieb {m} Definition

(n.) Any one of several species of flatfishes of the genus Solea and allied genera of the family Soleidae, especially the common European species (Solea vulgaris), which is a valuable food fish.
(n.) Any one of several American flounders somewhat resembling the true sole in form or quality, as the California sole (Lepidopsetta bilineata), the long-finned sole (Glyptocephalus zachirus), and other species.
(n.) The bottom of the foot
(n.) The bottom of a shoe or boot, or the piece of leather which constitutes the bottom.
(n.) The bottom or lower part of anything, or that on which anything rests in standing.
(n.) The bottom of the body of a plow
(n.) The horny substance under a horse's foot, which protects the more tender parts.
(n.) The bottom of an embrasure.
(n.) A piece of timber attached to the lower part of the rudder, to make it even with the false keel.
(n.) The seat or bottom of a mine
(v. t.) To furnish with a sole
(a.) Being or acting without another
(a.) Single

sole distributors Bedeutung

winter flounder
blackback flounder
lemon sole Pseudopleuronectes americanus
important American food fish in the winter
lemon sole Microstomus kitt European flatfish highly valued as food
sole right-eyed flatfish, many are valued as food, most common in warm seas especially European
European sole
Solea solea
highly valued as food
lemon sole
Solea lascaris
small European sole
English sole
lemon sole Parophrys vitulus
popular pale brown food flatfish of the Pacific coast of North America
sand sole
Psettichthys melanostichus
a common flatfish of the Pacific coast of North America
half sole shoe sole extending from the shank to the toe
mousseline de sole a gauze-like fabric of silk or rayon
sole the underside of footwear or a golf club
sole the underside of the foot
fillet of sole
lean flesh of any of several flatfish
grey sole
gray sole
greyish-white flesh of a flatfish
lemon sole English sole highly valued almost pure white flesh
lemon sole winter flounder flesh of American flounder, important in the winter
put a new sole on, sole the shoes
not divided or shared with others, they have exclusive use of the machine, sole rights of publication
being the only one, single and isolated from others, the lone doctor in the entire county, a lonesome pine, an only child, the sole heir, the sole example, a solitary instance of cowardice, a solitary speck in the sky
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