
Aluhanf Dichtungen Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Aluhanf-Dichtungen pl techn.
alu hemp packings
Dichtung f, Erdichtung f
Dichtungen pl
Dichtung und Wahrheit
facts and fiction
Dichtung f techn.
Dichtungen pl
Dichtung am Montageausschnitt
elektrisch geleitete Dichtung
hermetische Dichtung
seal, gasket, packing
seals, gasket, packing
panel seal
electric conductive gaske
hermetic seal
Dichtungsring m, Dichtring m, Dichtung f, Unterlegscheibe f
Dichtungsringe pl, Dichtringe pl, Dichtungen pl, Unterlegscheiben pl
Packung f (Dichtungen)
Aluhanf-Dichtungen pl techn.
alu hemp packings
Asbestfreie Dichtungen pl chem. techn.
asbestos-free gaskets
Packung Dichtungen
Dichtung f; Erdichtung f
Dichtungen pl
Dichtung und Wahrheit
facts and fiction
Dichtung f techn.
Dichtungen pl
ruhende statische Dichtung
dynamische Dichtung
berührungsfreie Dichtung
Dichtung für Ausdehnungsrohrverbindungen
Dichtung am Montageausschnitt
elektrisch leitfähige Dichtung
hermetische Dichtung
gaskets and washers
static seal gasket
dynamic seal packing
noncontact seal; controlled clearance seal; clearance seal
loose gland
panel seal
electric conductive gasket
hermetic seal
Dichtungsring m; Dichtring m; Dichtung f; Dichtungsscheibe f; Unterlegscheibe f (Ventil) techn.
Dichtungsringe pl; Dichtringe pl; Dichtungen pl; Dichtungsscheiben pl; Unterlegscheiben pl
sealing washer; washer
sealing washers; washers
O-Ring-Dichtung f techn.
O-Ring-Dichtungen pl
O-ring gasket
O-ring gaskets
Dichtung f techn.
Dichtungen pl
Abstreifdichtung f
ruhende statische Dichtung
dynamische Dichtung
berührungsfreie Dichtung
Dichtung für Ausdehnungsrohrverbindungen
Dichtung am Montageausschnitt
elektrisch leitfähige Dichtung
hermetische Dichtung
gaskets and washers
wiping seal
static seal, gasket
dynamic seal, packing
noncontact seal; controlled clearance seal; clearance seal
loose gland
panel seal
electric conductive gasket
hermetic seal

Deutsche Aluhanf Dichtungen Synonyme


Englische alu hemp packings Synonyme

Aluhanf Dichtungen Definition

Fimble hemp
() Light summer hemp, that bears no seed.
(n.) A plant of the genus Cannabis (C. sativa), the fibrous skin or bark of which is used for making cloth and cordage. The name is also applied to various other plants yielding fiber.
(n.) The fiber of the skin or rind of the plant, prepared for spinning. The name has also been extended to various fibers resembling the true hemp.
Sisal hemp
() The prepared fiber of the Agave Americana, or American aloe, used for cordage
Water hemp
() See under Hemp.

alu hemp packings Bedeutung

hangman's rope
hangman's halter
halter hemp
hempen necktie
a rope that is used by a hangman to execute persons who have been condemned to death by hanging
Indian hemp rheumatism weed Apocynum cannabinum Canadian dogbane yielding a tough fiber used as cordage by Native Americans, used in folk medicine for pain or inflammation in joints
hemp agrimony
Eupatorium cannabinum
coarse European herb with palmately divided leaves and clusters of small reddish-purple flower heads
climbing hempweed
climbing boneset
wild climbing hempweed
climbing hemp-vine
Mikania scandens
herb of tropical America having vanilla-scented flowers, climbs up trees
deccan hemp
bimli hemp
Indian hemp Bombay hemp
Hibiscus cannabinus
valuable fiber plant of East Indies now widespread in cultivation
kenaf deccan hemp fiber from an East Indian plant Hibiscus cannabinus
Queensland hemp
Sida rhombifolia
herb widely distributed in tropics and subtropics used for forage and medicinally as a demulcent and having a fine soft bast stronger than jute, sometimes an aggressive weed
African hemp Sparmannia africana large shrub of South Africa having many conspicuously hairy branches with large hairy leaves and clusters of conspicuous white flowers
Manila hemp
Musa textilis
Philippine banana tree having leafstalks that yield Manila hemp used for rope and paper etc
false nettle
bog hemp
any of several flowering weeds of the genus Boehmeria lacking stinging hairs
family Cannabidaceae
hemp family
two genera of erect or twining herbs that are pollinated by the wind, including the genera Cannabis and Humulus, term not used in all classifications, in some the genus Cannabis is placed in the family Moraceae and the genus Humulus in the family Urticaceae
any plant of the genus Cannabis, a coarse bushy annual with palmate leaves and clusters of small green flowers, yields tough fibers and narcotic drugs
Indian hemp Cannabis indica source of e.g. bhang and hashish as well as fiber
bowstring hemp
grown as a houseplant for its mottled fleshy sword-shaped leaves or as a source of fiber
African bowstring hemp
African hemp Sansevieria guineensis
bowstring hemp of South Africa
Ceylon bowstring hemp
Sansevieria zeylanica
plant having thick fibrous leaves transversely banded in light and dark green
bowstring hemp strong fiber that resembles hemp, obtained from sansevieria and used for e.g. cordage
Colorado River hemp
Sesbania exaltata
tall-growing annual of southwestern United States widely grown as green manure, yields a strong tough bast fiber formerly used by Indians for cordage
common osier
hemp willow
velvet osier
Salix viminalis
willow with long flexible twigs used in basketry
hemp nettle
dead nettle Galeopsis tetrahit
coarse bristly Eurasian plant with white or reddish flowers and foliage resembling that of a nettle, common as a weed in United States
bowstring hemp hemp obtained from the sansevieria
hemp a plant fiber
Manila hemp
Manilla hemp
a kind of hemp obtained from the abaca plant in the Philippines
sisal hemp
a plant fiber used for making rope
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