
Deutsche Amtstitel Synonyme

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Englische official title; official designation; designation of office Synonyme

official  Federal  absolute  accepted  accredited  administrative  administrator  agent  amanuensis  apparently  approved  archon  aristocratic  ascendant  authentic  authoritarian  authoritative  authorized  autocratic  autonomous  baggage agent  binding  bona fide  booked  bureaucrat  bureaucratic  business agent  canonical  cathedral  ceremonial  ceremonious  certified  chancellor  chief executive  chief executive officer  civic  civil  civil servant  claim agent  cleared  clerk  clothed with authority  commanding  commercial agent  commission agent  competent  consequential  considerable  consignee  constitutional  controlling  customer agent  dean  decorous  democratic  despotic  dictated  dictatorial  didactic  directing  documented  dominant  down  duly constituted  dupe  eminent  empowered  endorsed  enrolled  entered  evidently  ex cathedra  ex officio  exec  executive  executive director  executive officer  executive secretary  factor  fascist  fed  federal  federal agent  federalist  federalistic  filed  formal  formulary  freight agent  functional  functionary  functionnaire  general agent  governing  governmental  great  gubernatorial  hard and fast  hegemonic  hegemonistic  heteronomous  imperative  implement  important  indexed  industrial  influential  inscribed  instructive  instrument  insurance agent  jack-in-office  land agent  law agent  lawful  leading  legal  legitimate  licensed  literary agent  loan agent  logged  magisterial  magistrate  management  manager  managing  managing director  mandarin  mandatory  matriarchal  matriarchic  mighty  ministerial  minuted  momentous  monarchal  monarchial  monarchic  monocratic  news agent  of record  office-bearer  officeholder  officer  officially  officiary  oligarchal  oligarchic  on file  on record  on the books  outwardly  parliamentarian  parliamentary  parliamentary agent  passenger agent  patriarchal  patriarchic  petty tyrant  placeman  pluralistic  political  pompous  posted  potent  powerf  
officialdom  bureaucracy  directorate  hierarchy  higher echelons  higher-ups  management  ministry  prelacy  ruling class  ruling classes  the Establishment  the administration  the authorities  the ingroup  the interests  the people upstairs  the power elite  the power structure  the top  them  they  top brass  
officialese  Varietyese  Wall Streetese  Washingtonese  bunkum  business English  businessese  cinemese  collegese  commercialism  computerese  economese  federalese  gobbledygook  journalese  legalese  medical Greek  medicalese  newspaperese  official jargon  pedagese  political doubletalk  pussyfooting  shoptalk  societyese  sociologese  stagese  telegraphese  

Amtstitel Definition

Booking office
() An office where passengers, baggage, etc., are registered for conveyance, as by railway or steamship.
Booking office
() An office where passage tickets are sold.
Crown office
() The criminal branch of the Court of King's or Queen's Bench, commonly called the crown side of the court, which takes cognizance of all criminal cases.
(n.) The act of designating
(n.) Selection and appointment for a purpose
(n.) That which designates
(n.) Use or application
(a.) Proceeding from office or authority.
(a.) Not prescribed by official duty.
(n.) That which a person does, either voluntarily or by appointment, for, or with reference to, others
(n.) A special duty, trust, charge, or position, conferred by authority and for a public purpose
(n.) A charge or trust, of a sacred nature, conferred by God himself
(n.) That which is performed, intended, or assigned to be done, by a particular thing, or that which anything is fitted to perform
(n.) The place where a particular kind of business or service for others is transacted
(n.) The company or corporation, or persons collectively, whose place of business is in an office
(n.) The apartments or outhouses in which the domestics discharge the duties attached to the service of a house, as kitchens, pantries, stables, etc.
(n.) Any service other than that of ordination and the Mass
(v. t.) To perform, as the duties of an office
(n.) Of or pertaining to an office or public trust
(n.) Derived from the proper office or officer, or from the proper authority
(n.) Approved by authority
(n.) Discharging an office or function.
(a.) One who holds an office
(a.) An ecclesiastical judge appointed by a bishop, chapter, archdeacon, etc., with charge of the spiritual jurisdiction.
Post office
(n.) See under 4th Post.
(n.) An inscription put over or upon anything as a name by which it is known.
(n.) The inscription in the beginning of a book, usually containing the subject of the work, the author's and publisher's names, the date, etc.
(n.) The panel for the name, between the bands of the back of a book.
(n.) A section or division of a subject, as of a law, a book, specif. (Roman & Canon Laws), a chapter or division of a law book.
(n.) An appellation of dignity, distinction, or preeminence (hereditary or acquired), given to persons, as duke marquis, honorable, esquire, etc.
(n.) A name
(n.) That which constitutes a just cause of exclusive possession
(n.) The instrument which is evidence of a right.
(n.) That by which a beneficiary holds a benefice.
(n.) A church to which a priest was ordained, and where he was to reside.
(n.) To call by a title
(n.) The page of a book which contains it title.

official title; official designation; designation of office / official titles; official designations; designations of office Bedeutung

designation identification the act of designating or identifying something
assignment designation
the act of putting a person into a non-elective position, the appointment had to be approved by the whole committee
official immunity personal immunity accorded to a public official from liability to anyone injured by actions that are the consequence of exerting official authority
post office a children's game in which kisses are exchanged for pretended letters
position post
office spot billet
a job in an organization, he occupied a post in the treasury
public office a position concerning the people as a whole
office part role
the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group, the function of a teacher, the government must do its part, play its role
office a religious rite or service prescribed by ecclesiastical authorities, the offices of the mass
Divine Office canonical prayers recited daily by priests (e.g. the breviary of the Roman Catholic Church)
Little Office a Roman Catholic office honoring the Virgin Mary, similar to but shorter than the Divine Office
Office of the Dead an office read or sung before a burial mass in the Roman Catholic Church
land-office business very large and profitable volume of commercial activity
conveyance of title
act of transferring property title from one person to another
box office
ticket office
ticket booth
the office where tickets of admission are sold
left-luggage office
a room where baggage or parcels are checked
government office an office where government employees work
headquarters central office
main office
home office
home base
(usually plural) the office that serves as the administrative center of an enterprise, many companies have their headquarters in New York
land office a government office where business relating to public lands is transacted
life office life assurance office
loan office an office where loans are negotiated and repaid
business office
place of business where professional or clerical duties are performed, he rented an office in the new building
office building
office block
a building containing offices where work is done
office furniture furniture intended for use in an office
Oval Office the office of the President of the United States in the White House
pawnbroker's shop
loan office
a shop where loans are made with personal property as security
Post-Office box
PO Box
call box letter box
a numbered compartment in a post office where mail is put to be called for
shipping office the office of a shipping agent, an office where seamen are hired
claim title an informal right to something, his claim on her attentions, his title to fame
an established or recognized right, a strong legal claim to the property, he had no documents confirming his title to his father's estate, he staked his claim
title role
name part
the role of the character after whom the play is named
title page a page of a book displaying the title and author and publisher
half title
bastard title
a first page of some books displaying only the title of the book
identifying word or words by which someone or something is called and classified or distinguished from others
title title of respect
form of address
an identifying appellation signifying status or function: e.g. `Mr.' or `General', the professor didn't like his friends to use his formal title
title an appellation signifying nobility, `your majesty' is the appropriate title to use in addressing a king
title the name of a work of art or literary composition etc., he looked for books with the word `jazz' in the title, he refused to give titles to his paintings, I can never remember movie titles
running title the title (or a shortened title) of a book used as a running head
title statute title
a heading that names a statute or legislative bill, may give a brief summary of the matters it deals with, Title provided federal help for schools
title (usually plural) written material introduced into a movie or TV show to give credits or represent dialogue or explain an action, the titles go by faster than I can read
title a general or descriptive heading for a section of a written work, the novel had chapter titles
legal document
legal instrument
official document
(law) a document that states some contractual relationship or grants some right
deed of conveyance
a legal document signed and sealed and delivered to effect a transfer of property and to show the legal right to possess it, he signed the deed, he kept the title to his car in the glove compartment
title deed a legal document proving a person's right to property
title bar (computer science) a horizontal label at the top of a window, bearing the name of the currently active document
Foreign Office the government department in charge of foreign relations
Home Office the government department in charge of domestic affairs
French Foreign Office
Quai d'Orsay
the French department in charge of foreign affairs, referred to familiarly by its address in Paris
personnel department
personnel office
personnel staff office
the department responsible for hiring and training and placing employees and for setting policies for personnel management
federal department
federal office
department of the federal government
a department of the federal government of the United States
Office of Management and Budget
the executive agency that advises the President on the federal budget
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106 Bewertungen 5


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Amtstitel in Österreich sind Titel, die Beamte des öffentlichen Dienstes im Rahmen ihrer Tätigkeit führen. In Deutschland entspricht das im Wesentlichen der Amtsbezeichnung. Der Amtstitel ist durch die Besoldungsgruppe gesetzlich festgelegt. Die Verleihung erfolgt durch den Bundespräsidenten. Dieser kann aber den jeweils zuständigen Bundesminister ermächtigen, selbst Beamte bestimmter Kategorien zu ernennen. Der Bedienstete hat ein gesetzliches Recht auf Führung des Amtstitels.

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