
Deutsche Anschlussbelegung {f} Synonyme

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Englische terminal assignment Synonyme

terminal  CRT  L  Z  anchorage  apodosis  bad  beyond recall  beyond remedy  bordering  borderline  boundary  bounding  bourn  branch  cable railway  catastrophe  caudal  ceasing  cessation  clause boundary  clause terminal  close juncture  closing  coastal  coda  cog railway  completing  completive  completory  concluding  conclusion  conclusive  conductor  connection  connector  consummation  consummative  control panel  coupling  crack of doom  crowning  culminating  culmination  cureless  curtain  curtains  deadly  death  decease  definitive  denouement  depot  despaired of  destination  destiny  determinant  determinative  determining  done for  doom  dying  effect  el  electric railway  elevated  elevated railway  embankment  end  end point  ending  endmost  envoi  epilogue  eschatology  eventual  expiration  expiring  extreme  facing death  falling terminal  farthest  fatal  fate  feeder  feeder line  final  final solution  final twitch  final words  finale  finality  finalizing  finis  finish  finishing  fringing  frontier  fulfilling  given up  goal  going  gone  gravity-operated railway  greatest  harbor  haven  hindmost  hopeless  horse railway  immedicable  in articulo mortis  in extremis  incapable of life  incorrigible  incurable  inoperable  irreclaimable  irrecoverable  irredeemable  irreformable  irremediable  irreparable  irretrievable  irreversible  irrevocable  izzard  junction  juncture  keyboard  lag  last  last breath  last gasp  last stop  last things  last trumpet  last words  latest  latter  latter end  lethal  light railroad  limbic  liminal  limit  limitable  limital  limiting  line  littoral  lost  low  main line  marginal  maximum  metro  module  monitor  monorail  moribund  mortal  near death  nonviable  omega  open juncture  past hope  past praying for  pause  payoff  period  peroration  polar  port  position  quietus  rack railway  rack-and-pinion railway  rail  rail line  railroad  railway  remediless  resolution  resting place  rim  
terminal case  apoplectic  arthritic  case  consumptive  dead duck  dying  dyspeptic  epileptic  gone goose  goner  gosling  hopeless case  incurable  inpatient  invalid  outpatient  patient  rheumatic  shut-in  sick person  spastic  sufferer  the sick  valetudinarian  

Anschlussbelegung {f} Definition

(n.) An allotting or an appointment to a particular person or use
(n.) A transfer of title or interest by writing, as of lease, bond, note, or bill of exchange
(n.) The writing by which an interest is transferred.
(n.) The transfer of the property of a bankrupt to certain persons called assignees, in whom it is vested for the benefit of creditors.
(n.) Of or pertaining to the end or extremity
(n.) Growing at the end of a branch or stem
(n.) That which terminates or ends
(n.) Either of the ends of the conducting circuit of an electrical apparatus, as an inductorium, dynamo, or electric motor, usually provided with binding screws for the attachment of wires by which a current may be conveyed into or from the machine

terminal assignment Bedeutung

assignment designation
the act of putting a person into a non-elective position, the appointment had to be approved by the whole committee
assignment assigning the act of distributing something to designated places or persons, the first task is the assignment of an address to each datum
school assignment
a school task performed by a student to satisfy the teacher
reading assignment the reading of a passage assigned by the teacher
duty assignment
a duty that you are assigned to perform (especially in the armed forces), hazardous duty
written assignment
writing assignment
an assignment to write something
assignment an undertaking that you have been assigned to do (as by an instructor)
air terminal
airport terminal
a terminal that serves air travelers or air freight
bus terminal
bus depot
bus station
coach station
a terminal that serves bus passengers
job-oriented terminal a terminal designed for a particular application
railway station
railroad station
railroad terminal
train station
train depot
terminal where trains load or unload passengers or goods
remote terminal
link-attached terminal
remote station
link-attached station
a terminal connected to a computer by a data link
terminus depot
station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods
terminal pole a contact on an electrical device (such as a battery) at which electric current enters or leaves
terminal electronic equipment consisting of a device providing access to a computer, has a keyboard and display
terminus terminal figure
(architecture) a statue or a human bust or an animal carved out of the top of a square pillar, originally used as a boundary marker in ancient Rome
terminal emulation (computer science) having a computer act exactly like a terminal
assignment the instrument by which a claim or right or interest or property is transferred from one person to another
either extremity of something that has length, the end of the pier, she knotted the end of the thread, they rode to the end of the line, the terminals of the anterior arches of the fornix
grant assignment (law) a transfer of property by deed of conveyance
terminal leave final leave before discharge from military service
terminus ad quem
terminal point
final or latest limiting point
terminal velocity the constant maximum velocity reached by a body falling through the atmosphere under the attraction of gravity
terminal causing or ending in or approaching death, a terminal patient, terminal cancer
occurring at or forming an end or termination, his concluding words came as a surprise, the final chapter, the last days of the dinosaurs, terminal leave
terminal being or situated at an end, the endmost pillar, terminal buds on a branch, a terminal station, the terminal syllable
terminal relating to or occurring in a term or fixed period of time, terminal examinations, terminal payments
terminal of or relating to or situated at the ends of a delivery route, freight pickup is a terminal service, terminal charges
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